Characteristics of Princess Trubetka from the poem "Russian women" N. Nekrasova

Characteristics of Princess Trubetskaya from the poem
Characteristics of Princess Trubetka from the poem "Russian women" N. Nekrasova

Princess M.N. Volkonskaya

From the poem N. Nekrasov "Russian women"

Vera Egyutina, Anatoly Kotorov, Yuri Rashkin

With ancient watercolor looks at us a deep swords of a charming young woman. We are not known for the name of the artist, nor the exact date of creation of the portrait. But we know that Maryna Raevskaya is depicted on it - one of the most famous women of the XIX century, the daughter of the famous general of 1812, a seven beauty ...
A young Pushkin, who knew Maria Nikolaevna, who knew Maria Nikolaevna was also located in the Raevsky family for a long time, as well as many, her beauty, mind and grades. Footprints of youthful youthful love remained in the soul of the poet for life. Raevsky dedicated to many wonderful lines in Pushkin verses and poems. At least these:

Find out at least sounds,
Happened, cute you, -
And think that in the days of separation,
In my volatile fate
Your saddenie
The last sound of your speeches -
One treasure, shrine.
One love soul is mine.

These words (from "Dedication to Poltava), penetrated by sadness, some surprisingly gentle, reverent feeling, were written in 1828. At this time, Maria Nikolaevna has been married for several years. Behind the man harsh and closed, much older than himself, the hero of the battle with Napoleonic troops and, too, as a general, like her father. Male Mary Nikolaevna belonged to a knowledgeable, rich, possessing "high connections", "the cumped Milosts of the monarch of the monarch" the sign of the princes of Volkonsky. It was highly appreciated in the noble society, envied his position, respected for a solid, independent character. In a word, the life of Mary Volkonskaya, it would seem, was to be cloudless. She took almost a year in Italy, her son was born. And her beauty flourished, as never before ... But why so much sadness in Pushkin rows? What kind of "desert" and "separation", about which "last sound" of her speeches speaks of them? And why does the "dedication" mentions this charming woman in a tone of hopeless bitterness, irrevocable loss? Recall the story. In December 1825, unheard of unheard of, shook all the foundations of the autocratic "order" event - the "noble riot". People were involved in it, such highly honored, who occupied the same privileged position in the "Light", as the prince of Volkonsky ... The profiles of five Decembrists who died on the scaffold, fill the fields of Cherniviki Pushkin works. The rest became prisoners of terrible stone bags, the "coworly chantham" who lost all the "rights rights" and together with the thieves and killers of the rocks in the stage in Siberian mines ... few returned from there in thirty years in the "merciful" manifesto Alexander II. Just nineteen people from one hundred twenty ...
Sergey Volkonsky returned. Meeting with this harsh, piercingly clever, "Persistent" by a man became for the young writer of Graph Leo Tolstoy, a huge event: he began to write the novel "Decembrists". In his mind, the appearance of Andrei Bolkonsky began to appear. Maria Nikolaevna soon (in 1863) did not. Only in 1902, the royal censorship decided to miss the publishing written in French "Notes" written by it. It was a stunning document with all his simplicity, recreated the tragic episodes of the life of refrigerated Decembrists. And her own destiny she chose and which many considered voluntary suicide.
Russian women, the wife of the Decembrists - there were few them. But their names are Volkonskaya, Trubetskaya, Moisseva and others - forever remained in the literature, in history, in memory, in the hearts ... They are dedicated to the wonderful poem Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov "Russian women", created in 1870-1872.
They were not revolutionary - these young, gentle, beautiful women. They even - as Maria Volokonskaya, for example, - so to the end and did not accept the "bloody" ideas of their husbands. But they could not immediately "reign on the balas" or enjoy maternity, knowing that the expensive people are tormented at Katorga, in the shackles. That is why Nekrasov called his two poems - "Russian women", seeing the "selflessness, punishable by them, the testimony of the great spiritual forces inherent in the Russian woman."
In the preface to "memorizes" M. N. Volkonskaya, her son said, as the poet listened to this chronicle of the "proud patience", suffering and heroism, trying not to miss a single word for his future poem: "Several times in the evening, Nekrasov drove up Words! "Quite, I can not", fled to the fireplace, sat down to him and, having grabbed his head with his hands, cried as a child. "
A special impression on it was made by the first meeting of the Volkonskaya with her husband in the Nerchinsky mine, when this elegant twenty-year-old lady rushed into a kneel in the dirt - "And, before the husband embraced, the shackles attached to her lips!"
Nekrasovskaya poem appeared in the press and a heavy, terrible for advanced Russian people time - a peer of the defeat of the revolutionary population of the 60s, when any mention of the Decembrists, despite the late amnesty of the king, the "liberator", was considered "Kramol". Publishing in the journal "Domestic Notes" of the Poem "Grandfather" (Hero's protototi-p. G. Volkonsky), and then the first ("Princess Trubetskaya") and the second ("Princess M. N. Volkonsk" with the subtitle "Babushkina Notes ") Parts of" Russian women ", the poet was forced to express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity of revolutionary traditions in concealed form. He did not say, for example, about "Decembrists", replacing this word by others - "sufferers", "Saint". He never called named "Mustache and Palach." But every it was clear that it is about Nicolae I ...
The poem became a romantic hymn of hardness, loyalty to his beliefs. She became a classic product of Russian poetry, the property of which there were always images of high mental nobility.
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It becomes the mistress of the Great Acceptance, on which ambassadors and dignitaries are present. Then Trubetskiy leave abroad; Whether in the dream, the paintings of the old life emerge in the memory of Catherine, when they and her husband visited palaces and museums, evenings listened to the sea splash. After two months, Ekaterina Ivanovna gets to Irkutsk, where the governor himself meets. Princess is waiting when she prepared a fresh crew; The governor strongly asks her to linger. During the conversation, he reports that he is familiar with Count Laval, after which he offers Catherine Ivanovna to return home. The governor recalls that in those edges where Trubetskaya is sent, it will be surrounded by five thousand embittered convicts, incessant fights and robbery, a short suffocable summer and a long, lasting eight months of winter.

Seeing that the princess, in spite of everything, is ready to share the fate of his husband, the governor leads the last argument: if she goes further, he will lose the nobility title, and the right to inheritance. In this case, it will go to the Nerchinsky mines on the stage under the supervision of the Cossacks. Hearing that the woman is ready to move forward even with the party of the convicts, the governor confesses that he received an order to scare as much as possible. When he realized that no obstacles would stop her, he ordered the crew for the Trubetka and promised to personally deliver it to the place of reference Sergei Petrovich.

"Princess M. N. Volkonskaya"

The poem is the notes of Princess Volkonskaya, addressed to grandchildren. Memories begin with a story about the Kiev childhood heroine. Maria Raevskaya from the young age was surrounded by fans, but when the time was the time of choice, she listened to the Soviets of the Father - General Raevsky - and agreed to become the wife of Prince Volkonsky, with whom she was barely familiar. Once at night, the princess woke up a husband, who asked urgently toggle the fireplace. Without asking extra questions, Maria Nikolaevna began to burn paper and documents lying in the table boxes with Sergey Grigorievich. Then the prince answered his wife to the father's estate and left. Natives calmed the excited woman, explained that there were long marchs in the life of the general, and secret orders; She, waiting for her firstborn, should think about himself and the future child.

Close, protecting Maria Nikolaevna, have not decided to inform about her for a long time that Sergey was arrested and sentenced to religious work. When Princess learned about the sentence and announced his decision to go to her husband in Siberia, parents and brothers tried to stop her. It was hard to part with a little son; The night before leaving Maria Nikolayevna spent with a child who asked for forgiveness for the forced separation. In the way, Maria Nikolaevna visited Relative - Zinaida Volkonskaya. She supported Trubetskaya in its "fatal determination." In the evening, guests gathered in the Moscow House Zinaida Volkonskaya. Among them was Pushkin, whom Maria Nikolaevna knew from adulted years. The poet wished the princess of patience, forces and health. Then there was a long road that ended with her husband. Before huging Sergey, the princess dropped to his knees and put his shackles to her lips.

History of creation

The creation of the poem was preceded by Nekrasov's acquaintance with Son Sergey and Maria Volkonsky - Mikhail Sergeevich, who was born in the Petrovsky plant. During a joint hunt, the poet asked Mikhail Sergeevich about the life of the Decembrists in Transbaikalia; He, trying not to concern the political field, told about the life and the nrules of those places where he grew up. Memories of Mikhail Volkonsky, as well as the "notes of the Decembrist" Andrei Rosen, were used in the Nekrasovskaya poem "Grandfather" (1870).

The release of "grandfathers" did not pay off the interest of the poet to the theme of Russian women who voluntarily followed husbands to Siberia. In winter, 1871, he began to collect and detailed learning available historical materials; Summer spent in Karabikhe, working on the first part of the poem, which in the drafts had the name "Decembrist". The main problems marked by the poet after the completion of the "Princess Trubetskaya" were connected, firstly, with overcoming censorship barriers, "the commanding to concern the subject only by Party"; Secondly, "with the extreme disapplosable Russian aristocrats on the message of the facts." The lack of facts in the case of Catherine Trubetskoy was compensated by the imagination of the author, who "clearly imagined and departure to Trubetskoy, and an infinitely long winter path." The summer of the next, 1872, Nekrasov dedicated work on the second part. If the image of Catherine Trubetskoy due to the scarcity of the material found, according to researchers, "very far from real", the nature of Mary Volkonskaya was created on the basis of the princes's notes, which was kept in her son Mikhail Sergeevich. The poet learned about these memories by chance; After many persuasion, Mikhail Volkonsky agreed to read them out loud, putting him as a mandatory condition to acquaint him with a preliminary - prepress - a variant of the future poem. Memories were written in French. The Son of the Decembrist, who read and translated them for several evenings, subsequently talked about the reaction of Nekrasov on some episodes:

The Poet's interest in the topic of the Decembristov was so strong that after the publication of the first two parts, he planned to start the third: in the drafts of Nekrasov dated March 1873, a plan of a new work was found with the main character of Alexander Grigorievna Muravyova, who died at the Petrovsky factory in 1832. This idea remained unfulfilled.

Reviews and reviews

The poem caused disgraceful responses. So, Mikhail Sergeevich Volkonsky, who introduced a "princess of Trubetskaya" in the design version, found the "character of heroine strongly modified compared to the original." By bringing some adjustments to the text at his request, the author nevertheless refused to remove those episodes from the poem, which he seemed important. By sending a work in "Domestic Notes", Nekrasov accompanied the manuscript by remarka, which too late learned about the actual inaccuracies present in the poem, but for him the main thing - so that "there was no infidency."
The same claims are the lack of reliability - they sounded after the release of the second part of the Sister of Princess Volkonskaya - Sofia Nikolaevna Raevskaya, expressed discontent with the fact that "the story that he [the author] invests in the mouth of my sister, would be quite appropriate in some Men. " Quite sharp reviews about "Russian women" sounded from the pages of St. Petersburg Vedomosti (1873, No. 27) and the "Russian World" (1873, No. 46).

However, the general attitude of the press and readers was benevolent. In one of the letters, Brother Nekrasov said that the "Princess Volkonskaya" has an unprecedented success, "which one did not have one of my former writings." Literary critic Alexander Skabichevsky A few years after the release of both parts of the poem admitted:

Artistic features

First part

"Princess Trubetskaya", written by the "fast, strained yamb", consists of two parts. The first one tells about the goodbye heroine with his father, and also is a series of memories of childhood, youth, balas, marriage, travel. In the second part of the heroine, coming to Irkutsk, demonstrates the will and character in confrontation with the governor. "Princess Trubetskaya" was created by the method of "related images of dreams and javi": during the long road, Catherine Ivanovna, then dreams in reality, then it is immersed in sleep, indistinguishable from Javi. According to the literary critic Nikolay Skatov, the fragmented structure of the first part, which is the "alloy of alternating paintings" (realistic memories of life in Italy or the uprising on the Senate Square suddenly break down, turning into romantic visions), applied by the author consciously: such a kaleidoscope should show that "Heroine covered by one all-consuming impulse. "

When creating the image of Trubetsk, Nekrasov was guided by those information that he managed to learn from the memories of people who knew the princess, as well as from the "Notes of the Decembrist" Rosen, who told that the local authorities received a special order to use all the possibilities for "retention of the wives of state criminals from following her husbands ":

He [the governor] decided to consume the last remedy, persuaded, stacked and, seeing all the arguments and beliefs, announced, announced that he could not otherwise send her to her husband, like on foot with a party sinking on a rope and stages. She quietly agreed to it; Then the governor began to cry and said: "You will go."

The second part of

In the "Princess M. N. Volkonskaya", Jamb is replaced by "calm, conversational amphibrachi"; The pace and intonation will also break down, moving into a lyrical narrative of the first person. There are no fragmentary impressions here; The whole action is "family memories" with accurate observance of chronology: childhood years, pride behind the father and last name, upbringing, entering the light, marriage. In "Princess M. N. Volkonskaya", the author strictly follows the composition of the notes of Maria Nikolaevna, who remained in the house of Mikhail Sergeevich Volkonsky. The memories themselves are described in detail about the stay of the Decembrists and their wives in Siberia, but Nekrasov took only the part of them in which the princess gets to Nerchinsk.

The fact that in the final "Princess Volkonskaya" there is a meeting of Volkonskaya with Trubetskoy and finally a date of both with reference, gives the story completion to both poems and the work as a whole.

The image of Pushkin in the poem

Pushkin The author includes the second part of the "Russian women" twice. Initially, his image arises in those memories of Princess Volkonskaya, which belong to the careless period of "leprosy and coquetry". At that time, the poet lived in the house of General Raevsky in Jurzuf, then together with his family moved to the Crimea, where a lot communicated with the fifteen-year-old Maria. The second time Pushkin appears in the poem in dramatic circumstances: it comes to the salon to Zinaida Volkonskaya, to say goodbye to the princess departing in Siberia and give her a farewell on the road.

Turning to Maria Nikolaevna, the poet utters a monologue, in which he completely refuses to many "familiar mockery tone"; In a conversation with Volkonskaya, he acts as a humanist and the wardwoman of freedom, admiring the act of princess: "Believe me, spiritual such purity / not worth this light hated! / Blessed who changes his bustle / on the feud of love disinterested! " According to the author of the monograph "Mastery of Nekrasov" Kornea Chukovsky, addressed to Maria Nikolaevna, the words of Alexander Sergeevich echoed with the stanza from the sixth chapter of Evgenia Onegin, who did not enter the final edition: " Among the soulless pride, / among the brilliant fools ... / Seven waters, where I am with you / bathe, cute friends ". Pushkin's farewell in "Russian women", according to the plan of Nekrasov, should have completed with the words:

Let me more durable marble graves,
What the cross is wooden in the desert
But the light of the longline has not yet forgotten
But the biron is not in mom.

These quathers were withdrawn by censorship and did not turn on the text of the Russian Women until 1949. We are talking about young Natalia Dolgorukova (Sheremetheva), which, becoming the wife of Prince Ivan Dolgorukova, after a few days after the wedding went after her husband in the link in Berezovo. Noting that the image of the princess Volkonskaya is close to the nature of Natalia Dolgorukova, Chukovsky clarified that in memories of Maria Nikolaevna tells about Pushkin more restrained than in the poem; According to her memorables, during a meeting in the Sinaida Salon, the Volkonsky poet reported that he plans to complete the "Pugacheva history", and then go to the Nerchinsky mines to ask herringbones. " However, he did not get to Nerchinsk.

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  1. , from. 434.
  2. , from. 435.
  3. , from. 667.
  4. , from. 437.
  5. , from. 436.
  6. , from. 441.
  7. , from. 440.
  8. , from. 43.
  9. Notes Mary Nikolaevna Volkonskaya with preface and application Publisher Prince M. S. Volkonsky. - St. Petersburg, 1904. - S. XVII.
  10. , from. 439.
  11. , from. fourteen.
  12. The archive of the Decembrist S. G. Volkonsky / M. S. Volkonsky, B. L. Modzalevsky. - PG, 1918. - T. 1. - S. XI.
  13. , from. 669.
  14. , from. 669-670.
  15. Skabic A. M. // Domestic notes. - 1877. - № 3. - P. 9.
  16. , from. 132.
  17. , from. 131.
  18. , from. 42.
  19. , from. 438.
  20. , from. 444.
  21. Chukov's roots. Nekrasov skill //. - m .: Terra-book club, 2005. - T. 10. - ISBN 5-275-01261-6.
  22. M. N. Volkonskaya. Notes. - L., 1924. - P. 36.


  • N. Nekrasov. Poem. Chukovsky's poems / roots. - m.: Fiction, 1971. - P. 665-671. - (Library of World Literature).
  • V. Zhdanov. Nekrasov. - M.: Young Guard, 1971. - (Life of wonderful people).
  • Evgeniev-Maksimov V. E. Nekrasov // History of Russian literature: in 10 volumes / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House). - M., L.: Publishing House of the USSR, 1956. - T. 8. - P. 56-160 ..
  • Nekrasov N. A. Selected Works / N. Skatov. - m.: Fiction, 1987. - (library of classics. Russian literature).
  • N. A. Nekrasov. Collected Works in 4 volumes / N. Skatov. - M.: True, 1979. - T. 1.

Excerpt that characterizes Russian women (poem)

A young officer, with an expression of bewilderment and suffering in his face, moved away from the punishable, looking around questioningly on a passing adjutant.
Prince Andrei, having left for the front line, drove on the front. Our chain and enemy stood on the left and on the right flank far from each other, but in the middle, in the place where the parliamentarians were passing in the morning, the chains came out so close that they could see each other's faces and talk to each other. In addition to the soldiers, who occupied the chain in this place, with the same side stood a lot of curious, which, laughing, looked at strange and alien to the enemies.
From an early morning, despite the prohibition to approach the chain, the bosses could not fight back from curious. The soldiers standing in the chains, like people showing something rare, did not look at the French, but did their observations over the coming and, bored, waited for shifts. Prince Andrei stopped considering the French.
- Look, look, "said one soldier to a comrade, pointing to the Russian Mushkiter soldier, who with an officer came to the chain and something often spoken with the French Grenader. - Hit, Items as deftly! Already Hrantzuz then he does not sleep behind him. Well, you, Sidorov!
- Wait, listen. Luck, deftly! - answered Sidorov, who considered the master to speak French.
Soldier, which was pointed out, was dully. Prince Andrei found out him and listened to his conversation. Shelokhov, along with his regular, came to the chain from the left flank, on which the regiment was standing.
- Well, also, more! - ragged a regular commander, bending forward and trying not to damage any incomprehensible words for him. - Please, more often. What he?
Sheolov did not answer the Rotty; He was involved in a hot spore with the French Grenader. They said, as it should have been about campaign. The Frenchman argued, mixing the Austrians with the Russians, that the Russians gave up and fled from Ulma himself; Shelahov argued that the Russians did not give up, but beat the French.
"Here we are told to drive you and run," said Shahov.
"Just try to not be taken away with all your Cossacks," said the Grenader Frenchman.
The spectators and listeners of the French laughed.
"You will be caught to dance, as with Suvorov you danced (On Vous Fera Danser [you will be forced to dance])," said Doolokh.
- QU "EST CE QU" IL CHANTE? [What does he sing there?] - said one Frenchman.
- De L "Histoire Ancienne, [ancient story] - said another, guessing that it was about the previous wars. - L" Empereur Va Lui Faire Voir A Voir Souvara, Comme Aux Autres ... [The emperor will show your Suwara, like another ...]
"Bonaparte ..." she began to share, but the Frenchman interrupted him.
- No Bonaparte. There is an emperor! Sacre Nom ... [Chort Take ...] - he shouted angrily.
- Chort His Derie Your Emperor!
And share in Russian, rudely, overwhelmed by the soldiers and, having rolled around the gun, moved away.
"Let's go, Ivan Lukich," he said to the Rotty.
"That's how Hrantzuzski," soldiers spoke in the chain. - Well, you, Sidorov!
Sidorov winked and, referring to the French, began often, often misunderstood words:
- Kari, Mala, Tafa, Safi, Mother, helmet, - he was burdown, trying to give expressive intonation to his voice.
- Go Go go! Ha ha, ha, ha! Wow! Wow! - rang out between the soldiers of the roar of such a healthy and cheerful laughter, unwittingly through the chain of the reporting and French, that after that it was necessary, it seemed to discharge guns, blow up charges and disintegrate with everyone at home.
But the guns remained charged, the loopholes in the houses and fortifications were also terrible forward and the same as before, they remained against each other facing, filmed from the front of the cannons.

Having traveled the entire line of troops from the right to the left flank, Prince Andrei rose to that battery with which, according to the headquarters of the officer, the entire field was visible. Here he tears from the horse and stopped at the extreme of the four toes taken from the forefront. Ahead of the guns walked an hour artillery who stretched out to the officer, but according to him the sign resumed his uniform, bullish walking. The rear of the guns stood in front of the front, even behind the bone of artillery players. Left, not far from the far gun, there was a new braided shalashik, from which lively officer voices were heard.
Indeed, from the battery, a view of almost the location of the Russian troops and most of the enemy was opened. Right against the battery, on the horizon of the opposite Bug, the village of Shengraben was visible; To the left and the right could be distinguished in three places, among the smoke of their fires, the masses of the French troops, whom, obviously, was located in the country itself and for the mountain. The left of the village, in the smoke, it seemed that it was like a battery, but it was impossible to consider it a simple eye. Our right flank was located on a rather steep elevation, which was dominated by the position of the French. There was our infantry on it, and they were viscoted at the very edge. In the center, where he was the battery Tushina, with whom he considered the position of Prince Andrei, there was the most slightly and direct descent and lifting to the creek, separating us from Shengrab. Ours, our left troops were adjacent to the forest, where the fires of our switched firewood were smoldering, infantry. The French line was wider than our, and it was clear that the French could easily get around us on both sides. The back of our position was a steep and deep ravine, according to which it was difficult to retreat artillery and Connection. Prince Andrei, leaning on the gun and pulling out the wallet, drawn for himself a plan for the arrangement of troops. In two places, he put notes with a pencil, intending to report them to Bagration. He assumed, first, to focus all artillery in the center and, secondly, the cavalry to translate back, on the side of the ravine. Prince Andrei, constantly being at the commander-in-chief, watching the movements of masses and community regulations and constantly engaged in historical descriptions of battles, and in this upcoming business involuntarily discussed the future course of hostilities only in general terms. He was presented only to the next kind of major accidents: "If the enemy will lead the attack on the right flank," he said himself, "the Kiev Grenadier and Podolsky Hanroom will have to keep their position until the reserves of the Center are suitable for them. In this case, the dragoons can hit the flank and tip them over. In the case of attack on the center, we put the central battery on this elevation and under its cover we are tightened to the left flank and retreat to the ravine by echelons, "he argued himself ...
All the time that he was on the battery at the gun, he, as it often happens, without ceasing, heard the sounds of the votes of officers who spoke in Balagan, but did not understand a single word from what they said. Suddenly the sound of votes from Balagan struck him with such a sincere tone that he involuntarily began to listen.
"No, Blue," said a pleasant and as if a voice acquaintance, Andrei Voice, "I say that if one would probably have known what will happen after death, then no one was afraid of death. So, dovetone.
Another, younger voice interrupted it:
"Yes, be afraid, do not be afraid, anyway," do not pass.
- And everyone is afraid! Oh, you, scientists, "said the third courageous voice, interrupting both. - then you, artilleryrs, and scientists are very different that everything with you can, and vodka and snacks.
And the owner of a courageous voice, apparently, the infantry officer laughed.
- And everyone is afraid, "the first familiar voice continued. - You are afraid of the unknown, that's what. How do you say that the soul will go to the sky ... After all, we know that there is no sky, a sphere alone.
Again, the courageous voice interrupted an artilleryman.
"Well, treat your herbalist, Tushin," he said.
"Ah, this is the most captain who stood without a boot.", I thought Prince Andrew, gladly recognizing a pleasant philosophy voice.
- It is possible to travelers, "Tishin said," and still a future life to comprehend ... "
He did not negotiate. At this time, a whistle was heard in the air; Closer, closer, faster and more heard, heard and faster, and the kernel, as if not a negotiation of everything that was needed, with an inhuman force blasting splashes, slapped into the ground near Balagan. The earth seemed to be frowning from a terrible strike.
At the same moment, from Balagan jumped up before all the little tushin with a snack on the side of the tube; Good, his clever face was somewhat pale. He was overwhelmed by the master of a courageous voice, a brand name of the infantry officer, and ran to his company, on the run butt.

Prince Andrei Rode stopped on the battery, looking at the smoke of the gun, from which the kernel flew out. His eyes scattered through an extensive space. He saw only that before the still masses of the French were swollen, and that the left really was the battery. It has not been smoking yet. French two equestrian, probably adjutant, slipped around the mountain. Under the mountain, it is likely for strengthening the chain, a clearly visible small column of the enemy moved. Another smoke of the first shot did not dissipate, as another smoke appeared and shot. The battle began. Prince Andrei turned his horse and rowed back to the soil to find the prince of Bagration. He heard himself in rear how Canonada became more often louder. It can be seen, we started responding. Below, in the place where the parliamentarians were driving, rifle shots heard.
Lemarroa (Le Marierois) with a formidable letter of Bonaparta just sugared to Murata, and the ashamed of Murat, wanting to upset his mistake, immediately moved his troops to the center and bypass both flanks, hoping before the evening and before the arrival of the emperor, crush the insignificant Him, squad.
"Started! Here it is!" I thought Prince Andrei, feeling the blood more often began to stick to his heart. "But where is it? How will my toulon express? " He thought.
Driving between the same mouth, who ate porridge and drank vodka a quarter of an hour ago, he had seen the same quick movements of the soldiers' rifles everywhere, and on all the faces he learned that the feeling of revival that was in his heart. "Started! Here it is! Scary and fun! " The face of every soldier and officer said.
Without rearing before the strengthening built, he saw in the evening light of the cloudy autumn day of the rigging to meet him. Advanced, in the beard and the map with the smushes, drove on a white horse. It was Prince Bagration. Prince Andrei stopped, waiting for him. Prince Bagration suspended his horse and, having learned Prince Andrew, nodded his head. He continued to look ahead while Prince Andrei told him what he saw.
Expression: "It began! here it is!" It was even on a strong Karem's face of Prince Bagration with half-closed, muddy, as if disassembled eyes. Prince Andrei and restless curiosity peered into this motionless face, and he wanted to know whether he thinks and feels, and what thinks he feels this man at that moment? "Is there anything in general, behind this fixed face?" The prince of Andrei asked himself, looking at him. Prince Bagration was tilted, as a sign of agreement on the words of Prince Andrei, and said: "Good," with such an expression, as if all that happened and what was reported to him, it was exactly what he had already foreseen. Prince Andrei, blurted out from speed driving, spoke quickly. Prince Bagration pronounced words with her oriental accent, especially slowly, as if inspired to hurry anyway. He touched, however, trothing his horse towards the battery Tushina. Prince Andrei, together with the retinue, went behind him. For the prince of Bagration, the Knight officer, a personal adjutant of Prince, Zhero, Ordinar, duty officer, an officer on an anneaged beautiful horse and a statistical official, an auditor who was asked to go to battle from curiosity. The auditor, a full man with a complete face, looked around with a naive smile of joy around, shaking on his horse, presenting a strange view in his Kamlotovoy Schineli on the Furshtat sedel among hussar, Cossacks and adjutants.
"That wants to look at the battle," said Zherkov Bolkonsky, pointing to the auditor, "yes under the spoon I got sick.
"Well, I'm full," the auditor said with a shiny, naive and together with a smile, as if he was flattering that he was the subject of Gherkova's jokes, and as if he was deliberately trying to seem more stupid than he really was.
"Tres Drole, Mon Monsieur Prince," Very funny, my Mr. Prince, "said the officer's duty headquarters. (He remembered that in French as it was especially said by the title prince, and could not yet establish.)
At this time, they all have already approached the battery Tushina, and the kernel hit them ahead.
- What did it fall? - Naively smiling, asked the auditor.
"French pellets," said Zherkov.
- This beat this, then? - asked the auditor. - Passion what!
And he seemed to bloom all from pleasure. Untime, he agreed how again there was an unexpectedly terrible whistle, suddenly the ceased strike in something liquid, and sh sh shlepp - the Cossack, who went to the Earth somewhat right and behind the auditor, rushed to the ground. Gorkov and duty headquarters officer stuck to the saddles and off the horses. The auditor stopped against the Cossack, considering him with attentive curiosity. The Cossack was dead, the horse was still fighting.
Prince Bagration, squinting, looked back and, seeing the reason for the confusion, indifferently turned away, as if: whether it is worth doing nonsense! He stopped the horse, with the reception of a good rider, hesitated a little and straightened the sword hooked. The sword was old, not so which now worn. Prince Andrei recalled the story about how Suvorov in Italy presented his sword Bagration, and this moment was especially nice to him. They drove up to the very battery, who stood Bolkonsky when he considered the battlefield.
- Whose company? - asked the prince of Bagration with Fairverker, standing at the boxes.
He asked: whose company? And in essence he asked: Do you really do you? And Fairverber understood it.
"Captain Tushina, Your Excellency," shouting, shouted with a cheerful voice of redhead, with a covered freckle face, fireworks.
"So, so," said Bagration, something that think, and drove to the extreme to the tools.
While he approached, from the tool, stunning him and a retinue, ranged, and in smoke, suddenly surrounding the tool, were visible by artillerymen, picked up the gun and, hastily tightening her, rolling it to her former place. Widewriting, a huge soldier of 1st with a banner, spreading his legs wide, bounced off the wheel. 2nd shaking hand laid charge in a blow. A small stupid man, a tushin officer, stumbling on the trunk, ran forward, not noticing the general and peeping out of under a small handle.
- Two more lines add, just so it will be, - he shouted with a thin voice, which he tried to give the Moltoint, who did not go to his figure. - Second! - he regained. - Crush, Medvedev!
Bagration called an officer, and Tushin, a timid and awkward movement, not at all, as the military saluting, and so, as priests bless, putting three fingers to the visor, went to the general. Although Tushina's guns were appointed in order to install a hollow, he shot the firecakels on the Village Schangraben's Village, in front of which large masses of the French were put forward.
No one ordered Tushin, where and how to shoot, and he, having consulted with his Feldebell Zakharchenko, to which he had great respect, decided that it would be good to light the village. "Okay!" He said Bagration to the report of the officer and began to look around the battlefield that opened in front of him, as if something consumed. On the right side, the most approached the French. The lowering of the height on which the Kiev regiment was stood, in the river hollow, heard the rugged crucian rugs for the soul, and much to the right, behind the dragoons, the Sweet officer pointed the prince to the French column by our flank. Left The horizon was limited to a close forest. Prince Bagration ordered two battlements from the center of reinforcement to the right. The Sweet officer dared to notice the prince that the torture of these battlements will remain without cover. Prince Bagrationov turned to the Sweet officer and looked silently in dull eyes. Prince Andrei seemed that the comment of the Sweet officer was fair and something had nothing to say. But at that time, an adjutant came from the regimental commander who was in the hollow, with the news that the huge masses of the French were walking down that the regiment was upset and retreating to the Kiev Grenades. Prince Bagrations tilted his head as a sign of consent and approval. He went to the right and sent the adjutant to the dragoons with the orders to attack the French. But sent there, the adjutant arrived in half an hour with the news that the Dragun regulatory commander had already retreated for the ravine, for a strong fire was sent against him, and he wondered people and therefore rushing the shooters in the forest.
- Okay! Said Bagration.
While he drove away from the battery, the left also heard the shots in the forest, and since it was too far to the left flank, in order to come to arrive at the time, Prince Bagration was sent there to Gherkov to say to the senior general, the one who represented the regiment Kutuzov in Brownau, so that he retreated as if you can hastily for the ravine, because the right flank probably will not be able to hold the enemy for a long time. About Tushina and Batalion, who covered it, was forgotten. Prince Andrei carefully listened to the conversations of Prince Bagration with the heads and to the orders given to them, and surprise noticed that there were no orders, and that Prince Bagration only tried to pretend that everything that was done by necessity, chance and will of private bosses, That all this was done at least by his order, but according to his intentions. Thanks to the prince of Bagration, Prince Andrei noticed that, despite this chance of events and their independence from the will of the head, the presence of it made extremely many. Heads, with upset persons who approached the prince Bagration, became calm, the soldiers and officers were having fun and became lively in his presence and, apparently, they fought their bravery before him.

"Poem N.A. Nekrasov "Russian women": "Princess Trubetskaya". The greatness of the spirit of the Russian woman "(integrated lesson on literature, history and geography).

Popova Olga Viktorovna,

russian language and literature teacher

Maou Lyceum №81 Tyumen

The purpose of the lesson: introduce Russian women's poem; Create conditions for understanding the image of the main character, its act; identify moral concepts, human spiritual possibilities; Promote the development of analytical and expressive reading, building logical statements.


1) shape the skill of the analysis of the work, the ability to allocate the main thing through the analysis of the actions of heroes;

2) to create conditions for the formation of interest among students in the history and geography of our Motherland; contribute to the upbringing of students of patriotism; develop speech students, ability to reflect on a given topic, the ability to work with a geographic map;

3) raise a sense of respect for a woman who can make a selfless feat in the name of love.

Equipment: computer, presentation, fragment of the television film Vladimir Motyl "Star of captivating happiness" (execution of the Decembrists), geographical satin grade 8, printing card, ruler, calculator, dictionary V.I. Daly, cards with tasks for working in groups

During the classes:

1. Teacher's introductory word

We are smart,

We are friendly,

We are attentive,

We are diligent.

In the seventh grade learning

Everything will work with us!

Our lesson today I would like to start with Crosssen.

What is encrypted on the slide?

N.A. Nekrasova was his cherished corner.Find a city on the geographic map having coordinates of 57 SS. and 39 VD. (Yaroslavl). 15 kilometers south of Yaroslavl was the cherished corner of Nekrasov - Karabiha. He spent here every summer for fourteen years - the best years of poetic life. Hunting journeys, meetings with peasants, observations of the village's life were fertile soil for the emergence of many works of the poet. One of the central themes written here was the topic of the fate of the Russian woman. "Frost, red nose" and the poem about the heroic past of the country "Russian women", dedicated to the wives of the Decembrists who followed their husbands to Siberia appeared in Karabikha.

2. Message Topics lesson

- Today at the lesson we will work with a passage from the poem Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov "Russian women". What are we going to talk about? (the purpose of the lesson)

What do you think about this poem? What kind of women?

Russian woman, what is she? Describe a Russian woman with adjectives.

You see, without reading the work, and you were able to describe the main heroine of the poem "Russian women." Who is she? Open the tutorial and see about whom we will have a conversation today.

Opening the first page, read the name "Princess Trubetskaya". Who is this woman?

Report about the princess of Trubetskoy.

Trubetskaya Ekaterina Ivanovna ( November 21 - October 14, Irkutsk) - Neborn Countess Laval. The wife of the Decembrist S. P. Trubetsky. She followed him to Siberia daughter of the French emigrant, a member of the General Board of School, later - by the 3rd Expedition of the Special Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ivan Stepanovich Laval and Alexandra Grigorievna Laval. Ekaterina and her sisters did not need anything and did not know the refusal.

According to the reviews of contemporaries, Catherine Laval was not beautiful - low, continued, but charming, cheerful fast-moving voice. In Paris, in 1819, Ekaterina Laval became acquainted with Prince Sergei Petrovich Trubetsky, and in May 1821 he was married for him. Five years after the wedding, it was suddenly it turned out that Sergey Trubetskoy, together with friends, he prepared an uprising.

What do you think about what rebellion is we talking about?

Who are the Decembrists, what do we know about them?

What do you know about the Decembrist uprising?

3. Historical certificate .

Student performance (preliminary preparation)
In November 1825, during a trip to the south of Russia, Emperor Alexander I unexpectedly died in Taganrog. He had no children, and Alexander's brother was to inherit the throne. But he still died from the throne in favor of the younger brother Nicholas.

December 14, 1825several military units went to the Senate Square, refusing to submit to the new king. The head of them stood young officers-noblemen, the color of the capital of the highest society. These people later began to call the Decembrists.

Decembrists wanted to adopt the oath by senators and members of the State Council to force them to sign "Manifesto", in which they proposed to cancel the serfdom, proclaim the freedom of speech, religion, freedom of classes, movement, equality of all classes before the law, a decrease in the period of the soldiers' service.

Several times Nikolai I sent "to admonish" the generals, Metropolitans, several times the cavalry attacked the shelves of the rebels. By evening, the king gave the order to shoot the rebels.The uprising in St. Petersburg was suppressed in a few hours. Investigation and recruitment began over the participants.

The royal government brutally dealt with the Decembrists. The investigation was attracted by 570 people, more than a hundred were convicted of a catguard and settlement to Siberia, many officers were resigned in private and sent to various provinces for the supervision of the police.Prisoners were deprived of the nobility, ranks and honors.The soldier ordered to drive through the order and sent to the Caucasus to the existing army. Five Decembrists - Poet Konstantin Fedorovich Ryleev, Pavel Ivanovich Pestel, Sergey Ivanovich Muravyov-Apostol, Mikhail Pavlovich Bestuzhev-Ryumin and Peter Grigorievich Kakhovsky - were hanged in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Demonstration of a fragment of a television film Vladimir Motyl "Star of captivating happiness" (execution of the Decembrists)

- "... again endlessroad,that terrible, which the people nicknamed by the fated chains, and on it under the cold lunar, in a frown kibitka, in a hurry to his exile husbandrussian woman, from luxury and bliss in the cold and curse ",- So about the poem N.A.Nekrasov, which we will consider today, wrote the poet of the beginning of the 20th centuryK.D. Balmont in his article "Mountain peaks" (1904).

Today, together with the princess - the heroine of the poem - we go on the road.

BUTthe path of Princess Trubetskaya from St. Petersburg began

- Find this city on the geographic map. Her path passed through the Moscow - Siberian tract. It was the only road connecting the European part of Russia with Siberia. What is a path? Let's look at the meaning of this word in the dictionary(work with the dictionary)

It was not close to the way from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk, the place of links of the Decembrists, but the brave woman moved on July 25, 1826. How many kilometers was to drive Trubetskoy to see her husband?

Look at the map. Through which cities passed Moscow - Siberian tract (Consider the names of cities). Find on the geographical map of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Perm, Ekaterinburg. What distance was the princess Trubetskaya from the site of events (St. Petersburg city) to the capital of the Ural Territory (Yekaterinburg city)?

In two dozen miles of West Ekaterinburg in the 18th century, a pillar was erected with the inscription "Europe - Asia". The arrestants reached this place took a handful of land, which was stitched into the bag and wore on the chest. Another geographical symbol was ten versts from the village of Tugul. Here, at the junction of the Perm and Tobolsk province, the pillar "Siberia" rummaged. At the foot of this monument the convicts, exposing shaved heads, restfully baptized, Fallen NIC and whispered with tears: "Goodbye, Russia-Mother! ..".

Dalit princes the way lying,
There was a harsh winter ...
At each station itself,
The traveler comes out: "Easy,
Strengthen the horses! "
And a generous hand
Chervonians Chelyadi Yamskaya.
But hard way! On the twentieth day,
Barely arrived in Tyumen,
Still rocked ten days
"We will see soon Yenisei, -
Said Princess Secretary.
Does not go and sovereign! .. "

Having moved the Ural Mountains, the princess turns out to be in Siberia, and on September 16, 1826, she comes to the city of Irkutsk.Calculate what distance I drove Trubetskaya from Yekaterinburg to Irkutsk? How many kilometers overcame this bold and brave woman?Follow the text of the poem in the textbook.

For two months almost

Permanently day and night in the way.

On a divorce

And the end of the path is far away!

Princess satellite is so tired,

That under the Irkutsk zakorla

Two days waiting for him she

Her in Irkutsk met himself

Chief of urban;

How power is dry like a stick straight

High and gray.

Slit from his doha's shoulder,

Under it - crosses, uniform,

On the hat - feathers rooster.

Confident brigadier

Rugs for something like a daughter

Hurryly jumped

And the doors of the lasting age

Princess challenged ...

In Nerchinsk! Stay!

The path of the princess lay on the east in the town of Nerchinsk, where in 1825 the first wooden building of a grain-core prison was built. The first to the new prison was a political religion - Decembrists.

Stage of the study (group work) - Enable music at the time of execution of the task

I propose to refer to the text of the poem in the textbook and work in groups, Analyze the passage.

1 group

Stress in the text of the string, which refers to the climatic conditions and the nature of Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia.

All will be a verst to eight hundred
And the main trouble:
The road will go worse here
Dangerous ride! ..

Besle our side,
And that - even the poores
In short, our spring,
Winter is still longer.
Yes-s, eight months winter
There - do you know?

But you will not live there:
That climate will kill you!

Oh! whether you live in the country
Where are the air in humans
Not ferry - dust ice
Comes out of nostrils?
Where is the darkness and cold all year,
And in the short heat -
Non-free swamp
Horde couples?
Yes ... a terrible edge! From there away
Run and beast of forestry,
When the carnation night
Hang over the country ...

Here mother - Water Snow
Right, Omoet Daughter,
Baby Grozny Bury
Baubets all night,
And wakes wild beast, lever
Near forest huts,
Yes Purga, pussy
In the window, like a house.
With deaf forests, with desert rivers
Selecting your tribute
Freough Native Man
With nature in battle

Yes, in spring
In Nerchinsk you will come if you
The road will not kill.
Orders of four per hour
Circled goes;
In the middle of the day - the halt,
With sunset day - overnight,
And the hurricane in the steppe found -
Marnate in the snow!

2 groups

Track the text as the arguments against the continuation of the path sets out the governor Princess:

Increasing the psychological pressure in order to make the return Trubetskaya home.

Our road is so bad

You need to rest…

A reminder of what power "in the local side" he possesses.

As long as I do not order,

He will not be served ...


Princess! Here is the king!

Presence of paper

With last mail sent


Prediction of the Future

But it's well known to you

What awaits you?

The impossibility to return to the old life, the possible remorse of the conscience of the husband, who became the culprit of her bitter fate.

not to know with you

He is happy fucking ...

Reminder of glory and kindness of kind.

When not valiant blood

I flowed in you - I was silent.

Appeal to female pride.

And what? ... You run for him,

As a pathetic slave.

Threat to get to Nerchinsk "stage"

You will behave in the stage

Corree ...

3 Group

Make the text how the courage of the Princess Trubetskoy is strengthened, as it is growing in her soul to rush to the accomplishment of heroic act (continue the path to Irkutsk, following her husband).

Princess naively believes that the governor, as a friend of her father, will accelerate a meeting with her husband

So order ... I ask…

Princess withstands a reminder of the Mount Father.

But the debt is different ... I call me ...

She is morally ready for life at Katorga.

It will be awful, I know ...

People live in the very edge

I got used to ...

Princess Fearless

Let death be destined to me

I have nothing to regret! ...

Firm and courageous

All your torture not to extract

Tears from my eyes!

The gap with the same life is solved consciously, sharing the beliefs of her husband.

There is no place there, there is no friend

To someone once again!

The height of civilian feelings of princess Trubetskoy.

But I know: to the homeland love

My rival ...

Readiness for the heroic act:

Tell me a party to chose

I go, I don't care ...

4 Group

Is N.A. Nekrasov, calling after all the poem "Russian women"? P ochia, the poem is called "Russian women", not "Decembrist" or "Russian princess"?

Among the brave women who decided to divide the fate of their husbands, the first was Catherine Ivanovna Trubetskaya. It was followed by Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, and then another ten decamplers. The names and surnames of women who followed their husbands in a distant unknown Siberia.
They were eleven - doubtful, as Alexander Vasilyevna Jenaltsev and Alexander Ivanovna Davydova, or severely disgraced in childhood Polina Gebl, the bride of the Decembrist Annenkov. But Most - Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya and Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya, Alexandra Grigorievna Muravyova - Daughter of Count Chernyshev, Elizaveta Petrovna Naryshkin, nee Countess Konovnyna, Baroness Anna Vasilyevna Rosen, General's Wives - Natalia DmitrievnaYushnevskaya and Camilla Ivashev.
Few Decembrists lived to amnesty that came in 1856, after 30 years of reference. Of the 11 women who followed husbands to Siberia, three remained here forever. Alexandrina Muravyova, Camilla Ivashev, Ekaterina Trubetskaya.

Initially, the poem was called "Decembrist". This name written by a pencil has been preserved in the handwritten version in the archives. Researchers note that "it is much more accurate than" Russian women ", because among the Decembristians there were three French and one Polka: Annenkova (Nebl), Trubetskaya (Laval), Ivashev (Le Dantei) and Yushnevskaya.

The final word of the teacher.

All the arguments of the governor about the burden of life in Siberia are minor and losing their strength in front of the courage of the heroine, her hot willingness to be loyal to her husband and duty. The ministry of the highest goal, the execution of holy debt for it above all purely personal.

Handing hand in hand with her husband a heavy 28-year-old way of cortics and links, Trubetskaya just two years did not live before the day when the Decembrists and their wives were allowed to return to Russia.

The replacement of the initial name "Decembrist" to the "Russian women" emphasized that heroism, the power of the spirit, the moral beauty is inherent in the Russian woman's impact of the centuries. Nekrasov showed that the image of the "magnifier of Slavs" does not belong to one social layer. This type of women is nationwide, since the main component of it is spiritual beauty. Princess Trubetskaya Nekrasova is a generalized image, as well as images of other sembist wives. Nekrasov gives them the features of that heroic dedication, the decisive combat character, the examples of which he saw in the best people of his time.

Let's summarize our conversation. Make a synkewin on today's lesson.

Princess Trubetskaya.

Courageous, loving.

Everything threw it, I got it, stood.

Real Russian woman.

Faithful wife.

Homework: write a mini-essay on the topic "Is a modern woman who is capable of acting like Princess Trubetskaya?" Or "Is it possible to call the feet of the act by Trubetsk?Your attitude to the act of heroine? " (optional).

There is a wonderful film "Star of captivating happiness." It uses the plot from the chapter "Princess Trubetskaya". I advise you to see this feature film to see the unforgettable feat of the Decembrists' wives, see their captivating images.

Thank you for work in the lesson!

1) The history of the creation of the poem N.A. Nekrasov "Russian women."

In the 70s of the XIX century, another public lift is planned in Russia. Many Russian writers and poets respond to this social movement and write their literary works, in the center of which social problems. So, N.A. Nekrasov appeals to the topic of the village of the Decembrists, followed by their husbands in Siberia and thereby the deprived of the social and financial situation in society. In 1872-1873, two parts of the poem N.A. are published in the journal "Public Notes" Nekrasov "Russian women" ("Princess Trubetskaya" and "Princess M.N. Volkonskaya"). In this poem, N.A. Nekrasov chants a woman from the noble circle.

2) Features of the genre. Production N.A. Nekrasov "Russian women" refers to the genre of the poem. The poem is a large form of LarEpic poetry; A large poetic work with a narrative or lyrical plot based on the combination of the narrative characteristics of the acting persons, events and their disclosure through the perception of an estimate of the lyrical hero, the narrator.

3) Features of the plot of the 1st part of the poem N.A. Nekrasov "Russian women" (Princess Trubetskaya).

How does this part of the poem begins? (with the description of "on the sophisticated coherent" and the experiences of the graph-father, sending their daughter to Siberia)

How does the princess explains the Trubetskaya departure? ("But the debt is different, and above and more difficult, I call me ...")

What does your daughter ask for a father? (blessings on the far way) What a feeling of my father, according to Princess Trubetsk, should cause a daughter's act? (pride feeling)

4) the characteristics of the narration in the poem. The main part of the 1st part of the poem (Princess Trubetskaya) was built in the form of a dialogue between the princes Trubetskoy and the governor, who tries to persuade the princess to return home.

How much time did the princess Trubetskaya spent on the way to a meeting with the governor? (almost two months)

How on. Nekrasov shows that the path of the princess is really very difficult? (The poet uses the reception of comparison: the princess satellite is so tired, which is seriously ill, and the further path of Princess Trubetskaya continued alone.)

Why personally himself governor met the princess? (Governor came to the governor asking any means to return the princess back home.)

What arguments give the governor, saying that the princess immediately go home? (The governor leads a lot of arguments: and the fact that the departure of the daughter killed the graf father; and what is where she goes, "eight months of winter"; and the fact that a terrible life at the cautor, etc.)

Why is the princess Trubetskaya for all arguments of the governor responsible for refusal? ("But the debt of another, and above and the Holy, I call me ...")

Who turns out to be morally resistant in this dialogue? (Princess)

What do you think, why N.A. Nekrasov chooses for their poem exactly the form of dialogue? (The inner world of heroes, their experiences, feelings) is better revealed through the dialogue.

What is the finale of this part of the poem? (The governor is aware of the moral superiority of Princess Trubetskoy and promises to take it into place in three days, even if it is removed from office.)

5) Theme of the Nekrasov Poems. Poem "Russian women" N.A. Nekrasova - about the courageous and noble feat of the wives of the first Russian revolutionaries-Decembrists, who, despite all the difficulties and deprivation, went for their husbands in the reference, in a distant Siberia, in the harsh uninhabited places of their conclusion. They abandoned wealth, the convenience of familiar life, from all civil rights and condemned themselves to the serious position of exile, on painful and painful living conditions. In these tests, the strength of their characters, determination and courage was manifested. The best mental quality is the power of will, the ability to love, loyalty - these are the qualities inherent in the heroons of the poem N.A. Nekrasov "Russian women." All Nekrasovskaya poem "Russian women" consists of two parts: the first is devoted to the princess of Trubetskoy, and the second is the princess Volkonskaya.

6) Characteristics of the heroes of the poem.

The image of the princess of Trubetskoy.

Princess E.I. Trubetskaya is one of the wives of the Decembrists that followed their husbands. Princess Trubetskaya Nekrasov shows as it were from the side, draws external difficulties who meet on its path. No wonder the central place in this part occupies a scene with the governor, frightening the princess waiting for her deprivation:

Anointed hard sugar
And life locked up
Shame, horror, hard
Page path ...

All the arguments of the governor about the bitters of 5kizni in Siberia are minor and losing their strength in front of the courage of the heroine, her hot willingness to be loyal to his debt. The ministry of the highest goal, the execution of holy debt for her above all purely personal:

But I know: to the homeland love
My rival ...

The replacement of the initial name "Decembrist" to the "Russian women" emphasized that heroism, the power of the spirit, the moral beauty is inherent in the Russian woman's impact of the centuries. Nekrasov showed that the image of the "magnifier of Slavs" does not belong to one social layer. This type of women is nationwide, it can be found in the peasant bearer, and in a large living room, since the main component of it is spiritual beauty. Princess Trubetskaya in Nekrasova Generalized image, like images of other decamples. Nekrasov gives them the features of that heroic dedication, the decisive combat character, the examples of which he saw in the best people of his time.

Who chooses N.A. Nekrasov as the main character for her poem? (woman-nobility)

What princesses the princess Trubetskaya possesses? (purposefulness, resistance, strength of the Spirit, etc.)

What do you think, why N.A. Nekrasov calls her poem "Russian women"? (The main thing for the poet in the poem is to show the feat of not just the representative of the noble class, but a Russian woman.)

Russian women

Princess Trubetskaya


Founded, durable and easy to dislike

The Graph Father himself is more than once, not two tried it first.

Six horses in it were injected, the lantern inside him lit.

The count of the pillow itself corrected, the bastard in the feet of Sllal,

Creating prayer, samples hung on the right corner

And - buried ... Princess daughter ... somewhere rides this night ...

Yes, we are glad to be a heart in half

Friend, but, native, tell me, what more do we?

Will you help me!

One who could help us

Now ... Sorry, forgive! Bless native daughter

And with the world let go!

God gaze, will see you again,

Alas! No hope. Sorry and know: Your love,

The last your covenant i will remember deep

In the distant side ... I do not cry, but not easy

To break up to me!

Oh, God sees! ... But the debt is different

And above and more difficult, I call me ... Forgive, native!

In vain tears do not! Far my way, hard my way,

My fate is scary, but steel I dressed my chest ...

Beging - I'm your daughter!

Sorry and you, my land is native,

Sorry, unfortunate edge! And you ... about the city of fatal,

Neset kings ... goodbye! Who saw London and Paris,

Venice and Rome, that brilliance do not take place,

But I loved me

Happy youth is happily

Passed in your walls, your balls loved

Kolanya from the mountains of steep, loved the splash of the Neva of your

In the evening silence, and this area in front of her

With a hero on horseback ...

I do not forget ... then, then

Tell our job ... And you will curse, a gloomy house,

Where the first cadrile I danced ... that hand

Handose my hand burns my hand ... Likui. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?

Running, durable and easy, rolling the city of Yok.

All in black, lily-pale, the princess rides in it alone,

And the secretary of the father (in the crosses to bring expensive fear)

With a servant jumps ahead ... Sweatshit Beach, shouting: "Paddy!"

The barber of the capital passed ... Fallen princess was lying,

There was a harsh winter ... at each station itself

The traveler comes out: "Extremely rewid the horses!"

And the liberty is generous hand of Chervonians Chelyadi Yamskaya.

But hard way! On the twentieth day, barely arrived in Tyumen,

Still rocked ten days,? We will see soon Yenisei,

Said Princess to secrete. Does not go and sovereign! ...?

Forward! The soul is full of longing,

The road SPJ is hard, but dreams are peaceful and easy

Dreamed her youth. Wealth, shine! High House

On the banks of the Neva, the staircase is a carpet,

Before the entrance of the lion, the lush lounge is elegantly,

Fires all burning. About joy! Today a children's ball

Chu! Music rats! Her tapes scarlet fell

In two Russian braids, flowers, outfits brought

Unprecedented beauty. Daddy came - Sed, Rumba,

To guests calling her:? Well, Katya! Miracle Sarafan!

He will drive everyone crazy!? She is any, any without borders.

There is a flower garden from cute children's faces in front of it,

Heads and Kudrey. Children are smart, like flowers,

Good old old people: plumes, ribbons and crosses,

With a ringing of heels ... dancing, jumps the child,

Not thought about anything and childhood friszing

Swears ... then another time, the ball is different

She dreams: there is a handsome young man before it

He whispers something to her ... Then again balls, balls ...

She is the mistress of them, they have dignitaries, ambassadors,

All fashionable light from them ...

About cute! What are you so sullen?

What's on your heart ?? - child! I am bored with secular noise, we will leave soon, we leave!

And here she left

With your chosen one. Before it is a wonderful country

Before it - Eternal Rome ... Ah! whatever life to remember

Do not be we have those days when, surviving somehow

From the homeland of his own and boring northern people,

We will catch up south. Before us needs, above us

None of anyone ... Self-friend is always only with those who are dear to us,

We live, as we want; Today we look at the ancient temple,

And tomorrow we will visit the palace, ruins, museum ..

How fun to share my thoughts

With your favorite creature!

Under the charm of beauty,

In the power of strict doom, you wander on the Vatican,

Deproed and sullen; Surrounding world surrounded

Do not remember live. But how strangely amazed

You are in the first moment later, when, leaving Vatican,

You will return to the world of living, where Rzhet donkey, noise fountain,

Sings the master; Trade Boykaya boils

Scream to all the frets:? Coralov! Shell! Street!

Ice cream of water!? Dancing, eats, he holds a gol,

Satisfied, and braid black as Smin

Romans of the young old woman scratch ... frying day,

Didnote in black gam, where do we find peace and shadow?

Go to the first temple.

There is no room noise here,

Coolness, silence and half scratch ... strict doom

Again the soul is full. Saints and Angels Crowd

At the top decorated temple, porphyr and jasper under the foot,

And marble on the walls ...

How sweet to listen to the sea noise!

You are sitting on the hour; Unwanted, cheerful mind

It works among those ... to the sun mountain path

Will be high what morning before you!

How to breathe easily! But hotter, hotter south day,

On the greenery of the Rosinka valleys, there is no ... we leave under the shadow

Utensy pinn ...

Princess memorable those days

Walking and conversations left they left

An indelible mark. But do not get the days of the days,

Those days of hopes and dreams, how not to return later about them

Spilled tears! ..

Rainbow dreams disappeared,

Before you a number of painted painted, drunk country: 2

Stern Mr. and a pitiful drone man

With peso head ... as the first to rule is used to

How to challenge the second! She has a group of fibery

On the Niva, in the meadows, she will shoot a moan of burlacs

On the Volga shores ... the naive horror is full,

She does not eat, not sleeping, fall asleep satellite she

I hurry questions:? Tell me, the whole edge is such? Can there be a shadow? ..? - You are in the kingdom of beggars and slaves! Short was the answer ...

She woke up - sleep in hand!

Chu, heard in front of sad ringing - Candalous ringing!

Hey, Chercher, Wait!? Then the sinking party goes

The habit of chest, the princess gives them to them,

Thank you, good way!? For her long, long-faced persons

Merries later, and do not get to her the Duma of his

Do not forget sleep! ? And the party here was ... Yes ... There are no other ways ... But the trace of their blizzard was offended. Easily, the rummer is more likely! ..?