How the Quran is translated from Arab into Russian. Dictionary of the forgotten and difficult words of the XVIII-nineary centuries

How the Quran is translated from Arab into Russian. Dictionary of the forgotten and difficult words of the XVIII-nineary centuries
How the Quran is translated from Arab into Russian. Dictionary of the forgotten and difficult words of the XVIII-nineary centuries

Koran is the "Bible Islam". What does the word "Quran" mean? Muslim scientists argued about the pronunciation, the meaning and sense of the word. Quran (Koekan) comes from the Arab root "Kara" A "-" read "or, more precisely, -" Cleattiva, to decleand. "The Quran - Revelations, who Allah Nissed Muhammad and which the Prophet then expressed. This sacred book of Islam is sometimes called CHIP (Book) or ZIKR (Caution).

The Quran is divided into 114 chapters, or, in Arabic, sur. This is a word, the origin of which is unclear, originally, obviously, meant "Revelation", then - "Assembly of several revelations or passages from Revelation". The word "sura" is found in some verses of the Quran, in which non-believers are proposed to compose one or more equivalent Sur (for example, Sura 2, verse 21; Sura 10, verse 39; Sura 11, verse 16), and where Allah declares that he filed signs (Ayat) by means of Sura (Sura 24, verse 1); In addition, this word is found in the chapter prescribing Muslims to go to war for their prophet (Sura 9, verse 87).

One of the oldest copies of the Quran, compiled by presumably under Califa Osman

Subsequently, for ease of reading, the Quan was divided into thirty-pieces (Juses) or sixty-parts (hezbov sections).

Each of the 114 Sur (chapters) of the Quran is divided into poems, or Ayati. Since in the first manuscripts of the Koran, the numbering of Ayatov was absent, the separation of Sur on the Ayat became the object of disputes, several options appeared. Hence the differences in determining the number of Ayatov (within the same canonical text) - from 6204 to 6236. Each sula contains from 3 to 286 ayata, in Ayat - from 1 to 68 words. According to the estimates given by the American researcher Philip Hitty, in the Quran, only 77.934 words and 323.621 letter, which is equal to the four fifth New Testament.

The Quran would become much smaller if the numerous repetitions, inevitable and even necessary in such a work from it. English Orientalist Lane Pules quite rightly notices: "If you drop the Jewish legends, repetition, calls for the transient value and personal requirements, then Muhammed's speeches will take very little space."

The order of Sur in the Quran depends on their size: the shortest (and at the same time the most ancient) suras are at the end of the Quran. The main "compiler" of the text of this book Zeid Ibn Sabit and his staff could not come from the content of poems, since the fragmentary nature of revelations prevented this. They could not think about the chronological order of the location of Sur and poems, since the time for its establishment was already missed. However, in this arrangement of SUR, in descending length, there are two exceptions: first, the two last suras (113rd and 114th, the very notes in the Koran of Ibn Masuda are not the shortest; However, they are very special; In essence, it is spells against an evil spirit; Secondly, the first sura ( fatiha - "opening") placed at the beginning of the book (although in it only seven poems) is undoubtedly because it has a form of prayer; She usually finish with the word "Amen", which is not done at the end of the reading of other Sur; There is an indication to read it as often as possible (Sura 15, verse 87).

This artificial procedure for the location of Sur, adopted by Zeid and his employees, could not satisfy thoughtful minds. Already in the early period, the interpreters noticed sharp differences in the style of individual parts of the Quran and saw several runaway hints on the events from Mohammed. So there was a question about dating Sur.

Of course, such dating should have be based on the clarification of the reasons that caused separate revelations, and for this not enough accurate information. Nevertheless, Sura 8th seems to be associated with battle at Badre., 33rd - with battle of "RVA", 48th - with agreement in Khyebia, in Sura 30th there is a mention of defeat, inflicted by the Byzantians Iranians Around 614, there are no such data to be very small, and they all belong to the MEDINAS OF LIFE of the Prophet. Muslim interpreters were trying to open any hints of historical facts in certain verses of the Quran in some verses, but the results obtained were too often controversial.

Therefore, the direct study of the style of the Koran seems to be more reliable to establish the chronology of its text than the assumptions of a historical nature. Some Arab interpretors have already done attempts in this direction. Samarkandi, for example, noted that the Meccanian and Medical Sur Group have each special expression to appeal to believers ("O Yours that believed!"). In short, when classifying the texts of the Koran, they can be divided into two groups: Meccanian (up hijra) And Medina (after Hijra). Not absolute, this criterion gives certain positive results.

With the name of Allah, merciful and all-aircraft!

Quran is the last divine message to humanity. He sent the prophet Muhammad, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, for 23 years and "survived" for the 14th centuries. Quran Polon Wisdom. In it - reminders of the grace and miracles of Allah, about his grace and justice. This is not a book of history, not a scientific book, not a book of stories, although all this in the Quran is. This is the biggest gift to humanity equal to which in the world there is no. The book, about which the Most High says: "This is a Scripture, in which there is no doubt, is the right leadership for God-fearing" (Sura "Al Bakar", "Cow", Ayat 2).

Quran is the basis of Islam. Without faith in him, a person cannot be considered believed. "The messenger and believers believed that he was sent to him from the Lord. They all believed in Allah, his angels, his Scriptures and his envoy. They say: "We do not distinguish between his envoys." They say: "We listen and obey! We ask your forgiveness, our Lord, and you have to arrive. " (Sura "Al Bakar", "Cow", Ayat 285).

Quran and Sunna - two major leadership of Muslim. Allah Allah tells the Prophet, and he bless him Allah and welcomed: "We sent you the Scripture, so that you explained to them what they had dealt with the opinions, as well as a guide to the direct path and mercy for believers" (Sura "An-Falls "," Bees ", Ayat 64).

Prophet Muhammada, may Allah bless him and welcomes, was instructed to convey the Quran to all mankind. It was a difficult mission. And even in his farewell preaching, the prophet, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, turned to the witness that he had a message of the Most High.

The Quran speaks of the attributes and qualities of the Most High Allah, it is explained that it is forbidden and what approved, the basics of high morality and morality, the rules of worship. It provides the stories of the prophets, the world of them, righteous predecessors, and also described Paradise and Hell. The Quran is facing all mankind.

It is so unique in content and style that translators fail to pass the completeness of its meanings. Therefore, the translations of the Quran are the interpretation of its ayatov.

Each prophet or the messenger appeared before the people, to whom he was sent with the wonders who were relevant for this area. For example, during the time of the Prophet Musa, peace to him, the witchcraft was quite common, so Musa, peace, he was able to demonstrate wonders, superior to the abilities of sorcerers. At the same time, the Prophet Muhammad, and Bless him Allah and welcomes, the Arabs were considered outstanding poets and writers, they were true masters of the word. Hearing the Ayatu Koran, they were amazed by its sublime tone and the extraordinary beauty of words.

It was a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and welcomed to him the Almighty. Since he did not know how to write and read, Arabs knew that he himself could not invent such eloquent texts. Therefore, in the Quran Most High encourages them to compose something similar to him if they do not believe that this is the Epistle of the Most High: "If you doubt that we sent our slave, I compose one similar Suru and encourage your witnesses, in addition to Allah, if You speak the truth "(Sura" Al Bakara "," Cow ", Ayat 23).

Of course, they could not come up with nothing like that. Unlike those who doubted the origin of the Quran, many Arabs accepted Islam, only having heard his reading. They knew that such a beauty of the word could come only from the Most High. To date, the reading of the holy book in many Muslims causes tears. And some, not even understanding his meaning, impressive by his beauty.

It is important to understand that even being sent in the VII century, the Quran remains unchanged for the age of 14. Mushaf, who keeps the Arab in his hands, exactly corresponds to the content of the one that holds the Muslim at any other point in the world. There are no differences, except may be the design of the book. Because the Most High promised to protect and keep his book:

"Truly, we sent a reminder, and we guard him" (Sura "Al Hijr", "Resettlement", Ayat 9)

This means that this Divine message was defended and will be defended by the Creator from distortion.

Koran - Sacred Scripture, which for twenty-three years, the prophet Muhammad was sent (peace and blessing) through the angel of Jibril (peace to him). Koran - This is the eternal testimony of the prophecy and the last heavenly revelation, which confirmed the truth of the previous scriptures and approved the last law of God. Koran Developed and brought to perfection a monotheistic religion.

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Prophet Muhammad and Holy Quran
Ready of reading Korana
Basic information about the Quran

Holy Quran - The main source of Muslim dogma, moral and ethical norms and rights. The text of this Scripture is the unreacted word of God in form and content. Every word of his word, in meaning, corresponds to the entry in the stored manner - the heavenly archetype of scriptures, storing information about everything that happens throughout the universe. Allah invested Koran In the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing) through the angel of Jibril (peace to him), and he remembered their sound and assimilated their deep meaning. Jibril (peace) was a prophet (peace and blessing) sometimes in the image of man. Witnesses of such a form of sending revelations sometimes became the associates of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing). And sometimes an angel was in a disembodied form, accompanied by sound. It was the most severe form of no guest, and in these moments the face of the Prophet (peace and blessing) was covered later. There are other types of references to the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing).

Any statements that Revelation (Wahu) is the result of the mental and mental activity of Muhammad (peace and blessing), due to the social and cultural features of Arabian society, do not have any arguments in their favor.

Name Korana

Most scientists believe that the name "Koran" Educated from the verb of Karaa - "read". Suras consisting of ayatov are collected in it, their true content and wise regulations, and his reading is an amazing spiritual calm and purification.

IN Sacred Quran Other its names are mentioned, emphasizing its essence and reflecting its features. The most common among them is China (Scripture).

The names of the ZIKR (reminder) are also found; Fourcan (distinction). This name is due to the fact that Scripture distinguishes good and evil, truth and lies, permitted and forbidden.

Among other names KoranOf course used in Arabic, you can allocate tanzil (omnipotia), Burkhan (proof), Hakk (Truth), Nur (light) and others. All listed epithets belong to the text of the Quran in Arabic. As for the book, where the text is recorded Koran, it is customary to call Mushaf (MN. Masakhif).

Koran's place in the life of Muslims

The main goal of Nisplenia Koranhe was to prescribe people on the path of moral cleansing and spiritual improvement, to which people experience natural gravity.

Koran teaches to distinguish good from evil. His truths are confirmed by convincing arguments and irrefutable evidence. They refute the rule "Do not experience, but faith," proclaimed a new life credo - "testing and leading." IN Koranait is said (meaning): "We sent you the Scriptures to you, so that you explained to them what they had dealt with the opinions in the regulations of religion, as well as a guide to the direct path and mercy for believers people" (Sura "An-Power", Ayat 64).

Korannoteslan in clear Arabic and is characterized by an amazing fraud, the cleanliness of the syllable, composite slim and the correctness of grammatical structures.

IN Korana There is nothing superfluous and random, and thinking over its meaning is considered one of the most worthy classes. Reflections on the Kranic Truths reveal the soul, amazing the believer with their deep meaning. Koranhe teaches to think about the signs surrounding us in this amazing world, and appreciate its beauty. The Scripture says (meaning): "We sent you the Scripture to you, so that you bring people with the permissiveness of their gentlemen from the disbelief to faith - on the path of powerful, worthy" (Sura "Ibrahim", Ayat 1).

Therefore, the envoy of Allah (peace and blessing) explained that the one who studies the best of his followers Koran And teaches him others.

Features of Koran

The Holy Quran is a unique Scripture facing all mankind. Intended in it of spiritual liberation and moral cleansing so perfect that Koran It did not lose its relevance to this day and will not lose to the end of the world. That is why Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing) was ordered to say (meaning): "This quran is given to me as a revelation, so that I am warned through you and those who will come to whom" (Hurray Al-An'am, Ayat 19). Muslim scientists indicate some of the features of this Scripture, allowing to judge its uniqueness.

Koran It will never be distorted and will continue in the form in which he was noteslan, because the Almighty Allah says (meaning): "Truly, we (Allah) sent the Quran, and we will definitely save it" (Sura Al-Hijr, Ayat 9).

Completing the glorious worker of heavenly revelations, Koran He indicates previous scriptures and confirms that they all were sent by Allah. It says (meaning): "This Scripture, which we sent, is blessed and confirming the truth of what was sent to him" (Sura "Al-An'am", Ayat 92).

Koran Inimbate, and no one has been able to write anything like this - neither in shape nor content - even the most short Sura. His truths are confirmed by modern scientific discoveries.

Kranic suras can be easily remembered even to those who do not own Arabic. Koran Sends the essence of previous scriptures.

Another important feature Koranit is sending Sur and Ayatov - parts - about certain events in the life of the Prophet (peace and blessing) and his associates. They brought them peace and attached confidence.

Nice, collecting and structure of the Koran

Written fixation of the Quran

Sacred Koran The prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing) of him. After receiving the next revelation, he ordered immediately write it down. Even in the most difficult moments, during the resettlement (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina and during military trips, with it there was always any of the writs, ready to fix the text of the nosyatov.

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How many reading quran, while the Quran curses them!

First who recorded Koran In Mecca, there was Abdullah Bin Saad. In the medina of this honor, Ubay Bin Kaab was awarded. Among those who recorded revelations were Abu Bakr, Umar Bin Al-Hattab, Usman Bin Affan, Ali Bin Abu Talib, Zubyar Bin Al-Avvam, Hanzal Bin Ar-Rabi, Simbil Bin Hasan, Abdallah Bin Ravaha and others He will be pleased with them by all Allah). In total Koran They recorded from the words of the Prophet (peace and blessing) about forty associates.

In the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing) Ayati Koran They were recorded on the leaves of the phenomena palm trees, flat stones, slices of skin, camel blades, etc. Innil was made from soot and soot. The Prophet (peace and blessing) clarified, in which Sura and where exactly the novels were followed. Recovering a revelation, the clerk read it the prophet (peace and blessing) and under his leadership corrected mistakes, if any.

To ensure preservation Koran The Prophet (peace and blessing) encouraged the companions to memorize him. Many Muslims knew the whole Koran.

Koran He was recorded completely during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace and blessing). This is evidenced by many Hadiths. For example, Hadith, transmitted by Muslim, says: "Do not travel with Quran In Hands, for I am afraid that the enemies will wish them ". In the famous message of the Prophet (peace and blessing) to Amru Ibn Hamzu (may Allah be pleased) says: "To k. Koran Nobody touched, except for the religious cleansing " (Malik, Nasaai). These and similar stories confirm the presence of the Supportiers in the Time of Prophet (peace and blessing) recorded in writing Koran In many copies. Due to this, in the era of the Prophet (peace and blessing) Koran Awarded complete safety in both senses: saving in hearts and conservation in writing.

However, he has not yet been assembled in a single book. It was not done due to many circumstances.

First, in the era of the Prophet (peace and blessing) in the recording Koran On the sheets or a meeting of it in one set there was no problem that arose in the era of the rule of Abu Bakra (may Allah be satisfied) and forced him to write it on the scrolls. And there was also no necessity that arose in the era of the Board of Usman (may Allah be pleased), and he collected Koran In a single book and made up his copies. In addition, the Muslim community at that time experienced the best times. CHTERS Koran Then it was abound, and among the Arabs, the support for memorizing was superior to the support on the letter.

Secondly, Koran It was not nosplated in full one at once, on the contrary, the sending of revelations continued for 23 years.

Thirdly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing) was standing before the possibility of sending a new revelation, abolishing the fact that Allah wishes, from Ayat or Ayatov, which were sent before, because between the last nosyatov from Koran And the death of the Prophet (peace and blessing) was only nine days, etc.

Collecting the Quran in a single arch

After the departure of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing) in the world, it became clear that over time the number of experts Koran It will decrease and the danger of partial loss of its text will arise. Umar Bin Al-Hattab (may Allah be pleased) convinced the Khalifa Abu Bakra (may Allah be pleased) in the need to compile a single list approved by all connoisseurs Koran. Having supported the initiative of Umar, the Caliph commissioned Bain Sabitu (may Allah be pleased) to collect records Koran All associates who lived in Medina, arrange the Ayati and Sura in the sequence in which they read them the Prophet (peace and blessing), and coordinate a list with other scientists. For this left for about a year, after which the agreed text was represented by Abu Barpra (may Allah be satisfied). The rest of the manuscript was decided to destroy, so that no one could say that he has an excerpt Korannot included in the list Abu Bakra (may Allah be pleased). After the death of the caliph text Koran He moved to Khalif Umar (may Allah be satisfied), and then, according to his testament, - to his daughter, the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessing), the mother of the Orthodox Hifse Bint Umar (may Allah be pleased with it).

According to historians, under Khalif Usman (may Allah be pleased) four copies of the same specified list were compiled Koran. The first of the lists, called Mushaf-Imam, was left in Medina, and the rest are sent to Coon, Basra and Sham.

According to a number of researchers, an instance Koranleft in Medina, was taken out from there to Andalusia. Subsequently, he was transported to Morocco, and in 1485 he fell into Samarkand. In 1869, Russian researchers took him to St. Petersburg, where he remained until 1917. With the Soviet power, the manuscript was returned back and in 1924 it was in Tashkent.

First lists Koran They were recorded with all thoroughness, but did not have diacritical points and heads (signs denoting vowel sounds).

At the first stage in the text Koran Clauses were arranged. By order of the Governor Basra, Bin Sumyia (Mind. In 672), a group of thirty scribes under the leadership of the well-known connoisseur of Arab Abu Al-Asswad hell-dual (mind in 688) was performed. The modern type of vocabulary acquired during the time of Al-Khalil Bin Ahmad (mind in 791), which also developed a number of additional signs (Hamza, Tashdid and others).

In the second stage in the text Koran Diacritical points were arranged and designations for long and short vowels were developed. By order of the Governor of Iraq al-Hadjjaja Bin Yusuf (Mind in 714) with this task, Nasre Bin Assym (mind. In 707) and Yahya Bin Yamur (mind in 746) coped with this task. At the same time introduced signs separating text Koran on 30 parts (Juses). Such a division was dictated by practical expediency and facilitated reading Koran During the night prayers in Ramadan. In modern editions every juse Koran It is customary to divide into two parts (for two hizba), and every Hizb is four quarters (rubles).

The structure of the Koran. The text of the Quran is divided into suras and ayata.

Ayat - Fragment (verse) Koranconsisting of one or more phrases. The longest verse of the Quran - 282th Ayat Sura 2 "Al-Bakar". The most valuable verse is the 255th Ayat of the same Sura, which was called "al-Kursi". It explains the basis of the tradition of monotheism, as well as the greatness and infinity of Divine qualities.

In the first lists Koran Ayati did not separate from each other icons, as is currently being done, and therefore, some disagreements arose about the number of Ayatov in Scripture. They all agreed on the fact that in it over 6200 Ayatov. In more accurate calculations between them there was no unity, but these figures do not have a fundamental importance because they concern not the text of the revelations, but only how it should be divided into ayata. In modern editions Koran (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran) allocate 6236 Ayatov, which corresponds to the cofia tradition, ascending to Ali Bin Abu Talibu. There are no disagreements between theologians about the fact that the Ayati are located in the sunsteen in the sequence that was dictated by the Prophet (peace and blessing).

Sura - the head of the Quran, uniting the group of Ayatov. This Arab word means "high place" (from Arab. Sur - wall, fence). Such a name is explained by the fact that the words in the Kranic chapters, like bricks, lie down on each other, until they reach the amount that is pleased with Allah. According to another interpretation, this name emphasizes the greatness and harness of the meaning invested in the karamic revelations.

Text Koran Consists of 114 Sur, which are conventionally divided into Meccan and Medina. According to the majority of scientists, everything that was sent to Hijkan Revelations, and everything was sent to Medina, even if it happened in Mecca itself, for example, during farewell pilgrimage. Ayata, sent during resettlement to Medina, are considered meccan.

The order of Sur in Korana The prophet was determined (peace and blessing). According to Ibn, Abbas says that every time some surah every time (peace and blessing), he called someone from the scribes and spoke to him: "Place this Sura, where that is mentioned and That's something. Also transfer that Zaid Bean Sabit said: "We were next to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings and a blessing) and amounted to Koran on skin slices. " Under this compilation, it is referred to in the ordering of Ayatov in accordance with the words of the Prophet (peace and blessing). The Prophet (peace and blessing) this order took over from the angel of Jibril (peace to him), because in Hadith, he says that Jibril (peace) said: "Place such an Ayat in such a place.". And there is no doubt that Djibril (peace to him) said this at the venue of the Most High Allah.

Sura B. Korana Located not in order to send. The first is placed Sura Al-Fatiha, sent to Mecca. Seven ayata of this sura is widecut the basic principles of Islamic dogma, for which she was named "Mother of Scripture". It is followed by long suses, sent in the medina and clarifying the laws of Sharia. Short Suras sent to Mecca and Medina are at the end Koran. They consist of short aircraft and are usually read when sending religious rites.

As for the names of Sur, they were given later, however, Muslim scientists, referring to certain places in KoranaUse exactly the names of SUR (and not the number). Most Sur are named unique words: for example, the only place in Koranawhere we are talking about bees - Ayati 68-69 Sura 16 "An-Podl", the only mention of poets Ayati 224-227 Sura 26 "Ash Shu'ara" and so on.

The best reader of the Koran visited the editors of the site

The Koran, being the word of the Most High, serves as true leadership, the main landmark in the life of the Islamic Ummah, as well as the source of universal knowledge and everyday wisdom in the world. In the revelation itself it is said:

"Allah sent the best story - Scripture, whose agents are similar and repeated. For those who fear their creator, a shiver goes along the skin. And then their skin and hearts are softened when the Almighty is remembered. This is the true leadership of Allah, by means of which he leads the direct way of whom wishes "(39:23)

In the history of the Lord, the Lord sent four sacred Scriptures to the slaves to her, namely: Torah (Taurat), Psalrty (Zabur), Gospel (Indezhil) and Koran (Kur'an). The latter is the final Scripture, and the creator assumed the obligation to protect him from any distortion until the day of the Grand Court. And this is stated in the next Ayat:

"Truly, we sent a reminder and we protect it" (15: 9)

In addition to the traditional name, other names characterizing some of its quality are used in the final revelation of God's revelation. The most common among them are as follows:

1. Fourcan (distinction)

This name means that the Koran serves as distinguishing between the "halaling" (permitted) and (prohibited).

2. Kitab (book)

That is, the sacred quran is a Book of Most High.

3. ZIKR (reminder)

It is understood that the text of the Holy Scriptures is simultaneously a reminder, warning for all believers.

4. Tanzil (Suspension)

The essence of this name is that the Koran was sent to our Creator as his immediate mercy for worlds.

5. Nur (light)

Koran structure

The Holy Book of Muslims includes 114 Sur. Each of them has its own special meaning and its history of ignition. All Suras consist of ayatov, also carrying a certain meaning. The number of Ayatov in every Sura varies, in connection with which there are relatively long suras and short.

The koranic suras themselves, depending on the period of their sentosland, are divided into the so-called "Meccanian" (that is, the Muhammad sent the Messenger to the Messenger, and he bless him Allah and welcomes, during the period of his prophetic mission in Mecca) and "Medina" (respectively, Medina).

In addition to Sur Koran, they are still divided into Juse - they are thirty, and each of them consists of two hizbov. In practice, this division is applied to the convenience of reading the Quran during the magazine of Tauguevi in \u200b\u200bthe Holy Month of Ramazan (Hatm), since reading the entire text of the book of Allah from the first to last Ayati is a desirable action in a blessed month.

History of Quran

The process of sending revelation took place and for quite a long time - for 23 years. This is mentioned in Sura Al-Isra:

"We sent him (Quran) with the truth, and he went with the truth, and you (Muhammad) we sent only a good messenger and the warning admonitator. We divided the Quran in order for you to read it to people do not rush. We sent it parts "(17: 105-106)

Suspension Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) was carried out through Jabrail Angela. The messenger retells them to his associates. The first were the initial ayats of Sura Al-Alak ("Circular"). It was with them that the prophetic mission of Muhammad (S.G.V.) began at twenty-three years.

In the Hadith, this historical moment is described as follows (according to Aisha Bint Abu Bakr): "Singing the revelations by the Messenger of Allah, Salayllah Galeyha Va Sallaam, originates from a good dream, and no other visions, except for those who approached the Morning Ure. Later he was inspired by the desire to retire, and he preferred to do it in Hira's cave on the Mountain eponymous. There he was engaged in piety - worshiped Most High nights for many nights, while the prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) did not appear to return to his family. All this lasted until the truth was opened before him when he once again was inside Hira's cave. Angel came in front of him and commanded: "read!", However, he heard: "I can't read!" "Then, as Muhammad himself narrated (S.G.V.), the angel took him and squeezed himself - so much that That is strained to the limit, and then opened the arms and again said: "Read!" The prophet objected: "I do not know how to read!" Angel re-covered him so that he (again) is strongly tightened, and let him go, Beliefs: "Read!" - And he (again) repeated: "I can't read!" And then the angel squeezed the final messenger of Allah in the 3rd time and, letting him go, said: "You read your Lord, who created, created a man from a clock! Read, and the Lord is your generous ... "(Bukhari).

The Sacred Book of Muslims began in the most blessed night of the month of Ramazan - Leylyat Ul-frame (Night of predetermination). This is also written in the Holy Quran:

"We sent him a blessed night, and we warned" (44: 3)

The coran-habitual for us appeared after care to the world of another Messenger of the Most High (S.G.V.), since in his life the answer to any people interested in people could give the Muhammad himself (S.G.V.). The 1st Righteous Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddak (R.A.) told all the associates who knew the Koran exactly to accurately, write down his text on the scrolls, since there was a threat to the loss of genuine text after the death of all the associates who knew him by heart. All these scrolls were collected together during the reign of the 3rd Caliph - (R.A.). It was this copy of the Quran that came to this day.

Advantages reading

Holy Scripture, being the word of the Most High, carries a lot of advantages for people in reading and learning. The text book says:

"We sent you a Scripture to clarify all things as a guide to the right path, mercy and good news for Muslims" (16:89)

The advantages of reading and studying Kranic Sur is mentioned in a number of Hadiths. The Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) once said: "The best of you is the one who studied the Quran and taught him others" (Bukhari). It follows that the study of the book of the Lord is one of the best cases, for the commission of which you can earn satisfaction with your Creator.

In addition, for reading every letter contained in the Holy Quran, good acts are recorded, which tells the following revealing of the Messenger of Allah (S.G.V.): "To the one who reads one letter of the book of Allah, will be recorded the commission of one good case, and Award for the performance of good cases is increasing 10 times "(Tyrnisi).

Naturally, the advantage for the believer will be wrapped and memorizing Ayatov: "To the one who knew Koran, will be said:" Read and curse, and clearly pronounce the words, as you did in the earthly life, for, truly, your place will meet the latest you "(This Hadith lead Abu Daud and Ibn Mazzha). Moreover, even if the believer learned those or other Ayats, he should reread them to not forget. God's envoy (S.G.V.) said: "Continue to repeat the Quran, as he leaves the hearts of people faster than camels freed from Put" (Bukhari, Muslim).

It is also important to remember that the time paid by believers reading, studying the book of the Creator, will benefit them not only in this glossy world. On this score there is a Hadith: "Read the Quran, for, truly, on the day of the resurrection he will appear as a touch for those who read it!" (Muslim).

Chapter 10.

Sacred texts of Islam

(Study and translations of the Quran)

Koran is the book of Books Islam. According to the sacred legend, the original of the Qur'an, made in Arabic, is located at Allah in the sky Allah sent the Koran to his prophet Muhammad through Angela Jebrail (Biblical Gabriel) The name "Quran" comes from the Arabic verb "Kara" A ", i.e. read by a recitative . The book is a collection of sermons, the teachings of Mohammed, with whom he on behalf of God turned to his listeners throughout the quarter of a century (610-632).

The Quran was created in a lively stream of life, under the influence of concrete events. Hence the inimitable, free form of the monument. It is deprived of a single composition, a storyline, so characteristic of any literary work. Direct speech (Speech by Allah), facing it directly to Mohammad himself, then to the listeners, is replaced by a narrative of a third party. Brief rhythmized phrases, the rhythm of most Ayatov (revelation signs) create a sample of artistical
Poetic speech, strongly close to folklore.
During the life of Mohammed, the creed was created, was updated and distributed in oral tradition. The desire to preserve the Koran in writing appeared shortly after the death of the prophet. Already at the first Califa Adu-Bucker (632-634), work began on the preparation of written text of the sermons of Mohammed. By order of the third Caliph Osman (644-654), the arch of these sermons was recorded, subsequently canonized and called "

Ran Omman. "The process of improving the letter continued for two more than two centuries and was mainly completed at the end of the IX century.
The Koran consists of 14 sections, or chapters called suras. Sura, in turn, consist of ayatov, or poems. At the place of its origin, Sura is divided into Meccan and Medina. The boundaries of the Meccan cycle (610-622) differ three periods. The earliest (610-616) is called poetic. It is represented by short sins, which often resemble peculiar hymns. They are given a compressed and extremely shaped presentation of the dogma of the monotheism, paintings by the Justice Day, the hellish torment of sinners. The second period (617-619) was called Rakhmansky, or teacher. Here the tone of Sur is noticeably softened. They become more extensive, and plots - deployed. The first narrative texts appear - legends. The third period (620-622) is a prophetic. Narrative texts often contain retelling biblical stories and legends about the ancient prophets. They are distinguished by the sequence of events.
The second large cycle is a meeting of Medical Sur (623-632). They are characterized by wide rollback with biblical plots. At the same time, sermons are becoming more and more thorough. A significant place in them is occupied by the rules and norms regulating the life of believers. Mohammad increasingly acts as a legislator and judge. The cycle borders distinguish five periods associated with major events in the life of a religious community (military battles, etc.), which served as a peculiar pulse of the religious creativity of Mohammed. If, at the beginning of his work, he performed mainly as a poet prophet, then in subsequent periods - a challenger, legislator, judges, head of the mass community.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Quran is to overcome the paganism, the approval of the monotheism. Allah, in contrast to the Christian triumpopasic God of uniqueness. Mohammed is not

Fig. Pokrov covering the entrance to the sanctuary of Kaaba. Gold embroidered rows from the Quran

She accepted the Judist idea of \u200b\u200bthe Messiah, nor the Christian idea of \u200b\u200bthe Savior. He was concerned about not so much the problem of posthumous reward, how much to create a fair society on Earth. Muhammad considered Judaism and Christianity, we emphasize once again, as the result of the wrong understanding by people of the revelations of God, the teachings of the first prophets. He believed as the last prophet, who was called to correct the faith of people. Therefore, he is named in the Quran "Printing Prophets."
In a wide cultural and historical aspect, Koran encompasses the ideals of a social device, what they saw Mohammond as an expressive of the progressive moods of a certain era. In this sense, the book reflects the entire spectrum of social relations in Arabic society at the turn of the VI-VII centuries. This is primarily a slavery relationship, but the slavery of a specific, patriarchal (home), substantially softened in comparison with the slavery of the ancient world, as well as tribal relations. Consecrated by the authority of Allah, in particular, the customs of blood revenge, mutual assistance. However, they are comprehended as customs not generic, but a religious community, i.e. Communication is not related, but by faith. Refilled in the Quran and consumer money relations. Many Ayati sounds like trade of honor codes, instructions for issuing contracts. In the book are affected and forms of early refortional relations (Dance system, Radolchina).
According to its general existential start, new forms of human hostel, sanctified by Islam, were much higher than those who are inherent in paganism. For example, in comparison with the previous norms of attitudes towards a woman, the commandments of the Quran turned out to be progressive. A man has the right to contain no more than four wives, while earlier this number was not limited. Implemented rules limiting the husband's loss. Carefully regulates the right of a woman into part of the property in the event of a divorce or death of her husband. However, in general, Muslim occupies in society and in the house is a purely subordinate position. Democraticism Mohammed was, albeit above his time, but still essentially limited from the point of view of historical progress.
Canonical texts of Islam are not exhausted by the Quran. The Sunna is important. It represents a set of ha-disks - stories, legends about what Mohammed was said in certain cases. An example of the life of the Prophet is, thus, as a sample and manual for all Muslims. The appearance of the Sunna was due to the fact that as society developed, there were increasingly questions about which there was no answer in the Quran. Mohammed stories about his actions and sayings in different reasons were passed into the move. The result of the recording and systematization of these stories and became Sunna. The collections of the Hadiths of Sunni and Shiites differ. Sunni Sunna includes six collections. The most authoritative recognizes the collections of the famous theologian

Bukhari (810-870) and his student Muslim (817-875).
Quran and today remains the main book of Islam. He is taught, studying in various educational institutions of Muslim countries. There are countless volumes of the comments of the Koran accumulated for more than the Millennium history of Islam. A traditional profession is still alive - readers (declamators) of the Quran. She is trained with young years. This is indeed a great art, because it is not only about reading, but reading the chance. Profession enjoys great honor and respect.
The ideas and images of the Quran are widely used in the literature, and the sonorous formulas, expressions - in everyday speech. The texts of many Ayatov still retain their significance as the motifs of decorative elements in visual art, architecture.

Koran, on the representation of Muslims, the Book of Mogood and is not subject to translation into other languages. Therefore, true believers use the Quran only in Arabic. In Muslim countries, there are huge literature, mainly theological, dedicated to the study and interpretation of the chief book of Islam. However, the importance of the Koran has long been beyond the scope of the religious source only. As an outstanding historical and cultural monument of the Arab Civilization and humanity as a whole, it attracts great attention to scientists of various countries and ideological orientations. We will limit ourselves here only to the limits of Europe.
The history of the study of Islam and the Quran in European civilization in their own way dramatic. For more than the Millennium, Christian Europe did not recognize the Islam for an independent, equal to Christianity in the rank of Christianity. Starting from the Byzantine Theologian John Damaskina (VIII century), the ideologues of the Christian church had a tradition to refute the basic postulates of Islam. In the consciousness of medieval Europeans, the image of Islam as the devilish law of Saracin was formed, and Muhammeda - like false prophet, who had fallen biblical commandments and teachings. Only with the Xih century. It is gradually formed and stronger, mainly among the intellectual elite, the desire to objectively understand Islam, having studied him as it actually is in fact - the original phenomenon of religious life.
This common attitude towards Islam is determined quite late the emergence of the translations of the Quran to European languages. The history of his translations, modern arabists usually lead from the XII century, when Europe was preparing for the second Cross

Hike. In about 1142, the Latin translation of the Quran was made on the personal initiative of Peter Peter Hostal Abbot (1092-1156). However, by order of Pope Alexander III, he was devoted to public bodies as a heretical book.
Another early Latin translation was carried out at the beginning of the XIII century, but remained unnecessary. These early translations were the arrangement of the text of the Quran and chased the goal to prove the failure of the complaints of Muslims on the possession of the Sacred Scripture.
The first official edition of the Latin translation was carried out only in 1543 in Basel (Switzerland). After him, an Italian translation (1547) was released, the century later is French (1649). But then the Catholic Church did not change its attitude towards the main book of Islam. The Cathedral of Roman censors in Pope Alexandra VII (1655-1667) imposed a ban on its publication and translation.

Fig. Edition of the Quran in Russian. 1995

Nevertheless, interest in the Quara did not die, and the needs of the ideological struggle with Islam prompted to study. In 1698, fundamental work appeared in Padua - "Discover the Quran". He contained Arabic text, the Latin translation of the source and carefully selected discharge from the works of Arab commentators-theologian. This edition has greatly accelerated the emergence of new, more objective publications and translations of the Quran. During the HCh-XIX centuries. Several of its publications came out: in English (lane J. Sail, 1734), German (per. FR. Baysen, 1773), French (Per. A. Kazimirsky, 1864) languages. All of them, with the exception of the first, are customary to refer to the substitution. But already in the XX century. Semantic translations were developed. According to experts, M. Ali, M. Assad, Maudidi (in English), R. Blasser (in French) achieved the best results in this regard. European scientists belongs to the merit of interpretation of the Quran as the author's work of Mohammed.
In Russia, the first written mentions of Islam refer to the XI century, and they appear in the translations of the Greek chronicles and Christian polemical writings. Needless to say, these ideas about Islam wore an antimuslim character. For many centuries, Russian Orthodoxy went in the fairway of the Byzantineology of theology.

The origins of the new and, so to speak, of secular interest in Islam and the Quran go to the era of Peter I. Even at the end of the XVII century. Especially for Tsarevichi Peter and Ivan were prepared in Russian writings dedicated to the Quran. Russia wanted to turn not only to Europe, but also to the Muslim east. Peter put acquainted with the Islamic East on the state basis. On his initiative, it was necessary to start the study of eastern languages, a special establishment was organized for collecting and storing monuments of the written and material culture of the peoples of the East. Later on its base, an Asian Museum has aroused. By order of Peter, the first Russian translation of the Quran (from French) was carried out. He was printed in 1716.
In 1787, in Russia, the full Arabic text of the Quran is coming out in Russia. Arab font has been specifically cast for this purpose, reproducing the handwriting of one of the most famous Muslim calligraffs of that time. During the XVII century. book ran into five editions. In general, the texts of the Koran were distributed in Russia in translating from French and English. M.I. translation Verevkin, made from the French language in 1790, inspired by A. S. Pushkin on the famous poetic cycle "Imitation Koran." With all its shortcomings, the indicated translations stimulated the interest of the Russian educated society to Islam and its main book. It is impossible not to mention P.Ya. Chaadaeva. He showed a deep interest in Islam and considered him as one of the stages of the formation of a universal religion of revelation.
In the 70s. Hih in. The beginning of the Russian translation of the Quran from the Arabic language was the beginning of the Russian translation from Arabic (1828-1893), formed by Arabista, for a long time served by the translator of the Russian Embassy in Istanbul. He expected, apparently, to publish his work on reckoning to Russia, but this did not happen, since by this time a similar translation appeared in the country, fulfilled by G. S. Sablukov.
G. S. Sablukov (1804-1880) - Kazan orientalist and missionary. Its translation was published in 1877 and reissued in 1894 and 1907. He also released "applications" (1879) - almost the best pointer to the Qur'an in Europe is hardly in Europe. Translation of G. S. Sablukova was destined to long life. For almost a century, he satisfied the interests of science and a variety of demands of the Russian cultural society. He today retains his meaning, although it is part of outdated part.
The period of the end of the XIX - early XX century. It is significant in that the foundations of Russian Islam studies are laid as an independent scientific direction of the national and world-class. In 1896, the Biography of Mohammed was published, written by the philosopher and the poet of Russia B. C. Solovyov ("Magomet, his life and religious doctrine"). This book, in which the traditions of the antimuslim pillaber are overcome, is a sample of sympathetic penetration

Man of other culture in the inner world of the founder of Islam.
At the beginning of the XX century. Due to the rapid development of science and technology, the possibility of wider acquaintance with the monuments of Islamic culture appears. At this time, the printing houses on the publication of Muslim literature act in the eight cities of Russia. They produce the Quran in the original language of origin. The first attempts to transfer it to the national languages \u200b\u200bof Russia are being taken (in 1914, the Tatar translation was published). Special periodic editions of scientific and cultural purposes (Magazine "Islam", Almanac "Eastern Collection") begin to regularly leave. Samples of Muslim literature are included in various publications on the history of world literature.
From October 1917, a new period comes in the history of Islam studies. Not everything contributed to progress here. An objective study of Islam made it difficult to political collisions - the negative attitude of the clergy to Soviet power, the ideological intolerance of Bolshevism to religion, political terror against the church. However, the development of Islamov studies did not cease. Book V. V. Bartold "Islam", published in 1918, and to this day is a deep scientific presentation of the history and essence of this religion.
In the 20s The new attempt to transfer the Koran from Arab to Russian is inflated by I. Yu. Krachkovsky (1883-1951). He developed a new system of studying and translating this outstanding monument to world culture. The working translation was completed mainly by 1931, but the scientist continued to improve him for a long time, was engaged in literary treatment, compiling a comment, however, did not have time to complete his work. The translation in the first edition came out in 1963, in the second - in 1986 it was the first scientific translation of the Quran into Russian, and almost all modern editions of this monument are made mainly from it, for example, the first publication of the Quran with comments M. Usman Nova in the magazine "Star of the East" (1990-1991).
Scientific and cultural interest is the translation of the Quran, undertaken by N. Osmanov, who was published in the journal "Pamir" in 1990-1992. Recently, the Book of V. Powder "Quran. Translations of meanings". Recovering scientific accuracy and often visiting the meaning of the poems, the translator achieves a subtle reproduction of the poetic beauty of the Quran. In its translation, the philosophical and poetic sound of the monument is strengthened [See: Islam. Historiographic essays. Section I. Quran and Koraranism. - M., 1991.].
The school of Russian and Soviet Arabists has a lot of major names. In addition to V. V. Barthold and I. Yu. Krachkovsky, it is possible to name B. A. Belyaeva, V.N. Vinnikova, A. E. Krymsky, K. S. Kashtalevu, A. E. Schmidt, L. I. Klimovich, M. B. Piotrovsky, V. R. Rosen. In recent times, issuance of literature on Islam noticeably

Increased. In 1991, the Encyclopedic Dictionary "Islam" was released in our country. We note the thorough and first in Soviet times the biography of Mohammed, written in the style of the famous series "Life of wonderful people" [Panova V. F., Bakhtin Yu. B. Life Mohammed. - M., 1990.].
But in general, Islam and Koran, undoubtedly, deserve a deeper study. In the West, for example, there has been a long-term "Encyclopedia of Islam". Our country for its confessional appearance has been and remains at the advantage of Christian Muslim. It is impossible to ignore this unique originality. The formation and development of a humane and democratic society, the creation of conditions for the free spiritual development of all citizens unthinkable without the development of the millennial traditions of Christian and Islamic culture, its humanistic content.

Control questions

1. How was the Koran - the Sacred Book of Muslims? What does it represent and what is its main goal?
2. Tell me what value for Muslims has a Sunna?
3. What is the relationship to Islam in European countries in the Middle Ages?
4. When and for what reason in Western Europe, an interest in the Muslim religion and the Quara?
5. In what direction did the attitude towards Islam as a religion in the Russian state?
6. When was the full Arabic text of the Quran in Russia?
7. What influence the translations of the Quran on the spiritual development and culture of Russian society?