Gosloto 7 of 49 Check by number. When it is seven

Gosloto 7 of 49 Check by number. When it is seven

Hello, respected lottery players Gosloto 7 of 49!

Circulation 3206 by ticket or dropped combination on our portal site. You can get acquainted with the results and outcome of the draw on 06/29/2016 in half an hour after the circulation.

The results of the circulation № 3206, June 29, 2016 at 22:35

A grand event is approaching, which happens only several times a year. You probably have already guessed that it will be about the distribution siety of the Gosloto Lottery 7 of 49, which will take place at 22 hours 35 minutes Moscow time June 29, 2016. In the Lottery Gosloto 7 of 49 in 3206, the accumulated superprise in the amount of 27,825,974 rubles will be played, which will be added to the main prize fund. We pay attention, the circulation will be distributed in the event that no one can guess all 7 numbers. In the history of the game, the super prize was not able to get anyone.

The prize fund will be distributed as follows:

  • for 3 guessed numbers - 150 rubles;
  • for 4 guessed numbers - 30-40%;
  • for 5 guessed numbers - 25-35%;
  • for 6 guessed numbers - 30-40%.

And the millionaires will be those who will manage to guess 6 numbers of the winning combination. If you are with us before the circulation, add the page to the bookmarks of your browser.

Gosloto 7 of 49

"Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "- a circulation lottery, the drawing of which goes six times a day. The minimum guaranteed super prize is 250,000,000 rubles.
The Lottery "Gosloto" 7 of 49 "can be purchased on the territory of the Russian Federation. The Gosloto lottery can purchase anyone who can use one of the following ways: through the official website of Stoloto, through the Stoloto's mobile application, through the mobile version of the site, with the help of SMS, in retail outlets, in lottery kiosks.
"Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "is a lottery that gives you a chance to become richer every day. To become a winner, it is necessary to guess the 7 numbers from 49. The winning are also considered to be those tickets in which 3, 4, 5, 6 numbers out of 49 are also considered.
According to the rules of the game Lottery "Gosloto" 7 of 49 "you must fill out the playing field. In total, there are six playing fields in the lottery ticket. The playing field consists of 49 digits located in order from 1 to 49. To fill the playing field, you need to choose different 7 numeric values \u200b\u200bas desired, that is, come up with a gaming combination.
If you want to increase your chances of winning, then you can make a deployed bet. The deployed rate begins from 8 game combinations. You should also understand that together with an increase in chances for a victory, you also increase the amount of potential winnings, and this will increase the rate.

Cost rate

Playing online in "Gosloto" 7 of 49 "You can note up to 15 numbers in one game field on the site, and this is 6435 game combinations. If you have a paper ticket, you can note up to 16 numbers, and this is 11,440 game combinations.
You can check the lottery ticket "Gosloto" 7 of 49 "on the site, at the points of their distribution, or by calling.

Ways to verify the results

At www.stologoto.ru you can check the ticket "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "by two simple ways: by ticket number, according to the winning combination of circulation.
During the check of the lottery by the ticket number you do not have to wait long. It is enough to specify in the corresponding fields the starting circulation number and the ticket number. After entering this information, you need to click on the "Check" button.

Checking the ticket by its number

If you are not enough just to check the ticket, you also want to find out what a good combination has become in a certain checking lottery "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "on a gaming combination, you just need to know the number of the starting circulation and the invented prize combination.
Checking lottery tickets online, you save your free time. And to check the ticket online, you will not need to undergo the registration process, this information on the site is provided to any player and absolutely free.

When you hear how someone managed to disrupt a huge kush in the lottery, unwittingly begin to represent what you did, we will be in my pocket.

Dream well, but it is better to act to appear a chance to replenish the lists of the winners. Lottery tickets are inexpensive, and each of them is the ability to get rich.

State Lotto 7 of 49 is held by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation since 2014. Daily draws (6 times). The rates stop accepting 20 minutes before the circulation.

Run and buy somewhere tickets do not need. For fans of lotteries, the official website for online participation in the lotto was opened.

How to participate in Gosloto 7 out of 49 online?

If you read our articles about other lotteries (for example, Pro), then there will be no problems for sure. It is carried out exactly as well. First register on the site with lottery (), then you choose the lottery and fill the numbers in the ticket:

The rules are simple, it is necessary to choose 7 any numbers, and all of them 49. Ticket price 40 rublesBut it will be more if you select additional numbers, install a multiplier or decide to buy several tickets at once.

To the right of the field with numbers is a form of payment:

Super prize for the last circulation 7 out of 49 no one won, so it reached 100 million rubles. Perhaps one person will receive it, for this you need to guess all the selected numbers.

If only 3 digits coincides, the winnings are 100 rubles, in other cases the winners receive a part in the percentage of the total amount:

For example, the organizers have collected 1,000,000 rubles from tickets. In this case, they distribute 400 thousand between those who guess 7 numbers, 200 thousand on tickets with 6 adhered figures, 150 and 250 thousand participants guessing 4 and 5 digits.

As for the super prize, it is divided between people who guess all winning numbers. If they do not turn out, the money goes to another circulation 7 out of 49.

Where to check the circulation 7 out of 49?

By buying a ticket through the site, it is not necessary to check anything. When you go to your personal account, immediately see the purchased tickets and, if some of them turn out to be a winning, the amount will be written to the right:

Through the site of the column published archives of editions 7 out of 49, as well as a special feature of receiving tickets is available on it. On the main page, you will see a Lotto List, and at the bottom of each block there are links to go to the archive 7 of 49 or checking the ticket:

The archive simply publishes winning numbers, the exact amount of winning to find out will not work. It is much easier to check 7 out of 49 in the second way. Open the "Check Ticket" enter its number and circulation.

The combination check is available here:

Specify the numbers from your ticket, the circulation in it is also specified. Check 7 out of 49 takes a couple of minutes. You will immediately see if you managed to win and what amount:

Archive Circulation of Gosloto 7 of 49 is convenient to check and using a mobile application. Load it from the official site, you can also buy tickets, while in any corner of the world:

The number of Winners of Gosloto 7 out of 49 increases every day. Of course, not everyone managed to win millions, but even a few hundred thousand rubles enough to invest and secure a reliable future somewhere:

Try good luck, small winnings are paid in retail points, for large sums will have to go to the main office. This is not a problem, because you will have a happy ticket and soon, you will become much richer.

If others manage to win, then why not use such a chance? The lottery is carried out by the state, full transparency and honesty guaranteed. With the receipt of winnings, also does not arise problems.

I advise you to visit the following pages:

Search by: years:
When clicking on this sample, a list of editions of the circulation appears. Click on the year interesting to us and in the table of the results below we will see all the circulations for this year:

Search by: dates:
When clicking on this sample, two windows will appear to indicate the intervals of the dates of the circulation.
In the first window - "C:" fit or insert the date, starting with which you would like to see the circulation, in the second - "by:" enter or insert the date that the circulations will be turned on in the results table below.
In the first window, we specify an earlier date, and in the second - a later date of the campaigns of the Gosloto Stoloto.

Search by: Tray:
When clicking on this sample, two windows will appear to indicate the interval of circulation.
In the first window - "From:" enter the circulation, starting from which you would like to see the results, in the second - "before:" fit the circulation to which the search results will be turned on in the circulation table below.
In the first window, we indicate earlier circulation in time, and in the second - a later circulation of the game Gosloto Stoloto.
If the windows remain empty, then the entire archive of circulation is shown for all the time of the game.

To distribute the number of combinations not in the order of loss during the circulation, but ascending, you need to put a tick next to the phrase - Rooms - ascending.

To highlight the numbers you want to see and track their movement from the circulation in circulation, enter or insert them in the windows next to the phrase - View numbers.

If you want to insert in the backlight windows of the combination number of the last circulation, then click on the button - the last circulation,
You can also generate and insert a combination by pressing the button to generate.

Description of additional columns in the circuit archive table.

Column Thought Shows the number of velocity numbers dropped in a certain combination.
Column Odd Shows the number, respectively, the odd numbers of the dropped in a certain combination.
In column Amount of numbers The sum of all numbers of a certain combination is calculated and highlighted.
For example, an archive of 5 out of 36, circulation No. 7240, rooms: 34, 09, 12, 21, 30. We fold and obtain the amount of numbers 34 + 9 + 12 + 21 + 30 \u003d 106.
And finally the last columns 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-36 for archive 5 of 36,
1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-45 for archive 6 of 45,
1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-49 for archive 7 of 49
Show how many rooms included in a certain tens of rooms.
Consider this on the example of the numbers of the same circulation No. 7240, the combination: 34 09 12 21 30.
In column 1-10 falls 1 number - 9,
The 11-20 column also falls 1 number - 12,
The column 21-30 already falls 2 numbers - 21 and 30
The column 31-36 falls 1 number - 34.

The State Sport Lottery JSC holds a lot of excellent lotteries, but even among them the lottery "7 out of 49" is something special. Judge for yourself:

  • prizes are distributed daily;
  • the number of draws per day - 6;
  • the minimum sum of the super prize is 10,000,000 rubles!

No reason not to participate! Now let's tell you what is needed for this.

In the era of wireless Internet and other benefits of some kiosks, a list of places where you can buy a ticket "Gosloto" 7 out of 49, "is not limited to (however, they are there). Other ways to become the owner of a cherished ticket:

  • website lotopobeda.ru;
  • app for a smartphone;
  • partner sites;
  • SMS with the text "749" to number 9999;
  • "Baltbet", "Balt Lotto", "Russian Post", specialized kiosks, etc.

Of the 6 fields, called the first 6 letters of Cyrillic, you can fill everything out at once, one, two - how much you want. Select 7 of 49 numbers (without repeats!) For each field. There are a couple of additional options: for example, you can mark the number of editions in the specialist, if you want to participate immediately in several (maximum - 20), or to give everything into cases of the case, specifying "automatically" in a ticket from the retail point and "accidentally" / "even Numbers »/" Odd numbers "in the ticket on the site. And do not forget to keep the receipt, if you have made a purchase not on the Internet.

Watchfully share the secrets of improving the chances of winning! First, in each of the fields you can choose more than 7 numbers. On the site - up to 14, in the paper version - up to 16. Secondly, follow the news of the Lotto "7 of 49": here the so-called distribution circuits are regularly held, in which the super prize is divided into all winners.

"Gosloto" 7 of 49 ": check the ticket

The circulation is held at 12:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30, 21:30 and 23:30 in Moscow, sales are closed 20 minutes before the specified time. Lothotron issues a 7-digit combination at which the winners are determined. You can find out if you are one of them in different ways:

  • live broadcast on the site lotopobeda.ru;
  • in a mobile application;
  • at sales points;
  • by phone +7 499 27-027-27 and * 777.


If you have coincided from 3 numbers, more likely check with this list:

  • 3 numbers - 125 rubles;
  • 4 - 25% of the remaining prize fund;
  • 5 - 15%;
  • 6 - 20%;
  • 7 - 40%.

For the expanded rate, the conditions are special: calculated how many groups of 7 groups in it; For each, the winnings are determined, and they all are summed up.

Keep in mind that on the telephone numbers listed above, you can not only check the ticket "7 out of 49" by number, but also to find out how to pick up your prize, clarify the details you are interested in and ask questions about the draw.

How to pick up the prize

By tradition, the action of the winner depend on the size of the winnings:

  • up to 2 000 rubles - at sales points;
  • up to 100 000 rubles - in the "Stoloto" wallet or at sales points;
  • from 100,000 rubles - transfer to the personal account;
  • over 1 000 000 rubles - without a personal visit to the office.

After it remains only to pay the tax (13% for citizens of the Russian Federation and 30% - for all others) - and everything, you can decide where to spend a pleasant monetary bonus. We wish you good luck!