Download presentation M Bitter life and creativity. Presentation "Early Romantic Works AM Gorky"

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Download presentation M Bitter life and creativity. Presentation "Early Romantic Works AM Gorky"

This presentation describes the life and work of one of the prominent writers of the 20th century - Maxim Gorky. The material contains a large amount of information about the life of a writer and his fate, as well as key points that influenced its work.



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Maxim Gorky in life and work

The classics do not die. He was a biographer of his century K. A. Fedin Gorky - Epoch ... M. I. Tsvetaeva Gorky lived on the call of "tragically beautiful era." Now his voice sounds from the scenes of theaters of the whole world, from the TV screens, on the radio and on the Internet, and many works are striking the depth of thought, the relevance of problems and unsurpassed artistic skills

Childhood and youth began and flowed with terrible speed thick, Pösta, is inexpressible strange life. M. Gorky "Childhood" Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov was born 16 (28) March 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of the chamber-chamber Maxim Savvateevich Peshkov and Meshchanka Varvara Vasilyevna Kashirina

Shortly after the wedding, Maxim Savutateevich received from the Volga paradessation proposal to move with his family to Astrakhan, where he was appointed manager of the shipping company I. Quince. But happiness lasted not long. The cholera epidemic broke out in Astrakhan. Alyosha fell ill, his father became infected, who selflessly cared for the boy. In the summer of 1871, Gorky's father died, and Varvara Vasilyevna and his son returned to Nizhny Novgorod.

House of Kashirini in this house Alyosha Peshkov lived from Autumn 1872 to July 1876. He immediately seemed to him gloomy. "... a squat one-storey house, painted with a dirty-pink paint with an incomparated low roof and screamed by windows" ("Childhood") Here the future writer experienced the "lead abomination of wild Russian life", who ordered his character.

From the first days of life in Nizhny Novgorod Alyosha daily saw brutal quarrels and drunken fights, scandals in which the whole relatives were drawn. "The grandfather house was filled with hot fog mutual hostility of everyone with everyone; She poisoned adults, and even children accepted live participation in it. " ("Childhood")

Grandma - Akulina Ivanovna for the whole life Grandma has become for M. Gorky, "another closest heart, most understandable and expensive person." She told the grandchildren of fairy tales and legends, read spiritual poems. Good, bold and disinterested, she taught him to love his life, admire the nature, dream of the best future and to endure all the adversity. It was her selfless love that enriched the boy, "sanking a strong force for a difficult life."

Grandfather - Vasily Vasilyevich Kashinin seconds of children for the slightest locality. Flexible IV Rods Always Mokley in Kadushka in the kitchen. But it was he who taught the six-year-old Alyusha Church Slavonic diploma on the psalti and character.

Nizhny Novgorod Slobodskoye Cunavinsky Primary School School Gorky hated: Teachers did not love him, and classmates teased by Nishchebrud (t. K. Alyosha, wanting to help her grandmother, engaged in ragged). Despite everyone, the boy studied well. But, after studying two years, he broke up with the school "by poverty."

1879 - Mother's death from Chakhotka (aleche 11 years old) "Well, lexs, you are not a medal, I have no place for your neck, but you are in people."

The path "in people" Gorky enters the service to the fashion shoe store on the main street of Nizhny Novgorod. He worked for a servant, a warehouse on a ship, "boy" in an icon shop, a student in the icon-painted workshop I.Ya.Salabanova, a foreman at a construction site, a statist in the theater at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. It was during this period that Gorky had a persistent desire to live in a different way, clean, beautiful, as described in the books. Reads a lot. After acquaintance with the poems, A.S. Pushkin begins to write himself. There is a growing desire to learn by anything.

1884 - Moving to Kazan leaves with a secret dream of entering the university, stops in the family friend N.N. Ereinov. But not to be in a burden, begins to work by a loader on the wigs of the Volga. Kazan is the spiritual homeland of the writer, his revolutionary consciousness of the Kazan period awakened here - the period of the formation of the person, the beginning of the knowledge of a person, attempts to sort out their own soul and find out their attitude towards God.

The beginning of the way in September 1888 begins the first journey through the country, which he wanted to learn more, proceeding with his own legs. In the spring of 1889 comes to Nizhny Novgorod, the circles of opposition-minded intelligentsia actively visits. Acquaintance with Korolenko, who brings to Fell on the first poem "Song of the Old Oak"

Acquaintance with Olga Julia Kamenskaya First true love. O. Y. Kamenskaya was a wife of one of the political exile. The woman did not take seriously the courtship of passionately in love with a young man and did not decide to part with her husband. Peshkov leaves the city and almost two years "walks along the roads of Russia as a roll-field." From these wanders will be born cycle of stories "in Russia"

Tiflis in 1891 Peshkov arrives in Tiflis, works in the railway workshop and engaged in propaganda among the workers. On September 12, 1892, a story "Maka Miranda" appeared on the pages of the Tiflis newspaper "Caucasus", signed by the pseudonym Maxim Gorky.

1896 M. Gorky lives in Nizhny Novgorod, cooperates with the newspapers "Nizhny Novgorod Listok" and "Odessa News". In August, he married Catherine Pavlovna Volgin. But happiness lasted for a long time: in October, Tuberculosis opened at Gorky, the spouses moved to Crimea, then in the village of Manulyah, Poltava province. There they had a son Maxim .. Gorky works hard, and in early 1898 the two-volume essays and stories are published

At the turn of the centuries in 1899, Gorky arrives in St. Petersburg, meets many well-known writers, becomes an active member of the literary society of realist writers "Wednesday". In the magazine "Life", "Thomas Gordeyev" has been printed since 1900, close contacts of M. Gorky begins with the Moscow Art Theater, where his plays "Promenban", "At the bottom", "Children of the Sun", "Dachnings" after one of the performances get acquainted With actress Maria Fedorovna Andreva, who will later become his civil wife ..

The revolution on the eve of 1905, Gorky's communication with social democratic organizations is fixed, gives money to the publication of underground literature, composes petitions and appeals. Since the fall of 1905, the first Bolshevik legal newspaper "New Life" comes with the assistance of Gorky. In December 1905, the writer was in the center of revolutionary events. His apartment turned into a battle headquarters. In February 1906 he leaves for America, then in Italy. In 1913 returns to Russia.

The spiritual crisis in 1915 Gorky creates its own magazine "Chronicle" and the democratic publishing house "Parus". By the beginning of 1917, the writer comes to the state of the spiritual crisis. He understands that his hopes for the democratization of the country are illusory .. In the articles "to democracy", the "attention of workers" the writer expresses anxiety for the fate of Russia. In the fall of 11921, he was forced to leave the country, by this time Gorky was disappointed in the internal and especially cultural policy held in Russia. Treatment in Germany, the final gap with the Bolsheviks.

Return to Russia in May 1928, Gorky arrives in Moscow .. He will dip with his head in many literary and public affairs and political events.

Last years at the end of May 1936, the writer lives in Crimea. On May 27 came to Moscow, and on June 1 went to the cottage in Gorki, where on June 17, 1936, Gorky jumped her throat, and at 11 am the next day he died. The ashes of the writer was buried in the Kremlin wall on Red Square.

Used resources - background; - books, feather, inkwell;

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Maxim Gorky is a real name Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov Russian writer, prosaik, playwright. One of the most popular authors of the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, famous for the image of a romanticized declared character ("Bosya"), author of works with a revolutionary trend, personally close to Social Democrats, "Petrel Revolution" and "Great Proletarian Writer", founder of socialist realism

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Alexey Peshkov was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the woods of the joiner early Osapotev, the children's years spent in the house of his grandfather Kashirina. From 9 years I was forced to go "in people"; He worked as a "boy" in the store, a buffet dismaker on a steamer, a student in the icon-painted workshop, a bakera, etc.

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Father, Maxim Savvatievich Peshkov (1840-1871) - Son of a soldier, demolished from officers, a chamber-chamber. In recent years, he worked as a manager of the shipping office, died of cholera. Mother, Varvara Vasilyevna Kashirina (1842-79) - from the Meshchansky family; Early Ovdov, the secondally married, died from Chatheka. The writer's childhood was held in the house of Grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin, who in his youth buried, then got rich, became the owner of a dyeing establishment, he broke in old age. Grandfather trained the boy in church books, grandmother of Akulina Ivanovna joined the grandson to folk songs and fairy tales, but the main thing - replaced the mother, "saturating", according to Gorky himself, "strong force for a difficult life" ("Childhood").

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Of this formation, Gorky did not receive, ending only the handicraft school. An attempt to enter Kazan University was unsuccessful. Thirst for knowledge was quenched independently, he was "self-taught." Heavy work (a dressage in a steamer, "Boy" in the store, a student in the icon-painted workshop, a decisive man on fair buildings, etc.) and early deprivation taught good knowledge of life and inspired dreams about the reorganization of the world. "We have come to the world to disagree ..." - the preserved fragment of the destroyed poem of the young Peshkov "Song of the Old Oak".

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Hatred for evil and ethical maximalism were a source of moral torment. In 1887 he tried to commit suicide. He took part in the revolutionary propaganda, "walked to the people", I was struck by Russia, communicated with the bosias. Saying complex philosophical influences: from the ideas of French Enlightenment and Materialism I. V. Goethe to the positivism of J. M. Gyuo, Romanticism of J. Reskin and Pesssimism A. Schopenhauer. In his Nizhny Novgorod library, near the "capital" of K. Marx and "historical letters", P. L. Lavrov stood the books of E. Gartman, M. Stinner and F. Nietzsche.

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The early works of Gorky Bitter began as a provincial newspaper (printed under the name Yehudil Klamyda). Pseudonym M. Gorky (letters and documents signed a real last name - A. Peshkov; the designations "A. M. Gorky" and "Alexey Maksimovich Gorky" contaminated the alias with the present name) appeared in 1892 in the Tiflis newspaper "Caucasus", where the first The story "Makar Miranda". In 1895, thanks to the help of V. G. Korolenko, published in the most popular magazine "Russian Wealth" (the story "Chelkash"). In 1898, in St. Petersburg, the book "Essays and stories", having a sensational success. In 1899, the poem appeared in the prose "Twenty-six and one" and the first big story "Thomas Gordeyev". Glory Gorky grew up with incredible speed and soon equal to the popularity of Chekhov and Tolstoy

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From the very beginning, the discrepancy between what he wrote about bitter criticism, and the fact that the ordinary reader wanted to see in it. The traditional principle of interpretation of works from the point of view of the social sense prisoner in relation to the early bitter did not work. The reader is less interested in the social aspects of his prose, he was looking for and found in them the mood, consonant time. His heroes combined the typical features, followed by good knowledge of life and literary tradition, and a special kind of "philosophy", which the author endowed the heroes at his own will, not always consistent with the "true life." Critics in connection with his texts decided not to social issues and problems of their literary reflection, but directly "the issue of bitter" and the collective lyrical form created by him, which began to be perceived as the Tipic for Russia of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. And who criticized Nietzsche with the "superhler". All this allows, contrary to the traditional look, to consider it more by modernist than a realist

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The public position of Gorky was radical. He was repeatedly arrested, in 1902 Nicholas 2 ordered to cancel his election of the Honorary Academician on the category of elegant literature (in protest of Chekhov and Korolenko came out of the Academy). In 1905, he entered into the ranks of the RSDLP (Bolshevik wing) and met V.I. Lenin. They were provided with serious financial support for the revolution 1905-07. Quickly showed himself bitter and as a talented organizer of the literary process. In 1901, I got up at the head of the publishing house of "Knowledge" and soon began to produce "Collections of the Partnership" Knowledge ", where I.A. Bunin, L.N. Yandreev, A.I.Kuprin, V.V.veresayev, E.N. . Chirikov, N.D.Telshov, A.S.Serafimovich, etc.

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The top of the early creativity, the play "At the bottom," to a great extent, is obliged to its fiction of K. S. Stanislavsky in the Moscow Art Theater (1902; Stanislavsky, V.I.Kalov, I.M. Mosomskvin, O.L. Knipper Chekhov et al.) In 1903, at the Berlin Kleines Theater, a presentation "On the bottom" with Richard Valentine was held in the role of satin. Other plays of Gorky - "Messenger" (1901), "Dachniks" (1904), "Children of the Sun", "Varvara" (both 1905), "enemies" (1906) - did not have such sensational success in Russia and Europe.

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Gorky between the two revolutions (1905-1917) after the defeat of the revolution 1905-07, Gorky emigrated to the island of Capri (Italy). The "Capriysky" period of creativity made the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "end of the bitter" (D. V. Philosophers), which was caused by his hobbies of political struggle and the ideas of socialism, who were reflected in the story "Mother", he creates the story of the "Okrov Town" ( 1909), "Childhood" (1913-14), "In People" (1915-16), a cycle of stories "According to Rus" (1912-17). The controversy in criticism caused the story "Confession" (1908), highly estimated by A. A. Blok. In it, for the first time, the topic of Logric and A. A. Bogdanov was preached in the Capriomic Party School for workers, which caused his discrepancy with Lenin, hated "flirting with God."

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The First World War was hardly reflected in the mental state of Gorky. She symbolized the beginning of the historical collapse of his ideas of the "collective mind", to which he came after the disappointment by Nicevian individualism (according to T. Manna, Gorky handed the bridge from Nietzsche to socialism). The infinite faith in the human mind, adopted as the only dogma, was not confirmed by life. The war became a blatant example of collective madness, when a person was relegated to the "Equal Wrench", "cannon meat", when the people of the animals in their eyes and the human mind was powerless before the logic of historical events.

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Years of Maxim Gorky Emigration The October Revolution confirmed the fears of Gorky. In "untimely thoughts" (the cycle of articles in the newspaper "New Life"; 1917-18; in 1918 they published a separate publication) he accused Lenin in the seizure of the authorities and the unleashing of terror in the country. But there also called the Russian people organically cruel, "animal" and thereby if he did not justify, then explained the fierce appeal of the Bolsheviks with this nation. The inconsistency of the position was reflected in his book "On Russian Peasantry" (1922). The undoubted merit of Gorky was energetic work on the salvation of the scientific and artistic intelligentsia from hungry death and executions, gratefully appreciated by contemporaries (E. I. Zamyatin, A. M. Remizov, V. F. Khodasevich, V. B. Shklovsky, etc.)

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Either for the sake of this, such cultural campaigns as the organization of the World Literature Publishing House, the opening of the "House of Scientists" and "Art Houses" (Commune for the Creative Intelligentsia, described in the Roman O. D. Forsh "Crazy Ship" and K. A. Fedin "Gorky among us"). However, many writers (including block, N. S. Gumileva) could not be saved, which became one of the main reasons for the final gap of bitter with the Bolsheviks. From 1921 to 1928, Gorky lived in emigration, where he went after too persistent Soviets of Lenin. Settled in Sorrento (Italy), without interrupting connections with young Soviet literature. Posted by the cycle "Stories of 1922-24", "Notes from the diary" (1924), the novel "The Case of Artamonov" (1925) began to work on the Roman-epic "Life of Klim Samgin" (1925-36).

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The return of Gorky to the Soviet Union in 1928, Gorky committed a "trial" trip to the Soviet Union (due to the honors, arranged over its 60th anniversary), before that joining careful negotiations with the Stalinist leadership. Apotheosis of the meeting on the Belarusian station decided; Gorky returned to his homeland. As an artist, he fully plunged into the creation of the "life of Klim Samgin", the panoramic painting of Russia for forty years. As politician actually provided Stalin a moral cover in the face of the world community. His numerous articles created an apologetic image of the leader and were silent about the suppression of the freedom of thought and art in the country - the facts that Gorky could not know.

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Bibliography of M. Gorky Novels 1899 - "Thomas Gordeev" 1900-1901 - "Troy" 1906 - "Mother" (second edition - 1907) 1925 - "Artamon's business" 1925-1936- "Life of Klim Samgin" Tale 1908 - "Life of unnecessary man. " 1908 - "Confession" of 1909 - "Town of Okrov", "Life of Matthew Kozhemyakina". 1913-1914- "Childhood" 1915-1916- "In People" 1923 - "My Universities"

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Pieces 1901 - "Moisen" 1902 - "At the bottom" 1904 - "Dachniks" 1905 - "Children of the Sun", "Varvara" 1906 - "Enemies" 1910 - "Vassa Zheleznova" (recycled in December 1935) 1930-1931 "Somov and others" 1932 - "Egor Bulychev and others" 1933 - "Reaching and others" Publicistics 1906 - "My interview", "in America" \u200b\u200b(pamphlets) 1917-1918 - Cycle of articles "late thoughts" in the newspaper "New Life" "(In 1918 he outded a separate publication) 1922 -" On the Russian peasantry "

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Childhood. Alexey Peshkov was born on March 16, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. His father, Maxim Savateevich Peshkov, was the manager of the Astrakhan office of the shipping company I. Quchchchka. Mother, Barbara Vasilyevna, nee Kashirina, was the daughter of the Nizhny Novgorod merchant. Grandfather, Vasily Kashirin, was a wealthy merchant, a senior urban dye shop. In the summer of 1871 - Maxim Savateevich dies from cholera. An unwitting culprit of his death Varvara Vasilyevna considered little Alexey (his father became infected, having gouted the sick-sick cholera). Mother gives Alexei to his father's family. For the upbringing of the future writer, grandfather and grandmother are accepted, a big lover of folk fairy tales. With six years old, the boy begins to train church-Slavic diploma.

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Training. 1877 - 1879 - Alexey Peshkov is studying in the Nizhny Novgorod Kunavinsky School. 1879 - Alexei Peshkova mother dies from a vehicle consumers. After that, conflicts begged in the Kashirin family, as a result of which the grandfather goes crazy. Due to the lack of money, Alexey Peshkov is forced to leave their studies and go to people. 1879 - 1884 - Alexey one after another changes the place of "training." At first he is a student of a shoemaker (relative of Kashirini), then a student in the drawing workshop, after - in the icon painting. Finally, he becomes a cook on a steamer who walked around the Volga. Many years later, the famous writer Maxim Gorky recalls the cooks of the "good" member of M.A. Smurry, which was small, but at the same time collected books. Thanks to the cook, the young bitter meets the most different works of world literature, is engaged in self-education.

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Strip of vital failures. 1884 - Peshkov moves to Kazan, with the goal of entering the university. But it did not take place due to a lack of funds, "School of the Revolutionary Underground" began. He visits the gymnasium and student populic circles, is fond of appropriate literature, conflicts with the police, earning a reputation of "unreliable". At the same time, he earns his life, performing black work. December 1887 - the strip of life failures leads Peshkov to the attempt of suicide.

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1888 - 1891 - Alexey Peshkov wandered in Russia in search of work and impressions. He drives Volga region, Don, Ukraine, Crimea, South Besarabia, Caucasus. Peshkov has time to visit the barbecue in the village, the washer of dishes, work on fish, salt fishery, guard on the railway, an employee in repair shops. He has time to tie contacts in the creative environment. Watching, Peshkov collects prototypes of their future heroes - this is noticeable in the early work of the writer, when the heroes of his works became the "bottom" people.

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Start of creativity. September 12, 1892 - in the Tiflis newspaper "Caucasus" for the first time printed by the story of Peshkov "Maka Miranda". The work was signed by Maxim Gorky. The formation of bitter as a writer passes with the participation of Korolenko, who recommends that the new author in the publisher, rules his manuscript. 1893 - 1895 - Gorky stories often go to the Volga press. During these years, they were written: "Chelkash", "Revenge", "Old Man Izergil", "Emelyan Pilyay", "Conclusion", "Sokoli's Song". Peshkov signs their stories with various pseudonyms, which, in total, was about 30. The most famous of them: "A.P.", "M.G.", "A,", "One of the perplexed", "Yehudiil Chlamyda "," Taras Oparin "and others.

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1895 - With the assistance of Korolenko, Gorky becomes an employee of the Samara newspaper, where Fakelov writes daily in the "Optional" heading, signing "Yehudiil Chlamyda". The same time - in the Samara Gazeta, Gorky meets Ekaterina Pavlovna Volgin, which serves as a corrector. 1896 - Gorky and Volgin marry. 1896 - 1897 - Gorky works in his homeland, in the Nizhny Novgorod Listka newspaper. 1897 - Gorky exacerbates tuberculosis, and he and his wife moves to the Crimea, and from there - in the village of Maksatih Poltava province. The same year - the writer is born Son Maxim.

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1895 - With the assistance of Korolenko, Gorky becomes an employee of the Samara newspaper, where Fakelov writes daily in the "Optional" heading, signing "Yehudiil Chlamyda". The same time - in the Samara Gazeta, Gorky meets Ekaterina Pavlovna Volgin, which serves as a corrector.

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The first wife of the writer. 1896 - Gorky and Volgin marry. 1896 - 1897 - Gorky works in his homeland, in the Nizhny Novgorod Listka newspaper. 1897 - Gorky exacerbates tuberculosis, and he and his wife moves to the Crimea, and from there - in the village of Maksatih Poltava province. The same year - the writer is born Son Maxim. 1900 - Daughter Katya is born.

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In the twenty years, Ekaterina Pavlovna Volgin became the wife of a unwitting provincial writer, along with him all the way from the foot of Glory before her top was familiar with Lvy Tolstoy, Chekhov ... Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina. Left after her husband with two children - a six-year-old Maxim and a three-year-old kate, "managed to rise over the offend on him and maintain friendly relationships, which lasted before his death. Schoronil both children - daughter at a five-year-old, son - who did not live to forty. From the middle of the 20th century, it has tied his life with the activities of public organizations, from 1922 to 1937 headed the political red cross - organizing assistance to political prisoners.

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Maria Andreeva. 1900 - Gorky meets the actress of the Moscow Art Theater, convinced by Marxist Maria Fedorovna Andreva. Maria Andreeva was also married. However, the spouse and two children, the son of Yuri and the daughter of Catherine, could not hold back the passionate nature of the actress. Her husband, a major official Andrei Zhelovabovsky, was older Andreva for the whole 18 years old and had long been looking at the fingers to the amur adventures of his wife. At that time, Andreva was a rapid novel. And not with anyone, but with a millionaire Savoy Morozov known to the whole world.

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Maria Andreeva. Everything has changed after meeting Gorky. Andreeva suddenly understood that they fell in love with real. She almost immediately broke the relationship with Morozov (rumors were rumored that the cause of the suicide of the famous entrepreneur was parting with Andreva), left the theater, fond of revolutionary ideas. In 1903, Maria Fedorovna moved to Gorky. Numerous acquaintances surprised that two so different people manage to peacefully coexist under one roof. From the famous actress, coquetki and secular lioness Andreeva turned into a loyal wife and companion. She led Gorky's correspondence, argued with the publishers about the fees, translated numerous works of Alexey Maximovich into French, German and Italian. Gorky's health left much to be desired (with his youth, the writer suffered from the disease of the lungs), so Maria Fedorovna had to still fulfill the duties of the nurse, accompanying Gorky in numerous foreign trips, where he was treated, and at the same time she collected funds in support of the revolution in Russia.

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"Alyosha writes so much that I barely breathe at him. I am writing a diary of our foreign stay, I translate with a French one book, a little sowing, in a woman in a half way, in a half way to get tired and sleep and not see dreams, because I don't see good dreams ... "- writing Andreev during a joint and bitter journey In the USA in 1906, a trip to America left the most unpleasant memories. Alexey Maksimovich everywhere represented Maria Fedorovna as his wife, but rumors surrendered in the press that the writer did not divorce his first spouse. Gorky accused of doubles, the troubles began with the authorities, and the writer had to leave the states in Italy.

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Shortly before the revolution, Gorky and Andreeva returned to Russia. Maria Fedorovna continued to live in the interests of Gorky. It becomes a financial agent of the party and seeks everywhere funds for revolutionary activities. For a business grip, the ability to "knock out" and get Lenin called Maria Andreev "Comrade Phenomenon." However, Maria Fedorovna was so fascinated by party needs that Gorky started to feel forgotten. His faithful Maria could no longer be near him, she had their own business, she constantly disappeared at endless meetings and meetings. And the blow did not make himself wait.

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Maria Ignatievna Zakrevskaya-Benkendorf. In 1919, Maria Ignatievna Zakrevskaya-Benkendorf appeared in the life of 52-year-old Gorky. They introduced the roots of Chukovsky, recommending Gorky Maria Ignatievna as secretary. He also described the first Editorial meeting, which was attended by Zvarevskaya. "Oddly enough, bitter though did not say a word to her, but everyone spoke to her, dismissed the entire peacock tail. There was a very sharply, word, brilliant, as a gymnasister on the ball. " Maria Zakrevskaya was younger than a writer for 24 years. However, by the time of their meeting, she has already managed to get married and give birth to two children. The most incredible rumors went about this woman, she was suspected of ties with English intelligence and the NKVD, called "Russian Milady". Gorky got carried away and very soon made Mary of the spelling proposal of the hand and heart.

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The family idyll of Gorky and Zagrevskaya violated the arrival of the famous English writer Herbert Wells, who in 1920 decided to visit revolutionary Russia. In those days, find a decent room in the hotel was a problem, so Wells was determined on a stay in the house of Gorky. Maria Ignatievna volunteered to be a wealth translator. Before leaving Wells, a spicy story happened. Allegedly, the Englishman was mistaken by the door and accidentally found himself in the room of Maria Ignatievna. In the morning, Alexey Maksimovich found Helbert Wells in the bed of Zagrevskaya. Soothing Gorky, Maria Ignatievna said: "Alexey Maksimovich, what is you, right! After all, even for the most loving woman, two famous writer immediately - it's too much! And then, Herbert older than you! " Gorky forgave treason. They lived from Zakrevskaya 16 years old until the death of the writer in 1936. They did not have common children.

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April 1901 - Gorky arrested in Nizhny Novgorod and was detained for participating in student unrest in St. Petersburg. Under arrest, the writer is a month, after which it is released under house arrest, and then expelled to Arzamas. In the same year, the "Life" magazine comes out "The Song of the Petrel", after which the magazine is closed by the authorities. 1902 - in Mkate Pieces "At the bottom" and "Promenban". The premiere "On the bottom" passes with an unprecedented triumph. The same year - Maxim Gorky elected an honorary academician on the category of graceful literature. Order of Nicholas II The results of these elections are canceled. In response from his ranks of honorary academics, Chekhov and Korolenko refuse.

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1903 - Andreeva becomes Gorky Civilian. 1905 - Gorky actively participates in the revolution, it is closely connected with the Social Democrats, but at the same time, along with a group of intellectuals on the eve of the "bloody Sunday", S.Yu is visited Witte and trying to prevent tragedy. After the revolution, it is arrested (incriminates participation in the preparation of the state coup), but the Russian, and European cultural medium acts in defense of the writer. Gorky is released. The beginning of 1906 - Gorky emigrates from Russia. He goes to America, collect funds to support the revolution in Russia.

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1907 - the novel "Mother" comes out in America. In London on the V Congress, RSDLP Gorky meets with V.I. Ulyanov. End of 1906 - 1913 - Maxim Gorky constantly lives on Capri Island (Italy). A lot of works are written here: the plays "Latest", "Vassas Zagronnova", the story "Summer", "Okurov town", Roman "Life of Matthew Kozhemyakina". 1908 - 1913 - Gorky corresponds to Lenin. The correspondence is permeated with disputes, since the looks of the writer and politics are divert. Gorky, in particular, believes that revolutionary needs to be combined with enlightenment and humanism. This opposes its Bolsheviks.

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1913 - Gorky returns to Russia. In the same year, "Childhood" writes. 1915 - Written Roman "In People". Gorky begins to produce the magazine "Chronicle". 1917 - after the revolution, the bitter is in a dual position: on the one hand, he stands for the government who has come, on the other - continues to remain with his beliefs, considering that it is necessary to do not class struggle, but the culture of masses ... Then the writer begins to work in the publisher "World Literature", based on the newspaper "New Life". The end of the 1910s - Gorky relationship with the new government is gradually sharpened. 1921 - Maxim Gorky leaves Russia, officially - to Germany, treated, and actually - from the massacre of the Bolsheviks. Until 1924, the writer lives in Germany and Czechoslovakia.

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1921 - 1922 - Gorky actively publishes its articles in German journals ("The vocation of the writer and Russian literature of our time", "Russian cruelty", "intelligentsia and revolution"). All of them talk about one thing - bitter cannot accept the happening in Russia; He still seeks to unite Russian art workers abroad. 1923 - Gorky writes "My Universities". 1925 - work on the novel "Life of Klim Samgin", which was never completed. The mid-1920s - Maxim Gorky moves to Sorrento (Italy). 1928 - Gorky commits a trip to the USSR. All summer he travels around the country. The writer's impression was reflected in the book "For the Union of Soviets" (1929).

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May of the same year - the son of Gorky Maxim is killed. According to one of the versions, it was done on the initiative of the NKVD. June 18, 1936 - Maxim Gorky dies in the slings. Buried in Moscow. The writer is great Zalenor and the run. And soon the bed of the patient has an expensive candy bonbonnieret with a silk ribbon - a sign of attention from the Kremlin. Candy treated not one bitter, with him two more senizers. An hour later, all three were dead.

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Professor Pletnev who treated Alexei Maximovich, was first sentenced to shooting for the murder of the famous writer, then the death penalty was replaced by the twenty-five years of the camps. It was humane towards a person who had no idea about a box with fatal candies. PE-CRA - hooks, an NKVD officer, acknowledged himself.

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On March 16, 1868, the future writer was born in Nizhny Novgorod in Nizhny Novgorod and his wife Varvara Vasilyevna, a future writer was born. Alexey was the fourth child of Peshkov, but two of his brother and sister died in infancy. After the sustainable death of her husband, Varvara Vasilyevna returned to the three-year-old son in the house of Father V.V. Kashirin. It was in the house of the grandfather, a bad, complete offense and grief childhood Aleshi took place.

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In 1877, Alexei was defined in the Kunavinsky initial school school for urban poor, - Where, the boy studied very diligently, and even was awarded for the success "in the sciences and favors." In 1879 the mother died, grandfather broke, and Alexey had to go to people. He worked at the "Fashion Shoe" store, the student at the contractor Sergeyev, the dismaker on the "Perm" and "good" paryznomy, the thistle.

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In 1884, Alexey leaves for Kazan to enter the university, but he did not have to learn. The future writer passes its universities on the marins, at night, where it will have. In the autumn of 1885, he hired into the pretzel Semenov, and from there in the summer he moved to the bunny Derenkov. Students were often gathered in Bakery, to discuss read books, newspaper articles, argue. All this could not not leave the mark in the soul of the observant young man.

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In June 1888, Alexei Peshkov, together with the revolutionary M. M. Roma, leaves for the village of Krasnovidovo, where propaganda work. But after arson, the shop had to leave the village and wander around Russia. Where we just did not have to visit: he works at the Caspian, wanders around the Mozdok steppe, returns to Nizhny Novgorod and goes back to the wander

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"My walk in Russia was caused not by the desire for vagrancy, but desire to see where I live, what kind of people around me?" His long, one and a half year of the wanderings (1889-1891) A. Peshkov finished in Tiflis. These wanders enriched the writer with bright impressions, helped to acquire a new life experience to him.

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After the 1905 revolution, Gorky actively helped the rebel, he was forced to go to America because of the order of his arrest. It was a period of first Gorky emigration. From the US, Gorky moves to Italy, on the sunny island of Capri. Cape period was very fruitful. In the period from 1906 to 1913 the following works were written:

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In 1913, the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty was widely noted in Russia, and therefore amnesty was announced. And Gorky returned to his homeland, in St. Petersburg. Here they were written a story "in people" and the cycle of the stories "in Russia". 1917 came. The writer met the October Revolution: Remembering the experience of the 1905 revolution, he was afraid of the "full death" of the Great Russian Culture in the "Chaos of the Peasant Anarchy". These views were reflected in the cycle of articles "untimely thoughts". These articles caused the complication of Gorky relationships with the authorities of the Bolsheviks. After returning to the Soviet Union, M. Gorky was headed by the Union of Soviet Writers. He was worried about the upbringing and education of young writers, he fought for the approval of the new method of socialist realism, which was declared at the first congress of Soviet writers in 1934. On June 18, 1936, the writer died, buried at the Kremlin Wall.

Alexey Maksimovich Gorky (1868 -1936)

Childhood writer

  • Father - Maksim Savutateevich Peshkov-Stolyar-Krasnodirevik, worked in the workshop of the Volga shipping, died of cholera.
  • Mother - Varvara Vasilyevna Kashirina (1842-1879) - Beschan; Ovdov, soon came married again. Died from a fleeting consumers.
  • Childhood passed in the grandfather's family, after breaking the teenager began a hard life "in people", served as a "boy" in the store, a shopping bag, a student in the icon-painted workshop.

... Kazan - the favorite of my "universities"

  • Kazan "Universities": random robberry, janitor, gardener, black-workers, a loader on the pier, life in the bedrooms, among the "former people", exhaustive work in bakery, work in bakery, communication with advanced, revolutionary youth, visiting student circles, illegal Meetings, the study of populist theories, first acquaintance with Marxism, the first mental drama ...
  • "Physically I was born in Nizhny Novgorod. But spiritually - in Kazan. "

"Walking on Russia" - 1888.

  • From Samara "Zaitz" got to the coast of the Caspian Sea, wandered around the Mozdskaya steppe, came to Tsaritsyn, then went to the clear glade to Tolstoy, returned to Nizhny Novgorod.
  • "My walk in Russia was caused not by the desire for vagrancy, but the desire to see - where I live, what kind of people around me"

Life lessons

  • About twenty, I began to understand what I saw, I survived, I heard a lot of things, which should and even need to tell people. It seemed to me that I feel something not as others; It was embarrassed and configured me restlessly, speakingly ... In these years, I was already considered a good storyteller, my moveors, bunkers, "bosias", carpenters, railway workers were carefully listened to me.

Personal life

  • In his youth, he decided to suicide, leaving the sad ironic note:
  • "In my death, I ask to blame the German poet Heine, who invented the toothpick in the heart ..."
  • Fate knew the bitter phenomenon of happy love. In different years and with a different duration, he consisted in the family union with O. Y. Kamenskaya, E. P. Volzhina, (the mother of two of his children: Maxim and Catherine), M.F. Andreyeva.

... I realized very early that a person creates his environmental resistance

  • The first published story-"Makar Mirara" -1892.
  • In the "Samara newspaper" is printed under the pseudonym Yehudiliyil Chlamyda. In 1895, the stories "Old Woman Izergil" were published, "Conclusion", "on the rafts", "Two Baresaka", "My satellite", "one day in autumn", etc.

Aesthetic declaration of writer

  • Oh, if there was a stern and loving person with a flame heart and a mighty comprehensive mind! In a slightness of a shameful silence, we would have rush words like bell blows, and maybe we would have faltered the despicable souls of the living dead.
  • "Well, Falcon, do you want to say one job? And you remember her and - how to remember, - the age of your free bird "

Flame of heart

  • I watched a long time as the coal of the fire: first, a bright and large coal gradually became less, covered with ashes and disappeared under it. And soon, nothing left from the fire, except for a warm smell. I watched and thought: "So we all ... at least to flare up brighter!"

Man ... That's true!

  • Piece "At the bottom" -1902
  • Gorky summed up his perennial observations of the life of "former people", "Axotorotsev", Bosyakov.

Now the perfect person is not needed, you need a fighter, a worker, avenger. We will be improved later when we reduce the scores.

  • Roman "Mother" -1906 year.
  • Bitter after arrest leaves abroad: lives in America, Italy.
  • The thought of "fighting and avenge" is completed by longing for "respecting and confidence"

Roman "Mother" "The global process, like a procession of children to the truth"

  • Children go to the new sun ... our children who have been committed to suffering for all people

"Unreasonable thoughts"

  • In 1918, Gorky takes part in the newspaper "New Life". The newspaper comes into a controversy with the Bolsheviks, who nominated the issue of armed uprising on the agenda. The writer is convinced that Russia is not yet ready for decisive social transformations. The newspaper is closed. In 1921, the writer is forced to leave for treatment abroad. Returns to Russia in 1931.