The meaning of the word Greeks. Pontic Greek - Who is this? History of Pontic Greeks

The meaning of the word Greeks. Pontic Greek - Who is this? History of Pontic Greeks
The meaning of the word Greeks. Pontic Greek - Who is this? History of Pontic Greeks

brief information

Greece is of interest to almost any person. Someone is interested in history Ancient EllalaSomeone strives to this country, considering it a cradle of Orthodoxy, and some tourists, and they seem to be the majority, just want to relax on the beautiful beach greek resorts. Every year, Greece is visited by more than 15 million tourists from different countries World.

In the V century BC, Greece was the center of Okumen, the undisputed leader in the field of art, architecture, science, mathematics, philosophy, theater and literature. Now Greece is famous for its amazing landscape, the beauty of nature, numerous historical monuments, as well as beautiful beach resorts.

Geography of Greece

Greece is located in southeast Europe. In the East and Northeast, Greece borders on Turkey, in the north - with Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania, in the south it is washed by the warm waters of the Mediterranean, in the West - Ionian, and in the East - the Aegean Sea.

The total area of \u200b\u200bGreece is almost 132 thousand square kilometers, including the islands (approximately 20% of the territory of Greece is the islands), and the total length of the state border is 1,228 km.

Much of the territory of Greece occupy mountains. And the highest of them - famous mountain Olympus in Fessenia (2,917 m).

In Greece there are about 3,053 islands. The largest Greek islands - Crete in the Mediterranean and Eviemy in the Aegean Sea.


The capital of Greece is the ancient city of Athens, in which more than 5 million people live. This city was founded about 3,500 years ago.

Official language of Greece

The official language of Greece is Greek, which is a branch of Indo-European languages. The first archaeological evidence of the existence of the Greek language belongs to the 15th century BC.


About 97% of Greece's population consider themselves Orthodox Christians belonging to the Greek Catholic Church. According to Eurostat survey, 81% of the Greeks believe that "God exists."

State device

Greece is parliamentary republicin which the president is the head of state (Parliament elects him). The current Greek constitution was adopted for a long time, in 1975.

Legislative power in this country belongs to the unicameral parliament (300 deputies).

The main political parties are a liberal "new democracy", the left "non-social society", "coalition of radical left", "People's Orthodox Call", and "Communist Party of Greece".

Climate and weather

In the coastal areas of Greece (Athens, Cyclades, Dodecanese, Oh-in Crete, Peloponnese and part of the Central Eldlast), the Mediterranean climate prevails (winter - soft and wet, and summer is dry and roast).

In the mountainous regions of North-West Greece (some of the epirra, Central Greece, Fessiona and Western Macedonia), as well as in the mountain portion of the peloponess, including Ahaya, Arkady and Lacon, Alpine climate with strong snowfall.

In the inside of Central Greece, in Central Macedonia, in East Macedonia and Frakia, the climate is moderate.

In July, the average air temperature in Athens is + 28.7C, on the island of Corfu - + 27.8C, and on the island of Rhodes - 26.8s.

Sea in Greece

Greece is washed by the waters of the ionic (in the west), the Mediterranean (in the south) and the Aegean (in the East) of the seas. General coastline It is about 17,000 km. In coastal areas (up to 50 km from the coast), approximately 85% of the population of all Greece live.

Sea water in Greece amazes and surprises all tourists. Its deep blue color is explained, partly, reflection of the blue sky and the fact that it does not have a large amount of solids (for example, plankton, dirt and dust).

In the Greek seas there are about 450 species of fish and 12 species of cetaceans.

In Greece there are about 3,053 islands. The biggest ones are Crete in the Ionian Sea, Eviemy in the Aegean Sea, and Corfu in the Ionian Sea.

The average temperature of the sea in Greece:

January - + 15c
- February - + 14c
- March - + 14c
- April - + 15c
- May - + 18c
- June - + 22c
- July - + 24c
- August - + 25c
- September - + 23c
- October - + 21c
- November - + 19c
- December - + 16c

The average temperature of the water near the island of Crete in May is + 19c, in August - + 25c, and in October - + 23c.

Rivers and Lakes Greece

Despite the fact that the majority of Greece is occupied by mountains, there are also many rivers in this country. In antiquity, the Greeks believed that the rivers belonged to the world of the gods, and worshiped them as separate deities.

Self large rivers In Greece - Alialymont (297 km), Aheloos (217 km), and places (230 km).

Perhaps tourists will be interested in the Greek lakes, among which we will highlight Trichonis, Volvi, and Vegitis.

History of Greece

Greece laid the beginning of European civilization. Greek cities-states of Athens, Corinth and Sparta united their strength only when they were under the threat of the invasion of Persians.

In the V century BC Athens were political, economic, and, of course, the cultural center of the Mediterranean. Then the dominant role over Greek lands received Sparta led by Alexander Great. At this time, the Greeks defeated Persians and distributed their influence on huge territories, up to India.

In 146 BC Greece was conquered by the Roman Empire. In 395 AD, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, Byzantium was formed (the official name - the Eastern Roman Empire), the capital of which was Constantinople (modern Istanbul).

In 1453. Byzantine Empire was liquidated, and the territory of modern Greece fell under power Ottoman Empire. The following 350 years, Greece was part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.

As a result of the Liberation War, 1821-1829 Greece finally gained independence. In 1833, the king of Greece became Otto from Bavaria. Monarchy in Greece (since 1863 Greeks Danish Rules the Royal Family) I existed until 1973.

After World War II, Greece plunged into a civil war, until the right monarchists defeated in 1954. From 1967 to 1974, Greece was ruled by the so-called. "Black Colonels".

In 1981, after many years of consultation, Greece became a member of the EU.

Culture of Greece

Greek culture begins with the Mycena and Mina civilizations (this is from 2,000 BC). After that, in the history of Greece there was a period that historians are called classic. At this time, Greek culture was formed, which began to influence the neighboring peoples. In general, Greece is the birthplace of mankind, and anyway, Greek culture influenced great amount countries. The successors of Greek culture is the ancient Rome and the Byzantine Empire.

In the Middle Ages, the Ottoman Empire had a great influence on the culture of Greece. But this is understandable, because About 350 years old Greece was just one of the provinces of the Ottoman Empire.

It was in ancient Greece that science originated. Modern philosophy, mathematics and astronomy are based on the knowledge gained by the ancient Greeks.

The most famous ancient Greek philosophers - Aristotle, Plato, Diogenes, Kholet Athens, Diogen and Socrates.

The most famous ancient Greek mathematicians - Archimedes, Pythagoras, Democritus and Euclide.

Greeks are very superstitious, they believe not only in God, but also in supernatural powers. Until now, the Greeks seriously perceive the myths of ancient Greece. Moreover, in each region of Greece, in every village, on each island there are their own superstitions and traditions.

The Greeks will never personally pass the knife to a person who asks them about it, but simply put it, for example, on the table. It is believed that if you give someone a knife, then you will have to fight with this person.

The most popular Greek folk (and very often religious) holidays are the Epiphany, gynecocracy., Cycopmpt (meat Thursday), Clean Monday, Annunciation, Passionate Friday, Easter, Day Day of the Pontic Genocide, Trinity, Polytechnio and Christmas of Christ.

If two Greek will simultaneously say the same words, they will definitely affect a red item, otherwise, it is believed that they will fit and become enemies. Where did this superstition come from - a story silent.

Kitchen Greece

We definitely advise tourists in Greece to visit local restaurants and enjoy Greek cuisine. A variety of dishes, as well as their taste make the kitchen of Greece unique. A characteristic feature of Greek cuisine is to use in an absolutely every dish of olive oil.

Also, the Greeks are usually used when cooking a lot of vegetables and spices. However, the spices are soft enough, and no need to fear strong sharpness.

We all know the "Greek Salad" and Musaka. However, these dishes are only a prelude to this Greek cuisine. Each region of Greece, each island has its own dishes and methods of their preparation. Therefore, the taste of Musaki on the island of Corfu will not at all like Musaki on the islands of Dedekanes.

Tourists in Greece We definitely advise you to try the bean beans "Beolad", shrimp fried on cream oil, "Suvlaki" (kebabs on wooden sticks), Greek fish fillet, pellet with meat, potatoes and tomato "Giro", "Frituit" from Vegetables with jagging sauce, as well as Kakavia fish soup.

The ancient Greeks considered wine with a drink of gods, and in modern Greece this alcoholic beverage is of great popularity. True, the ancient Greeks diluted wine spring water, And for some reason, modern Greeks forgotten this, generally very useful, tradition.

The most famous Greek strong alcoholic beverages - Tsipuro (it is also called Tsyicuda or crayfish), a fortress of 38-47% alcohol, UZO (anise vodka with a fortress of 40% alcohol), and brandy "metax".

Sights of Greece

Greece occupies 1st place in the world in terms of attractions (in the second and third places - Italy and Bulgaria, respectively). Therefore, we will highlight, in our opinion, ten very best sights of Greece, although in fact they are much more.

Top 10 Best Sights of Greece:

Acropolis in Athens

Agora in Athens

Archaeological national Museum (Athens)

Poseidon Temple at Cape Sunion

Mount Athos

Destroyed city Mistrars in Sparta

Theater in Delphi (IV century. BC)

Monasteries Meteors in the mountains of the Fessel

Ancient city of Mycenae on Peloponnese

Mount Licavitos in Athens

Cities and resorts

The largest Greek cities are Athens, Piraeus, Patras, Thessaloniki, and Heraklion.

The coastline in Greece is 13,676 kilometers, and this means that there there is a huge number of beautiful beaches with crystal clear water, which are surrounded by rocks with pines and palm trees.

Most Popular beach resorts In Greece - Athens, Oh-in Santorini, O- in Mykonos, Oh-in Corfu, Oh-in Rhodes, oh-in braid, Chania and Halkidiki Peninsula.

Souvenirs / Shopping

Greek shoes (in particular, handmade sandals);
- gold jewelry;
- Folk talismans that "distilute the evil eye";
- Buzuki (Baglam) - a small string musical instrument;
- CDs with Greek folk music;
- olives, olive oil;
- Greek cheese;
- kitchen utensils;
- Alcoholic beverages - Uzo, Tsipuro (Tsyicuda or Craki) and Brandy "Metax".

The Pontic Greek is a representative of the Greek ethnos, belonging to which people long before the onset of the new era mastered the Black Sea coast (in Greek - Pont). Initially, their compact settlement was on the northern coast of Turkey, and only then they settled all over the Black Sea coast.

Pontic Greeks - who are they?

Pont - historical title The location in Geographically, it extends from the border of Azerbaijan with Turkey, crosses the entire Turkish bank and ends on the line of the cities of Nikopol - Akdagma-Denis. How was the Greek migrants so far from the solar islands of their homeland?

Antique Greeks have proven themselves as excellent merchants and colonialists. Their native country was distinguished by poor soil and mountainous terrain. It created acceptable conditions for animal husbandry, but agricults had to be disadvantaged - scarce mountainous soils brought small yields, which were barely enough for the proceedings of their own families. As the maternity hosts, the Greeks did not develop obviously unprofitable agriculture, but they discovered the prospects for marine wealth and trade routes.

Trading routes

Pontic Greek is a sailor and a merchant. He was a welcome guest on all the shores of Okumen. The Greeks were actively invested in the development of their own fleet, laid new routes for trading with distant tribes. It was in places of storage of goods that there were small settlements of the navigators and merchants, who were engaged in trade with the native people and Schitriogoga resold the exotic goods in the cities of Greece, and the Middle East.

First cities

The most old famous settlement of the Pontic Greeks was found on the coast of Malaya Asia, in the city of Milit. In several decades, in the VIII-IX centuries BC. e. There was a magnificent synop, which is now the pearl of the Turkish Black Sea. Then, as mushrooms, after the rain, arose the cities of Amissos, a catory, Kerasund and many others. Ancient Herodotus did not say in vain that the Pontic Greeks settled around the Black Sea, like frogs along the edges of the puddles. This metaphor accurately reflects the goals and methods of the settlement of the Greeks.

Despite the rather obsessive colonization, no large skirmishes with local tribes occurred. The Pontic Greek knew how to talk with the militant natives not with the help of power, but by calling coins. Such a policy has reduced the claim of the leaders of local peoples - if someone was indignant, the immigrants preferred to bite off, and not fight. The Pontic Greeks set up excellent merchandise - they were in their homeland raw materials and grain crops, and in the distant cities sent olive oil, wine, pottery and craft products, jewelry.

Religion and traditions of Ponta

How did the urgent representative of the ancient people, the Pontic Greek, far away justified his accommodation? Religion of these settlers mainly copied the belief of distant native country. They worshiped Olimpa's supreme gods, but they had their favorites.

Until now, on the coast of Malaya Asia, there are remnants of temples of Poseidon and Hermes - the patrons of the sea and trade. They had Pontane Greeks and their own legends. For example, many of them preferred to explain their origins of the myths about Casal and Argonauts. Perhaps the very golden fleece in this famous tradition symbolized the wealth of the Black Sea region, besides (Fleece) - one of the main trade items.

Culture and art

The Pontic Greek jealously kept his identity and proclaimed himself to Hellen, a representative of civilization, as opposed to Varvarars - the surrounding tribes that were at that time were at the stage of expansion of the generic system. The population of the colonies retained its originality and gave the world of unique people glorifying in various areas of activity. Philosopher Diogen, politicians of Diffil, Iraklid, River. Already in the first millennium, the names of Vissarion and others appeared in theology, and the new time presented such names as Kartzasov, Iselantov, Mojruis and others.

In the context of historical eras

In the period of Alexander the Macedonian, Greek influence spread to the south of Turkey - the era of Hellenization began. In the reign of mitridates, this influence was still very strong - in Malaya Asia, their language flourished, and architectural monuments were created.

In the period Pontic Greek becomes a Christian. Thanks to the Apostles Paul and Peter, the Eastern representatives of this people have some of the first to have created the early Christian communities and recognized Jesus Christ with their Savior. The communities rose into the monasteries, where supporters of the new faith were refredible.

Greeks or Roma?

In the time of Byzantium, the Pontic Greeks created their own province. At the venue of Justinian, Teppezund (Trabzon) became its capital. It was then that the second self-adhesion of the Pontic Greeks - Roma appears, which means "subjects of Rome" - it was sometimes called Byzantium in the East.

The relations "Metropolis-Province" tied Pont and Constantinople until 1204, when the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire fell under the onslaught of francs. After that, a Nicene state appears on the map, which later enters the Empire of Trapezund. Throughout the two hundred years of its existence, this empire contractedly fought with the surrounding tribes of the non-Christian faith. Especially persistently attacked the State Romeev Turkis, which in 1461 won and plundered the tracksund.

Muslim dominion

The capture of Trapezund meant the sunset of Christianity and the beginning of the spread of Muslim in the ancient land of the Pontic Greeks. Massacre, violence, pogroms and violent Islamization under the fear of deprivation of life - this is what the Greeks brought Turkish dominion. The survivors left cities, pastures and churches and moved high to the mountains, fearing religious persecution. But in the future, Turkish authorities went on some concessions and allowed the Greeks to develop certain types of production - metallurgy and ceramics, for example.

For many centuries, the Pontic Hellenes remained one of the most isolated peoples of the Turkish Empire. They practically did not intersect with other Christians, although they lived next to Armenians and Kurds. Modest production, handicraft and scanty yields collected from mountainous, non-fermentation lands did not attract the attention of greedy military leaders and supreme Turkish officials. Perhaps that is why the Greeks managed to maintain their tongue and culture, expand the range of their stay on the Caucasus and Crimea and to join the world community on the rights of autonomous culture.

Such a state of affairs continued until 1922, when the Greeks were expelled from the lands they long years considered relatives.


For many years, the Turkish authorities do not recognize the genocide and the persecution of Armenians. But few people know that at the beginning of the twentieth century, other nations of Turkey were persecuted, including the Pontic Greeks. The ethnos caused the full eradication of the Greeks from the native land and their violent expulsion from the territory of Turkey. More than 350 thousand people were burned in churches and temples, survived, throwing all their property. May 19 became the sorrowful day of this nation. As a result, the Pontic Greeks settled in the territories of other states. They were forced to leave their homeland.

Pontic Greeks in Russia settled in the territory of Kuban and in the North Caucasus. For the most part, they speak Russian, but they retained some ancient traditions of their people. But most of the Pontic Greeks returned to the native shores of Greece.

So, after 2.5 thousand years after the first settlers left the rocky shores of Greece, they had to return to their native edges. Their Odyssey was completed by returning to their homeland. We wish them happiness.

The climate of Greece, if to speak as a whole, is distinguished by the softness, and in this a huge "merit" of the Mediterranean Sea, which seems to be skidding and protects this small country. Summer here is roast and dry: The average monthly temperature of July varies within + 30 ... + 32 degrees Celsius, humidity reaches 55%. The beach season in Eldead begins in mid-May and continues until November. Winter in the country does not differ by severeness. The temperature in January is an average of 10 degrees with a plus sign, and humidity is 75%.

Meanwhile, several people stand out in Greece climatic zones. In the mainland country, weather conditions resemble the Balkan, which are characterized by cold winters and hot wet summer. Attica, Crete, Dodecanese, Cyclades, Center and East Peloponnese Climate Typically Mediterranean Regions. Long retains warm weather in Crete: southern coast The largest Greek island can be swimming and sunbathing from April to November.

There are rains in Greece and its rainy season, which starts in most areas in mid-October and continuing until February. In July and August, the entire east coast of the mainland country, including the capital, and the islands of the Aegean Sea are under the rule of the strong Northern Wind. On the one hand, he carries the diluting heat to the coolness, on the other, it makes it forces late ferries and delivers the inconvenience of resting, "warming" they have beach umbrellas. As for the actual summer heat, he still influenced the habits of the Greeks, shifting the afternoon rest of the Ellinons at 15: 00-18: 00. In this watch, it is not accepted to disturb anyone, not to mention the appointment of meetings.

History of Greece

The first settlements in Greece, as evidenced by archaeological excavations, originated during the Paleolithic period, which corresponds to 11,000-3000 years before our era. It was Ellada that is the birthplace of the Minoan, myna and Cycladic civilizations that existed in 2600-1100 to our era. The classic period in the history of Greece is the so-called "golden age", which covered the VI-IV century BC. e. He is notable for gave the world of the greatest scientists and outstanding figures Arts - historians and philosophers, doctors and architects, architects and sculptors, poets, mathematicians and playwrights. The active formation of Greek civilization occurred after the first Olympic Games in 776 to our era. The colonial expansion of ancient Greece began, cities-states appeared - in particular, on the Black Sea coast.

Ancient Ellade survived several interventions - first the army of neighboring Persia, who invaded several times in a row, and then, in 146 BC, Roman legionnaires. But the Romans not only did not persecute greek culture, but also became her conscious successors. You can judge this on the monuments of the Rome era, the prototypes for which similar Ellin's works of architecture served. Moreover, Roman artifacts have reached this day best of sightAnd we, contemporaries, we can judge on them about the great heritage of the ancient Greeks. And after the division of a huge Roman Empire to the Western and Eastern part, the last, that is, Byzantia with the capital in Constantinople, became the carrier of Greek and culture and existed to eleven centuries, until May 29, 1453 fell under the onslaught of the Turks.

Greece itself was under the authority of the Ottoman Empire almost 400 years. The national liberation struggle of the Greek people ended in 1821 to the proclamation of an independent Greek state, who later became a decade of monarchical. The whole second half of the 20th century Greece made tremendous efforts to return their primordial lands that remained under the occupation of the Ottoman port. Participation in the Balkan wars of the time and the First World War helped partially realize these tasks.

The country participated in the Second World War. First, the fascist Italy was attacked on her, but the Greeks were able to give a worthy repulsory. When the Germans and their allies intervened, Greece fell and was under their occupation from 1941 to 1945. However, the victory over the Third Reich did not bring the long-awaited world: the civil war ended in the country, which ended only in 1949.

After that, the period of quiet development of Greece, broken by the state coup of 1967, as a result of which Konstantin II king was overthrown and military dictatorship was established in the country. This period was kept in history as the mode of "black colonels", headed by Georgiosa Papadopoulos (1967-1973) and Dimitrio Ioannidis (1973-1974). Military junta made many mistakes, including strategic - in the international arena. It provoked the invasion in 1974 turkish army Cyprus and occupation of part of its territory with the formation of an unrecognized "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus". The failures in the so-called "Cyprus issue" led to the fact that in 1974 the dictatorship of the "black colonels" was overthow.

On December 8, 1974, a nationwide referendum was held in Greece, according to the results of which a democratic political regime with a parliamentary form of government was established in the country. On June 11, 1975, a new constitution was adopted, operating to this day. In 1986 and 2001, some changes were made to it, which, however, did not affect the democratic foundations of the state. Since 1952, Greece has been a member of NATO. True, in 1973 it came out of the organization, and returned to it only in 1981. In the same year, Greece joined the European Union, and on January 1, 2002 - in the euro area.

Sights of Greece

Greece is a country of antique monuments, Orthodox shrines and very open, sincere and incredibly charming people. Having been here at least once, in love with her architecture, unique nature, original culture and, of course, the national cuisine, to which we will come back.

General acquaintance with some sights of the country Let's start with the capital of ancient Eldla. In Athens, which gently store their historical and cultural and architectural heritageIt is necessary to visit the famous Acropolis, whose temples are partially renovated. The constant interest of travelers is caused by the temple of one of the three Olympic gods - Poseidon, the old quarter of the Olympic gods - Poseidon, the old quarter of the Claim, living with its special, saturated life City Square, an impressive stone theater - Odeon Herodota Attic and numerous Athenian museums.

Separately, I would like to mention the breathtaking stadium Panathinaikos. It was created according to the fragments of an ancient predecessor, using only white marble in construction. And in Athens, with their own eyes, you can see the ancient temples of Zeus, Agora and Gefesta, mentioned in the myths and legends of antique Greece.

Many vintage artifacts focused on Crete, one of the most popular tourist destinations of the country. Here you can see the archaeological monuments of the Minoan era, the castle in Venetsian style in Rethymnon, luxurious, enjoy the views of the largest natural palm forest on the continent on the beach of Wai. The ancient temple of Apollo, preserved in a small town of Gutina, will take you to the Dorian Epoch, and in the fest, it is necessary to see one of the most dickers in the form architectural structures - Palace of Tsar Minos.

Rhodes are also related to the most famous Greek islands, which has the fame of the largest center of Knight's culture and a wonderful resort. His business card is a knight castle, built in the XIV century and in the first half of the last century renovated. Here is stored big collection Antique items, not to mention the exactly recreated atmosphere of the dwelling of a knightly order, giving a unique feeling of realism.

To feel like a contemporary of the legendary deities of Antique Greece will allow one of the most significant attractions - Mount Olympus. Once here, judging by the myths, Thunderzz Zeus lived, the god of the seas Poseidon and the rule of the kingdom dead aid. Now, this "house of the gods" is turned into a unique biosphere reserve, rich various species Plants and animals, and from where stunning views of the surroundings are opening. Olympus though I. high mountainBut for hiking walks is quite affordable. Traveling on numerous paths, you will not even notice how time will fly.

Another Mountain-Celebrity is, of course, Athos, included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. it unique place, worshiped by all Orthodox believers, inhabited and can only visit men. It is devoted to prayers, reflections and attachment to spirituality. The Holy Mountain de facto has autonomy, but under the sovereignty of the Greek state. To get here, you need to get a special permit, and only 110 people (100 of them must be orthodox believers) can visit it - if desired, of course - every day. Many such a bureaucracy may turn away from the intention to visit Mount Athos, but if you are not afraid of such inconvenience, the excursion here with a visit to two dozen local monasteries will be an unforgettable episode in your life.

National cuisine

In the national cuisine Greece, the culinary traditions of the Balkan peoples, Apennine, France and even the Middle East are perfectly combed. In general, this is typically Mediterranean cuisine with a "admixture" of love with which each dish is prepared, and the original Greek temperament. For the Greeks, like, for example, for the Japanese, the adoption of food is a whole ritual. At the table here is not just eating, but communicate and rest. The total meal is a great way to establish friendly connections between unfamiliar people and even business relationships. Which is not discussing the Greeks at lunch, but most of all, in addition to the purely family topics, they love to talk about football and politics.

Many have already guessed that in the local menu the royal position is occupied by fish and seafood. Squids are prepared very tasty: they roll them in flour, and then fried on olive oil. Be sure to try fresh mussels cooked in tomato sauce and such exotic, like octopus meat - it is baked on coals with the addition of spicy herbs. Taste and flavor dishes such that words do not transfer - it is better to try!

What dishes in modern Greece are the most popular? We will call some of them: squid stuffed with cheese and baked at coals ("Kalamary Yemist MEM TERY"), cooked for a couple of mussels ("Multi-Ahnista"), grilled shrimp ("Garides Sgaras"). One of the crown dishes of national cuisine is spaghetti with Langstom (Mankoranada Me Astako). From traditional and familiar fish dishes in local taverns, you can taste fish in all her culinary "manifestations" - fried and stew, stuffed and pickled, dried, smoked and just salty - to a delicious local beer!

Fans of meat food in Greece are offered a rich selection of pork dishes, beef, birds, lamb. "Brizolees" and "Paidakia", prepared on the grill, respectively, meat with a bone and lamb ribs are always obtained very tasty and juicy. Local kebabs are two species: from small pieces of meat ("Suvlaki") and large ("Kondosuvli").

It is worth trying and "kokoretsi" - the same name is the dish, something resembling our home sausage: the intestines are filled with lamb wanders and baked on the grid. True gourmet can not do not come to tasted in white wine rooster (Kokoras Krasatos) and stewed rabbit ("quench"). And the most, perhaps, famous Greek meat dish is Musaka - laid in layers chopped meat, potatoes and eggplants and baked under Beshamel sauce.

The kitchen of Greece is impossible to imagine without cheese and one of his most famous varieties - Feta. It is done only from sheep milk and stored in wooden barrels. Popular in the country and, accordingly, among tourists, and such varieties of cheese as "Kefalotiri" (solid, prepares from goat milk), "Tulumotiri" (the most ancient of all local varieties) and refined "Manuri" (white, with a very spicy taste ).

In completion, we will mention the famous "Greek salad", in its homeland, referred to as "Rustic", who love to prepare and Russian hostesses. "Original" differs in taste from submitted in our cafes and restaurants or prepared at home. What exactly is the difference, in words, it is also difficult to convey: it must be observed, trying both options. And what is needed for this? Right: come to rest in Greece!


Modern Greek (Dimatika), which occurred from the national language used in the late Tartal period, became the official language of the country only in 1976. Before that, there was such a cafaryavus ("Purified Language"), fortunately for tourists, many Greeks speak at least one foreign language: Most often in English, but also in German, in French or in Italian.

Nevertheless, a few words in Greek will be assessed. If you have a little time, try to learn a couple of main phrases and alphabet. Although signs and pointers are often represented in Latin transcription, but still it does not always happen; In addition, knowledge of the alphabet will allow you to navigate in banks, restaurants and other institutions.

Holidays in Greece

  • January 1 - New Year.
  • January 6 - Epiphany.
  • March 25 - Independence Day.
  • May 1 - Labor Day.
  • August 15 - the Assumption of the Virgin.
  • October 28 - Day "Ohi", in memory of the Greek resistance of the Italian occupation of 1940.
  • December 25 - Christmas of Christ.
  • December 26 - Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Holidays that do not have accurate date- The first day of the Great Post (Clean Monday), Holy Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension, Spirit Day.


The national currency of Greece - the euro, divided into 100 euro scents. Basically, all calculations are made in cash, which, naturally, leads to the strengthening of the shadow economy. An increasing number of hotels and restaurants in tourist areas, however, make credit cards, but some of them are removed from an additional 3% to 5%, sometimes not even notifying it. If you have a "visa" or "mastercard" card, then you can easily withdraw money in an ATM. Travel checks can be credited to the bank or hotel, just do not forget their passport.

Opening hours

Despite some general trends, for example, a big break in work during the Seside, the hours of organizing organizations in Greece are quite floating. Shops are usually open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from about 8.30-10.00 to 15.00, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays to 14.00 and then from 17.00 to 20.00-21.00. This rule does not affect local shops, especially grocery stores operating sometimes even on Sunday.

Museums and places of archaeological excavations, which can be visited, closed on Monday, sometimes on Wednesday, and the smallest - the whole period from November to March. Mode of operation - from 8.00-8.30 to 15.00 outside the season, and until 17.00 and even 19.00 in July and August. Remember that the last visitors are allowed for half an hour before closing.

Banks, as a rule, work from 8.00-8.30 to 14.00 from Monday to Thursday and until 13.30 on Friday; Some make exchange operations on Saturday.

Shopping in Greece

In Sunny Greece, it is ride not only for a beach holiday on the islands or studying the attractions of antique times famous for the whole world, but also shopping. To the note of those who still do not know: Greece along with Italy - one of best places In Europe for shopping. Despite the difference in exchange rates, find here, for example, a relatively inexpensive fur coat or beautiful vasethat will decorate the interior of your home, will not be a lot of work.

For a long time tested way to save - it is, of course, shopping for the sale season. Winter sales in Greece begin in mid-January and continue on February inclusive, and summer covers the second half of July and all August. Moreover, in many stores they do not begin to slow down the price with a small - say, from 20-30%, and immediately indicate the price tags: a discount of 80%, so in such vending points there are often a queue. Prepare to lose some time in anticipation, but to get away with a good purchase.

Discounts are distributed not only on clothing and shoes, but also on household appliances, modern electronics, decor items and even good, good furniture. True, such goods discount does not exceed 40% of the cost, but it is not bad. In outlets and drains that should also be forgotten, the rejoices of the price tags are present and at all all year round. In major shopping centers, intersonic sales, discounts can reach 50%.

But back to buying fur coats. Especially for this, shopping tours are organized in Greece, which are with obligations and without any. If you choose the first (that is, a tour with obligations), then flights to the country and hotel accommodation, usually not exceeding 3-4 days, pays the fur factory. For the convenience of choice, it is recommended to get acquainted with the range of different manufacturers in advance, and the photos of the liked models saved. Otherwise, if you begin to try all the models in a row, not only spend time and tire, but you can eventually buy not what they wanted, and you will regret.

Motherland of Greek fur products is traditionally considered to be the castor, the city in the north-west of the country, in Western Macedonia. There are a lot of fur factories, the greatest fame among which is used by the EGO Group, Rizos Furs, Estel Furs, Avanti Furs. Do not look for prices on the official sites of these and other manufacturers - they are not accepted, which makes it possible to bargain in place. Language barriers usually do not occur, since almost all sellers own Russian.

But not everyone goes to Greece behind clothes or household items - many would like to purchase local products. In this case, welcome to Greek supermarkets: in Athens - Sklavenitis, in Crete - Ariadni, in Thessaloniki - Masoutis. AB Vasilopoulos Premium Supermarkets also enjoy popular among tourists, the LIDI German supermarket chain.

It is not bad to twitch in the markets and bazaars, which in the country there are a lot, including flea. The freshest I. inexpensive goods You can buy from the food basket here: olive oil, feta cheese, local wine. The main thing is to have time until 15:00, since then the markets and markets are closed until the next day.

To take advantage of tourists: Citizens of the Russian Federation, since they are not residents of the European Union, can take advantage of the right to return VAT (Tax Free), but provided that the purchase amount is not less than 120 € and it is made in a trading point that participates in the system. To determine this, you carefully look closely: the designation "Tax-Free for tourists", which is literally translated from English "for tourists without tax", in this case it is applied to display cases, cash register or directly to the entrance to the store. On the mainland, the amount of returned value added tax will be 23%, on island territories - 16%.

Public transport

In Greece, it is convenient to travel by bus, besides, the trip will cost inexpensively. However, drivers who understand English, not to mention Russian, very, very little. Urban public transport runs from 5:30 am and up to midnight, there are special night flights. The most developed in the transportation is, of course, the capital. Car communication in it, as well as in other cities, chaotic, can occur with parking. The cities have a speed limit: 50 km / h.

Alternative to buses - electric transport (trams and trolleybuses). In Athens, as it should be the metropolitan metropolis, there is a subway, the passage acts within 1.5 hours. There are no subway in other cities.

In Greece, there is a network of railways, only experienced tourists do not advise travel in second-class trains, since they are purity and comfort, unlike first-class trains, can not boast. But regardless of the category, the train was and remains in demand by the option for night trips: fell asleep in one city, and in the morning I woke up - you already had a rested and fresh in the destination!

Since Greece is partially an island state, by bus or train you can not get to all points of the country. For maritime travel, one of the water vehicles will have to choose: ferry or high-speed boat. When parking on a ferry of its or rented car should be attentive, as cars are usually located very close to each other.

Car driving

The driver's license operating in Russia will be enough to rent a car in Greece. Prices in numerous local companies It is quite acceptable, but check the condition of the machine and the availability of insurance in case of an accident. The minimum age of the driver is 21 years old, sometimes 25 years old. Driving experience should be at least a year.

Large highways are very good for car enthusiasts, and in addition, thanks to the funds allocated by the EU, in recent years, the Greece road network has been significantly improved. There are ground roads leading mainly to beaches and secluded monasteries. Speed \u200b\u200blimit is 50 km / h in the city (sometimes less), 80 km / h - on highways, 120 km / h - on highways, although sometimes looking at the Maneru driving Greeks, it's hard to believe ... if you bring to go At night, we fear unlit sites and stades of animals, passing the road. It is not easy to ride in the city, especially in Athens, due to numerous traffic jams and unilateral roads.

Communication and Internet

Mobile communications in Greece is well developed, the network covers almost the entire territory of the country, except for some small remote islands. Especially good "catches" in the cities, and in Athens even in the subway. If you are going to call the Greek rooms, that is, it makes sense to buy a SIM card of one of the local cellular operators. If there is no such need, and you plan to call only home in the Russian Federation, you can use the roaming service, which all Russian operators provide their subscribers.

The leaders of the Greek mobile market are companies such as Cosmote, Wind and Vodafone. The first is the state and its main advantage in the eyes of competitors can be considered good level client service. Wind was once a monopolist in the local market and has long established itself with high quality communication. Well, and Vodafone, as a transnational operator, does not need an additional presentation. The quality of the coating is not inferior to competitors, but it has a little more "dead zones", where communication is not available.

Moral standards

Despite the fact that the summer is very hot if you are outside the beach, be dressed properly. To visit the monastery, women should wear a skirt or dress below the knee and handkerchief, men - pants.

If you are offered to drink or invite dinner, do not refuse, as it can offend the Greeks. Also remember that everything that concerns relations with Turkey is a rather delicate question, avoid joking on this topic.

Controversial moments

Check your account in the restaurant: In the most tourist places, it may increase on one additional dish or drink ... You also pay attention to the prices on the windows: they sometimes relate to the sale on the removal and can dry out if you eat on the spot. Finally, if you want to pay a credit card, make sure that the tips (3-5%) are not removed without your consent. As a rule, any misunderstanding can be easily settle, it is worth only to remain alert and remember the possibility to call the tourist police specializing in the settlement of such problems.


Greece, with all wishes, cannot be attributed, as, for example, Iceland or Sweden, to the safest to tourists to the countries on the continent. Unfortunately, small thefts are common here, especially in places of large cluster of people: hotels, at airports, train stations near attractions. Pockets can fly and public transport. In Athens, as in any major city, there are its dangerous areas, it is the squares of the bells and Wati and the quarter of the red lanterns in the vicinity of Omonia.

Women are especially able to beware of ... obsessive boyfriends or "Kamakov" (from the Greek "Kamakis" - "GarPuner"). This, as a rule, a pleasant appearance of men emitting charm and temperament, which is very persistently achieved by the location of lonely foreign tourist turbs. Their ultimate goal is to "hook" for a while, and if you are lucky, then for the whole season, a rich companion. Milic ladies are also not recommended to sit in a car to unfamiliar men or walk at night, as there is a risk of becoming victims of rape.

Greeks spend their hot southern temperament not only to search love adventures, but also participation in all sorts of protests and strikes. And although the "righteous anger" of demonstrators is usually not aimed at people, to the street during the rally it is better not to go out. Police for overclocking protesters usually applies tear gas, which is valid not only for direct purpose, that is, eye. He is able to cause serious complications in patients with bronchitis and asthma. And even if the guards of the order with their means of deterrence will be far from you, there is a risk of falling under someone's hot hand or get injured in a crush.

In addition to human factor, a certain danger is made in themselves and factors natural. And the mainland part of Greece, and its islands fall under the determination of seismically dangerous zones, which means a high probability of earthquakes. Underground shocks with a high amplitude, fortunately, happening not so often, but a small force of oscillations earth crust - Conventional phenomenon. Do not forget about the risk that forest fires arising from a hot climate. In these cases, it should be brought directly to the Fire Protection Office by phone 199 or in the rescue service at 112.

Hotels in Greece

Both on the mainland, and on the islands of the hotel's tourists for every taste and wallet. In Greece, in addition to the traditional class of classifying the number of stars, the alphabetic designation of the hotel class is used. So, the letter L means that you got to the hotel-luxury, which corresponds to the five stars; C - three stars; And E corresponds to the level of 1-2 stars. But it is often encountered a kind of "anomaly": in class E hotels, the level of service is higher than in hotels that have the designation C.

Be prepared for what you can face the problem of lack of numbers, especially on the most popular Greek islands. The excitement here is a common phenomenon, especially on weekends and holidays, when vacationing foreigners join local residents. To avoid tourist "pillars", book the apartments in advance. So, using the service, you can find excellent accommodation in Greece to 60% discounts.

The owners of most local hotels are local owners, but the largest international networks are also presented in Greece, for example, Best Western and Hilton. You can remove the extra-class number in local network hotels, such as Luxury Collection of Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Louis and Chandris. The cost of living in them is from 150-200 euros.

Many tourists prefer to stop in private hotels (guesthouses), the most fully transmitting the spirit of local lifestyle and the hospitality inherent in the Greeks. In cities you can rent a separate apartment for two or three people, in the suburbs - small houses designed for four guests. Prices vary from 40-60 to 90-120 euros per night.

Hostels in Greece are not as popular as in other European countries, but you can stay in one of the five Athenian youth hostels that are members of the International Hostel Association. Similar to thessaloniki, Paros, Corfu and IOSE, and they also come to the named association. Overnight in the hostel will cost you about 10 €, the cost depends on its location.

The homeland of democracy can also be stopped in monasteries, only the rules of their stay in them may seem not so democratic. For example, if you are looking for overnight together with the opposite sex satellite, then get a failure. In addition, it is necessary to dress in accordance with the generally accepted norms of decency, otherwise they will not be taken either. And if you are not allowed, you will have to comply with the "Commandant hour": return to the monastery - for example, after the excursion - later the deadline is not allowed.

) and charter.

In the peak of the tourist season, that is, in the summer, flights to Greece are carried out, including those of Russian cities as Krasnodar, Kazan and Perm.

For staying on the territory of the country, the Russians require an abroad passport with an affiliated Schengen visa.

It is argued that the success of the Greek people in the areas of cultural creativity was not formal. Let's say with confidence that no people in history could enrich the cultural treasury of humanity as the Greeks and give many fruitful ideas and masterpieces. The Greeks left in the field of religion around the world unsurpassed in brightness and depth system of mythology. By the way, if you plunge into history, it will be known that it was in ancient Greece that a concept of philosophy was born.

In Greece, science also originated as a separate cultural sphere. The Greek people became the founder of the European Theater, created many literary genres and achieved success in the field of sculpture and architecture. And in all areas that speech now, the Greeks have achieved great success. Each of us and now, again and again appeals to the great legacy of ancient Greece, without even suspecting it.

Greeks are able to live and know how to enjoy life. They love to spend their free time And they hold it in their pleasure. They do not think about tomorrow, they can say boldly, live one day. The Greek people are unique, because he managed to receive pleasure even in such situations that would subjected other peoples in complete despondency and longing. Their retained optimism is expressed in a familiar phrase "God will give!" And "Avos."

Greek people are a cheerful nation. They love a sharp little lying and jokes. In Greece, as we said, love to have fun, and if you go to this country, you will see that there is no day off, not to mention public holidays, it does not pass without dancing and music. Greeks, you can safely say it is a hot and sentimental people. When they swing their heads from below, it means that they say "no", and if on the contrary, that is, from top to bottom, they say "yes." The word "NE" from Greek means "yes", and "Ohi" sounds denial.

The Greeks are not a punctual people, and on a business meeting, they can easily be late. Greek "Tomorrow" means refusal or something uncertain. In the house of the Greeks do not shoot shoes, and when guests are invited home, then all sorts of good disease are not preparing and not covered on the table. After ten o'clock in the evening, call the phone in Greece is not accepted, not to break peace in the house.

The main feature that characterizes the Greek people is individualism, so it is not possible to sort them. Greeks, love freedom, and they absolutely do not perceive the words "system" and "discipline".

Basically, all customs are closely related to religious holidays or rituals, although most of all have a pagan origin. The Greeks are usually not particularly religious, that is, they are not fans and not hypocrites, since in their personal life the Orthodox Church does not interfere if they miss only one service.

It is said that when the Greeks do not sleep, their living temperament blooms a buoy, which is not constrained by any conventions. Greek in everything puts the soul and makes passionately, and when it is sad, and when they are having fun. He does not shout about and without reason.

The quiet Greek is the one that Greek, whom he heard is not further a surrounding street, and he does not speak when his hands are busy. Two Greeks, leading friendly conversation, look like they want to kill each other, and if you see the funny company of the Greeks, it seems that a pack of hounds have been going to prey. The Greek people love jokes and jokes, they will always find one minute to teach friends the most relevant jokes and new booms.

Each average Greek has its own specific looks for life, ranging from a flight to space and ending with prices for products. Also, the Greeks love to philosophize on the theme of nature and life, and not a single feeling of them is considered personal to remain unfinished. We can say with confidence that the passion of the Greek does not know borders. All over the world is dancing when happy, but none of the other nasal can do it as the Greeks, as they invest the entire soul and emotions.

Passionate and emotional Greeks, together with their southern delightful temperament, create a certain explosive mix of emotions and feelings, to talk calmly and judiciously, not complementing everything with faith and speech, they simply cannot, and they can't. That is why many mobile accessories are so popular in the country, which allow you to communicate by phone without holding it in your hands. And at the same time, it does not even matter that the interlocutor is not visible to all expressive gestures.

American judge N. Kelly best described the Greeks: Greeks are smart, vain, unorganized and energetic, with a sense of humor, but complete prejudices, impatient and true fighters. Greek is an inquisitive, indomitable, a little good and a bit bad person, a non-permanent, with a changing mood, wise and wrinkled. All this is the Greeks.

make up the main population Greece and Cyprus. As of 2011, the population of Greece was equal 10.8 million people, of which 93% - the Greeks (more precisely, Greek citizens, since there was no point on ethnicity in the survey). In 2011, 98.8% of the Greeks of 838.9 thousand citizens lived in Cyprus. Greek diaspora Lives in Italy, Egypt, Albania, Canada, Georgia, Australia, USA, Germany, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan. In Russia, according to the 2010 census, there were 85.6 thousand Greeks. Of these, 33.6 thousand people lived in the Stavropol Territory, in Krasnodar - 22.6 thousand, in Rostov region - About 2.5 thousand, North Ossetia - 1.9 thousand, in Moscow and the Moscow region - approximately 4.5 thousand people.

Ethnic history

Protogreic tribes believe ionians, Ahetsey and DoriytsevAssimilated in the II Millennium BC. Local population in the Balkans. General self-sizing Greeks - Ellina. It was established in the era of Greek colonizations, to the VI century. BC. The Ellinov-Colonists of Southern Italy began to call the Romans Greeks. In the Roman state, the Greeks-citizens were called Roma. Later, after the split of the Roman Empire, the novels were called all the inhabitants of Byzantium (the East-Roman Empire), where the Hellenistic culture and the Greeks were developing a dominant ethnic. The formation of the Greek ethnos was affected by the Slavs, Turks, Albanians, Armenians, Valahi in the Middle Ages, Armenians. The 400-year-old Ottoman IHO played a big role, although the Greeks managed to preserve the National appearance and cultural values.


The Greeks speak in the Novogreic language, which finally developed to the XIX in. An exception is an ethnic group of Urums. The Uruma Crimea and the Azov (Greek-Tatars) use a dialect of the Crimean-Tatar language, and the Talc Urums of Georgia - the Turkish dialect.


Absolute Most of the Greeks confesses orthodoxy (about 95% in 2012). In Greece, it is a state religion, which is enshrined in the Constitution. Many religious holidays (for example, teofania) have national status, are noted in the Novyulian (coinciding with the Gregorian) calendar.

folk music

To folk musical instruments Greeks include Australia (Flute from Reed), Lira with five strings, Hyde (like a voyage), Buzuki ( stringed instrumentLittle). A vivid example of folk music is the pre-holiday songs of the kalend, performed between Merry Christmas and baptism.


Traditional female Greek costume - dress in the waist, apron and a vest with a rich ornament - wears the name of defin. Festive female outfit, which can be found in Greek weddings today, called Karegoan. This is a multi-layered heavy clothing with decorations in the form of embroidery, brushes and monist. Traditional male suit with a folded skirt - Fustanel. Today, he serves as a uniform of the presidential guard. Another kind of male costume is a robe. It includes a white shirt, a black vest, a jacket, a wide belt and dark baggy pants of Caramani. The robe is used as a wedding outfit.


The traditional Greek house is a two-story stone structure, in which the first floor is assigned to shopping premises, and the second is under housing. For the Greek house there are long balconies, external stairs, flat or duplex roof. Such houses can be found today in countryside, especially on the islands (Thassos, Mitilini, Mykonos and others).


Traditional Greek cuisine includes many vegetables (eggplants, artichokes, tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers, legumes). The Greeks are eating dairy products, among which the most famous feta cheese and pressed yogurt, which is the basis for the dzadzik sauce. A lot of spices are used in the national kitchen: anise, oregano, cinnamon, oregano, pepper, laurel. Greece grows rare spice - saffron (Crocus Kozani). The aromatic seasoning of Makhletpe from the bones of wild cherry is also common. The Greeks are added to the food olive oil, and the olives themselves are eaten both treated and raw. A large role in their kitchen is played fish dishes. For the Black Sea Greeks, dishes are characterized by Hamsa, Barabuli. From the meat of the Greeks prefer veal and lamb, pork is less common.