The most excellent pairs of zodiac signs. Astrology compatibility: the happiest zodiac signs

The most excellent pairs of zodiac signs. Astrology compatibility: the happiest zodiac signs
The most excellent pairs of zodiac signs. Astrology compatibility: the happiest zodiac signs

Did you think how the characters of people are combined and what is needed to create a strong union? Astrology has its own eye on this score. With the help of a personal birthday card, which is a specialist for two different people, one can judge the psychological compatibility of partners.

Sometimes it happens that a quiet and calm person, being a long time with another person, becomes hot-tempered and rude. There are a lot of other examples when the individuals with pronounced destructive peasants change 180 degrees, becoming good and affectionate.

Compatibility of the horoscopes of men and women relies on a number of conditions. First of all, the nature of the zodiac is analyzed, the element to which the sign belongs. The same partner map is also considered.

Analysis of the cards of the people of one sex will also be quite informative. Have you ever thought, why do we choose certain people as a friend? For true friendship, which can last for many years, openness and selflessness are very important. You can say with confidence that many friends have most personal planets are in harmonious connections among themselves.

The partner compatibility horoscope helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Union as a whole and each representative separately. When a specialist analyzes the natal cards, it will become clear whether the combination of these two characters is possible. The card can shed light on the conflict of the parties, because when you meet people, people tend to demonstrate only positive features of their nature. Astrology will help to predict how harmonious will be partnership.

Of course, it is impossible to write off personal volitional qualities that a person produces throughout life. Suppose if a man's map is indicated on multipleness, but since childhood it was tuned to the irrevomination of family bonds, then he and in thoughts would not allow the destruction of the Union. Again, the Natal Map can be corrected using a potential partner card. There may be too strong connections between people who can overcome negative manifestations of individual nature.

Analysis of the signs of a horoscope for compatibility by year is called synastria. It will be a mistake to believe that this method works well only in the marital unions. Just most often the couples are resorted to it. However, it is successfully applied if you need to know how people are compatible in friendship, business. With his help, it is possible to understand how the characters of close relatives are combined, why there is a problem of parents and children.

We all closely interact with each other, one person has a greater influence, the other is smaller. When the personal planets of two people are poorly aspect, such an alliance will last long, even if this thought initially looks absurd. It is more difficult for the case in synastries, where a conflict start is clearly present. No need to think that intense aspects are so harmful to partners.

If the compatibility forecast is full of contradictions - do not hurry to put a cross on the union. There is a certain type of people, in whose natal maps a lot of tense aspects. As a rule, for normal life, they need to show more activity. They are obliged to drop energy so that it is not stored. In case of inaction, these people will receive more problems than benefits. If they met a partner with the same tense card, there will be a place and passion in their livelihood, and active pastime.

It should be understood, the perfect harmonious unions does not happen, otherwise such a life would resemble a swamp. There are no growth in such pairs, and a person should always have an incentive to develop a person.

Knowing the date and place of birth of partners, as well as the exact time, you can get a joint horoscope. Compatibility of the zodiac signs is based on a detailed analysis of the card elements. Approximate time of birth can give an error or completely distort the results of the work of the astrologer. Based on these data, the specialist will be able to conclusion about the prospects of the Union.

Perhaps you are the happiest!

Previously, the question "Who are you on the sign of the zodiac?" He was a stupid cliché and a bright phrase for a pickup, which never brings, writes URBO.

This is because the overall wisdom was that those who were born under certain star signs are more compatible with others.

Now this theory is mentioned less often, but the relevance did not lose, so we still picked up a list of the best couples.

These are the most combinations of zodiac signs for long and happy relationships:

Scorpio and cancer.

This passionate pair will create a balance between hard work and adventures. Scorpio will bring true loyalty to your life that cancer will be able to appreciate. Cancer will save emotions in relations and unpredictability.

Beware of some scorpions that may try to select what you own belong to you. When scorpions are "bad" tactics, they do not pay attention to how much your life works.

Some of the more dangerous scorpions can try to steal your partner, only to prove that they can!

Aries and twins.

This is another balanced steam. While Aries will demonstrate his dedication, the twins will be pretended to make the right decisions.

However, to get to the altar, you will have to work on the problems that pursue your signs. Sometimes Aries can be very impatient, it is worth paying attention to it.

Gemini sometimes pulls for a long time, which increases the impatience of Aries. If you are twins, turn on the "patience and determination" mode, and your novel will become incredible.

Sagittarius and lion.

These two were created for each other. Each of them can be a bit hot-tempered and reckless, but both of them are prone to positivity and kindness.

These mirror individuals can really eat apart. This fire can flare between these two hot signs (but it can be good, especially in the bedroom).

Relations can threaten the habit of Sagittarius not to see potential problems, until it was too late, and the lean is inclined to include the power "boss". Stay open and you will always be together.

Scales and Aries.

By the way about strong pairs! This tandem unites diplomacy and leadership. Both of these signs will work together, and can rely on the achievement of high personal, social and professional goals.

However, those who were born under the sign of Aries are not the best in planning. Do not let your impulsive threaten relationships with weights.

As for the scales, you follow your natural tendency to coquetry. Do not force the ravines to jealous.

Fish and scorpion.

Fish and scorpion go together as "Yin" and "Yang." While the fish can cool the relationship with restrained and sometimes ingenious behavior manners, Scorpio will give them tensions and passion. When these two are going together, they will definitely find a common language.

On the other hand, such a situation may occur, in which scorpions too much control the life of fish. Be careful, well explore your partner. The strategy is never excess.

Virgo and Aquarius.

Clean bliss watch this pair. Aquarius will constantly bring new ideas, and Virgo is to analyze, reflect on the smallest details while their partner proceeds to the next big idea.

These two complement each other in that when Aquarius suddenly wants to be alone, Virgo can fully immerse themselves in his thoughts.

Your main obstacle in relationships is the love of Aquarius to experiments and critical, the perfectionist nature of the Virgin. Learn to cooperate, and romance in the relationship is provided.

Aries and Capricorn.

This is another powerful pair; Both are ambitious and active, each of them brings their leadership style, helping each other to keep the Egor Ear.

Regardless of whether they want to arrange a party or conquer the world, if they decide to do it together, they will do it!

These amazing relationships may prevent periodic pessimistic reflections of Capricorn. If you are Aries, you just need to encourage your partner so that he continues to move back and up!

Fish and cancer.

Fish and Cancer Dress Passionate Couple. Cancer brings a new, romantic perspective, and fish will absorb her, respecting every gesture from his partner.

To get the most out of these relationships, fish will have to overcome the habit of keeping secrets from their second half.

Cancer must remember that it is not necessary to respond too much to complex situations. Learn to quietly solve problems together and your way to a happy life will be easier than you think.

Gemini and Virgo.

This pair is really good together. They together see all sides of the problem, which means they can break through all sorts of obstacles.

By combining your strength, they will be able to achieve incredible success.

When this couple arises a dispute, they can say a lot of superfluous, turning a minor conflict into a serious battle threatening relationships. Learn to exhale and settle everything in a peaceful way.

Capricorn and Aquarius.

This pair is an excellent combination of leader and thinker. One is developing a plan, while another actively implements it.

Unfortunately, the Capricorn and Aquarius are both a little depressive. Here's how to deal with it: you can work together, relying on your own experience to help your partner get out of the gloomy state.

Discuss your plans when you are both in a good mood to be ready to meet with depression fully arms.

Taurus and Virgo.

This is one of the most stable, long-term steam. Taurus is a delightful home man who would rather prefer to spend the evening with Netflix and a loved one than in the club. Virgo also prefers a quiet life.

This force is also their greatest potential weakness. Permanent intimacy can make you forget what it means to go out into the light, make new friends.

And when you finally decide to change a bit, one of the most unsuccessful qualities of Taurus can get out to the outside: a tendency to jealousy.

Sagittarius and Taurus.

Everyone knows that people born under the sign of Sagittarius love travel, adventure and freedom. Meanwhile, most people born under the sign of Taurus prefer comfort and silence. How can these two be an excellent pair, you ask?

This is a para-exception. Of all combinations of the zodiac signs, the connection between Sagittarius and Taurus is the most powerful.

Task Taurus - Give Full Freedom, in which it needs. Sagittarians need to remember how important it is the partner, and be grateful for such excellent relations.

Do not let sudden whim make you forget about who are next to you and that you have passed together.

Sympathy and understanding between two people are mainly dependent on zodiacal compatibility. Often precisely contrasting and, at first glance, people incompatible on energy and inner strength are attracted to each other, creating the most excellent couples among the signs of the zodiac.

Astrologers are confident that partners with the same zodiac signs are the happiest pairs. Such people are much faster and easier to understand the impulses of emotions or the change of the mood of another person. They are combined by similar dreams and views on life:

  1. Aries. Fiery sign will never be bored. A couple have a lot of plans as unforgettable spending their leisure.
  2. Tales. Trust these partners can only be envied.
  3. Twins. Non-permanent in aspirations and inattentive details, but create a strong union.
  4. Libra. Emotional support, harmony and suitable life priorities are the main conditions for excellent relations.
  5. Sagittarius. Quarrels are rare, since there is an understanding of the sharp change of desires and the goals of each other.
  6. Capricorn. Devoted teamwork in one direction. Veriousness in clarifications for the Capricors will definitely not need.
  7. Aquarius. So people will always be interested with each other. It is very good for them to achieve the high plank in the relationship.
  8. Fish. Related souls with a pronounced complementarity of each other.

Video "Ideal Zodiac Unions"

In this video, ideal pairs of zodiac signs are presented.

From his element

People from one element, but born under different signs of the zodiac, create the most ideal pairs. They become a role model. They are united by similar energy, but differ traits of character. In such unions there will always be harmony in views of life and general spheres of interest. Slightly different desires and aspirations for self-improvement will not be allowed to miss partners.

Other options

Sometimes absolutely different people create the best families in views of life. Such couples are called created for each other:

  1. Aries and twins. Without air there will be no fire - so you can characterize the attitude of these two people. They love an active lifestyle and always act at the same time.
  2. Aries and scales. They are incredibly developed by a sense of support, and life principles are largely intersect. Passion, attraction and thrust for adventure - that's what makes them an excellent pair.
  3. Aries and Virgo. The passion for the new sensations of the Aries will be clearly and in detail the Virgin. Together they will be able to achieve much.
  4. Taurus and fish. Non-standard and different attitude to life creates an excellent union of these two signs of the zodiac. Dreamy fish will be able to supplement the life of a realist of the Taurus, and together they will create a strong connection.
  5. Gemini and lion. This couple does not know boredom. Both are not paying attention to details, since their eyes are opening larger species.
  6. Gemini and Virgo. Deev will be difficult to overcome the non-permanent nature of the twins, but common aspirations will create a strong union.
  7. Twins and fish. Partners are different in the emotional plan: Pisces are guided by feelings, and the twins count all logically. However, when they find a common language, everything changes dramatically, and the horoscope already loses its significance.
  8. Lion and Virgo. Create a unique pair. The balance reigns here between the planning and the desire to achieve the goal.
  9. Lion and scales. Having achieved his own, they will definitely share success with their second half. Love for rivalry does not affect their relationship. Could and love to make the life of their beloved happier.
  10. Virgo and fish. Created one day the Union will become exemplary. Devotion in relationships does not require additional check.
  11. Virgo and Sagittarius. Sagittarius can always provide a girl with fun and will not dissolve, but the maiden will control all the actions of Sagittarius or lead them to a logical conclusion.
  12. Scales and fish. When one partner loses vital energy, the other immediately finds ways to support and restore it.
  13. Scorpio and Gemini. Near the twin scorpions can change their attitude to things, as well as life priorities.
  14. Capricorn and fish. Create strong and long relationships. In his partner, they will find what they themselves are missing.

The best unions

As noted above, couples from one element of the star promise a long and happy life. Inscript interest in each other will always be supported by the eternal forces of fire, water, air and land. From the corresponding values \u200b\u200bin the table you can learn about your pair.

Fiery couples

Signs of fiery element are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. This is emotionally strong partners with flaming fire in the souls:

  1. Aries and Sagittarius. Perfect fiery steam. In addition to love, there is a strong friendship. They understand each other with a half-sleep, and anyone, even a crazy idea will always support and bring to the end.
  2. Lion and Sagittarius. Very harmonious couple. If they are able to support fire in relationships, he will burn for a very long time.
  3. Aries and lion. People under these signs will be good together, because they are not only partners, but also excellent friends. New plans and desire will always be supported.


The signs of water elements include fish, scorpion and cancer. Born under these signs - Nature Dreamy, they create the best creative combinations. Deep understanding of his beloved - a characteristic feature of watermarks:

  1. Cancer and fish. About this pair one can say that they do not break water. And, indeed, watermarks are similar to each other. These people will definitely unite the overall enthusiasm or they will be colleagues at work.
  2. Cancer and Scorpio. The strong relationships of these two characters are built on the feelings and inner world of the partner. They understand that the native man is located near them.
  3. Fish and scorpion. Such a harmonious pair may seem too ideal. At the intuitive level, they understand the partner and easily switch to other activities.

From the elements of the Earth

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn belong to the elements of the earth. They are stable in their choice and are able to surprise harmonious relationships. Make up the best unions:

  1. Taurus and Capricorn. In this pair, in addition to restless physical attraction to each other, loyalty and mutual interest are very well developed.
  2. Taurus and Virgo. Such different in our views, they at the same time have a beautiful balance of friendship, love and respect. Taurus perfectly adapts to the desire of the Virgin in planning everything to the smallest and incredible accuracy of actions. Earth elements contributes to the development of relations of these two partners.
  3. Virgo and Capricorn. Excreated people who know how to complete the work began. Pretty conservative in views, but trusting and opened before the partner, go through life in one direction.

Aerial combinations

The elements of air include signs of the zodiac twins, scales and aquarius. Create the best pairs among other zodiac compatibility:

  1. Gemini and scales. In priority, such a pair - self-development and new knowledge. The psychological aspect of the personality they put above all active classes. Such a union may seem boring for others, but loving partners do not particularly seek to stand out and demonstrate feelings.
  2. Gemini and Aquarius. The elements of the air inspires an unattricible desire to know new and experiment. They can easily change the mental types of leisure to the active rest.

Aquarius and scales. They know how to smooth out the corners in conflicts. Non-standard and comprehensive interests, new hobbies are the most important part of their lives.

Zodiac attraction is a huge force that is constantly growing and stronger when two elements come closer and look in one direction. The perfect union of two zodiac signs does not mean life without problems, but the stars will definitely help save relationships.

Everyone who is in finding the ideal relationship, the stars are recommended not to neglect their advice.

Ideal relationships for you are a balance between stability and adventures. The scales will help: it is with a representative of this sign of the zodiac, you can create a durable and very harmonious union. Well, if you are more interested in bunned sex, look for meetings with scorpion or fish.

You attract strong and independent personalities, which are a lot among the Aries. Your union will probably be reliable: I don't have to regret it. As for sex, the fish and cancer are your choice: they know how to make you feel in the seventh heaven.

You do not always know what exactly you need. Help to understand your desires will help the Sagittarius. And at the same time will show you what this adventure is and teaching to enjoy life every day. In bed, you are fine with Capricorn and Cancer. It seems that they know something about your secret sexual fantasies!

You need a partner on which you can rely in any situation. Meet, Capricorn: confident and reliable as a rock. Do not miss the chance to enter with him in serious and long-term relationships. Well, desperately flirting with Aquarius and scorpions: they will help you reveal sexuality.

You need a partner with whom you can share knowledge: in relationships you constantly need to learn something. But you yourself teach you like - this does not take away from Lviv. Curbed your dust can gentle aquarius. Yes, and knowledge of the most important issues has enough questions. The perfect sexual partner for you is fish: they know how to throw your passion into the fire with a pinch of your mysticism.

Things attract you, the essence of which you cannot explain. Scroppio will help to find the rapids: sexy, clockwork and passionate. With it, it is quite possible to build a serious relationship: you are able to pacify it. The energy of the Aries is capable of starting you, but on "long and happily" in such a union, it is not very necessary to count very much. Rather, it will be "bright and so that I remember."

But with you, you can have a very stable relationship with another: it will help you maintain balance. In addition, your views on the wonderful coincide, so you always have something to talk about. As for sex, look at the familiar toes: in bed you will understand each other with a semi-sucking.

You are a strong person, and you need a strong partner. Aries is an excellent option. You can easily find a common language, and you will never be bored in the company of each other. Twins can start you: you will enjoy their easy-natura and readiness for bold experiments.

You are so fountaining ideas and bold plans. Share your passion will be able to aquarity. They will appreciate your passion for travel and the ease with which you can break off. In general, an excellent union. Sexy racks are filled with you: in bed, they will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

Cancer is your bro. He will bring in your life those emotions that you, the main astrological control Frituit, sometimes it is so lacking. Perfect lover for you - Leo: Wait for the glow of passions and sparks from the eyes (in good sense).

Sold up your mysterious nature and understand what you really can lie. He will not encroach on your independence, and your overall desire to help people will only strengthen your union. If we talk about sex, then your ideal partner is Virgo: in bed you are on the same wave. Outside its limits - not always.

You need a lion: reliable, passionate and honest. With him you can at least in an expensive restaurant, even in intelligence. The best lover for fish is fish. No one better understand what you want, but he will definitely understand - and how!

This one of those ideal unions, which is capable of carrying love after years, provocations and tests, and remain the mounted elderly couple - a model of real love. Aries and Aquarius fit each other like puzzles. They equally feel peace, love freedom, adventure and know how to create novelty in relations. As a rule, the Union of these two characters is kept as much on love emotions as in a friendly mutual understanding and support. They do not bother each other, even if their relationships are in 24/7 format. Therefore, this union can often be found in one business space or in family business.

Aries + Sagittarius

This is not just a couple, but a "powder barrel" that explodes fireworks. They are filled with energy, adventurism, a childish enthusiasm union that can infect with his enthusiasm of all around. Many may seem that there are no romance in this relationship, and they simply agreed on the common interests of two dummy friends who can and shake, and to start a serious war against enemies. But this is a superficial vision. A pair of Aries and Sagittarius - Some of the few who manage to protect the romantic relationship from the destructive life and habits. However, they rarely demonstrate to a curious world.

Taurus + Cancer

These two signs have a relationship with mathematical accuracy. But there is no place of mercantility and the calculation. Their "Formula of Love" is created by heart. This is a very psychologically delicate and weighted union. Cancer-Family and sensual sign, not inclined to verified strategies. With this, the Taurus, in turn, lacks lightness and romance. The combination of two opposites and gives rise to the perfect union in which signs complement each other. Unconditional support allows them to form a solid foundation for harmonious relationships.

Taurus + Capricorn.

The ideal relationship of the Taurus and Capricorn hold on a strong passion and physical attraction. It is very united, and their love, like a good wine, over the years only fastens and becomes an intolerable force. They are as confident in each other, that with pride demonstrate their love, without fear of envy and provocations. Such "chemistry" does not have any other zodiacal steam. But the relatives of them are not only. In order not to take place with their characters, and no matter how much their personality broke their personality, each of the couple is confident that he got a true treasure.

Taurus + Deva.

Taurus and Virgo are two terrestrial (and very landed) sign that the sky has created specially for each other. And even if something hurts them to make lovelues with each other, they will be best friends. The Union of Virgin and Taurus is so practical, calm and balanced that it may seem to seem to be between them a mutually beneficial business contract is concluded, and not love. But this is an illusion. Both Virgo and Taurus consider love to be too intimate feeling, and they protect him from strangers, envy and gossip. Their attitude towards each other is very trembling and passionate, but they do not need witnesses with the "candle".

Gemini + Scales

These two air signs fully correspond to their elements and in the Union. They are above the "mundane", and both could not find happiness in low-lying feelings and primitive instincts. Their relationship is based on intelligence. The main erogenous zone of twins and scales sincerely consider the brain. Mind games excite the love in them is stronger than games of muscles or tempting forms. They rarely have misunderstandings and protracted conflicts. They know how to agree, and philosophical films can be removed on their intellectual clarification of relations.

Gemini + Aquarius

This couple is the most crazy zodiac coincidence. But their recklessness has a very positive color. They are Yin and Yang, the beginning and completeness, puzzles that always find each other. These two characters have more often, love happens at first glance. Couple does not spend precious time at courtship. They are so well known about each other, everything allows you to open the world together. Not the last role in their ideal alliance plays freedom and inherent in both signs. They know how to give each other confidential freedom, because they know that no one's ideal pair of them find.

Cancer + Scorpio

This pair has one for two. How it can beat in unison - a mystery for many. Two too diverse emotional and sensual man, according to the majority, should not fall in the Unified Union. But no! Perfectly converge. Scorpio is very carefully related to the injection of cancer nature, which is endowed with the talent harmonize the passionate nature of the scorpion. Their union is combined on the deepest levels, which is not given to everyone. This couple knows how to feel each other at a distance and understand without words.

Cancer + Fish

They say about this pair - "soul in the soul", and unfamiliar people often call them brother and sister, so together the years they have been doing similar in appearance, in habit and preferences. The union of these two watermarks is kept on intuitive perception of each other. The wife rarely asks her husband, so that he wanted today to dinner, and the husband - what decoration will make her happy. But not only their material tastes are similar. The sexual area of \u200b\u200bthis couple is in full harmony. They are aimed at the pleasure of a partner, know how to turn sex into art, giving aesthetics with erotic games.

Lion + Sagittarius

These signs of one element have a common nature - a fire that in the Unified Union forms a real fire. However, this is exactly the case when burning characters only strengthen relations. By their strength, they are able to feed each other, help and help out of the most difficult situation. But the lion and the Sagittarius are absolute not like-minded. Friends or accomplices. Each of them has its own area of \u200b\u200binterest, respecting the partner's hobbies. Such unconditional mutual understanding melts the hearts of even the most adamant skeptics.

Fish + Scorpion

There is a real karmic connection between these signs. Their acquaintance looks like an agreement that has occurred long before birth. The union of this couple, truly, was concluded in heaven, and on Earth they simply play relationships that are carefully rehearsed in previous lives. Their love is strong and goes smoothly. But even if the relationship of these two signs does not end in marriage, they still go through life together on other roles. Love between fish and scorpion is always based on intuition. And how otherwise, if their union is a meant sky?