Maps checks in Dow according to GEF. Operational control map of controlling documentation on groups

Maps checks in Dow according to GEF. Operational control map of controlling documentation on groups

Control in DOU

I post the cards - schemes for monitoring and analyzing the work of educators. Each of the schemes consists of 10 points, which is very convenient and makes it easy to make a consolidated table for both a specific teacher and for all Garden groups. They really helped me organize control in our kindergarten. Maybe someone will come in handy.

Scheme number 1 readiness of groups to the new school year

1. Safety of furniture and equipment for the life and health of children.

2. Pedagogical feasibility of design of the subject-developing medium.

3. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the design of premises.

4. Compliance with plot-playing games, didactic benefits, children's literature and other children's age.

5. Compliance of methodical literature and benefits of this age group.

6. Registration of parental corners.

7. Materials provided for parents are specific and accessible in their presentation.

8. Information stands correspond to the age group: goals, tasks, regime, system of educational and educational work.

9. Aesthetics in the design of the premises.

10. Non-standard approach in design.

Scheme number 2 Availability of documentation in the group

1. Passport Group: Group Newsletter and OO, Software, List of children on 01.09, Day modes, System of educational work, Attestation sheets of teachers.

2. Appendix to plan: Mode for this period + gentle, motor activity mode, health sheets, health program.

3. Perspective plan: work plan with parents, organizing the development environment, methodical support, gaming activities.

4. Calendar Plan: Lists of children (group, according to subgroups, for health groups), planning for the day (morning, evening).

5. Folders of interaction and joint activities of teachers and specialists.

6. Documentation for working with parents: Notebook information about parents, parental meeting protocols, reports, information for stands and folders moving.

7. Attendance notebook.

8. Notebook Briefing Children on the Obzh (for Middle, Elder and Preparatory Groups)

9. Instructions for labor protection.

10. Magazine F-127 and adaptation sheets (for nursery groups)

Schemes: Analysis of the subject-developing environment in groups under the section "Development of Gaming Activity", "Food Organization"

Scheme number 3 Analysis of the subject-developing environment in groups under the section "Development of gaming activities"

1. Availability of plot role-playing games in accordance with this age group. Sufficient game equipment for C-R games.

2. Availability of constructive games in accordance with the age of children: Designers are plot, outdoor, desktop, from various materials;

3. A sufficient number of attributes for the bearing of buildings (toys, vehicles, figures and so on.)

4. Availability of a center of experimentation with tools, toys and other attributes for experiments and experiments.

5. Aesthetics and accessibility in the design of the corner of nature: paintings-landscapes, cards, rules for the care of plants, etc. In accordance with the age group.

6. The presence of a bookcard with several copies of books (one content) - according to the program or in accordance with the goals and objectives of teachers; Illustrations and plot pictures.

7. Equipment corner of theatrical games of various types of theaters, costumes, attributes, musical toys and tools.

8. Availability of the Center for Intellectual Development: Didactic and Disabled Games of Mathematical Content, for Sensory Development, Speech Development, etc.

9. Saturation and diversity of materials for the development of artistically productive activities of preschoolers, in accordance with the age group.

10. The room is decorated taking into account the motor needs of children (space for free movement), equipped with a corner of physical education games.

Scheme number 4 "Food Organization"

1. Performance of hygienic requirements: sanitary condition, placement of dining furniture.

2. Table setting: whether the requirements of the table serving are taken into account depending on the age of children, aesthetics of design, activity of duty (except for yasel groups).

3. Organization of hygienic procedures depending on age.

4. The use of various skills and techniques to educate the culture of behavior at the table.

5. The ability of the teacher to present the dish (unloved, new) and the community of the teacher with children during food intake.

6. The mood of children and the situation in the group during meals.

7. The ability of children to use cutlery.

8. Timeliness of food delivery to the group.

9. Perform the power mode according to the mode of the day depending on age.

10. Compliance with children's portions.

Schemes: "Planning of physical education and recreation work during the day", "Compliance with the regime of the day and organization of the Group"

Scheme No. 5 "Planning of physical culture and recreation work during the day"

1. Planning and carrying out morning gymnastics.

2. Planning and conducting physical education, depending on the age of children.

3. The use of physical attacks during classes.

4. Planning and holding moving games while walking.

5. Planning and holding moving games in the group.

6. Conducting challenge procedures and health gymnastics (in accordance with the recommendations of medical workers).

7. Compliance of the day the season and age of children.

8. An individual approach to working with children, taking into account the health team (availability of health sheets).

9. Condition of clothing, shoes of children. No hazardous items.

10. Compliance with hygienic requirements (clothing, shoes).

Scheme No. 6 "Compliance of the Day Mode and Organization of the Group"

1. Knowledge of the educators of the day of the day of its age group.

2. Timely meal. Not reduced (lengthens) Time allotted for breakfast, lunch and afternoon personnel.

3. The number and duration of classes corresponds to the grid of classes and hygienic requirements.

4. The ability of the educator to determine the degree of fatigue of children and in connection with this change the course of classes and their time.

5. Timely access to a walk and return from it. Compliance with the duration of the walk.

6. Timely stacked sleep. Calmside in the bedroom, relaxing to rest.

7. Compliance with the time set for sleep. Not tightening and not reduce sleep.

8. The skill of the educator to carry out a gradual rise of children, taking into account their individual characteristics.

9. Compliance with the time of free and independent activities of children.

10. Timely access to the evening walk.

Schemes: "Conducting and organizing a walk", "Analysis of educational and educational work in early age groups", "Planning and organizing work with parents"

Scheme number 7 "Conducting and organizing a walk"

1. Matching the time of the walking time group.

2. Walking planning: theme and basic techniques of observation, mobile games, individual work with children, labor orders, the organization of free activities of children.

3. Organization of dressing and undressing children.

4. The formation level, in children, self-service skills corresponds to this age group.

5. Compliance on the walk of the motor regime of children.

6. Moving games and their number correspond to the age of children.

7. Diversity and sufficient amount of remote material.

8. Observation organization: The topic of observation corresponds to the age of children, the teacher uses various methods and techniques, the meaningful aspect of the observation is aimed at developing the cognitive activity of children.

9. The use of teacher training and didactic games during joint and individual work with children.

10. Guide to the teacher's independent activities of children on a walk (organization of plot-role-playing games).

Scheme number 8 "Analysis of educational and educational work in early age groups"

1. In the group there are all documentation: information about parents, information about the health status of children, consideration of children's stay in a group, adaptation magazine, observation of the neuro-mental development of children, the day regimes, gymnastics complexes.

2. The maintenance of the educational and educational work plan corresponds to the specifics of this age.

3. Planning classes is carried out daily; Weekly with complication in accordance with the Development Group, taking into account repeatability: software content (tasks - training, educational, educational), methods for the intensification of children to occupation, in class; Materials and equipment.

4. Physical and recreation work is being planned outside the class: Morning gymnastics, mobile games and exercises, gymnastics after sleep, cultural and hygienic skills, hardening system, individual work.

5. Planning and organization of game activity: Didactic games, fun games, theatrical games, plot role-playing games (techniques that affect the content of the game, changing the subject-developing environment, the formation of relationships in the game).

6. Planning and organizing work on the development of speech outside of classes: conversations with children during the morning reception, work in a bookcard, reading artistic works outside of classes, individual work (according to the ZKR, the development of the dictionary, the development of a connected speech).

7. Planning and organization of work: Self-service skills, various orders.

8. Individual work on the development of technical skills (in visual activities) is planned.

9. Planning and organizing a walk corresponds to the program and the specifics of the age of children (observations of living nature, observation of inanimate nature, observations of the work of adults, satisfying labor orders, motor activity - a mobile and quiet game), organization of independent activities on the site.

10. Planning and organizing leisure and entertainment outside classes (musical, theatrical, submissions).

Scheme number 9 "Planning and organizing work with parents"

1. The presence in the group of a perspective plan of working with parents, which includes various forms of work: parent meetings, consultations, open days, open views, joint holidays, etc.

2. Availability in the Group of Parental Assembly Protocols. (stored before the release of children).

3. Calendar planning work with parents is underway.

4. The group is aesthetically decorated with a parental corner.

5. The corner provides information on the work of the administration, kindergarten and group.

6. The material submitted in the parental corner is concrete and rational in volume.

7. In the parental corner, visual materials are presented, mobile folders in accordance with the theme and this age group.

8. The group conducts survey among parents to explore the contingent of the Group, the study of parental requests, etc.

9. The group decides various exhibitions for children's work.

10. At exhibitions are the work of all children of the group.

Schemes: "Preparedness of groups for the New Year", "Organization of children's experimentation", "Analysis of the subject-gaming environment for the development of motor activity of children"

Scheme number 10 "Preparedness of groups for the New Year"

1. Security measures are complied with premises.

2. All attributes used in the design are safe for children.

3. Beautiful and aesthetically decorated rooms.

4. The use of non-traditional approaches in design.

5. The active participation of parents in the design of the premises.

6. The use of children's work in the design of the premises.

7. The readiness of the groups to hold the New Year holidays.

8. Stained glass design of the premises.

9. Production of greeting cards and posters.

10. The group creates an atmosphere of joyful and festive mood.

Scheme number 11 "Organization of children's experimentation"

1. The group includes a corner of experimental activities.

2. Planning and organizing the activities of children in the development of cognitive activity and the development of ideas about the subject matter.

3. Planning and organizing games with natural materials (sand, water, clay).

4. Use of scene game-traveling cognitive directions.

5. Installing and organizing experiments and experiments with various subjects and substances.

7. Fixation of child experimentation results is fixed.

8. There is a systematic system in conducting experimental activities.

9. The presence of card files and experiments in the group.

10. Equipment of an experimentation corner complies with the requirements and this age group.

Scheme number 12 "Analysis of the subject-gaming environment for the development of motor activity of children"

1. The correct location of furniture and gaming material in the group in order to provide children with the opportunity to satisfy motor activity.

2. Furniture is chosen for growth and marked.

3. Availability of cards of mobile games by age, attributes for P / and, sports games (towns, badminton and so on.).

4. Availability of attributes for games with jumps (rope, rings, flat circles for jumping, etc.).

5. Availability of attributes for games with throwing, fishing, throwing (kegli, ring, balls, sand bags, darts, flying plates, etc.).

6. The presence in the group of complexes of the morning gymnastics, gymnastics of awakening, Fizkultminutki card).

7. The presence of a remote material for moving games for a walk.

8. The presence in the group of conditions for hygienic procedures (properly equipped room washbasin; the content in the order of towels, their marking; the presence of cups for rinsing the oral cavity; the presence of individual combs each child).

9. The presence in the group of hardening and recovery methods certified by the doctor.

10. The presence in the group of visual information for parents on the organization of optimal engineering regime (hardening recommendations, materials on the prevention of various diseases, etc.

Schemes: "Analysis of physical education", "Analysis of the subject - developing environment for environmental education", "Analysis of a cognitive occupation"

Scheme number 13 "Physical education analysis"

1. Are hygienic requirements for the organization of the entire classes (room, clothing, equipment).

2. In the process of occupation, all tasks were carried out (health, educational, educational).

3. Does the tasks correspond to this age.

4. Does the physical exertion correspond to the norms (in water, in the main, in the final part).

5. Are non-traditional forms in the lesson are used.

6. Consciously children perceive the material.

7. Do children understand the tasks set in front of them.

8. Do children manifest independence in search of new ways of action.

9. Whether the work is carried out to familiarize children with different ways to perform movements.

10. Are there in the class of rivalry and empathy.

Scheme number 14 "Analysis of the subject - developing environment for environmental education"

1. The presence of a sufficient number of plants in the group.

2. Thilled plant type.

3. The presence of tools for plant care: loosenings, washing, watering.

4. The presence of a passport of each plant in the group.

5. Plant safety for children.

6. Plant location in terms of convenience of care for them and security (plants do not stand at high shelves, in suspended porridge, do not obscure light).

7. The presence of methodological literature on plant care, according to the method of organizing classes with children.

8. The presence of didactic, wall-printing games and visual material on ecology.

9. Environmentally friendly situation in a group from the point of view of physical, emotional and psychological comfort.

10. The aesthetics of design and compliance with this age group.

Scheme No. 15 "Analysis of Cognitive Claim"

1. Does software content correspond to the level of children's development.

2. The ability of children to listen carefully and understand said.

3. The ability of children to take a cognitive task.

4. The desire of children to resolve problems that have arisen, incomprehensible issues: ask questions, try to figure out themselves or go from solving the problem.

5. Whether practical activity was organized in relation to the studied.

6. Whether the teacher's questions are encouraged in the answers of children to disclose causal relationships; Stimulate the development of the intelligence of children, criticality and independence of his thoughts.

8. Whether the teacher directs the attention of children to finding and the name in a certain sequence first of such signs of objects and phenomena, which the child perceives directly, and then to the perception and clarification of those signs and relationships of objects that are perceived indirectly.

9. Whether the individual features of children are taken into account.

10. Will children be able to generalize, find similarities, distinguish significantly from insignificant.

Schemes: "Pedagogical Analysis of Classes", "Analysis of the Educational Environment for Speech Development", "Analysis of Claims on Speech Development"

Scheme No. 16 "Pedagogical Analysis of Classes"

1. Whether the teacher can creatively use ready-made abstracts of classes: make the necessary changes to the course of classes, adjust the goals in accordance with the individual characteristics of children.

2. Whether the teacher is able to draw up an abstract of classes in accordance with the goals set, determine its content and structure, pick up didactic games.

3. Preparation for the lesson: the distribution and demonstration material is selected and rationally placed; Preliminary work with children - conversations, observation, reading x / l, working with parents.

4. Implementation of sanitary and hygienic requirements: Satisfying the motor activity of children - dynamic pauses and physical attacks; monitoring the correctness of posture and replacing postures during the class; Compliance of the duration of occupation of C-G standards.

5. The use of a variety of forms of organizing children at the lesson: work with small subgroups, in a pair, individual or collective work of children. Justification of selected forms.

6. The use of various methods and techniques in working with children: game techniques, techniques to attract and focusing, activating independent thinking, receiving newness with a support for knowledge available in children.

7. The ability of the teacher to regulate the behavior of children in the process of occupation, maintain interest during the entire classes.

8. The skill of the teacher to correct the course of classes, taking into account the "reverse" communication: to reduce the time of classes, depending on the degree of fatigue of children, change the form of the organization, to bring part of the program material beyond the classes, timely use the dynamic pause, etc.

9. The use of individual work teacher with children.

10. The active behavior of children in the lesson, interest and attention remained.

Scheme number 17 "Analysis of the subject - developing environment for the development of speech"

1. Book corner is equipped with a well-lit place: racks for books, table and chairs for children.

2. The presence of various materials: fiction - several books of one name and author of various publishers; Illustrations on the topics of studying with the surrounding world and with artistic literature.

3. The presence of thematic exhibitions and replacing materials.

4. The presence of children's literature in the group.

5. Availability in a group of equipment for theatrical activity: Shirma, flannelugaph, various types of theaters and compliance with the content of the age group, theatrical games.

6. The presence of a variety of didactic and wall-printing games.

7. The presence of methodological literature on this topic.

8. Availability of manuals for classes: a card file of didactic games for the development of speech, collections of mysteries, drills, songs, patternes, etc.

9. Compliance of the content of the age of children.

10. Visual information for parents (availability, aesthetics of design, replacing.

Scheme No. 18 "Analysis of the study of the development of speech"

1. Whether the vocabulary of children is sufficient.

2. Are synonyms, epithets are used.

3. Whether the occupation is purely cognitive.

4. Was organized practical activities in relation to the object being studied (subject).

5. Availability in children of cognitive interest.

6. Do children comprehend new facts and events.

7. Was there a moment in the process when children independently produce knowledge or constructive ways of their application.

8. Accessibility of the speech of the teacher for children in form and content.

9. The ability of the teacher to organize individual work at the lesson, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the speech of each child.

10. Does the software maintain the level of development of children.

Schemes: "Analysis of training for children to tell with the help of toys and objects", "Analysis of the Retelling Claim", "Analysis of training for learning to tell on the picture"

Scheme No. 19 "Analysis of classes for teaching children telling with toys and objects"

1. The objective object is correctly selected: the toy or item must be with a pronounced individuality.

2. Do children have an emotional interest in the toy (subject).

3. Is the connection between observation and speech activities have been established in an affordable form for children.

4. Is the speech activity of children with gaming creativity connected.

5. Do children encourage playing actions to describe toys (objects) detailed, emotional.

6. Are children (when viewed), with the help of teacher's issues, the main signs and quality of toys (subject).

7. Do children build a plot of the future story, using accurate words and designations.

8. Do children be able to complement and evaluate peer speeches.

9. Does the teacher of children make a slim, concise, emotionally expressive story.

10. Will the teacher analyzes the stories invented by children.

Scheme No. 20 "Analysis of Retelling Claim"

1. Does children have an emotional attitude after reading the work.

2. Do children build their statements independently, specifying the circumstances of actions.

3. The ability of children to transmit the dialogue of the actors, characteristic of characters.

5. Could be able to empathize with adults in fairy tales or stories.

6. Can argue their conclusions and evaluation.

7. Whether the speech is filled with figurative expressions, specific effective content.

8. Whether the teacher is distinguished by the vocabulary and the syntactic structure of phrases through practical use of them in matters and explanations (when complex material).

9. Does the teacher attract attention to the development of intonation expressiveness of speech.

10. Does teacher applies elements of dramatization.

Scheme number 21 "Analysis of training for learning to tell on the picture"

1. Does children see the picture and call the items depicted on it.

2. Does children be able to establish links between objects and phenomena shown in the picture.

3. Will the external signs and property properties are able to determine.

4. Do you encourage children's teacher to disclose causal relationships in the responses.

5. Whether children are able to make answers logically and accurately.

6. Does the correct word order in the proposal comply?

7. Communication of a proposal.

8. The ability to develop the storyline in the picture, connecting part of the statements by different types of connections.

9. Whether the child can continue the story of the picture.

10. Use of children's art and speech creativity.

Schemes: "Analysis of Music Classes", "Analysis of Claims on Ramp", "Analysis of the subject - Educational Environment on Ramp"

Scheme No. 22 "Analysis of Music Classes" (early age groups)

1. Compliance with the child's age material and the implementation of hygienic requirements.

2. Aesthetics hall, musical equipment, visual material, etc.

3. The level of performing mastery of the music leader, knowledge of the material.

4. Methods of conducting a class: types of musical activity, their relationship, the ratio of new and re-material.

5. A variety of methods and techniques of raising and educational training in all types of musical activity. The effectiveness of their use.

6. A variety of techniques intensifying the attention of children, individual work with children.

7. The level of musical acting of children (knowledge, skills, skills).

8. Independence and creative activity of children in class.

9. The activity of the interaction of the teacher with children in the classroom.

10. Emotional comfort of every child in class.

Scheme No. 23 "Analysis of Ramp Classes"

1. Does the software content correspond to this age.

2. There is a new, providing some effort and tension of thought.

3. Are there elements in the exercise.

4. Are the techniques aimed at: attracting and focused on attention, the activation and independence of thought, filing new with a support for the existing experience in children.

5. Whether the teacher is available explains the tasks to children.

6. Does it understand the questions before children.

7. Whether questions are repeated, tasks several times.

8. There are judgments in the answers of children.

9. Can children establish connections.

10. The behavior of children in the lesson in the process: with pleasure and interest, with hobbies, help with the answers of others.

Scheme No. 24 "Analysis of the subject - developing environment by ramp"

1. Correct selection of demonstration material on ramp (in accordance with the requirements of the program for this age group).

2. The presence of a sufficient number of countable material in the group (including counting sticks).

3. Selection of games aimed at the formation of sensory standards (color, shape, quantity).

4. Selection of games aimed at the formation of account skills, the concept of numbers.

5. Selection of games aimed at the formation of spatial and temporary representations.

6. The presence in the group of geometric designers: "Tangram", "Magic Square", "Columbovo Egg", and others (in accordance with this age group)

7. The presence of various geometric shapes and volumetric bodies.

8. The presence of digital material.

9. Selection of entertaining games in accordance with age (labyrinths, puzzles, etc.)

10. The presence of basic measuring facilities (scales, measuring cups, ruler, etc.) according to age.

Schemes: "Analysis of the objective environment under the section" Man in history and culture "," Analysis of classes in early age groups "," Walking analysis "," Development of cultural and hygienic skills in young children»

Scheme No. 25 "Analysis of the subject - developing environment under the section" Man in history and culture ""

1. The Center of Naturally - Scientific Representations: Materials for familiarization with their properties (bulk, solid, liquid, etc.). Equipment for experiments on the present topic (funnels, basins, capacity, etc.). Devices (microscope, magnifier, scales, clock, etc.). Elementary devices, layouts, models for demonstrating any phenomena, properties. Visual cognitive models: algorithms (programs) of activity. Items of the man-made world for examination and transformation.

2. Corner of nature: plants, animals in accordance with age-related recommendations, equipment for work in nature and in the corner.

3. There is a different material for making crafts, toys, albums, etc.: Natural, cast material, various types of materials (fabric, paper, etc.), glue, visual materials, clay, dough, plasticine, wire, thread, braid, etc.

4. The presence of cognitive literature, visual material for the accumulation of cognitive experience: real objects, items, materials, dules, illustrations, drawings, audio, video tapes, collections, layouts, herbarium, etc.

5. Availability in a group of didactic games in accordance with age on various sections.

6. The presence in the group of materials contributors to mastering by the modeling ability: conventional symbols, models of various views on topics and different directions (observation calendars in nature, protocols of experiments, algorithms of cognitive activity, experiments and experiments, etc.), visual means.

7. The group provides the principle of sexual differences. Planning the premises and the presence of materials and items that stimulate activities in the process of which the child is aware of the belonging to a specific floor - plot - role-playing games.

8. The group presents materials for the development of the foundations of social and legal consciousness in children - in accordance with age - the rules of conduct, skills of safe behavior, self-esteem, respect for other people, sense of responsibility, human rights.

9. The group presents materials for development in children of ideas about the history of civilization: a person's life in antiquity, fairy tales, myths, legends.

10. The group presents materials for development in children of elementary ideas about technical progress: the development of human labor, the improvement of the means of movement, a change in the conditions of human life, the development of means of communication (writing, typography, mail, telephone, computer, etc.)

Scheme No. 26 "Analysis of classes in early age groups"

1. Implementation of sanitary and hygienic requirements.

2. Does the teacher know how to configure children to occupation.

3. Whether the clarity of speech and emotionality of the material of the teacher is noted.

4. Does the teacher know how to use gaming material when performing game tasks.

5. The teacher uses a combination of means of visibility with a speech explanation, instructions, questions.

6. The teacher uses tasks aimed at satisfying the motor activity of children.

7. Pedagogue uses an individual approach to children in class.

8. An independent activity is used when performing tasks.

9. There is an interest and activity of children.

10. There is an emotionally positive attitude of children.

Scheme number 27 "Walk analysis"

1. The order of dressing of children. Formed in children self-service skills (over age group).

2. Does the children's clothing correspond to the season.

3. Does the motor mode of children run on a walk.

4. Stripping procedure. Order in lockers, in the locker room.

5. Hygienic procedures after a walk.

6. It is true of time for a walk to the regime of this age group.

7. Is the time of returning from a walk to the mode of this age group.

8. Does the total walking time is observed.

9. Does evening walk regards in accordance with this age group.

10. Compliance with the safety rules for walking.

Scheme No. 28 "Development of cultural and hygienic skills in young children"

1. The teacher brings up a positive attitude to the processes associated with food, laying sleeping, toilet.

2. Mode's moments are performed exactly by mode.

3. The teacher constantly enshrines the skills previously acquired by children and trains new skills.

4. Teacher teaching children skills and skills uses a variety of techniques: show, direct speech, verbal instructions and explanations, reminder.

5. Processes are held gradually, not allowing children to expect each other.

6. Pedagogue takes into account the individual abilities and the child's condition at the moment.

7. The teacher refers to each child is sensitive, gently and carefully.

8. The teacher understands the mood of the child, takes into account his desires and needs.

9. The teacher uses feeding, dressing and washing in order to develop speech, movements, orientation in the surrounding and formation of organizational behavior.

10. The group has created conditions for education of the tidy (the presence of mirrors in the wash room, changing room, game, comb, comb, and places for storage and other equipment).

Schemes: "Analysis of entertainment (leisure)", "Organization of game activity", "Analysis of music classes".

Scheme number 29 "Analysis of entertainment (leisure)"

1. The teacher uses high-quality musical and literary material: artistic, availability, volume.

2. Compliance of leisure content (entertainment) theme, season, conducting conditions.

3. The presence of enseeration, play situations, surprise moments.

4. Aesthetics, efficiency and variety of design (scenery, costumes and attributes, use of records, etc.).

5. Matching the duration of leisure depending on the age of children.

6. The interaction of the musical leader and teachers of groups (contributing to the best organization of children).

7. Whether the activity of children is observed: the uniform distribution of the load, employment of all children, taking into account their individual inclinations and interests, the distribution of roles between children.

8. There is ease and naturalness in behavior, interest, feeling of joy.

9. Active artistic and speech and theatrical activities of children are observed.

10. Creating opportunity for children to manifest initiative, independence, creative activity.

Scheme number 30 "Organization of game activity"

1. Is the teacher correctly understand its role in the game manual?

2. How fully a teacher uses the game?

3. Does gaming activities are developing taking into account the level of development of children?

4. Are these or other events or phenomena are fully disclosed in the content of the game?

5. What is the character of role and friendly relations between children?

6. Did children have done to the end? Exit the game.

7. Does the past game have been discussed?

8. Is their estimated attitude formed not only to fulfill the roles, but also the whole game in general?

9. Is it good enough to play the game necessary material?

10. Is the gaming material available for use by his children?

Scheme No. 31 "Analysis of Music Classes"

1. Compliance of the tasks of the program of the age group and the level of development of children.

2. Conditions have been created for the class: the availability of a plan, visual aids, attributes, toys, etc.

3. The ability of the teacher to organize children at the beginning of the classes.

4. The use of different types of musical activity, their alternation.

5. Use of various techniques for educating and educational training, efficiency of use.

6. Creating opportunity for children to manifest initiative, independence, creative activity.

7. Accounting to the teacher of mental, emotional and exercise, as well as the age characteristics of children of this group.

8. The activities of children at the lesson: immediacy, emotional attitude, ease; Conservation of interest throughout the lesson.

9. Organization of children in the lesson: the ability to submit to certain rules of behavior, independence, conscious discipline, concentration when performing tasks.

10. Creative manifestation of children in singing, games, dance and so on.

Scheme number 32 "Organization and conduct of morning gymnastics"

1. Availability in groups of cartoons of morning gymnastics.

2. Knowledge of the educator of the current set of morning gymnastics.

3. Time of the morning gymnastics: corresponds to / does not correspond to the age of children and the regime of the day.

4. Selection of exercises: corresponds to \\ does not correspond to this age.

5. Does the educator use musical accompaniment.

6. Does the educator use game moments when conducting gymnastics: (especially early age and junior preschool age).

7. Children with exercises of physical attacks are well acquainted.

8. Are children emotional during physical attacks.

9. Did the educator take into account individual motor activity of children? Singing mode?

10. Are hygienic requirements for the organization of the morning gymnastics (room, clothing, equipment).

Information on schemes is drawn up in such a sign:

Title Map Analysis of Pedagogical Activities 2010 - 2011

FULL NAME. Teacher ___________________________________________

Position ____________


Theme of control, analysis; type of controlled activity;

- Circuits

Graphs with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, (these are 10 points of each scheme)

Evaluation, Comments and Offers

Signature checking

Signature checked


Organization of control in DOU.

Types of control

Operational control

Preventive control.

Frontal control

Final control

Requirements for control

Control algorithm

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Her analysis.

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Organization of control in DOU. Types of control By time: preventive (advanced), operational (current, intermediate), final. By content: frontal (integrated), thematic, operational Operational control It gives information for the subsequent, longer control and analysis in the process of targeted visits or thematic check, that is, it performs the function of regulation. It is carried out daily, weekly, monthly (analysis of the incidence, fulfillment of natural norms, conducting sports entertainment, fulfilling the decision-making solutions, etc.), quarterly (fulfillment of the estimate, working with family, participation in methodical work, etc.) operational The control is carried out by the head of the Dow, a senior educator, a doctor or nurse, prominer, chairman of the trade union committee. It should also ensure the publicity of the results of operational control, submitting it in the table, in the respective graphs of which you can show the color of the work on this issue, and with the help of different geometric figures - who controlled. This material is a report on the conduct of this type of control. Preventive control. His goal is to assist, prevent possible errors, so it can go in shape: Conversations for the content of the program to identify how well the educator represents the tasks of work on a specific section; Conversations on the calendar plan of the educator to clarify how it involves something or another work form; Drawing up a promising plan for working with children on any partition to help the teacher to build a system of work on the problem; Drawing up the abstract classes, which is especially useful for novice educators; Warning control is fixed in terms of work for a month. The final result of the warning control should be to increase the professional skill of the educator and the preparation of promising plans, abstracts, etc. Thematic control is carried out in order to comprehensively study the level of work on a particular narrow topic, for example, in order to clarify the system in the work of a pre-school institution over one of the current problems scheduled on the annual plan. Frontal controlit is carried out in order to study the state of educational and educational work on all types of activities in one age group or studies and analyzed the activities of a specific teacher. For front control, a group is created, consisting of members of the administration of an educational institution, effectively working teachers of the Dow under the guidance of one of the members of the administration. Members of the group must clearly define goals, tasks, develop a check plan, distribute the duties among themselves. Before each verifier, a specific task is set, the deadlines are set, the form of generalization of the frontal check materials. Members of the pedagogical team get acquainted with the goals, tasks, the plan for carrying out the frontal check in accordance with the work plan of the DOU, but not less than a month before it began. According to the results of a comprehensive inspection, a certificate is preparing, on the basis of which the head of the D / C is issued an order (control over the execution of which is assigned to one of the members of the administration) and a meeting of the Pedagogical Council or an operational meeting is held. Upon receipt of positive results, this order is removed from the control. Final control It is carried out after the completion of the reporting period (half a year, year). It is aimed at learning and comprehensive analysis of the work of the pedagogical team on the implementation of the program and the tasks of the annual plan. The final control includes: a plan, target, timing, schedule, materials of final control (schemes, charts, questionnaires, estimates, protocols, etc.) Analytical certificate includes: Positive experience of teachers, problems of the team, action plan on program execution. Requirements for control The following requirements are presented to the implementation of control in the preschool institution: it should be not just controlled by the state of affairs, but to create a unified system for controlling all activities of the DOU; control must be planned; in the process of control, it is important not to state the fact, but to identify the reasons that cause disadvantages, the development of effective measures aimed at eliminating; the control will be effective if it is carried out modern and recommendations issued on its results will be fulfilled; it is necessary to assist in implementing recommendations to those who were given on the results of the control; control and its results should be vowels; the control should be sent not only to identify deficiencies, but also to find a new, interesting, which gives high and stable results. The objectives and objectives of the control should flow out of the goals and objectives of the educational and educational process and the annual tasks of the DOW for the current school year. Recommendations for the organization of control With its organization, it is necessary to pay attention to the following: the teacher should see that control is not aimed at his personality, but on how the educational and educational process is organized; the teacher should know what exactly when and what criteria will be monitored; control should be opened; monitor the results of the figure, and not for the actions of the teacher; carrying out control, it is necessary to adhere to the friendly tone of communication; if you bring the recommendations, instructions, special attention is paid to presenting the reason for the occurrence of shortcomings in the work and ways to overcome them. When organizing control, it should also be remembered that: control should not be limited to incidents; total control generates negligence; hidden control causes only annoyance; it is necessary to control everyone, and not just a "favorite" employee; control is not a pro form (who does not control, he is not interested in the success and achievements of its subordinates); do not control due to distrust; do not keep your conclusions with yourself. Control algorithm When organizing control, it is necessary to observe a certain sequence or control algorithm: Determining the purpose and object of control. Development of the program (plan) of control or the scheme of the upcoming observation. Collection of information. Her analysis. Development of recommendations and definition of ways to implement them. Checking the execution of recommendations. Properly organized control is one of the main conditions for scientific and rational management by the educational and educational process, increases the responsibility of every teacher for its quality of working with children.

senior teacher

Organization of control in Dow

Organization and conducting control is the most important function of the DOU methodical service. Control allows you to collect data on the results of the pedagogical process, adjust the deviations in the implementation of the tasks set before the tasks, to identify and systematize the advanced pedagogical experience, contributes to the maximum disclosure of the creative potential of each teacher.

Direction of activity Senior Educator when monitoring:

§ Develop a system of control over educational and educational work with children, diagnostic materials, issues for the implementation of thematic and frontal control in different age groups;

§ observe the activities of the teacher in the process of working with children, for the activities and relationships of children;

§ Fix the results of observations;
analyze the results of educational work, children's creativity, plans and documentation of teachers;

§ draw conclusions and conclusions about the state of educational and educational work with children;

§ carry out the diagnosis of professional competence of teachers, children's development;

§ Develop measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies in the work of teachers;

§ Discuss the results of control with teachers, use these results in the preparation of pedal council solutions, planning the work of the team.

In each dow, you should create a unified control system, the goals and objectives of which flow from the goals and objectives of the educational process of the DOU, therefore, it is planned on the annual plan (section 4 control and management). The control will be effective if it is carried out in a timely manner and measures scheduled as a result of its implementation are performed. In the process of control, it is important not to state the fact, but identifying the reasons that cause disadvantages, the development of effective measures to eliminate them. The results of any check should know all members of the pedagogical team.

Thus, control should be regular, systematic, efficient and vowels .

There are four most common forms of control: operational, thematic, frontal and final.

When carrying out any kind of control, it is necessary to observe a certain sequence, or algorithm Control:

1. Determining the purpose and object of control.

2. Development of a control plan.

3. Collection of information.

4. Analysis of the collected material.

All types of control are reflected on the annual plan. The form of representation may be different.

Consider every type of control.

Operational control - This is the current, daily control. His feature is that it helps to identify and eliminate minor failures in the activities of teachers and the team as a whole. If you do not notice small deviations in work, then they can lead to great difficulties, to overcome which will be not easy.

Operational control questions are conditionally divided into several categories. Require continuous monitoring: implementation of instructions for the protection of the life and health of children; compliance with the day mode; compliance with the internal regulations; Performance of labor discipline, educational process, formation of cultural and hygienic skills, etc. The following category is questions requiring control less frequently, quarterly, such as: planning educational and educational work; organization of work with parents; organization of walks, excursions; The activities of children in the afternoon; organization of work on the study of PDD preschoolers; the use of health-saving technologies; Creating conditions for independent children's activities, etc.

The list of questions to operational control can be viewed in the book "Guide to Dow: Control and Diagnostic Function", 2003

On average, 5-7 questions are planned monthly to operational control and introduce them to the team.

The organization of operational control provides several components:

§ This annual cyclogram of control in which the sequence of control activity is determined by means of symbols.

§ Operational control plan for a month allows you to visually submit separate areas of work and keep important areas on control. The form may be different.

§ Based on this plan, control cards are developed for analyzing the work of teachers based on issues in the current month.

According to the forms of the organization, it may be a preventive or advanced, comparative. For example, the older educator is important compare Methods and techniques of work of 2 educators working in the same group and prompt them the most productive to help develop uniform children requirements. Warning Control prevents errors, disadvantages. For example, the band is going to go on an excursion. In this case, you need to find out in advance from the educator, where they will go, on what route. And immediately discuss which route is better to choose, both for security purposes and in order to see a lot of interesting things. The main content of preventive control should be the readiness of the educator to conduct classes, walks, etc. One of the forms of the organization of operational control is to carry out in the Dow days of diagnosis, regulation and correction (DRC). The purpose of these days is the operational diagnosis, the development of measures to regulate the activities of teachers. DRC is a microde in which the whole team takes part, the subject of the DRC can be different. This is a question from the cyclogram of operational control. For example, I will give the topic DRC: "Evaluation of the organization and conduct of classes in different age groups of DOU". purpose: To study the effectiveness of the educator in the process of conducting a node. Tasks: Assess the level of professional mastery of the teacher; determine the correctness of the choice of methods and techniques for working with children; Assess the conditions affecting the quality of the educational process. Object It acts as an element of the educational process in DOU. Thing:the content of the activities of the educator and children. Methods:observation. When analyzing materials, problems are identified on individual educators and groups. Materials are discussed on the glider and decisions are made to correct the activities of individual educators and in general methods of organizing classes with children.

After each month, a certificate is written on the results of operational control. Not all issues of operational control require the analysis, since some problems are solved promptly, recommendations are given to eliminate them. Such questions are not made in the certificate.

Archive of certificate of operational control is stored 1 year.

Thematic control. The content of thematic control is to study the state of the pedagogical process under the sections of the program implemented in the DOW, and the purpose of the control depends on the objectives and objectives of the DOW annual plan. The duration of thematic control in an educational institution may be up to 10 days. Control is organized immediately in several groups: parallel and different ages. Such thematic control is the character of comparative, i.e., the work of various teachers with children of one pre-school age on a specific issue, Zun students of different groups on the same topic are analyzed by a system of working on any one problem in different age groups.

Thematic control is one of the types of control planned for the year. It is carried out before the pedsovet and corresponds to its topic.

Conducting thematic control provides for the presence of the following package documents:

1. Order, which reflects the name, goal, the deadlines responsible for its holding, members of the Commission. It is conducted by the senior caregiver, in addition, experienced Pedaggers, specialists are involved in control.

2. The scope of thematic control.

The more successful and rational form of the themed control plan than the one was proposed, it is difficult to come up with. It highlighted 5 blocks:

§ examination of the level of development of children;

§ Evaluation of professional skills of the educator;

§ Estimation of an object and development environment, conditions;

§ Evaluation of work planning;

§ Assessment of forms of interaction with parents on this issue

3. Working materials for thematic control.

All controls must be confirmed by working materials. If the analysis of the diagnosis of children on a specific section of the program is scheduled, diagnostic maps should be present in the control materials. If the Senior Educator conducts an interview with Dow teachers, the list of questions should also be available. All workers are drawn up in arbitrary form. These may be the record of the senior teacher in the notebook, the protocols of diagnosing children, maps of occupation analysis, regime moments, etc. Members of the Commission are instructed by the Senior Educator, the control issues are distributed between them, work materials are issued.

4. Analytical unit. Obtaining control results is not an end in itself, it is only a stage of work. The results must be analyzed in order to identify the reasons for the current state of affairs, to develop recommendations to eliminate the shortcomings and dissemination of experience. According to the results of thematic control, the analytical reference is written by the following structure:


§ the purpose of verification;

§ Duration of carrying out;

§ inspection;

§ checked;

§ the subject of verification;

§ workload.

Analytical part:

§ General characteristics studied during the inspection of the issue

(confirmed by data);

§ positive moments and disadvantages;

§ Causes of the appearance of positive and negative results.

Final part:

At the end of the reference indicates the position, F. I.O. Assembly, the date. Analytical certificate based on the results of control is read on the pedsovet, recommendations for the correction of the educational process are carried out in the draft decision of the Council of Pedagogues. Monitoring materials are stored with the materials of the pedsovets of 5 years.

Frontal controlit is carried out in order to simultaneously comprehensively check the object as a whole. Such an object serves a separately taken group. No more than 2-3 groups are verified per year. The duration of frontal control from three to five days.

In the process of frontal control are studied:

    Sanitary and hygienic state of the group; equipping the pedagogical process; subject-developing environment of the group; Educational and educational work with children, documentation of teachers, work with parents.

Front control algorithm:

1. Determine the control object.

2. Determine and formulate the main objectives and objectives of control.

3. Determine order responsible and group of verifiers.

4. Make a control plan and familiarize yourself with it.

5. Check the checked.

6. Register all control results.

7. Results of control to analyze and bring to the attention of pedagogical workers.

According to the results of the frontal verification, an analytical reference is drawn up. The results of the frontal check are discussed at a small pedsow with the participation of all teachers and specialists working on the group. The decision of the pedsove is made recommendations for improving any areas of work of the group with the terms of execution, or to generalize pedagogical experience, etc.

Final controlit is carried out after the completion of the reporting period (half a year, year). It is aimed at learning and comprehensive analysis of the work of the pedagogical team on the implementation of the programs of the annual plan. The final control includes:

· Duration of carrying out;

· Chart;

· Materials of final control (diagnostic maps, schemes, tables, questionnaires, estimates, questionnaires for parents;

· Analytical reference.

Other types of control: section, self-control, interconnection.

The rights are checked and inspected.

Summing up the speech, I want to note the importance of the control function in a single system of educational work. And remember that control allows you to establish whether everything in DW is performed in accordance with the regulatory documents, the decisions of the Pedagogical Council. Helps to identify deviations and their causes, identify ways and methods to eliminate deficiencies. By eliminating control and carrying out it is not systematically, the head loses the opportunity to quickly intervene in the course of the educational process, managing them. In addition, control is the most important factor in the education of young personnel, strengthening the personal responsibility of a young specialist for the execution of their duties.

Control in DOU

I post the cards - schemes for monitoring and analyzing the work of educators. Each of the schemes consists of 10 points, which is very convenient and makes it easy to make a consolidated table for both a specific teacher and for all Garden groups. They really helped me organize control in our kindergarten. Maybe someone will come in handy.

Scheme number 1 readiness of groups to the new school year

1. Safety of furniture and equipment for the life and health of children.

2. Pedagogical feasibility of design of the subject-developing medium.

3. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the design of premises.

4. Compliance with plot-playing games, didactic benefits, children's literature and other children's age.

5. Compliance of methodical literature and benefits of this age group.

6. Registration of parental corners.

7. Materials provided for parents are specific and accessible in their presentation.

8. Information stands correspond to the age group: goals, tasks, regime, system of educational and educational work.

9. Aesthetics in the design of the premises.

10. Non-standard approach in design.

Scheme number 2 Availability of documentation in the group

1. Passport Group: Group Newsletter and OO, Software, List of children on 01.09, Day modes, System of educational work, Attestation sheets of teachers.

2. Appendix to plan: Mode for this period + gentle, motor activity mode, health sheets, health program.

3. Perspective plan: work plan with parents, organizing the development environment, methodical support, gaming activities.

4. Calendar Plan: Lists of children (group, according to subgroups, for health groups), planning for the day (morning, evening).

5. Folders of interaction and joint activities of teachers and specialists.

6. Documentation for working with parents: Notebook information about parents, parental meeting protocols, reports, information for stands and folders moving.

7. Attendance notebook.

8. Notebook Briefing Children on the Obzh (for Middle, Elder and Preparatory Groups)

9. Instructions for labor protection.

10. Magazine F-127 and adaptation sheets (for nursery groups)

Schemes: Analysis of the subject-developing environment in groups under the section "Development of Gaming Activity", "Food Organization"

Scheme number 3 Analysis of the subject-developing environment in groups under the section "Development of gaming activities"

1. Availability of plot role-playing games in accordance with this age group. Sufficient game equipment for C-R games.

2. Availability of constructive games in accordance with the age of children: Designers are plot, outdoor, desktop, from various materials;

3. A sufficient number of attributes for the bearing of buildings (toys, vehicles, figures and so on.)

4. Availability of a center of experimentation with tools, toys and other attributes for experiments and experiments.

5. Aesthetics and accessibility in the design of the corner of nature: paintings-landscapes, cards, rules for the care of plants, etc. In accordance with the age group.

6. The presence of a bookcard with several copies of books (one content) - according to the program or in accordance with the goals and objectives of teachers; Illustrations and plot pictures.

7. Equipment corner of theatrical games of various types of theaters, costumes, attributes, musical toys and tools.

8. Availability of the Center for Intellectual Development: Didactic and Disabled Games of Mathematical Content, for Sensory Development, Speech Development, etc.

9. Saturation and diversity of materials for the development of artistically productive activities of preschoolers, in accordance with the age group.

10. The room is decorated taking into account the motor needs of children (space for free movement), equipped with a corner of physical education games.

Scheme number 4 "Food Organization"

1. Performance of hygienic requirements: sanitary condition, placement of dining furniture.

2. Table setting: whether the requirements of the table serving are taken into account depending on the age of children, aesthetics of design, activity of duty (except for yasel groups).

3. Organization of hygienic procedures depending on age.

4. The use of various skills and techniques to educate the culture of behavior at the table.

5. The ability of the teacher to present the dish (unloved, new) and the community of the teacher with children during food intake.

6. The mood of children and the situation in the group during meals.

7. The ability of children to use cutlery.

8. Timeliness of food delivery to the group.

9. Perform the power mode according to the mode of the day depending on age.

10. Compliance with children's portions.

Schemes: "Planning of physical education and recreation work during the day", "Compliance with the regime of the day and organization of the Group"

Scheme No. 5 "Planning of physical culture and recreation work during the day"

1. Planning and carrying out morning gymnastics.

2. Planning and conducting physical education, depending on the age of children.

3. The use of physical attacks during classes.

4. Planning and holding moving games while walking.

5. Planning and holding moving games in the group.

6. Conducting challenge procedures and health gymnastics (in accordance with the recommendations of medical workers).

7. Compliance of the day the season and age of children.

8. An individual approach to working with children, taking into account the health team (availability of health sheets).

9. Condition of clothing, shoes of children. No hazardous items.

10. Compliance with hygienic requirements (clothing, shoes).

Scheme No. 6 "Compliance of the Day Mode and Organization of the Group"

1. Knowledge of the educators of the day of the day of its age group.

2. Timely meal. Not reduced (lengthens) Time allotted for breakfast, lunch and afternoon personnel.

3. The number and duration of classes corresponds to the grid of classes and hygienic requirements.

4. The ability of the educator to determine the degree of fatigue of children and in connection with this change the course of classes and their time.

5. Timely access to a walk and return from it. Compliance with the duration of the walk.

6. Timely stacked sleep. Calmside in the bedroom, relaxing to rest.

7. Compliance with the time set for sleep. Not tightening and not reduce sleep.

8. The skill of the educator to carry out a gradual rise of children, taking into account their individual characteristics.

9. Compliance with the time of free and independent activities of children.

10. Timely access to the evening walk.

Schemes: "Conducting and organizing a walk", "Analysis of educational and educational work in early age groups", "Planning and organizing work with parents"

Scheme number 7 "Conducting and organizing a walk"

1. Matching the time of the walking time group.

2. Walking planning: theme and basic techniques of observation, mobile games, individual work with children, labor orders, the organization of free activities of children.

3. Organization of dressing and undressing children.

4. The formation level, in children, self-service skills corresponds to this age group.

5. Compliance on the walk of the motor regime of children.

6. Moving games and their number correspond to the age of children.

7. Diversity and sufficient amount of remote material.

8. Observation organization: The topic of observation corresponds to the age of children, the teacher uses various methods and techniques, the meaningful aspect of the observation is aimed at developing the cognitive activity of children.

9. The use of teacher training and didactic games during joint and individual work with children.

10. Guide to the teacher's independent activities of children on a walk (organization of plot-role-playing games).

Scheme number 8 "Analysis of educational and educational work in early age groups"

1. In the group there are all documentation: information about parents, information about the health status of children, consideration of children's stay in a group, adaptation magazine, observation of the neuro-mental development of children, the day regimes, gymnastics complexes.

2. The maintenance of the educational and educational work plan corresponds to the specifics of this age.

3. Planning classes is carried out daily; Weekly with complication in accordance with the Development Group, taking into account repeatability: software content (tasks - training, educational, educational), methods for the intensification of children to occupation, in class; Materials and equipment.

4. Physical and recreation work is being planned outside the class: Morning gymnastics, mobile games and exercises, gymnastics after sleep, cultural and hygienic skills, hardening system, individual work.

5. Planning and organization of game activity: Didactic games, fun games, theatrical games, plot role-playing games (techniques that affect the content of the game, changing the subject-developing environment, the formation of relationships in the game).

6. Planning and organizing work on the development of speech outside of classes: conversations with children during the morning reception, work in a bookcard, reading artistic works outside of classes, individual work (according to the ZKR, the development of the dictionary, the development of a connected speech).

7. Planning and organization of work: Self-service skills, various orders.

8. Individual work on the development of technical skills (in visual activities) is planned.

9. Planning and organizing a walk corresponds to the program and the specifics of the age of children (observations of living nature, observation of inanimate nature, observations of the work of adults, satisfying labor orders, motor activity - a mobile and quiet game), organization of independent activities on the site.

10. Planning and organizing leisure and entertainment outside classes (musical, theatrical, submissions).

Scheme number 9 "Planning and organizing work with parents"

1. The presence in the group of a perspective plan of working with parents, which includes various forms of work: parent meetings, consultations, open days, open views, joint holidays, etc.

2. Availability in the Group of Parental Assembly Protocols. (stored before the release of children).

3. Calendar planning work with parents is underway.

4. The group is aesthetically decorated with a parental corner.

5. The corner provides information on the work of the administration, kindergarten and group.

6. The material submitted in the parental corner is concrete and rational in volume.

7. In the parental corner, visual materials are presented, mobile folders in accordance with the theme and this age group.

8. The group conducts survey among parents to explore the contingent of the Group, the study of parental requests, etc.

9. The group decides various exhibitions for children's work.

10. At exhibitions are the work of all children of the group.

Schemes: "Preparedness of groups for the New Year", "Organization of children's experimentation", "Analysis of the subject-gaming environment for the development of motor activity of children"

Scheme number 10 "Preparedness of groups for the New Year"

1. Security measures are complied with premises.

2. All attributes used in the design are safe for children.

3. Beautiful and aesthetically decorated rooms.

4. The use of non-traditional approaches in design.

5. The active participation of parents in the design of the premises.

6. The use of children's work in the design of the premises.

7. The readiness of the groups to hold the New Year holidays.

8. Stained glass design of the premises.

9. Production of greeting cards and posters.

10. The group creates an atmosphere of joyful and festive mood.

Scheme number 11 "Organization of children's experimentation"

1. The group includes a corner of experimental activities.

2. Planning and organizing the activities of children in the development of cognitive activity and the development of ideas about the subject matter.

3. Planning and organizing games with natural materials (sand, water, clay).

4. Use of scene game-traveling cognitive directions.

5. Installing and organizing experiments and experiments with various subjects and substances.

7. Fixation of child experimentation results is fixed.

8. There is a systematic system in conducting experimental activities.

9. The presence of card files and experiments in the group.

10. Equipment of an experimentation corner complies with the requirements and this age group.

Scheme number 12 "Analysis of the subject-gaming environment for the development of motor activity of children"

1. The correct location of furniture and gaming material in the group in order to provide children with the opportunity to satisfy motor activity.

2. Furniture is chosen for growth and marked.

3. Availability of cards of mobile games by age, attributes for P / and, sports games (towns, badminton and so on.).

4. Availability of attributes for games with jumps (rope, rings, flat circles for jumping, etc.).

5. Availability of attributes for games with throwing, fishing, throwing (kegli, ring, balls, sand bags, darts, flying plates, etc.).

6. The presence in the group of complexes of the morning gymnastics, gymnastics of awakening, Fizkultminutki card).

7. The presence of a remote material for moving games for a walk.

8. The presence in the group of conditions for hygienic procedures (properly equipped room washbasin; the content in the order of towels, their marking; the presence of cups for rinsing the oral cavity; the presence of individual combs each child).

9. The presence in the group of hardening and recovery methods certified by the doctor.

10. The presence in the group of visual information for parents on the organization of optimal engineering regime (hardening recommendations, materials on the prevention of various diseases, etc.

Schemes: "Analysis of physical education", "Analysis of the subject - developing environment for environmental education", "Analysis of a cognitive occupation"

Scheme number 13 "Physical education analysis"

1. Are hygienic requirements for the organization of the entire classes (room, clothing, equipment).

2. In the process of occupation, all tasks were carried out (health, educational, educational).

3. Does the tasks correspond to this age.

4. Does the physical exertion correspond to the norms (in water, in the main, in the final part).

5. Are non-traditional forms in the lesson are used.

6. Consciously children perceive the material.

7. Do children understand the tasks set in front of them.

8. Do children manifest independence in search of new ways of action.

9. Whether the work is carried out to familiarize children with different ways to perform movements.

10. Are there in the class of rivalry and empathy.

Scheme number 14 "Analysis of the subject - developing environment for environmental education"

1. The presence of a sufficient number of plants in the group.

2. Thilled plant type.

3. The presence of tools for plant care: loosenings, washing, watering.

4. The presence of a passport of each plant in the group.

5. Plant safety for children.

6. Plant location in terms of convenience of care for them and security (plants do not stand at high shelves, in suspended porridge, do not obscure light).

7. The presence of methodological literature on plant care, according to the method of organizing classes with children.

8. The presence of didactic, wall-printing games and visual material on ecology.

9. Environmentally friendly situation in a group from the point of view of physical, emotional and psychological comfort.

10. The aesthetics of design and compliance with this age group.

Scheme No. 15 "Analysis of Cognitive Claim"

1. Does software content correspond to the level of children's development.

2. The ability of children to listen carefully and understand said.

3. The ability of children to take a cognitive task.

4. The desire of children to resolve problems that have arisen, incomprehensible issues: ask questions, try to figure out themselves or go from solving the problem.

5. Whether practical activity was organized in relation to the studied.

6. Whether the teacher's questions are encouraged in the answers of children to disclose causal relationships; Stimulate the development of the intelligence of children, criticality and independence of his thoughts.

8. Whether the teacher directs the attention of children to finding and the name in a certain sequence first of such signs of objects and phenomena, which the child perceives directly, and then to the perception and clarification of those signs and relationships of objects that are perceived indirectly.

9. Whether the individual features of children are taken into account.

10. Will children be able to generalize, find similarities, distinguish significantly from insignificant.

Schemes: "Pedagogical Analysis of Classes", "Analysis of the Educational Environment for Speech Development", "Analysis of Claims on Speech Development"

Scheme No. 16 "Pedagogical Analysis of Classes"

1. Whether the teacher can creatively use ready-made abstracts of classes: make the necessary changes to the course of classes, adjust the goals in accordance with the individual characteristics of children.

2. Whether the teacher is able to draw up an abstract of classes in accordance with the goals set, determine its content and structure, pick up didactic games.

3. Preparation for the lesson: the distribution and demonstration material is selected and rationally placed; Preliminary work with children - conversations, observation, reading x / l, working with parents.

4. Implementation of sanitary and hygienic requirements: Satisfying the motor activity of children - dynamic pauses and physical attacks; monitoring the correctness of posture and replacing postures during the class; Compliance of the duration of occupation of C-G standards.

5. The use of a variety of forms of organizing children at the lesson: work with small subgroups, in a pair, individual or collective work of children. Justification of selected forms.

6. The use of various methods and techniques in working with children: game techniques, techniques to attract and focusing, activating independent thinking, receiving newness with a support for knowledge available in children.

7. The ability of the teacher to regulate the behavior of children in the process of occupation, maintain interest during the entire classes.

8. The skill of the teacher to correct the course of classes, taking into account the "reverse" communication: to reduce the time of classes, depending on the degree of fatigue of children, change the form of the organization, to bring part of the program material beyond the classes, timely use the dynamic pause, etc.

9. The use of individual work teacher with children.

10. The active behavior of children in the lesson, interest and attention remained.

Scheme number 17 "Analysis of the subject - developing environment for the development of speech"

1. Book corner is equipped with a well-lit place: racks for books, table and chairs for children.

2. The presence of various materials: fiction - several books of one name and author of various publishers; Illustrations on the topics of studying with the surrounding world and with artistic literature.

3. The presence of thematic exhibitions and replacing materials.

4. The presence of children's literature in the group.

5. Availability in a group of equipment for theatrical activity: Shirma, flannelugaph, various types of theaters and compliance with the content of the age group, theatrical games.

6. The presence of a variety of didactic and wall-printing games.

7. The presence of methodological literature on this topic.

8. Availability of manuals for classes: a card file of didactic games for the development of speech, collections of mysteries, drills, songs, patternes, etc.

9. Compliance of the content of the age of children.

10. Visual information for parents (availability, aesthetics of design, replacing.

Scheme No. 18 "Analysis of the study of the development of speech"

1. Whether the vocabulary of children is sufficient.

2. Are synonyms, epithets are used.

3. Whether the occupation is purely cognitive.

4. Was organized practical activities in relation to the object being studied (subject).

5. Availability in children of cognitive interest.

6. Do children comprehend new facts and events.

7. Was there a moment in the process when children independently produce knowledge or constructive ways of their application.

8. Accessibility of the speech of the teacher for children in form and content.

9. The ability of the teacher to organize individual work at the lesson, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the speech of each child.

10. Does the software maintain the level of development of children.

Schemes: "Analysis of training for children to tell with the help of toys and objects", "Analysis of the Retelling Claim", "Analysis of training for learning to tell on the picture"

Scheme No. 19 "Analysis of classes for teaching children telling with toys and objects"

1. The objective object is correctly selected: the toy or item must be with a pronounced individuality.

2. Do children have an emotional interest in the toy (subject).

3. Is the connection between observation and speech activities have been established in an affordable form for children.

4. Is the speech activity of children with gaming creativity connected.

5. Do children encourage playing actions to describe toys (objects) detailed, emotional.

6. Are children (when viewed), with the help of teacher's issues, the main signs and quality of toys (subject).

7. Do children build a plot of the future story, using accurate words and designations.

8. Do children be able to complement and evaluate peer speeches.

9. Does the teacher of children make a slim, concise, emotionally expressive story.

10. Will the teacher analyzes the stories invented by children.

Scheme No. 20 "Analysis of Retelling Claim"

1. Does children have an emotional attitude after reading the work.

2. Do children build their statements independently, specifying the circumstances of actions.

3. The ability of children to transmit the dialogue of the actors, characteristic of characters.

5. Could be able to empathize with adults in fairy tales or stories.

6. Can argue their conclusions and evaluation.

7. Whether the speech is filled with figurative expressions, specific effective content.

8. Whether the teacher is distinguished by the vocabulary and the syntactic structure of phrases through practical use of them in matters and explanations (when complex material).

9. Does the teacher attract attention to the development of intonation expressiveness of speech.

10. Does teacher applies elements of dramatization.

Scheme number 21 "Analysis of training for learning to tell on the picture"

1. Does children see the picture and call the items depicted on it.

2. Does children be able to establish links between objects and phenomena shown in the picture.

3. Will the external signs and property properties are able to determine.

4. Do you encourage children's teacher to disclose causal relationships in the responses.

5. Whether children are able to make answers logically and accurately.

6. Does the correct word order in the proposal comply?

7. Communication of a proposal.

8. The ability to develop the storyline in the picture, connecting part of the statements by different types of connections.

9. Whether the child can continue the story of the picture.

10. Use of children's art and speech creativity.

Schemes: "Analysis of Music Classes", "Analysis of Claims on Ramp", "Analysis of the subject - Educational Environment on Ramp"

Scheme No. 22 "Analysis of Music Classes" (early age groups)

1. Compliance with the child's age material and the implementation of hygienic requirements.

2. Aesthetics hall, musical equipment, visual material, etc.

3. The level of performing mastery of the music leader, knowledge of the material.

4. Methods of conducting a class: types of musical activity, their relationship, the ratio of new and re-material.

5. A variety of methods and techniques of raising and educational training in all types of musical activity. The effectiveness of their use.

6. A variety of techniques intensifying the attention of children, individual work with children.

7. The level of musical acting of children (knowledge, skills, skills).

8. Independence and creative activity of children in class.

9. The activity of the interaction of the teacher with children in the classroom.

10. Emotional comfort of every child in class.

Scheme No. 23 "Analysis of Ramp Classes"

1. Does the software content correspond to this age.

2. There is a new, providing some effort and tension of thought.

3. Are there elements in the exercise.

4. Are the techniques aimed at: attracting and focused on attention, the activation and independence of thought, filing new with a support for the existing experience in children.

5. Whether the teacher is available explains the tasks to children.

6. Does it understand the questions before children.

7. Whether questions are repeated, tasks several times.

8. There are judgments in the answers of children.

9. Can children establish connections.

10. The behavior of children in the lesson in the process: with pleasure and interest, with hobbies, help with the answers of others.

Scheme No. 24 "Analysis of the subject - developing environment by ramp"

1. Correct selection of demonstration material on ramp (in accordance with the requirements of the program for this age group).

2. The presence of a sufficient number of countable material in the group (including counting sticks).

3. Selection of games aimed at the formation of sensory standards (color, shape, quantity).

4. Selection of games aimed at the formation of account skills, the concept of numbers.

5. Selection of games aimed at the formation of spatial and temporary representations.

6. The presence in the group of geometric designers: "Tangram", "Magic Square", "Columbovo Egg", and others (in accordance with this age group)

7. The presence of various geometric shapes and volumetric bodies.

8. The presence of digital material.

9. Selection of entertaining games in accordance with age (labyrinths, puzzles, etc.)

10. The presence of basic measuring facilities (scales, measuring cups, ruler, etc.) according to age.

Schemes: "Analysis of the objective environment under the section" Man in history and culture "," Analysis of classes in early age groups "," Walking analysis "," Development of cultural and hygienic skills in young children»

Scheme No. 25 "Analysis of the subject - developing environment under the section" Man in history and culture ""

1. The Center of Naturally - Scientific Representations: Materials for familiarization with their properties (bulk, solid, liquid, etc.). Equipment for experiments on the present topic (funnels, basins, capacity, etc.). Devices (microscope, magnifier, scales, clock, etc.). Elementary devices, layouts, models for demonstrating any phenomena, properties. Visual cognitive models: algorithms (programs) of activity. Items of the man-made world for examination and transformation.

2. Corner of nature: plants, animals in accordance with age-related recommendations, equipment for work in nature and in the corner.

3. There is a different material for making crafts, toys, albums, etc.: Natural, cast material, various types of materials (fabric, paper, etc.), glue, visual materials, clay, dough, plasticine, wire, thread, braid, etc.

4. The presence of cognitive literature, visual material for the accumulation of cognitive experience: real objects, items, materials, dules, illustrations, drawings, audio, video tapes, collections, layouts, herbarium, etc.

5. Availability in a group of didactic games in accordance with age on various sections.

6. The presence in the group of materials contributors to mastering by the modeling ability: conventional symbols, models of various views on topics and different directions (observation calendars in nature, protocols of experiments, algorithms of cognitive activity, experiments and experiments, etc.), visual means.

7. The group provides the principle of sexual differences. Planning the premises and the presence of materials and items that stimulate activities in the process of which the child is aware of the belonging to a specific floor - plot - role-playing games.

8. The group presents materials for the development of the foundations of social and legal consciousness in children - in accordance with age - the rules of conduct, skills of safe behavior, self-esteem, respect for other people, sense of responsibility, human rights.

9. The group presents materials for development in children of ideas about the history of civilization: a person's life in antiquity, fairy tales, myths, legends.

10. The group presents materials for development in children of elementary ideas about technical progress: the development of human labor, the improvement of the means of movement, a change in the conditions of human life, the development of means of communication (writing, typography, mail, telephone, computer, etc.)

Scheme No. 26 "Analysis of classes in early age groups"

1. Implementation of sanitary and hygienic requirements.

2. Does the teacher know how to configure children to occupation.

3. Whether the clarity of speech and emotionality of the material of the teacher is noted.

4. Does the teacher know how to use gaming material when performing game tasks.

5. The teacher uses a combination of means of visibility with a speech explanation, instructions, questions.

6. The teacher uses tasks aimed at satisfying the motor activity of children.

7. Pedagogue uses an individual approach to children in class.

8. An independent activity is used when performing tasks.

9. There is an interest and activity of children.

10. There is an emotionally positive attitude of children.

Scheme number 27 "Walk analysis"

1. The order of dressing of children. Formed in children self-service skills (over age group).

2. Does the children's clothing correspond to the season.

3. Does the motor mode of children run on a walk.

4. Stripping procedure. Order in lockers, in the locker room.

5. Hygienic procedures after a walk.

6. It is true of time for a walk to the regime of this age group.

7. Is the time of returning from a walk to the mode of this age group.

8. Does the total walking time is observed.

9. Does evening walk regards in accordance with this age group.

10. Compliance with the safety rules for walking.

Scheme No. 28 "Development of cultural and hygienic skills in young children"

1. The teacher brings up a positive attitude to the processes associated with food, laying sleeping, toilet.

2. Mode's moments are performed exactly by mode.

3. The teacher constantly enshrines the skills previously acquired by children and trains new skills.

4. Teacher teaching children skills and skills uses a variety of techniques: show, direct speech, verbal instructions and explanations, reminder.

5. Processes are held gradually, not allowing children to expect each other.

6. Pedagogue takes into account the individual abilities and the child's condition at the moment.

7. The teacher refers to each child is sensitive, gently and carefully.

8. The teacher understands the mood of the child, takes into account his desires and needs.

9. The teacher uses feeding, dressing and washing in order to develop speech, movements, orientation in the surrounding and formation of organizational behavior.

10. The group has created conditions for education of the tidy (the presence of mirrors in the wash room, changing room, game, comb, comb, and places for storage and other equipment).

Schemes: "Analysis of entertainment (leisure)", "Organization of game activity", "Analysis of music classes".

Scheme number 29 "Analysis of entertainment (leisure)"

1. The teacher uses high-quality musical and literary material: artistic, availability, volume.

2. Compliance of leisure content (entertainment) theme, season, conducting conditions.

3. The presence of enseeration, play situations, surprise moments.

4. Aesthetics, efficiency and variety of design (scenery, costumes and attributes, use of records, etc.).

5. Matching the duration of leisure depending on the age of children.

6. The interaction of the musical leader and teachers of groups (contributing to the best organization of children).

7. Whether the activity of children is observed: the uniform distribution of the load, employment of all children, taking into account their individual inclinations and interests, the distribution of roles between children.

8. There is ease and naturalness in behavior, interest, feeling of joy.

9. Active artistic and speech and theatrical activities of children are observed.

10. Creating opportunity for children to manifest initiative, independence, creative activity.

Scheme number 30 "Organization of game activity"

1. Is the teacher correctly understand its role in the game manual?

2. How fully a teacher uses the game?

3. Does gaming activities are developing taking into account the level of development of children?

4. Are these or other events or phenomena are fully disclosed in the content of the game?

5. What is the character of role and friendly relations between children?

6. Did children have done to the end? Exit the game.

7. Does the past game have been discussed?

8. Is their estimated attitude formed not only to fulfill the roles, but also the whole game in general?

9. Is it good enough to play the game necessary material?

10. Is the gaming material available for use by his children?

Scheme No. 31 "Analysis of Music Classes"

1. Compliance of the tasks of the program of the age group and the level of development of children.

2. Conditions have been created for the class: the availability of a plan, visual aids, attributes, toys, etc.

3. The ability of the teacher to organize children at the beginning of the classes.

4. The use of different types of musical activity, their alternation.

5. Use of various techniques for educating and educational training, efficiency of use.

6. Creating opportunity for children to manifest initiative, independence, creative activity.

7. Accounting to the teacher of mental, emotional and exercise, as well as the age characteristics of children of this group.

8. The activities of children at the lesson: immediacy, emotional attitude, ease; Conservation of interest throughout the lesson.

9. Organization of children in the lesson: the ability to submit to certain rules of behavior, independence, conscious discipline, concentration when performing tasks.

10. Creative manifestation of children in singing, games, dance and so on.

Scheme number 32 "Organization and conduct of morning gymnastics"

1. Availability in groups of cartoons of morning gymnastics.

2. Knowledge of the educator of the current set of morning gymnastics.

3. Time of the morning gymnastics: corresponds to / does not correspond to the age of children and the regime of the day.

4. Selection of exercises: corresponds to \\ does not correspond to this age.

5. Does the educator use musical accompaniment.

6. Does the educator use game moments when conducting gymnastics: (especially early age and junior preschool age).

7. Children with exercises of physical attacks are well acquainted.

8. Are children emotional during physical attacks.

9. Did the educator take into account individual motor activity of children? Singing mode?

10. Are hygienic requirements for the organization of the morning gymnastics (room, clothing, equipment).

Information on schemes is drawn up in such a sign:

Title Map Analysis of Pedagogical Activities 2010 - 2011

FULL NAME. Teacher ___________________________________________

Theme of control, analysis; type of controlled activity;

- Circuits

Graphs with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, (these are 10 points of each scheme)

Evaluation, Comments and Offers

Signature checking

Signature checked

Control over the activities of the preschool institution includes a set of measures to verify the implementation of the educational process, in accordance with the existing objectives and tasks of the training system, which are agreed with the orders of DOU and other state documents in the field of education.

  • Operational control in Dow Supplies the collection of quantitative data, which do not require long observations, but at the same time show how one or another type of activity is carried out.
  • Operational control of DOUit is an important function of the management system. The head of any institution should be able to anticipate various situations, predict certain activities, put further goals.

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It is possible to implement only during operational control over certain areas of the kindergarten's activities, when collecting and analyzing the information of the socio-pedagogical nature, the demographic processes of the neighborhood, the work of the educational institution. Operational control can be carried out by a methodologist of an educational institution or senior educator.

Varieties of control and its main tasks

Operational control of DOU GEF It is divided into internal and external. External control provides for the creation of the conditions of social security of each child. At the same time, it is guaranteed to obtain a minimum level of education necessary for normal identity development. This task is implemented by performing certain steps:

  • marketing learning of the microdistrict is carried out;
  • the placement of social and cultural institutions is studied;
  • the social status of families where children of preschool age are brought up;
  • requests and demands of parents are being studied regarding the quality and variety of educational services;
  • the social and educational level of children who do not visit Dow are taken into account.

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Tells expert Reference system "Education"

Internal control provides for improving the level of education of each group of kindergarten of different ages, with the necessary assistance to educators. Control is made in different directions:

  • educational;
  • psychological-pedagogical;
  • medical and social;
  • financial and economic.

Basic requirements of operational control

For the right and efficient organization of work of any preschool institution, it is important to check the activities in a timely manner. To do this, adhere to certain requirements:

  • the manager is important not only to check, but you need to create a unified system for controlling all the activities of the DOU;
  • it is necessary to control the control systemally, the goals and issues that are considered objectively and integrity are underway to begin with;
  • checks should not only confirm the availability of certain problems, but requires the development of effective ways to eliminate them;
  • control is an effective method only if it is carried out on time;
  • it is necessary to carefully examine the identified disadvantages of educational activities, and not only limit the existing fact;
  • after inspections, it is necessary to publicly announce the results obtained;
  • the control is carried out not only to determine the negative points, but must also identify the positive aspects of the work of teachers.

Structure of operational control DOU

When conducting any checks, it is necessary to adhere to a specific scheme, because only systematic work can be effective. therefore conduct operational control in the Dow May have the following algorithm:

  • determine the purpose of verification and object;
  • develop a plan of controlling actions;
  • collect information (for this use employees, teachers, pupils and other persons who can be useful);
  • primary analysis of the data obtained (study of documentation, processing of the materials obtained, filling out the survey cards, discuss the results on the pedsovet);
  • development of recommendations that need to be submitted to the team, discuss methods and methods for their implementation, approve the selected correction methods with their subsequent implementation of teachers into the work;
  • after time, check the execution of the recommendations provided.

Realization of operational control in pre-school educational institutions

Checks in kindergartens can be held in different directions. Operational control can be carried out in order to study the safety level of children, to control individual work with children, to check the organization of walking with children, is the material for the work of the bookcard and so on. Operational control is an initial stage, which provides information on a specific part of the functioning of the children's team, performs the control function and provides data for subsequent thematic control.

results operational control of DOU Entered into certain documents: Map of operational control and analytical certificate of operational control.

Issues that are subject to control in Dow may be the following:

  • sanitary state of the group;
  • performance of the day, taking into account different period of the year;
  • nutritional organization;
  • organization of health procedures with students;
  • performance of educational work, compliance with the schedule according to planning;
  • organization of walks with pupils with a different period of the year;
  • state of group documentation;
  • planning and implementing measures to conduct a healthy lifestyle and compliance with security rules.

For each type of control is compiled map of operational control DOU.

Map of operational control on the topic "Performance of the day regime with regard to different period of the year"

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Tasks monitoring

1.When children

2. Timely carrying out morning gymnastics

3. Breakfast organization according to the established schedule

4. Conducting training classes. Points time and duration. Compliance schedule

5. Organization of the break between Nod. Independent activities of children.










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