Business plan for growing greenery - features of business organization, possible risks and guarantees. Growing greenery in a summer cottage as a business

Business plan for growing greenery - features of business organization, possible risks and guarantees.  Growing greenery in a summer cottage as a business
Business plan for growing greenery - features of business organization, possible risks and guarantees. Growing greenery in a summer cottage as a business

Agricultural business is a promising area of ​​investment and effort, since there is always a demand for agricultural products, as well as for any other food products. You can grow anything you want, if there is a desire and opportunity. And you can start small. Consider a fairly simple and profitable business - growing greenery.

Why exactly greens? This is one of the most demanded products on the market; people need greens all year round. Everyone can cope with the cultivation of greens; this does not require any special qualifications or special education. We all grow greens in our summer cottages. Of course, when using special tools or installations, you will need to gain some knowledge, but this is not difficult.

Investments for starting this business need small, you can start small, literally from a few thousand rubles. True, to get a good income, you need to grow a large amount of greenery, and this will require an increase in start-up capital. In any case, you have a choice: immediately invest several tens of thousands and receive a solid reward, or start small and gradually accumulate capital to expand your business.

The greatest income from growing and selling greens can be obtained in the off-season, although greens are also in demand in summer.

Greenery growing methods

Growing greenery as a business can be of different scales and can be done in different ways.

Method 1: in the apartment

This is a cost effective method that requires space. If you have the opportunity to allocate one room for growing greenery in the off-season, then you can make good money. Greens are grown at home in boxes, pots, plastic bottles and other methods.

Method 2: in the garden

This option is good in the summer. In the summer, it makes no sense to grow greenery in the apartment. During this period, you can "move" to a summer cottage. In summer, greens are cheaper than in the off-season, so you need to grow them in larger quantities so that your profit does not decrease. And on the summer cottage there is, of course, more space than in one room of your apartment, even if the boxes in it are located in four tiers.

Method 3: in the greenhouse

Having a good greenhouse, you will not depend on the season and the vagaries of inconsistent weather. And yet, keep in mind: it is profitable to grow greens in greenhouses all year round only in the southern regions of our country. If you decide to do this in the north, then the cost of electricity and gas will not give you a decent profit.

Sale of greenery

Greens contain a huge amount of nutrients: vitamins, trace elements, minerals. And it is very good that not only you, but also the majority of your potential buyers and clients understand this.

Where can the greens be supplied:

  • To the markets.
  • To vegetable bases.
  • To shops, cafes and restaurants.
  • To grocery stores.

To supply greens to any food outlets, you need to conclude contracts with them.

Expenses and income

The profitability of this business is very high; in the most favorable scenario, it can reach up to 500%.

An approximate business plan for growing greenery in an apartment:

Let's take green onions as an example. If you arrange boxes with onions in two or three tiers, you can get about 30 square meters. m. useful seating area in a room of about 20 sq. m. Based on this, calculations will be carried out.

So, first the costs:

  • Seed material. The cost of one kilogram of sowing onion is about 10 rubles (at the wholesale warehouse). With a dense onion planting, about 10 kilograms is needed per square meter. So, 30 sq. m. of area we need 300 kg of sowing onions for 3,000 rubles.
  • Crates and boxes can be obtained free of charge at any supermarket, and sawdust is also obtained free of charge at the sawmill.
  • For fertilizers, you can lay about 2,000 per month.
  • Lighting - installation of fluorescent lamps - 10,000 rubles.
  • Electricity and water bills are about 2,000 per month. It is worth noting that the onion does not need round-the-clock lighting, it is enough to slightly extend the daylight hours. Although, on the other hand, the more light, the better the harvest.
  • Transportation costs are about 5,000 per month.

Total - 22,000. So much money is needed to start your own business of growing greenery in an apartment.

If desired or urgently needed, you can reduce the initial costs: get by with an ordinary light bulb at first.

Now the nicer aspect is income.

Let's assume that each square meter of usable area gives about 10 kg of greenery. In fact, you can get even more, 15 kg is a very real figure with good planting material, comfortable conditions and proper care.

So, let it be 10 kg. We get two harvests a month, that is, 600 kg.

With a wholesale price of 70 rubles per kilogram, our income will be 42,000 rubles.

Net profit - 20,000.

And this is only at the initial stage. Please note that you spend on lamps once, which means that the net profit from the second month will be 30,000 rubles.

About other methods of growing greens and their costs

If your climatic conditions allow you to grow greens in a greenhouse, then you, accordingly, will have to build this very greenhouse or purchase a ready-made one. The finished greenhouse is a structure, most often of an arched type, made of cellular polycarbonate and guide supports. The width of standard ready-made greenhouses is from 3 to 8 meters, the length is from 3 to 20 m. The cost of a greenhouse depends on the area and ranges from 30,000 to 130,000.

Another option for growing greenery both in a greenhouse and in a regular room is a hydroponic plant. In this case, greens are grown in a special balanced nutrient solution. This is a very convenient and recently popular way of growing a wide variety of plants. The hydroponic plant is a frame with a crop surface, growing trays, a system of pipes that supply solution and a lighting system that automatically adjusts as the plants grow. Hydroponic plant for a room of 25 sq. m. will cost from 30,000.

An attractive option is to grow greens in small pots and sell them with the pots. Greens in a pot look beautiful and cost more than greens in a bunch, for the same weight and volume. You can just buy inexpensive pots and grow greens in them, or you can purchase a special automated plant for growing greens in pots, which will do almost everything on its own. The cost of such an installation is from 70,000 rubles.

Registration and taxes

While you are growing greenery on your personal plot or in an apartment, you can not arrange your business in any way. But you will not be able to fully sell your products. You will have one way - to sell it to dealers, and this is not always profitable.

Therefore, when you turn around and start producing a large number of products, you should use the OKVED coding - А.01.12.2. In this case, you will become an entrepreneur engaged in agricultural production, and you will be able to choose for yourself a special form of taxation - Unified agricultural tax.

Which replaces all other forms of taxation and has a low rate - 6% of net profit.

You retired, lost your job due to downsizing, your business collapsed. In short, do you have a lot of free time, a little money and a passionate desire to do a profitable business? There is only one thing left - to choose a promising business, so that it does not spoil your health either to your taste, and profitable. There are commercial risks in industry, trade, transportation. But why not take up farming? The business idea of ​​growing greenery looks very attractive.

Is farming profitable?

After many years of decline and devastation, the agriculture of the Russian Federation is actively developing, saturating the domestic market with products and giving a good profit. This was felt by the whole world, eating bread from Russian wheat, and looking with chagrin at the growth of crops and livestock. Inside the country, you don't even need to look at media materials - just look at the store shelves.

And how many businessmen, from oligarchs to provincial small businesses, are investing in the agricultural sector. Agriculture is currently a very profitable business. For example, growing greenery in a greenhouse (as a business) year-round is a very good thing in the context of sanctions and counter-sanctions. For politics is politics, and a person always wants to eat, especially fresh and beautiful greens.

Greens are not just dollar speculation

The future belongs to domestic agricultural products. And now the cultivation of greenery is especially promising. Growing greenery in a greenhouse for sale is a lucrative business. Green onions, parsley, dill, radishes and more are very popular. They have a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, essential substances, improve the taste of any dish, maintain health and energy. Greenery is not threatened with competition from abroad - such a product quickly deteriorates and long-term logistics, even from close Turkey, and even more so from European and Asian countries, leads to the fact that agricultural imported products are inferior to domestic ones and, moreover, are stuffed with chemistry. And finally, the state, concerned about the problem of the agricultural sector, allocates a lot of financial and tax preferences.

Much more. The business of growing greenery in a greenhouse all year round nowadays is a very popular and profitable business. There is competition, but you should not be seriously afraid of it.


A business plan for growing greenery in a greenhouse, like any theoretical part of the concept, requires some attention. Greens are small plants and, for that matter, can be grown in small containers by windows, outdoors, and in greenhouses.

Growing at home has its own perspective. If your only task is to provide your farm with greens - this is the best option. However, such a pocket-sized agricultural sector has too little effect to hope for a commercial return.

Open ground allows you to "stretch" the scale to the entire personal plot, and this is already several acres of land. You can make calculations that with a threefold harvest from one hundred square meters, you can collect up to 2 tons of greenery. At a cost of one kilogram of about 100-150 rubles. the cost of the harvest from one hundred square meters will be more than 200 thousand rubles. Impressive, isn't it?

In addition, open field requires a small investment, which makes it possible for even small farmers to successfully commercialize greenery.

The disadvantage of this option is the high requirements for the weather. The climate should be warm and moderately rainy. Basically, the southern part of Russia is suitable for such parameters. The rest of the country enjoys short, fairly cool summers, which limits the availability of greenery. In addition, the collection of greens at the same time in all farms leads to a decline in demand and a decrease in cost.

Bottom line: An open field greenery business will be profitable under two conditions. Good weather and the ability to trade in a large city are important. For other manufacturers, the greenhouse remains the best option.


With the arrival of late autumn and frosty winter, the vegetation in the beds froze, and fresh agricultural products began to come only from the greenhouse. Greens from specialized premises are now in good demand in restaurants, canteens, eateries. It is sold in markets, department stores and specialty stores. Growing greenery in a greenhouse in winter for sale in our country with a short summer can be a profitable activity.

The most effective option for growing greenery is to build a thermos greenhouse. Double protection of the structure makes it possible not to carry out additional heating to maintain the temperature required for plants.

It is necessary to start preparing for the summer season from the middle of the last winter month. First you need to remove the accumulated snow near the greenhouse and put a black film or roofing felt. The same material is placed inside the greenhouse to use the heat of the sun's rays. Roofing material or black film is quite effective, and as a result, different types of greenery can be sown already at the beginning of spring. The ground will thaw at least 15 cm, this result is quite enough. Growing greenery in a greenhouse as a business has already justified itself.

Greens - all year round!

You can increase the growing season of useful plants. The year-round cultivation of greenery in a greenhouse is a frequent phenomenon in our country.

Many gardeners keep ordinary greenhouses made of white glass and standard polycarbonate in their summer cottages. In such a structure, you can get beautiful greenery, as well as in the open field. In addition, greenhouse fresh greens are often even tastier than garden greens, because they are not affected by chemicals, they do not need to be afraid of acid rain and industrial pollution. Growing greens in cold winters is economically profitable.

Greenhouse onions can be obtained in It is full of vitamins, strengthens the immune system of the human body in the cold winter. To get good green onions, you need to choose the right variety. For example, varieties of winter varieties are suitable for planting: Troitsky and Spassky. It is better to choose medium bulbs - 3-5 cm in diameter. When planting such onions in a greenhouse, you can get a fairly good harvest.

Greenhouse dill is planted as a compactor or as a separate crop. Before planting, the seeds used must be soaked for 3-4 days, while the water must be changed every day. After that, the seeds must be dried. Dill as a compactor gets a marketable form in 50 days, as a separate crop - in 60 days. Sprouted plants should be planted in March or autumn.

Greenhouse growing technologies are simple. To keep the greens growing regularly, you can sow dill seeds every month. This is an undemanding crop, and therefore it must be sown in continuous strips every 30-40 cm. Leave the seeds at a depth of 2 cm. When the greens begin to germinate, the soil should be slightly damp.

Parsley contains enough vitamin C, which is very necessary for a person in winter. For a good harvest, it is better to take light and nutrient-rich soil. Parsley is resistant to cold weather, you can plant it at the end of August. We make depressions in the soil, water them abundantly with water and put the plant in them to a depth of the size of the root. In the greenhouse, you need to maintain a temperature of 15-28 degrees. Parsley is watered by drip using a regular watering can.


To generate more profit and in a shorter time frame, a hydroponics greenhouse business plan is needed. Growing various types of greenery all year round will make you a successful businessman.

Hydroponics is a specialized agricultural system that allows you to get vegetables and other crops without land. Typically, nutrient fluids are used for hydroponics, and systems are placed in conventional greenhouses.

The hydroponics business is gaining prominence among budding growers. The fact is that this method of growing vegetables saves less risks for production work, and does not require special physical exertion in comparison with traditional farming.

True, the equipment, which means more costs are needed. To create a business, you need the following equipment:

  1. Frames for vertical placement of plants in the greenhouse.
  2. Water heating systems.
  3. Filters for industrial water purification.
  4. Standby and main power generator.
  5. Tanks for cleaning the received products and their packaging.
  6. Refrigerator or cold room with metal shelves for keeping vegetables.
  7. Consumable raw materials - substrate, seeds for growing and packaging for transportation and sale.

When choosing greens for hydroponic crops, you should rely mainly on familiar and popular crops. Growing greenery in a greenhouse as a business on those species that are pleasant and easy to receive personally for an entrepreneur will become more effective. Lack of awareness or lack of experience in growing a particular crop can be a serious reason for bad luck in the agricultural business.

Growing onions

Green onions have so many useful qualities and are so popular that when growing greens in winter greenhouses, you cannot do without them. The needs for it are always enormous.

There are three types of onions in total:

  • spicy;
  • peninsular;
  • sweet.

When comparing onions, gardeners take into account that a sharp onion acquires a marketable appearance most quickly, but the volume of its feather is insignificant. The most serious volume of feathers in sweet onions, but it grows very slowly. Therefore, in the spring, breeders stop at peninsular varieties, as an intermediate option.

At the end of winter, onions are planted with seeds initially in boxes. At the beginning of spring, they are dived and planted in a greenhouse. The gap between the bulbs must be kept up to 5 cm.

After planting onions, it is recommended to plant a second portion for new seedlings in boxes with soil. By the time the first harvest ripens (after three weeks), the seeds will hatch, and it will be time to plant them already. In the greenhouse, before you start pulling the onions, the beds must be heavily watered. After 6 hours, the onions must be collected together with the heads. After that, you can organize the supply of green goods to the retail and catering networks.

Growing dill

The most popular and popular greens are, of course, dill. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business should start with growing dill. Based on this, about half of the crop must be harvested from this plant. The varieties are always used early.

It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to update these varieties after equal periods of time, once every few years. Before planting, the seeds are kept in water, but not germinated. Sowing is carried out on strips of land stretching from north to south. It is necessary to do the watering on time with warm water and weed the weed bed. It is necessary to leave gaps between the plantings of dill about 10 cm.

Shortly before harvesting, the land of the beds must be heavily irrigated with water. After that, the dill is ripped out of the softened soil, the roots are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dried. Then the greens must be collected in special waterproof containers. The dill leaves should be on top. Water with various minerals and an aspirin tablet will help extend the shelf life of products. Then the dill will be fresh for 7 days.

There is no point in cultivating dill in winter: even in a greenhouse, it will not have enough light, and, therefore, the product will not be very good with an unattractive shape.

Other types of greenery

Nowadays, fresh onions and dill are mainly sold from greens. But this does not mean that you do not need to get other types of tasty and healthy greens. Growing greenery in a greenhouse as a business can be done with other plants. In greenhouses, for example, you can get salad. It contains a lot of vitamins and useful microelements, especially after the New Year.

In February and March, early greenhouse radishes are in great demand. You can also look at other greenhouse crops.

That is, gardeners have a certain room for maneuver. But before that, it is necessary to foresee the expected demand in the market. Undoubtedly, the variety of types of greens obtained will provide an opportunity to attract customers, but keep in mind that when you receive unclaimed types of greens, you may end up without money.

Subtleties of trade

The production of products means their compulsory sale. The business (growing greenery in a greenhouse all year round) is very profitable, but it needs to be developed. Therefore, having received the goods, go to sell them. You need to know that greens are often used in various dishes in restaurants, canteens and other catering establishments. In addition, greens are sold in markets, in ordinary and specialized stores.

Retail trade requires special documents. However, on the market, it is enough to show a certificate stating that you have a personal farm. But with an increase in the scale of trade, the bureaucratic turnover will noticeably grow.

Greens must be divided by size. So, a bow with a long large feather is placed separately, with a short, weak one, respectively, it is laid out in another party.

The price of a product very often depends on its appearance. Yellow, dried, stale greens are thrown away. Another marketing ploy - try to lower the price slightly compared to the prices of other sellers. Profits may even grow due to increased turnover. Everything is quite easy and simple.

For the growth of prosperity, you will need a winter greenhouse, various green seeds for obtaining goods and a little later - a point of sale where you will sell the crop.

Money turnover

The business of growing fresh herbs in a greenhouse, like any business in principle, requires certain costs, especially at the beginning of the process. But after that, the income will be much higher than the investment. If you develop a business from scratch, the bulk of the funds will be invested in the greenhouse. In particular, a thermos greenhouse will require more than thirty thousand rubles.

For the rest, it should be borne in mind that the cultivation of greenhouse greenery does not require large expenses and quickly pays off, especially in winter. Fresh greens on the New Year's table, at the holiday of all men (February 23) and women (March 8) will always be popular and bring great profits. If you create a greenhouse (growing greenery), the profitability of the business is ensured.

Looking for a profitable business idea? You found her! This is the cultivation of parsley, dill, onions or celery in a greenhouse.

With you Alexandra Kadyntseva - an expert and regular author of the Startupoff website! I will tell you which crops are more profitable to grow, what you need to start, how to determine which type of business is better in this area.

Growing greens in a greenhouse for sale - why it is profitable

Growing onions, parsley, sorrel, lettuce and other crops is a profitable and promising business line.

This is supported by several facts:

  1. Greens in the greenhouse are grown year-round.
  2. This category of food products is always in high demand (especially in the winter-spring period).
  3. Capital investments are not required to start. You can try your hand at this business, even starting with indoor growing.
  4. Self-service retail does not require government registration, which will give you the opportunity to “get a feel for the market”.
  5. You don't need to hire staff to maintain one or two greenhouses. You will need to increase the number of workers only with the further expansion of the business.
  6. Great sales opportunities: retail, wholesalers, restaurants and supermarkets.
  7. Low cost of planting materials.
  8. Rapid ripening of crops. The growing season for most varieties is 30-45 days.
  9. From 1 sq. m of soil, 4-5 kg ​​of finished products are obtained.
  10. It is not necessary for a business to have a land plot. It is not difficult to equip the beds in the city, using your own garage.

When starting your own business, make up. Calculate your expenses for the purchase of equipment and planting material. Set yourself a clear financial goal and think about ways to achieve it.

What greens are best to grow

Which is better: parsley, onion, cilantro, sorrel, radish or pea beds? Should you choose one crop or grow several? You need to solve these questions at the stage of drawing up a business plan.

Let's take a look at the features of the most popular crops.

Green onions

It is unpretentious, growing rapidly. Some varieties bear fruit all year round. There are spicy and sweet onions. The sweet ones take longer to grow, but they are in great demand. This plant is not difficult to grow even on a windowsill in an apartment or on a balcony, therefore, choosing an onion, be prepared to face serious competition.

Forcing onions on a feather requires a large cultivated area, since the distance between the bulbs planted for greenery must be at least 10 centimeters.

Parsley and dill

These crops are sown with seeds. Parsley is two years old, that is, it bears fruit for two years and gives seeds, which are harvested and sown again. Dill gives a bountiful harvest. Gardeners get up to 6 kilograms of greenery from one square meter.

The planting density of these crops (distance between seeds) is 5 centimeters. Parsley and dill are thermophilic and love sunny weather. On cloudy days, they will need additional lighting.


It is the most profitable and fastest growing crop. 25 days after sowing, a real "green fire" in the beds is guaranteed. There are several types of salad: watercress, arugula, lettuce, frisse, curly or curly salad.

They need regular watering, do not tolerate heat well. The most popular type of salad is leaf. It is cut off when the leaves are still small. Bushes after pruning need feeding.

Sorrel, celery, basil

Celery loves well-fertilized, loose soil. Bravely endures the coolness. Loves abundant watering. Its main drawback is the long ripening of seeds, cut leaves quickly deteriorate. Daylight hours affect the growth of celery. If you want to get your harvest as soon as possible, do not skimp on lighting your greenhouse.

Sorrel grows in one place for 2-3 years. The first leaves appear 12-14 days after sowing the seeds. Grown in the open field, in a greenhouse. It is in maximum demand from buyers from February to May. In the summertime, demand falls.

This is how sorrel grows

Basil is sensitive to temperature. Loves warmth, does not tolerate heat well. It is advisable to ventilate the greenhouse with it regularly. The leaves of the plant are for sale, which must be carefully cut off so as not to pull out the stem by the root. Basil is not demanding to care for and bears fruit well.


It is planted in early spring. Fruiting within a month after sowing. The leaves sell well in the spring. In the summer, there is a decline in consumer interest. A new wave of buyers' activity is late autumn. The plant gives a harvest for a long time.

By planting a second batch of seeds in late May or early June, you will be supplying customers with fresh, vitamin-rich greens until December.

What equipment do you need?

To create optimal conditions for the growth of crops, you will need special equipment. When equipping a greenhouse, you must maintain an optimal temperature regime, lighting, and humidity levels in it.

Consider the layout of the beds so that the greenhouse area is used as much as possible and there is enough space for watering and harvesting.

Heaters or connected heating

The most popular types of heating are using electric convectors or infrared heaters. This method of heating does not require complex installation, it allows you to regulate the temperature regime.

The second most popular type of heating is the installation of a water or electric boiler. It has a high efficiency - up to 98%. The boiler can heat not only air, but also soil. Firewood and biofuel are suitable as fuel for the boiler.


The best option is to install phytolamps or fluorescent lamps. You need one such lamp for each container of herbs. With good lighting, you can even grow onions or parsley at home in the basement.

Use reflective materials. With them, the room will become brighter, and the energy consumption will remain the same. Reflective walls are installed on each greenery container.

Hydroponics system

Hydroponics is a system for growing crops without soil, only in an aquatic environment with the addition of top dressing. With its help, you use the maximum area of ​​the greenhouse. Hydroponic systems are convenient for growing onions, spinach, lettuce, basil.

It is not difficult to assemble and correctly install a hydroponic plant with your own hands. There are many useful tips and diagrams for their installation on the Internet.

Hydroponics is a convenient and economical system for growing many types of greenery


Greenhouse racks are a way to optimize your interior space as much as possible. With multi-tiered structures, it is convenient to water, harvest, and mount lighting. They do not have to be purchased ready-made. The structures are made of wood, aluminum profiles, metal fittings, strong metal mesh.

Irrigation system

The cheapest ways are hand watering cans (if you have a small area) or watering cans for a water supply hose. A more expensive and complicated method is the installation of an automatic irrigation system, as well as a fogging system.

Economical and convenient technology - installation of drip irrigation. Its advantages: reduction in water consumption, constant supply of plants with the volume of liquid they need, reduction of manual labor in watering, do-it-yourself installation from improvised elements.

What else?

Additionally you will need:

  • thermometer for temperature control;
  • tanks for settling plants, boxes and containers for planting, harvesting;
  • containers for storing seeds;
  • feeding;
  • a set of tools for loosening, fertilizing the soil;
  • packaging for collected products.

Where to start - step by step instructions

If you intend to turn green growing into serious business, register with the tax office. For work, it will be enough for you to open an individual entrepreneur, providing a copy of your passport, pension insurance card and a receipt for payment of state duty.

When registering, indicate OKVED 12.1 (growing vegetables) or 12.2 (entrepreneurship in agriculture). For taxation, the preferred system of unified agricultural tax is 6%. Having all the documents on hand, you will not have to pay a fine and be afraid of a tax audit.

In the OKPD classifier, your products are listed under code 01.13.19 (1) - salad green vegetable crops or (2) - leafy and other stem vegetables.

Now we will analyze each stage of establishing our own production.

Step 1. Rent or purchase of land

It is better to buy land. So you will dispose of it at your discretion. You do not have to pay monthly rent or fear that the landlord will express dissatisfaction with your activities, terminate the contract and give the land to another farmer.

On your territory, you can not only grow greens or other vegetables, but also do green tourism or open a small store of eco-friendly goods.

Step 2. Installation of the greenhouse

To build a greenhouse, they use polycarbonate, plastic wrap, and a metal frame. A more expensive option is wooden glazed structures.

When assembling the greenhouse, do not forget about the foundation. It will protect against rodents and pests, as well as from soil freezing in winter.

Step 3. Hardware installation

Installation of equipment for irrigation and heating of the greenhouse is carried out before the installation of racks and sowing of seeds. Also, a lighting system is installed before sowing.

A large greenhouse requires a forced ventilation system. For a small greenhouse, normal ventilation is sufficient. The design should include vents and two doors for air circulation.

Step 4. Purchase of seedlings

To start, you need seed. These are onion bulbs, seedlings (basil, spinach). Over time, you will be able to grow the seedlings yourself.

For the first batch of greens and work out the technological process, purchase seedlings from enterprises that grow greenery on an industrial scale. You will get advice from them or "peep" some of the production features that will be useful to you.

Step 5. Soil preparation and planting

The soil in the beds must be thoroughly loosened, fed and moistened. Planting seeds and seedlings strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the characteristics of each species.

Do not try to win in the number of plants by planting them as close to each other as possible. This will leave them no room for growth. Lettuce leaves, spinach, and onion feathers will be small and weak.

Is it worth investing in such a business - reviews of businessmen

A table comparing different ways of earning will help you decide which type of business is better to invest in:

Business type Dignity disadvantages
Growing greenery indoors
  • Minimum costs;
  • Growing takes place all year;
  • The ability to analyze and study the market;
  • Minimal risks;
  • Profitable home business.
  • The volume of products depends on the space;
  • Poor product quality;
  • The room can be damaged due to dampness.
Open ground
  • Minimum costs;
  • Good product quality;
  • It is possible to easily change the sowing area from medium to high volume.
  • Seasonality of pricing (much cheaper in summer than in winter);
  • Part-time employment per year;
  • Shipping costs.
Growing in a greenhouse
  • The cultivation process takes a whole year;
  • Medium quality greens;
  • Large volume of products.
  • Significant investment;
  • Costs for light, heating, etc .;
  • Fare;
  • Dependence on the location of the greenhouse, climate;
  • Not all plant species grow well indoors.
Growing in a garage
  • Year-round cultivation;
  • Average cost of starting a business;
  • Convenient location;
  • Minimal risks.
  • Lighting and the creation of beds will require large investments;
  • Low product quality;
  • Small volume of goods.

Experienced entrepreneurs say that the income from greenery depends on the volume of products grown. The method of trading also depends on this. If you have a lot of products, you have a private entrepreneur, offer your goods to shopping centers, supermarkets, restaurants, establish sales in local vegetable markets.

There was a demand for agricultural products under all circumstances. Recently, urban residents have an increased need for high-quality natural products grown in the garden. In this regard, an increasing number of future entrepreneurs who are fond of gardening in everyday life are interested in the opportunity to grow greens for sale. As a business, this type of activity does not require large costs and is characterized by high profitability. Where to start and how to succeed in this area - we learn from the business plan.

Business registration

Growing greenery and other crops on your own personal plot is not a commercial activity, and therefore does not require registration. As well as distributing the crop among relatives and friends.

But if a future entrepreneur is interested in greens as a business, and he plans to grow agricultural products in large volumes for sale, then he will need a documentary substantiation of the legality of his activities. First of all, it is the registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Unified agricultural tax with a rate of 6% can be chosen as the taxation system.

Room selection

So, an entrepreneur officially has the right to run a business on greenery, more precisely on its cultivation and sale. Where to start activities? Experts advise to determine the main location for doing business. In this case, the following options exist:

  • growing greenery in a greenhouse;
  • in the apartment;
  • on a site in open ground;
  • in the garage.

Let's take a closer look at each of them:

Growing greens in a greenhouse

This method will help prevent unforeseen circumstances in the form of capricious weather and thereby preserve the harvest. How to grow greens in a greenhouse all year round? The business of an entrepreneur living in the northern regions of the country will not justify the costs of utilities used for lighting and heating plants. If an entrepreneur lives in the southern regions of the country, then he can expect to receive a harvest throughout the year.

In the apartment

An apartment can significantly limit the expected income, since the living space of the average resident of the country is unlikely to provide a separate room for growing greenery. If there are no other options, you can use window sills, a balcony, hanging pots, seedling boxes and other means in the apartment.

Location on

The plot allows you to grow more greenery than in an apartment or greenhouse. Ideally, this option can be an addition to the first two - in the summer, an entrepreneur can move his business to open ground. Such a decision would be advisable for the reason that in the summer the cost of greenery falls, and in order to protect against losses, it is necessary to increase the volume of the enterprise.

In the garage

The garage can be an alternative to a greenhouse or apartment. This will require additional costs for lighting and heating.


Selling greenery as a business requires a slightly wider range of equipment than meets the eye. In addition to the standard set of gardening tools, the entrepreneur will need to purchase:

  • Insulation - for growing greenery in the garage. Styrofoam, flexible insulation, reflective foil and other materials will do.
  • Greenhouses ... The stores sell ready-made designs. You can also assemble your greenhouse yourself from foil and suitable materials for flexible supports. Another option is to make a custom-made greenhouse. Thus, you can get a completely ready-made area for planting greenery, "turnkey", with the necessary equipment for heating, irrigation and lighting. A foil greenhouse will cost less, but will not last as long as a glass structure.
  • Racks - for the harvested crop. Shelves can be used in the apartment in order to obtain a larger usable area - they can be placed on containers for growing greenery.
  • Lighting (fluorescent lamps) and heaters - for growing greenery in the garage or greenhouse.
  • Irrigation system (at first, you can do with a watering can or any other convenient container).
  • Priming .
  • Seed material .
  • Fertilizers, means of pest control, feeding and so on.


Let us consider in more detail the types of soil and seed. There are 7 main types of soil used in the green business:

  • Ordinary soil ... This option is considered the most budgetary, since if you have a summer cottage, it does not require any costs (if you do not have to purchase the plot itself). It is customary to add fertilizers and fertilizers to the natural soil, which are necessary for the comfortable growth of crops.
  • Sawdust ... This type of soil has a number of advantages: sawdust prevents decay of greenery and the appearance of foreign odors, does not require special care, and is cheap. Greens grow quickly and abundantly in sawdust.
  • Gravel ... The main advantages are breathability and practicality. Gravel is relatively inexpensive, but requires additional effort to moisturize the plants, since it practically does not retain water.
  • Coconut fiber ... A versatile and highly environmentally friendly material that will last as long as possible. The disadvantages include the high cost.
  • Hydrogel ... A modern invention in the form of moisture-retaining granules. Plants practically do not require watering, the material is harmless and breathable. To be used commercially and on a large scale, it will be expensive.
  • Hydroponics ... A specialized system designed for growing plants, including without soil as such, on nutrient mixtures and water. There is a wide range of hydroponic systems, which differ in the chosen material for growing (expanded clay, hay, crushed stone, vermiculite), as well as the scale of production. In the absence of serious start-up capital, the task of creating a hydroponic system with your own hands is quite feasible.

Seed material

There are several varieties of seed, each of which may become preferable depending on the growing area:

  • Seeds ... The classic option, which involves a longer amount of time between planting and harvesting;
  • Distillation ... With the help of sowing bulbs, you can get fresh herbs quickly enough and without problems;
  • Seedling ... The purchase of seedlings requires increased costs. Self-cultivation will take longer to harvest;
  • Extended germination ... Those who take their business to their dacha in the summer can dig the plants out of the ground by winter and move them back to the premises.


Selling greenery can be profitable and easy for a beginner. This is due to the possibility of minimum costs at the start, the ease of the process. Greens are unpretentious, and the organization of a greenhouse or home garden does not require special skills. The main thing is to decide on the type of plants from which an entrepreneur will open his business in greenery. Where to start for a beginner who does not have much experience and skills as a gardener?

The most unpretentious plants:

  • Green onions ... Does not require special care, brings up to 2 harvests per month
  • Dill ... The most unpretentious culture that rarely gets sick and is not afraid of pests. It does not require the purchase of seeds in the future, as they are used from the harvested crop. The term for receiving fresh herbs for sale is from 40 to 50 days;
  • Parsley ... The varieties "Curly", "Urozhainaya", "Prima" are distinguished by an abundance of harvest and early maturity - a month after the emergence of shoots. Requires abundant watering, maintaining a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius. When planting with seeds, it makes it possible to harvest for more than a year, while it is necessary to feed the plants after each cut;
  • Cilantro ... The care is similar to that of parsley. The term for harvesting is from 3 weeks after the first shoots;
  • Salad ... It stands out for its profitability, which is explained by high demand and cost. Leafy lettuce requires more complex care. Watercress is unpretentious and early ripening;
  • Celery ... There are several types - leaf, petiolate or root. Resistant to cold weather, while growing for a long time.

Sales market

The organization of a quality sales market is an important task for those who plan to grow greens for sale. Plants are not able to maintain their presentation for a long time and are a perishable product. An entrepreneur needs regular customers:

  • wholesale food and vegetable bases;
  • shops and supermarkets;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • markets and vegetable stalls.

You can sell greens on the market yourself, but it is much more convenient and profitable to conclude an agreement with wholesalers. They will buy plants at a lower price, but by self-delivery. This will eliminate additional costs for transport and packaging, as well as save the entrepreneur's personal time.


If necessary, the owner is able to independently cope with all the tasks of the business. He will have to plant the planting material, and then carry out the necessary actions to take care of the greenery - weeding, watering, fertilizing, controlling lighting and temperature.

If the volume of production is impressive, you should attract assistants. This business does not require professional skills and education, therefore it can be family-owned.

Costs and return on investment

For an approximate calculation of costs and profits, an example in the form of a business on growing green onions in an apartment is suitable. When calculating, the consumption of 10 kilograms of seed per square meter is assumed if there is 30 square meters of usable area. Capital expenses for setting up a business:

Table. Capital investments

The business owner will have to pay the following monthly expenses:

Table. Monthly investments

One square meter usually yields at least ten kilograms of harvest. About 600 kg are released per month. Based on the wholesale cost of a kilogram of green onions - from 70 to 80 rubles per kilogram - we get income in the amount of 45,000 rubles. After deducting expenses, the net profit is about 36,000 rubles. Thus, the business can pay off after the first month of work. The profitability of a green business reaches 500%.

The difficult financial situation in the country made it necessary to pay attention to agriculture. This is not only a way to feed a family, but also to earn money. Professional training requires serious financial investments, as well as experience and relevant skills. Therefore, growing greenery is considered an easy way to make money.

This type of activity is attractive because it requires relatively small financial investments. Entrepreneurs who have shared their personal experience in business in greenery claim that 65% can be achieved already at the start. The organization of a greenhouse on a small plot of land allows you to generate income all year round.

A green business is more profitable than growing vegetables and fruits, since these crops require significant labor and time. The profitability of this type of activity is ensured by the low cost of planting materials. The first batch of goods is usually ready in 40 days, while, according to experts, up to 4 kg of products can be obtained from one square meter.

This type of business is also supported by its relevance. A fragrant bunch of greens is appropriate in the kitchen all year round. The abundance of catering establishments and the ready-made kitchen sector in grocery stores only plays into the hands of entrepreneurs.

In total, the business of growing greenery has a number of advantages, thanks to which it is the most preferred way for those who want to earn money from cultivating the land. Business on greenery requires little investment, works all year round, quickly and is always in demand.

Work plan

When thinking about a business for growing greenery, it is important to determine the scale of the activity and the goal. Some grow for their own needs, and only the surplus is sent for sale.

If there is land, then it remains to invest in the construction of a greenhouse, the purchase of planting material and fertilizers. It is impossible to reach the level of the main income, but the investments will pay off, and there is always fresh, environmentally friendly greens on the table. If there is a lot of land, then more investments will be required. Depending on the climatic zone, the work may be seasonal.

Growing and forcing green onions

The popularity of green onion cultivation is due to the unpretentiousness of the culture. It soon grows even on its own, and even more so using all kinds of modern technologies. In the warm season, there is no shortage of it, but in the cold season, demand remains as high, which affects the cost.

Growing green onions is easier to turn into, but you have to take into account all the subtleties and pitfalls. If you grow onions in large quantities, it is best to aim for year-round work. In the summer it can be planted in the field, and for the winter period you will have to organize greenhouses. In some cases, it is more profitable not to build, but to rent sites from farms. For growing onions, it is better to choose a plot with an area of ​​20 acres. In the spring, when the frost has passed, the onions are planted with seeds.

It is important to take into account that onion seeds are different for the head and for greens. From foreign suppliers, Japanese and Dutch cultures are often preferred. It is more profitable to purchase planting material from the manufacturer or to buy it in bulk. Thus, seeds can cost from 2 to 5 rubles per kg.

Bulbs are usually planted for the winter. This shortens the growing season, and the finished product has good taste.

Those who intend to build a greenhouse should pay attention to modern materials. It is better to use polycarbonate instead of traditional glass, as it is cheaper and better at retaining heat.

The climatic conditions of the region make significant adjustments to productivity. To minimize losses, you will have to use chemical protection, fertilizers and chemicals. This helps to increase yields and create a presentable appearance.

Own production of green onions requires storage for the goods. For 100 sq. m of soil will have to organize a storage place up to 30 sq. m. Large production facilities are hiring industrial premises. If in winter, an area of ​​up to 600 square meters is allocated for cultivation. m, then you will need the equipment of instantaneous water heaters for thermal irrigation, as well as lifts and ovens for heating.

For greater efficiency, purchased humus is more often used with included fertilizers and dressings. Lighting can be provided with fluorescent lamps, as well as ultraviolet lamps. Only in the presence of all these conditions can high quality green onions be grown all year round.

Useful area of ​​80 sq. m gives in the region of 400 kg of feathers. can cost from 10 to 60 rubles. It takes up to 21 days to grow onions. The process can be accelerated in half using aeroponics technology. However, the cost will cost up to 4 thousand rubles per sq. m, and it will pay off for several years. Aeroponic systems are recommended for use in large production areas.

The organization of a greenhouse business begins with determining:

  • what to grow
  • where to sell
  • what type of building to do

This business area is constantly changing, new technologies appear, equipment becomes more expensive, so it is important to keep track of current processes all the time, and draw up a detailed business plan before starting work.

After assessing the general situation in the region in the greenhouse business, it is important to determine for yourself whether it will be a seasonal or permanent type of business. For the seasonal, the use of ordinary farm devices is suitable; for the year-round, you will need to equip industrial ones, with heating and lighting.

Even before starting work, it is important to think over sales routes and establish links with wholesalers, if you do not intend to sell products on your own in the market.

In the case of the construction of a year-round greenhouse, you will have to obtain project documentation for it, including external networks. The document stipulates the specification for all equipment. Thus, you can find out exactly what the equipment will cost.

It is necessary to indicate where the greenhouse is located, what area it occupies and what exactly will grow there. You will also have to indicate the method of growing, be it hydroponics or aeroponics. You should also roughly know the amount of harvest per square meter per year, and the prospective buyers.

Thinking over the purpose of a business project, it is important to take into account the demand in the nearest settlements. The ability to sell products in nearby cities is significantly reduced.

According to the recommendations of experts, the cost of launching a greenhouse economy will also have to be calculated at the beginning. All expenses should be included in the total result: from the purchase of equipment and seeds, to production costs. They inevitably happen, since all the nuances still cannot be foreseen, which means, according to experts, they must calculate the possible costs before the first income.

Entrepreneurs who have organized a greenhouse business recommend assessing the technical side of production before starting work. To do this, it is important to consider the degree of distance between communications and the proposed construction site of the greenhouse. All pipes will have to be pulled out at their own expense, so it is better to include the expense in the estimate.

It is necessary to find a place for the greenhouse, where it will be easy to organize access roads. Experts recommend or buy, although in this case it may be more profitable to purchase prefabricated greenhouses, with which you can move to any place if necessary.

When organizing heating, you should pay attention to the newest technology, since it can be effective, and in this case you will have to get rid of the old one. Experts also recommend postponing a certain amount for the introduction of new technologies that may appear after production is launched. Such a measure will make it possible to compete until the greenhouse pays for itself.

Crop types and profitability

Since different types of greens are tasty and healthy seasoning, they are always in great demand. Greens are included in the traditional dishes of almost all peoples of the country, so they are always in demand:

  • parsley
  • Dill
  • spinach

These crops tolerate low temperatures typical of most regions of the country, which implies sowing them in open ground. Most often, parsley is grown from seeds. The technology is quite simple, it involves keeping the planting material in a humid environment for five days, and after germination is transferred to a colder room. There they have to spend another week.

After planting, they germinate faster and tolerate temperature changes better. According to the sowing rate for 10 sq. m requires up to 20 grams. Stacked at an obtuse angle to a shallow depth. The distance between the seeds is up to 5 cm. After planting, it is necessary to water abundantly, and the soil should be compacted.

With the organization of proper care, up to 6 kg can grow per square meter. In the cold season, a kilogram of parsley can be obtained from 180 rubles.

Dill is a little harder to grow. It is planted in beds in the furrows laid in advance. Seeds are spread to a depth of three centimeters. The seeding density corresponds to parsley, and tolerates temperature extremes worse. Below 15C it may not withstand. However, the harvest is rich. In winter, regardless of the region of sale, you can get from 200 rubles per kg.

Spinach can be planted in early spring. It is not recommended to put seeds deeper than one and a half centimeters. The first crop appears in a month. Resistance to extremes makes it possible to grow until autumn.

The business of growing greenery involves picking up early-maturing and hardy varieties. If different crops are grown at the same time, the seeding order must be observed.

Underwater rocks

According to experts, based on personal experience, green business should be done in the southern regions of the country. Climatic conditions in other regions and territories require the creation of special conditions, which in turn entails significant material investments. The construction of capital greenhouses involves the laying of heating and lighting, which will be required more in the winter. In this case, regardless of the scale, the costs will not pay off.

Before starting a green business, you will have to find a sales market, and in order to reduce transportation costs, it is better to find clients in the nearest settlement.

Write your question in the form below

I also started growing greens in a greenhouse for myself and my family, then I liked this business and I turned it into a small business, the income is small, but it's still nice that I earn.

To answer

Yes, growing greenery is not a bad business and you can earn extra money on it during the season, but you need to take into account that this will require efforts and costs, you cannot grow a lot without chemicals, and there should be a sales market.

To answer