Interesting school newspaper: Original solutions. To whom and why do you need a school newspaper

Interesting school newspaper: Original solutions. To whom and why do you need a school newspaper
Interesting school newspaper: Original solutions. To whom and why do you need a school newspaper

One of the directions of using ICT in extracurricular activities in our gymnasium is the publishing case - the release of the school newspaper "Fresh generation".

What is the school edition?

  • Tribune for expressing your point of view?
  • Effective informative tool?
  • Space for rapprochement generations?

The school newspaper for students is a great opportunity to realize their creative abilities, it is a place for self-expression of those who have, what to say to the whole world: school poets, writers, artists, authors of projects ...

The goal of creating a newspaper is not just the disclosure of the creative abilities of students, the coverage of school events, the creation of a living, actively working information environment, but also demonstrating the technical capabilities of new information technologies in education. Children successfully master the Corel Draw program, with which each newspaper number is vested, make up the design of the newspaper. Successfully mastered the capabilities of not only vector graphics, but also raster - prepare images for publication in the newspaper. For this purpose, consultations and lessons on vector and raster schedule, training programs Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop. The above programs are not considered in the course of informatics and information technologies, so students often have to make knowledge, get the skills.

Thus, students not only enshrine the knowledge gained in the lessons of computer science and information technology, but also actively increase their professional level in the field of new information technologies.

School newspapers for parents:

This is an opportunity to feel the consent of the child's school life;

This is awareness that your child understands the relevance of his role and learns to make decisions.

Until December 2005, in MOU Gymnasium №65 traditionally, there was one type of print - a wall newspaper.

In December 2005, gathering around a group of active guys, together with the Association of Beginners Journalists in the gymnasium, the first issue of the newspaper "Fresh generation" was supervised. The literal name of the newspaper is translated as "fresh generation", "New Generation".

Each school is a small state with its laws, traditions and the flow of life. Each such state is unique in its own way. Our gymnasium is no exception, so the task of the editorial board is to be able to tell about this life so that the newspaper is interested in students and teachers and parents. In the gymnasium 728 students, you can imagine how many hidden talents can be found among them.

Our newspaper is already 3 years old. During this time, she united around themselves very different guys: different in age, temperament, preferences, but, undoubtedly, gifted and talented, and most importantly - not indifferent and wishing to make life at school interesting and rich.

If you carefully browse the newspaper, it is not difficult to note that articles reflect a wide range of problems, from intralass and intra-school to universal and witness. Of course, not all work and not always were literary masterpieces of a Russian scale, although, undoubtedly, there were very interesting.

Let not all work perfect, something else does not work, but the guys learn to journalistic skill, receive serious professional training - and this is the most important thing. The school newspaper really plays a big role in the life of her teenagers. She contributes to the adult of the guys, their upbringing, and also helps the birth in the walls of a sustainable mini-society gymnasium, the current model of the modern world. Each of them has the opportunity to reveal its potential opportunities, learn to boldly express their creative ideas, which means it gains freedom of feelings, thoughts - that freedom that our not very remarkable everyday life limits in the framework of the "allowed" and "unacceptable" ...

Another important quality that "grows up" our newspaper is responsible. After all, work in the team is a serious and difficult thing ... Everyone is taken for the work that he is "in force." We have acquired the skills of cooperation, the ability to maintain a single working mechanism, to be its indivisible links - important, indispensable qualities necessary for adulthood.

The main principles of our publication are continuity and continuous improvement. We are optimistic about the future, because we believe - everything is solved by ideas and people embodying them. One of the main criteria for the implementation of these ideas we see constant development - to be open to new experience, knowledge, technologies, strive for improvement and updating. And a very important, distinctive feature of the school edition is sincerity. After all, the school newspaper cannot be untold - this is the pocket mirror, which helps us look at yourself, draw adults to the life of schoolchildren ...

The newspaper is coming out twice a month, and always finds his reader among children, and among adults.

Problems? Who has no them ... The main one is time. The publishing project is created, is conducted and supported by a teacher and schoolchildren actually working on full training load, the daily learning load of which is also huge. So the selection of the material, and writing articles, and editors, and the layout are carried out, exclusively, from the love of their work and in their free time.

Second problem - project support. The project is absolutely non-commercial, but at the same time requiring costs and means and time. So far, such a big project supports only the school administration, which makes everything that can.

Understanding that the school publication is unprofessional, sometimes an adult arguing, sometimes naive, in childish, we, however, believe that it is extremely necessary for modern school. As an attempt to participate in real, serious business; As an attempt to overcome the notorious issue of "fathers and children" and finding mutual understanding between adults and young; as an attempt to explore society; As an attempt to cooperate with younger and senior, children and adults, students and teachers; As an attempt to do interesting, fascinating, effective business. And for this we already have everything! But, of course, there are a number of things that could significantly expand our opportunities to increase the level of publication, to make it more complete, more interesting, more responsive needs so fast changing world.

What does the editorial board of the Fresh generation? About school mini-typography.


Make newspaper Modern. It can mean whatever. The main rule is forget about the usual newspaper. No child will tell you that the newspaper "Kommersant" or "MK" has beautiful design. Therefore, do the opposite. Remember the bright, free style and fill it with graphics and images. The easiest way to make the first strip using photos and students.

Think over the form of the newspaper. The student is unlikely to appreciate the charms a wide, uncomfortable newspaper A3 format or more. The A4 format is best suited. It is close to the journal, printing can be carried out on the usual printer, it will easily fit in.

More small format is also allowed, but it causes problems with the layout. If you are going to publish long, complex, it can stretch into several pages.

Use the effects for designing text and photos. The popular manga genre is a good how you can "with the text". Do not use conventional newspaper column methods for supplying material. Plute information on the page in the small oval framework, like the clouds in the sky. The final version is similar to a blog or news tape, which will attract and give simplicity to absorb the material.

Treat photos with shadows, light, gloss. Create interesting photo collages. This will help save place in and use more photos on one strip.

Ask tips from students. As a rule, young cloes can be located brilliant ideas that will allow not only to attract new disciples to the newspaper, but also to establish various kinds of award for the work done.

Helpful advice

Remember that it is necessary to repel not from your understanding about what the newspaper should be, but on the needs of the student. Realizing these needs, you can succeed.

How to make a newspaper? On the Internet, countless different publications, where you can publish your own creations. Someone even claims that the press will soon fall off as an outdated element. But somehow already claimed something like something.

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  • how to make your newspaper in 2019

So you decide to do. It does not matter what it will be: a wall newspaper for colleagues, a small school mustice printed on a widescreen printer, or a full periodic edition. The topic was determined, the materials are collected. How to arrange a newspaper? Whatever the newspaper you do, pay attention to the following points.


Any newspaper must have its recognizable style. Do not be afraid to experiment, go from templates.

Photos and drawings are not only an additional illustrative material, but often "tightening" the information blanket. Take care to photography attracted attention. It is not necessary that any compromising is depicted on it. Just position it on the strip.

The correctly selected font is the key to your success. It should not be too popular, but it should be easy to read what it is written. Do not show all the fonts in one room that you know. It's funny, of course, but the reader is unlikely to like it.
The font is the "face" of the publication. Make it to be recognizable.

Registration of the structure of the newspaper is hard work. Your task so that the reader moves along the headings and understood why you have placed the material so, and not otherwise.
For example, if a serious analytical material appears on the newspaper strip, the reader will never open the middle newspaper to read the latest news. If only because it is just inconvenient.

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Take your own blog It's never too late, as well as arrange it to your liking. if you have blog In a live magazine, check out the existing ways to design your online diary.


If desired, the page of his blogand in LJ, you can change beyond recognition. LiveJournal platform allows you to accompany your blog As you like: change styles, colors, background, fonts, menu items, etc. It is important to note that for this you do not need - from the status of your account in LJ does not depend on how the magazine will look like. To issue blog, You can go in two ways: choose the style to your liking or create your own style yourself.

If you go along the path of least resistance, you can choose one of the hundreds of ready-made design styles and customize it as you need. To do this, go to your profile and select the "Log Style" in the "Magazine" menu. You will find yourself in the log design menu. Using navigation on the left side of the page, select yourself a suitable style, click on the "View" button to see how your page will look, and then click the "Apply Design" button to make changes to the design style.

Now you can perform more subtle settings by clicking on the "Adjust your style" section. Here you can configure colors and fonts, select on the page, change title titles and menu items, or hide the tags, set a picture as a background, as well as perform other settings for designing your own blogbut.

If you are not satisfied with any of the proposed styles, you can try another option. In the Live Community magazine, in which users lay exclusive styles of magazines. Http: // is very popular. You can see the ready-made styles in the community publications, choose to suit themselves and apply it to your magazine. Before you take a particular style, check out the rules of its use.

Well, if you decide to try yourself as a designer, but you have no work with HTML, use the design generator for LJ In addition, find questions about the design of your blogand you can in the community

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Today to write, brand and print school newspaper It is much easier and less costly than, for example, 20-30 years ago. Having in his arsenal basic writer skills and a computer with Word installed, you can safely develop the idea of \u200b\u200bthe school "Bulletin". Also, do not do when creating a school newspaper without like-minded people and support adults.


Talk to the class teacher, and better immediately with the subject of any support in creating a school newspaper. Better if you gather an initiative group that will offer numerous ideas and topics for newspaper materials. Project support includes: providing computers and layout programs, providing Internet access, teacher's assistance or students in testing texts for spelling and grammatical errors, assistance in developing a promotion and design plan.

If you cannot find support from the school, try to interest your parents. Some of them plan to send their receipt of higher philological or journalistic education, and is a good springboard for writers and journalists. If you have a good computer and focus on the Internet, you can easily save on the cost of printing a newspaper, posing your pearls in the global network on your own school site. Attract not only as writers and journalists, but also teachers, students.

Spend a brainstorming and come up with a catchy name for the school newspaper. Develop the design of the main page, the logo of the publication, the title rating. Come up with headings and themes, style and concept of the entire newspaper. You can publish news and texts related to school life: about the Olympiads, about sports, teachers and educational process, about summer holidays and school program, puzzles, caricatures, photos, ads, horoscopes, comics and more. This is all useful for the electronic version. Decide whether your newspaper is weekly or monthly.

Distribute the topic volunteers and voice the deadlines for the delivery of finished materials. Be sure to make a list of requirements: the presence of photography, handwritten or electronic type of articles, text volume, the presence of headers.

Clear materials using the designed design of the main page and electronic templates. Typically, the most important news is printed on the main page, analytics and opinions - in the middle of the newspaper, and the entertainment headings are on the last sheets.

Print multiple copies and distribute them to the editor to the fusion. Take edits in the layout, according to your editors' proposals.

Currently, the media has a serious impact on the life of the younger generation. How to help your child is not confused in such a stream? The school newspaper will become an excellent option for mastering the child skills, the skills of information work.


Creating a school newspaper - a responsible event, involvement in which allows you to develop communicative skills, work in a team. In addition, such a lesson is an excellent upbringing agent, a good stimulus to increase interest in the learning process. How is the school newspaper creates? Schools are trying to inform the guys, their parents about the most interesting events taking place in the life of an educational institution.

Work on the issues of regular news is related to the direct participation of schoolchildren in various social promotions, consideration of serious public problems, the statement of their own point of view about the events occurring at school.

Periodic print edition

The school newspaper is a periodic edition, where materials are published on all current events. The volume of release ranges from 2 to 50 bands. Unlike other periodicals, the school newspaper can be produced once a week, a month or a quarter. Various styles and genres in its design are admissible. Most of the place must be discharged by journalistic works and operational information. For example, interviews are popular, essays in which there is a story about teachers, the best students of the educational institution.

The school newspaper is a wonderful start for future poets and writers, correspondents. Such materials may be devoted to a public holiday or an interesting event organized in a specific educational institution.

Classification of newspapers

They are customary to divide on the frequency of release into daily, weekly, monthly options. For school optimal is considered a monthly option.

Depending on the scale of readers and the distribution areas, the newspaper is divided into regional, district, local, multi-degenerate, nationwide. In the framework of the educational institution is assumed to issue a local version

By the nature of the issue, such a publication is a mixture of an entertainment, commercial, advertising type. The founder of the school newspaper is an educational institution, so the target audience will be schoolchildren, teachers, parents of students.

A business card of any publication is its name. It should be bright, memorable, unusual. For example, school edition can be called:

  • "For you and for friends."
  • "School boom."
  • "Our friendly family."
  • "Planet of our friendship."

In order to come up with a newspaper name, you can declare a competition at school.


The prototype of the modern newspaper became ancient handwritten books. Julius Caesar published "Acts of the Senate", and in 911 "Jin Bao" appeared in China. From those distant times a lot of time passed, but the newspaper did not lose its relevance and demand for readers.

In school life, filled with bright and interesting events, the printed publication is an excellent way to systematize all events. At present, young publicists and poets are currently published, photographers are successfully published in almost all Russian schools.

Quite often, the releases of the school newspaper guys are engaged in the framework of additional education. For example, the educational institution creates a school of young journalists, the responsibilities of which and the thinking of the layout, content, as well as the immediate release of the school printed publication.

What an interesting and diverse school life. This is a small country in which it is not so easy to keep track of the flow of events, and even more so keep in memory the most unusual, interesting and important of them. For this, two years ago, a group of high school students decided to organize the release of a school newspaper, which was always a dream of boys and girls, teachers and parents. Our Junkorov team is quite young, but for these two years, we learned a lot and are ready to share our success and interesting school life.
Communicating with the guys of schools of the republic, where the work of the school newspaper is well established, we learned that the school printed publication makes it possible to better know themselves, learn to express your thoughts. In addition, in the process of joint activities to create a school newspaper between all participants in the school process, good and friendly relations are established.

« Where to begin? How to make the newspaper to be relevant, interesting and readable? "- Such questions ask all who embarks on a new case.
The first thing we did, we began to search for interested guys to create team of like-minded people. On the council of the school leaders, it was decided that the newspaper will go once a quarter . For whom will the newspaper be published? Of course for us: for boys and girls, teachers and parents, for everyone who is the road our school and who wants school life to be remembered as in the song "School Years Wonderful ...."

We know that the newspaper is important name. Ideas were a lot. It was proposed to call the newspaper "Our School Country", as the information school booth is named. They decided that this is a single integer, where the events of school life are reflected.
Before the guys - Yunkura was delivered target:
Informing all participants in the educational process about school life and the creation of the annals for the school museum, as the happiest days of the living daye.
And to achieve the goal, you need to work on tasks:
- to attract guys, teachers and parents to coverage in the newspaper of school life;
- Through the newspaper to open the creative identities of students.
Number planning, material collection, photo processing, work on the layout and design of the newspaper, printing numbers in printing house - Works have grabbed everyone in the school asset of high school students. Greater assistance was provided to correspondents from different classes, teachers and parents, who sponsored the release of the school newspaper.

Popular headings in the newspaper:
"Class news", "Beauty will save the world", "Attention: Competition!" "How good to learn at school!" "I am proud and remember!", "Guest of the number", "Safety Island"
"In secret all the world!", "Healthy to be healthy!", "Congratulations!", "Thank you talk!"
Were made two specials issueDedicated to the Victory Day and School Graduates.

Topic Articles in the newspaper reflect our school life: study, important events in school, holidays, competitions, sports competitions, excursions, trips, meetings with interesting people.
What kind of benefit is the school newspaper? Proudly replies:
"Thanks to the newspaper, we get acquainted with the profession of a journalist, learn from finding unusual and unforgettable moments in everyday life. The newspaper brings together, unites schoolchildren and adults into one. The guys open talents in their classmates and rejoice at the success of students and teachers of our school. "