The battle of psychics is myth or reality. "Battle of Psychics" - a false "divorce" or a pure truth? The use of candles by psychics in prayer, in ritual, ritual

The battle of psychics is myth or reality. "Battle of Psychics" - a false "divorce" or a pure truth? The use of candles by psychics in prayer, in ritual, ritual

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Everyone knows that reality TV is not really reality. They consist of a pre-written script, specially invited participants, provoking conflicts of conditions and - like the icing on the cake - competent editing. All this turns the ordinary life of the contestants into a real series, from which millions of viewers cannot tear themselves away.

site decided to check what exactly was fake in 12 of the most popular reality shows. We must admit that the result was surprising: 3 programs unexpectedly turned out to be true.

Car for pumping

"Wheelbarrow to Pump" is the coolest reality show of the 2000s, where the guys converted old cars into fantastic cars with TVs in the cabin and huge speakers in the trunk. But in 2015, the Huffington Post interviewed former project participants, and it turned out that not everything was as rosy as on TV.

  • The vehicles remained in the transmission hangars for about six months, not a couple of weeks, as we were shown.
  • Pumped just for show: firstly, only externally, without affecting the internal details, and secondly, most of the cool gadgets were removed from the car immediately after filming (mainly due to safety rules, since you put the monitor on the doorknob to watch a movie when you open door - you know).
  • Rusted car, parts falling off - many of these problems were invented by the producers at the very beginning to heighten the wow effect at the end.
  • Stories, of course, were also pumped at times.

“I know I'm pretty fat, but then they went too far. According to the plot, sweets were scattered everywhere in the cabin of my car, supposedly in case I got hungry. But I never had candy in my car, it was made especially for the show. As a result, a cotton candy machine was installed in my trunk. I think they liked the idea and just used the fat guy to bring it to life. "

Seth Martino
  • The final was often re-filmed with the phrase: “Well, we tried. Come on, show us more emotions. "
  • The only thing that all participants noted with sincere warmth, is the host of Xzibit. As one participant recalls: "He was always relaxed, cheerful and easy-going."

Bachelor / The Bachelor

  • First, selection: some of the girls are invited for ratings, for example, famous models or bloggers. Another part is non-standard types: unusual nationality, profession, extravagant image, difficult fate, etc.

“I didn’t pass the casting for The Bachelor, because they told me that, firstly, I’m not good enough, and most importantly, my biography is not so interesting.”

Anonymous contributor on Reddit
  • Filming takes place 24 hours a day, so a lot remains off the air. The material is compiled in a way that is beneficial for a more conflicting or dramatic plot.

“During my post-flight interview, the producer asked me, 'Do you miss your family?' The fact is that I have lost my family. I burst into tears. After that, they asked me what I felt about the "bachelor", and during the editing they framed my crying to this question. It turned out as if I was crying because the hero did not choose me. "

Jamie Otis, member of the American "Bachelor"

“My friend's sister went quite far in one of the seasons. She said that the producers are almost completely adjusting the show, and she went on the show just for the free travel. "

Bsatts, Reddit

The Last Hero / Survivor

Agree, "The Last Hero" seems the most real and organic compared to other shows. This is true. But there are also some nuances:

  • As the participants said, the producers often talked with them before the vote, discussing and proposing hypothetical scenarios for the scenario: “What if such a player leaves today? And if I say so? " These questions generated thoughts in the minds of the contestants and sometimes forced them to make a different decision. This is manipulation, but, on the other hand, it is not a direct intervention.
  • The film crew helped the players, but everything was limited to reports that the operator had borrowed a lighter (but later in the program they showed that the fire was produced thanks to glasses and the sun's rays) or the journalist shared a toffee. This is maximum.
  • As for the theories about the hotel, in which the participants actually live, and in front of the cameras pretend to be Aborigines, the hotel really was. But only for the film crew and usually on a neighboring island. Only 5 people were on the scene with the teams: 2 operators, 2 journalists and a doctor.

Conclusion: Judging by the stories of all the former participants and organizers, the show was real and difficult, as the producers adhered to very strict protocols. This can be confirmed by the fact that many heroes are losing weight.

The Voice

« It's just that people who sing well are not the criteria that will make a show rating. It's no secret that "The Voice" is a version of the Dutch project The Voice. Initially, they also noted that this is a project about emotions. Therefore, extraordinary and interesting people are necessarily selected for the participants: one is a singing plumber, the second has an incredible non-standard timbre, the third is a crazy deputy assistant, the fourth is a rocker with dreadlocks, the fifth is engaged exclusively in academic vocals ... "

Evgeny Orlov, music editor of the Russian project

“My friend did not pass the blind audition on the Voice. He wanted to sing a certain song, but NBC had no rights to it, so they asked him to perform another song, which, frankly, did not fit his vocal abilities at all. The judges announced to him that the song was too ambitious. Unsurprisingly, the show is very successful, as NBC can do it the way they want it. "

heatsensitive, reddit

And a little about mentors. If you've always wondered how such sought-after stars can devote so much time to a show, here's the answer:

“We only worked with our mentors a few times, and the rest of the time we were on our own, and, of course, to the vocal teachers and producers.”

Ddendyl hoyt

Fashionable verdict

One of the participants in the show (the cute girl in the photo above) spoke about her Fashion Sentence. We present you an extract from the description: “I decided to participate out of my love of adventure and, what can I hide, love for freebies (the winning set remains with the hero of the program). I have a lot of clothes, I have never had any problems, including those with male attention. But the organizers asked me to come up with some kind of legend. I contacted my dad, and we decided that he would accuse me of an infantile wardrobe.

I was asked to bring at least 50 items to the studio, of which the worst third was eventually posted for analysis on the air. Before filming, stylists dressed me for about 7-8 hours: the image was selected for me in the mass market like Zara, H&M, etc., they did not ask my opinion, they did not pay attention to the convenience and quality. Moreover, the purchased things were sewn under me. When I asked: “What if it’s not the choice of stylists that wins, are you going to return the clothes that have been taken to the stores?” - I was told that the choice of stylists would win. I chose things for my own image in the TV program warehouse. They turned out to be really amazing: quality, choice, and brands. Chic!

The shooting itself took place in a pleasant atmosphere, the hosts and guests were very nice. We supported the previously agreed-upon legend, about the choice of stylists and make-up artists, I expressed everything I wanted (however, a lot was then cut out). The choice of stylists won, and I went home with sewn-in synthetic clothes. "

America's top model

The most unusual thing about this program is its host Tyra Banks. Let's talk about what she achieved with her show, which every girl taller than 175 cm previously dreamed of.

“My sister participated in the 12th season. Tyra humiliated her in first gear, but after filming she came up and made a speech with an apology and explanations like "This is show business, you know." The sister also said that all the staff hate Tyra because of these emotional outbursts. "


“The thing is, nobody wants to perceive us as serious models. I'm sure the show turned the process of becoming a top model into some kind of farce, producing 3 seasons a year and coming up with challenges like posing on a roller coaster. "

Carey English, Season 7 Winner

And it really is: the show of one of the most famous top models in the world failed to create America's next top model. Of the 24 seasons, only 3 participants made it to fame: Caridy English, who became the speaker of the National Psoriasis Foundation; Yaya DaCosta, who played Whitney Houston in the series of the same name, and Analee Tipton, who also became a Hollywood actress. Not a single high-profile modeling career.

“I know that in“ Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? ”They get money, it's true: the amount of the winnings minus the tax. If it were all bullshit, the show wouldn't last that long. When a participant comes up to a large amount, the editors call the manager and consult, to bring down the player or give him a chance to earn everything. "

Liza Maltseva, TV and radio journalist

“To get to the show, you have to take a test. We had regulars - people who took this test 30 times, but never passed.

Once a friend of my father auditioned for a game. He was a smart man, but he didn't pass the test, and he quarreled with my father about it. It is constantly observed here that most people are not able to accept the fact of their failure.

We often have guests. For example, basketball player Charles Barkley and director Spike Lee accidentally destroyed the dressing room. And Tyra Banks was just a bitch. "

TheNotorious HAM, worked as a game assistant

Take It Off Immediately / What Not to Wear

“They really took all my things and handed them over to the Red Cross. The only thing I was able to persuade to leave a couple of my things - they belonged to my grandmother. "

Erock346, Reddit

“The money on the card is really COMPLETELY yours. The only thing is, you have to pay tax on this amount. But, in theory, you can buy only one belt. You cannot be forced to spend the entire amount. And I was generally lucky, because one of the producers immediately warned me not to spend all the money, but to set aside the required amount for taxes.

And finally, the main waste that no one sees on the air. It lies in the fact that a fairly large part of your money goes to the tailor, through which all the purchased clothes pass through so that it will be on the air. You pay for this service from your own money for purchases. "

Joannati, member of the American project

Hell's Kitchen

The meaning of this reality show is simple: 2 teams of chefs compete with each other under the supervision of the infamous chef Gordon Ramsay in a tense atmosphere of his screams and harsh barbs.

Ordinary people take part there, but because of the pressure and "tricks" of the film crew, such as a planned change of ingredients, it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from the show. And judging by the words of one of the operators, all this is for real.

“The show is designed so that we don't have to come up with artificial performances. In addition, hardly any of the participants could convincingly play the script, because they are not actors, but cooks.

The trick is pretty simple: just send the guys to rest, toss some coal in the stove and enjoy the fireworks. "

John Douglas, operator

Kardashian family

The reality show that made the Kardashian-Jenner family the most famous in the world certainly has special secrets of success. Journalist Mariah Smith, in her analysis of one of the episodes, reveals the principles of assembling this show.

Let's take a closer look. Season 11 of The Great Chris has 3 storylines:

  • Planning for Chris Jenner's birthday.
  • Kim's birthday.
  • Overdose of Chloe's ex-husband - Lamar Odom.

These stories are built so that everything goes according to the best laws of drama, that is, with a set, development and culmination, but not necessarily in a real time order. The events combined into one series, logically, should take place at about the same time, in the same series they show (now there is a risk of confusion) how the guy Chris gives her a car for her birthday. But this scene was filmed in August, while Chris's birthday is in November.

It turns out that the August scene is not about the birthday at all and was included in this episode, simply because it strengthened the storyline. It turns out that life is life, and some episodes can be specially written / inserted by the scriptwriters for an impressive development of the plot lines of the series.

Britain's Psychic Challenge

Once it all started with the British show Britain's Psychic Challenge and spread all over the world. But psychics did not take root abroad, but in the former countries of the Soviet Union, the show won incredible ratings. Despite the secrecy of the entire project, for 18 seasons, no, no, and some details have leaked to the press. For example, that some mediums were filmed in serials before the show.

As the participants of the filming process comment on the show:

“I ended up in the office of the agency“ Battle of Psychics ”through HeadHunter. They needed a plot producer - a person who had to find a topic, get in touch with real people and write a script for another plot based on them.

For the first topic, armed with a bottle of Hennessy and a box of expensive sweets, I went to the deputy head of the press service of the GUVD (I won't say which one) in order to get archival unsolved cases. Everything was supposed to be like clockwork: the GUVD - an open case (I doubted it, but they believed in the sincerity of my intentions), me - an excellent report.

So I went to the 1997 case about the disappearance of 4 girls in the Ramensky district of Moscow. Now imagine: it's 2010. You are a parent. They call you and say that we can help you find your girls. They call people who, 13 years later, have already resigned themselves that everything is over and that they need to try to forget everything and move on. And then a voice from the past.

I made one pass and left. I didn’t have enough nerves or conscience.

I will add that funny characters whose cats break dishes at night, the parrot opens and closes the cage himself, and in the absence of the owners he does atrocities, they are also real, just most of them want to be in the “box”. To look at yourself, to your neighbors to prove the truth of fairy tales. Or maybe they really do.

And about psychics: in fact, they are there, in this project. They are diluted with idiots and tyrants with tambourines. They dress them up just like that and make them look like clowns - sometimes the whole entourage is spelled out from the beginning. All the same, mysticism.

Mishell gauer

“In 2015, I decided to go to the final of the Battle of Psychics at the Stakheevsky mansion. The test results were announced only at 2 am, so until 4 am people were still on the site and were waiting for their idols. When the celebrities left, everyone started to disperse, including the guards, and one of them asked me for directions to the subway. We parted, but unexpectedly on the way towards the house we met again. I was terribly interested to ask him a couple of questions, and we struck up a conversation. He said that everything is not going according to the script, people with real problems, psychics also guess, but not as accurately as we are shown. Only hits on the target are left from the shooting of the tests, and the failures are cut out. And it's true that they take freaks and a couple of normal ones. He also confirmed that Pakhom came to PR, everyone in the film crew knew that, and, for example, Marilyn sometimes really surprises. "

Elizaveta Stepanova

“I studied at the Faculty of Journalism. Once a television producer came to our faculty and told us how to make a show. A week later, I saw this producer in the role of a medium on TNT in the program “Battle of Psychics”. ”

Alexey Dvornik, journalist

“I decided to go to the casting of the Battle of Psychics. I don't have any supernatural powers, I just really wanted to see how everything happens from the inside. (Read the whole story about casting.)

A week later, they called me, the conversation began with the phrase “Don't think we’re from TNT,” they invited me to talk. There they shared information that they work closely with the TNT casting group, but are not their representatives. They watched all the videos from the casting, and they liked me very much, asked if it would be interesting for me to go further. And for “modest” 10,000 rubles, they offered to go straight to the stage with guessing the person in the car, and this price also includes my own page on some esoteric site, reviews of “real” people and an interesting story of how I acquired the “gift”.

Why do some people need to PR on this show, you ask? Probably because then you can earn big money (for example,

5 February 2019, 12:29

Decent review with irecommend:
✔️ About the movie:
It is now in three series.
The first episode was filmed a long time ago, in 2017. The work on the second two parts took two years, and now, all those who did not have time to watch the recent broadcast on TV, can watch "going to hell" on YouTube. The film is there in good quality, absolutely free, there are no obstacles to viewing.

✔️ Lyrical digression about the show "Battle of Psychics"

Personally, I watched the Battle of Psychics. Curious, interesting, but I never went into details: is it all true or not, are there really psychics there, or are all scammers?
The case with one of the brightest participants in the show made me think - TATIANA LARINA

I also watched the "Battle of Psychics" with her participation, so I recognized her name in the news and had a general idea of ​​what was happening in her life. Knew she married Yulia Mitkevich, also a psychic whom she met on the set. And this summer, Tatyana Larina, as humiliated and insulted, came to Shepelev's show "Actually", where she talked about SUDDENLY I learned about her husband's infidelities, that all this time Julius was deceiving her, promising joint children, but in fact he used her money, arranged orgies, and in general, he is a schizophrenic, a drug addict and raises his hand to his wife.

I looked at all this with wide open eyes and did not understand what could have pushed a supposedly psychic woman to the whole country to admit her lack of visionary abilities and, one might say, sign her own inferiority as a magician, thereby putting an end to her career.

HOW IS IT AT ALL POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE COULD DECEIVE THE MEDIUM, the finalist of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics, in such a ballistic way ?!

But, after the divorce, Tatyana Larina, not at all embarrassed, continued to sell her services as a “shoemaker without boots”. Now on her official pages in social networks there are numbers by which the sufferers can contact the "magician" to solve their problems.

Now I'm going to the film.


This is exactly the series that impressed me the most. If I had started watching with episode 2, I would hardly have continued watching, limiting myself to it. And if with 3, then I would hardly even watch it to the end.

From the very first frames, this series is striking with cynicism on the part of all those who call themselves magicians. Presented are shots of filming with a hidden camera (therefore, the quality is appropriate), where the members of the film crew join the life of pseudo-magicians from the inside, getting a job in magic salons and call centers.

Here, one of the healers laughingly tells how a desperate client took her own life right in the session:

And this specialist tells about the "sweetest" clients: hopeless sick and single women and old people who do not have loved ones who can open their eyes:

Well, and the most vile type, bragging about how he personally robbed a woman without arms and legs:

Another specialist teaches how to properly talk with doubters:

And here is a very interesting story about the level of education of those to whom people trust their destinies.

Here it should have been written "The eldest daughter drinks, the middle daughter too":



At the beginning of the second series, already familiar to us MARAT BASHAROV claims that in the "Battle of Psychics" everything happens for real... It is very interesting to see how his expression changes after the announcement that the film crew personally intends to test the abilities of the participants in the battle. Impartially.

Anyway, after this episode, my neutral attitude towards this presenter was replaced by a squeamish one. He's disgusting. The way he gets out, trying to get away from direct questions, how he blames not psychics, but those who turned to them, is disgusting to watch ...

As for the tests that were asked to pass the participants, the famous task "find a man in the car" did not agree to pass without prompts, except for one - Ledeneva.

Yes, and he, I think, agreed to this because he knows from his own experience that trust in higher powers in people is indestructible, and no matter how disgraced he is in front of the camera by the lack of abilities (except for acting), this will not deprive him of earnings.

How this test ended for him - see the film.

I'll say one thing - it's pretty fun.

How much does he make accepting those in need? As the story progressed, I kept my calculations and quietly freaked out .. Basically, those in need are single women, childless, working in low-paid jobs.

So, 6-minute session will cost any person 17 thousand rubles.

And this seemingly cute person is never limited to one session. Realizing perfectly well that, for example, a modest teacher to pay for 20+ sessions, she will have to get into debt, which can only be paid off by a miracle or the available real estate, he goes to further deception until the “patient” is completely ruined. He accepts up to 30 people per day. Accordingly, his profit is 510,000 rubles. HALF MILLION PER DAY. And how the sessions go and what exactly he promises so that the fish does not jump off the hook - I highly recommend looking.


Now, in my opinion, it is more popular than Ledenev. It is considered the most powerful magician in the country. A representative of the film crew came and to her, having printed out photos of three prominent personalities: the president of one of the countries, a gigolo and a pedophile. Whom did Natalia advise as an ideal candidate for husbands - see for yourself. I will not disclose the intrigue)

Surprised so surprised. The fact is that this is the person whom I trusted during the battle, when I no longer trusted anyone. He acted as a kind of skeptic, sedate, respectful. But it turned out that under his leadership a sharashkin office was opened, where his wife is in charge of the main attraction - an apparatus for reading an aura, an aura camera.

At the moment of watching, I suddenly felt ashamed of myself and the fact that I had at least some drop of trust in this person. As it turned out, it was very in vain. On what principle the auracam works and why each person obtains different results is shown in great detail in the film "Going to Hell".

A rather impressive volume (the final part) of the program "Going to Hell" is dedicated to her. And this information became a real revelation for me. The fact is that Boris Sobolev is the last journalist who interviewed her.

O June before watching the film, I had enough fragmentary information, and did not have my own opinion on whether to trust her or not. After watching the film, everything fell into place. What I saw is more than enough to understand who she was and how to relate to her.

About communication with the Pope, Brezhnev, about her awards and how she, in front of witnesses - doctors, took on hopeless patients and how it all ended - everything is shown. From now on, I will pass all information about her through the prism of the facts obtained. And I recommend it to everyone)


This series, although interesting in its own way, is the least memorable to me. First - an independent examination of modern magicians who came from the "Battle of Psychics". Not as famous as Banteeva.

And then - the exposure of the psychics who made a splash during the Soviet era - Roza Kuleshova, Nina Kulagina. They returned a little to the most distant past and told how the famous mystical photographs were made ... that's, however, all.

I have nothing more to say. So that nothing hooks to the very heart. I would call this series the weakest of all in terms of the intensity of passions.

But in general, this is the trilogy that is worth watching, so as not to be fascinated by the miracles that the screen and the rumor of people who differ from the average only in their total lack of principle and willingness to do anything for money endows.

A shot from the first episode, which fully explains the attitude of healers towards people. As a consumable.

A former participant in the "Battle of Psychics" exposed the creators of the program. On condition of anonymity, he told the "360" TV channel how they asked him half a million rubles for reaching the final of the show. According to him, the deal was offered immediately after the signing of the document on non-disclosure of information.

Getting into the show guarantees good earnings in the future, says the channel's interlocutor. The average price tag for the services of former participants in the battle is 30 thousand rubles and more. Receptions of magicians and fortune tellers who did not appear in the program are cheaper.

Clients of various magicians are gullible and desperate people. They are ready to believe in anything, if only they were helped. And, of course, a psychic who demonstrated his supposedly abilities on television during the rating time for the whole country is more credible than the one who publishes an ad on the Internet. It is with this calculation that people who call themselves psychics go to fight for the title of magician from among magicians.

The same desperate people become the heroes of the show. Roman Ksenofontov, with the help of the program "Psychics are investigating", wanted to find his missing wife, but eventually lost his job, and his daughter was hounded at school. Psychics on camera accused him of the disappearance of his wife, the program was shown several times throughout the country. The viewer simply does not see that this is actually a staged show, says Roman's lawyer Alexander Chumakov:

“There is such a concept in the work of psychics as“ hot reading ”, when a person receives some information in advance and then it is broadcast as some kind of discovery. The psychics who worked on Roman's case did not report any information, except for the information that had been given to the journalists who had arrived in advance. Journalists arrive in one or two days, ask everything they can, down to what the injuries were, what the cars were, and then only this information "suddenly" as a revelation comes to psychics. Roman also hoped that all of a sudden these psychics really are worth something, mean something and that they will help. And he is an ideal accused: he had some kind of convictions, on the day of his wife's disappearance, they had a public fight. And he was shown on camera as a villain, that everything is because of him. "

Roman won the dispute with TNT. The court banned the broadcast with his participation for broadcasting and ordered the TV channel to pay only five thousand rubles in moral damage to the plaintiff, although he asked for 5 million.

In addition, the lawyer said that the services of psychics after participating in the show are much more expensive on the market than those of their non-promoted colleagues. The average price tag is 30 thousand rubles per session. The winner of the first season Natalya Vorotnikova takes more modestly - 10 thousand. Zulia Radjabova(second season) does not indicate a price tag. Apparently, it works by agreement. Some of her clients write in reviews that the cost of a session can reach 80 thousand rubles.

None of the former members spoke to Business FM. But the radio station managed to talk to the secretary of the fortune teller Victoria under the guise of an ordinary client:

Victoria takes on time. 30 minutes - 10 thousand rubles, an hour - 15 thousand rubles. This is fortune telling on tarot cards, on runes, by hand, clairvoyance. This is a consultation. If there is some kind of work, then Victoria looks, but it's all from 10 thousand. If you come again, the cost will not change with us.

Is there a guarantee - it will help, it won't help?

It depends on what you wanted, Victoria also does not do everything. She is not engaged in search, treatment.

If I am haunted by failure.

She can see from what it is karmic or someone is doing something. Cleaning Victoria costs 10 thousand rubles, you will not need to come. You leave your data, photos, Victoria cleans them. She makes amulets, they go to protection, to work, to business, to love. Amulets are made for the new moon, they also cost 10 thousand rubles.

But even those who take less and work with a low-income public are hooked on their services. Income is guaranteed, says a resident of Samara Daria, who herself faced psychic fraudsters and began to expose them:

“I called one woman, she already saw me on the phone a certain crown of celibacy. She said that I would never marry or give birth to children and I had to run to her for help. And by that time I already had a full-fledged family and a child. When I told her that she was cheating on me, she blocked me. Another psychic at first seemed normal, but she managed to get all the information out of me, and then she filed it as if she felt it all. She took a thousand rubles from me. "

Another bonus: after the show, psychics become TV stars, for example, they read horoscopes on the camera, and this ensures a high rating for TV channels.

The Russian show "Battle of Psychics" is a Russian adaptation of Britain's Psychic Challenge. There are similar shows in the USA, Israel and Australia, and they are very popular. But this is no longer magic, but the professionalism of the team.

Magician Namtar Enzigal was caught red-handed by Boris Sobolev

At the beginning of January at "Russia 1" the premiere of a series of films "Going to Hell" journalist Boris Sobolev, where the aura of mystery around Russian magicians and psychics was consistently and reasonably destroyed. They appeared as ordinary charlatans, feasting like vultures on human pain and weakness.

Sobolev's two-year work contained filming with a hidden camera of revelations from the mouths of the winners of the show. on TNT, the producers of this show, as well as other persons associated with this, as it turned out, put on stream by the business. The journalist interviewed the host of the TV show Marat Basharova, which appeared in a very unfavorable light. After hearing the accusations that there was a production in the show, Marat answered with a duty phrase about the heroes' genuine tears, but he could not find an answer when Sobolev caught the producers of leaking and selling these test participants. Marat said that he was offered a million in order to give one of the participants in the show the wrong hints, and also "joked" that the owners of the magic business should pay him interest.

Sobolev brought to light many stars of the mystical television program: Namtar Enzigal, Roman Fad, Mehdi Ebrahimi Wafa and many others. A storm has risen on the Web. Marat Basharov had to make a statement about the ill-fated films. The actor responded radically, saying that he did not know Sobolev, he had a conversation with another journalist, and all the interviews were forgery and telemetry.

Marat Basharov:

“I told you that there is no fraud or set-up in this. And you didn’t get my joke, like, I was paid a million dollars for what I suggested incorrectly. There is a contradiction within this joke that underlines the absurdity of the statement. Fools I called those who do not understand this. "Battle of Psychics" does not take bribes and does not sell tips. If you blame prove it. "

Sobolev in response posted on his YouTube channel sources of interviews, where it is clear that Basharov really talked with Sobolev.

Meanwhile, passions flare up on the Web: Internet magicians and healers of all stripes began to talk about what they saw in their own way. In the wake of the hype, many popular bloggers wrote down their reflections on the topic of extrasensory perception and the show "The Battle of Psychics", Boris Sobolev himself has already become the hero of several interviews. And the viewers even drew up a petition in which they demand to close the "Battle of psychics".

On the official page of the program on the Web, new comments are constantly appearing with requests to arrange a boycott of the TV show. People do not get tired of writing in Youtube:

“I want to thank all those who have been working on this project for 2 years (!) And personally Boris Sobolev for the work done! I am sincerely delighted with the thoroughness, impartiality and wit you have approached the matter. So all of them! Including Basharov and Safronov! (Oh, they were spinning like snakes in a frying pan!). Thanks to such investigations, faith in honest, incorruptible, true journalism still persists. Thanks! Bravo! P.S. It remains only to wish that this film was watched by as many people as possible who continue to believe all these "seers" and "healers" ";

“I would like to note the correct sarcastic and ironic presentation of this film, it turned out very charming. And this is coupled with the actual message, which is understandable to every sane person, but ignorant ones should familiarize themselves in order not to get trapped again. Bravo, Boris Sobolev, you and your team are great. It is a pity that this piece is rather an exception from the general content of this TV channel ”*.

At the moment, TNT is running the 19th season of the "Battle of Psychics" show.

And here is the article for 2017:

Mikhail Porechenkov: "They pay for tips"

Over the 10 years that "The Battle of Psychics" has been released, 17 seasons have already been filmed. Each of them had its own stars. Having become famous, the former participants in the battle earn a lot of money. One hour of their work costs an average of 15-40 thousand rubles.

The stream of magicians and witches does not dry out from season to season. Every participant is the second Wang and Nostradamus. And the audience is gnawing at the question: "Battle of psychics" - true or false?

The former host of the show, Mikhail Porechenkov, added fuel to the fire.

“I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-baldy, as they said in childhood. All lies! " - Michael arranged the exposure of the "Battle of psychics" on the air of "Nashe Radio".

Of course, I want to believe in a miracle, but how not to take for the truth the words of the person who hosted the show from the 1st to the 7th season. Porechenkov told what the "Battle of psychics" really is.

“At the beginning it was very interesting to work. We really believed, and then we understood the technology of work. There are people who suggest, who conclude contracts with them in advance. And when I realized that it was bringing money to someone, I left there. There were moments when the participants understood something. Although not one of the psychics withstood the test with which I came to them. "

How magicians work outside of the show

People talked about the fact that psychics pay for tips on the forums back in 2009:

“One of the participants in one of the battles is the sister of my friend. It's all true, not a production, not a show. But there are those who pay, and they are pulled, give the correct answers to the questions posed. "

“I know a psychic from the very first battle. The tasks are real, but the winners are really pulled and paid for. "

Someone tested the strength of the former participants in the battle on themselves.

“I went to see Zulia Radjabov (the winner of the 2nd season. - Editor’s note),” Alina writes. - I almost burst into tears with annoyance, since everything is by! And about me and about my family. I gave it back 95 thousand. ”


However, not everyone scolds psychics.

“I visited Natalia Vorotnikova (winner of the 1st season. - Ed.),” Writes a user under the nickname Wang. - He does not speak about the past, mainly about the future. At first I thought it was nonsense, but after four years, almost everything came true. And she herself spoke, did not ask anything. "

Julia Wang is a psychic, socialite, model, actress, singer, hairdresser, reincarnation of Goebbels. Winner of the "Battle of Psychics"

Julia carefully hides her age, but the public believed that she was definitely over 30. Recently, her real date of birth - October 29, 1981 - appeared on the Internet. It is impossible to consider it accurate, because sometimes others appear. For example, October 19 instead of 29, different years of birth - 1979, 1978 or 1988. In addition, Julia Wang's real name and surname are known. In fact her name is Yulia Vladimirovna Gavrikova.

The psychic declares that she was born in Germany. In fact, she is from a small village called Neklyudovo, Borsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Julia considers the spirit that initiated her into the secrets of life to be the real father. She mentioned that at the age of 12 she broke the head of the family with a brick due to domestic violence. Whether this is true is unknown.

Yulia Gavrikova began her modeling career at a young age, from the Nizhny Novgorod House of Models. In the 90s, when she turned 17, she left with her mother to conquer Moscow. Takes more suitable for a model who wants to achieve a lot, a pseudonym - Julia Wang. At the same time he is engaged in vocals. During a fleeting singing career, another pseudonym appeared - Flora. She achieved a certain popularity, performing in the capital's nightclubs until 2005.

Some oddities of Yulia Gavrikova deserve special attention. Her obsession with David Bowie has been going on since she was six. She believes that his texts are dedicated to her, he comes to her in dreams and astral from childhood. I am sure: true love between them. Screenshots of her correspondence with a person who wished to remain anonymous were recently released. On them you can read about her fanaticism about Bowie. An interesting fact - he beats the model in the astral plane. Wang calls the relationship with the "husband" torture. Perhaps these stories are a way to attract attention, because not only Julia Wang used such techniques. For example, Zhanna Aguzarova described emigration to America as an attempt to marry David.

The opinions of famous people about Julia Wang are often negative. Her ex-boyfriend, singer Danko, says that she is not a psychic, but an ordinary glamorous party girl, of which there are many. Alexander Gradsky forbade his son to communicate with her. TV presenter Ekaterina Gordon claims that he is going to sue the "Battle of Psychics" as a project in which her former hairdresser Julia Gavrikova is passed off as a clairvoyant.
Julia had to answer numerous questions about working as a hairdresser and Catherine. She claims that they are strangers: it's all about jealousy of her ex-husband, Wang's friend. And she was never interested in a career as a hairdresser.

Now Julia Wang looks like this. She does not lead receptions, but sells homemade dolls-avatars and spirits.

We need not only bread and circuses, but also a little bit of a fairy tale. And while there are still interruptions with bread and we are holding on here, there is no shortage of fairy tales. The TNT channel regularly shows a program that helps to believe simultaneously in magic, miracles, God, justice and just human happiness - "The Battle of Psychics". We figure out how the program is arranged, where the miracles come from and why the viewer is "glad to be deceived."

"The Battle of Psychics" is a TV show that, like many others, was invented by the British before the Russians. Programs of this kind are popular all over the planet. Britain's Psychic Challenge is shown in Great Britain, America's Psychic Challenge in America, Clairvoyance in Bulgaria, and Ekstra hiss in Azerbaijan. Even Mongolia has its own show - "Zun bilgiin tulaan" (Yandex.Translate calls it "emotional battle"). So we touch the paranormal that beckons us, but through the centimeter glass of the TV - in the end, the audience is in order, and the desires are satisfied.

Grandma and miracles

Sofia is a native Muscovite, she is seventy-six years old, she worked for thirty years at a radio engineering research institute, and is now retired. In recent years, she has been with her sick sister, who has recently died. Sofia spends her leisure time, like many other grandmothers - does household chores, and sometimes does nothing.

But she also watches TV, although not often.

“There is not even a specific program that I follow,” says Sofia. “Which one I get, I’m watching. I do not watch the "Battle of the psychics" regularly, but I still love this program. "

Sophia does not trust medicine: according to her, doctors have never been able to diagnose her correctly - unlike psychics.

Twenty-six years ago, Sofia first came to a psychic. Then she realized two things about the supernatural: firstly, it is interesting, and secondly, it works. Since then, Sofia has repeatedly gone to psychics with her sister. They were helped to solve health problems and personal difficulties. But Sophia does not trust medicine: according to her, doctors have never been able to diagnose her correctly - unlike psychics.

Sofia believes in "Battle". He says that there are real psychics there, although they are all a little dishonest: those who are decent will not seek fame - they will just do their job.

Psychic hairdresser and esoteric perfume

Julia Wang, the winner of the fifteenth season of "The Battle," in an outfit that looks like modern vampire vestments, walks through the cemetery. Off-screen voice: "Julia Wang does not yet know that she is approaching the grave, the plaque on which is covered with cloth." Another voice says that she does not know that there is a gallows in this grave. They greet her. She, in a voice tired of life, greets in response. She is asked to tell everything she feels about the deceased. Like an Alien sniffing before the attack, Julia turns her head and laments: "We did not ask permission from the cemetery." She sits down at the grave, lights a candle. At this moment, music plays, after which the dog of the Baskervilles should howl. Julia, with white hair like the witcher Geralt, begins to mutter something and call on some kind of mother. The psychic begins to sway, mutter more and more diligently, the camera approaches her face so that it can be seen with what difficulty it is given to her.

Like a ghost, Julia gets up and slowly moves towards the gallows' relatives. She looks at them intently, without blinking. And she says, says something that makes the young brunette cry - it looks like Julia is voicing the sad truth that the brunette was trying to forget. How does the psychic know the details of life and death that have nothing to do with her?

Radio host Katya Gordon would answer that this is just a hoax.

“She was my hairdresser. Believe me, she has no ability. Unless she was exorcising demons with perhydrol. "

“These participants in the Battle of Psychics are real charlatans. They are not psychics at all, ”she said to one yellow publication, which, in general, is not very decent to refer to.

Then Gordon said that she knew Julia before The Battle: “She was my hairdresser. Believe me, she has no ability. Unless she was exorcising demons with perhydrol. "

But we will not completely trust the ladies of society who can deceive us for the sake of gaining fame. However, this opinion is worth keeping in mind.

Wang nude as a fashion model and filmed in the series "All the men are good ...". Her fellow psychics - Vlad Kadoni, Georgy Malinovsky and Ventslav Vengrzhanovsky - participated in "House-2". In any way, these people were looking for an opportunity to become famous. And they got it by discovering "paranormal abilities" in themselves.

After the broadcast, the most talented participants lead receptions. Marilyn Kerro has a schedule busy clients for three months in advance. Alexander Sheps opened a shop and gives a magic seminar every two weeks. Julia Wang sells VKontakte perfume. Psychics charge tens of thousands of rubles for a meeting. Even an ordinary expert on the jury of "Battle", Mikhail Vinogradov, a psychiatrist, receives 15,000 rubles for an appointment - three to five times higher than the average psychiatrists in Moscow receive.

TNT on guard of the otherworldly

GITIS student Ksenia is hiding in the attic. This is not an episode of a Russian horror film, but the shooting of "Battle". The test for psychics is to find Xenia.

Swami Dashi, who discovered his gift after living in India for several years, enters the mansion where the filming is taking place. The presenter hands him Xenia's ring, and Swami asks for a few minutes: he needs to get ready. Suddenly, out of nowhere, bells appear in his hands - he gently strikes one against the other, and everyone is fascinatedly listening to how the otherworldly motor of Swami's superpowers is gaining momentum.

The clairvoyant looks back. Before him are the students of GITIS and the presenter. Swami approaches one of the students and gently asks, "Tell me right away or later?" Obviously, the conversation is personal. So psychics of "Battle" do often. Swami says that the guy was born correctly, to which he responds with satisfaction with frequent nods.

"My friend" found this scene strange, so we contacted a former student, now an actor, and talked about filming.

"I want it to be true, so I believe."

He said that he did not know by what parameters the students were selected for filming. It was just that the university administration chose them - and that was all. There was no agreement on where to hide. The students themselves chose which room to go to, and then the psychics actually looked for them.

“The shooting impressed me a lot because I was faced with the energy of extraordinarily strong people. For example, when Dashi looked at me, I sank directly into the floor. At the same time, I had a conversation with another psychic of the program, and he did not say anything sensible about me, ”says the interlocutor of“ Batenka ”, who wished to remain anonymous. - Everything that was said by psychics about the guys is all true. We were really crying for some things. The information that the psychics said was nowhere else to take. True, after the shooting, the guys and I discussed what information about us can be found on social networks, and one guy said that what they said about him was on Facebook. Truth or untruth is shown in the "Battle" - a matter of faith. I want it to be true, so I believe. "

After that, "Batenka", trying to understand how the transmission works, sent a request to the TNT press service. Here's what they answered:

“Participation in the program is free. Our team has been looking for psychics for a whole year - and having found, we still need to persuade them to participate in the project. You cannot buy participation or any place: we are only interested in the rating of the show, and for this we need real psychics. "The Battle of Psychics" has nothing to do with the esoteric business. Moreover: we advise viewers not to go to paid appointments with psychics.

Everything that happens on the screen is true. Of course, we use editing: out of thirty hours of filming, a half-hour test is broadcast. It looks more impressive on the screen due to the music and good editing work. In reality, everything is much slower and more boring.

We have no script. This is not a staged, but a real reality show. All its participants are real people with real problems, often with grief. We cannot make them cry or laugh. We do not control the actions and words of psychics, which is why we often have to shoot late, because they need a very long time to immerse themselves in the situation.

We never know who will win. We can only guess about it. Sometimes leaders are immediately visible, but they can change. Often a frontman has such outstanding talents that it can be predicted that he will at least make it to the finale. But the audience decides who wins by voting. We cannot falsify its results. And we have no benefit from the victory of this or that participant: we do not care who wins, the winner is always the favorite of the audience. So, for example, in the seventh season, we assumed that Ilona Novosyolova would win, and Aleksey Pokhabov won. In the sixteenth season, it was completely unclear whether Victoria Rydos or Marilyn Kerro would win - the gap was only a couple of percent of the audience votes.

After the end of the show, the only obligation of our participants is not to act in other projects for three years, since at this time there are reruns of the Battle of the Psychics. "

Kaldy Bulldogs and the Paranormal Scenario

Some argue that everything is a little different, as the press service of TNT says. For example, Mikhail Porechenkov, who was the host of the program for several years, said: “I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-baldy, as they said in childhood. All lies! Yes, completely. And what is there not to disclose? I speak the truth. Have I upset everyone? "

As serious people, we don't have enough "kaldy-baldy". We need proof that we are being deceived. Unfortunately, they are.

People turn to the channel with their real problems. They send letters to TNT, and the editors of the TV channel select those topics that will be of interest to the viewer.

“After receiving the letter,” explains Mikhail, “the answer comes to people in two months: during this time, you can learn everything about a person. We all have social networks - this is the main source from which you can learn a lot of things. Filming will begin two months after the agreement has been made. During this time, TNT editors travel and collect information, and then psychics look omniscient. They walk through the cemetery and supposedly cannot find their way, but they seem to be led out by an insight. Guys, in fact, the editor visited this cemetery a long time ago and chose the most ominous path to the desired grave, and the psychic just learned the way.

“What is the difference between Dom-2 and the Battle of Psychics? Practically nothing. "

One friend of mine was casting and approached by type. The producers offered her second place for 2,000,000 rubles. She did not have that kind of money, so the producers said that they could contribute money for her, and then she would work it out at receptions. That is, you work off your money - and only then you go into free swimming. There is a story about Mehdi, who tried to escape, but TNT employees stopped him in Sheremetyevo and returned him to the salon. The first place is more expensive: a few years ago it cost about 5,000,000 rubles. This is solved at the initial stage, and psychics are led to victory. "

If the shooting is about solving the problems of the heroes, says Mikhail, then psychics are one hundred percent prepared, they should not make mistakes, because people who leave the shooting must believe in what happened.

“My friends tried to convince me that everything is for real. I began to argue: well, after how long did they come to you for the shooting? After two months. Do you think they could not find out everything about you during this time? - Mikhail laughs. - What is the difference between Dom-2 and the Battle of Psychics? Virtually nothing. Both there and there should come people who know how to lie so that everyone would believe them. You can come up with any story for yourself, the main thing is to make it look realistic. Psychics don't get paid to fight. The main thing is fame and the audience, which in the future will be ready to pay tens of thousands of rubles for an admission. In "House-2" there is no clear script, where people come off, improvise - and earn money. Here are two differences from the "Battle of Psychics". Otherwise, everything is the same. "

The show "Battle of Psychics" is still a mystery to viewers. Many fans of the show doubt that real magicians, witches and shamans participate in the "Battle". Participant of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Sheps tried to dispel the myth that everything on the show is set up.

Not everyone believes that a person can have paranormal powers. According to Alexander Sheps, everything that happens on the set of the program is the real truth. But in order to finally debunk the rumor about staged tests and actors instead of psychics, he cited specific facts that cannot be argued with.

Alexander Sheps admitted that, passing the casting of the Battle of Psychics, he, like many viewers, thought that everything was going strictly according to the script, and that only those who could play their role well would get into the program.

In fact, the script for the show is based only on the test setting. And how psychics will behave is already pure improvisation. That is why the "Battle of Psychics" from year to year does not lose its popularity.

Another important confirmation that "Battle" is a real struggle of psychics - the heroes of the program. Alexander Sheps said that psychics investigate real events and communicate with real people who turned to the program for help.

Not every person who has had a grief will be able to tell the whole country about it; a good reason is needed for this. Such heroes have already come to the "Battle of Psychics" season 14. These are the relatives of the deceased hockey player Ruslan Saley from the Lokomotiv club, the parents of the tragically deceased boy from Dzerzhinsk, residents of a village near Moscow where an unclean spirit lived.

For all seasons, a large number of ordinary people who needed the help of psychics took part in the "Battle of Psychics". Alexander Sheps believes that the program would not be so interesting if the actors participated in it.

As for the psychics themselves, Alexander Sheps said one interesting thing about this. As it turned out, a large number of people come to the casting who claim to have paranormal powers. But only a few pass all the tests of the qualifying round. According to Sheps, out of 12 psychics, only half have successfully passed the qualifying round. Since the organizers had to recruit a certain number of participants, those who more or less coped with the tasks at the casting had to invite to the "Battle". Alexander Sheps did not disclose the names of those of his rivals who did not deserve to be on the show. But, as he argues, in the 14th season of "Battle" there are those who really have the right to call themselves psychic.

It is worth saying that over the six years of broadcasting, "The Battle of Psychics" is still popular on Russian television and is one of the most popular programs. For all the time, there was not a single proof that this show was a production. Psychics who have proven their paranormal abilities in the program still help people and actively develop their gift further. If you are interested in other secrets of the program, put and

27.10.2013 14:22

Participant of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Sheps was able to quickly win the favor of viewers. Many argue that ...

Surely, there are people in the world who have psychic abilities, but are there so many of them as participants in the "Battle"? Will Real Mediums Go To Television? At first, many people unconditionally believed that in the program real psychics show stunning results in a short time and in unfamiliar conditions. But then on TV and on the Internet, information began to appear exposing this TV show.

Bloopers are easy to spot with the naked eye even while watching a program - for example, when they cleanse the house of evil spirits or remove the celibacy crown and be sure to say after the ceremony that “everything is cleansed, all evil spirits are gone” or “the crown has been removed, you will soon meet your destiny”. But a new psychic comes along, and everything starts over again. Another psychic begins to "cleanse the aura" anew. And sometimes he even says that you need to meet later and carry out the ceremony. Probably because "psychics" came here to advertise themselves for their own benefit?

So, real people with real problems apply to the program in the hope of a miracle and that psychics will help them. But what happens next on the TV show? The editors of the TV program contact the applicants in order to conduct interviews, during which they extract as much information as possible, including personal, even intimate. Naive people themselves lay out everything on a silver platter to the editors. And this part of the job is obvious when you consider that editors need to assess the suitability of a story: no one on TV will work blindly without preparing a plot plan. And this requires the collection of information - not every story fits the format. You can also learn a lot about the life of the applicants from their pages on social networks and video blogs, because sometimes people do not even suspect how much information they leave about themselves on the Internet. But if there is not enough information, editors can interview relatives, friends, neighbors, in general, conduct their own investigation, even study the materials of criminal cases, which can be accessed by having contacts in the police. And as you know, law enforcement agencies work very closely with television workers. Based on the information obtained, a script is created that reflects the decision of the editors and the director, which psychic should merge what information. To summarize, the truth is that most of the work is done by editors and screenwriters, not psychics. The task of the latter is to arrange a spectacular performance that will impress the gullible and expecting a miracle guests.

Ex-host of the program Battle of Psychics Mikhail Porechenkov. Photo: TNT press service

For the sake of rating, PR go to any deception

For the creators of TV shows, all this is probably just a means to raise ratings, for psychics - to promote themselves and their services.

Let's look at some of the evidence supporting this theory. For example, one of the contestants of the TV show, a certain Kaya Solovyova from St. Petersburg (by the way, an ex-participant of "House-2"), who took part in the 5th season of "Battle" as a psychic, posted a revelation on the network, in which she wrote: when she passed two tests, she was offered to pay for further participation in the show. Moreover, two payment options were offered: either get tips for 50 thousand, or pay immediately for the first, second or third place. Kaya clarifies that the first place was worth 4 million rubles at that time.

And 22-year-old Dmitry, who participated in the 13th season of "Battle" as a guest, posted on the network a confession that he told all the information about himself to the editors (in the story with him, the clairvoyants had to guess which of the guests was an alcoholic) ... Dmitry really had alcohol addiction three years ago, and even drug coding did not work. All this "felt" psychics and told in front of the cameras. Dmitry, as the main character, was paid 25 thousand rubles for participation in the show, and the rest - non-main - heroes - 5 thousand each.

Swami Dashi Season 17 Winner... Photo: TNT press service

Stars reveal secrets

The filming of the 14th season featured singer Danko as a guest star, who brought his almost brand new Infiniti for a test. The participants needed to feel who the owner of the car was. “Each contestant walked around the car for about an hour and listed his versions of whose car it was: grandmothers, women, men ...” says the singer. - Then they called their occupation, and so on until the necessary set of words was found. And then a cut was made during the editing, and we got a full-fledged answer that hits right on the spot. "

Singer Danko... Photo: TNT press service

The well-known participant of the "Voice" show, singer Nargiz, who was a guest at the "Battle", in one of the TV interviews said that she regretted that she got involved in all this: “I was invited to participate. I played their game. After filming, of course, I sent them in three letters. It was a stupid and dishonest divorce. These people should stop deceiving other people. I can say for sure that I will not take part in programs of this kind, at least in this project ”.

By the way, the fact that the program is a staged show - with its own script, thoughtful plot and actors - was recently confirmed on the air of one of the radio stations by Mikhail Porechenkov, an actor and host of seven seasons of the Battle of Psychics.

Masha Gan, Tatiana Larina, Nargiz Zakirova and Natalia Banteeva... Photo: TNT press service

"Battle of psychics" - not harmless show

But the program "Battle of Psychics" is not as harmless as it seems. Take, for example, the sensational case of Victor Cohen. With his wife, there was a season 16 release. The most powerful witches from the show agreed that Victor was not to blame, that he did not commit the brutal murder of his ex-girlfriend Galina Kolyadzinskaya, for which he was sentenced to almost 10 years in a maximum security colony. In general, psychics told a version that is just a version of Tatiana herself and her convicted ex-husband. Subsequently, it turned out that at the time of filming, Tatiana was already living with another man, whom she soon married after her divorce from Victor. But psychics did not see this, but they prophesied a happy life for Victor and Tatiana. And after the broadcast of the TV show, two videos with interrogations by the investigator appeared on the network. On one of them, Victor himself, without pressure, calmly tells how he strangled Galina and how he got rid of the body. And in the second video, Tatyana confesses to the investigator that Victor himself told her about the murder of Galina and where he hid the corpse. That is, she knew everything perfectly, but on the TV show she just lied. From all the evidence of this murder, it is clear that Victor Cohen is indeed guilty and justly convicted. But thanks to the show, many began to justify the killer, dump his lawyer, sign petitions and demand a review of the case. This is how the program influences the minds of people.

We tried to tell you about how this program is being filmed, and it is up to you, the audience, to draw conclusions.

TV show co-host Vera Sotnikova (right) with a participant in the show
... Photo: TNT press service