Modern Fine Art Bashkortostan. Anna Silivonchik.Plight and Positive Style "Naive" Naive Art Pictures

Modern Fine Art Bashkortostan. Anna Siviochik.Plight and Positive Style
Modern Fine Art Bashkortostan. Anna Silivonchik.Plight and Positive Style "Naive" Naive Art Pictures

Anna Silliikik was born in 1980 in the city of Gomel. From 1992 to 1999 He studied at the republican lyceum of arts (Minsk, Belarus). 1999-2007 - Training in the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, separation of machine painting in Minsk. Since 1999 - participation in regional and republican exhibitions. Diploma 4th Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art (2007).

Currently lives and works in Minsk.

In the environment of young Belarusian painters, it is rightfully considered a bright personality for an unusually original artistic style created by a special world of images. The source of aesthetic oriented should be sought in the fantastic realism of M.Shagala, the naive art of primitivists of the beginning of the twentieth century, and, of course, in folk decorative and applied art and folklore.

Anna works in the traditional oil painting technique, but constantly experimenting with various visual means, using the texture and drawing of the canvas, which selects specifically for each work. Very subtle feeling of color and thought-out lines, thorough work on details help very accurately express a certain mood.

We must pay due: the works of the artist are permeated with a good fraction of a subtle humor and give the audience a strong emotional charge, hitting with their metaphoricity, giving birth many unexpected associations.

Works are located in the Museum of Modern Art of Minsk, Belarus, and in private collections in Russia and abroad.

naive Art.

In the 20th century Increasing attention began to attract one phenomenon, which previously did not consider the art at all. This is the work of artists -Lithors, or so-called. artists weekend. Their creativity is called naitism or primitivism. The first naist adopted seriously, was a Frenchman who serves customs Henri Russo(1844 - 1910) who dedicated himself to painting by retirement. His paintings were portrayed the events of everyday life, then full fantasy images of distant countries, deserts and rainforest. Unlike many later naithists, Rousseau was immortally naive, he believed in his vocation and wrote his paintings with clumsy, helplessly drawn and funny human and animal figures, without having doubts.

He did not care about the perspective. But the combinations of flowers in his paintings are beautiful, and simplicity and directness give them a big charm. This was noticed at the beginning of the century, the cubists led by Picasso, they were the first to support the naism.

Another outstanding naist who has never waited for recognition of life, was Georgian Niko Pirovanashvili (1862 – 1918).

In the pictures of this self-taught, we see animals, landscapes, the life of ordinary people: work, festive feasts, fair scenes, etc. The strong side of the creations of Pirosmanashvili is a magnificent colorful gamma and pronounced Georgian national identity.

Naive Art Museum in Paris

Most of the hostists are people living in gravity corners, in small cities or villages and deprived of the opportunity to learn painting, but complete desires to create. Even in the technically helpless works of Naistists, the freshness of the feelings are preserved to which high arts seeks, so the naitism attracted both professional artists.

Noteworthy of the fate of naiths in America. There already in the XIX century. It was serious and the works of the Naist collected for museum collections. America had little art schools, the large art centers of Europe were far away, but people did not weaken the desire for beauty and the desire to capture their living environment in art. The art was the art of lovers.

I'm sitting in a cafe. For a table, a woman is sitting at the table - it can be seen that wealth is not very big. Retaining sheets A3, coal. "Do I want you to draw you?". I do not agree, but I do not refuse - I wonder. Forming something under the nose, a woman literally in 5 minutes depicts my portrait and invites me to pick it up - a clear thing, not free. After a couple of minutes I am already going to the subway, holding a sheet in my hands with a very primitive my image. I paid fifty rubles for him.

This woman made me remember naive art. The encyclopedia of art gives such a definition of this genre: "The traditional art of people's masters, as well as self-taped artists, preserving children's freshness and the immediacy of the world's vision". Maybe you met these pictures - simple, sincere, it seems that they painted them, but in fact the authorship belongs to an adult person. Most often these are people even the elderly. They have their own profession - working, as a rule. They live in the villages, and go to work every day. Naive art - the direction is pretty old. Back in the XVII century, unprofessional artists created their "merciless truthful" portraits, and in the 20th century Naive stood out in a separate direction, free from academic rules and norms.

The progenitor is considered to be the iconography. Seeing such icons, you probably easily distinguish them from traditional. They are disproportionate, primitive, as if even inaccurate. All these characteristics can be applied to any picture of naive art, not only to icons.

One of the most striking representatives is Naiva. It is also considered the founder of naive art. Rousseau wrote his first job in 42 years - he worked as a customs officer, and began to write only when he retired. These artists have no time to professionally engage in creativity, but they do not want. Just sometimes in your free time draw what they see. "Collection of apples", "threshing", "stormy river", "whites of canvas" - these are the names of pictures of naive artists.

Rousseau works were often subjected to ridicule and tough criticism, especially at first. And the artist acquired wide popularity after the Camilo Pissaro was brought to one of his paintings - they wanted to steal, and the Master began to admire the artist's style and praise the picture. It was a "carnival evening", 1886.

The details of the landscape are too carefully discharged, and the construction of the plans amused the audience, but it was precisely this and delighted Pissaro.

Another, no less well-known naive artist is Georgian Niko Pirosmani. At the beginning of the twentieth century, when Pirosmani began to actively engage in art, he painted homemade paints on the linen - white or black. Where it was necessary to portray these colors, the artist simply left the oilcloth was impaired - it developed one of its main techniques.

Pirosmani loved to depict animals, and his friends said that in these beasts he, rather, draws himself. And in fact, "Persons" of all animals in Pirosmani are little similar to real animal muzzles, and all of them have the same look: sad and defenseless, whether "Giraffe" (1905) or "Bear on the Lunar Night" (1905).

Niko Pirosmani died in a homeless poverty from hunger and deprivation. And this is despite the fact that he had time from time to time to design the signs of theacy.

The larger part of the representatives of Hive with their artistic creativity and do not earn at all, leaving for him at best a couple of hours a day, as a hobby. This is not done by this - this is exactly what highlights naive artists in a separate Castow. This is very honest art, from the whole of the soul - there is no instructions of orders over the artist, nor material dependence on creativity. He just draws, because it loves it - and harvesting, and the rites of the walling, and the native river in the forest. He loves and chants as he can.

It is quite a special way this is the Romanian artist-naibist. His works are similar to the illustration of children's books - they are colorful, good and fabulous. Duskalo differs from many artists of naive arts by depicting fantasy plots, and not everyday life situations. There is a house of shoe, and liliputs with giants, and flying unicorns. At the same time, his paintings do not cease to be simple - both in form and content. Looking at them, I want to reread your favorite fairy tales and dream a little.

Naive includes creativity of self-taught and amateur art. "Naive" - \u200b\u200bdoes not mean "stupid" or "not far away." It is more likely to oppose professional art. Artists of naive art do not have professional artistic skills. In this, their difference from the artists of the Primitivism: those, being professionals, stylized their work under "inept" and simple. And most importantly, the naive artists do not seek to draw on the canons, professionally. They do not want to develop their art and make it their profession. Artists Naila wrote the world is not as taiting, but as they feel.

At first it seemed to me that naive art was similar to the chastushki. I so delighted this comparison - it really turned out to be colorful and bright. But having understood, I realized that in disrupt. Naive art is very bright, but "cast-iron serious." In him, unlike caustic chastushk, no humor, grotesque, caricature - although at first glance it seems quite different. In the author, the author is always an enthusiastic perception of what he depicts. And where there is no delight, there is no naive art - they simply do not show these areas of life. Naive is sincere admiration.

In Moscow there is a museum of naive art - his employees are seriously working to collect exhibits, communicate with the authors. Now in the museum about 1,500 works, but there are few places for the demonstration, so the expositions change almost every month.

This text will not tell the whole of the artists of naive art, but let it take at least interest and inspire to reach the museum or to extract these naive pictures in the search engine. These adult dreamers artists deserve simple attention - let it without admiration and global recognition, but let's try to at least know them.

27.09.2011 22:00

In this, more often and more often there are announcements about the upcoming exhibitions of the artist of naive art. Today we will try to figure out what it is naive art.

First, I mow yourself to assume that all the visual arts originates from Naila. After all, when there was no classical school, the laws of painting were not bred. There were plots and there were people who wanted to capture these moments on canvas or any other material. If you think about it, the first squeal figures of a primitive person are also naive art.

Secondly, any artist, for the first time taking pencils and brushes, starts just to depict what he sees around himself. Do not obey the laws of logic and painting, the hand itself leads the line where she needs. And so the painting is born. This then comes with experience and knowledge, but somehow everyone through this stage pass. But why then some at this stage remain?

Let's try to apply to the definition and history of naive art. Naive art (from English Naive Art) - the style of creativity of amateurs, not received by the professional education of artists. Often, this concept is used as synonymous by primitivism, but in the last speech rather about professional imitation of unprofessional. Historical roots of naive art are originated in folk artistic creativity.

But currently there are many artists in this direction, who received a very good art education. But they continue to write in childish not difficult plots. At the same time, the "naive" artist differs from "non-naive," as the name is different from the doctor of medical sciences: both are specialists, each of its kind.

For the first time, naive art declared itself in 1885, when the paintings of Henri Rousseau, called the customs officer, were shown in the salon of independent artists in Paris, since he was a customs officer by profession. Subsequently, at the beginning of the 20th century, Marshana - at first Alfred Zharry, then by Guillae Apolliner, and soon and Bernheim, Wilhelm Ude, Ambruz Vollar and Paul Guillae began to attract the attention of the public not only to the works of Rousseau Customs officer, but also to works of other primitivists and self-taught. The first exhibition of naive art was held in 1937 in Paris - it was called "Folk Master of Reality." Along with the works of Rousseau Customs, the works of workers and artisans Louis Viven, Camille Bombuy, Andre Boshan, Dominica-Fields Peyronon, Serafina Louis, called Serafin from Sanlisa, Jean Eva, Rena Rambera, Adolf Dietrich, and Maurice Utrillo, Son Suzanne Voidon.

With all this it should be noted that many avant-garde artists, such as Pablo Picasso, Robert Delone, Kandinsky and Brankusi, paid special attention to the art of children and sacrificed. Interest in the work of self-taught showed Chagall, Malevich was addressed to Russian Lubk, he held a special place in the works of Larionov and Goncharova. Almost due to the techniques and images of naive art, success accompanied the works of Kabakov, Bruskina, Komar and Melamide.

The work of naive artists as one of the layers of contemporary art requires a serious and thoughtful study, in which there can be no place for superficial and extreme judgments, often found in everyday life. It is either idealized and extolled, or is considered with a shade of neglect. And this is primarily due to the fact that in Russian (as in some other), the term "naive, primitive" has the term "naive, primitive" as one of the main assessment (and precisely negative) meaning.

The principal difference of this direction of fine art from the nursery is deep sacrality, traditionalism and canonism. Children's naivety and the immediacy of the worldview as it were frozen forever in this art, its expressive forms and elements of the artistic language were filled with sacred magical significance and a cult symbolism having a fairly stable field of irrational meanings. In children's art, they are very mobile and do not carry a cult load. Naive art is usually optimistic in spirit, life-affirming, multifaceted and varied, has most often quite high aesthetic significance. Unlike him, the art of mentally ill, often close to it in shape, is characterized by the painful obsession of the same motives, a pessimistic-depressive tune, a low level of artistic. The works of naive art are extremely diverse in shape and individual stylistics, however, for many, the absence of a linear perspective is characterized (a depth of many primitivists strive to convey with the help of the difference of figures, a special organization forms and colors), flatness, simplified rhythm and symmetry, active use of local colors , generalization of forms, underlining the functionality of the subject at the expense of certain deformations, increased significance of the contour, simplicity of technical techniques. In artists-primitivistors of the 20th century, who are familiar with the classic and modern professional art, often arise interesting and original artistic decisions when trying to imitate or another techniques of professional art in the absence of relevant technical knowledge and skills.

Nadezhda Stavivova. Dancing under the first light bulb in the village. 2006. Canvas. DVP. Butter.

Representatives of naive art most often take their plots from their surrounding life, folklore, religious mythology or their own imagination. It is easier for them than many artists-professionals, a spontaneous, intuitive, not difficult to cultural and social rules and prohibitions. As a result, the original, surprisingly clean, poetic and sublime art worlds, in which some ideal naive harmony between nature and man dominates.

Life they understand as the "golden age", because the world for them is harmony and perfection. There is no story as a constantly performed process for them, and the time in it is drawn to the endless circle, where the coming tomorrow will be the same radiant, as has passed yesterday. And it does not matter that the lived life was extremely heavy, dramatic, and sometimes tragic. It is not difficult to understand if you familiarize yourself with the biographies of Naiva. They seem to store the integrity of perception and consciousness in genetic memory. Constancy, stability and mental equilibrium - these are the conditions of normal life.

And here everything becomes clear, watching more intently, that the naive mind is the mind of a special warehouse. He is not good and not bad, he is just like that. It includes a holistic world-uponymia, in which a person is unthinkable outside nature and space, he is mentally free and can enjoy the creative process, while remaining indifferent to its result. He, this mind, allows you to imagine that a person can stay and dwells in two dreams.

At the same time, the potential to which Naive has, can be in demand in our stormy XXI century, when we "fix not the history of evolution, but the history of the catastrophe." He will not feel anyone and will not remove, and it can hardly become the ruler of the Dum, he will only be able to present its most valuable quality - a holistic unlosable consciousness, "the type of globility, which only can be called truly moral, since he does not divide the world, And he feels its organism "(V. Packyukov). This is the moral and ethical and cultural power of naive art.

Currently, a huge number of naive art museums have been created. In France, they are in Laval and Nice. Such a museum was created in Russia. The Moscow Museum of Naive Art was founded in 1998 and is a state institution of culture.

Naive art (Naive Art) is one of the directions of the primitivism, which is characterized by naive simplicity of technology, an anti-academic approach to painting, a freshness of the view and originality of the drawings. Unnecessary and at first pursued for the "barbaric" attitude towards the canonoam painting, Art-Naive eventually survived and took a worthy place in the history of world culture. In the work of artists working in this genre, household scenes associated with food are rarely present, which, naturally, could not but interest our thematic site.

It should be said that the roots of the genre " naive Art. »Go far into the depths of the centuries. The first samples of naive visual art can be considered rocky pictures found in the caves of South Africa. (We are confident that the drawings of the ancient hunter were more susceptible to others as a menu, rather than painting 🙂).

Much later, the Greeks, finding the Scythian statues of "stone women" from the Black Sea, also found them with primitive "barbarism" due to violation of the proportions of the body, which in ancient Greek culture characterized by harmony and beauty. Remember at least the "golden section" of the polyclet.
Nevertheless, the "correctness" of classical art constantly continued to undergo partisan attacks of folk art. And so, after the overthrow of the domination of Rome in most European countries, the visual arts, making a halks, replaced the course from perfection towards the search for expressiveness. In the role of means to achieve this goal, the originality and identity of the former izgoy and an outsider, who was considered naive art.
At the same time, it is impossible to ignore the fact that the outstanding artists "Art-Nava" would never have received world recognition if European artists were interested in ideas and style, such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Joan Miro, Max Ernst and others. They supported " uprising against romantic classicism».
In search of the "fifth element" of Isoishness, they, like medieval alchemists, tried irrationally to operate the miracle and mystery, mixing the avant-garde and wild natural primacy in their paintings, which increased from the subsoil of the lost "primitive" peace of Africa, as well as Central and South America.
It is well known that Pablo Picasso studied the African style of "primitive art" in detail, studied genuine masks and sculptures brought from there to comprehend the creative subconscious beginning of the "black continent" and embody it in their works. What largely determined his corporate asymmetric style. Even on, he uses disproportion techniques.
The portrait of this Spanish innovator-painter was peculiarly performed by the Colombian artist, which in the 2007 Air Force Program was painted " Picasso South America«.

Former illustrator Fernando Botero Angulo (1932) became known after he won the first prize at the "exhibition of Columbian artists" in 1959. It opened him the doors to Europe, where he began the cool career of this original artist and the sculptor, whose work was subsequently influenced by many apologists of naive art. To see this, you can compare its pictures with the works of some modern colleagues in art nais. In order not to be distracted by the "product" theme, take one of the favorite those Botero - Picnic.

One of the oldest primitivist artists, the leader of the Croatian naive art - Ivan Generalist (1914-1992). The lack of professionalism, peasant origin and rural patterns of paintings, did not prevent him from 1953 to receive recognition throughout Europe. Peasant life appears in his work as if seen from the inside, which gives them amazing expression, freshness and immediacy.

The picture where the Croatian grandfather is grated under the Eiffel Tower, you can find a secretive smile in the Paris Beaujda, it is worth only to look in the photo of the author: a modest snack from sausages, bread and onions laid out on a stool; The walker on the militant floor, dressed in a rubbed of the coat ... Generalist in life is unpretentious and wise. The French novelist Marseille Arlang wrote about him: "He was born to the earth. He possesses wisdom and charm. He does not need a teacher. "

Many artists of modern "naive art" seem to have avoided the charm of the works of predecessors. But, at the same time, in the immediacy of the artistic expression, inherent in Art Naval, they bring the elements of the "social told" unknown Western Europeans. As an example, we present a few decorative genre scenes of the Belarusian artist Elena Nacarevich , Many years ago, emigrated to Spain. Its paintings are the ironic reconstruction of the idealized world, a conflict of the total past, well known to all residents of the former CIS. They are filled with nostalgic fluids of the disappearing era of social realism with the smells of the kitchen, where Olivier are preparing and hosted by the hostesses in anticipation of guests, where summer cottages replace country houses, and picnics are called rivet on nature.

And although the works of Elena Narcevich presents the majority of formal signs of the genre of the "Naive Arta", such as distortions in geometric aspects, the unrefined color on composite plans, extended proportions of figures and other markers art naila, but experts refer similar works to pseudo-naive art or " artificially naive"- When the artist works in a imitative manner. (Another feature of naive art is a deliberate "childishness" of the image - brought to commercial perfection Evgenia Gapchinskaya ).

In the similar with the manner of Elena Nekshevich writes his paintings by the artist Rod from Donetsk - Angela Jerich . We already told about her work.

The inner world of Pictures Angela Jerich sometimes compare with the mag of the characteristics of the characters in Fellini films. The artist succeeds in ironic and, at the same time very love, "illustration of the past era" of social realism. In addition to this, Angela has an elegant fantasy and can fix the "beautiful moments" of life in Pushkinski.

About her colleague in the "art naive shop", Moscow artist Vladimir Lubarov, We also told. A series of his work under the name " Ether", Although it pleases the eye with edible still lifes, but this" gastronomic reality "he does not distinguish itself. It is only a reason to demonstrate the lives of his characters, their characters and feelings. . You can also familiarize yourself with his fun and mental pictures. (Or on his personal website

If the lubarov from civilization escaped to the village to draw their paintings there and engage in natural economy, then "Naive artist" Valentin Gubarev From Nizhny Novgorod moved to Minsk. (As if in order to fill the loss from Elena Narciewicz emigration 🙂).

Pictures of Valentine Gubareva, which have an incredible attractive force and charm. They are emotionally and positively react to people far from art. Its works lies some simpleness and irony, mischief and sadness, deep philosophy and humor. In his paintings, there are many active persons, parts and items, as on the balcony of a panel five-story building, ate of several generations of residents. But, as the connoisseurs of his paintings for sure: "Many, but nothing superfluous." For passion for small detailing of paintings, it is called " belarusian Breighelem" Compare yourself - on the left Bruegel in the original, and on the right one of the hundreds of similar paintings of Gubareva. (By the way, jewelry using thumbnails, Bruegel pictured 118 proverbs from Scandinavian folklore).

In general, the emergence of the primitivism was caused by, on the one hand, the rejection of modern urbanized life and the rise of the mass culture, and on the other - a challenge of sophisticated elite art. Primitivists sought to get closer to the purity, emotionality and the unmandant clarity of the people's or children's consciousness. These trends touched on many artists in Europe, America and Russia.

It is impossible not to mention the bright representative of the art of the Nava and Primitivism at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the French artist Henri Russo . Its paintings are generally difficult to characterize words due to the fantasy riotiness and incomparable with anyone's drawing manners. Painting he began to engage in adulthood, not having an appropriate education. Often painted exotic jungle, which never seen in life. Not paying attention to numerous reproaches that the child can also draw and Russo went along the path of his vocation. As a result, his perseverance turned out to be the Archimedean lever, which turned over the world of fine art: the genius of Henri Rousseau recognized, and the new generation of artists intercepted his lady's wand.

The features of the primitivism were also inherent in the work of great French painters, Hogen field and Henri Matisse. Just look at the Gaenov "Tahitians with Mango" or on the stormy "joy of life" Matisse: the causation of nature in full swing. (No wonder Matisse was a fusist).

Russia had their own groups of adherents of the style of naive art. Among them are the participants of the creative communities "Bubnovsky Valt" (P. P. Konchalovsky, I. I. Mashkov), "Oslay Tail" (M. F. Larionov, N. S. Goncharov, M. Z. Shagal) and others.

One of the geniuses of primitivism is right Niko Pirosmani . This self-taught artist from a small Georgian village was interrupted by Nishchensky income, trading with milk. He often gave her paintings to buyers or gave outglers hoping to help out some money. Merry feast, scenes of peasant life, nature - these are themes that inspired Pirosmani. All picnics and Prazniki in its paintings have characteristic national characteristics. Loneliness and confusion of a nugget artist in the urban mesh successor turns on his canvas with philosophical thoughts about the place of man (and in general a living being) in the world, and his feasts and feasts talk about the moments of the joy of earthly being.

It is possible to continue to continue to give examples, but even from a small excursion the multicultural phenomenon of naive art becomes obvious. This confirmation may be hundreds of museums and galleries, where the pictures of "naive artists" are stored. Or the amount of sales of NAIVE Arta, calculated in hundreds of millions of dollars.

The genre of the primitivism turned out to be a survival and adaptable as all the simplest in nature. Naive art has developed, not due to the academic "artificial" sciences (artists of Art-Nava often did not have education), but rather, contrary, because the native and habitat of naive arts are deeply natural, infant scientists and critics of the phenomenon, where the almighty genius of man reigns.

In the case of the works of the genre naive Art., we are completely solidarity with the expression of Louis Aragon: " Naive to consider these pictures naive