"Lost Paradise" John Milton - Kaleidoscope. Milton "Lost Paradise" - Images

"Lost Paradise" John Milton - Kaleidoscope. Milton "Lost Paradise" - Images

The writing

In Milton's poem, a wonderful appearance of a woman's appearance is growing, who has no equal in the English poetry of the XVII century. C Eve affects the high idea of \u200b\u200bthe spiritual dignity of the woman. So we know Milton and in his treatises of the 40s. On the divorce, in which the poet's view is widely expressed to choose a satellite of life, without obeying someone else's will.

Eve is a living image; The "first woman" of Milton is very far from the Puritan abstractions. Not one Adam was suspended by charm Eve: he is also amenable to gloomy gloomy of human happiness - Satan, with bitterness with bitterness in the first people in paradise and pondering his revenge to God. And here, in this conclusion simple human feeling, one of the important parties is revealed mighty image. The power of Satan Milton is that he, with all his titanicity, is humane. His pride, his hatred, his power, his passionism, his courage is the features of human, but only many times reinforced by the poetic fantasy of Milton: unlike the fact that God and his brilliant surroundings are outlined, including the virtuously abstract God-Son's Great - Messiah , Satan is portrayed.

Milton collected many observations over human passionsTo tell how the Terrible and beautiful face of Satan is changing, burned with the flames of terrible, battle and lights of hell, elegant with wrinkles, refined with suffering and thought. And if Adam and Eve are deeply humane in his happiness, in their love, then the humanity of the Sagan is in his indomitus Bunchar spirit, in his willingness to endure flour and ride again into the fatal competition with their invincible, but from this, the more hated opponent.

The image of Satan is also thinking that it is shown in the change in development. One of the angels, he becomes their leader only due to the fact that he rises against God. In battles with his opponent, he is acquired by tempting and sullen charm. Beautiful children, Adam and Eve become people fully, only violating the ban of God, only making a "free choice", step by the blessed edema towards the harsh wind of human being. The future of them is severely, but from now on they are obliged to all of themselves: the meaningful and requiring responsibility begins human story.
We note here that the question of the attitude of Milton to Satan, the question of the author's conscious assessment of this image is not permitted only by an indication that, from under Milton's pen, Satan came out far from being able to portray his poet. Yes, Belinsky was right, pointing to this contradiction and highly raising the image of Satan over other images of the poems, as many other researchers Milton did.
However, with all its grandiositia, the image of Satan is precisely in those manifestations where Satan is especially human, - not only by Milton as the image of "negative", but is also one essentially. It has long been noticed that the "archorg" of Milton is akin to many villains and Tirants created by the genius of Elizavtian drama. Milton explains that inner world Satan is distorted, and disfigured by power, painful egoism. Hence his cynicism, and spiritual devastation, causing him suffering: because he looks with envy on the happiness of people in Eden.

Great Satan was internally broken precisely by the fact that he did not resist in the fight against his own egoism, with his giant selfless dreams. In such complicated form Puts Milton to the problem of individualism, constantly disturbing him.
The general solution of this problem is very noteworthy: the evil and egoistic design of Satan, regardless of him, is beneficial to a person - leads him to a harsh school of life in which a person is improving. In such a mythological form, Milton expresses his guess of dialectics, about contradictory connections of things in the world. And this is also one of the manifestations of the artist's humanism.

The deep humanity of the Milton epic, the growing importance of an individual start (opposed to the beginning of an individualistic, scheduled for Satan), is revealed in such a kind of peculiar feature of "lost paradise" as lyrical deviationsplaying greasy compositional roleBut imaging and independent value.
In them, Milton comes into number acting persons Epopesi, speaks of his understanding the meaning of the poet:

I remember and about those who fate with me would be grown,
With whom, I would like to be complained by: blind Tamiris, Meoieida, Timiria,
Finea - these ancient
I remember the prophets of famous.
Per. N. Kholkovsky

Gorky complaining about her blindness - in particular, and because she pulled him off his books, from knowledge ("the path of wisdom at the entrance is closed"), - Milton speaks about the inner light of the soul, who illuminates the outline of his poetic design for him. Milton reminds in his departures about the time when he writes his poem: it is born "in evil days"; He works above the poem, living "among evil languages, in darkness, alone, surrounded by hazards "

So the person's personality not only imposes an imprint to the whole poem, but also shines clearly in its individual passages, connects - through the appeal of the poet to the reader - we are with him.

Adam and Eve are the first people best creatures God, from revenge sophisticated Satan and punished by God, exile from earthly paradise - Eden. The first people were immortal and sinless, they did not know the suffering, pain, the flour of jealousy and envy, the burden of labor. Their life in Eden is beautiful and happy. Adam and Eve are conceived as an embodiment of a religious ideal: the submissive Design of God, they live in bliss, as if the heroes of Idyllius. God banned the first people to touch the tree of knowledge: "... do not look for other happiness and be able to know." Their bliss unconsciously, due to the refusal of the temptation of knowledge. The serenity of the first people is caused by the fact that they have no contradictions, they have no existence, there is no development. Thus, the paradise idyll is though beautiful, but limited. Satan tempts Eve knowledge and forces it to taste the forbidden fruit. He proves to her that no knowledge people cannot comprehend the essence of things: that not knowing death, people cannot appreciate how beautiful life is; Not knowing evil, can not judge good; Knowledge is great PowerShe attaches power and equates to God.

The first people in the work of Milton were warned about temptation. Adam violated the ban of God not by ignorance, but consciously, from love and compassion for his girlfriend. This means that they are responsible for their actions for perfect sin. Adam and Eve kicked out from Eden, and Archangel Mikhail tells them future story Humanity: people are waiting for sins, death, illness, sickness, grave labor, their descendants will commit crimes. But the first people from Eden, the first people acquire genuine humanity: they turn into people of tragic destiny from idyllic heroes. Philosophically Milton justifies the fall: he glorifies the labor as the main purpose of man, condemns social disasters - wars, tyranny, intolerance, inequality; He famous mankind that goes forward, acquires the truth in suffering and delusions.


- Milton Lost Paradise Analysis

- Lost paradise analysis

- Milton Lost Paradise Analysis

- Milton Lost Paradise Heroes

- Adam and Eva Analysis of Heroes

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The poet reflects on the reason for the disobedience of the first couple - Adam and Eve, who violated the only ban of the Creator, calls the culprit of the fall of Adam and Eva: This is Satan, who was in the appearance of Zmia.

Satan under the guise of fog again penetrates the paradise and puts up in the sleeping Zmia, the most cunning of all creatures. In the morning, Zmiy finds Eve and flattering speeches declares her to taste the fruits from the Tree of knowledge. He convinces her that she won't die, and talks about how thanks to these fruits he himself gained speech and understand.

Eva is amenable to persuasion of the enemy, comes the forbidden fruit and comes to Adam. Shocked spouse from love for Eve is decided to die along with her and also breaks the ban of the Creator. Looking into fruits, the progenitors feel intoxication: Consciousness loses clarity, and in the soul awakens the alien nature, unrestrained swelling, to change which comes disappointment and shame. Adam and Eve understand that the serpent, who filling the inecilious enthusiasm and unearthly bliss, deceived them, and reproach each other.

Satan in his exorbitant Gordin rebelled against the Creator, involved in the rebellion of the angels, but was clouded with them from heaven to hell, to the region of Thamous Darkness and Chaos. The defeated, but immortal, Satan not only does not humble with the defeat, but not repent.

Book I. "Lost heaven"- This is the preface to the poem. Milton in subsequent presentation will tell about the events since the fall of a person before the redemption of his guilt Christ, who took death in the name of the salvation of mankind. But
the narrative begins with overthrowing from the skies of the rebel against God Satan, and then this border is still shifted by the time of the creation of the world.

Ends in the poem Exile from Paradam and Eve, and the latest information about life on Earth is contained in the story of Archangel and barely reach the great flood. And the story with the fall of Adam and Eve at Milton begins with Lfoliance of Satan and from how, having come to himself after multi-day unconsciousness from the blow, the fallen angels hold a Council on how they act further.

Book II. During the Council, which holds Satan, a new tactic of opposition to heaven is produced: to lead a hidden war, try to destroy the harmony of the divine design, bowing to doubt and disobedience the new creation of God - man. To this end, Satan begins his way to the new world. Having entered the gate of hell, who are protected by death (in english language "Death" of a male race) and sin (in the English language "sin" female), he promises to rescue both by giving them new worldwhich promises to find.

The flight of Satan begins with a fall into the abyss, from which it pushes a fluttering comet; Only having received this strongest pulse, it copes with an immeasurable, irresistible space and, with the greatest tension of his huge wings, aligns his flight. Approaching the Divine World, he falls from the world of chaos to the world of nature, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich at Milton is conjugate with harmony and order.

Book III. Satan's approach to the new world does not turn out to be unnoticed by God, who informs his son about what he knows about the intention of the enemy and that he will allow this idea to implement: Satan will be allowed to penetrate the world of a person, the perfection of which should be tested. It is immediately known that a person will not stand. But no matter how fasten the new creation, intervene in the events - would mean to question the strict law of freedom of will. A person has to survive the fall and become mortal.

It will be able to register the sky again only if anyone voluntarily gives his life for him. God-son without thinking offering his life in exchange for a person's salvation and amazes his father's greatness.
The Satan approaching the new world is amazed by its harmony. He reflects on how the world is arranged, what role the sun plays in it, and about which of the gloomy balls is appointed man.

Book IV. Satan is amazed by the view of Paradise on Earth. Beauty gives rise to repentance in it. But he persists in his arrogance and reluctance to give up. The second strongest impression on him is the appearance of the first people. He confesses himself that they are ready to love them for perfection, but believes that his duty as a leader fallen angels Bring to the end conceived.

Satan hears the conversation of people in the tree of life, growing next to the tree of knowledge, thinks about the bang related to him and stops in their plans to make a thirst for knowledge in people. His first attempt to influence Eve through a dream, inspiring her vague Duma and annoyance, it turns out to be unrelated to the end. His invasion detect guardian angels. Satanic attempt to lick them to his side, accusing in Rabilities in front of God, meets a decisive rebuff: in response, he is accused of Rabilities, connected with hypocrisy.

Book V.. Eva tells Adam a dream, in which Satan promised her that she would become a goddess, biting the fruit with the Tree of knowledge. Adam talks about the role of imagination in the Union with the mind and in opposition to it.

Archangel Rafail comes to the first couple to answer Adam's questions about the device of the world and the nature of man. He tells about the Angelic Entity, that the angels are smelling, touching, rumor and vision. They burn food, eliminating all unnecessary, "PRESENTATION / BRAIN IN THE PROFITE". Rafail pronunciation keywords About human nature:

Adam's questioning about the enemy Archangel talks about Satan's dispute with Serafim Abdilly about the nature of power and elevative, decent and degrading subordination:

Nature and Lord
One law says: command
Worthy one who has exceeded subjects
Dignity. But true slavery
Serve a madman or rebel
Who rises to the lord,
He is superior in everything.
Per. Ark. Steinberg

Satanic doubt in the wisdom of the Divine Law is based on the fact that no one remembers his birth, and comes down to the disbelief that the angels are created by God, and not self-conceived and are not equal to him with their primaryness (853-871). Book VI. The only book written in the laws of the classical heroic poem describes the battle of Heavenly Rate with the army of Satan. Archangel Rafail tells Adam about the satanic design of the creation of heavy-duty weapons from the particles of the substance mined from the fiery subsoil of the Earth, and its implementation (472-494). The God-son came to confusion under the head of the new weapons on the head of the Archangels, whose forces came to confusion under the pressure of a new weapon. So returns to the beginning of the poem.
Book VII.. Archangel Rafail tells Adam about the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creation of a new world and its implementation after Satan's overthrow. Before God starts to create the world in the Word, God-son will fulfill the general shift:

Here, stops burning wheels
Rotate, he took the Circle Golden, -
Product of the Lord Workshops -
To frontiers of the universe outline
And other constructed things;
And, in the center of the tip setting,
Another end rushed in the pitch darkness
The boundless abyss - the circle and commanded:
- Before this feature, too, the world, spread!
Your circle and border is here!
God the Word creates the world, separating the light from darkness, the solid from the water, inhabits the world by plants, fish and animals. In the seventh day of creation instead of the word music sounds.
The book ends with the Soviemal Soviem, in which one of his most great qualities is called the ability to turn evil for good.

Book VIII. Adam tells Archangel about his first impressions of the world, how knowledge about the world and the nature of things was included in it. He is asked about the essence of knowledge. Archangel tells him about the wisdom of the world of the world, about the incomprehensibility of the divine design and about the uselessness of attempts to know what is not given to know the man by God, about the wisdom of ignorance, the ability to "not poison / disturbing drums - a condition / blissful life." God allows us to only guess to people about the device of the world and open their secrets, laughing at the people of people to figure them out:

All the universe provided he
Lovers of guessing, maybe
Above them to laugh,
Over a pathetic mumader of husbands
Scientists, over barren vanity
Their opinions of future when they
Calculate the stars, create start
Models of the speculative skies
And many invent systems,
One other replacing them striving
The plausibility is imagined to give. - 72-82.
In a conversation with God Adam, watching the durability of all creatures, asks about her loneliness and receives an answer about what was created by the likeness of God, and he is one. Adam doubts the justice of heard (but his doubt is within faith) and argues that the divine nature is perfect and self-sufficient, and the human is looking for a similar one. God creates Eve for him. Adam reflects on nature earth Love, Her humanity.

Book IX..
Binding in the snake, Satan meets Eve and lizily informs her that he had fallen from the fruit with the tree of knowledge and not only did not die, but also gained the gift of the word. Eva gives back temptation. Most of all she wants to become a wise. She is going to hide his act from Adam, bliss one and be knowledgeable. But its existence poisons the idea that she probably was promised, became a mortal, may die, and for Adam creates another wife. She matches the solution: Adam must divide her fate. Adam struggled by Eva, but ready to die with her. The earth moans in the fall (782-784).
Before the fall, Adam determines the essence of the nature of man and speaks of the impossibility of penetration of evil besides his own will.

Book H.. Heaven is published about the sin of man, but sorrow will dissolve in deep compassion and does not violate bliss. Changes occur in human nature:
God proclaims eternal hostility between people and snakes. Adams Adam to extract bread in the sweat of the face, and Eva give birth to flour. God-son dressing people in the skins of squeezed animals.
Draised by huge distances with Satan, sin and death feel that it is time for them to leave hell and move to the ground, and build the steady bridge connecting hell and land. Sin believes that, rejected the world, the Creator gave him to the power of Satan and now he will have to share his authority. Satan returns to hell, keeps speech in the throne room and is waiting for the hands-ups, but instead hears the hiss of their associates who applied in the snakes.

God suggests that he should let death into the world, so that "lick and dirt and dirt for all overgrowth" (629-632). With the arrival of death into the world, "the beast rebelled / on the beast, the birds rushed to birds, / and the fish fell against the fish." According to the command of God, the angels shifted 20 degrees to the axis of the Earth, which changes the climate, the droughts and jersey are changing.
Adam shall be executed by his fate and reproaches God that he did not ask him about his creation, and is ready to pray for the transformation into dust. But he understands that he will have to adopt the current living conditions that he considers immensely difficult. He realizes that he would not accept such reproaches from his own son, as it would make it on the light not desire, but by nature. Adam is trying to realize what is non-existence and what the relationship between God and death is: if God is the Creator of all things, could he make death. It comes awareness that becoming mortals - it does not mean to stop existence at the time of the fall, but to live with a terrifying sense of limbs of one's own being.
Eva is ready to be heaven to be punished only by one. She offers Adam not to have offspring, "the voracious death of the rejection", or to commit suicide without a unwell waiting for death. But Adam recalls: God is appointed that the offspring of Eva will smack in Zmia's head, it means to take revenge on Satan, it is impossible to refuse heirs.

Book XI. Four hearts enlighten. The Son God suggests that the fruits stunned and born in the heart of a man, more valuable fruits on any of the paradise trees. God makes it clear that it deprives the person of bliss not from cruelty, but in order to heal that flaw, which arose in the fall. And death is delayed for the same: "Many days / granted to you, so that you could, / repent, through good deeds / fix evil." At the same time, a person is given advice "too much / not to pin down with all soul to things, which are not entitled to possess."
In order to teach Adam to be wise in Earth Being, Archangel Mikhail is the picture of the future, life on Earth to the Great Flood, the vices, who will indulge in mankind, many deaths that will have to survive. And tells about the art to live. The most cruel that is waiting for a person - the need to survive their youth, beauty and strength. Life from it will be drunk. Learn to live - it means to be able to not fall in love with life, but also do not hate it. The main thing is to remember that it is "created / for the highest goal, clean and holy." Archangel shows Adam Life's life "Masters and Arts of Arts", which meaning "neglect / their creator" and reject his gifts. Archangel sees them "The source of the troubles / in the style of feminine men, which need (...) / congenital dignity to store." Then Adam will have to see the tribe of the warriors who commit "the deeds of the great heroism, but rejected truthful advantages," and as a fair act he perceives the great flood-fastened.

Book XII. Archangel Mikhail continues his story about the Earth's existence of people, about the essence of the sin and new relegations before God. He talks about how people think of storming heaven, wound up with God, will begin to build Babylonian towerFor which God will punish them, mixing languages, sending a multilingual and disgraceless words. - 370-379.
Archangel explains Adam that his clothes of flaws generated by the fall will be painful. In response to the fact that a man rejected by him the highest true freedom of voluntary ministry forces of heaven, "God / in the rupture will subjugate him from the outside / the Tiracy of self-stocked leaders." People will "lose their freedom of external, following the fact that they will lose, sinless, / freedom inner."
The laws established by God only highlight the sinfulness of a person, but do not eradicate sins and do not reach them. Atonement can only bring righteous blood spilled for sinners. Laws exist only for earthly life and prepare for the perception of eternal truth when moving from the flesh to spirit, when the whole earth will again become a paradise that will exceed Eden.

Archangel Mikhail and Adam argue and praise the ability of God, called at the end of the VII book, transform evil in good. Adam recognizes the highest blessing "obedience, love and fear / only God to give (...) only from it / depend on". Understanding this Archangel Mikhail declares the highest knowledge:

Falling this - I knew
You are completely and not pith hope
For more, at least names
All the stars learned all the essential forces,
All the secrets of the abyss, everything that created
Nature, all that in the sky, on Earth,
In the seas and air is created by the Almighty.

And calls Adam to reinforce this knowledge of the affairs and love of neighbor - "She is a soul / total." Archangel calls qualities with the help of which a person who has lost paradise will be able to find "other / inside himself, the blown paradise.
Eva talks about a dream inspired by her god giving calmness. She considers a blessing to leave Paradise with Adam: "Stay alone - equally / worship of Paradise." Adam and Eve "like wanderers, (...) hand in hand" leave paradise.
Author Repeller V. V. Rinkevich
Texts are used: Chernozemova E. N. John Milton. "Lost heaven"

Adam and Eve are the first people, the best creatures of God, from revenge the sophisticated Satan and punished by God the exile from the earthly paradise - Eden. The first people were immortal and sinless, they did not know the suffering, pain, the flour of jealousy and envy, the burden of labor. Their life in Eden is beautiful and happy. Adam and Eve are conceived as an embodiment of a religious ideal: the submissive Design of God, they live in bliss, as if the heroes of Idyllius. God forbade the first people to touch the tree of knowledge: "... Do not look for other happiness and be able to know." Their bliss unconsciously, due to the refusal of the temptation of knowledge. The serenity of the first people is caused by the fact that they have no contradictions, they have no existence, there is no development. Thus, the paradise idyll is though beautiful, but limited. Satan tempts Eve knowledge and forces it to taste the forbidden fruit. He proves to her that no knowledge people cannot comprehend the essence of things: that not knowing death, people cannot appreciate how beautiful life is; Not knowing evil, can not judge good; Knowledge is a great strength, it gives the power and equates to God. The first people in the work of Milton were warned about temptation. Adam violated the ban of God not by ignorance, but consciously, from love and compassion for his girlfriend. This means that they are responsible for their actions for perfect sin. Adam and Eve are expelled from Eden, and Archangel Mikhail tells them the future history of mankind: people are waiting for sins, death, illness, sizza, grave work, their descendants will commit crimes. But the first people from Eden, the first people acquire genuine humanity: they turn into people of tragic destiny from idyllic heroes. Philosophically Milton justifies the fall: he glorifies the labor as the main purpose of man, condemns social disasters - wars, tyranny, intolerance, inequality; He famous mankind that goes forward, acquires the truth in suffering and delusions.