Zilin and Kostylin - why Tolstoy chose exactly such names (according to the story "Caucasian prisoner"). Comparative characteristics of hill and crutin (Tolstoy, "Caucasian captive")

Zilin and Kostylin - why Tolstoy chose exactly such names (according to the story "Caucasian prisoner"). Comparative characteristics of hill and crutin (Tolstoy, "Caucasian captive")

The comparative characteristic of the hill and crutin - the heroes of the story L. N. Tolstoy " Prisoner of the Caucasus»

In the story of the "Caucasian captive", Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy introduces us with two Russian officers - housing and crutch. The author builds his work on opposing these heroes. Showing us how they behave in the same situations, Tolstoy expresses its idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a person should be.

At the beginning of the story, the writer reduces these heroes together. We learn that the hill is solved on a dangerous act, because in a hurry to the mother, and Kostylin - just because "I want, and the heat." The author describes the author describes as follows: "... at least it is small, and deleted was." "And Kostylin is a car car, thick, the whole is red, and the sweat is pouring away from it." Such a difference in external description Even more enhanced by the meaning of the names of heroes. After all, the name Zhilin echoes the word "lived", and the hero can be called a fat man, that is, strong, strong and straight. And in the surname, Kostylin sounds the word "crutch": and indeed, he needs support and support, and he can not anything.

Zilina writer depicts decisive, but at the same time a very prudent person: "We must go to the mountain, look ...". He knows how to assess the danger and calculate his strength. Unlike him, Kostylin is very frivolous: "What to watch? Let's go forward. " Frightened by Tatars, he behaved like a coward.

Even to the horse, the characters are different. Zhilin calls her "Mother", and Kostylin ruthlessly "enjoying" her whores. But brighter, the difference between the characters of heroes is manifested when they both turn out to be in Tatar captivity.

Hitting captive, the zilin immediately manifests itself bold strong man, refusing to pay "three thousand coins": "... with them that they rob, then worse." Moreover, I regret my mother, he consciously writes the address "not so" so that the letter does not come. And Kostylin, on the contrary, writes a few times home and asks send money to redemp.

Zhilin set himself a goal: "I will leave." He does not lose time in vain, observes the life, life and habits of the Tatars. The hero has learned to "understand in their world," began to needle how to make toys, treat people. By this he managed to arrange them to himself and even won the owner's love. Particularly touching the friendship of Zilina with Dina, who saved him at the end. Using the example of this friendship, Tolstoy shows us their rejection of the carriage and hostility between nations.

And Kostylin "for all days sits in a barn and considers the days when the letter comes, or sleeps." Thanks to his mind and Smekalka, Zhilin was able to organize escape and how a friend took crutin with him. We see that the hill courageously suffers pain, but "Kostlin is lagging behind and eats." But Zhilin does not throw him, but hears.

Once in captivity a second time, the hill is still not surrendered and runs. And the crutin is passively waiting for money and not looking for exit.

At the end of the story, both hero was saved. But the actions of Kostlina, his cowardice, weakness, betrayal towards housing cause condemnation. Perhaps only zhill deserves respect, because he got out of captivity due to his human qualities. Tolstoy is experiencing a special sympathy to him, admires his persistence, fearlessly and a sense of humor: "So I went home, married!" It can be said that the writer dedicated his story to Gilin, because he called him the "Caucasian captive", and not the "Caucasian prisoners".

In the 5th grade, we begin to learn to write essays. The first essay in the genre of comparative characteristics - "Zhilin and Kostylin" (according to the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian prisoner"). Together with the guys make up a plan and write entry together. I predict a few please good work Figy-graders.

The writing

Zhillin and Kostylin: Comparative characteristics of heroes

(according to the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian prisoner")


1. Introduction

2. Main part

2.1. How do heroes behave in a mortal danger situation? (Meeting with Tatars when the heroes are captured)

2.2. How do heroes behave when they require ransom?

2.3. How do heroes behave in captivity?

2.4. How do heroes behave during escape?

2.5. How was the fate of heroes?

3. Conclusion.

3.1. How to raise qualities in yourself, worthy of respect?

For these questions, the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian captive" makes thinking.

When Zhilin met the Tatar, he shouted Kostilin: "Carrying a gun!" But Kostlina did not turn out, he escaped like the last coward. Then Zhill thought: "Although I am alone, I will fight to the last! I do not give alive! "

In captivity, they behave differently. Zhilin did dolls, she cleaned things and thought how to escape. Kostylin slept and did nothing.

Zhilin immediately did not write a letter to not upset his relatives, but Kostlin quickly wrote a letter and waited for a redemption.

Zhilin tried to find a way to escape, and Kostlin lowered his arms and waited when they were saved. The residents of Aul are respected to Zhilin. The attitude to the housing is much better than to the crutch, because Zhill helped everyone helped, she cleaned things, masters of dolls, he treated the people, and did not lay and slept.

The characters of these heroes are completely different. Zhillin is stubborn, always achieves his and wins, he wanted to escape - he fled the first, and Kostlina bought it barely alive. I would imitate the housing, since it is brave, worthy of respect, stubborn.

I was not very pleased to read about the crutch, he was always slow, lazy, and I was pleased to read about Zhilin: he caught captured once again because of Kostlina, but even for the second time he proposes to run with him, does not throw him.

People, falling into the same circumstances, behave differently because they have different characters. Some cause respect because even in hard situation Do not lose pride and dignity.

It is necessary since childhood to teach yourself to dignity so that in a difficult situation to do the same as Zhilin.

Chugunova Sofia, 5 "A" class

Why do people fall into the same circumstances behave differently? Why do we cause respect, and others - contempt? Over these questions makes the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian captive".

"Two officers served in the Caucasus: Zhilin and Kostylin," the story begins so.

Once they left the fortress accompanied by soldiers. Then it was a hot summer, and the traffic went very slowly. Kostylin offered Zhilin to go alone, because he had a gun.

Having stopped into the gorge, they saw Tatars. Kostlin forgot to the same second and about a friend, and about the gun and rushed to grind into the fortress. He did not think that the zhill is in great danger. Kostylin did not even want to try to help a friend. When Zhilin realized that he could not get away from the chase, he decided that so simply would not surrender and at least one Tatar was born with a checker.

Zilina still captivated. He has been in Aule for several days. Tatars immediately began to demand redemption. Soon and Kostlina brought to Aul. It turns out that he has already written a letter home to send a ransom - five thousand rubles. Zhill is traded because he thinks of a mother who will not be able to find such money. And the address on the letter, he writes wrong, as I decided to independently flee from captivity.

In captivity Zhilin did not risks. He did dolls for Dean and other children, revenge the clock, "treated" or walked along aulu. Zhilin looked out for the way to run. In the barn did a subpople. And Kostylin "just slept or for all days later in Saraj and considered the days when the letter comes." For his salvation, he did nothing.

And so they ran away. Kostlin constantly complained of pain in his feet, short, he did not think about caution, shouted, although he knew that he recently passed by Tatar. Hill led himself on male. He did not run from the captivity alone, but called the crutin. He took himself on his shoulders from pain in the legs and fatigue of Kostlina, although he himself was not best form. This attempt of flight still failed due to the behavior of Kostlin.

In the end, the hill saved from captivity. He helped him in this Dina. Crosliny after a month bought a slightly alive.

So different characters affect the fate of a person. Zilin causes me respect for his strong character, courage, endurance, the ability to stand up for yourself and for the comrade, purposefulness. Kostylin is only contempt due to their cowardice, laziness.

It seems to me, qualities, worthy of respect, you need to start raising from a small one, because so we begin to bring up the qualities in themselves who possessed by Zilin!

Osipova Elizabeth, 5 "a" class

How to raise qualities in yourself, worthy of respect? Why do people fall into the same circumstances behave differently? Why do we cause respect, and others - contempt? For these questions, the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian captive" makes thinking.

Zhillin and Kostylin are two officers who served in the Caucasus.

Kostylin, when he saw Tatars, showed his cowardice and threw his comrade in trouble: "And Kostylin, instead of waiting, just saw the Tatar, it rushes that there is a spirit to the fortress." Zilin, unlike Kostilina, showed himself heroically and struggled to his freedom to the end: "... I do not give a living."

When both of them were captured and began to demand a redemption from them, Kostlin was frightened for his life and did everything as the owner said. Zhilin was not afraid of the threats of the Tatars and did not want to pay a redemption, as she planned to escape.

Kostlin was sitting in Saraj for all day, waited for money. Zhilin showed himself as a person skillful and trustworthy owner. But when Zhilin walked around Aulu, he tried to come up with a plan of escape.

When Zhilli offered Kostilin to flee, he tried to dissuade him, was afraid that they would notice them. Zilin on the stars will know which way they go. But Kostylon did not stretch for a long time, he surrendered and says a comrade to leave him. Zilin was not such a person like Kostylin, and therefore could not throw a friend in trouble. They were noticed by Tatars, "... grabbed, eligible, put on horses, lucky."

It became the life of the heroes even worse. But Zhill even continued to think about the shoot. When he suggested this comrade, Kostylin, as I think, made the only human act. He did not want to be a burden for a comrade. Zhilin successfully got out of captivity, "And Kostilina, barely live, was brought only in a month."

Each person in the same situations manifests itself in different ways. It seems to me because human qualities. Some people think only about themselves as Kostlin. Others, such as hill, think about others: "... no comrade to throw."

Some people raise respect because they think not only about themselves, but also about others. They are not desperate, but they continue to fight as Zhilin: "... I don't give a living." Others make everything they say. And they throw their comrades like Kostylin: "And Kostylin, instead of waiting, just saw the Tatar, it rumored that there is a spirit to the fortress."

It seems to me that these qualities are brought up in the family. We must overcome your fears.

Wolves Pavel, 5 "A" class

Why do people fall into the same circumstances behave differently? Why do we cause respect, and others - contempt?Zhillin and Kostylin - Heroes of the story L.N. Tolstoy, officers.

Zilin, when meeting with Tatars, showed courage, fearlessness and did not want to give up to the end, and Kostlin entered as a coward and traitor. He threw his comrade in trouble, and he himself escaped.

When the ransom demanded from Zilil and Kostilin, our heroes behaved differently. Zhilli traded and did not inferdable, and also wrote the wrong address. He, as a real man, calculated only on own forces. Kostylin, on the contrary, did not resist and wrote a letter with a request to buy him out for five thousand coins.

In captivity, the hill and Kostinin show themselves in different ways. Zilin tried to arrange the inhabitants of Aul. He was a master of all hands: he cleaned things, masters toys for children and much more. And in the meantime, the crutin did not do anything, I slept and waited for redemption. Zilin believed in himself and hoped for the best, and Kostlin showed his laziness, cowardice and weakness.

During the escape, Zhilin showed courage and devotion to his comrades. Zilin was hardy than Kostlin, even though he was tired, but continued to go. Kostylin was weak and unstable. Therefore, they were caught.

The fate of our heroes has developed in different ways. Zhilin did not lose hope and made the second escape. This escape was successful. Kostlina bought in a month. He was barely alive.

Thus, throughout the story, Zhilin demonstrates his courage and courage, and Kostlin is laziness and cowardice.

People, falling into the same circumstances, behave differently, because not everyone has enough composure and spirit of spirit ... Someone is stronger, someone is weaker. It seems to me that everything depends on the nature of man. Some people cause us respect, because they make good and courageous actions, and others - contempt, because they are cowardly and show bad sides His character. To raise qualities in yourself, worthy of respect, we must try to overcome your fears and are not afraid sometimes risks.

Galkina Tatyana, 5 "A" class

Zhilin and Kostylin: Different Fate
Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a famous Russian writer. I read his story "Caucasian Captive", Tolstoy knew a lot about the Caucasus, because he himself served in the Caucasus. In the "Caucasian prisoner" Tolstoy talks about two Russian officers - Zhilin and Kostilin. They were both captured. The author opposes them. Hill is bold, kind and intelligent. He first thinks about others, then about himself. When the Tatars caught him and forced to write a letter, he was trading for a long time. He knew that his old mother had no way to take money. And when I started signing, I wrote not the same address so that the letter did not come. He thought: "either run away or a disappearance." He immediately managed to conquer
Respect of the Tatars in that he began to bargain for his life. As a result, his owner agreed to redeem five hundred rubles. Kostlin was a cargo man. At first he threw a zilina. And then immediately wrote a letter about redemption for five thousand rubles. Zhilin hopes only for himself. In captivity, he constantly thinks of escape. He can not sit idle. He begins to repair different
things. Zhilin made the Masterian daughter Dina doll, repaired Abdul Murata clock. Well helps everyone, even Tatars, although they were his enemies. He sincerely guessed to Dene, and she then helped him run. Kostylin-rail man. He does not hold the word officer. When Zhill with Kostilin decided to go ahead of the garbage, Kostilina had a gun. But he was frightened by Tatars and threw his comrade. But it was not saved. He also captured. Kostylin - weak person. He is waiting for help from the mother, constantly writes her letters with a request for redemption. Kostylin does not know how to survive. In Tatar captivity he did nothing, did not communicate with the Tatars. He was just waiting for a redemption for him. When Zhilli decided to run for the first time, he took a crutin with him. But Kostylin was weak. At first he was hard to go in boots. When he shot them, he became even harder to go. Because of the crutin, they caught them. He could not tolerate pain. When Zhilin saw Tatars, he decided to hide. Zhilin took himself a comrade on his back, and he cried out. Tatars heard a cry and caught them. Zhilin at that time did as fair man. He forgave the crutches well what he threw him, and helped him. The second time the hill ran alone. He knew that he was impossible to hope for a redemption. Kostylin remained in the pit. And Zhilin, and Kostylin was saved. But the first received freedom only thanks to myself, and the second - thanks to his relatives. In life, we can meet both heroes. But I like Zilin more, who will never throw a person in trouble.

Literature lesson in grade 5.

Objectives lesson:

Subject: understanding the content of the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian prisoner"; the ability to highlight the main problems raised by the author in the work; Systematization of knowledge on the system of stories

Regulatory: attach children to independent research and creative activity; Develop an analysis skill artistic work, logical thinking, monological speech students and their vocabulary;

Personal: Rise a spiritual and moral personality that can compare.



Literature lesson in grade 5.

Topic: L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian Captive". Zhillin and Kostylin.

Objectives lesson:

Subject: understanding the content of the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Caucasian prisoner"; the ability to highlight the main problems raised by the author in the work; Systematization of knowledge on the system of stories

Regulatory: attach children to independent research and creative activity; develop the skill analysis of the artwork, logical thinking, monologue speech of students and their vocabulary;

Personal: Rise a spiritual and moral personality that can compare.

1. Argmoment.

2. Motivation learning activities. Message of a student or teacher.

In the middle of the 19th century in the Caucasus, he was heavy, bloody war. Tsar Nicholas I sent my troops to conquer Caucasian lands. Goric nations living there were stubborn resistance to the tsarist troops. On steep mountain roads, in the forests and gorges, at the crossings of rivers, the mountains arranged ambushes, they took Russian soldiers and officers.

At that time L.N. Tolstoy was on military service In the Caucasian army, participated in the combat actions of Russian troops. Once, far away from his squad, he almost fell. He helped his writer from his satellite and friend Chechen Sado.

Working on the "war and the world" Tolstoy met with the "Memories of the Caucasian Officer", the author of which was the colonel of the Kirassian regiment F.F.Tornaau. The author reports, under what circumstances he was captured to the mountaineers, as the Aslan Goal girl who was trying to help him, why his first escape attempt was unsuccessful and how he managed to free himself from captivity. Tolstoy not only became acquainted with the memories of Tornau, but also took advantage of them for his story "Caucasian captive", which was published in 1852.

3. Oral work on issues.

Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe artwork;

Idea - this is the main idea Works. And the author wanted to show that persistence and courage always won. To teach people not to give up even in the most difficult circumstances, stubbornly achieve their goal. Condemns hostility between nations. Condemns betrayal. It shows that the war is a meaningless fellow of people.

- Plot and composition. The composition is the construction of the work, the location of parts and episodes in a significant sequence. We list these parts (exposure, tie, development, culmination, junction, epilogue). The composition can be called direct. It follows the plot.

Exposition - The action takes place in the 19th century in the Caucasus. There is a war of Russians with mountaineers. Initial acquaintance with heroes, housing and crutch. Exposure and epilogue in thick rapid, they fit in several lines.

Vazka - Zhilin receives a letter from the house and decides to go on vacation.

The development of action - after that there are a lot of different episodes, which we will talk about during the lesson.

Culmination - the second escape.

Junction - Zilin turns out to be in his fortress.

Epilogue - Zhilin remained to serve in the Caucasus, and the Kostlin was bought in a month for 5 thousand and barely alive brought to the fortress.

The whole story is built on opposition, contrast.

What are the characters, are opposed to the story, for what purpose?

Main heroes and crutin.

Tatars and Russians (Zhilin and Tatars)

Dina and other residents of Aul.

War and peaceful life.

4. Comparative characteristic of hill and crutin.

Why is the story called "Caucasian prisoner", because two prisoners?


1. Invoice.

2. Ensuring the characteristic:

3. Plente:

A) place of residence in captivity;

B) the powers of the prisoners;

C) classes;

D) preparing for running;

4. First escape.

5. The second escape.

What is common with the heroes and what distinguishes them?

How did Zhilin and Kostlin behave during the captivity and in captivity?

(Zhill boldly rushes into battle with the enemies, ready to die rather than surrender to them, and Kostylin rushes to the fortress, leaving the only rifle.)

How does prisoners live in Aul? They are in the same conditions. How does each of them behave in difficult conditions?

(It is equally difficult. But Kostilina captive scared and broke and broke. He immediately wrote a letter, asked money, waiting for an answer, missed.

Zhilin led himself otherwise. He knew that he would not receive money, to hope he was not for whom, he only had a sick mother.

Find in the text of the verbs that denote the actions of the hill and crutin: (recording in the notebook)

Zhilin Kostylin

walks on aulu sleeps

peering misses

says information considers days

needlework waiting for an answer to the letter

These verbs - antithesis actions of heroes. They help to understand the character of heroes. Zhilin says: "I'll get it myself", and Kostylin is waiting for help.

How does the hill sympathy conquer?

(Zilin showed courage and determination during the dispute about the amount of redemption;

Zhilin - Master: Pushes Dolls, Water Wheel;

Once acted as a doctor. (Quotes)

But not everyone treated housing with sympathy. Why?

(He still was for them someone else's, a person of another faith. For them he is an enemy

Maybe Zhilin made a life in captivity?

No, he always seeks to find out the road, and at night digs in Saraj Laz.

And crutin?

(He awailantly waiting for his fate.)

Why do herself behave in different ways in different ways?

5. Work in groups.

What qualities of the character show these heroes in relationships with each other and with other people.

Conclusion: Zhilin: Good, thinking about mother, regrets her; hopes for himself, thinking about escape; active man; managed to live in aul; working, can not sit idle, master; It helps everyone, even with their enemies-Tatars; He is interested in other people, he loves children; Gnower, forgave the Kostilina for the fact that he threw him in battle.

Conclusion: Kostylin: A weak man does not hope for himself, waiting for help from the mother; capable of betrayal, threw a zilina; Raskin, fell in spirit.

The study "What part of speech is more often used when characterizing the hill and crutin? Why?"

Conclusion: when describing the hilina-verb, when describing the crutin-noun and adjectives. Verbs give dynamism action. Adjectives indicate only on the sensation of the hero.

Did you pay attention to that the names of the heroes also "speaking"?

What denotes:

Zilin from "lived" - a durable end of the muscles, dwelling, two-housing-strong, elastic

Kostylin from "crutch" - a stick for lame, powerless

Adds this literary reception Something new in the characteristic of heroes?

What is the meaning of the name of the story?

(Already in the title there is an opposition of two heroes of Zililin and Kostlin. Both officers fall into captivity, but only one of them turned out to be "captive" circumstances. Zhilin managed to survive, take care of a hostile environment, managed to arrange even his enemies to himself, solved his problems himself , without shifting on the shoulders of others, was a strong, "housing." Zilin is a hero. About him. In this story. I am going to leave these places forever Zhilin remains in the Caucasus. Having learned the life of the Highlanders to truly from the inside, the hero of all the soul becomes the "captive" Beautiful Caucasus.

Kostylin from the very beginning - the slave of his flesh, the slave of the situation. He was never free to soul, free in his choice. He does not withstand the tests that the hill exceeds. He is always in captivity of his own weakness, inertness and its egoism.)

6. The result of the lesson. Reflection.

1. What does the story teach?

2. What mathematical qualities appreciates in man L.N. Tolstoy?

What problems raises L. N. Tolstoy in the story?

L. N. Tolstoy raises important in the story. moral problems: About friendly debt, kindness and responsiveness, about loyalty, friendship, about courage and resistance. He places the strong spirit of people who are ready to overcome any obstacles. Tolstoy tells about the strength of friendship, which brings together people of different nationalities.

7) Merry task. The writing

"Zhilin and Kostylin: Different destinies.

The story "Caucasian captive" was written by L. N. Tolstov in the 70s of the XIX century. In the Caucasus at that time, the Russian war was walking with the mountaineers. The story is based on real events that occurred with the writer himself and his colleagues during their service in the Caucasus. Once he, with his friend, miraculously left the chase. We accounted for guarantile to Tolstoy and sign up of his combat comrades from the captivity.

Thinking over the fate of the main characters, Russian officers, Zilina and Kostlina, pay attention to their names. They even rhymes, and most opposite. Zilin from the word "lived" is a strong end of the muscles, dwelling, elastic, and Kostlin from the word "crutch" - a stick for lame, powerless. Their appearance is also different. "Well, though not great, and deleted was." "And the crutin is a car chamber, fat."

One day, Zhilina came a letter from the mother who asked him to come to her. Loving son Immediately went on the road. He drove with the turn for the fortress. Towing went slowly. He left the hill forward, drove up to him another officer - Kostylin, they decided to go further alone, without worm. Here they were attacked by Tatars. And the officers have led them differently. Zhilin showed bravery, "snatched a checker, put the horse right on the Red Tatar," but the Tatars shot under the housing horse and captured him. And Kostylin, who had a gun, "just saw the Tatar, rusted that there is a spirit to the fortress" and left the comrade in trouble. However, betrayal did not save him.

In captivity, the hill and crutin also behave differently. When the owner of Abdul Murat told the officers that they need to pay the ransom of 5,000 rubles, Kostlin immediately wrote a letter, then "Kostylin wrote again, everything was waiting for the sending of money and missed" or slept. And Zhilin agreed only for 500 rubles and sent a letter to another address, so as not to burden the sick mother, and he himself thought: "God will give - and he will choose."

In the afternoon of Zhilin on Aulu, "And everything himself looks posing, gets out, how he runs" "or needle argue, and how the night will come, drops in Aul, so he will dig in a barn" a hole for escape.

They blindly plugged with clay doll and presented her Dina, the daughter of the owner, then another. "And since then she has become every day of the edge of milk to wear." And when the hill is a wanted watch, "the glory went about Zilina that he was a master." And they began to handle everything to him, and he did not refuse to anyone.

When Zhilli finished digging a hole under the barn and found out which way they had to run, he chose a suitable night and, together with the crutch, ran away from Aula.

They went to the mountains. The boots at Zilina were stopped, he "removed his own, threw, went with barefoot", and "Kostlin is lagging behind and eats." When they met in the forest of deer, "Kostylin fell and fell with fear, and the hill laughs." Further worse - crutin "Male cargo, plump, povered; ... Yes, legs are risen - he and brine. He became his hill to raise power, "shouted Kostlin, and at that time he drove past the Tatar and heard his cry. Zhilin thinks: "Throw comrade is not suitable." I planted on the crutin and it was rapidly. Soon, they caught up with their Tatar with his profile, returned officers to Aul and descended them into a pit.

So because of the fault of Kostilina, their first escape failed. And again we see how different officers behave in the same conditions.

Now "live is quite bad." "Kostylin completely ached, the lubrication in the whole body began and everything is moaning or sleeping." And the zhillin, although he sees that the case is bad, still "thinks about free live." When Dina brought him cherries and a cherry, he began to reflect on how to persuade the girl to help them. Said Dina Zilina, and brought a healthy pole to the pit. Hill and then did not want to leave the crutin one, but he refused to run.

This time the hill fled one. He could not knock the block from his feet. He took the dynamy, which she brought him on the road, thanked for the girl, crossed and went to the mountains. It was hard to go housing in a block of 8 wool, but he still got to his own.

Zhilin "remained serving in the Caucasus. And the Kostilin was only a month later bought for five thousand. Barely brought the living. "

The story L. N. Tolstoy has a mystery. The writer gives him the name "Caucasian captive", and not "captives", although two Russian officers fall into captivity.

Zhilli - strong-willed, active, working, kind and generous, loves children, helps everyone, even with their enemies, so I placed them to yourself. He solves his problems himself. Kostylin is a completely different person. He is lazy and capable of betrayal. Therefore, Zhilin managed to escape from the Tatar captivity, and Kostylin, although it was bought from the Tatars, it is unlikely that it will be able to get out of captivity of their weaknesses and its egoism.

Zhillin and Kostylin are different people, therefore, they are also different for fate. I think that this thought I wanted to convey the author to us.