The image of the main character in the work of Jack London "Tale of Chiche. Jack London "Tale of Chiche" as a writer transfers the characteristics of the speech of the storyteller

The image of the main character in the work of Jack London
The image of the main character in the work of Jack London "Tale of Chiche. Jack London "Tale of Chiche" as a writer transfers the characteristics of the speech of the storyteller

Literature lesson in grade 5

D.London "Tale of Chiche" as a story about the mature of man in harsh conditions

Purpose: Detection of an artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe legend is the approval of faith in justice, the high laws of friendship, love.


1. Form the skills of expressive reading, reading on roles, artistic recovery, working with text, lexical work;

2. Develop the moral and aesthetic representations of students in the course of identifying the lexical meaning of the worddaring.

During the classes

1. The word teacher .

What events and facts from the life of young Jack London seemed unusual, made a special impression on you? Why?

Present name of the writer John Griffith. Two passions owned them throughout life - love for books and love for adventure. It is a traction for traveling and adventures of chasing it to catch oysters in forbidden places, engaged in fur clan at Bering coast, become a witness and a participant in the Golden Fever on Klondike.

Years of wanderings and adventures did not pass without a trace: Traditions of the North, the amazing human destinies have found an incarnation on the pages of his books.

At home you read the "Tale of Chiche". Tale, or legend, legend - Genre of Folklore, reporting on the events of the "past days" events, preserved in the grateful memory of descendants.

2.Bested with class.

Where did the events described in the tale took place? How do you imagine the life of Canadian Eskimos?

Why once on the Council of the tribe there was a voice of thirteen-year-old sisha? What is his manner to stay with adults?

- "Justice" is a key concept in the words of Kish. What did KISH want to achieve? Why did not you manage to do on the council? Why did you prejust on the silence of a man of the tribe?

Lexical work: Determine the meaning of the Worddaring . Which of the values \u200b\u200bis most suitable for the characteristics of the list of Kish?

3. Work by groups. One group proves the rotation of the hunters, the other leads the reverse arguments.

4. Work from text.

What feelings did our feelings, when did he leave the Council? How does the author transmits the inner state of the boy?

Did you manage to defend your right?

Why did the successful hunt of the sisha be called in the village of the sense of witchcraft?

What was the mystery of Kish and how did she reveal?

Why did Chish revealed his secret to men tribe?

Respect for Kyche influenced the attitude towards his mother. Tell me how the women of the tribe lived. Why did Iikiga use special honorable in the village?

Why did the legend about the chance survived him himself? What attractive the image of the main character? Can we call the sisha by a person proud and bold, honest and hardworking? Confirm your answer examples from the text.

How do you understand the last phrase of the story? What is the point puts the author in the final of his story?

Why did the Kish become the first person in his village?

5 Education of the lesson.

What, in your opinion, will Kish grow and will it be possible to be proud of him?

What does London taught? (Write a written answer to the question)

\ Documentation \ For teacher of Russian language and literature

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Development of a lesson of literature on the work of Jack London "Tale of Chiche"

The development of the lesson sent: Naumova Marina Nikolaevna, Teacher of Russian language and literature, to the highest category, MOU SOSH No. 6 of the city of Volzhsk, Republic of Mari El.

"13 Suns of Kish ..." (lesson of literature in grade 5 on the work of Jack London "Tale of Chiche")

The purpose of the lesson:

  • - introduce students with the work of D.London "Tale of Chiche";
  • - to introduce the concept of "taught" in the context of literary education;
  • - continue working on the characteristic of the hero;
  • - Determine what it means to be adults.

Equipment: The text of the work; "Workbooks on literature for 5th grade M.Naumova; portrait of D.London; reference materials lesson.

During the classes:

I. Preliminary work on the subject of lesson.

Teacher: Our journey through the country of literary review continues ... The works of great Russian and foreign writers have already been read by us in this academic year. This is not just a work, it is the beginning of a great acquaintance with the treasures of Russian and world art. Our lessons are built under the program A.G.Kutuzov. We learn not only to read the works, but also think, think, express your point of view.

Today is another meeting with great ... it jack London's story "Tale of Chiche".

Jack London - One of the most popular American writers in our country. His biography, his personality of a man of active, volitional, in something resembling his Jack-London heroes, caused no less interest than his work, which strongly affected the autobiographical principle.

So who is this Jack London?

Schoolgirl: Jack London, the extramarital son of Astrologer William Cheney and the spirits of Flora Wallman, did not meet with her father and wore the schuchima schism - John London, Farmer. John London's cases were with varying success, so his stepper, barely graduating from the elementary school, settled on a tin factories with a decadatholic worker. It was a judicial hell, and fifteen Jack went out of the factory - in the oyster pirates of San Francisco Bay. Then he alternate free lives with a subanely labor and attempts to complete education. Ocean swimming on schoon "Sofa Sutherland", jut factory in Auckland, vagrancy, prison, a year and a half in high school, semester in California University, random earnings; In the midst of the "gold fever" - wintering on Klondike.

From there, Jack returned without a single ounce of gold and the complete determination to extract the livelihood of writing labor. He clearly realized that talent, impressions and diligence he did not occupy. He put himself a rule to produce a thousand words per day. Logs did not resist. In the twenties century, twenty-year-old Jack London entered the professional writer. And quickly became a writer famous and highly paid. However, this was not calmed down. In 1902, it was specifically to write a book "People of the Abyss", Jack London, a member of the American Socialist Party, spent three months in London slums, issuing herself for the sailor written off ashore. In early 1904, I went to the correspondent for the Russian-Japanese war. In 1907, according to his own project, he built a yacht "Snark" and made a biennial swimming for Oceania's islands on it. Integration for themselves in the work did not allow: a thousand words per day - "Call of ancestors", "Sea Wolf", "Martin Eden" ... Mad money and insane spending. It is impossible to say that he was lucky. Already built "Wolf House", conceived as a "generic castle" for future generations of London, burned down. The long-awaited heir never appeared. Creative imagination dried up.

Yes, guys, Jack London was a special person, even outwardly. Here's how it describes his writer I. Stone: "Jack was from nature, the reckless generous is truly a friend of his friends, the king of nice small ... that it was for an excellent sample of human breed! He had a clean, full joy, gentle, kindly Heart ... He looked older than his years, the body is flexible and strong, opened at the gate of the neck, a shock of confused hair - they fell on his forehead, and he, busy a lively conversation, impatiently discarded them back. Not a room resident, but a man of free spaces - In short, a real man, a man. He was obsessed with thirst for truth "(appeal to the portrait of a writer)

He lived the life of a fighter, "the sailor in the saddle," as he once put himself, became a big writer, although life from ornamentarily crushed him one obstacle after another. He left the life of a forty-male. Fifty books - the result of his literary activities. One of these books includes a story "Tale of Chiche". At home you read this work.

II. Work on the analysis of text.

Did you like the story? Why? (Yes, he tells about the Herbrome boy, about how the hero in his 13 years was not afraid of the leader of the tribe and entered into confrontation with him; this is a story about a courageous boy).

Name the characters of the story.

  • Kish - the main hero of the story;
  • Cloch-Kwan. - Chief of the tribe;
  • Side - Father of Kish;
  • Aikiga - mother of hero;
  • Massac - tribesman;
  • Ug-deaf - tribe hunter;
  • Bim and Bown - Two young, best in the village of Hunter.

Which part of the globe is the action of the story? (In the north of the United States of America).

Continuation of the lesson in the archive .....

Literature lesson

Grade 5.

D.London "Tale of Chiche" as a story about the mature of man in harsh conditions

Purpose: Review the artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale - the approval of faith in justice, the high laws of friendship, love.


1. Form the skills of expressive reading, reading on roles, artistic recovery, working with text, lexical work;

2. Develop the moral and aesthetic representations of students in the course of identifying the lexical meaning of the word daring.

: 1) introduce students with the work of D.London "Tale of Chiche";

2) to continue the formation of the skill of working with the text;

3) to introduce the concept of "tale" in the context of literary education;

4) continue working on the characteristic of the hero;

5) help figure out the motives of human actions; Determine what it means to be adults.

The word teacher

Jack London is one of the most popular American writers in our country.

With this name we are associated with endless expanses of the North,

exotic edges of the southern seas, noble and fearless animals and harsh and

mushroom people who can overcome any difficulties. His biography, his

personality of a man of active, volitional, in something resembling his Jack-London

heroes, caused no less interest than

his creativity, which strongly affected the autobiographical principle. For lived

a small but hard life, and his way to glory was not soaked with roses. He is hungry,

thrumbling, worked for 14 - 18 hours. But they never fought the thirst for knowledge, love

to books. Only hard work, constant work with books, persistent desire

succeed and conquer the place under the "literary sun" led him to

honored celebration. The first fame to the writer brought stories about the north. They are

transfer us to Alaska and the Klondike River.

- Which part of the globe is the action of the story?(In the north of the United States of America).

And all the time Klondike opened his golden living on him: for many years he became a source of stories of stories. North presented the world of a big writer.

He never forgotten by the majestic paintings of the harsh Arctic nature, peculiar morals and customs of gold kits, their relationship with local Indian tribes.

Klondike gave London the topic of the North, his poetry and the truth.

Present name writer John Griffith.Two passions owned them throughout life - love for books and love for adventure. It is a traction for traveling and adventures of chasing it to catch oysters in forbidden places, engaged in fur clan at Bering coast, become a witness and a participant in the Golden Fever on Klondike.

Years of wanderings and adventures did not pass without a trace: Traditions of the North, the amazing human destinies have found an incarnation on the pages of his books.

At home you read the "Tale of Chiche". Tale, or legend, legend - Genre of Folklore, reporting on the events of the "past days" events, preserved in the grateful memory of descendants.

What events and facts from the life of young Jack London seemed unusual, made a special impression on you? Why?

2.Bested with class.

Where did the events described in the tale took place? How do you imagine the life of Canadian Eskimos?

Why once on the Council of the tribe there was a voice of thirteen-year-old sisha? What is his manner to stay with adults?

- "Justice" is a key concept in the words of Kish. What did KISH want to achieve? Why did not you manage to do on the council? Why did you prejust on the silence of a man of the tribe?

Lexical work: Determine the meaning of the Word daring. Which of the values \u200b\u200bis most suitable for the characteristics of the list of Kish?

3. Work by groups. One group proves the rotation of the hunters, the other leads the reverse arguments.

4. Work from text.

What feelings did our feelings, when did he leave the Council? How does the author transmits the inner state of the boy?

Did you manage to defend your right?

Why did the successful hunt of the sisha be called in the village of the sense of witchcraft?

What was the mystery of Kish and how did she reveal?

Why did Chish revealed his secret to men tribe?

Respect for Kyche influenced the attitude towards his mother. Tell me how the women of the tribe lived. Why did Iikiga use special honorable in the village?

Why did the legend about the chance survived him himself? What attractive the image of the main character? Can we call the sisha by a person proud and bold, honest and hardworking? Confirm your answer examples from the text.

How do you understand the last phrase of the story? What is the point puts the author in the final of his story?

Why did the Kish become the first person in his village?

5Education of the lesson.

What, in your opinion, will Kish grow and will it be possible to be proud of him?

What does London taught? (Write a written answer to the question)

What paints in them prevail? Why?

Pay attention to the contrast of paintings. What do you think it is connected with?

Why does a person attract north? Why did LD chose this place for his narration? What interests him?

The laws of the North Surov. It requires excerpts, courage, perseverance, responsibility, sense of nobility. Every day checks a person for humanity.

"North I checked a person, and it became clear what you stand, who you are: a scoundrel or hero, a coward or brave. Stern North washed with the human breed. Weak and timid, dishonest and greedy left, strong and courageous sedied here ")

3. What kind of people chose a writer as his heroes? ( "Here they have long lived those who do not know the southern sun, warm winter, for whom North is their homeland. And harsh nature feeds and clothes his sons. These are indigenous people. They differ from the aliens from the south of the skin color, language, customs. But good and evil, stupidity and wisdom, cowardice and courage equally understand and evaluate all people on Earth regardless of nationality ").

4. Did you like the story? Why?

- Name the heroes of the story.

- Notice that this story is called - "Tale".

He creates as if imitating local Indian legends, similar to fairy tales.

Let us turn to the support records and read what the "legend" is.

1. What lines of this work say that this happened a long time ago?

2. The plot relies on the popular legend of Kishe.

3. Fantasy is combined with the sketches of life and the morals of North American Indians.

4. How does the writer transmits the characteristics of the speech of the storyteller?

5. How was the attitude of the tribesmen to Kishu as he was "making"? (test)


The attitude of the tribesmen

1. Kish on the Council of Elders

"The storm of protest and perturbation", "the wrath of them boiled the key", "squeezed by Brand", "threatened to completely deprive meat, promised to ask him a cruel spanking"

2. Kish goes to the first hunt

"There were a lot of things and a lot of laughter on this occasion," "the men just shared their heads, regretfully looked at Aikigu"

3. "Lost" of Kish

"Women are bitter words Consil Men for the fact that they had a bad thing with a boy," "the men were silent, getting ready to go in search of the body"

4. Return of the boy

"At first there were a lot of doubts and disputes," "could not believe," "they saw what they did not want to believe," "began to happen about witchcraft"

5. KISH - brave hunter

"He began to look at him with respect and be afraid of him and began to say that he should become the leader after the death of Closh-Kvaang"

6. What was the father of Kish? Why did people forget about the feat of the father?

The boy of Kishu was in the North Account "13 Suns". The story says that the sun rises above the ground so that people can get warm and look at each other in the face. How do you understand these words?

Despite the fact that "Kish was just a boy, and his mother is just a woman," he performed on the Council of men, without bending in front of his back. Why did the hunters considered his words by audacity? What did Kische demand? What did Kish saw on the Council, looking at these people in the face?

- How did you make your intentions of Kish, what did he do?

Violation of custom: boys 13 years never went hunting

How did the tribesmen attributive to the disappearance of Kish? So were these people really bad? How did they know themselves when the Purga rose, and KISH did not return from hunting?
- What was crowned with the first Hunt Hero?

- Did the tribesmen believe this?

But luck did not leave the young hunter. It was even more worried tribesmen. How did the tribesmen know the mystery of the "successful hunt" of Kish?

- What do you think, why did not Kish, be afraid to tell the tribesmen of their secret?

- From the little boy, Kish became the leader of the tribe. It was achieved thanks to the qualities of character. What? (Fearlessness, cutter, observation, willpower, sense of justice, responsibility to tribesmen) Celebration of human will and responsibility.

The north makes fight for existence. And this requires not only strong biceps and a clear head, but the irreparable sense of mercy and responsibility. It is it that raises a person over the harsh nature and gives you to feel it part of it and the owner

Yes, this is the qualities of a non-little boy, a teenager, it is the qualities of a man who can come to the rescue at any moment. Probably, he saw himself and Kish, who lived something of "13 suns".

The main character is a boy of 13 years old - a symbol for imitating many, its actions and actions of KISE deserved to be called "adults". And how do you think it means to be adults?

Gritsenko Elizabeth

Research work.The image of the main character in the work of Jack London "Tale of Chiche".



branch of the municipal general education institution

Secondary school № 17 -

Secondary school № 3

Research work

The image of the main character in the work of Jack London "Tale of Church"


Gritsenko Elizabeth,

student 5 a class

Branch of MOU Sosh No. 17-School number 3


Tolmacheva Natalia Mikhailovna

russian language and literature teacher

kartaly, 2015

  1. Introduction ......................................................................3
  2. Main part
  1. Interesting facts from the biography of the writer ..................... ... 4
  2. Terms: image, main character, led ........................ .6
  3. The image of Kishi ............................................................... 8
  1. Conclusion .................................................................. 10.
  2. References ....................................................... ..1.1
  1. Introduction

I just began to engage in research and this is my first job. But I can say with full responsibility that it is very useful to engage in literary research for several reasons:

  1. Expand your horizons and get new knowledge.
  2. Perhaps it is we (young scientists) we can find something new that they did not notice the researchers earlier. After all, we look at the work at a completely new angle.
  3. We will (young scientists) we will be able to reveal the images of the heroes of the works we studied, which will help our classmates to save time and expand the horizons no less than our.

My choice fell on the work of Jack London "Tale of Chiche", not only because it is interesting to read. The image of the main character seemed to me quite complicated andrelevant For our time.Most guys really want to grow up, they try to seem adults. Girls start to apply makeup early, and guys show their masculinity in conversations using obscene vocabulary. In my opinion, the disclosure of the edge of the chief hero will help many young guys understand what it means to be adults in such an early age.

The degree of problem learning.

I could find only the various abstracts of lessons to hold a "legend of chance": either one lesson, or a number of literature lessons with foreign authors. This suggests that this work has paid little attention, and therefore the topic of my research has been little studied. From this it follows - it is relevant.

The purpose of my work: Reveal the image of the main character and at the same time show how at a very young age it is not easy to seem adults, but to do as an adult.

So tasks My research was:

  1. Element the main stages of the grief of the main character.
  2. Examine his life position.
  3. Answer the main question: Kishi seems to be an adult or is it early rising kid?

Object of study:The main character (Kishi).

Subject of study:The work of Jack London "Tale of Chiche".

Methodological basis research. In the course of the study, a comparative literary method was used, a biographical method, as well as the principle of selectivity and the principle of integrity.

  1. Main part

2.1 Interesting facts from the biography of Jack London

In my opinion, Jack London is not only a great author, but also very interesting. In his honor, called one of the lakes of the Far East. There are two versions of the name of this lake.

One of the versions says that old-timers living in the blizzards of this lake, argue that during the detection of the lake, Jack London's "Martin Eden" was found on the shore.

However, there is another version of this name for the lake. There is a version that many geologists loved the works of London very much. There are convictions that as many as two heads of various expeditions wanted to call some of the geographical objects in honor of this author. And in 1932 Geologist P.I. Speerts, carried out his dream and called one of the lakes of the northeast in his honor, giving him the name of Jack London.

As Lunina, Irina Evgenievna notes, in his dissertation "Artistic world of Jack London", "According to the data conducted in 1952, UNESCO research, J. London was recognized as the most popular writer in Europe and Russia and the most" translatable "writer."

I think it is very important to know that Jack London is his not real name. Present - John Griffith Cheney. Jack is a cut from John, so he called the closest people. His mother married John London, at that time the baby Cheney was almost a year. After marriage of the mother, John Griffith Chene all began to call, like his stepfather, John London.

Little Jack London knew what he would behave like an adult. Worked a boy no less than an adult man. He early began his work life, which was full of deprivation. In elementary school, he sold Morning and evening newspapers. After graduating from elementary school, it began to work at a tin factory with a simple worker, but the work was too heavy for the boy, and he gone. After that, he illegally caught oysters in San Francisco Bay. After that, he was hired by a sailor on Schoon, where for the first time and visited the sea. Schooner, which was hired by Jack was a fishery, she went to the shores of Japan and in Bering Sea.

I believe that Jack London, just such a diverse and labor life allowed him to write one of the most wonderful works that I analyze in my work - "Tale of Church."

But if Jack London was an uneducated sailor, we would never have been able to read his works. That is why, I think that in my work it is worth talking about the formation of this writer.

He independently prepared and passed all exams in order to enroll in California University. However, after the 3rd semester, due to the lack of funds for study, was forced to leave. In the spring of 1897, he goes to the mines, at that time they called the "gold fever". He went to Alaska. In San Francisco returned to 1898. London experienced all the "charms" of the Northern Winter. He was not glad to gold, but fate gave him a huge number of meetings, I think that it was there that he met our hero of Kishi.

Thus, Jack London was a man who:

I believe that it was the events listed by me that His life has made it possible to create London the image of "Kishi".

  1. Terms: image, protagonist, legend.

Having considered the term image in various sensible dictionaries, I came to the conclusion that in dictionaries edded by Ephraim, Ozhegov, Swedovaya and Ushakov, there is a common and varying. General can be considered: the appearance, view, like. Various in these intelligent dictionaries is a living, reflection, idea, feeling, image, generalization, reflection, type, character.

And in the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary, in my opinion, gives the most faithful concept of image: "The result of the reflection of the object in the consciousness of a person."

Thus, each definition complements and distributes that in common, which is given in them. I brought my definition of the image to understand what I mean, speaking about the image of Kishi.

The image is the result of reflection in the consciousness of a person, appearance, type, similarity, which is a living, generalized reflection of ideas, feelings and character of someone.

Since I consider not just an image in the work, but the image of the main character, it is necessary to consider both the definition: the main character.

When I was looking for the definition of this term, I encountered a problem. I did not find the name of this phrase. The formulation of the term "hero" is very often found, as well as in the literary dictionary, the term "literary hero" can be found:« one of the main actors of the work of art (as opposed to the character) ". In my opinion, this definition can be equated to the desired concept of the "protagonist". In explanatory dictionaries in determining the word "hero" there is an indication of the literary hero. Common in explanatory dictionaries under the editors of Ozhegov, Swedio and Efremova is: the main, acting, feats, face; And different: unusual, causes interest, embodies the features of the era.

Thus, the terms literary hero and the main character of the work can be considered identical. To the term in the literary framework "literary hero", for a complete understanding it is necessary to add something in common and different, which is in sensible dictionaries. We get the following definition:the main character is the main acting face of the work, which is unusual, due to the fact that embodies the features of the era, in connection with which interests.

The work in which I will consider the image of the main character is a legend, this is indicated in the title of the work: "Tale of Chiche". It turns out that the author himself from the very beginning implies the knowledge of this word. It says that we just need to talk about the meaning of this word.

The value of this definition can be sought only in the literary dictionary. So in the dictionary edited by Friece, Lunacharsky states that the tale implies a few species: historical, gidentary, apocryphic, teachings and stories. After reading the work itself, it is possible to say with accuracy that it relates to the tale. The tale of the tale is the "extensive genre of secular and spiritual stories, translated and original, which are similar to the modern literary story."

Of all the above, it follows that in tale talethe point of the main character can be considered the result of reflection in a person's consciousness, the appearance of the main acting person in the work.

2.3 The image of Kishi.

The events described in the tale took place at the Polar Sea, where the main character lived. He lived in the needle. The needle is an icy house of Eskimos, which has a domestic form.

The main character is the boy of Kishi, who is 12 years old.

His voice is heard on the Council, despite the fact that such a small was forbidden to speak. The first time his voice rang out, becausewhen they ate, the meat was tough old and there were many bones in it.Then the voice of Kish rang out in Novy, because he was proud of his father. The boy is separated, without fear of anyone declares that he can walk on the hunt and kill bears on his own.

"Justice" is a key concept in the words of Kish. Kish wanted to achieve justice and equality, despite age. He considered it fairly to help his tribe, if you can do it and no matter how old you are. Fairly, if every resident of the city will get a good piece of meat. But the men of the tribe considered unfairly if they would indicate a small boy who did not see life.

I am a table of evidence that talk about the rightness of tribe hunters and reverse arguments and that's what happened:

Thus, the reader must understand the boy who says as an adult man and men tribe.

Leaving the Council of Kish experienced anger, disorder and annoyance. The author conveys his feelings with the words: "The eyes of Kische caught fire, the blood clouded and the hot blush stuck to the cheeks .... He squeezed his teeth and went. "

I still managed to defend my truth, because he managed to prove that he could kill the bear himself without any help.

Successful hunting of the main character began to cause a sense of witchcraft in the village. This is an explanation. The boy killed five bears, remained not over, there was no scratch on it. That is why the inhabitants considered him sorcerer.

Kish did not consider his fortune and easy hunting secret or mystery. He took whale fat and climbed the crumpled mustache, whose ends were very sharp and turned out to be a lump of fat with a whale mustache inside. These lumps of fat brought great pain bear and it was easy to deal with him. Men wanted to get his hunt to his hunt, but it was only necessary to ask. When Clash-Kwa came to him and asked to tell how he hunts. The boy not thinking about it.

From the parents from the main character was only mom. She lived not rich, the inhabitants of the city did not pay attention to her, she had bad meat, like many women from the tribe. Mom lived in a small needle. But then, when Kish began to catch the bears, the mother of Kisce and he looked at him with a different look.

Despite the fact that he was driven from the council, he did not get out, he brought meat to the village, fed everyone, shared everything around, as promised, did not forget about the family, about the house: "I want to build a new needle, - He said to Kish once Clash Kwana and other hunters. "It's a distance to be a spacious needle, so that Aikig and I would be comfortable to live in it."

I believe that the sisha can be called a person honest, kind, proud and hardworking.

The writer explains to us why Kish became the first person in the tribe, and then the leader: you need to think and work not only with your hands, but also your head, you do not need to rely on a miracle, his email helped rise, and not witchcraft.

  1. Conclusion

Conducting its research in order to study the image of the chief hero of the work of the "Legend of Kishi", I met the terms: the image, the main character, the legend, also I brought the definitions the most complete, covering all parties to these definitions. I got acquainted with the work and studied literary terminology.

The purpose of my work was to reveal the image of the hero in such a way to show how the teenager should do if he wants adults to him and considered him equal.

I think the goal is achieved. The fundamental features of the main character are:

  1. Words correlate with the case.
  2. Words do not rush to the wind.
  3. It goes to hard work, the work is not correlated with age.
  4. Labor should be not only physical, but also mental.
  5. "Justice" is a key concept in words.

The main stages of adults can be called the following:

First: Boldly expresses his point of view on the Council.

Second: It is decided to go on a difficult thing - hunt.

The third: Begins to benefit the tribe, bringing good prey with hunting.

Fourth: Awareness that the corresponding housing should be made by the status. He cannot build it himself, as he is constantly engaged in hunting, he should build tribesmen who feed on his bill.

Fifth: Easily reveals the secret of his successful hunt, thereby helping other hunters to bring more tribe meat.

Sixth: It becomes the first man of the tribe, and later and leader.

Thus, answering the question: Kishi seems to be an adult or is it early a rising kid? We can safely say that he has a mature kid. He had to grow up, because his father died early, and his mother needed help, you need it to eat well. That is why Kishi passes all the steps of growing up.

After conducting this study, I can introduce a large number of students not only with terms, but also with the way the main character of the "Legend of Chisie". I can convey to them my idea that painted faces of girls and curses from the mouth of the boys do not make them adults. I can confirm this on the example of a twelve-year-old boy named Kishi.

  1. Bibliography
  1. The dissertation of the doctor of philological sciences. - Lunina, Irina Evgenievna. - Moscow // Philological sciences. Fiction - USA - American literature - con. 19 - Nach. 20 V. (2nd floor. 90s. 19th century - 1917) - Personalia writers- London Jack (1876-1916) - the writer is a general characteristic and the value of the writer's creativity. - 618 S.
  2. Efremova T. F. New dictionary of the Russian language. Skinny-word-formative. - M.: Russian, 2000
  3. Literary encyclopedia. - at 11 tons; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, fiction. Edited by V. M. Friece, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939.
  4. S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Swedov explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 2005
  5. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. D.N. Ushakov. - M.: State. IN-T "OB. ENCIC."; Oziz; State Publishing house in foreign. and nat. words., 1935-1940. (4 t.)
  6. Terminological dictionary-thesaurus for literary studies. From Allegoria to Yamba. - M.: Flint, Science. N.Yu. Rusova. 2004.
  7. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. GL Editorial: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983.
  8. Electronic resource: Jack London "Tale of Chisie".

    purpose of work It consists in studying the content and originality of the work of Jack London, primarily in the aspect of the perception and artistic mapping of the image of the chief hero.

    The first chapter of the project speaks of Jack London as the author of the book "Tale of Chiche". Having studied biographical information about this author, the following factors were allocated, which influenced the content of the text in question:

    1. Tested on himself, in early childhood, the most different and difficult work.
    2. He was engaged in self-education, since he did not have enough education at the university.
    3. I met a huge number of people, the images of which, in my opinion, became the basis of many works.
    4. I visited the Japanese and Baltic seas, as well as in the north.

    In the second paragraph of the project, the terms needed for the literary analysis of the image were considered, namely: the main character, the image, the tale.

    The third paragraph is revealed by the image of the main character in the work of "Tale of Chiche".

    Kisha can be called a person honest, kind, proud and hardworking. The writer explains to us why Kish became the first person in the tribe, and then the leader: you need to think and work not only with your hands, but also your head, you do not need to rely on a miracle, his seduchable helped him.

    Kish will grow a good boy, once at such a young age he thinks not only about himself, but about the whole tribe.

    The story about Kishi teaches us that you need not just throw words, but to do. If you want to be an adult, then be ready to make adult deeds. Be ready that you will not believe in you. And only persistence and difficulty can achieve respect among adults.

    The new knowledge gained will allow me not to just reveal the image of the hero, when discussing this work on extracurricular activities, but also to show the guys, which means being adults.


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    Gritsenko Elizabeth 5 A class branch Museosh No. 17 School number 3

    "The image of the main character in the work of Jack London" Tale of Chiche "

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