Lydia Charskaya. Excerpts from the story "Notes of a Little Gymnasics"

 Lydia Charskaya. Excerpts from the story
Lydia Charskaya. Excerpts from the story "Notes of a Little Gymnasics"

Lydia Charskaya - Favorite Children's Writer of Tsarist Russia began on the 20th century and almost an unknown author today. In this article, you can learn about one of the most popular at one time and re-gaining popularity today - "Notes of the Little Gymnasics".

The favorite of all small pre-revolutionary readers (and especially readers) was born in 1875. At 23, Lydia entered the Alexandrinsky Theater, served by actress of episodic roles a total of 26 years. However, on the third year of work, the girl took up the pen - from the need, because the salary of a simple actress was very small. She reworked her school diaries into the format of the story and issued under the name "Notes Institutions". Success was stunning! The forced writer suddenly became a universal favorite. Photo of Lydia Charskaya below.

Its the following books were also taken by readers very favorably, the surname Charskaya became literally synonymous with children's literature.

A story, the main characters of which most of them became small girls lost or orphaned, but with a big heart, bold and responsive, written by a simple and gentle language. Plots of books are unpaired, but they all teach self-sacrifice, friendship and kindness.

After the revolution, Charskaya's book was banned by calling "Meshchansky literature for small barchats" and seized from all libraries. The writer died in 1937, in poverty and loneliness.

Book "Notes of a Little High School"

This story Lydia Charskaya was released in 1908 and quickly gained wide fame. She largely resembles the first story of the writer - "Notes Institutions", but is focused on the younger age of readers. Below is the cover of the pre-revolutionary edition of the "Notes of the Small Gymnasics" L. Charskaya with the illustrations of Arnold Baldinger.

The book is written by the first person of the orphaned girl Lenuschi, who comes to a new family and begins to visit the gymnasium. A lot of heavy events falls into the share of the girl, but even an unfair attitude towards himself, she tolerates persistently, without falling in spirit and not losing the natural kindness of his heart. In the end, everything is settled, a friendly attitude and reader understands: no matter what happens, good always wins evil.

The events of the story are set forth in the characteristic Lydia of the Charian manner - as they actually describe the little girl of the time: with an abundance of diminitious words and ingenious frankness.

Plot: Death Mom Lenoshi

Lydia Charaskaya "Notes of the Little Gymnasics" with acquaintance with the main heroine: Nine-year-old Lenus girl rides by train to St. Petersburg to his uncle, the only relative left after her mother's death. She remembers her mom with sadness - affectionate, good and cute, with which they lived in a wonderful "little clean house", right on the banks of the Volga. They lived together and gathered on a journey along the Volga, but suddenly mommy died from severe cold. Before his death, she asked the cook lived in their home, take care of Syrote and send her to his brother, a Stat adviser from St. Petersburg.

Family iconines

Lenos's misfortunes begin with her arrival in a new family - her cousins \u200b\u200bof George, Nina and Tolya do not want to take a girl, laugh and mock her. Lenusha suffers the mockery, but when the younger cousin of Tolya insults her mother, she begins to shake the boy by the shoulders. He tries to keep in place, but falls, dropping with him a Japanese vase. Accused of this, of course, poor orphan. This is one of the classic introductory plots at Charskaya - the misfortune of the main character begins with an unfair accusation, and there is no one to get up for it. The illustration of this episode from the pre-revolutionary publication is presented below.

Immediately after this incident, the first meeting of Lenushi with Uncle and Aunt: Uncle tries to show the poorest native niece, but his wife, like children, is not glad to "imposed relative".

For lunch, Lenus is getting acquainted with his senior cousin - Gorbate Juli, who is angry with a new sister for having her room. Later, mocking over Lenushe, Juli is inappropriately hurt Nina, and this guilt children again dumped into a sirot. This event finally worsens the and without that horrible position of the girl in a new house - she is punished, lock on a dark cold attic.

Despite these events, the good Lenus is penetrated by sympathy and pity for the humpback cousin and decides to make friends with it.


The next day, along with Julie and Ninocha, Lenus is sent to the gymnasium. The governess recommends the girl to the head of the gymnasium from the most unflattering side, however, despite this, the boss captures the real character of Lenuschi, hesitates sympathy and does not believe the words of governess. This is the first person who has participated in the girl from her arrival in St. Petersburg.

In school, Lenuts demonstrates success - she praises her cleaning teacher, for which the whole class is always drought at her, calling for podliza. She also disagrees to participate in the travelers of the teacher, even more repulcing evil children from themselves.

The house happens a new incident - Hand-made Filin George, Filk, is found dead in a box in the attic. It made Juli with anger on his brother, but accused, of course, Lenusha. The governess is going to make her rods, but he suddenly stands for her. The boy's overcrowded by a feeling of injustice loses consciousness, and it saves Lenos from punishment. Finally, the girl appears a friend and the intercessor.

Tolya acts as a character, which L. Schara is placed almost into every story. "Notes of the Little Gymnasics" echoes with its book "Princess Javakha" - the cousin of the main character and externally similar to Tol (pale, blonde, prone to seizures), and in the plot development of the image: first offends his cousin, but then he advocates her defender and becomes a friend. In the gymnasium, the girl also appears a friend - Countess Anna from senior classes, and then Kuzina Juli finally showed compassion for Lena and asks her for forgiveness for all his evil trips.

Culmination of misfortunes and happy end

In one of the days, Lenuusha will find out about the crash of the train, where he served the conductor Nikifor Matveyevich - a good old man who watched Lenois during her trip to St. Petersburg, and then more than once visiting her uncle with his daughter Nude. A frightened girl hurries to visit his friends to make sure that everything is in order with them, but loses a note with the address and, long-standing among the same houses and unfamiliar courtyards, is aware that it worked.

Lenus is barely freezes in a snowdrift, she dreams of a long fabulous sleep with the participation of Snowflakes princes (followed by Dickens style, story). "Notes of the Little Gymnasics" end in the awakening of Lenos at home at the Countess Anna, the father of which, by a happy coincidence, found a freezing girl and brought her home. Anna offers the girl to stay with them forever, but, having learned how uncle, Tolya and Juli worried about her, she decides not to throw their relatives, as he understands - and in this family there are people who love her.

Modern editions

Despite the fact that Charsa has been rehabilitated for many years as the author and even recommended for extracurricular reading, its books are not so much. "Notes of a small gymnasics" can be found only among the collections of writer's writers. Not so long ago, a limited edition was issued reprinting the original book with pre-revolutionary grammar and classical illustrations, but it's not so easy to find it. Below you can see the photo of the modern cover of the Book of the Chair's "Notes of the Little Gymnasics".

There are several audiors of this book. In addition, the Orthodox Canal "My Joy" released the transfer with reading this book. An excerpt of video utility is presented below.

sources of inspiration

The main source served the first story of the most chairs "Notes Institutions" - many typical plots for the gymnasics are repeated in books (as, for example, teacher's injury; the secret friendship of young students with high school students), taken from the school life of the writer itself. "Notes of the Little Gymnasics" Lydia Charskaya just simplified the plot: with a happier end and less concentration on the inner life of the educational institution. Often in the network you can see comments that report that this book is in many respects repeats the plot of the famous English book "Pollyanna" Eliasor Porter. It is unfair, as the chairs "notes of a small gymnasium" wrote in 1908, and "Pollyanna" saw the light only in 1913. Such plots were distributed both in English and in Russian children's literature of the time, so it is rather a coincidence than plagiarism with someone else.

"Little Gymnasics Notes - 01"

In someone else's city, to someone else's people

Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Knock Knock! - Wheels are knocking, and the train quickly rushes forward and forth.

I am heard in this monotonous noise alone and the same words, repeated dozens, hundreds, thousands of times. I listen sensibly, and it seems to me that the wheels do the same, without an account, without end: so so! That's so! That's so!

The wheels are knocking, and the train rushes and rushes without looking back, like a whirlwind like an arrow ...

In the window there are bushes, trees, statione houses and telegraph poles, set by the slope of the railway canvas ...

Or is this train ours running, and they are calm in one place? I do not know, I do not understand.

However, I do not understand much what happened to me for these last days.

Lord, how everything is all strange in the world! Could I think a few weeks ago that I would have to leave our small, cozy house on the bank of the Volga and ride one-same one for thousands of miles to some distant, completely unknown relatives? .. Yes, it still seems to me that it Only sleep, but - alas! - it's not a dream!..

This conductor was called Nikifor Matveyevich. He cared all the way about me, I saw me in tea, I was waiting for me a bed on a bench and, as soon as he had time, in every way entertained me. He, it turns out, was my daughter's daughter, which was the name of Nyura and who lived with his mother and brother in Peacezh. He and I even put my address in my pocket - "Just in case," if I wanted to visit him and get acquainted with the Nuhower.

I really regret you, the young lady, "said Nikifor Matveyevich, says to me more than once during my short path," because the sirot you are, and the God of Lostok tells to love. And again, one you, as it is one in the world; I don't know my Petersburg uncle, his family is also ... It is not easy ... but only if it becomes very nursing, you come to us. I rarely put me at home, because in the road, I'm more and more, and your wife will be happy to you with a nursing. I have good me ...

I thanked the affectionate conductor and promised him to visit him ...

True, terrible turmoil rose in the car. Passengers and passengers fussed and pushed, laying and taking things. Some old woman, who, opposite me, lost his wallet with money and screamed that she was robbed. Whose child cried in the corner. The door had a sharperman and played a dreary song on his broken tool.

I looked out in the window. Lord! How many pipes I saw! Pipes, pipes and pipes! Wholesale of pipes! From each came gray smoke and, rising up, broke into the sky. Dried a small autumn rain, and all the nature seemed to frowned, cried and complained about something.

The train went slower. The wheels no longer shouted their restless "so-so!". They were talked now much longer and also accurately complained that the car forcibly delays their brisk, cheerful move.

And the train stopped.

Sick, I arrived, "Nikifor Matveevich said.

And, by taking in one hand, my warm handkerchief, a pillow and a suitcase, and squeezing my hand firmly, led me from the car, having difficulty squeaking through the crowd.

My mommy

I had a mammy, affectionate, kind, sweet. We lived with mom in a small house on the banks of the Volga. The house was so clean and lightweight, and from the windows of our apartment it was also a wide, beautiful Volga, and huge two-story steamboats, and Barki, and a marina, and crowds of walking, went out at certain hours on this marina to meet the coming steamboats ... And my mom and I went there, only rarely, very rarely: Mommy gave lessons in our city, and she could not walk with me so often, no matter how much I wanted. Mom spoke:

Wait, Lenus, accumulate money and pump you along the Volga from our Rybinsk right up to the Astrakhan itself! That's right in a widow.

I was glad and waited for spring.

By the spring, the mammy caught a little money, and we decided to fulfill our idea with the first warm days.

That's how the Volga cleans the ice, we will and we show! - Mom said, gently stroking me on the head.

But when the ice was drove, she was cold and began to cough. The ice passed, the Volga was cleared, and mom coughed and coughed without end. It somehow was somehow thin and transparent, like wax, and everyone sat by the window, looked at the Volga and told:

Here the cough will pass, it will correct a little, and we will point you to Astrakhan, Lenusha!

But cough and cold did not pass; Summer was raw and cold this year, and mommy got every day all the thinness, paler and more transparent.

Autumn has come. September came up. Over the Volga, long strings of cranes flying to warm countries. Mommy no longer sat more by the window in the living room, but lay on the bed and trembled all the time from the cold, while herself was hot as a fire.

Once she called me to himself and said:

Listen, Lenusha. Your mom will soon leave you forever ... But you do not burn, Milushka. I will always look at you from the sky and I will rejoice at the good acts of my girl, and ...

I did not give her to finish and bitterly cried. And the mammy was crying also, and her eyes were sad-sad, the same exactly like that of the angel I saw on a large image in our church.

Having calmed down a little, mommy spoke again:

I feel, the Lord will soon take me to him, and there will be His Holy Will! Be clever without a mother, pray to God and remember me ... You will go to live to your uncle, my native brother who lives in St. Petersburg ... I wrote to him about you and asked to shelter orphan ...

Something hurts, with the word "sirot" squeezed my throat ...

I buried, I cried and scored my mother's bed. Marita came (the kitchen, who lived with us whole nine years old, from the very year of my birth, and loved mommy and me without memory) and led me to himself, saying that "Mama needed peace."

All in tears fell asleep on this night on Mariushkina, and in the morning ... oh, what was in the morning! ..

I woke up very early, it seems, at six hours, and I wanted to run straight to mommy.

At that moment Marnushka entered and said:

Pray to God, Lenochka: God took your mother to herself. Your mom died.

Mommy died! - I repeated echo.

And suddenly it became so cold cold! Then I got in my head, and the whole room, and Marnushka, and the ceiling, and the table, and the chairs - everything turned over and smeared in my eyes, and I no longer remember what was with me after it. It seems I fell on the floor without feelings ...

I woke up when I was already mom in a big white drawer, in a white dress, with a white wreath on the head. An old seaman priest read prayers, singer sang, and Marlushka prayed at the bedroom threshold. There were some old women and also prayed, then she looked at me with regret, shouted their heads and shamkali something torsionless mouths ...

Sword! Round orphan! "Also swaying your head and looking at me puzzled, Marnushka said and cried. Plated and old women ...

On the third day, Marnushka led me to the white box, in which Mommy lay, and told me to kiss Mamokhu's hand. Then the priest blessed mommy, singing singing something very sad; Some men came up, closed the white box and carried it out from our house ...

I cried loudly. But here they arrived with my old women, saying that mommy carry bury and that it is not necessary to cry, but it is necessary to pray.

The white drawer brought to the church, we defended the lunch, and then some people came up again, the drawer was raised and carried him to the cemetery. There was already a deep black pit, where Mamochkin Coffin was lowered. Then the pit threw the earth, put a white cross over her, and Martushka led me home.

On the way, she told me that in the evening lucky me to the station, puts on the train and send to St. Petersburg to St. Petersburg.

I do not want to uncle, "I said sullenly," I don't know any uncle and I'm afraid to go to him!

But Marnushka said that he was ashamed to say a big girl that mommy hears it and that she hurts from my words.

Then I got sick and began to remember the face of uncle.

I have never seen my Petersburg uncle, but in the motley album was his portrait. He was depicted on him in the Golden Shita Unidire, with many orders and with a stars on his chest. He had a very important look, and I was unwittingly afraid.

After lunch, to which I barely touched, Martushka puts all my dresses and linen into the old suitcase, drove me in tea and lucky to the station.

Checkered Dama

When the train drove up, Marjuna found a familiar conductor and asked him to take me to St. Petersburg and look at me expensive. Then she gave me a piece of paper on which it was written, where my uncle lives in St. Petersburg, crossed me and, saying: "Well, be a clever!" - I said goodbye to me ...

I spent the whole way exactly in a dream. In vain, they tried to entertain me in the car, in vain, good Nikifor Matveyevich turned my attention to our various villages, buildings, herd ... I did not see anything, did not notice anything ...

So I reached St. Petersburg ...

Coming with my companion from the car, I was immediately stunned by noise, shouts and buds who reigned at the station. People fled somewhere came across each other and fled again with a concerned view, with hands, occupied by knots, convulsions and packages.

I even had a head sprinkled from all this noise, a screaming, screaming. I'm not used to him. In our Volga city was not so noisy.

And who will meet you, the lady? - led me from the thought of my companion's voice.

I was unwittingly embarrassed by his question.

Who will meet me? I do not know!

Walking me, Marlushka managed to inform me that he was sent by the telegram to St. Petersburg Uncle, who informs him about the day and the hour of my arrival, but whether he would leave me or not - I did not know this positively.

And then, if uncle even be at the station, how do I recognize him? After all, I only saw him in the portrait in the Mamochka album!

Thus, thinking, accompanied by my patron Nikifora Matveyevich ran through the station, carefully peering into the faces of those gentlemen who had at least the most remote similarity with a uncle-portrait portrait. But a positive one did not appear at the station.

I have already been tired already, but still did not lose hope of seeing uncle.

Firmly climbing his hands, and Nikifor Matveyevich rushed along the platform, coming down to the oncoming public, sweeping the crowd and stopping before each little of the important type of Mr.

Here, here's another similar, it seems to uncle! I cried with a new hope, carried away my companion after a high gray gentleman in a black hat and a wide fashionable coat.

We added a step and now almost running fled for a high lurch.

But at that moment, when we almost overtake him, the high lord turned to the door of the first class hall and disappeared from sight. I rushed after him next, Nikifor Matveyevich for me ...

But something unexpected happened here: I was inadvertently stuck behind the leg passed by the ladies in the checkered dress, in a plaid cape and with a plaid bowl on a hat. The lady screamed not with her voice and, dropping a huge checkered umbrella from her hands, stretched over his entire length on the militant floor of the platform.

I rushed to her apologize, as is like a well-educated girl, but she didn't even honor me at least a single look.

Nightness! Oluhi! Still! - shouted at the entire station of the checkered lady. - we are rushing as disassembled and knock down a decent public! Nevihe, nonsense! Here I will comply with you to the head of the station! Director of the road! Gradual man! Help even climb something, naughty!

And she floundered, doing efforts to get up, but she could not succeed.

Nikifor Matveyevich and I finally raised the checkered lady, filed a huge umbrellaned with a huge umbrellaned during her fall and began to ask if she hurt.

Help, understandable! - The lady screamed the same angry voice. - Clear, hurt. What a question! It can be murdered to death, not only bother. And all of you! All you! - Suddenly she fell on me. - Download like a wild horse, Nasty Girl! Here you will wait for me, I will tell the city, I will send the police! - And she angrily grumbled an umbrella on platform boards. - Policeman! Where is the policeman? Call him! - she screamed again.

I overlooked. Fear covered me. I do not know what happened to me if Nikifor Matveyevich could not intervene in this case and did not stand for me.

Fullness, madam, do not frighten the child! You see, the girl herself is not his own fear, "my defender said with his kind voice," she also says - she is not guilty. He itself in disorder. I accidented inadvertently, dropped you, because he was in a hurry. It seemed to her that uncle goes. Syrotka she. Yesterday in Rybinsk, I was handed it from hand to the hands to deliver to the uncle to St. Petersburg. The general of her uncle ... General Iconin ... The names of this did not hear?

Already, only my new friend and the defender managed to pronounce the last words, as something extraordinary happened to the checkered lady. Her head with a plaid bow, a torso in a plaid cape, a long hooked nose, reddish fudels on the temples and a big mouth with thin bluish lips - all this was dug, it was noticed and doubted some strange dance, and because of the thin lips began to escape hoarse, hissing and whistling sounds. The checkered lady lacked, desperately laughed in the whole voice, dropping his huge umbrella and climbing the sides, for sure she had colic.

Ha ha ha! She shouted. - That's what else was invented! Uncle himself! Himself, you see, General Iconin, His Excellency, must come to the station to meet this princess! Noble young lady, tell me for mercy! Ha ha ha! Needless to say, hesitated! Well, do not pick up, Mother, this time the uncle did not go to you towards you, but sent me. He did not think that you were for the bird ... ha ha ha !!!

I do not know if the checkered lady would still laugh, if, again coming to the rescue, Nikifor Matveyevich did not stop her.

Full, madam, over the databs are unreasonable, - he said strictly. - Sin! Syrotka young lady ... Round orphan. And orphan God ...

None of your business. Silence! - unexpectedly cried, interrupting him, the checkered lady, and the laughter of it was stopped. "We carry the things for me for me," she added somewhat softer and, turning to me, threw casual: "Go." I have no time to bother with you. Well, turn! Vividly! March!

And, rudely grabbing me, she dragged me to the exit.

I barely drove it.

At the porch station stood a pretty silent puffer, drawn by a beautiful raven horse. Sedoy, important species of Kucher recresented on goats.

Kucher pulled the windows, and the elegant flight drove close to the stead of the station entrance.

Nikifor Matveyevich put on the bottom of her suitcase, then helped climb the crew of the checkered lady, which took the whole seat, leaving me exactly as much space as it would be necessary to put a doll on it, and not a living nine-year-old girl.

Well, forgive, a nice young lady, "Nikifor Matveyevich whispered in me," God forbid you happily get enough uncle. And if that - we ask for mercy to us. You have addressing. On the outskirts itself, we live, on the highway at the Mitrofanievsky cemetery, for the stamping ... Remember? And nyurka is glad will be! She loves orphans. She is good for me.

For a long time, I would talk to my friend, if the voice of the checkered lady did not sound from the height of the seat:

Well, how long will you make you wait for yourself, the unborn girl! What is your conversation with a man! Now in place, you hear!

I shuddered, as under the blow of a whip, from this barely acquainted to me, but having managed to become an unpleasant voice and hurried to take his place, sorely shook my hand and thanking my recent patron.

The Kucher pulled the windows, the horse starred, and, softly bouncing and hiding passersby lumps of dirt and splashes from the puddle, the pool quickly rushed along the noisy urban streets.

Tightly clutching around the edge of the crew so as not to fly to the bridge, I was surprised to look at the large five-story buildings, on the elegant shops, for the kinks and Omnibuses, with a deafening ringing the street, and the unwittingly heart was squeezed from fear of thought that It is waiting for me in this big, someone else's city, in someone else's family, in other people's people, about whom I heard so little and knew.

Family of iconines. - First Nevzdayoda

Matilda Franventova brought a girl!

Your cousin, not just a girl ...

And yours too!

Draw! I don't want any cousin! She is a beggar.

And I do not want to!

Call! Are you ogllow, Fedor?

Brought! Brought! Hooray!

I heard all this, standing in front of the loud of a dark green oilcloth. On the nail to the door of the copper plate, large beautiful letters were removed: Valid Statsky


Mikhail Vasilyevich Iconin

Over the door heard hurried steps, and a lacquer in a black fruque and a white tie, such as I saw only in the pictures, wide open the door.

Almost I stepped over her threshold, how someone quickly grabbed my hand, someone touched the shoulders, someone closed my eyes hand to me, while my ears filled with noise, ringing and laughter, from which I have head is spinning.

When I woke up a little and my eyes could again look, I saw that I was standing in the middle of a luxuriously cleaned living room with fluffy carpets on the floor, with elegant gold-plated furniture, with huge mirrors from the ceiling to the floor. I have never been able to see such a luxury, and therefore it is no wonder if all this seemed to me sleep.

Around me crowded three children: one girl and two boys. The girl was a peer to me. Blonde, gentle, with long curly curls, tied with pink bows from the temples, with a capriciously rumped upper lip, it seemed pretty porcelain doll. It was wearing a very elegant white dress with a lace waist and the Pink Cusha. One of the boys, the one that was much older, dressed in the shaped gymnasic uniform, was very much like her sister; Another, small, curly, seemed not older than six years. Slender, alive, but his pale her face seemed painful in appearance, but a couple of brown and fast closets and dug into me with the most live curiosity.

These were the children of my uncle - George, Nina and Tolya, - which I repeatedly told the deceased mommy.

Children silently looked at me. I am on children.

Five minutes lasted silence.

And suddenly, the junior boy who bored, must be, standing so, unexpectedly raised his hand and, who poked in me the index finger, said:

That's how the figure!

Figure! Figure! - I echoed a blond girl. - And truth: F-GU! Prettyly said!

And she jumped in one place, clapping in his hands.

Very witty, "said the gymnasium in the nose, - there is something to laugh. Just she is some kind of phriches!

As mocicians? Why am Mocrica? - So the younger children stirred.

Yes, won, do not see how she watched the floor. In Kalosh, fell into the living room. Costly! Nothing to say! Won heritaged like! Puddle. Mocrica and there.

What is it - moc. "It was curious tool, looking at the older brother with obvious revelation.

Mmm ... Mmm ... Mmm ... - Mixed the gymnasiste - Mm ... This is a flower: when you touch it with your finger, he will close ... here ...

No, you are mistaken, - I broke out against my will. (I read the late mom and about the plants, and about animals, and I knew a lot for my years). - Flower, which closes his petals when touched, is mimosa, and the mocities is a water animal like a snail.

Mmmm ... - Had a gymnasium, is not all equal, flower or animal. We still have not passed this in the class. And what are you driving with a nose when you do not ask? What a clever cleaned! .. - He suddenly thrown on me.

Awful jack! - I erected a girl and squinted his blue eyes. "You'd better be followed by George to correct," she caprizly stretched, "George smarter than you, and you got to the living room in the living room." Very nice!

Costly! - again learned the gymnasium.

And you still moc. - I regained his brother and Zahoshikal. - Mocrica and beggar!

I broke out. No one has called me so. The nickname is offended me most of the rest. I have seen in the pellets of churches and more than once myself filing them money on the ordination of mommies. They asked for "for the sake of Christ" and stretched out for gracious hand. I did not stretch my arms for alms and did not ask anything. So he does not dare to call me like that. Anger, bitterness, crumpled - all this time boiled in me, and, without remembering myself, I grabbed my offender by my shoulders and began to shake him out of all the strength, choking on excitement and anger.

Do not dare to talk like that. I am not a beggar! Do not dare to call me a bench! Do not dare! Do not dare!

No, beggar! No, beggar! You will live from us from the grace. Your mother died and did not leave money. And both you are beggar, yes! - How the learned lesson repeated the boy. And, not knowing how to annoy me, he stood out the tongue and began to make the most impossible grimaces in my face. His brother and sister laughed from the soul, having fun at this scene.

I had never been a guarantee, but when Tole offended my mommy, I could not bear it. The terrible gust of the malice covered me, and with a loud cry, without thinking and herself did not remember what I was doing, I pushed my cousin because of the strength.

He strongly staggered first in one direction, then to another and to keep the balance, grabbed the table on which there was a vase. It was very beautiful, all painted with flowers, storks and some funny black-haired girls in colored long coats, in high hairstyles and with revealed versions of the chest.

The table was hardened at least. A vase with flowers and black girls was injected with him. Then the vase slid on the floor ... a deafening crash rang out.

Both black girls, and flowers, and storks - everything was mixed and disappeared into one common pile of shards and fragments.

Broken vase. - Aunt Nelli and Uncle Michel

A minute lasted coffin silence. On the faces of the children was written horror. Even Tolya reconsidered and rotated in all sides with frightened eyes.

Georges first broke silence.

Costly! - He stretched out into his nose.

Ninochka shook her beautiful head, looking at the pile of the shards, and said significantly:

Favorite Mine Japanese Vase.

Well, so! - Shparing her older brother. - And who is to blame?

Not me only! - poured roofing.

And not me! - hurried to keep a ninochka from him.

So I, in your opinion, what? Costly! - offended by a gymnasium.

Not you, and moc. Ninchochka cried out.

Of course, Mocrica! - confirmed and toly.

Mocrica and there. We must complain to Mamzelka. Call your Bavaria Ivanovna - then you mean Matilda Francen. Well, what the mouths revealed! - Commanded Georges to younger children. - I just do not understand what she looks at you!

And, having shrugged, he was overlooking the adult man around the hall.

Ninchochka and Tolea missed one minute and immediately appeared in the living room, Touching Matilda Francen, the very checkered lady, who met me at the station.

What's that noise? What is the Shkandal? She asked, looking at all of us with rigorous asking eyes.

Then the children surrounded by her, began to tell the chorus, as everything happened. If I were not so killed by grief at that moment, it would be unwittingly surprised by this excess of lies, which swayed in each phrase of small iconines.

But I did not hear anything and did not want to hear. I stood at the window, looked at the sky, on the gray Petersburg sky, and thought: "There, at the top, my mommy. She looks at me and sees everything. Probably she is dissatisfied with me. Probably, she is hard to see her, as her did now. Lenochka ... Mommy, sweet, - whispered my strongly beating heart, - Is I guilty that they are so angry, such bad jackets? "

You are deaf or not! - Suddenly he heard a sharp shock, and the chain fingers of the checkered lady dug into my shoulder. - You behave like a real robber. Already at the station set me a leg ...

Not true! - I broke out abruptly. - Not true! I did not do it! I accidentally pushed you!

Silence! She screamed in such a way that George squeezed near her from her her ears. - Not only you are rude and cutting, you are still a lungy and a dust! There is nothing to say, we purchased the treasure to our home! - And, speaking, it, she jerked me by the shoulders, by arms and for the dress, while her eyes were so glittered. "You will be punished," Skeid Matilda Francen, "you will be strictly punished!" Design to remove the burbus and Kalosh! It is high time.

A sudden call made her shift her. Children recovered at once and pulled it up, having heard this call. Georges wore a uniform, Tolera corrected his hair. Alone alone Nichochka did not find any excitement and, bouncing on one leg, ran into the hallway to see who called.

Through the living room joined the lacquer, sacredly gliding in the carpets with soft soles, the same lacquer that opened the door to us.

Mum! Daddy! How late you!

The sound of a kiss was heard, and in a minute in the living room entered the lady and full, very good-natured species of the lady with the same, but only a less important face, which was on the unclear portrait.

Beautiful, elegant lady was like two drops of water similar to Ninchochka, or, or rather, Ninochka was a poured mother. The same cold-arrive lyrco, the same capriciously sponge sponge.

Well, hello, girl! - Using a thick bass full lord, referring to me. - Go here, let's look at you! Well, well, the kiss Uncle. There is nothing to experience. Vividly! - He spoke a joking voice ...

But I did not move from the spot. True, the face of a high Mr. was very similar to the uncle's face in the portrait, but where was his gold flair, an important view and orders, which were depicted in the portrait? No, I decided, this is not uncle Misha.

Complete Mr., seeing my indecision, said quietly, turning to the lady:

She is a little dick, Nelly. You're sorry. We'll have to take up her upbringing.

Thank you pounding! - answered Ta and made a disgruntled grimskaya, which again suddenly began to be like a ninchochka. - I'm really worried about your! Will go to the gymnasium, there it will be watched ...

Well, of course, of course, - agreed by a full master. And then added, referring to me: - Hello, Lena! Well, you will not come together to say hello! I am your uncle Michelle.

Uncle? - unexpectedly broke from my lips besides my desire. - Are you uncle? But what about the uniform and order, where do you have that uniform and the orders that I saw in the portrait?

He first did not understand that I ask him. But disobey, what's the matter, having fun and loudly laughed with my loud, dense, bass voice.

So it is that, - he said good-naturedly, "do you want the orders and the star?" Well, the Order and the Star I do not wear at home, the girl. I'm sorry, they lie in my dresser until the time before ... And you will be clever and you will not be bored - I will show them to you as a reward ...

And, leaning toward me, he raised me to the air and firmly kissed both cheeks.

I immediately liked uncle. He was so affectionate, kind, which involuntarily pulled to him. In addition, he brought his mother brother to the late Momchka, and it was even more brought me closer to him. I was ready to rush to him on the neck and kiss his cute, smiling face, as suddenly I needed a unpleasant, the awesome voice of my new unexpected enemy - Matilda Frances.

Nothing her caress, Herr General (Mr. General), she is a very nasty girl, "Matilda Francen said. - Just half an hour as you have in the house, and I have already managed to make a lot of bad.

And immediately, his nasty, hissing voice, Matilda Francen, retraced all what happened before the arrival of the uncle and aunt. Children confirmed her words. And none of them said why all this happened and who is a real culprit of all the troubles that happened. In everything, only Lena was to blame, alone Lena ...

"Poor Lena! .. Mommy, why did you leave me?"

As the German told, everything is gloomy and sadly the face of the uncle, and the stricter and colder watched the eyes of Aunt Nelli's eyes, his wife. Shards of broken vase and traces on the floor from wet Kalos, together with a confused view of Toli - all this did not speak my favor.

When Matilda Francesna cumshot, Aunt Nelly frowned and said:

You will certainly be punished next time, if you allow yourself something like that.

Uncle looked at me with sad eyes and noticed:

Your mother in childhood was the Maunder and obedient, Lena. I'm sorry that you are so little like her ...

I was ready to cry from the resentment and bitterness, I was ready to rush on the neck of uncle and tell him that all this is not true that they were offended by completely undeservedly and that I am far from so to blame, as I explained to him now. But the tears stood up me, and I could not say a word. Yes, and what was to talk to! I would still not believed ...

Just at that moment on the threshold, the halls appeared on a boom in white gloves, with a clutch in his hands and reported that it was served to eat.

Go take off with yourself the upper clothes and hand out of my hands Yes, the hands of the hair, - ordered me a harsh, strict voice Nelly. - Ninochka spends you.

Ninochka reluctantly broke away from the mother who stood hugging with her favorite. Having said to me dryly "go", she led me somewhere else near the bright, beautifully removed rooms.

In the spacious children, where they stood three completely equally replenished cribs, she led me to an elegant marble washbasin.

While I was my hands soap and thoroughly wiped them with a towel, Ninchochka looked at me in very detailed, tilting a little in the direction of his blond head.

Thinking that she wants to speak with me, but he shy, I smiled smiling encouragingly.

But she suddenly snorted, blushed and turned back to me in the same moment.

I understood the girl on this movement that she was angry with me for something, and decided to leave her alone.

Gorbunya. - New enemy

When we entered the dining room, over a long dining table of the chandelier, brightly lit room.

The whole family was already sitting at lunch. Aunt Nelli pointed me a place near Matilda Francen, which, thus, found himself between me and ninocha, who climbed near the mother. Opposite we were sitting uncle Michel and both boys.

Following me was another unoccupied device. This device involuntarily attracted my attention.

"Is there anyone else in the family of iconines?" - I thought.

And as if to confirm my thoughts, uncle looked at an empty device by displeased eyes and asked the aunt:

Again punished? Yes?

It should be! - I shrugged.

Uncle also wanted to ask something, but did not have time, because just at this time in the front there was such a deafening call that Aunt Nelli involuntarily closed her ears, and Matilda Francen was bouncing on the whole Paul Arshina.

Disgusting girl! How many times it says not to talk like that! - said aunt an angry voice and turned to the doors.

I looked there. On the verge of the dining room stood a small ugly figure with raised shoulders and a long pale face. The face was as ugly as a figure. Long hooked nose, thin pale lips, unhealthy skin color and thick black eyebrows at low, stubborn forehead. The only thing that was beautiful in this nobility of the harsh and uncomfortable old-shaped lear, is one eyes. Big, black, smart and insightful, they burned like two gems, and sparkled like stars, on a thin pale face.

When the girl turned a little, I immediately noticed a huge hump behind her shoulders.

Poor, poor girl! So that's why she has such exhausted pale lyrco, such a pathetic disfigured figurine!

I fell to tears sorry for her. The deceased mommy taught me to constantly love and regret the cakes offended by the fate. But, obviously, no one, besides me, did not regret little hunchback. At least, Matilda Franventova looked at her from his head to the legs an angry look and asked, swaying his blue lips:

Again they were pleased to be punished?

And the aunt Nelli casually looked at the hunchback and threw in passing:

Today, again without a cupcake. And for the last time I forbid you so sober. There is nothing to show your adorable in nature. Someday you will break the call. Girl!

I looked at the hunchback. I was sure that she would redden, embarrassing that her tears would rise to her eyes. But it did not happen! She approached the mother with the most indifferent look and kissed her hand, then he went to his father and smacking him somehow on his cheek. With brothers, sister and governess she did not think to greet. I didn't notice me at all.

Julie! - He turned to a humpback girl uncle, as soon as she sat down at an unoccupied place next door to me. - Do not you see that we have guests? Just say hello to Lena. She is your cousin.

Little humpback raised his eyes from a plate with a soup for which she began to be with Big greed, and looked at me somehow sideways, casual.

Lord! What eyes were it! Evil, hate, threatening, harsh, like a hungry poppy, whom the hunters have raised ... For sure I was her long-standing and worst enemy, whom she hated all the soul. That's what the black eyes of a humpback girl expressed ...

When sweets served - something beautiful, pink and magnificent, in the form of a turret, on a large porcelain dish, - Aunt Nelli turned his cold beautiful face to a lacquer and said strictly:

Senior young lady today without a cake.

I looked at the hunchback. Her eyes caught fire with evil lights, and no more pale face turned more.

Matilda Frantzna put me a piece of a lush pink turret on a plate, but I could not eat sweetly, because two greedy black eyes looked at me with envy and angry.

It seemed to me impossible to eat my portion, when my neighbor was deprived of sweet, and I strongly moved a plate from myself and whispered softly, leaning toward Juli:

Do not worry, please, I will not eat either.

Answer! She blocked a little heard, but with an even greater expression of malice and hatred in the eyes.

When the dinner ran out, everyone came out due to the table. Uncle and aunt immediately went somewhere, and we, children, sent to the classroom - a huge room beside a nursery.

Georges immediately disappeared somewhere, saying by the passion by Matilde Franvents, which goes to learn lessons. Julie followed his example. Nina and Tolya started some kind of noisy game without paying any attention to my presence.

Elena, "I heard an unpleasant voice for my friend," go to your room and scream your things. In the evening it will be too late. Today you should go to bed today: you will go to the gymnasium tomorrow.

In the gymnasium?

Fully, did I not hear? I will be given to the gymnasium? I was ready to jump from joy. Although I only had to spend only two hours in the Uncle family, but I already understood the whole severity of my life in this big, cold house in society an angry governess and evil cousins \u200b\u200band sisters. No wonder that I was so happy to inform about admission to the gymnasium, where, probably, they will not meet me as here. After all, there were not two, and maybe thirty-two girl-peer girls, between which, of course, there are also good, cute children who will not hurt me, like this inflated, capricious ninochka and evil, sullen and rude juli. And then, there will probably not be such an angry checkered lady as Matilda Francen ...

I even had something more fun in my soul, and I ran to disassemble my things, fulfilling the order of the governess. I didn't even pay special attention to me after a ninocitant's remark facing my brother:

Look, look, Tolya, our moc. - no longer mocities more, but a real goat in sundress.

What was noticed by:

True, she is in his mother's dress. Exactly bag!

Trying not to listen to what they say, I hurried to get away from them.

Passing the corridor and some two or three are not so big and not such bright rooms, of which one must have been a bedroom, and the other restroom, I ran into the nursery, in that very room where Ninochka drove me to wash my hands before dinner .

Where is my suitcase, can you tell me? - I politely turned with the question of the young maid, the bed at the night.

She had a good ruddy face who smilalessly smiled at me.

No, no, the lady, you will not sleep here, "the maid said," you will have a very special room; The general one ordered.

I did not immediately realize that the general was aunt Nelli, but nevertheless asked the maid to show my room.

The third door to the right on the corridor, at the very end, she wouldingly explained she, and it seemed to me that the eyes of a girl with teachers and sadness stopped at me when she said: "It's a pity to me, the lady, it will be difficult for you." Children we have pride, forgive the Lord! "And she sighed crushed and waved his hand."

I ran out of a bedroom with a hard heart.

The first ... The second ... Third ... I thought the doors that were in the corridor. Here it is - the third door, which girl said. I'm not without excitement push her ... and everything is small, a tiny room in one window. The wall has a narrow bed, a simple colorhouse and a chest. But it did not pay my attention. In the middle of the room lay my opened suitcase, and my lingerie was lying around it on the floor, dresses and all my simple property, which manshedrally stacked Marita, collecting me on the road. And over all my treasures sat humpback juli and faded at the bottom of the suitcase.

Seeing this, I was so confused that I could not pronounce a word in the first minute. I stood silently before the girl, not finding what to say to her. Then, immediately recovering and shaking, I said to a vote with excitement:

And you are not ashamed to touch what you do not belong?

None of your business! - she broke me rudely.

At this time, her hand, having launched on the bottom of the suitcase, grabbed the bag wrapped in paper and carefully bandaged the bag. I knew that it was for a bag, and from all the legs rushed to Julie, trying to snatch him out of her hands. But it was not there. Gorbunya was much more advantageous and faster me. She highly raised her hand with a convolution over his head and in a moment jumped on the table, standing in the middle of the room. Here she quickly unfolded a bundle, and at the same moment out of the paper looked out of the paper, but a beautiful nestrant box, who was always used by the late mommy and which was almost the eve of his death gave me. I really paid this gift, because every thing in this box reminded me of my dear. I applied so cautiously with a box, accurately she was made of glass and could break every minute. Because it was very hard for me and it hurts to see how the juli was unceremonious in her, throwing each thing from the nestra.

Scissors ... Needles ... thimble ... skewers ... - She moved, he and then throwing one thing for another. "Excellent, everything is ... a whole farm ... and that's what?" - And she grabbed a small portrait of mommies, which was at the bottom of the nestor.

I quietly cried and rushed to her.

Listen ... - I whisked, all the shit from the excitement, - because it is not good ... you do not dare ... it's not yours ... and my things ... it's not good to take someone else's ...

Castle ... not Noah! .. - Jumping on me humpback and suddenly evil, rigidly laughed in my face. - And it was good to take away from me ... and? What will you say about that? - Santoring from the malice, she whispered.

Take away? You? What can I take away from you? - Amazed to the depths of the soul, I exclaimed.

Yeah, do not know? Tell me please, what innocence! So I believed you! Hold your pocket wider! Nasty, bad, beggar girl! It would be better if you did not come. It would be easier without you. Still, I did not like it before, because I lived separately, not with a nasty ninchka, my mother's favorite, and I had my own corner. And then ... you came, and I was transferred to the nursery to Ninka and to Bavaria ... U-y! How I hate you for it, nasty, nasty! You, and your nestor, and everything, and that's it!

And speaking this, she widespread his hand with a mother's portrait, obviously wanting to send it there, where the needlephone, scissors and pretty silver thimble, which was very valued by the late mammy, were already found.

I grabbed her hand in time.

Then Gorbunya was illuminated and, quickly leaning toward my hand, his best bites me for his finger.

I screamed loudly and retreated back.

At the same moment, the door was wide open, and Ninochka, stringly flew into the room.

What? What? - She jumped to me and immediately, noticeing the portrait in the hands of the sister, shouted, impatiently turning the nagging: - What is it with you? Now show! Show this minute! Julka show!

But instead of the portrait showed her sister. Ninochka and boiled.

Oh, you, Drying Gorbushka! She cried, rushing to Julie, and before I could hold her, she found himself at the table next to her.

Show now, this minute! - she shouted piercingly.

And I will not think about what you took, what will I show? - quietly objected Gorbunya and raised his hand with a portrait even above.

Then something completely special happened. Ninochka jumped on the table, wanting to snatch the thing from the hands of Julie, the table could not stand the gravity of both girls, the leg turned up, and both of them with a deafening noise flew along with the table to the floor.

Creek ... moan ... tears ... screams.

Nina has blood streaming from the nose and dripping on a pink cut and a white dress. She screams on the whole house, choking tears ...

Julie Primella. She also has a hand and knee. But she is silent and only in a secretly groachti from pain.

Matilde Francen, Fyodor, Dunyasha, Georges and Tolya appear on the verge of the room.

Costly! - pulls George in his way.

What? What happened? - Screams Matilda Francen, thus rushing to me and shaking my hand.

I am in surprise I look at her round eyes, not feeling exactly no guilt for him. And suddenly my look meets with evil, burning, like a wolf, Juli's eyes. At the same moment, the girl comes up to the governess and says:

Matilda Frantzna, Press Lena. She nailed ninchochka.

What is? .. I barely believe my ears.

I? I nailed? - I repeat echo.

And you say - not you? - sharply shouted the juli on me. - Look, Nina has blood nose.

Great Importance - Blood! Three droplets only, "said with the type of connoisseur of Georges, carefully investigating the smelly nine nose. - Amazing these girls, right! And it's not can do something. Three drops! Witty, nothing to say!

Yes, this is not true! - I began to start and did not finish my phrase, since the bony fingers dug into my shoulder and Matilda Frantzna dragged me somewhere out of the room.

Scary room. - Black bird

Angry German didn't drag me through the entire corridor and pushed into some kind of dark and cold room.

Sit here, she shouted viciously, "if you don't know how to behave in a children's society!"

And after that, I heard how the door gut clicked outside, and I was left alone.

I was not terribly scary. The deceased motley taught me not to be afraid of anything. But nevertheless, an unpleasant feeling to stay alone in an unfamiliar cold dark room gave herself to feel. But even more painful, I felt the insult, burning offense on the evil, cruel girls who shouted at me.

Mommy! My mother's mother, - I whispered, firmly squeezing my hands, - Why did you die, mommy! If you were left with me, no one would have become tormented by your poor Lenos.

And the tears involuntarily flowed from my eyes, and the heart beat greatly ...

Muming my eyes began to get used to the dark. And I could already distinguish the items around me: some boxes and cabinets on the walls. Away vaguely Belalo window. I stepped toward him, how suddenly some strange noise attracted my attention. I unwittingly stopped and raised my head. Something big, round, with two dots burning in darkness approached me through the air. Two huge wings frantically clapped over my ear. The wind smelled to my face from these wings, and the last minute points approached me with every minute.

I was not a cowardly, but here it was not a horror sowned me. All shivering from fear, I waited for the approach of the monsters. And it approached.

Two brilliant round eyes looked at me a minute, the other, and suddenly - something strongly hit me on the head ...

I screamed loudly and crashed to the floor without feelings.

Tell me what tenderness! Because of any trifle - faint! What a gentle! - I heard a rough voice, and with effort by opening my eyes, I saw in front of him the hated face of Matilda Franzen.

Now this face was pale from frightened, and the lower lip of Bavaria, as George called her, nervously trembling.

And where is the monster? - I whispered in fear.

No monster was not! - The governess snorted, "please do not invent." Or are you so stupid that you accept the monster ordinary manual owl of George? Filk, go here, stupid bird! - she called a thin voice.

I turned my head and with the light of the lamp, it should be brought and put on the table Matilde Francen, saw a huge filina with a sharp predatory nose and round eyes, which were rustic ...

The bird looked at me, tilting the head of the side, with the most lively curiosity. Now, with the light of the lamp and in the presence of a governess, there was nothing terrible in it. At least Matilde Francen, obviously, she didn't seem terrible at all, because she, referring to me, spoke in a calm voice, no attention to the bird:

Listen, you, a bad girl, - this time I forgive you, but dare it only once again offend some of the children. Then I squeeze you without regret ... Do you hear?

Fight! Me - carve?

The late mommy never even raised his voices on me and was constantly satisfied with his Lenoisha, and now ... I am threateled with rogues! And for what? .. I shuddered with all the body and, offended to the depths of the soul with the words of the governess, stepped to the door.

You, please, do not try to check the uncle that I was frightened by the manual owl and rumbled into fainting, - angrily, tearing out every word, the German said. "There is nothing terrible in this, and only such a fool, like you, could be frightened by innocent birds." Well, nothing to talk to you more ... a march to sleep!

I could only obey me.

After our cozy Rybinsk, some unpleasant, Kamorka Julie seemed to me, in which I had to settle!

Poor Julie! She probably did not have to get a job more conveniently, if she regretted my wretched corner. It is not easy, it must be, she lives, a wretched poor thing!

And, by absolutely forgotten that for the sake of this "poor female", I was locked up in a room with the owl and promised to focus, I regret her all soul.

Understanding and piercing God, I lay down on a narrow uncomfortable bed and covered with a blanket. I was very strange to see this wretched bed, and an old blanket in the luxurious atmosphere of my uncle. And suddenly, a vague guess flashed in my head, why Julie had a poor Camorka and a bad blanket, while ninoches had an elegant dress, beautiful children's and a lot of toys. I was involuntarily remembered the look of the aunt Nelli, as she looked at her hump in a minute of her appearance in the dining room, and the eyes of the same aunt, facing ninchochka with such caress and love.

And now I understood everything: all: ninchochka love and indulge in the family for being live, cheerful and pretty, and nobody loves poor cripple.

Zhulka, "Almighty", "Gorbushka" - I was remembered to the unwitting name, the data to her sister her and brothers.

Poor Julie! Poor little cripple! Now I finally forgive little hump her face with me. I was infinitely sorry for her.

Understanding with her, I decided I immediately, I will prove to her, as it is not good to slander and lie on others, and I will try to climb her. She, poor thing, does not see caress! And Momchka as well will be there, in the sky, when she sees that her Lenusha reproached her caress for hostility.

And with this good intention I fell asleep.

I dreamed of this night a huge black bird with round eyes and face of Matilda Frances. Bird was called Bavaria, and she ate a pink magnificent turret, which was served on the third to dinner. And the humpback Julie certainly wanted to carve a black bird for having not wanted to take the place of the Conductor Nikifora Matveyevich, who produced into the generals.

In the gymnasium. - Unpleasant meeting. - I am a gymnasist

Here is a new student, Anna Vladimirovna. I warn you, a girl out of hand is bad. It will be enough for you with it. Liva, rude, dough and disobedient. Sharpen it more often. Frau Generalin (General) will not have anything against.

And, having finished his long speech, Matilda Frantzna looked at me with a triumphant look.

But I did not look at her. All my attention attracted a high slim lady in a blue dress, with the Order on the chest, with white as Lun Hair and Young, Fresh, without a single wrinkle face. Her big clear, like a child, eyes looked at me with undisguised sadness.

Ay-ah, like not good, girl! She said, shaking his gray head.

And her face at that moment was the same gentle and affectionate as my mommy. Only my mommy was completely black, like a fly, and the blue lady was all gray. But her face seemed no older mommy and strangely reminded me of my dear.

Ah ah ah! - she repeated without any anger. - And not ashamed of you, girl?

Oh, how I was ashamed! I wanted to cry - so I was ashamed. But not from the consciousness of his guilt - I did not feel any guilt after myself, - and therefore I was slandered by this sweet gentle-head of the gymnasium, so I could remind me of my mommy.

We are all three, Matilda Francen, Juli and I, came to the gymnasium together. Little humpback ran into classes, and I was detained the head of the gymnasium, Anna Vladimirovna Chirikov. She recommended me angry Bavaria from such an unfounded side.

Believe Lee, - Matilda Francen continued to tell the boss, - just a day as they watered this girl in our house, "here she wove her head in my direction," and so much she has gained that it is impossible!

And he began a long line for all my tricks. Here I could not stand more. Tears once fed to my eyes, I closed my face with my hands and loosened loudly.

Child! Child! What with you? - I heard a cute voice of a blue lady. - Tears will not help here, girl, you have to try to correct ... Do not cry, do not cry! - And she gently stroked me on the head with his soft white hand.

I do not know what happened to me at that moment, but I quickly grabbed her hand and brought to her lips. The boss was mixed from surprise, then quickly turned towards Matilda Francen and said:

Do not worry, we will enjoy the girl. Send to General Iconin that I accept it.

But remember, dear Anna Vladimirovna, - having engaged in meaningful lips, said Bavaria, - Elena deserves strict upbringing. As possible, punish it.

I do not need any advice in any advice, the chief spoke coldly, "I have my own method to raise children.

And a slightly noticeable nod of the head, she gave to understand the German, that she could leave us alone.

Bavaria was an impatient gesture wounded her checkered talma and, blowing me with a meaningful finger on a farewell, disappeared behind the door.

When we stayed together, my new patronage raised my head and, holding my face with my delicate hands, said Tikhim, in a soul filling voice:

I can't believe the girl to be like that.

And again my eyes were filled with tears.

No no! I'm not so, no! - broke out with a groan and scream from my chest, and I, sobbing, rushed to the chest of the boss.

She gave me time to spoil well, then, stroking me on the head, spoke:

You will enter the youngest class. You will not examine you now; Let me recover a little. Now you will go to the class to get acquainted with your new girlfriends. I will not wish you, go alone. Children come closer better without the help of older. Try to be clever, and I will love you. Do you want me to love you, girl?

Oh! - I could only speak, looking with admiration for her meek, a wonderful face.

Well, look, - she shook her head, - and now go to the class. Your branch is the first right by the corridor. Hurry, the teacher has already come.

I silently bowed and went to the door. At the threshold, I looked around to see a cute young face and gray hair boss once again. And she looked at me.

Go with God, girl! Your cousin Julia Iconina will introduce you to class.

And the nod of the head of Mrs. Chirikov let me go.

First door to the right! First door ...

I looked around with a bewilderment around myself, standing in a long bright corridor, on both sides of which the doors were stretched with nailed black skirts over them. On black skills, figures are written, denoting the name of the class located behind the door.

The nearest door and black plate above did it belong to the first or younger, class. I bravely approached the door and opened it.

Thirty, or about this number, girls are sitting on benches for sloping tables in the form of a pugitrov. They are two on each bench, and they all write something in blue notebooks. At the high department, a black-haired lord sits in glasses, with a trimmed beard and loud reading something. The opposite wall behind the small table is some skinny girl, black, with yellow face, with slanty eyes, all in freckles, with a fluid pigtail laid on the backlog, knits stocking quickly, quickly moving the knitting needles.

Only I appeared on the threshold, like all thirty girls as a team turned to me their blond, black and redheads. The skinny young lady with oblique eyes is restlessly spinning in its place. High lord with a beard, in glasses, who was sitting at a separate table on an elevation, glanced with his head to the legs and said, turning to the whole class and looking over the glasses:


And redhead, and black, and white girls shouted the chorus on different voices:

New, Vasily Vasilyevich!


Sister Yulia Iconina.

Yesterday only came from Rybinsk.

From Kostroma!

From Yaroslavl!

From Jerusalem!

From South America!

Silence! - Screamed, daring, skinny young lady in a blue dress.

The teacher, whom the children called Vasily Vasilyevich, squeezed her ears, then we soldered them and asked:

And who of you can say when good girls are chicken?

When they bucks! - Boyko replied from the front bench Pink blonde girl with funny eyes and a welded trutovice spout.

It was - s, "the teacher answered," and I ask you to leave your cluck on this occasion. New, "he turned to me, - Are you sister or cousin Iconina?

"Kuzina", "I wanted to answer, but at that moment the pale juli rose with one of the nearest benches and said dryly:

Why so? Why such disfavor? - he was amazed.

Because she is a liar and the dracgy! - shouting from her place blond girl with funny eyes.

And how do you know, Sobolev? - Teacher's eyes translated her.

I was spoken by Iconina. And the same class said the same thing - Boyko answered Live Sobolev.

Thumbs up! - The teacher grinned. - Well, you have resented the cousin, Iconin. Nothing to say! Frankly! Yes, I would be in your place if it was so, hid from her friends, that you have Cousin Drachunya, and you exactly brag about it. I am ashamed to shed out of the hut! And then ... strange, but this slender girl in a mourning dress does not have a kind of dracany. Are I saying, and, Iconina-second?

The question was turned straight to me. I knew that I had to answer, and could not. In a strange embarrassment, I stood at the class door, stubbornly looking into the floor.

Well, good, good. Do not confuse! - Teacher turned to me in a tender voice. - Sit down and deprive the dictation ... Zhebalev, give notebook and pen new. She will sit with you, - commanded the teacher.

With these words, a black bench rose from a neighboring bench, like a fly, a girl with little eyes and a thin pigtail. She had an unkind face and very subtle lips.

Sit down! "Pretty it disliked that she threw in my direction and, having moved a little, gave me a place near him.

The teacher burst into the book, and in a minute in the class was still quiet.

Vasily Vasilyevich repeated the same phrase several times, and therefore it was very easy to write under his dictation. The deceased mommy itself was engaged in Russian language and arithmetic. I was very diligent and for my nine years wrote quite soothe. Today, I with a special diligence withdrawn the letters, trying to please the teacher who had a key, and very nice and correctly wrote a whole page.

Point. Pretty. Zhukov, collect a notebook, - Teacher ordered.

Slender-free girl, my peers, began to bypass benches and collect notebooks in one common pile.

Vasily Vasilyevich found my notebook and, quickly opening it, began to browse before all other notebooks.

Bravo, Iconina, Bravo! Not a single mistake, and written clean and beautiful, - he said a fun voice.

I really try, Mr. Teacher, is not wonderful that you are satisfied with my work! - I said on the whole class my cousin Juli.

Ah, is it you, Iconina-first? No, this is not by you, I am pleased, and the work of your cousin, - hurried to clarify the teacher. And right there, seeing the girl turned red, he calmed her down: - Well, well, do not embarrass, the lady. Maybe your work will be even better.

And he quickly found her notebook in a common thorah, hastily revealed her, ran writing ... and threw his hands, then quickly turned to us a notebook Julie with a page and, highly raising her over her head, cried, turning to the whole class:

What is this maiden? Dictation of the student or the prank of the operating cockerel, which lowered the paw in the ink and scared these doculs?

The whole page of the tetradi Julie was dressed in large and small blots. Class laughing. Skinny young lady, who turned out, as I learned later, a classy lady, splashed with my hands, and Julie stood at her webress with sullenly shifted by eyebrows and an evil-minded face. She seemed to be ashamed at all - she was only angry.

And the teacher among themes continued to consider the page written by the doodles and believed:

One ... Two ... Three mistakes ... Four ... five ... Ten ... fifteen ... twenty ... thumbnail, in ten rows - twenty errors. We are ashamed, Iconina-first! You are older than all and write worse than all. Take an example from your younger cousin! Ashamed, very shame!

He wanted to say something else, but at that moment the call was sounded, which announced the end of the lesson.

All girls started up and dug out from the places. The teacher came down from the department, bowed to the class in response to a friendly squating of girls, shook his hand to the class lady and disappeared behind the door.

Grass. - Japanese. - Unit

You like you, Dracunin! ..

No, Lgunshka ...

No, Krikunova ...

Oh, it's just a subsidiary!

Yes, yes, it is the subsidiary ... Answer what is your name?

How old are you?

She is years old, girls, a lot! She is a hundred years. She's grandmother! See what kind of cut-down yes crushed. Grandma, grandmother, where are your granddaughters?

And cheerful, living like mercury Sobolev, he jerked me for a pigtail.

Ai! - involuntarily broke out.

Yeah! You know where the bird "ah" lives! - I walked into the whole voice of the chalunya, while other girls dense around me from all sides. All they had unkind faces. Black, gray, blue and brown eyes looked at me, flashing angry lights.

What is it, the language from you took away, or what, - cursed the black Zebalev, - or did you fumbled so much that you do not want to talk to us?

Yes, how don't she be proud of: her himself distinguished himself! I put everything in the example. All old students are new. Shame! A shame! Durable us Yashka! - I screamed a pretty pale fragile girl in the name Ivin - the desperate chalunya in class and Sorvigolov, as I later found out.

Shame! A shame! True, Ivin! Truth! - grabbed all the girls in one voice.

Mix a yashka! Lime it for it is pretty! In the next lesson to flood to him with a bath! - shouted in one corner.

Sustify a bath! Non-bath! - shouted in the other.

New, look if you are not for a bun for bans, we will give you vivid! - ranked in the third.

I didn't understand anything exactly what the girls said, and stood stunned, hubborn. The words "Yashka", "to expose the bath", "to train" were completely incomprehensible to me.

Only, look, not to issue, not a friendly comrade. Hear! - jumped to me plump, round, like a ball, girl, Zhenya Roche. - And then beware!

Behold! Behold! If you give, we will run you yourself! Look!

Is Madamechki, do you think she will not give out? Lenka? Yes, she will bring you all with his head to distinguish themselves. Here, they say, I'm smart, one among them!

I raised my eyes to the spoken. On the pale face, Julie was seen that she was angry. The eyes of her viciously burned, the lips were curved.

I wanted to answer her and could not. Girls have been granted from all sides, shouting and threatening. Faces flared them. Eyes sparkled.

Do not dare to give out! Hear? Do not dare, and then we will show you, a nasty girl! - They shouted.

A new call, calling for the class of arithmetic, forced them to be alive and take their places. Only Shalunya Ivina did not want to calm down immediately.

Mrs. Drachynikov, please sit down. There is no strollers that would take you to your place! she shouted.

Ivin, do not forget that you are in the classroom, the sharp voice of the class lady sounded.

I will not forget, Mademoiselle! - Salunya said the most innocent tone and then added as if nothing had happened: - This is not true, Mademoiselle, that you are Japanese and come to us here directly from Tokyo?

What? What? - So jumped at the place of the skinny young lady. - How do you dare to talk like that?

No, no, you do not worry, Mademoiselle, I also know that it is not true. To me to the lesson, the older pupil of Okuneva says: "You know, Ivushka, because your Zoya Ilyinishna is a Japanese spy, I probably know it ... and ..."

Ivin, do not hold!

By her, God, it was not I said, Mademoiselle, and Okunov from the first class. You and marry it. She said again that you were sent here to ...

Ivin! Another word - and you will be punished! - finally married a class lady.

Why, I repeat just that Okuneva said. I was silent and listened ...

Ivin, get to the board! This minute! I punish you.

Then Okunev also punish. She said, and I listened. It is impossible to punish for the only thing that the person is given to the ears ... Lord, what are we unfortunate, right, that is, those who heard, did not lose chalun, while the rest of the girls snorted from laughter.

The door opened wide, and a round little man with a huge stomach fell into class and with such a happy expression of the face, exactly him just happened to learn something very pleasant.

Ivin wakes up the board! Perfectly! - He said, rubbing his plump small handles. - Again noring? - Shatteringly squinting, said the round little man, whose name was Adolf Ivanovich's scarf and who was a teacher of arithmetic in the class of small.

I have been punished for the only thing I have ears and that I hear what I don't like Zoe Ilyinishna, - a capricious voice stretched the chalunya Ivin, pretending to see how she cries.

Skull girl! - said Zoya Ilyinishna, and I saw her all trembling from excitement and anger.

I was very sorry for her. True, she didn't seem good nor pretty, but also Ivina was not good: she tormented a poor girl, and I was very sorry for the last one.

Meanwhile, the round scarf asked us an arithmetic task, and the whole class began for it. Then he called girls take turns to the board until the end of the lesson.

The following class was Batyushkin. Strict on appearance, even harsh, the priest said abruptly and quickly. It was very difficult to sleep after him when he talked about how Noah built the ark and swam with his family on the huge ocean, while all other people died for sins. Girls involuntarily recalled, listening to him. Then the father began to call girls in turn for the middle of the class and asking the predetermined.

It was called and Julie.

She became the whole red, when the father called her last name, then turned pale and could not pronounce a word.

Jules did not learn lesson.

The father looked at Julie, then on a magazine who lay in front of him on the table, then looked at the pen into the ink and put the jolly fat, like a worm, one.

I am ashamed to learn badly, and the general daughter! - I said angrily.

Julie Primella.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, the lesson of the Law of God ended, and a big change began, that is, free time to the hour, in which the gymnasisters had breakfast and did what they wanted. I found in my bag a sandwich with meat, made to me a caring shuffling, the only person who treated me well. I ate a sandwich and thought it would be hard for me to live in the world without mommy and why I was so unfortunate why I could not immediately make me love me and why girls were so angry with me.

However, during a big change, they did this breakfast that they forgot about me. Exactly an hour came Frenchwoman, Mademoiselle Merkua, and we read Basni with her. Then lean, like a hanger, a long German teacher made us a German dictation - and only two hours a call hedled us that we were free.

As a flock of shaken birds, the whole class rushed to a large hallway, where the girls were already waiting for their mother, sisters, relatives or just servants to lead home.

Matilda Franventova appeared behind us with Julie, and under her boss, we went home.

Filming disappeared. - I want to punish me

Again lit a huge hanging chandelier in the dining room and put candles at both ends of the long table. Again, Fedor with a napkin in his hands appeared, and announced that it was filled. It was on the fifth day of my stay at the Uncle's House. Aunt Nellie, very elegant and very beautiful, entered the dining room and ranked his place. Uncle was not at home: he had to come today very late. We all gathered in the dining room, only George was not.

Where is George? - asked aunt, referring to Matilde Franzen.

She knew nothing.

And suddenly, this very minute, Georges as a hurricane broke into the room and with loud cries rushed to the mother's chest.

He roared on the whole house, sobbing and hurt. All his body shuddered from sobs. Georges only knew how to tease the sisters and brother and "to witness," as Ninochka said, and therefore it was terrible to see him in tears herself.

What? What? What happened to George? - Ask everything in one voice.

But he could not calm down for a long time.

Aunt Nelli, who never caressed him nor Toli, saying that the boys of caressing did not benefit, and that they should be kept strictly, this time gently hugged him by the shoulders and pulled to her.

What with you? Yes, say, George! - She asked her son in the most affectionate voice.

Several minutes continued sobbing. Finally, Georges spoke with great difficulty interrupted from sobbing voice:

Filming disappeared ... Mom ... Filk ...

How? What? What?

We all joined and drove out. Filming - it was no one else, like Owl, who frightened me on the first night of my stay at the Uncle's House.

Filming disappeared? How? How?

But George knew nothing. And we knew no more than him. Filming always lived, from the day of his appearance in the house (that is, from the day, as uncle brought him once, returning from the suburban hunt), in a large storeroom, where they were very rare, at certain hours and where George himself was neatly twice in Day to feed the simulation raw meat and progress him free. He sat down long hours visiting the filter, whom he loved, seems to be much more native sisters and brother. At least Ninochka assured everyone in it.

And suddenly - the film disappeared!

Immediately after dinner, everyone began to search for filters. Just Juli and I was sent to the children's learning lessons.

Only we remained alone, Julie said:

And I know where the film!

I raised my eyes, perplexed.

I know where the film! - Repeated Gorbunya. "It's good ..." she suddenly spoke, choking that she was constantly when she was worried, "it is very good." Georges made me nasty, and his filler disappeared ... very, very good!

And she triumphantly giggled, rubbing his hands.

Here I remembered one scene - and I understood everything.

On that day, when Julie received a unit for God's law, Uncle was in a very bad mood. He got some unpleasant letter and walked pale and displeased all evening. Juli, fearing that she would get more than in another case, asked Matilda Frantzin not to speak this day about her unit, and she promised. But Georges could not stand and inadvertently or deliberately announced in all the evening tea:

And Jules got a number from the law of God!

Julie punished. And on the same evening, I go to bed, Juli shook someone's fists, lying in bed (I went at this moment by chance in their room), and said:

Well, I remember him for it. He dresses me! ..

And she recalled - on the filing. Filk disappeared. But how? How and where could the little twelve-year-old girl hide the bird - I could not guess this.

Julie! Why did you do it? I asked when we returned to the classroom after dinner.

What did you do? - Summer humpback.

Where are you doing?

Filk? I? Am I doing She cried, all pale and agitated. - Yes, you crazy! I have not seen the filters. Rather, please ...

Why do you ... - I started and did not finish.

The door swollen widely, and Matilda Francen, Red, like Peony, flew into the room.

Very good! Sumptuously! Thief! Help! Clear! - Grozny shook his hands in the air, she screamed.

And before I managed to pronounce the word, she grabbed me by the shoulders and dragged somewhere.

I walked in front of me. That's a storage room. The door is wide open into the corridor. There are aunt Nelli, Ninochka, Georges, Tolya ...

Here! I led the guilty! - Matilda Francenn cried triumphantly and pushed me into the corner.

Here I saw a small chest and in it spread on the bottom of the dead formation. Owl lay, widespread wings and bolded with the beak into the chest board. It must be, she suffered in it from the lack of air, because the beak was widely disclosed, and the round eyes almost got out of the orbits.

I was surprised to look at Nelly's aunt.

What it is? I asked.

And she still asks! - cried, or rather, screamed, Bavaria. "And she is still daring to ask - she, an incorrigible pretender!" - She shouted to the whole house, waving his hands, like a windmill with her wings.

I am not guilty of anything! Trust me! - I said quietly.

Not guilty! - Nelly said and squinted his cold eyes on me. - George, who, in your opinion, hid the owl in the box? She turned to the eldest son.

Of course, Mokritsa, "he said with a confident voice. "The filler frightened her then at night! .. And now she is in retaliation for it ... very witty ..." - and he again snapped.

Of course, Mocrica! - confirmed his words ninochka.

I was exactly the booth. I stood, exactly not understanding anything. I was accused of - and what? What I was completely not to blame.

One Tolya was silent. His eyes were widely disclosed, and the face walked like chalk. He kept behind his mother's dress and did not look around at me.

I looked at the aunt Nelli and did not recognize her faces. Always calm and beautiful, it somehow twisted at a time when she said.

You are right, Matilda Francen. The girl is incorporated. We must try to punish it sensitive. Please order. Let's go, children, "she said, turning to Nina, George and Tol.

And, taking the younger hands, brought them out of the storeroom.

For a minute, Juli looked into the storage room. She had a very pale, excited face, and her lips trembled, exactly like Toli.

I looked at her pleading eyes.

Julie! - broke out of my chest. - After all, you know that I am not to blame. Tell me.

But Julie said nothing, turned on one leg and disappeared behind the door.

At the same moment, Matilda Franventova leaned over the threshold and shouted:

Dunya! Rogue!

I frown. Sticky sweat spoke on my forehead. Something club drove to the chest and squeezed her throat.

Me? Finger? Me - Mamokhina Lenochka, who was always such a clever thing in Rybinsk, for which everyone was not pulled out? .. And for what? For what?

I do not remember myself rushed to my knees in front of Matilde France and, sobbing, covered with kisses her hands with bony hooked fingers.

Do not punish me! Do not beat! - I screamed soften. - For God's sake, do not beat! Mommy never punished me. You are welcome. I beg you! For God's sake!

But Matilda Francen and heard nothing wanted. At the same moment, the hand of the Dunyshi with some kind of disgusting bundle was looking at the door. Dunyshi's face was all filled with tears. Obviously, a good girlfriend was sorry for me.

Ah, excellent! - Matilde Francen, and almost rummaged rogues from the hands of the maid. Then he jumped to me, grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me out of all his strength on one of the chests standing in the storeroom.

My head was skiing stronger ... In the mouth it became bitterly, and somehow cold. And suddenly...

Do not dare to touch Lena! Do not dare! - She ran over my head of someone's trembling voice.

I quickly jumped on my feet. Exactly something raised me. In front of me stood toly. In his children's leaning, large tears rolled. Kocotter collar pulled to the side. He burned. It can be seen that the boy hurried here in a hearing head.

Mademoiselle, do not dare to Sen Lena! - he shouted outside himself. - Lena Syrotka, her mother died ... Sin offend orphans! Better to carve me. Lena did not touch the simulation! True did not touch! Well, what do you want to do with me, and leave Lena!

He was shaking all, the whole trembled, all his thin Taurus walked under a velvet suit, and from blue eyes, all new and new tears streams flowed.

Tolya! Now silent! You hear, I'll stop roaring a minute! - shouted to him the governess.

And you will not touch Lena? - Sobbing, whispered boy.

None of your business! Go to the nursery! - Bavaria screamed again and waved with me with a disgusting bunch of rods.

But here it happened that I did not expect, neither she, nor towl himself: the boy's eyes rolled out, the tears stopped at once, and toly, having fallen very much, rummed in fainting on the floor.

Rose Creek, noise, running, Topot.

The governess rushed to the boy, picked it up on his arms and suffered somewhere. I stayed alone, without understanding anything, without thinking about the first minute. I was very grateful to a cute boy for saving me from a shameful punishment, and at the same time I was ready to be carved by the opposite Bavaria, just tool left well.

Reflecting in this way, I sat down on the edge of the chest standing in the storeroom, and I myself do not know how, but immediately fell asleep, exhausted by the transferred unrest.

Little friend and liven sausage

TC! Are you not sleeping, Lenochka?

What? I open my eyes in bewilderment. Where I am? What about me?

The moonlight is poured into the pantry through a small window, and in this light I see a small figure that quietly jumps to me.

On a small figurine, a long white shirt, in which angels draw, and the face of the figure is a real face angel, whlen-white, like sugar. But the fact that the figure brought with him and stretched me with his tiny paw, would never bring any angel. This is something - nothing but a huge piece of thick liven sausage.

Eat, Lenochka! - I heard a quiet whisper, in which I recognize the voice of my recent defender of Toli. - Eat, please. You have not yet rushed from lunch. I waited when they all be happy, and Bavaria also went to the dining room and brought you a sausage from the buffet.

But you were in fainting, the tough! - I was surprised. - How did you go here?

No one thought me to let me. Here is a funny girl! I went myself. Bavaria fell asleep, sitting at my bed, and I am ... You don't think ... After all, it often happens to me. Suddenly the head will be spinning, and - boo! I love when it happens to me. Then Bavaria is frightened, runs and crying. I love when she is frightened and crying, because she is painful and scary. I hate her, Bavaria, yes! And you ... you ... - Here the whisper broke off at once, and in the two little swollen her hands wrapped my neck, and Tolya, quietly sobbing and pressing me, whispered in my ear: - Lenochka! Pretty! Good! Good! Forgive me for me, for God's sake ... I was an evil, bad boy. I tease you. Do you remember? Ah, Lenochka! And now, when you wanted to poke your mother, I realized that you were good and not to blame for anything. And so I feel sorry for you, poor orphans! "Tolen, I still hugged me even stronger and burst out.

I gently wrapped his blond head his head, put it on his knees, pressed to his chest. Something good, bright, joyful filled my soul. Suddenly everything became so easy and gratis in it. It seemed to me that the mammy herself sends me my new little friend. I so wanted to get closer to someone from the children of iconins, but in response, only ridicule and brands received from them. I would be happy to all forgive Julie and made friends with her, but she pushed me away, and this little painful boy himself wished to stick me. Cute, dear toly! Thank you for your affection! How I will love you, my dear, cute!

And a bloc bearing boy said in the meantime:

Forgive me, Lenochka ... Everything, everything ... I am even a sick and fit, but still good of them all, yes, yes! Eat sausage, Lenochka, you are hungry. Be sure to eat, otherwise I will think that you are still angry with me!

Yes, yes, I will eat, cute, cute towl! And right there to make him pleasure, I divided in half a fat, juicy liven sausage, one half gave Tol, and for another, he herself.

In my life, I never ate anything deer! When the sausage was eaten, my little friend extended me a handberry and said, timidly looking at me with his clear eyes:

So remember, Lenochka, Tolya is now your friend!

I firmly shook this blurred Liver's handcle and immediately advised him to go to sleep.

Stay, Tolya, I persuaded the boy, - and then Bavaria will appear ...

And do not dare to do anything. Here! He interrupted me. "After all, Dad once and forever forbade her to worry me, otherwise fainting snedes happen to me ... So she did not dare. But I still go to sleep, and you go too.

Kissing me, Tolya stuck with bare risks towards the door. But the threshold he stopped. In the face of him flashed a terrible smile.

Goodnight! - he said. - Go and you sleep. Bavaria has long fallen asleep. However, it's not at all Bavaria, "he added a custody. - I learned ... She says that she is from Bavaria. And this is not true ... She's root ... Relowskaya Kilka ... Here is someone, our mother's Mamzelka! Kilka, but it is important ... ha ha ha!

And, quite a forgotten that Matilde Francen can wake up, but with her and everything in the house, he ran tool with a loud laughter from the pantry.

I also followed him in my room.

From Livel Sausage, eaten in a spontaneous hour and without bread, I had an unpleasant taste of fat in my mouth, but I had a light and joyful on my soul. For the first time with the death of mommies, I had fun in my soul: I found a friend in a cold uncle family.

Surprise. - Fiscalka. - Robinson and his Friday

The next morning, only I woke up, Dunyassed the room to me.

Young lady! Surprise to you! Rather, dress and go to the kitchen, while Mamzel is still dressed. Guests to you! - she added mysteriously.

Guests? To me? - I was surprised. - Who?

But guess! - She grinned slyly, and immediately his face took her sad expression. - Sorry to me, the young lady! - She said and feared to hide tears.

Sorry me? Why, Dunyash?

It is known why. Offend you. Here is the divecha of Bavaria ... then I mean Matilda Franzna, - the girl recalled himself, - how did you get on, and? Rogos still demanded. It's good that Barchuk stood. Oh, you, my little lady, my! "I concluded a kind girl and unexpectedly hugged me." Then quickly cleaned the apron of tears and said a cheerful voice again: - And still dress rather. Therefore, a surprise awaits you in the kitchen.

I hurried, and in some twenty minutes I was harsh, washed and prayed to God.

Well, go! Only, Chur! Be more inactive. Do not give me! Hear? Mamzel to go to the kitchen, you know, I do not allow it. So you are more inactive! - I had fun whispered on the path of Dunyash.

I promised to be "more incenthe" and burning from impatience and curiosity ran into the kitchen.

That's the door stained with fat ... Here I am widely opening it - and ... and the truth is surprise. The most pleasant thing I did not expect.

Nikifor Matveyevich! I'm so glad! - I got joyfully.

Yes, it was Nikifor Matveyevich in a new one, with a needle Conductor Kaftan, in festive boots and a new belt. It must be deliberately adjustable better before come here. Near my old friend stood a pretty fast-eyed girl of my years and a tall boy with a smart, expressive face and deep dark eyes.

Hello, a nice young lady, "said a hand, stretching to me, Nikifor Matveyevich," So again dates. I somehow met with you in the street when you with your governess and sister went to the gymnasium. Traced where you live, and so got to you. And the Nurek with Sergey acquained led. Yes, and remind you by the way that you forget to forget friends. They promised to come to us and did not come. And the uncle horse has their own. Could you ask for us to go? BUT?

What could I answer? What I not only can not ask to give me a ride, but also to do not dare in the uncle's house?

Fortunately, I helped me a pretty Nyurochka.

And I just imagined you, the lenochka when I told about you! - she said Boyko and smack me on his lips.

And me too! - I eagerly eagerly stretching my hand.

I have become good and fun with them. Nikifor Matveyevich sat down on a stool at the kitchen table, Nyura and Seryozha - beside him, I'm in front of them - and we started talking all. Nikifor Matveyevich told how still riding his train from Rybinsk to Peter and back, that in Rybinsk, I can all bow and at home, and the station, and the gardens, and the Volga, Nyurochka told her how it was easy and fun to study at school, Seryozha boasted that he would soon graduate from the school and would go to learn to rebuild the books. All of them were so friendly between them, such happy and satisfied, and in the meantime they were the poor, existing on the modest salary of the father and living somewhere on the outskirts of the city in a small wooden house in which it should be cold and damp.

I involuntarily thought that there are happy poor people, while rich children who do not need anything, such as Georges and Nina, are never satisfied with nothing.

Here, the lady, when I miss the richness yes in the hall, "as if guessing my thoughts, the conductor said, - then we will sick to us. We will be very glad to see you ...

But here he suddenly broke his speech. Standing at the door on the door of the Dunyasha (besides us and it was not in the kitchen in the kitchen) desperately waved his hands, making us some sign. At the same moment, the door was dissolved, and ninchochka in his elegant white dress with pink bows from the temples appeared on the verge of the kitchen.

With a minute she stood in indecision. Then a contemptuous smile cried her lips, she squinted his eyes in her way and stretched mockingly:

That's how! Our Helen men are visiting! Found a society! Wants to be a gymnasium and drive an acquaintance with some men ... nothing to say!

I was terribly ashamed of my cousin, ashamed of Nikifor Matveyevich and his children.

Nikifor Matveyevich silently glanced blond girl, with a squeezed grimace wearing on him.

Ayh, young lady! It can be seen, you don't know what to be rushed by them, "he said, scarcely shaking his head. - The man awaits shame. He plows, and gets better, and throws on you. Of course, you do not know this, and sorry ... Such a young lady - and such an implaus. - And he smiled slightly slightly.

How do you dare to bed! - Nina cried and stuck with the leg.

I'm not gross, but you regret, the lady! I regret the rest of you ... - Nikifor Matveyevich answered her in Laskovo.

Grubian. I will come to my mother! - the girl came out.

For anyone, the lady, I'm not afraid of anything. I truth said. You wanted to offend me, calling a peasant, and I proved you that a kind man is different much better than an angry little young lady ...

Do not dare to talk like that! Nasty! Do not dare! Nina came out of himself and suddenly with a loud cry, rushed out of the kitchen in the room.

Well, trouble, lady! - cried the Dunyasha. - Now they mad ran to complain.

Well, the lady! I would not want to have it with her! - Suddenly cried Nura, all the time silently observing this scene.

Silent, Nyurka! - Laskovo stopped her father. - What are you meaning ... - And suddenly, unexpectedly, putting my big working hand on his head, he stroked my hair gently and said: - And indeed the core you are a syrotine, a hearth. With what children you have to jacket. Well, yes, nobody, like God ... And the insensus will be - remember, you have friends ... our address is not lost?

I did not lose, - I whispered a little heard.

Be sure to come to us, Lenochka, "Nurek said unexpectedly and kissed me firmly," I loved you so much for told stories, so the field ...

She did not finish her phrase - Just at that moment Fedor entered the kitchen and said, making a strict face:

Paryshnya Elena Viktorovna, to the general sense. - And wide opening the door in front of me.

I quickly said goodbye to my friends and went to the aunt. My heart, I do not hide, squeezed from fear. Blood was told in the temples.

Aunt Nelli sat in front of the mirror in his restroom, and the eldest maid of Matresha, who had a Dunyasha in his assistants, combed her head.

Nelli's TEE was put on her pink Japanese bathrobe, from which he always smelled smells so well.

At the sight of me, the aunt said:

Tell me for mercy, who you are, Elena, your niece your uncle or Kukharkin daughter? In which society Ninochka caught you in the kitchen! Some man, soldier, with the guys the same as he ... God knows what! I forgave you yesterday in the hope that you will fix it, but to correct, as you can see, you do not want. The last time I repeat to you: behave as it should and be disheveled, otherwise ...

Aunt Nelli spoke for a long time, very long. Her gray eyes looked at me not an angry, but so carefully cold, for sure I was some kind of curious thing, and not a little Lena Iconina, her niece. I became even hot under this look, and I was very pleased when the aunt finally let me go.

At the door of the door, I heard how she told Matreche:

Pass Fedor to drive it like him, the conductor and his guys, if he does not want us to call the police ... A little lady is not a place to be in their society.

"Drint Nikifora Matveyevich, Nuhoha, Serious!" I headed the dining room deeply offended. Not yet reaching the threshold, I heard screams and dispute.

Fiscal! Fiscal! Jabed! - shouted, leaving himself, Tolya.

And you fool! Kid! Ignoramus!..

So! I'm small, yes I know that gossip - nasty! And you for the mammary mother hesitated! Fiscalka you!

Ignoramus! Ignoramus! - Frank, leaving himself, ninocheka.

Silent, gossip! Georges, because in your gymnasium for it would have learned cool, eh? So "played" that only hold on! He addressed his support to his brother.

But George, who just wrinkled the full mouth with sandwiches, washed something incomprehensible in response.

At that moment I entered the dining room.

Lenochka, sweet! - rushed tool to me towards me.

Georges even plunged on the chair at sight, as a gentle child kisses and hugs me.

That's so poten! - He stretched out, making big eyes. - Dog friendship to the first dice! Costly!

Ha ha ha! - Ninochka laughed calling. - That's exactly - before the first bone ...

Robinson and Friday! - ends her elder brother.

Do not dare to bother! - went out of himself. - You yourself are Nasty Wednesday ...

Ha ha ha! Wednesday! Nothing to say, witty! - Gorge poured, in good faith weeping his mouth with sandwiches.

It's time to gymnasium! - Salidly appeared on the threshold of Matilda Francen.

Nevertheless, do not dare to scold, - shook the brother's tiny cam. - You're, Friday called ... what!

This is not a brand, Tolya, - I hurried to explain the boy, - this was such a wild ...

Wild? I do not want to be wild! - again burned the boy. - I do not want, I do not want ... Wild - naked go and do not wash anything. Human meat eaten.

No, it was quite a special wild, "I explained," he did not eat people, he was a faithful friend of one sailor. About him there is a story. Good story. I will honor him someday. I read his mother, and I have a book ... And now goodbye. Be smart. I need to gymnasium.

And, who firmly kissed the boy, I hurried for Matilda Francen in the hallway to dress.

We joined Juli to us. She was some kind of confused today and avoided to meet with me through her eyes, I was exactly ashamed of something.

Lydia Alekseevna Charskaya - Notes of a small gymnasics - 01reading text

See also Char Lidia Alekseevna - Prose (stories, poems, novels ...):

Notes of a small gymnasics - 02
CHAPTER XIII DRIVE RAY. - Promotion. - Countess Simolin Noise, Creek, Visa ...

Notes Syracy
Part I Chapter First Speaker Katya I remember the little bright room, in ...

Current page: 1 (Total 8 pages)

Lydia Charskaya
Notes of a small gymnasics

Chapter 1
In someone else's city, to someone else's people

Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Knock Knock! - Wheels are knocking, and the train quickly rushes forward and forth.

I am heard in this monotonous noise alone and the same words, repeated dozens, hundreds, thousands of times. I listen sensibly, and it seems to me that the wheels do the same, without an account, without end: so so! That's so! That's so!

The wheels are knocking, and the train rushes and rushes without looking back, like a whirlwind like an arrow ...

In the window there are bushes, trees, statione houses and telegraph poles, set by the slope of the railway canvas ...

Or is this train ours running, and they are calm in one place? I do not know, I do not understand.

However, I do not understand much what happened to me for these last days.

Lord, how everything is all strange in the world! Could I think a few weeks ago that I would have to leave our small, cozy house on the bank of the Volga and ride one-same one for thousands of miles to some distant, completely unknown relatives? .. Yes, it still seems to me that it Only sleep, but - alas! - it's not a dream!..

This conductor was called Nikifor Matveyevich. He cared all the way about me, I saw me in tea, I was waiting for me a bed on a bench and, as soon as he had time, in every way entertained me. He, it turns out, was my daughter's daughter, which was the name of Nyura and who lived with his mother and brother in Peacezh. He and the address I even put my address in my pocket - "Just in case," if I wanted to visit him and get acquainted with the Nuhower.

"I really regret you, a young lady," said Nikifor Matveyevich, says to me more than once during my short path, "therefore, the sirot you, and the God of Lostok tells to love." And again, one you, as it is one in the world; I don't know my Petersburg uncle, his family is also ... It is not easy ... but only if it becomes very nursing, you come to us. I rarely put me at home, because in the road, I'm more and more, and your wife will be happy to you with a nursing. I have good me ...

I thanked the affectionate conductor and promised him to visit him ...

True, terrible turmoil rose in the car. Passengers and passengers fussed and pushed, laying and taking things. Some old woman, who, opposite me, lost his wallet with money and screamed that she was robbed. Whose child cried in the corner. The door had a sharperman and played a dreary song on his broken tool.

I looked out in the window. Lord! How many pipes I saw! Pipes, pipes and pipes! Wholesale of pipes! From each came gray smoke and, rising up, broke into the sky. Dried a small autumn rain, and all the nature seemed to frowned, cried and complained about something.

The train went slower. The wheels no longer shouted their restless "so-so!". They were talked now much longer and also accurately complained that the car forcibly delays their brisk, cheerful move.

And the train stopped.

"Sick, arrived," Nikifor Matveyevich said.

And, by taking in one hand, my warm handkerchief, a pillow and a suitcase, and squeezing my hand firmly, led me from the car, having difficulty squeaking through the crowd.

Chapter 2.
My mommy

I had a mammy, affectionate, kind, sweet. We lived with mom in a small house on the banks of the Volga. The house was such a clean and light, and from the windows of our apartment it was also a wide, beautiful Volga, and huge two-story steps, and Barki, and a marina on the shore, and crowds of walking, went out at certain hours on this marina to meet the coming steamboats ... and we I went there, only rarely, very rarely: Mommy gave lessons in our city, and she could not walk with me so often, no matter how much I wanted. Mom spoke:

- Wait, Lenusha, accumulate money and pump you along the Volga from our Rybinsk right up to the Astrakhan itself! That's right in a widow.

I was glad and waited for spring.

By the spring, the mammy caught a little money, and we decided to fulfill our idea with the first warm days.

- That's how the Volga cleans from ice, we will and we point! - Mom said, gently stroking me on the head.

But when the ice was drove, she was cold and began to cough. The ice passed, the Volga was cleared, and mom coughed and coughed without end. It somehow was somehow thin and transparent, like wax, and everyone sat by the window, looked at the Volga and told:

- That cough will pass, it will correct a little, and we will drive you to Astrakhan, Lenus!

But cough and cold did not pass; Summer was raw and cold this year, and mommy got every day all the thinness, paler and more transparent.

Autumn has come. September came up. Over the Volga, long strings of cranes flying to warm countries. Mommy no longer sat more by the window in the living room, but lay on the bed and trembled all the time from the cold, while herself was hot as a fire.

Once she called me to himself and said:

- Listen, Lenusha. Your mom will soon leave you forever ... But you do not burn, Milushka. I will always look at you from the sky and I will rejoice at the good acts of my girl, and ...

I did not give her to finish and bitterly cried. And the mammy was crying also, and her eyes were sad-sad, the same exactly like that of the angel I saw on a large image in our church.

Having calmed down a little, mommy spoke again:

"I feel, the Lord will soon take me to himself, and there will be His Holy Will!" Be clever without a mother, pray to God and remember me ... You will go to live to your uncle, my native brother who lives in St. Petersburg ... I wrote to him about you and asked to shelter orphan ...

Something hurts with the word "sirot" squeezed my throat ...

I buried, I cried and scored my mother's bed. Marnushka came (the kitchen, who lived in our whole nine years, from the very year of my birth, and loved mommy and me without memory) and led me to himself, saying that "Mama need peace."

All in tears fell asleep on this night on Mariushkina, and in the morning ... oh, what was in the morning! ..

I woke up very early, it seems, at six hours, and I wanted to run straight to mommy.

At that moment Marnushka entered and said:

- Pray to God, Lenochka: God took your mother to herself. Your mom died.

- Mommy died! - I repeated echo.

And suddenly it became so cold cold! Then I got in my head, and the whole room, and Marnushka, and the ceiling, and the table, and the chairs - everything turned over and smeared in my eyes, and I no longer remember what was with me after it. It seems I fell on the floor without feelings ...

I woke up when I was already mom in a big white drawer, in a white dress, with a white wreath on the head. An old seaman priest read prayers, singer sang, and Marlushka prayed at the bedroom threshold. There were some old women and also prayed, then she looked at me with regret, shouted their heads and shamkali something torsionless mouths ...

- Syarota! Round orphan! "Also swaying your head and looking at me puzzled, Marnushka said and cried. Plated and old women ...

On the third day, Marnushka led me to the white box, in which Mommy lay, and told me to kiss Mamokhu's hand. Then the priest blessed mommy, singing singing something very sad; Some men came up, closed the white box and carried it out from our house ...

I cried loudly. But here they arrived with my old women, saying that mommy carry bury and that it is not necessary to cry, but it is necessary to pray.

The white drawer brought to the church, we defended the lunch, and then some people came up again, the drawer was raised and carried him to the cemetery. There was already a deep black pit, where Mamochkin Coffin was lowered. Then the pit threw the earth, put a white cross over her, and Martushka led me home.

On the way, she told me that in the evening lucky me to the station, puts on the train and send to St. Petersburg to St. Petersburg.

"I don't want to uncle," I said sullenly, "I don't know any uncle and I'm afraid to go to him!"

But Marnushka said that he was ashamed to say a big girl that mommy hears it and that she hurts from my words.

Then I got sick and began to remember the face of uncle.

I have never seen my Petersburg uncle, but in the motley album was his portrait. He was depicted on him in the Golden Shita Unidire, with many orders and with a stars on his chest. He had a very important look, and I was unwittingly afraid.

After lunch, to which I barely touched, Martushka puts all my dresses and linen into the old suitcase, drove me in tea and lucky to the station.

Chapter 3.
Checkered Dama

When the train drove up, Marjuna found a familiar conductor and asked him to take me to St. Petersburg and look at me expensive. Then she gave me a piece of paper on which my uncle lives in St. Petersburg, crossed me and, saying: "Well, be a clever!" - I said goodbye to me ...

I spent the whole way exactly in a dream. In vain, they tried to entertain me in the car, in vain, good Nikifor Matveyevich turned my attention to our various villages, buildings, herd ... I did not see anything, did not notice anything ...

So I reached St. Petersburg ...

Coming with my companion from the car, I was immediately stunned by noise, shouts and buds who reigned at the station. People fled somewhere came across each other and fled again with a concerned view, with hands, occupied by knots, convulsions and packages.

I even had a head sprinkled from all this noise, a screaming, screaming. I'm not used to him. In our Volga city was not so noisy.

- And who will meet you, the lady? - led me from the thought of my companion's voice.

I was unwittingly embarrassed by his question.

Who will meet me? I do not know!

Walking me, Marlushka managed to inform me that he was sent by the telegram to St. Petersburg Uncle, who informs him about the day and the hour of my arrival, but whether he would leave me or not - I did not know this positively.

And then, if uncle even be at the station, how do I recognize him? After all, I only saw him in the portrait in the Mamochka album!

Thus, thinking, accompanied by my patron Nikifora Matveyevich ran through the station, carefully peering into the faces of those gentlemen who had at least the most remote similarity with a uncle-portrait portrait. But a positive one did not appear at the station.

I have already been tired already, but still did not lose hope of seeing uncle.

Firmly climbing his hands, and Nikifor Matveyevich rushed along the platform, coming down to the oncoming public, sweeping the crowd and stopping before each little of the important type of Mr.

- Here, here's another similar, it seems to uncle! I cried with a new hope, carried away my companion after a high gray gentleman in a black hat and a wide fashionable coat.

We added a step and now almost running fled for a high lurch.

But at that moment, when we almost overtake him, the high lord turned to the door of the first class hall and disappeared from sight. I rushed after him next, Nikifor Matveyevich for me ...

But something unexpected happened here: I was inadvertently stuck behind the leg passed by the ladies in the checkered dress, in a plaid cape and with a plaid bowl on a hat. The lady screamed not with her voice and, dropping a huge checkered umbrella from her hands, stretched over his entire length on the militant floor of the platform.

I rushed to her apologize, as is like a well-educated girl, but she didn't even honor me at least a single look.

- Naughty! Oluhi! Still! - shouted at the entire station of the checkered lady. - we are rushing as disassembled and knock down a decent public! Nevihe, nonsense! Here I will comply with you to the head of the station! Director of the road! Gradual man! Help even climb something, naughty!

And she floundered, doing efforts to get up, but she could not succeed.

Nikifor Matveyevich and I finally raised the checkered lady, filed a huge umbrellaned with a huge umbrellaned during her fall and began to ask if she hurt.

- Help, understandable! - The lady screamed the same angry voice. - Clear, hurt. What a question! It can be murdered to death, not only bother. And all of you! All you! - Suddenly she fell on me. - Download like a wild horse, Nasty Girl! Here you will wait for me, I will tell the city, I will send the police! - And she angrily grumbled an umbrella on platform boards. - Policeman! Where is the policeman? Call him! - she screamed again.

I overlooked. Fear covered me. I do not know what happened to me if Nikifor Matveyevich could not intervene in this case and did not stand for me.

- Fullness, madam, do not frighten the child! You see, the girl herself is not his own fear, "my defender said with his kind voice," she also says - she is not guilty. He itself in disorder. I accidented inadvertently, dropped you, because he was in a hurry. It seemed to her that uncle goes. Syrotka she. Yesterday in Rybinsk, I was handed it from hand to the hands to deliver to the uncle to St. Petersburg. The general of her uncle ... General Iconin ... The names of this did not hear?

Already, only my new friend and the defender managed to pronounce the last words, as something extraordinary happened to the checkered lady. Her head with a plaid bow, a torso in a plaid cape, a long hooked nose, reddish fudels on the temples and a big mouth with thin bluish lips - all this was dug, it was noticed and doubted some strange dance, and because of the thin lips began to escape hoarse, hissing and whistling sounds. The checkered lady lacked, desperately laughed in the whole voice, dropping his huge umbrella and climbing the sides, for sure she had colic.

- ha ha ha! She shouted. - That's what else was invented! Uncle himself! Himself, you see, General Iconin, His Excellency, must come to the station to meet this princess! Noble young lady, tell me for mercy! Ha ha ha! Needless to say, hesitated! Well, do not pick up, Mother, this time the uncle did not go to you towards you, but sent me. He did not think that you were for the bird ... ha ha ha !!!

I do not know if the checkered lady would still laugh, if, again coming to the rescue, Nikifor Matveyevich did not stop her.

"Fully, madam, over the databs, it is unreasonable to sweat," he said strictly. - Sin! Syrotka young lady ... Round orphan. And orphan God ...

- None of your business. Silence! - unexpectedly cried, interrupting him, the checkered lady, and the laughter of it was stopped. "We carry the things for me for me," she added somewhat softer and, turning to me, threw casual: "Go." I have no time to bother with you. Well, turn! Vividly! March!

And, rudely grabbing me, she dragged me to the exit.

I barely drove it.

At the porch station stood a pretty silent puffer, drawn by a beautiful raven horse. Sedoy, important species of Kucher recresented on goats.

Kucher pulled the windows, and the elegant flight drove close to the stead of the station entrance.

Nikifor Matveyevich put on the bottom of her suitcase, then helped climb the crew of the checkered lady, which took the whole seat, leaving me exactly as much space as it would be necessary to put a doll on it, and not a living nine-year-old girl.

"Well, for goodbye, a nice young lady," Nikifor Matveyevich stupidly whispered to me, "God forbid you happily get enough uncle. And if that - we ask for mercy to us. You have addressing. On the outskirts itself, we live, on the highway at the Mitrofanievsky cemetery, for the stamping ... Remember? And nyurka is glad will be! She loves orphans. She is good for me.

For a long time, I would talk to my friend, if the voice of the checkered lady did not sound from the height of the seat:

- Well, how long will you make waiting for yourself, a unborn girl! What is your conversation with a man! Now in place, you hear!

I shuddered, as under the blow of a whip, from this barely acquainted to me, but having managed to become an unpleasant voice and hurried to take his place, sorely shook my hand and thanking my recent patron.

The Kucher pulled the windows, the horse starred, and, softly bouncing and hiding passersby lumps of dirt and splashes from the puddle, the pool quickly rushed along the noisy urban streets.

Tightly clutching around the edge of the crew so as not to fly to the bridge, I was surprised to look at the large five-story buildings, on the elegant shops, for the kinks and Omnibuses, with a deafening ringing the street, and the unwittingly heart was squeezed from fear of thought that It is waiting for me in this big, someone else's city, in someone else's family, in other people's people, about whom I heard so little and knew.

Chapter 4.
Family of iconines. - First Nevzdayoda

- Matilda Francen brought a girl!

- Your cousin, not just a girl ...

- And yours too!

- Draw! I don't want any cousin! She is a beggar.

- And I do not want to!

- And I! And I!

- Call! Are you ogllow, Fedor?

- Brought! Brought! Hooray!

I heard all this, standing in front of the loud of a dark green oilcloth. At the nail to the door of the copper table, large beautiful letters were removed: the actual Stat Counselor Mikhail Vasilyevich Iconin.

Over the door heard hurried steps, and a lacquer in a black fruque and a white tie, such as I saw only in the pictures, wide open the door.

Almost I stepped over her threshold, how someone quickly grabbed my hand, someone touched the shoulders, someone closed my eyes hand to me, while my ears filled with noise, ringing and laughter, from which I have head is spinning.

When I woke up a little and my eyes could again look, I saw that I was standing in the middle of a luxuriously cleaned living room with fluffy carpets on the floor, with elegant gold-plated furniture, with huge mirrors from the ceiling to the floor. I have never been able to see such a luxury, and therefore it is no wonder if all this seemed to me sleep.

Around me crowded three children: one girl and two boys. The girl was a peer to me. Blonde, gentle, with long curly curls, tied with pink bows from the temples, with a capriciously rumped upper lip, it seemed pretty porcelain doll. It was wearing a very elegant white dress with a lace waist and the Pink Cusha. One of the boys, the one that was much older, dressed in the shaped gymnasic uniform, was very much like her sister; Another, small, curly, seemed not older than six years. Slender, alive, but his pale her face seemed painful in appearance, but a couple of brown and fast closets and dug into me with the most live curiosity.

These were the children of my uncle - George, Nina and Tolya, - which I repeatedly told the deceased mommy.

Children silently looked at me. I am on children.

Five minutes lasted silence.

And suddenly, the junior boy who bored, must be, standing so, unexpectedly raised his hand and, who poked in me the index finger, said:

- That's how the figure!

- Figure! Figure! - I echoed a blond girl. - And truth: F-GU! Prettyly said!

And she jumped in one place, clapping in his hands.

"Very witty," said the gymnasium in the nose, - there is something to laugh. Just she is some kind of phriches!

- Like mocities? Why am Mocrica? - So the younger children stirred.

- Yes, won, do not see how she wet floor. In Kalosh, fell into the living room. Costly! Nothing to say! Won heritaged like! Puddle. Mocrica and there.

- What is it - Mokric? "It was curious tool, looking at the older brother with obvious revelation.

- Mmm ... mm ... mm ... - mixed by the gymnasiste, - Mm ... This is a flower: when you touch it with your finger, he will close ... here ...

"No, you are mistaken," I broke out against your will. (I read the late mom and about the plants, and about animals, and I knew a lot for my years). - Flower, which closes his petals when touched, is mimosa, and the mocities is a water animal like a snail.

- Mmmm ... - The gymnasister washed, is not all equal, flower or animal. We still have not passed this in the class. And what are you driving with a nose when you do not ask? What a clever cleaned! .. - He suddenly thrown on me.

- A terrible jack! - I erected a girl and squinted his blue eyes. "You'd better be followed by George to correct," she caprizly stretched, "George smarter than you, and you got to the living room in the living room." Very nice!

- witty! - again learned the gymnasium.

- And you still moc. - I regained his brother and Zahoshikal. - Mocrica and beggar!

I broke out. No one has called me so. The nickname is offended me most of the rest. I have seen in the pellets of churches and more than once myself filing them money on the ordination of mommies. They asked "for the sake of Christ" and stretched out for gracious hand. I did not stretch my arms for alms and did not ask anything. So he does not dare to call me like that. Anger, bitterness, crumpled - all this time boiled in me, and, without remembering myself, I grabbed my offender by my shoulders and began to shake him out of all the strength, choking on excitement and anger.

- Do not dare to speak like that. I am not a beggar! Do not dare to call me a bench! Do not dare! Do not dare!

- No, beggar! No, beggar! You will live from us from the grace. Your mother died and did not leave money. And both you are beggar, yes! - How the learned lesson repeated the boy. And, not knowing how to annoy me, he stood out the tongue and began to make the most impossible grimaces in my face. His brother and sister laughed from the soul, having fun at this scene.

I had never been a guarantee, but when Tole offended my mommy, I could not bear it. The terrible gust of the malice covered me, and with a loud cry, without thinking and herself did not remember what I was doing, I pushed my cousin because of the strength.

He strongly staggered first in one direction, then to another and to keep the balance, grabbed the table on which there was a vase. It was very beautiful, all painted with flowers, storks and some funny black-haired girls in colored long coats, in high hairstyles and with revealed versions of the chest.

The table was hardened at least. A vase with flowers and black girls was injected with him. Then the vase slid on the floor ... a deafening crash rang out.

Both black girls, and flowers, and storks - everything was mixed and disappeared into one common pile of shards and fragments.

Chapter 1
In someone else's city, to someone else's people

Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Knock Knock! - Wheels are knocking, and the train quickly rushes forward and forth.

I am heard in this monotonous noise alone and the same words, repeated dozens, hundreds, thousands of times. I listen sensibly, and it seems to me that the wheels do the same, without an account, without end: so so! That's so! That's so!

The wheels are knocking, and the train rushes and rushes without looking back, like a whirlwind like an arrow ...

In the window there are bushes, trees, statione houses and telegraph poles, set by the slope of the railway canvas ...

Or is this train ours running, and they are calm in one place? I do not know, I do not understand.

However, I do not understand much what happened to me for these last days.

Lord, how everything is all strange in the world! Could I think a few weeks ago that I would have to leave our small, cozy house on the bank of the Volga and ride one-same one for thousands of miles to some distant, completely unknown relatives? .. Yes, it still seems to me that it Only sleep, but - alas! - it's not a dream!..

This conductor was called Nikifor Matveyevich. He cared all the way about me, I saw me in tea, I was waiting for me a bed on a bench and, as soon as he had time, in every way entertained me. He, it turns out, was my daughter's daughter, which was the name of Nyura and who lived with his mother and brother in Peacezh. He and the address I even put my address in my pocket - "Just in case," if I wanted to visit him and get acquainted with the Nuhower.

"I really regret you, a young lady," said Nikifor Matveyevich, says to me more than once during my short path, "therefore, the sirot you, and the God of Lostok tells to love." And again, one you, as it is one in the world; I don't know my Petersburg uncle, his family is also ... It is not easy ... but only if it becomes very nursing, you come to us. I rarely put me at home, because in the road, I'm more and more, and your wife will be happy to you with a nursing. I have good me ...

I thanked the affectionate conductor and promised him to visit him ...

True, terrible turmoil rose in the car. Passengers and passengers fussed and pushed, laying and taking things. Some old woman, who, opposite me, lost his wallet with money and screamed that she was robbed. Whose child cried in the corner. The door had a sharperman and played a dreary song on his broken tool.

I looked out in the window. Lord! How many pipes I saw! Pipes, pipes and pipes! Wholesale of pipes! From each came gray smoke and, rising up, broke into the sky. Dried a small autumn rain, and all the nature seemed to frowned, cried and complained about something.

The train went slower. The wheels no longer shouted their restless "so-so!". They were talked now much longer and also accurately complained that the car forcibly delays their brisk, cheerful move.

And the train stopped.

"Sick, arrived," Nikifor Matveyevich said.

And, by taking in one hand, my warm handkerchief, a pillow and a suitcase, and squeezing my hand firmly, led me from the car, having difficulty squeaking through the crowd.

Chapter 2.
My mommy

I had a mammy, affectionate, kind, sweet. We lived with mom in a small house on the banks of the Volga. The house was such a clean and light, and from the windows of our apartment it was also a wide, beautiful Volga, and huge two-story steps, and Barki, and a marina on the shore, and crowds of walking, went out at certain hours on this marina to meet the coming steamboats ... and we I went there, only rarely, very rarely: Mommy gave lessons in our city, and she could not walk with me so often, no matter how much I wanted. Mom spoke:

- Wait, Lenusha, accumulate money and pump you along the Volga from our Rybinsk right up to the Astrakhan itself! That's right in a widow.

I was glad and waited for spring.

By the spring, the mammy caught a little money, and we decided to fulfill our idea with the first warm days.

- That's how the Volga cleans from ice, we will and we point! - Mom said, gently stroking me on the head.

But when the ice was drove, she was cold and began to cough. The ice passed, the Volga was cleared, and mom coughed and coughed without end. It somehow was somehow thin and transparent, like wax, and everyone sat by the window, looked at the Volga and told:

- That cough will pass, it will correct a little, and we will drive you to Astrakhan, Lenus!

But cough and cold did not pass; Summer was raw and cold this year, and mommy got every day all the thinness, paler and more transparent.

Autumn has come. September came up. Over the Volga, long strings of cranes flying to warm countries. Mommy no longer sat more by the window in the living room, but lay on the bed and trembled all the time from the cold, while herself was hot as a fire.

Once she called me to himself and said:

- Listen, Lenusha. Your mom will soon leave you forever ... But you do not burn, Milushka. I will always look at you from the sky and I will rejoice at the good acts of my girl, and ...

I did not give her to finish and bitterly cried. And the mammy was crying also, and her eyes were sad-sad, the same exactly like that of the angel I saw on a large image in our church.

Having calmed down a little, mommy spoke again:

"I feel, the Lord will soon take me to himself, and there will be His Holy Will!" Be clever without a mother, pray to God and remember me ... You will go to live to your uncle, my native brother who lives in St. Petersburg ... I wrote to him about you and asked to shelter orphan ...

Something hurts with the word "sirot" squeezed my throat ...

I buried, I cried and scored my mother's bed. Marnushka came (the kitchen, who lived in our whole nine years, from the very year of my birth, and loved mommy and me without memory) and led me to himself, saying that "Mama need peace."

All in tears fell asleep on this night on Mariushkina, and in the morning ... oh, what was in the morning! ..

I woke up very early, it seems, at six hours, and I wanted to run straight to mommy.

At that moment Marnushka entered and said:

- Pray to God, Lenochka: God took your mother to herself. Your mom died.

- Mommy died! - I repeated echo.

And suddenly it became so cold cold! Then I got in my head, and the whole room, and Marnushka, and the ceiling, and the table, and the chairs - everything turned over and smeared in my eyes, and I no longer remember what was with me after it. It seems I fell on the floor without feelings ...

I woke up when I was already mom in a big white drawer, in a white dress, with a white wreath on the head. An old seaman priest read prayers, singer sang, and Marlushka prayed at the bedroom threshold. There were some old women and also prayed, then she looked at me with regret, shouted their heads and shamkali something torsionless mouths ...

- Syarota! Round orphan! "Also swaying your head and looking at me puzzled, Marnushka said and cried. Plated and old women ...

On the third day, Marnushka led me to the white box, in which Mommy lay, and told me to kiss Mamokhu's hand. Then the priest blessed mommy, singing singing something very sad; Some men came up, closed the white box and carried it out from our house ...

I cried loudly. But here they arrived with my old women, saying that mommy carry bury and that it is not necessary to cry, but it is necessary to pray.

The white drawer brought to the church, we defended the lunch, and then some people came up again, the drawer was raised and carried him to the cemetery. There was already a deep black pit, where Mamochkin Coffin was lowered. Then the pit threw the earth, put a white cross over her, and Martushka led me home.

On the way, she told me that in the evening lucky me to the station, puts on the train and send to St. Petersburg to St. Petersburg.

"I don't want to uncle," I said sullenly, "I don't know any uncle and I'm afraid to go to him!"

But Marnushka said that he was ashamed to say a big girl that mommy hears it and that she hurts from my words.

Then I got sick and began to remember the face of uncle.

I have never seen my Petersburg uncle, but in the motley album was his portrait. He was depicted on him in the Golden Shita Unidire, with many orders and with a stars on his chest. He had a very important look, and I was unwittingly afraid.

After lunch, to which I barely touched, Martushka puts all my dresses and linen into the old suitcase, drove me in tea and lucky to the station.

Chapter 3.
Checkered Dama

When the train drove up, Marjuna found a familiar conductor and asked him to take me to St. Petersburg and look at me expensive. Then she gave me a piece of paper on which my uncle lives in St. Petersburg, crossed me and, saying: "Well, be a clever!" - I said goodbye to me ...

I spent the whole way exactly in a dream. In vain, they tried to entertain me in the car, in vain, good Nikifor Matveyevich turned my attention to our various villages, buildings, herd ... I did not see anything, did not notice anything ...

So I reached St. Petersburg ...

Coming with my companion from the car, I was immediately stunned by noise, shouts and buds who reigned at the station. People fled somewhere came across each other and fled again with a concerned view, with hands, occupied by knots, convulsions and packages.

I even had a head sprinkled from all this noise, a screaming, screaming. I'm not used to him. In our Volga city was not so noisy.

- And who will meet you, the lady? - led me from the thought of my companion's voice.

I was unwittingly embarrassed by his question.

Who will meet me? I do not know!

Walking me, Marlushka managed to inform me that he was sent by the telegram to St. Petersburg Uncle, who informs him about the day and the hour of my arrival, but whether he would leave me or not - I did not know this positively.

And then, if uncle even be at the station, how do I recognize him? After all, I only saw him in the portrait in the Mamochka album!

Thus, thinking, accompanied by my patron Nikifora Matveyevich ran through the station, carefully peering into the faces of those gentlemen who had at least the most remote similarity with a uncle-portrait portrait. But a positive one did not appear at the station.

I have already been tired already, but still did not lose hope of seeing uncle.

Firmly climbing his hands, and Nikifor Matveyevich rushed along the platform, coming down to the oncoming public, sweeping the crowd and stopping before each little of the important type of Mr.

- Here, here's another similar, it seems to uncle! I cried with a new hope, carried away my companion after a high gray gentleman in a black hat and a wide fashionable coat.

We added a step and now almost running fled for a high lurch.

But at that moment, when we almost overtake him, the high lord turned to the door of the first class hall and disappeared from sight. I rushed after him next, Nikifor Matveyevich for me ...

But something unexpected happened here: I was inadvertently stuck behind the leg passed by the ladies in the checkered dress, in a plaid cape and with a plaid bowl on a hat. The lady screamed not with her voice and, dropping a huge checkered umbrella from her hands, stretched over his entire length on the militant floor of the platform.

I rushed to her apologize, as is like a well-educated girl, but she didn't even honor me at least a single look.

- Naughty! Oluhi! Still! - shouted at the entire station of the checkered lady. - we are rushing as disassembled and knock down a decent public! Nevihe, nonsense! Here I will comply with you to the head of the station! Director of the road! Gradual man! Help even climb something, naughty!

And she floundered, doing efforts to get up, but she could not succeed.

Nikifor Matveyevich and I finally raised the checkered lady, filed a huge umbrellaned with a huge umbrellaned during her fall and began to ask if she hurt.

- Help, understandable! - The lady screamed the same angry voice. - Clear, hurt. What a question! It can be murdered to death, not only bother. And all of you! All you! - Suddenly she fell on me. - Download like a wild horse, Nasty Girl! Here you will wait for me, I will tell the city, I will send the police! - And she angrily grumbled an umbrella on platform boards. - Policeman! Where is the policeman? Call him! - she screamed again.

I overlooked. Fear covered me. I do not know what happened to me if Nikifor Matveyevich could not intervene in this case and did not stand for me.

- Fullness, madam, do not frighten the child! You see, the girl herself is not his own fear, "my defender said with his kind voice," she also says - she is not guilty. He itself in disorder. I accidented inadvertently, dropped you, because he was in a hurry. It seemed to her that uncle goes. Syrotka she. Yesterday in Rybinsk, I was handed it from hand to the hands to deliver to the uncle to St. Petersburg. The general of her uncle ... General Iconin ... The names of this did not hear?

Already, only my new friend and the defender managed to pronounce the last words, as something extraordinary happened to the checkered lady. Her head with a plaid bow, a torso in a plaid cape, a long hooked nose, reddish fudels on the temples and a big mouth with thin bluish lips - all this was dug, it was noticed and doubted some strange dance, and because of the thin lips began to escape hoarse, hissing and whistling sounds. The checkered lady lacked, desperately laughed in the whole voice, dropping his huge umbrella and climbing the sides, for sure she had colic.

- ha ha ha! She shouted. - That's what else was invented! Uncle himself! Himself, you see, General Iconin, His Excellency, must come to the station to meet this princess! Noble young lady, tell me for mercy! Ha ha ha! Needless to say, hesitated! Well, do not pick up, Mother, this time the uncle did not go to you towards you, but sent me. He did not think that you were for the bird ... ha ha ha !!!

I do not know if the checkered lady would still laugh, if, again coming to the rescue, Nikifor Matveyevich did not stop her.

"Fully, madam, over the databs, it is unreasonable to sweat," he said strictly. - Sin! Syrotka young lady ... Round orphan. And orphan God ...

- None of your business. Silence! - unexpectedly cried, interrupting him, the checkered lady, and the laughter of it was stopped. "We carry the things for me for me," she added somewhat softer and, turning to me, threw casual: "Go." I have no time to bother with you. Well, turn! Vividly! March!

And, rudely grabbing me, she dragged me to the exit.

I barely drove it.

At the porch station stood a pretty silent puffer, drawn by a beautiful raven horse. Sedoy, important species of Kucher recresented on goats.

Kucher pulled the windows, and the elegant flight drove close to the stead of the station entrance.

Nikifor Matveyevich put on the bottom of her suitcase, then helped climb the crew of the checkered lady, which took the whole seat, leaving me exactly as much space as it would be necessary to put a doll on it, and not a living nine-year-old girl.

"Well, for goodbye, a nice young lady," Nikifor Matveyevich stupidly whispered to me, "God forbid you happily get enough uncle. And if that - we ask for mercy to us. You have addressing. On the outskirts itself, we live, on the highway at the Mitrofanievsky cemetery, for the stamping ... Remember? And nyurka is glad will be! She loves orphans. She is good for me.

For a long time, I would talk to my friend, if the voice of the checkered lady did not sound from the height of the seat:

- Well, how long will you make waiting for yourself, a unborn girl! What is your conversation with a man! Now in place, you hear!

I shuddered, as under the blow of a whip, from this barely acquainted to me, but having managed to become an unpleasant voice and hurried to take his place, sorely shook my hand and thanking my recent patron.

The Kucher pulled the windows, the horse starred, and, softly bouncing and hiding passersby lumps of dirt and splashes from the puddle, the pool quickly rushed along the noisy urban streets.

Tightly clutching around the edge of the crew so as not to fly to the bridge, I was surprised to look at the large five-story buildings, on the elegant shops, for the kinks and Omnibuses, with a deafening ringing the street, and the unwittingly heart was squeezed from fear of thought that It is waiting for me in this big, someone else's city, in someone else's family, in other people's people, about whom I heard so little and knew.

Chapter 4.
Family of iconines. - First Nevzdayoda

- Matilda Francen brought a girl!

- Your cousin, not just a girl ...

- And yours too!

- Draw! I don't want any cousin! She is a beggar.

- And I do not want to!

- And I! And I!

- Call! Are you ogllow, Fedor?

- Brought! Brought! Hooray!

I heard all this, standing in front of the loud of a dark green oilcloth. At the nail to the door of the copper table, large beautiful letters were removed: the actual Stat Counselor Mikhail Vasilyevich Iconin.

Over the door heard hurried steps, and a lacquer in a black fruque and a white tie, such as I saw only in the pictures, wide open the door.

Almost I stepped over her threshold, how someone quickly grabbed my hand, someone touched the shoulders, someone closed my eyes hand to me, while my ears filled with noise, ringing and laughter, from which I have head is spinning.

When I woke up a little and my eyes could again look, I saw that I was standing in the middle of a luxuriously cleaned living room with fluffy carpets on the floor, with elegant gold-plated furniture, with huge mirrors from the ceiling to the floor. I have never been able to see such a luxury, and therefore it is no wonder if all this seemed to me sleep.

Around me crowded three children: one girl and two boys. The girl was a peer to me. Blonde, gentle, with long curly curls, tied with pink bows from the temples, with a capriciously rumped upper lip, it seemed pretty porcelain doll. It was wearing a very elegant white dress with a lace waist and the Pink Cusha. One of the boys, the one that was much older, dressed in the shaped gymnasic uniform, was very much like her sister; Another, small, curly, seemed not older than six years. Slender, alive, but his pale her face seemed painful in appearance, but a couple of brown and fast closets and dug into me with the most live curiosity.

These were the children of my uncle - George, Nina and Tolya, - which I repeatedly told the deceased mommy.

Children silently looked at me. I am on children.

Five minutes lasted silence.

And suddenly, the junior boy who bored, must be, standing so, unexpectedly raised his hand and, who poked in me the index finger, said:

- That's how the figure!

- Figure! Figure! - I echoed a blond girl. - And truth: F-GU! Prettyly said!

And she jumped in one place, clapping in his hands.

"Very witty," said the gymnasium in the nose, - there is something to laugh. Just she is some kind of phriches!

- Like mocities? Why am Mocrica? - So the younger children stirred.

- Yes, won, do not see how she wet floor. In Kalosh, fell into the living room. Costly! Nothing to say! Won heritaged like! Puddle. Mocrica and there.

- What is it - Mokric? "It was curious tool, looking at the older brother with obvious revelation.

- Mmm ... mm ... mm ... - mixed by the gymnasiste, - Mm ... This is a flower: when you touch it with your finger, he will close ... here ...

"No, you are mistaken," I broke out against your will. (I read the late mom and about the plants, and about animals, and I knew a lot for my years). - Flower, which closes his petals when touched, is mimosa, and the mocities is a water animal like a snail.

- Mmmm ... - The gymnasister washed, is not all equal, flower or animal. We still have not passed this in the class. And what are you driving with a nose when you do not ask? What a clever cleaned! .. - He suddenly thrown on me.

- A terrible jack! - I erected a girl and squinted his blue eyes. "You'd better be followed by George to correct," she caprizly stretched, "George smarter than you, and you got to the living room in the living room." Very nice!

- witty! - again learned the gymnasium.

- And you still moc. - I regained his brother and Zahoshikal. - Mocrica and beggar!

I broke out. No one has called me so. The nickname is offended me most of the rest. I have seen in the pellets of churches and more than once myself filing them money on the ordination of mommies. They asked "for the sake of Christ" and stretched out for gracious hand. I did not stretch my arms for alms and did not ask anything. So he does not dare to call me like that. Anger, bitterness, crumpled - all this time boiled in me, and, without remembering myself, I grabbed my offender by my shoulders and began to shake him out of all the strength, choking on excitement and anger.

- Do not dare to speak like that. I am not a beggar! Do not dare to call me a bench! Do not dare! Do not dare!

- No, beggar! No, beggar! You will live from us from the grace. Your mother died and did not leave money. And both you are beggar, yes! - How the learned lesson repeated the boy. And, not knowing how to annoy me, he stood out the tongue and began to make the most impossible grimaces in my face. His brother and sister laughed from the soul, having fun at this scene.

I had never been a guarantee, but when Tole offended my mommy, I could not bear it. The terrible gust of the malice covered me, and with a loud cry, without thinking and herself did not remember what I was doing, I pushed my cousin because of the strength.

He strongly staggered first in one direction, then to another and to keep the balance, grabbed the table on which there was a vase. It was very beautiful, all painted with flowers, storks and some funny black-haired girls in colored long coats, in high hairstyles and with revealed versions of the chest.

The table was hardened at least. A vase with flowers and black girls was injected with him. Then the vase slid on the floor ... a deafening crash rang out.

Both black girls, and flowers, and storks - everything was mixed and disappeared into one common pile of shards and fragments.

Lydia Charskaya

Notes of a small gymnasics

1. In someone else's city, to someone else's people

Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Knock Knock! - Wheels are knocking, and the train quickly rushes forward and forth.

I am heard in this monotonous noise alone and the same words, repeated dozens, hundreds, thousands of times. I listen sensibly, and it seems to me that the wheels do the same, without an account, without end: so so! That's so! That's so!

The wheels are knocking, and the train rushes and rushes without looking back, like a whirlwind like an arrow ...

In the window there are bushes, trees, statione houses and telegraph poles, set by the slope of the railway canvas ...

Or is this train ours running, and they are calm in one place? I do not know, I do not understand.

However, I do not understand much what happened to me for these last days.

Lord, how everything is all strange in the world! Could I think a few weeks ago that I would have to leave our small, cozy house on the bank of the Volga and ride one-same one for thousands of miles to some distant, completely unknown relatives? .. Yes, it still seems to me that it Only sleep, but - alas! - it's not a dream!..

This conductor was called Nikifor Matveyevich. He cared all the way about me, I saw me in tea, I was waiting for me a bed on a bench and, as soon as he had time, in every way entertained me. He, it turns out, was my daughter's daughter, which was the name of Nyura and who lived with his mother and brother in Peacezh. He and the address I even put my address in my pocket - "Just in case," if I wanted to visit him and get acquainted with the Nuhower.

I really regret you, the young lady, "said Nikifor Matveyevich, says to me more than once during my short path," because the sirot you are, and the God of Lostok tells to love. And again, one you, as it is one in the world; I don't know my Petersburg uncle, his family is also ... It is not easy ... but only if it becomes very nursing, you come to us. I rarely put me at home, because in the road, I'm more and more, and your wife will be happy to you with a nursing. I have good me ...

I thanked the affectionate conductor and promised him to visit him ...

True, terrible turmoil rose in the car. Passengers and passengers fussed and pushed, laying and taking things. Some old woman, who, opposite me, lost his wallet with money and screamed that she was robbed. Whose child cried in the corner. The door had a sharperman and played a dreary song on his broken tool.

I looked out in the window. Lord! How many pipes I saw! Pipes, pipes and pipes! Wholesale of pipes! From each came gray smoke and, rising up, broke into the sky. Dried a small autumn rain, and all the nature seemed to frowned, cried and complained about something.

The train went slower. The wheels no longer shouted their restless "so-so!". They were talked now much longer and also accurately complained that the car forcibly delays their brisk, cheerful move.

And the train stopped.

Sick, I arrived, "Nikifor Matveevich said.

And, by taking in one hand, my warm handkerchief, a pillow and a suitcase, and squeezing my hand firmly, led me from the car, having difficulty squeaking through the crowd.

2. My mommy

I had a mammy, affectionate, kind, sweet. We lived with mom in a small house on the banks of the Volga. The house was such a clean and light, and from the windows of our apartment it was also a wide, beautiful Volga, and huge two-story steps, and Barki, and a marina on the shore, and crowds of walking, went out at certain hours on this marina to meet the coming steamboats ... and we I went there, only rarely, very rarely: Mommy gave lessons in our city, and she could not walk with me so often, no matter how much I wanted. Mom spoke:

Wait, Lenus, accumulate money and pump you along the Volga from our Rybinsk right up to the Astrakhan itself! That's right in a widow.

I was glad and waited for spring.

By the spring, the mammy caught a little money, and we decided to fulfill our idea with the first warm days.

That's how the Volga cleans the ice, we will and we show! - Mom said, gently stroking me on the head.

But when the ice was drove, she was cold and began to cough. The ice passed, the Volga was cleared, and mom coughed and coughed without end. It somehow was somehow thin and transparent, like wax, and everyone sat by the window, looked at the Volga and told:

Here the cough will pass, it will correct a little, and we will point you to Astrakhan, Lenusha!

But cough and cold did not pass; Summer was raw and cold this year, and mommy got every day all the thinness, paler and more transparent.

Autumn has come. September came up. Over the Volga, long strings of cranes flying to warm countries. Mommy no longer sat more by the window in the living room, but lay on the bed and trembled all the time from the cold, while herself was hot as a fire.

Once she called me to himself and said:

Listen, Lenusha. Your mom will soon leave you forever ... But you do not burn, Milushka. I will always look at you from the sky and I will rejoice at the good acts of my girl, and ...

I did not give her to finish and bitterly cried. And the mammy was crying also, and her eyes were sad-sad, the same exactly like that of the angel I saw on a large image in our church.

Having calmed down a little, mommy spoke again:

I feel, the Lord will soon take me to him, and there will be His Holy Will! Be clever without a mother, pray to God and remember me ... You will go to live to your uncle, my native brother who lives in St. Petersburg ... I wrote to him about you and asked to shelter orphan ...

Something hurts with the word "sirot" squeezed my throat ...

I buried, I cried and scored my mother's bed. Marnushka came (the kitchen, who lived in our whole nine years, from the very year of my birth, and loved mommy and me without memory) and led me to himself, saying that "Mama need peace."

All in tears fell asleep on this night on Mariushkina, and in the morning ... oh, what was in the morning! ..

I woke up very early, it seems, at six hours, and I wanted to run straight to mommy.

At that moment Marnushka entered and said:

Pray to God, Lenochka: God took your mother to herself. Your mom died.

Mommy died! - I repeated echo.

And suddenly it became so cold cold! Then I got in my head, and the whole room, and Marnushka, and the ceiling, and the table, and the chairs - everything turned over and smeared in my eyes, and I no longer remember what was with me after it. It seems I fell on the floor without feelings ...

I woke up when I was already mom in a big white drawer, in a white dress, with a white wreath on the head. An old seaman priest read prayers, singer sang, and Marlushka prayed at the bedroom threshold. There were some old women and also prayed, then she looked at me with regret, shouted their heads and shamkali something torsionless mouths ...

Sword! Round orphan! "Also swaying your head and looking at me puzzled, Marnushka said and cried. Plated and old women ...

On the third day, Marnushka led me to the white box, in which Mommy lay, and told me to kiss Mamokhu's hand. Then the priest blessed mommy, singing singing something very sad; Some men came up, closed the white box and carried it out from our house ...

I cried loudly. But here they arrived with my old women, saying that mommy carry bury and that it is not necessary to cry, but it is necessary to pray.

The white drawer brought to the church, we defended the lunch, and then some people came up again, the drawer was raised and carried him to the cemetery. There was already a deep black pit, where Mamochkin Coffin was lowered. Then the pit threw the earth, put a white cross over her, and Martushka led me home.

On the way, she told me that in the evening lucky me to the station, puts on the train and send to St. Petersburg to St. Petersburg.

I do not want to uncle, "I said sullenly," I don't know any uncle and I'm afraid to go to him!

But Marnushka said that he was ashamed to say a big girl that mommy hears it and that she hurts from my words.

Then I got sick and began to remember the face of uncle.

I have never seen my Petersburg uncle, but in the motley album was his portrait. He was depicted on him in the Golden Shita Unidire, with many orders and with a stars on his chest. He had a very important look, and I was unwittingly afraid.

After lunch, to which I barely touched, Martushka puts all my dresses and linen into the old suitcase, drove me in tea and lucky to the station.