"Musical machine for small cafes. General questions History Juk Boxes

"Musical machine for small cafes. General questions History Juk Boxes

As a rule, the music machine in our time is the usual computer installed in the original case. Usually, the monitor is connected to it, the amplifier, and then additional devices that expand its functionality (see the "Additional Equipment" section).

  • Operating system

    As a rule, the operating system is installed on the computer (see Wiki). Among the sufficiently large number of operating systems, one of two are usually chosen: Windows or Linux.

    Both systems have certain advantages and disadvantages.




      Commercial system; on unverified information, you will have to pay not just a regular license, but a license for embedded systems, which is essential more expensive

      Relative complexity in setting up and maintenance

      It's hard to find qualified professionals.

      difficulties with installing some devices


      Relative ease of maintenance and configuration

      The presence of a large number of specialists (however, a different level of qualifications)

      Free license

      Wider customization and "tuning"

    We are not adherents of any particular operating system, however it was quite difficult for us to develop and accompany our products under two platforms. Therefore, at some point we decided to develop and sell the product only under Linux, since the demand for the machine for this platform is currently significantly higher.

  • Types of music machines

    The machines are divided into two main groups:

    • "Push-button", which are controlled by the buttons located on the housing
    • "Touch", which are managed by clicking on the Special Monitor (Touch-Screen).

    Push-button machines are usually divided into 2 varieties: five- and semitting.

    Each group of automata has its advantages and disadvantages. The TOUCH-SCREEN device is more expensive, and it is easier to damage it. Push-button versions have a smaller functionality (for example, on the sensory version, you can implement the search functional of the composition, turning through the movements with a finger with animation, etc.), but their cost below.

    Depending on the number of buttons on the push-button machine, the functionality is also varied. For example, when using a five-pointed version, we can only implement

    • up-down navigation on the list of artists (2 buttons)
    • navigation up and down song list (2 buttons)
    • order (1 button)

    When using a semitting version, the functionality can be expanded:

    • navigation up-down (forward - back, if the list is horizontal) on the list of genres
    • navigation up and down on the list of artists (or albums)
    • navigation up and down on the list of compositions
    • order

    Thus, with a large musical database, semitting versions are preferable to five-pointed. Just imagine a user forced to overclock several hundred lists in search of the desired composition!

    Our music machine implements both sensory and push-button versions.

    note. Very often beginner manufacturers weakly imagine the main differences between the types of machine guns. For example, you plan a version of the sensory automaton, but you forget to place the "Order" button on the screen design. Or draw navigation buttons by lists of songs in a button version of the machine. Therefore, if you are developing your own design, just consult with us.

  • Optional equipment

    By itself, the computer with speakers and the monitor is not of particular interest. Usually connect to the machine

    • devices for making money (coin acceptors, bill acceptors)
      We mainly meet 2 types of devices:
      • cashcode production devices that connect to the com port
      • homemade controllers that adapt the bill acceptor to the port of type PS / 2 or USB
    • remote Control (Du)
      We met 2 types of controllers
      • organized through the COM port
      • via usb.

    Sometimes, when configuring this equipment, problems occur.

    There are no two COM ports on modern motherboards, so if you have any billboard and controller, both working through the Comport, it will be difficult. We do not recommend using USB-COM adapters, since many of them are very unstable.

    By solving this problem, there may be a purchase of a Du controller operating via USB.

    The controller with the USB interface in turn has other nuances - for example, many of them do not work under Linux.

    therefore always when buying equipment, you must be sure that it is supported in Linux

    If our program does not support your money reception device, we usually adapt the program for it.

  • Multimedia base

    The machine must be equipped with a wide range of audio and video compositions. In this regard, you can only designate two points.

    • we do not sell multimedia bases. We sell only software
    • the multimedia base is a subject of copyright, and you always have a choice: ignore it or pay for fees according to the current legislation of your country. For our part, we do not have full information on this issue.
  • How it works

    Unfortunately, many novice manufacturers believe that if they buy and install the program, then they need to just get money from the funding compartment on time. Understand, this is not the case: iron has the body break, the hard disk will sooner or later give failures, the power supply may drop your problems. Drunk clients will try to break your automatic, and the battery on the motherboard will ever discharge. On hard disk, it can trite free space.

    This means one simple thing - you, and only you will have to solve these problems. And since the machine works running Linux, please take care in advance that the failures do not find you surprise.

    We are for our part do not solve problems with the operation of a particular machineThis is just unrealistic to do at a distance.

    However, if you find a mistake in the program, we will definitely try to fix it (free) as quickly as possible.

    easy one important moment: We assume that we will not need to explain to you or your employee Aza work in Linux, since this is not included in the cost of the program. Of course, we will help with the intricacies of the setup, and give preliminary recommendations. However, all the questions "how to copy the file" and "where I will get the distribution" either do not solve, or are solved at the rate of additional hourly payment.

  • About "iron"

    Our software runs on Celeron 1.2GHz with a 1G RAM. However, we recommend putting at least 2g memory. External memory is limited only by your multimedia requirements. The video card does not play a significant role.

    Note. Modern computers usually have completely different screen resolutions, and this means that the design of the machine must be prepared for this permission.

    The general requirement is very simple - the better "iron", the better. The faster the list of compositions will be processed, the less delays and the "hangors" will be in operation, the longer your machine will work without failures.

  • Read more about Prices and services

    "How much is your program" - the most frequent question we get.

    We can give you two answers, short and complete

    Short: installation of one license cost $ 40

    Full: Understand, it's not buns in the store, this is a program that, as a rule, should be individually built under your requirements:

    • you may need an individual design (in general, we believe that it is just necessary for you)
    • quite often requires additional changes. They are paid separately, and the price depends only on what exactly needs to be finalized. Minor refinement, as a rule, are fulfilled free
    • depending on your cash reception device, you may need additional adaptation of the program. As a rule, it will not cost money, but you may have to work as a assistant - by virtue of territorial remoteness.
  • Certain things we may not do

    Sometimes we meet the most crazy (and often - impossible) requirements for the improvements of the program from customers. Some of them for some reason believe that they must be fulfilled free and in the shortest possible time.

    We reserve the right to refuse to implement certain functions if they do not make sense in our opinion, or their implementation is not worth the money and time

    Please note!
    We do not sell kit-kits, controllers, coin acceptors and controllers of Du. We sell only software for your machine, as we believe that everyone should work to work, which he gets good.

  • What else?

    We also write a variety of programs, from simple business cards to accounting systems and challenging online games. Contact if you need, our employees work in this area from 5 to 20 years.

    Our competencies:

    • c ++ (Linux, Qt4, Boost, Ace);
    • python;
    • rUBY ON RAILS;
    • pHP5 (Yii, Kohana3, Wordpress, Bitrix);
    • flex (AS3, RTMP);
    • javaScript (+ CoffeeScript): jQuery, backbone.js;
    • postgres / MySQL / Firebird / Sybase (ASA): Deep Knowleges in SQL, Optimization and Administration. Large Databases Experience;
    • system Administration (Apache, Nginx, Advanced Routing and Firewalling, etc.) and Virtualization Services (Vmware, Xen, OpenStack, CloudStack, Virtuozzo);
  • Music machine or Jook Boxing It was born at the end of the XIX century and still popular, decorating bars, restaurants, cafes and many other places for cultural recreation. Thousands of compositions, colorwoman and much more in one coin entertain visitors, and its bright creative design decoration rarely remains unnoticed visitors.
    Prior to the invention, the players are musical machines with a real cult, and in the 30s they were even called the "concert hall for a small man." So let's plunge into the story of this unusual, but the legendary thing.

    The prototype of the first music machine created the Great Inventor Thomas Edison In 1889. It was a tonphone - a mechanical machine for recording music and play voice. The invention was perceived with a large delight, and, a few years later, the first music machine using a tonograph mechanism and a small piggy bank for money was installed in San Francisco. Such a device, at that time, in just fifty cents could only lose one song in a duration of two minutes, and cost about $ 1,000.
    Later, the name "Juke Box" appeared, it came from the Negro dialect. "JUKE" means dance, dance process. After working on cotton plantations, many workers sent to relax in local snacks, called Juk-Joints, where juk-boxes played for them - Music machines.

    However, the classical music machine would never have existed without an American company "WURLITZER"which was created in 1856. Her founder, Rudolph Vurlitzer, was engaged in importing musical instruments to America for a long time, opened shops, and once began to produce their own piano. In 1896, he presented a tone - piano, which refers to the lowering of the coin.


    At the beginning of the 30s of the 20th century, a real flourishing of music machines occurred. It happened thanks to Vurlitzer-youngee - Farry, who was famous for his enterprise, he bought a patent for the Music Box device and attracted to the development of Juk-Boxing engineer Homer Capehart.
    Farnish Vurlitzer immediately thought that the music machine should look interesting, therefore also invited the famous designer of Fouller's floor, which later developed the design for many Juk-boxes of Wurlitzer.
    In 1933, WURLITZER P10 was invented - a music machine created specifically for bars and cafes. The music was recorded on ten shellated plates, and the visitor could lower the coin into the machine and choose the song liked. In the 30s, such a music machine stood in almost every Piteanian institution.

    Wurlitzer P10.

    In the post-war years, the production of music machines only has grown: having survived the war, people wanted joy and rest, which means there are music. Then the famous JooK-box "1015" or "Bubbler" ("bubble") was created, on which 24 records were placed. The machine was distinguished by a bright design and lightwood developed by Paul Fuller.


    Musical machine in the interior

    In the 20th century, Juk-boxes were so popular that in 1956 the National Museum Museum Museum was opened in Utrecht. It presents a large collection still working Juk-boxes, as well as his closest "relatives" - music boxes, scammers and clocks with melodies.

    At the same time, the music machine enters the movies: at the end of the 50s in Italy, two music films are filmed: "Guys and a music machine" and "Music automatic shouts about love", where episodic roles performs Adriano Celentano. On the posters for the film, the main characters are squeezed at the 1951 SEEBURG JUKURG:

    "Music machine screaming about love", 1960g.

    "Guys and a music machine", 1959.

    Sometimes funny stories happened to the music machine: for example, in February 2013, two young criminals from California decided to steal an ATM at a local restaurant in San Diego. However, this did not happen, because instead of an ATM, the robbers mistakenly took Juk-box. The police assumed that such a strange abduction was due to alcohol intoxication of criminals and due to darkness in the room.

    Today's musical machine is a collection of thousands of compositions, which is based on computer programs. The design is like modern, outwardly a bit resembling payment terminals, and in retro style - like the same multicolored bubbler.
    Well, if you want to listen to your favorite songs in the bar - do not pass by the musical machine.

    Boxeasy is a media player with an interface in style. musical automaticwhich uses landscape covers for access to songs. ... the interface of this program is very similar to the pub musical machine and works in the same way.

    Do you want to use DJ Mixer Professional for special cases or at a private party or as a virtual musical machine In a restaurant, hairdresser, disco, nightclub or even in the store - you will make the right choice by downloading DJ Mixer Professional. ... full system automatic Mixing, Function Function Basins in One Click, Smooth Repeat, ...

    Wimpy Player is musical machine with replacing shells for your web site that automatically Displays the list and reproduces the directory with MP3 files. ... - Use an online configuration service program to control the functionality and interaction of MP3 player with your website. ... - Display SWF or JPG cover for each track, for each folder or for ...

    When the drums are spinning playing automatic, Plays a Mexican guitar and each drum stop is voiced by a gentle guitar. ... AMIGOS is 3 drum 2 mint 1 game classic playing machine With an obvious Mexican theme. ... Also musical The tools that you associate with Mexican music, including guitar and maratasas.

    how musical machine, Tunopia allows you to place a queue of various songs for infinite playback. ... Tunopia is musical A player that provides quick access to each MP3 song on your computer. ... with Tunopia schedule program, you can program Tunopia on automatic Playing songs, noting defined ...

    Zenpoint DigitalCenter can be configured to meet all your requirements, from personal musical Center T. musical automatic or slide show for all your images. ... You can also install the program in the PARTYMODE mode, and it will function as musical machinewhere songs will be paved in turn.

    Alsong ( musical machine). ... - ALSEE (program for viewing images). ... - Alshow (losing). ... - Almap (highly detailed card program). ... - Alpass (password manager). ... - Algif (GIF Animator). ... - ALFTP (FTP utility). ... - Alzip (Zip Utility). ... Altools Lunar Zodiac Snake Wallpaper is one of the many installed wallpapers from the Altools series ...

    Altools Desktop wallpaper is a free application from Estsoft - Alzip developers (ZIP utility), Alftp (FTP utility), ALSEE (program for viewing images), Alsong ( musical machine), ALSHOW (LED), ALMAP (highly detailed card program), Algif (GIF Animator), and Alpass (Password Manager). ... These high quality wallpaper are supplied with a resolution of ...

    In the era of the USSR in the canteens and small cafes there were music machines, throw a pen and choose a musical composition. Today I want to present to you a homemade - the result of a broken calm.

    Now in many cafes there are liquid crystal panels on which music clips are constantly twist. The idea was that every visitor could insert from my smartphone (only android) to insert their composition, a roller or clip to the playlist of this panel (for example, to shoot a congratulation on your phone and that it sounded). The customer embarrassed the cost of thermal printer + coin acceptor. But the task is interesting and I have already started work, so the idea was trimmed, from the thermal printer and the coin acceptor I refused and that's what happened.
    There are such media players on sale (on Aliexpress - to 2000r):

    This is a full-fledged computer on the RK3066 chip, the frequency to 1600 MHz, 2x processor, video processor, video HD, can work as a WiFi access point, reads Flash-ki, SD cards.

    We connect the media player to the HDMI of the TV input (switch the input of the TV on HDMI) and install the file mplay.apk (at the end of the article) on the media player (not yet open). We configure the access point on the device (a small retreat - on my WiFi player is weak, so it is desirable to use a public access point, good in all cafes now free Wi-Fi). We run mplay and select the directory in the settings where we have music clips (play only * .mp3, * .mp4 files), press-use -play in the settings -. (I forgot to say, the player 3 connectors: one connect to 5 volt charging, In the second - mouse, the third stays under the flash drive. If you have a mini SD - then there is a card slot in the player). Android starts playing music files from the selected subdirectory. The server is installed and launched.

    In order for you could transfer your clips to the server from your smartphone - you install the clplay.apk file to the smartphone (do not forget to enable item in the settings - Installation from unknown sources -). (Do not open yet)

    Connect to the access point by a smartphone and run Clplay if everything is correct that the program will show the availability of the server, select the file that we want to play on the server (the file should already be on the smartphone, taken for example, by the smartphone camera, be sure to * .mp3 or * .mp4).

    Click the -Send button, wait when the indicator window disappears. File - transferred. At the end of the current clip, your clip is played in the queue. Theoretically customers can simultaneously be as if, in practice, the file transfer rate depends on the number of customers and the size of the transmitted files. I still checked on 2 smartphones - the speed is acceptable.

    Also, this player can be used with the projector (if it has HDMI). In order to try out this system enough tablet and smartphone with android not less than 4 versions.

    If someone interested the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Vending apparatus based on this idea - contact.

    Many people are interested in "how to assemble a musical machine?".

    All the necessary components for the assembly of the machine can be purchased in the section. Additionally, I recorded video clips, where I tried to visually show about all the intricacies of the assembly of the music machine. What happened to me, see after each section. Do not forget to deploy the video on the full screen for convenient viewing :). And in the "Download" section, there are direct links for downloading both separate videos and the entire reference material with one archive. To understand whether you can collect a music machine, we divide this task into several parts:

    1. Working with a computed part of the machine

    • motherboard - I recommend using a fee with an already integrated video card, because The outer video card can "fall out" from the slot from frequent shaking. It is desirable to have two outputs (VGA and DVI / HMDI). The second video output should be needed if you plan to connect the second monitor, for example, a TV for convenient use of karaoke;
    • processor, RAM - even the most ancient, the main thing is to work so that the Windows XP itself worked normally;
    • hDD - 500 GB is recommended to fit the entire database of music and clips, especially now the difference in the cost of 250 GB and 500 GB is not so strong to save on it;
    • power Supply - in power, enough 400 watts, but preferably good, good, because The machine will have a lot to work, and in the cafe there are often stress interruptions;
    • voltage regulator - if a good power supply, then not necessarily;
    • monitor - Our program supports any permissions of the monitor, so the choice is yours. You can even put any 24 inches. True, historically gothes, they set 17 or 19 inches more often, which are "square", and not "widescreen";
    • acoustics - you decide. Previously, a good option was to put a home cinema with columns 5.1, where in the kit immediately went the volume control panel. Now many people buy an amplifier, speakers and make their acoustics.

    Setting up a music machine:

    • installing Windows XP, Required Service Pack 3 and all drivers. Also, the program works normally on Windows 7 x32 / 64;
    • windows setup (disabling unnecessary sounds, screensavers, etc.);
    • installing the necessary programs (codecs, players);
    • included with the demo version of the program, there is a "Purchase program" file. In it, the instruction "How to buy a program";
    • in case of need, you can also buy a music database;
    • setting up a music program for your tasks.

    2. Work with non-computers

    • bill acceptor "You can buy a used warranty with a guarantee of 6 months, or a new ICT P77 bill (there are two types - with a bank stacker and without). If you use another checkbook, make sure that it works in a pulse mode. Also, perhaps, your bills need to be reflashing, to receive small bills (1 and 2 UAH) and calibrate in case of poor reception of money. We also engage in flashing and calibration;
    • coin acceptor - You can buy from us with a guarantee of 6 months, or a new WEY YA coin acceptor (only the nominal coin is inserted into it as a sample);
    • radio Remote Money Accrual - Additional, not mandatory option allowing the bartenders to charge money on a music machine (the program leads detailed statistics);
    • castle to accrual money - Also, allows you to charge money on the machine. Due to the fact that the castle is relatively inexpensive, it is recommended to put it. It is used as another way of accrualing money, suddenly the bill acceptor arises (litting a bill);
    • 7th main buttons on the front panel of the music machine. If you want to implement a free pre-listening piece of the song, then 8 buttons are needed. Also, we strongly recommend buying 1-2 buttons about the stock, so that at the right time can be able to quickly replace it in case of breakdown;
    • keyboard controller - A device based on a regular computer keyboard is used to communicate the buttons of the automaton, the bill and the monetress with the motherboard. If you are sure to keep the soldering iron in your hand, you can find it yourself, the scheme and video instruction are on our website, and you can also order with us ready.

    3. Machine case and its assembly

    Here, as with acoustics, everyone does under him. Several tips:

    • the angle of inclination of the monitor and its height should be comfortable to a person with an average growth. It is better to make a little lower than above;
    • remove (or minimize) the number of any wires that will be in the compartment for collecting money (for security). All wires under stress try to place in other places;
    • if you do the outdoor option, immediately strengthen the bottom of the machine, i.e. His legs, because the chipboard is scattered if the machine is often conntive. Alternatively, gain some aluminum strips.
    In principle, if, after reading all these items, you are more or less clear what to do after what, then boldly try to work. If difficulties arise, call, we will try to help. .

    For many, the optimal option will be the purchase of the so-called whale kit.
    In it, as a rule, includes such components:

    1. Computer components, namely: motherboard, processor, RAM and hard drive with already installed and properly configured Windows, as well as a music program and a loaded music base. Also, you can send us your components yourself, and we will fulfill all the setting on your items. If not, then we can buy them in Kherson, for example, in the online store socket, and you, in proof that they are new, let's give all checks, documents and packaging containers.
    2. Ready, already swollen keyboard controller, to which the buttons (7 pieces) are already connected, made conclusions for the bill, the monotor and the statistics button. Plus 1 button separately, spare.
    3. Bill acceptor ICT P77 without stacker bills, used condition, but confused, calibrated, excellent taking bills and with a guarantee of 6 months.
    4. WEY YA coin acceptor, new, 20 months warranty.
    5. Castles are mechanical 3 pieces. 2 for the hull, 1 spare.
    6. Electronic lock - allows bartenders using the key to accrue money on the machine (the detailed statistics are conducted).
    7. Radio console - similar to the electronic lock, but a more convenient option, because You can accrue money without applying to the machine.

    In fact, by purchasing such a whale kit with us, you will need to add a power supply to it, monitor, acoustics, housing and get a ready-made music machine.