Women's names are beautiful rare unusual. How to call a daughter: choose the strongest, beautiful and unusual name for the girl

Women's names are beautiful rare unusual. How to call a daughter: choose the strongest, beautiful and unusual name for the girl
Women's names are beautiful rare unusual. How to call a daughter: choose the strongest, beautiful and unusual name for the girl

Many names that we consider relatively relatives, in fact appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and most of them do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rites and the life of the ancient Slavs. Such names can be attributed: Dobroslava - sensible; Fun - mischievous, cheerful; Mstislava - Declaring; Snezhana - modest, tender.

Most Popular Modern Names for Girls

According to the statistics of the management of the registry office of Moscow, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alice, Elizabeth, Alexander, Daria. Therefore, if you are looking for beautiful and rare names for girls, pass by this list of 10 female names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the value of the female name. We are accustomed to believe in what you call the ship, so he sails. For example, if you want your girl in life with the winner, you can call her Victoria. But remember that this name is now very popular!

Here are some examples, what values \u200b\u200bare in female names.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means "blooming". In childhood, calm, mature, becomes decisive and stubborn. Never make rapid acts, knows how to find a common language with people.

Valeria translated from Latin means "strong, strong". It is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed fantasy and excellent shaped memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, economic and hospitable wife. Carefully approaches the choice of a professional area in which it will become a real specialist.

Dominica in Latin means "Mrs.". Girls with such name have intuition, man's manner lead and edit. Dominica is confident in himself and can bring to the end of the most impossible and difficult matter. The most prone to a senior position, even if it is associated with risk. It achieves success in painting, architecture, in the field of design and clothing modeling.

Rare Names for Girls

Statistics says that many parents seek to choose a child name that is not particularly popular. If you stick to the same looks, then I keep in mind that quite recently small Aurora, Lyubava, Lyia, Ustinya, Emily, Bozhen, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Spring, Malvina, Blancatra have already appeared.

People's names were always. But before, people realized that the name is not just the designation of any person so that it differs from others, and this is something connected with his life, character, fate.

In ancient times, such mass names were not today. Of course, you could always meet another person with the same name, but more often the name was made individually only to this person and was associated with certain events at his birth or time around him. Each name was unique and could mean anything. For example, the conditions in which the child was born ( Full moon, Bright asterisk etc.). Or how wanted to see a person his parents.

Later, the ancient Greeks became children to give the names of gods and heroes, not without reason, considering that the child would inherit their quality and fate. To give the name of God the child ancient people were afraid, so in the names they used the qualities of character inherent in any way. For example, Victor means the winner, and Maxim translates as the greatest. Mars wore a laurel branch on his head, therefore, the name of the Lavr appeared.

But some gave the real names of the gods. Many beautiful and unusual women's names are still very popular. For example: Muse, Aurora, Aphrodite, Maya. Later, this tradition was adopted by Christians, calling children in honor of their saints. Once, for a very long time, in Russia they gave names using the church calendar, in which the day corresponded to a specific name. Nowadays, this tradition is not very popular.

After the revolution in Russia, new names are acquired, which reflect the events that occur in the country. Most of all it touched the girls. Then they began to appear those names that today we call: female names are rare. In fact, this is the return of old traditions when the name, in any way, displayed what is happening around. They were called: Octobrine, idea etc. At the same time, those names enjoyed now appeared. For example, Lily (it looks like the Russian name Lydia), Ninel (Lenin on the contrary).

The most unusual female names received girls in Soviet years. For instance, Remier So the revolution of the world, well, about Spark Already nothing to say - in honor of the newspaper, etc.

In the last century, a fashion for foreign women's names appeared in our country. Then became popular Karins, Nelli, Snezhana, Marianines, Valeria and Margarita. Nowadays, the "ancient" names of Slavs were widely spread: Yaroslav, Lada, Miroslav, Vlad, Svetlana, Lyudmila. Beautiful and poetic such women's names like: Milawa, Belyan, Lyubava, Zhdan, Kupava, Fun, Rogunda, Borislav.

It so happened that each name was, a word or phrase from any language. Most of the names we use today came to us from Byzantium and Greece. Some were taken from other languages. But now these names are used not as words denoting something, but as their own name. That is, the child is given. The main thing is that it is beautiful and to the taste of parents. In the name, your own does not invest any deep meaning.

How often parents try to choose the original name for their baby. Our legislation today makes it possible to name your child anyone, even if the most unusual name. Landing your mood, parents can, sometimes, to call their children is even too extravagant.

This tradition and girls did not go around. Sometimes mom and dad use excessive fantasy. And often it turns out very original names. So original that it hardly believes how the girl was called. Unusual names are the result of an extraordinary thinking of adults.

For example, in the archives of the regulations it is that last year the names were the most popular: Viagra, Bath, Fighting, Trishka, Joy etc. Is the most original name of last year to universally, the name is Russia. Such names are rather unusual and not ordinary.

The most unusual female names are registered in Russia and at the beginning of the XXI century. Just then the names of a patriotic character began to appear. For example, Choose. Also famous for the female name Privatization.

And already completely extraordinary female name Medmia (In honor of Dmitry Medvedev).

The reason for choosing a child of an unusual name is often the desire of parents to make it special, not similar to others. Often such a name creates a child certain problems and complicates its relationship with peers.

Psychology experts are confident that the child, above all, should like his name himself. Awarding the baby with an unconventional name, Mom and Pope demonstrate all his uniqueness and, at the same time, separate him from peers. Not every child will be able to withstand the constant attention of society caused by an unusual name. Most children with parents with a very rich fantasy often try to get rid of their overly original name.

Although that we, in fact, we understand under the phrase "Unusual Women's Names". Those names that now seem unusual for us are, maybe someday for our descendants will be the most familiar and even banal. Think ourselves - once in ancient Greece and Rome names that we use now, were also considered for some strange.

But strange names can be just beautiful. Attract and excite the imagination such names as: Artemis, Aphrodite, Aurora all of them are goddesses and also the names of their names. The top ten leaders in the competition the most unusual female names in Russia are headed by: Russia, Queen, Moon, Milagres, Kalita. As well as Moyeni. and Artemis.

What should be in our understanding of the female name? Probably, first of all beautiful. After all, the very fact that this name will belong to the girl, imposes a huge responsibility on her parents.

The name of the girl should caress the hearing and disturb the imagination. It should attract to himself and be unforgettable. Someday, the little girl will grow up and turn into a beautiful girl, after meeting with which, young (or not very young), a person will repeat her name again and again. It will live in his heart and mind, constantly reciting the gentle image of his owner before his eyes. And let it be unusual or even the most unusual female name in the world. It will highlight it from the crowd.

But in no case, the name should not be the fruit of the perverted fantasy of her parents, fanatical adherents, any movement or religion. Because when the girl grows up and reveals, as a beautiful flower, it will not be obliged to carry someone else's cargo on his shoulders - the burden of their parents. She will choose his way. Hard or light. Straight or winding. Full secrets and mysteries or bright and open. But it will be her way. Not someone else, not presented, but her own who belongs only to her, like her name!

But still about Cinderella and Cap….

Beautiful female names necessarily conclude a certain riddle and mystery. They fill their owners with femininity, tenderness and wisdom.

Beautiful Russian names have different origins - Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic. Catholic names can be included in this list to which Russian parents also have interest. And although most of these names have an Orthodox analogue, focused on the sound in Russian, it does not prevent European names to appear in the lists of beautiful female names in young Russians.

Most Russian female names that are considered beautiful are also the most popular. In this list, in modern times, rare names are added, and foreign, some of which were initially given only by "their own" (Muslims, for example, or Jews). By origin, they cannot be called Russian, but recently they call Russian girls with such names (Maryam, Isline, Nicole). New trends make some adjustments to the list of sexual names for girls, but in general it remains unchanged for several years.

In Islam, the birth of a child is a sacred phenomenon, and Muslims are very responsible in choosing a name. Women's names among Muslims are designed to determine the main trait of man. For example, Jamil means "beautiful", and Asia is "naughty."

A large number of evidence in the Jewish is related to the Bible. To this day, these names have them in everyday life. Names that came from the Language "Yiddish" are considered to be the most beautiful Jewish names. An example may be a rather widespread raise (meaning "Rose") and a libe (translated as "beloved").

Recently, the Israelis and other Jews also pick up their girls and simply beautifully sound combinations. For this reason, quite unusual names that are not related to Jewish traditions appear. It is here that the abbreviated name can find independence: Estee in Jews can be a full-fledged name, while in Europe is a common affectionate appeal to Esther.

Modern beautiful female names

Modern names have a great variety. This is not only traditional (most often religious), but also completely new, sometimes invented, sometimes well forgotten old names. At the same time, it is impossible to say that the preferences of Europeans will be identical to the tastes of Russians or Asians. In Russia, many peoples of different cultures, religious denominations and historical roots, respectively, and a contemporary opinion about what names for girls will be considered modern and beautiful will not be at the same time.

There is a similar picture in Europe, in the USA, where various people live on a huge territory. And the list of beautiful female names of British will differ much from melodic Bulgarians or Swedes.

The most recognizable in the world can be called Italian female names ending with the endings "-A" and "-E". In modern Italy, Violetta and Lucretia names are very common.

In Spain, official names may consist of two names and surnames, but in fact girls are given as many names as their parents want. Mary, Carmen and Camilla are most popular in this country. Most Spanish names are connected with religion, as well as the Germans.

Today, the popularity of diminutive and abbreviated double names is growing in Germany. For example, Kate or Anna-Maria. One of the modern beautiful German names is the name of Mia, which appeared as a reduction from Maria, and actively became used in the past decades of the twentieth century. Since 2007, this name has been called an increasing amount of newborns, it is considered beautiful and doubling. Modern competitor for beauty - Hannah (Anna Annogue) - also fights for the love of German parents and is considered one of the most beautiful modern names in the world.

Beautiful Russian women names

Russian names enjoy a certain interest outside of their country. Many brief and affectionates in their homeland became full-fledged names abroad. Very "Russians", according to foreigners, Natasha's names, Tanya and Sasha now sound quite often with the American or Brazilian accent.

But in Russia itself, they are currently preferred to adhere to centuries-old traditions - they take Christian or Slavic names, although fashion trends are here. Modern Russian women's names include not only Orthodox, but also other - Catholic, Slavic, Roman. Although the people had no full-fledged names to the baptism of Russia, everyone was called nicknames.

Vintage Russian names are most often a description of the brightest feature of his owner, and they gave them a girl when she became a teenager, or rather for that time - suitable for future marriage. And they did not always become the decoration of the girl, sometimes it only emphasized her flaws or order of birth. Now, of course, such names are not at all used, and preference is given to the sonorous, beautiful Slavic names - Lyubava, Lada, Bogdan, Milena.

Modern beautiful Russian women names. All the greatest distribution currently among Russian women's names received Orthodox names. It is they who occupy the first lines of the rating of popularity among Russian names, as well as lines of rating beautiful female names. Anastasia, Catherine, Maria and Sophia firmly hold the upper positions, but are also less common, and sometimes even forgotten names for the past 50 years - Angelina, Veronica, Varvara and others.

The greatest variety of beautiful Russian female names can be found in millionic cities where various cultures come into contact. It is here that the difference between the super-modern and very old name is noticeable: everything seems so new that sometimes you do not understand - this is a tribute to fashion or the already determined trend of the old antiquity.

It is in big cities that this foreign name can sound like "Russian". The name of Christine was used in Catholic Europe, and its Orthodox analogue (Christine) is considered to be a remnant of past centuries in Russia and is almost never found anywhere. Currently, he has a chance - European analogue, Christina, began to conquer Russian hearts. The name of Alice of German origin, and now it is already in the 10th most popular and, apparently, the most beautiful names - after all, modern parents will not give their daughters ugly and scare up!

Russian names

The most beautiful female names

In world statistics, Anna firmly keeps the leadership position in the number of girls, girls and women who bear this name. In recent years, an at least the famous name of Maria comes to him on the heels, but so far can't move it from the pedestal. Based on this, the two names - Anna and Maria - can be considered the most beautiful modern women's names throughout the planet.

But do not think that now every second girl will be called this way. In various countries around the world, there is our own list of the most beautiful female names, most of which are very popular for their own country, although they do not always have a "native" origin. So, among Russians, English female names became very popular. In the list of the most popular British names there are names of Elizabeth, Ani, Louise. Slavic names in the past century were quite popular in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and since the end of the 80s of the last century, popularity and in Russia have gained popularity.

In Greece, women's names were chosen to protect them with the owner of the troubles and trouble. Greeks invented all new and new women's names. Our country from Greece came such names as Aphrodite, Aurora, Varvara.

The French give girls a few names. But all this combination is used only in official documents, and in the life of the Frenchwoman only one of them uses. By tradition, French girl names are given in honor of grandmothers on maternal and father's lines (for the first daughter), the second child is already referred to in honor of mothers. At present, this tradition is inflamed infrequently - in France in fashion "not French" names (more often English, American). Brief, formed from the full - theo, Loik, Sasha, Natasha, are also very popular and love among the French. The writing of the French female names changed - the ending "-A" (EVA instead of EVE, Celia instead of Celie), but no change appeared in Russian pronunciation. It is these names currently in France are considered the most beautiful.

In France, it is often possible to meet beautiful women's Muslim names, but still more among the Arabic inhabitants. A great popularity in this country enjoy borrowed foreign-language names, which are still among the French continue to be perceived as "foreign" - Karl, Axel, Lea, Lola.

Trades up the popularity trend in American names is quite difficult. They are very diverse in the US. There are even girls called in honor of any events or areas where they were born. American names are also for the most part have biblical origins. Americans have very independent tastes depending on the state, but several names shown in the table below are considered attractive female names among the Americans in almost any state.

Among the beautiful Japanese female names began to appear new, rumor similar to European, but which are recorded by hieroglyphs and do not depart from Japanese traditions. They began to be considered beautiful not only from the point of view of Europeans, but also from the point of view of the Japanese. Favorite names for Japanese are not identical Chinese, and are completely far from the preferences of the American or English girls.

Beautiful female Russian and foreign names

AustraliaAmelia, Charlotte, Olivia, Sofia, Ava, Chloe, Emily, Mia, Ruby, Grace
AzerbaijanAmina, Deniz, Gulnar, Maryam, Humar, Safura, Medina, Irada, Emin, Nargiz, Siad, Ferdi, Alnara
EnglandAmelia, Olivia, Lily, Ava, Isabella, Emily, Jessica, Sophie, Eva, Ella, Mia, Carolina, Charlotte, Ruby, Grace, Elizabeth
ArmeniaArmin, Astrik, Ermina, Garumba, Gayane, Sate, Leila, Karin, Naira, Ruzanne, Sophie, Shushan, ETER
BelarusKsenia, Sofia, Anna, Victoria, Milan, Ulyana, Kira, Maria, Anastasia, Daria, Arina, Alice
BulgariaBozhana, Darina, Syyan, Spark, Angela, Bovidar, Yuna, Militsa, Leia, Elena, Wanda, Alexander, Paradise
BrazilLetia, Amanda, Maria, Gabriela, Bianca, Luana, Ana, Vitoria, Isabella, Marianna, Larissa, Beatriz
GermanyHannah, Mia, Lea, Lina, Emily, Louise, Amelie, Johanna, Lara, Maya, Sarah, Clara
GeorgiaAliko, Nelli, Sofo, Mariko, Nina, Darius, Jamalia, Suliko, Maryam, Irma, Lamar, Nana, Lala, Tamara, Eteri
IsraelAviva, Iris, Hell, Sollasa, Sosanna, Liore, Mariam, Gold, Chaina, Officer
IndiaAriana, Sita, Tara, Rita, Rani, Jita, Rajney, Aishvaria, Malati, Indira, Perva, Shanti, Amala
SpainMaria, Carmen, Lucia, Dolores, Isabel, Anonya, Anthony, Teresa, Paula, Charles
ItalyAlessia, Sofia, Julia, Chiara, Francesca, Silvia, Federica, Eliza, Angela, Felicitis, Viva, Carlotta, Enriches
KazakhstanAyzer, Amina, Ryan, Aisha, Ayaru, Aya, Ayana, Medina, Ayala, Dilnaz, Camila
CanadaAlice, Chloe, Camilla, Grace, Hannah, Isabella, Mia, Samantha, Taylor, Emma, \u200b\u200bAbigal
KenyaAsha, Nia, Firun, Lydia, Rudo, Esther, Edna, Monica, Abig
KyrgyzstanAinur, Nargiza, Tatiana, Dinara, Aida, Natalia, Nazira, Elena, Mariem, Asel
ChinaAi, Ji, Meili, Lihua, Paji, Ksiu, Kiang, Nuo, Lan, Ruolean, Juan, Yui
LatviaIveta, Anita, Eva, Ilze, Inga, League, Lyme, Dace, Dain, Ramona, Unh, Ines, Christine
LithuaniaYurate, Roger, Saul, Lyme, Agne, Vitaly, Gedre, Emilia, Dain, Egle, Camile, Ieva, Edita
MoldovaHell, Adda, Aura, Cesar, Carolina, Dana, Delia, Christine, Ilinka, Lorena, Rodin, Viorika, Zoice
PolandAnka, Boguslav, Creation, Danuta, Galina, Veronica, Anel, Violetta, Zlata, Irena, Miroslav, Lydia, Nadezhda, Ela
RussiaAnastasia, Catherine, Sophia, Varvara, Elizabeth, Daria, Elena, Natalia, Tatiana, Yaroslav, Karina, Pelagia, Anna, Vera
USAAmanda, Victoria, Emma, \u200b\u200bAva, Olivia, Zoe, Hell, Isline, Ethel, Jennifer, Lara, Lilian, Mia, Chloe, Melanie, Sandra, Scarlett
TajikistanAnzurat, Esmin, Zulmat, Ruzy, Shakhnza, Dilyrah, Mavelud, Anora, Nargiz, Bakhhor, FirdDeus
TurkeyRoksolana, Ferida, Aishe, Gyleni, Neshin, Deniz, Fatima, Hadija, Isline, Gizem, Meriem, Macek
UzbekistanDilnaz, Nodir, Naila, Alfia, Guzal, Aliya, Zainab, Habiba, Malika, Said, Nargiza, Aigul
UkraineAnastasia, Sofia, Anna, Victoria, Maria, Polina, Darina, Zlata, Solomia, Katerina, Alexander, Angelina
FranceEmma, \u200b\u200bInes, Lea, Manon, Louise, Cloe, Clara, Natalie, Valerie, Nicole, Zoya, Lena, Lina, Lola, Glad, Lila, Moon, Adel
EstoniaMaria, Laura, Linda, Hilda, Salma, Emma, \u200b\u200bAnnica, Kaya, Katrin, Monica, Greta, Martha, Helga
JapanMika, Yuna, Naomiki, Yumiko, Mia, Aki, Aiko, Reni, Yuki, Sakura, Kiku, Ama, Midori, Khan, Yuri

Beautiful rare female names

Many parents today seek to give the rare name of their daughter, because it is one of the modern trends and the ability to stand out from the total mass. So there are single names, which, perhaps, will not hear anywhere else. Often, rare names borrow from the cultures of other nations or take ancient, already unused. In an effort to call your child somehow unusual, parents are increasingly choosing foreign names.

Common and native name for the British The name Emma in Russia will be considered rare. Sasha - Favoritis among brief Russian names Alexander and Alexander - in the United States will be perceived exclusively only as a female full name.

Zoya in Russia is quite rare in Russia, but in France this is a fairly common name, ten years ago the country's 6th line ranking. The name of Laura will not meet in Russian expanses, in Spain, this name is called every tenth girl. The beautiful name of Daria is currently not leaving the top fives most common in Russia, but in Europe and America only as a foreign, rare name.

Beautiful unusual female names. In Russia, foreign names are often called unusual names. This group includes the names of the European warehouse - Ophelia, Serena, Francesca, Paola, Iris. But Russians will also be rare for Russians, more often almost forgotten Zinaida, Claudia, Fyodor, Doma.

The category of unusual can be attributed and invented names. They meet very, very rarely and infrequently become well-known. Some more often invented names can be found in the USA - Dakota, Chelsea, although in Russia you can also meet several such examples - Astra, Stella, and not necessarily Russian origin. In Soviet times, many unusual names were invented, but most of them did not fit.

The table below shows the names of the name, but they can be widespread enough among other peoples and not considered rare there.

Fashion on various names gradually replaced. At a certain period, any names are becoming popular. A very responsible step in life - selection of a name for a child. The name is given for life, so its choice and value requires careful study.

The main thing in the article

How to choose a beautiful modern name for a girl?

Currently, it is fashionable to call girls for a foreign way: Nicole, Evelina, Jacqueline. Sounds such names are quite modern and beautiful. If such a name does not correspond to the patronymic and the surname and looks ridiculous in such a combination, you should not condemn the child for such difficulties in the future. Also, your daughter may not be ready for such an unusual name and may be shy in the future. But, unambiguously, the rare name will allocate the child among other boring names.

Also popularity scored older names: Vasilisa, Praskovya, Pelagia. These are names with the old hardening and energy, it sounds quite solemnly. When choosing an old-circuit name for your daughter, browse the abbreviated variants of such names. It will help to avoid confusion when children in the kindergarten will tease with pags and vasks.

Picking up the modern name, try to stop the choice on the one that is easily negotiated.

Modern Russian Names for Girls

Having stopped at the choice of Russian names, you should pay attention to universal names that mean feelings: Love, Faith and Hope.
Choose the name of your princess, based on the time of the year of your crumbs: winter babe can be called Snezna, Autumn - GoldenSummer - AugustaSpring - Maya.
Most popular Russian names are:

  • Sofia
  • Victoria
  • Varvara
  • Daria
  • Maria
  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • Pauline
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Veronica.

Most of these names do not have Russian roots, but we have taken root and are popular for a long time.
Popular old workers :

  • Pelagia
  • Ustinia
  • Darina
  • Miroslava
  • Vasilisa
  • Events.

Learn more about the values \u200b\u200bof women's old-term names from our article.

Rare and unusual women's names

Many parents want to emphasize the individuality of their child and highlight it among the other children with an unusual name.

  • Choosing a daughter name, remember that she lives all his life with him. Try to pick up any of the rare names characteristic of your country of residence and nationality.
  • Examine the diminutive version of the name you like, it should not cut the ear. The diminutive option must be liked, because the daughter of peers and relatives will call.
  • Explore the name of the name, because it can affect fate. It will be unpleasant to find out that the value of your girl's excellent name is "chrome" or "sad".
  • Analyze the list of popular names over the past few years. Perhaps the rare name you chose a child has long been such.

Examples unusual olderous names :

  • Bozhen
  • Vesryna
  • ZlatiSlava
  • Darren
  • Lyubomir
  • Miloslava
  • Stanislav
  • Slavyan
  • Colutive.

Foreign names Alustic will also sound:

  • Dominica
  • Beatrice
  • Gloria
  • Cassandra
  • Ariadne
  • Mirabella
  • Medina
  • Flora.

Unusual names which in the past few years have had to register the register:

  • Goluba
  • Ryosina
  • Byzantium
  • Ocean
  • Cherry
  • Cassiopeia
  • Kupava.

Beautiful female names for months in the church calendar

Orthodox believers have long been made to call a child in honor of the memory of the saint falling on the birthday of the child. Look at the church calendar, you may like the name that coincides with the birthday of the daughter.
IN January The memory of the saints, helping those in need, persistent and bold.

  • Anastasia
  • Tatyana
  • Maria
  • Sofia
  • Melacious
  • Vasilisa.

February - A month in which the memory of women who can balance their character will be honored.

  • Rimma
  • Vasilisa
  • Ksenia
  • Pelagia
  • Svetlana
  • Sofia.

IN marta Girls are born modest and humble, but in the sacnesses there is an opportunity to reward the daughter with a strong name:

  • Marianne
  • Irina
  • Varvara
  • Alexandra
  • Antonina
  • Daria
  • Hope
  • Nika.

W. April Girls are usually stubborn and hard. Therefore, the soles are best to choose soft names:

  • Svetlana
  • Maria
  • Pauline
  • Lydia.

Hardworking girls born in may, Such names are suitable:

  • Elizabeth
  • Ulyana
  • Juliana
  • Faina
  • Taisiya.

IN June, wanting to reward your daughter not only with a beautiful name, but also a reliable patroness, stop your attention on such names:

  • Valeria
  • Kristina
  • Elena
  • Pelagia
  • Maria.

For july The daughters on the church calendar there is such a list of names:

  • Olga
  • Zhanna
  • Marina
  • Margarita
  • Elizabeth
  • Juliana.

Decent and honest girl will grow up if august You will choose her name from the sacraticles:

  • Angelina
  • Kristina
  • Irina
  • Daria
  • Elena.

In the saints, a rather extensive choice for girls born in september:

  • Sofia
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Lyudmila
  • Tatyana
  • Nataliya
  • Raisa.

Good selection of female names and in the church calendar for october:

  • Maria
  • Veronica
  • Pelagia
  • Maria
  • Taisiya
  • Hope
  • Zinaida
  • Zlata.

If you have difficulty with the choice of name for your daughter, november The sacraticles will help solve this problem:

  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • Neonic
  • Serafima
  • Olga
  • Elena.

In the first month of winter decemberread such saints:

  • Tatyana
  • Catherine
  • Varvara
  • Margarita
  • Anfisa.

Foreign women's names into Russian

Most of the names have one origin, usually Greek, Jewish and Latin, but they are translated into other languages.

  • Popular name MariaWith the Jewish roots, we are quite common. In England it is Mary., in France - Marie..
  • English name Elizabeth and German Lizchen translated as Elizabeth.
  • French Julie And Italian Juliet in the Russian way will be Julia.
  • Spanish Katharina, English Catherine - This is ours Katerina.
  • Spanish and Italian Lucia (translated as "light") - analogue of the name Svetlana.
  • Analogue of the English name Dolly in Russia - Daria,but BarbaraVarvara.
    Almost all foreign names have analogs in Russian.

Beautiful Tatar women's names

The values \u200b\u200bof Tatar names are mainly divided into denoting certain features:

Beautiful Muslim women names

Women's Muslim names are quite popular and among other nations due to their excellent sound and meaning.

  • Alsu - Rosovolitaya
  • Alia - sublime
  • Aisha - life
  • Amir - Princess
  • Amina - loyal
  • Leila - Night
  • Maram - aspiration
  • Nadir - rare
  • Rashida - properly coming
  • Khalima - patient
  • Zuhra - Morning Star
  • Malika - Queen
  • Rakhima - Merciful
  • Self - precious
  • Farida - Unique
  • Firuza - light
  • Habiba - Favorite
  • Yasmine is similar to Jasmine.

Beautiful Kazakh female names

If you wish to give your daughter with any qualities, then you need to know that the name means. Kazakh names, in addition to the indigenous Kazakh, include names from Arab, Russian, Persian and other languages. Each female Kazakh name has its own unique importance, mostly pleasant and necessary values \u200b\u200bin life, character traits.

  • Admi - Elegant
  • Azhar - Cute
  • Aigul - Moon Flower
  • Alma - Apple
  • Balzhan - Sweet, Smart
  • Balm - My clever
  • Gulnaz - Graceful
  • Dasheli - reliable
  • Zhanar - Glitter Eye
  • Kunsulu - ray of the sun.

Modern Armenian women's names

For Armenians, the girl born is primarily the future mother, so the name should mean care, clean, warm. Many female names occur from the names of the pagan goddesses. Anath - Mother Goddess, Maternity Goddess and War - Nane, Asthik - Goddess of beauty and love. Very many names formed from the names of natural phenomena, plants and celestial bodies: Susanna - Lily, Lusin - Moon, Garunik - Spring. Many female names are formed from male names with the addition of certain endings. The end of the "UI" personifies the feminine start - Male Tigran + UI \u003d Women's Tigranui. The end of Ukht is translated as a daughter and a holy oath. Daughter Wormizda will be WormiSducht. The most harmonious modern Armenian names:

  • Anush - Means "Sweet"
  • Asmick - Jasmine
  • Arevik - Sunny
  • Gayane - Earth
  • Zara - Gold
  • Zaroi - Treat of Fire Temple
  • Mariam - Maria
  • Naira - free
  • Nana - Mother
  • Narina - wife
  • Ruzanna - Rosa
  • Siranush - Love
  • Ermina - courageous, native.

List of most beautiful female modern names

The most popular and beautiful names:

  • Anastasia
  • Milan.
  • Angelina
  • Valeria
  • Kristina
  • Evention
  • Arina
  • Marina
  • Svetlana
  • Snezhana
  • Zlata
  • Siyana
  • Regina
  • Pauline
  • Lilit
  • Pelagia
  • Emilia
  • Elina
  • Violet.

The values \u200b\u200bof the most beautiful female names

Anastasia - From the Greek "Resurrection", "Immortal".
Milan. - Slavic name, means "cute."
Angelina - From the Greek "Angelos" - an angel.
Miya. - The origin of the Swedish, means "unprofitable".
Valeria - From Latin "strong".
Kristina - From Latin - "Christian".
Evention - Slavic meaning "Autumn".
Anna - translates from Hebrew as "brave", "fertile".
Marina - It has the Latin origin of the "maritime".
Svetlana - From Slavic "bright", "clean".
Snezhana - From Slavic "Snow".
Teya - From the Greek "Goddess".
Zlata - From the Slavic "Golden".
Nika - From the ancient Greek "victory."
Regina - Translated from Latin - "Queen".
Pauline - From the Greek "Sunny".
Eve - He has ancient European origin, means "giving life."
Pelagia - From the Greek "Maritime".
Violet - From Latin means "violet".

No matter how you call a child, let you find a mind and common sense in search of the name. Harmonious with the surname and patronymic, which has a good value, the name, in terms of the child and parents, is the optimal choice. Remember that your daughter live with him all your life, come accepted responsibly at the time of choosing a beautiful name.

The choice of name for his little princess is a pleasant process and, at the same time responsible. Future parents, as well as grandparents, come through all the possible options before stopping at some one. What the name the girl comes to this world, largely determines its character and further fate.

Above the name for a newborn baby sometimes have to "sweat"

Possible criteria for choosing a name for a girl

The best name for my daughter is very difficult to pick up, especially when disagreements arise between dad and mom. Parents crosses the maximum number of options, paying attention to fashionable, and old.

First of all, there are beautiful Russian royal names, which were called girls Rurikovichi - Ekaterina, Sofia, Anastasia, Anna, Alexander, Elizabeth, Maria. Remember unusual vintage - Aglaya, Angelina, Luchery, Evdokia, Iraida, Claudia, Martha, Pelagia. Each of the options has a unique origin and value.

Someone wants to call the newborn in memory of the close person. In this case, it is worth remembering that for the deceased relative to call his child is not correct. Consider interesting and rare names for girls. Also choose from the value of the church calendar, according to the horoscope and the advice of the astrologer.

By name

Calling a child, look at the meaning of the name when they want to give it character to certain features. In addition, no one wants to anyone that the letter code had a bad meaning.

  • Aglaya is "shine." AGLAI - bright personalities, of them literally fond the ideas and emotions, they are always ahead and are ready to lead their team.
  • Alexandra is a strong letter code, translated "volitional". Children benefitly use their natural data, know how to thoroughly hide emotions.
  • Anastasia - "Resurrection". Girls Nastya good and tender, but with a strong character. Very dreamy nature.
  • Angelina - "Vestnitsa". The name is gentle, the word "angel" reads in it, but its owners are energetic and decisive.
  • Anna is one of the names of the tsarist family, translates as "brave." Ani are principled, neat, patient.
  • Catherine - means "impurity". Kati grow intellectually developed and targeted, capable of achieving success.
  • Iraida - Translated - "Heroine". Iradays are active and proud. Such people in life seek everything they want.
  • Claudia is "stubborn". Perseverance is the main feature of the character of the clave, and it helps her very much in life.
  • Maria - means "serenity". Affectionate nature that wants to heat and protect everyone around.
  • March - "noble". The young lady with a rare and beautiful name grows calm, balanced and caring.
  • Sophia (Sofia) means "reasonable, wise." Girls with the same name usually rich inner world. In life, they are lucky and happy.

For church calendar

Popular method of choosing the name of the saints. It is believed that the child named for the church calendar, from the first days of life, is under the protection of his guardian angel. Day of any saint is celebrated daily. It remains to choose one of them.

The most beautiful church female names for the daughter have Slavic, Greek and Hebrew roots. It is also worth finding information about that a person was ranked in the face of saints. With a difficulty choices, they look at the standing dates and the whole month.


  1. In December, daughters are called in honor of Saints: Anna, Anastasia, Varvara, Catherine, Zoe, Kira, Lilies, Margarita, Mary, Tamara, Tatiana, Ulyana, Yulia.
  2. In January, the name of Arina, Anastasia, Antonina, Agnes, Vasilisa, Barbara, Evgenia, Mary, Melania, Irina, Ksenia, Tatiana, Ulyana, Emilia, Yulia. Daughters born in January, possess a solid character. The name given by the sacnesses can soften it and put the girl with tenderness.
  3. In February, Angela's Day in Agnia, Anna, Alexandra, Alevtina, Arina, Vasilisa, Faith, Zoe, Catherine, Inna, Christina, Sofia. Just as in the case of the January daughters, the name of the saint will soften their imbibeble winter character.

It is believed that the names of the sacnesses protect the child throughout life


  1. Martov Saints: Anna, Arina, Barbara, Galina, Daria, Kira, Maria, Marianna, Marina, Nadezhda, Olga, Ulyana, Juliana, Julia. The girls born in the first month of spring are often gentle and indecisive, but, together with those, talented and charming.
  2. In April, in the church calendar, the names of Saints Anastasia, Anna, Barbara, Darya, Larisa, Lydia, Niki, Praskovy, Sofia. Children born in April are successful and talented.
  3. May princesses in the sacnesses can be called: Valery, Zhanna, Zoya, John, Tamara, Faina, Fyodor, Elsa, Julia.


  1. June is called - Alain, Vera, Elena, Zinaida, Lily, Susanna, Juliana.
  2. In July, the Days of Saints - Agrippines, Valentines, Dinar, Lucius, Margarita, Rimma, Tatyana, Yana.
  3. In August - Angela, Angelina, Anne, Anfisa, Darya, Eve, Ai, Melice, Ksenia, Nonny.

Girls born in the autumn time of the genus, Friends and easy to communicate


Autumn kids are diligent, diligent and strive for excellence:

  1. In September, Namena, Vasilisa, Elena, Lyudmila, Martha, Oksana, Regina, Seraphim, Sofia, Fekla, Elza.
  2. In October - Ariadnes, Arina, Faith, Veroniki, Virinia, Dara, Elizabeth, Zlata, Marianna, Polina, Tatiana, Fevronia.
  3. In November - Arina, Anna, Alexandra, Glycheria, Elizabeth, Marths, Matrones, Neonillas, Nina, Olga, Stephanie.

The list of beautiful Orthodox names can be continued for a long time. It can be obtained in the church in which parents are going to baptize the child. Lists may differ depending on which monastery they are compiled.


Some parents for choosing a name add to astrology and horoscopes. In this case, there is also food for reflection, since each sign of the zodiac approaches several options at once - simple and not very. The following are beautiful modern names for the signs of the zodiac.

Sometimes when choosing a name is guided by astrological principles
  • The sign of Aries correspond to the maiden names of Alice, Alla, Paradise.
  • Taurons are called Angela, Diana, Maya, Monica.
  • Twins Women are keen names - Aksigna, Albina, Ivette, Clara, Taisiya, Eliza.
  • Crayfish girls are very impressionable. They are suitable names of Bogdan, Lolita, Melania.
  • Majestic Lviv and called the corresponding - Aurora, Ilona, \u200b\u200bEmma.
  • Feminine Virgin is suitable for the names of Constance, Regina, Linda.
  • Charming Weighs - Veronica, Zlata, Love, Milena, Pelagia, Snezhana.
  • The owners of the changeable character born under the sign of Scorpio is called Louise, Martha, Elina.
  • Sagittarov are called Zhanna, Marianna, Fekla.
  • Capricors - Barbara, Kira, Renata.
  • The girl-aquarian give the name of Ilona or Aelita.
  • Fish - Amelia, Eve.

Other criteria

By season:

  • trying to balance the winter atmosphere, called daughters in sunny and warm names - Svetlana, Lyudmila, Natalia;
  • in the spring of daughters, they call more rigidly - Irina, Victoria, Ruslan;
  • summer children can be called Margarita, Valeria, Antonina;
  • autumn - Events, Zlata, Vera, Olesya.

When parents want to highlight the girl, they give her a rare name

When mom and dad want to allocate their child to be the only one in kindergarten and school, they give rare and beautiful, sometimes forgotten, old feminine names - Ophelia, Valencia, Dominica. When replacing one letter in the traditional name, new unusual options are obtained: Alesya, Darius, Olena.

By the name of the favorite music performer or actress:

  • Rihanna;
  • Bianca;
  • Nastasya.

Top most popular female names of recent years in Russia

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  1. Sofia;
  2. Alice;
  3. Pauline;
  4. Arina;
  5. Victoria;
  6. Valeria;
  7. Elizabeth;
  8. Karina;
  9. Milena;
  10. Maria.

Excellent options to call your child, but now very often meet.

Rare and beautiful Russian names

Turning to the origins, you can remember Russian names, beautiful and old, and choose an unusual name for the girl. They are old, with history.

Each of them stores an alpo code with meaning:

  • God;
  • Olympiad;
  • Verost;
  • August;
  • ZlatiSlava;
  • Ariadne;
  • Lyubomir;
  • Neonilla;
  • Pelagia;
  • Praskovya;
  • Stanislav;
  • Caleria.

Unusual international names

There are many beautiful female names that in all languages \u200b\u200bsound almost the same. These names are international: Adeline, Alexandra, Anna, Adriana, Agatha, Agnes, Amalia, Diana, Evangelina, Isabella, Ilona, \u200b\u200bClara, Liana, Linda, Laura, Marianna, Mia, Roxana, Sabrina, Stalla, Evelina, Ella.

When choosing a name, it is also necessary to watch how it will be combined with the surname and patronymic

The list, of course, is not complete. There are still a lot of options. Choosing a name from the list of international, it is worth thinking about its combination with the surname and patronymic. For example, the combinations of the type of Stepanov Adrian Petrovna sound not very harder.

How best not to call a girl?

The name of the daughter must first correspond to nationality and religion. Name a Russian girl, for example, the Muslim name would be strange.

It is important that it comes to the surname and patronymic. To the long surname and patronymic, it is better to choose a short name. For example, Iconnikova Kira Stanislavovna pronounce easier than Iconnikov Alexander Stanislavovna.

The future woman will have a name all his life. Perhaps the daughter will become a teacher, an educator or director of a large company, and it will often be called by name and patronymic. The task of parents to make the sound does not cut the hearing and was not difficult.

Well, when there is a complete and abbreviated form of the name. Parents will definitely want to call a child affectionately, therefore, before giving a name, diminishing forms come up with it.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychologist