Where to rest in Spain on the sea? The best beach resorts. Where in Spain the cheapest rest

Where to rest in Spain on the sea? The best beach resorts. Where in Spain the cheapest rest
Where to rest in Spain on the sea? The best beach resorts. Where in Spain the cheapest rest

Spain was lucky with access to the sea. The wonderful beaches of the Mediterranean Sea in the south of the country, Gibraltar, North-West, which is straightforward to the Biscay Bay of the Atlantic Ocean ... It is hard with such opportunities not to be a beach tourism country. And it's not difficult to find it here.

The best holiday on the sea in Spain offers many fashionable resorts. To relax with children, it is better to choose resorts located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, softer climate and calmly waves.

If you want a good tour to Spain with rest on the sea, pay attention to these famous resort areas:

Costa Brava (Catalonia, Girona Province) with resorts:

- Ampuria-Brava

- Blanes (the southernmost resort of Costa Brava)

- Kadakues.

- Lloret de Mar

- Palamos

- Playa de Aro

- Porto (the northernmost resort of Costa Brava)

- Puerto de la Selva

- Sagaro

- Santa Cristina de Aro

- San Feliu de Guisols

- Tossa de Mar

Costa del Marezme. This is part of the coast of the Balearia Sea south of Costa Brava. Located in Catalonia, Barcelona Province, Mosquito Maresme. Sandy beaches are protected from the northern winds with a coastal mountain chain. The official website of the region can be found

Costa del Garraf. The coast is located 36 km south.

- Sitges, Central Coast Resort

- Casteldefels.

Costa Dorada. This is a segment of the coast of the Balearia Sea (part of the Mediterranean Sea) in Northeast Spain. The shore extends 200 km from Vilanov-I-La Yolter in the north to the Alkanar Ebro River Delta in the south. Costa Dorada covers all the coast of Tarragona Province. Among the popular resorts here:

- Tarragona

The resort of Costa Dorada is interested in those who want to rest in Spain with children. There is a famous Universal Mediterranea, an amusement park and recreation for the whole family.

Costa Blanca- This is a band of the Mediterranean coast, the province of Alicante in Valencia. - The resort capital of the Costa Blanca.

Costa del Sol - This is the region of southern Spain, located in Andalusia. Includes coastal settlements of Malaga Province. Known resorts in the region:

- Malaga

- Fuengirola.

- Marbella

- Estepona

- Manilva

- Torrox

Costa de la Luz. This resort region is located on the coast of the Atlantic in the southwestern Andalusia, between the city on the Mant of Marks, in the province of Cadiz, and the mouth of the Gwadiana River in Wuelva Province. Here is very popular kaitsurfing, mainly due to strong constant winds in these places.

In the Mediterranean Sea between Spain and Africa are located Balearic Islands:

- Menorca

- Mallorca

In the Atlantic Ocean, tourists come to Canary Islandsfamous for their luxurious beaches and warm sea:

- Fuerteventura

- Lanzarote

- Tenerife

- Gran Canaria

Total in Spain, including the Balearic and Canary Islands, not less than 480 beaches. Rest on the beaches of Spain is basically free. Beaches are considered municipal property. Tourists pay for rental of sun beds and umbrellas in the area of \u200b\u200b2-3 EUR per day.

Many are interested in holidays in Spain on the sea, where it is best to rest with children, where will well young people, people of retirement age?

Spain is a big country, it is located both in the mainland and in Canaries, as well as on the Islands of the Balearic Archipelago. In the summer, beautiful beaches are popular here, and in the winter for tourists there are numerous resorts for ski lovers in the mountains.

The Spanish coast is one of the best in Europe, and Ibiza island became a resting center for young people from around the world.

In contact with

The most popular elite resorts of Spain

Spain is called the Solar Country, where you want to come back again and again. There are many beaches located on the sea and ocean coast, there are centers of youth life and ancient architecture. But among this diversity there are resorts in which you immediately fall in love and want to return here again. So where to spend the best holiday in Spain?


The famous place that chance from Russia sang in their songs. Comfortable and beautiful resort for luxurious holidays with the whole family. Mallorca is the largest island in the Mediterranean.

Its main advantage is a pleasant climate that allows you to rest on it all year round. Here are clean beaches of sand, on which there is a large number of hotels, the water in the sea is warm and transparent, which has a family siesta with young children.

Tourists here have something to see: a factory for making pearls, a safari on a car, a balloon excursions and in the underwater world.


This is the most famous resort for residents of Russia. This archipelago is located in the Atlantic, where a special climate, allowing to relax here at any time. There are no big heat and cold winter. The average temperature is + 25 °, but the water is cooled here than on other beaches, its temperature + 22 °.

Many beaches here from sand, but there are shores with volcanic ash or pebbles.

Take into account: There are many castles on the islands built in the Middle Ages, water parks and reserves, where you can see a large number of exotic animals, birds and plants.


Many have heard about this resort, which reigns fun and entertainment. Youth come here from all over the world to hang out, listen to famous DJs and artists. Here are the brightest parties in the world.

But not many know that there are 58 sand, environmentally friendly beaches. The season here lasts with early spring and to deep autumn.

Costa Blanca

Here is the largest number of beaches with clean sand, blue transparent water, the temperature of which is 26-28 °. In the last month of summer, the air temperature is 32 °.

The capital of Costa Blanca is the city of Alicante, in which the infrastructure and a huge airport is very developed.

Take note: For tourists in the summer there is a holiday in honor of fire that cannot be skipped.


He is the center of youth life.

Also here are the famous corrides, there is a big zoo and the thematic park for the entertainment of the Mitika, where bright shows are held in costumes.

Costa Brava

This resort is located in the north of the country where you can spend your holiday from July to September.

The beaches of this resort are very clean. For tourists there is a museum of the famous Dali and the most beautiful botanical garden.

Costa Dorada

This resort is located in the south-east of Spain on the Balearo coast. The climate in the resort is soft, the shore from the sand and not deep, so they love to relax with children.

The main landmark is the Aventura Park. The water park and amusement park are built here, which is divided into five zones: Chinese, Mediterranean, Polynesian, Mexican and Wild West.

Anyone here will find entertainment to your taste: fishing, underwater immersion, horseback riding or tennis.

Capital of Spain

Love all tourists who come to Spain. It can not be loved, because it is a city of passion, sun, love. Here are beautiful ancient streets covered with a blocking, red roofs on houses decorate ancient buildings. The main attraction - Puerto Del Sol Square. The center is located the famous Museum of Painting. Madrid is the center of art in Europe.

In Madrid a very stormy life at night. The festivities begin on Wednesday, and end on Sunday. In Madrid, you can taste the national cuisine that will hit any gourmet.

This is another popular city in Spain. There is a hot sun and hospitable inhabitants who, not knowing English, will always help the traveler who has fallen into trouble.

Arriving here, it is necessary to visit the Gothic Quarter and the local Bulaera goods market.

Where to relax in Spain on the sea - budget resorts

For? To determine the most inexpensive resorts in Spain, a study was conducted and a list of budget cities was drawn up.

  • Lloret de Mar;
  • Calewie;
  • Pined de Mar;
  • Tossa de Mar;
  • Majorca.

Lloret de Mar for parties

This city is very famous among young people because of the well-developed and filling life at night, as well as the possibility of practicing different sports.

It will be easy to find a cheap hotel for accommodation.

Silence and Shopping Calelia

The city is 45 kilometers from Barcelona. Here are large sandy beaches with a lot of bays, where you can do underwater swimming.

For holidays with children, this is not the best place, as the coast is deep here. Hotels are a bit, but they are all in demand due to the developed urban infrastructure.

Beautiful and quiet city Tossa Del Mar

There are no clubs for young people in the city, but here are driving due to environmentally friendly beaches and a high level of service in hotels. They are small here, but very cozy.

The price of residence is low and can satisfy any tourist. For those who are looking for a quiet beach holiday, this resort will be just a find.

Beach holidays in Spain - where it is best to rest

Beaches in Spain are the most famous in Europe. Most of the beaches stretched on the Mediterranean coast and the Atlantic. Paradise places include Costa Brava, Costa Dorado, Balearic and Canary Islands.

Costa Dorada stretches over the Mediterranean from Barcelona before. The Costa Dorada is translated as the Gold Coast. Sand on the beaches will be sparkled, which resembles a precious metal. Beautiful warm climate has an active holiday.

Here you can enjoy snorkeling, golf, tennis or horse ride. Here is a paradise for fishing lovers. Affectionate Sea, many places for entertainment makes this resort of a family holiday center.

If you love holidays, then you are on the Costa Bravo. Carnivals, festivals, holidays of local songs and customs are held here. Whatever tourist arrived here, he will definitely fall on one of the many holidays. In the markets you can try exotic fruits and dishes of national cuisine. This city is famous for the fact that the famous Salvador Dali was born here.

The biggest island among Balearic is Mallorca. There are many cultural monuments of different eras. You can see and take part in the knights tournament, and see the famous Corrida. The main feature is the dragon caves.

There is an opinion that on Canar, the year round is spring. The mild climate allows for family siesta at any time of the year. Here are beautiful beaches and an unusually beautiful landscape.

Youth resorts of Spain on the sea

Using the survey method among youth, the five best places of recreation were determined:

  1. Ibiza.The hottest place in Spain is not only due to the air temperature, but first of all because of the night life. Here are the most fashionable leading discos and artists. Holidays last from spring and to deep autumn;
  1. Lloret de Mar.On the coast of Costa Brava, thousands of active students arrive all year round, who are not suitable for everyday routine, and they want to distract from study and make new acquaintances. Large clean beaches, small comfortable hotels and a lot of entertainment make it possible inexpensively and comfortably relax;
  1. Salou.The Soft Sea of \u200b\u200bCosta Dorada has become a refuge for another loud youth resort. Europe's youth love him for inexpensive hotels and a variety of life at night. There are many restaurants and cafeteria. Very small cost of food and very tasty experience in cooking will deliver the joy to many tourists. There are many festivals and holidays on every taste on the island;
  1. Benidorm.A small resort in Spain is very similar to the American. Large hotels are located right on the seafront. The prices in them are diverse - from the most expensive to small budget. National wines and dishes can be tried in any restaurant or cafe. Thematic clubs for young people offer many entertainment programs. In the zoo you can see exotic birds, animals and plants collected from around the world;
  1. Magaluf.A small comfortable city is located on the island of Mallorca and is a popular holiday destination from around the world. There are no such large cultural centers as in other cities, but it attracts an army of tourists with its moderate prices and a high level of service in hotels.

Where is it better to relax on the sea in Spain, elderly people

Costa Blanca is the most suitable place in the country for recreation of pensioners. Holidays in hotels for seven days will cost pensioners, who are not a high retirement benefit, just 165 euros. Such prices here hold many years.

A low-effective season for tourists here begins in October, when the numerous traveler army returned home. Hotels in Benidorm, Guardamar, Phoenistra, Calpe, Havia take part in the program to provide its full contents for pensioners.

It is worth noting: Total for the "dead" Season of Costa Blanca takes about a million elderly tourists from around the world.

Holidays in Spain with children - where better and calmer

Vacation with children in Spain is vivid impressions and many emotions. The most suitable time for sightseeing recreation serve Winter, Spring and Autumn. At this time, you can combine quiet, relaxing rest with the inspection of many architectural and cultural monuments.

Tourist replies:

Going to Spain on vacation, you can choose any place you like both on the mainland and on one of the numerous islands. It should be remembered that each Spanish resort is unique in its own way and differs from others. What can boast and attract travelers the most popular of them?

Beach rest

The first thing you will most likely be offered in the travel agency will be Costa Brava or Costa Dorada - the most popular areas in the domestic turbines. Proximity to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bpicturesque nature with majestic cliffs and cozy bays, well-developed infrastructure and moderate prices - this is what attracts beach lovers in Costa Brava. Costa Dorada He pleases its guests with a warm sun, a mild climate, beautiful beaches and a grand fleet of attractions and entertainment. "Port Aventura".

Lovers of gorgeous rest and opportunities to see world celebrities should go to Costa del Sol - One of the most expensive resorts of the region. Here you can not only soar on the beach under the affectionate sun, but stroll through the botanical garden, sit in a cozy restaurant over a glass of good local wine.

Costa del Maresme It also boasts its unsurpassed beaches, picturesque bays and luxury villas. And 35 km from Barcelona launched an old city Costa del Garrafwho pleases its guests not only with excellent beach holidays, but also well-preserved monuments of medieval architecture.

The true connoisseurs of beach rest are often choosing Costa Blanca, where, perhaps, the most white sand in Spain and summer lasts three hundred days a year. Entertainment lovers love this place, because Benidrom is quite nearby - a sort of local Las Vegas.

Many people prefer to rest one of the Spanish Islands.

One of the most visited islands, especially among young people, is undoubtedly Ibiza - Place created not only for recreation, but also for all sorts of entertainment. Here, the music, having taken from them to the unknown delighted with them, is incidental. Here you can not only have fun before falling, sleeping on the beach or admire the dawn with your expensive people - here you can completely liberate and feel free.

Lovers of a more relaxed and fashionable island rest will undoubtedly have to taste the legendary island Majorcawhere everything turns out to be in some extraordinary harmony: rest on the magnificent beach and a yacht walk, participation in one of the grand parties and inspection of local attractions.

Truly beloved and memorable will be rest on Canary. Golden or black beaches, brown exotic vegetation, unique nature, insanely delicious cuisine - all this will make your vacation here just unforgettable.

Acquaintance with history and culture

But for an excellent holiday in Spain, it is not necessary to go to one of the sea resorts. If you just want to enjoy the local culture and traditions, regional gastronomic features, you can stay in one of the historical or cultural centers of the country. It may be the capital of Spain - Madrid, and beautiful Barcelona, and legendary Girona.

The main thing to remember is no matter what kind of city or village you will choose for your stay in Spain. Maybe you will prefer to inspect the main sights of the country, moving from the city to the city, stopping in every no more than a couple of days. The main thing is that each region of Spain is unique in its own way and inimitate, everyone will give a lot of impressions and emotions, temperament and fire.

Is the answer?

Spain is a fairly large country in the south of Europe, recently it is increasingly popular among our tourists. In Spain, there are a great many resorts and interesting places, so anyone can find a place for yourself in the shower.


Madrid is not suitable for those who are interested in sightseeing holidays. In this city you can visit the Royal Palace, in one of the museums who have a huge collection of painting - the Prado Museum, the Museum of the Queen Sofia, as well as the Museum of Tissren - Borneurs. In Madrid, there are also more unusual exhibitions - for example, the Museum of Criminalistics and the Museum of Glass Products. In the capital there are a number of small museums, which nevertheless can interest tourists. In addition, there are parks and gardens in the city that are suitable for a quiet walk. One of the largest Madrid parks is Retiro, is very close to the Prado Museum.

In Madrid, one of the best clubs in all of Spain are located - this is a seven-level Teatro Kapital, and the world famous Pacha, and so-friendly Joy foreigners.

Thus, rest in the Spanish capital is suitable for lovers of attractions, museums and antiquities, as well as for young people who want to combine sightseeing holidays with a campaign in clubs and bars.


Barcelona is located in the north of Spain, or rather on the Mediterranean coast, so its visit can be combined with beach holidays. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200battractions are not less than in the capital - both the old quarters, and the Sagrada Cathedral, and the Park Guell, and at home created by Great Gaudi, and museums - among them and the Picasso Museum, and the Museum of Catalan Art, and the Museum of Contemporary Art .


Under Barcelona there is a small resort town called Salou, which is very loved and visiting Russian tourists. Of the minuses - in the season (that is, in July-August) there are a lot of people, in cafes and restaurants you can expect a queue, and it will be difficult to find the place on the beach. Of the pros - as I mentioned above, there are many Russians, so it will be easy to find a company. In addition, there are many Russian-speaking guides, so you can easily order a tour in Russian. Very near Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin which, undoubtedly, there is something to see, and a few kilometers from Salou is Port Aventura - a huge amusement park, in which you can spend a whole day.


This is the third largest city of Spain, which is also a famous seaside resort. In Valencia, you can visit the Cathedral, the Museum of Fine Arts, the National Museum of Ceramics, to go to the Museum of History of Valencia, Ethnological Museum, as well as a huge complex called - the Museum of Science and Art, which includes an aquarium, cinema, opera, science museum and garden.

Also Valencia is famous for its beaches, so it's it is better suitable for a beach holiday. Of the minuses of rest in Valencia - there are somewhat more complicated to get there than in Barcelona (direct flights flying from Russia), they speak much less in English - so if you do not know Spanish, you will be somewhat difficult to explain with the locals.

Dénia, Gandia, Calpe

These are small resort towns that are located between Valencia and Alicante, on the Mediterranean coast. All of them are less like each other - there are a number of hotels and apartments for holidaymakers, entertainment is not so much - it is beach entertainment type of banana, a hydrocycle, water ski, a row of bars and cafes (usually inexpensive). Such townships are suitable for a relaxed beach holiday, well-fit for recreation with children - in any, even the smallest town has playgrounds, and due to the fact that there is no huge number of clubs in the city, there is not very noisy. Of the minuses - you can get to these towns only from other, larger cities - Valencia or Alicante.


This is another resort town, located 45 kilometers from Alicante. From all of the above towns, it is distinguished by the presence of a large amount of entertainment. Next to Benidorm is a large amusement park called Terra Mitica (it is a little less than a port of Aventura, but and there you can spend a whole day), Aqualandia Water Park and Animal Park Terra Natura. Benidorm himself loves young people, so there are quite a few decent clubs and bars. Also wishing to go to Benidorm worth keeping in mind that this city is a favorite place for the rest of the British, who often behave very noisy.


This is a rather major city, which is closer to the south of Spain. There are a number of attractions, an old fortress occupies a special place among them. In addition, there are quite a few stores in Alicante, so you can go shopping there. The beaches in Alicante also there, although they are a bit.


Spain is not only the mainland, this country belongs to several islands. Ibiza is the most famous island among Tusovers - there are some of the best clubs in Europe, and all the world - world-famous DJs come there, for example, David Ghette, Armin Van Buur and many others. Oddly enough, the remaining part of the island is suitable for a relaxing beach holiday and very visited by European pensioners - all clubs are focused on the capital, and the rest of the island has little settled and therefore you can safely swim in the sea and enjoy nature.

Mallorca and Menorca

These islands, called Baleari, are well suited for a relaxing holiday - family or children. In stock Warm sea, clean beaches, cafes and restaurants, as well as the absence of a large number of nightclubs.

Canary Islands

In the Atlantic Ocean, near the shores of Africa is the Archipelago of the Canary Islands, which also belong to Spain. To fly there much longer (about seven hours), but there you can admire volcanoes (on Tenerife), beaches with volcanic sand, as well as more to learn about the root inhabitants of the islands. The sun on the Canarians is much more active than in Spain, so there is easy to burn, but the ocean, on the contrary, is the cooler than the Mediterranean Sea, so the Canaras will not be suitable for fans to splash in warm water.

At the price of the most attractive, the resorts of Costa Brava and the Costa Dorada are considered. There are many small and cozy cities: Lloret de Mar, Salou, Cambrils, Balanes. And in general, if the service and comfort is not important for you and you can relax everywhere economically. The main thing is to know a few simple ways to save. It is necessary to book tickets properly, because it is often the most expensive of all expenses. Unlike the Europeans who are bypassing in a few euros, we have to be called to flush and part with a large amount of money. Now there are many diverse search engines where you can track offering all airlines and find one of the cheapest tickets for yourself. There are also small money companies that take small money for the flight, but for all additional services, even choosing a place (you can sit in different ends of the cabin), you will have to pay extra, and the sums are not small, but for the trip liking it is a good option.

Choose the right hotel, because as you understand this place, where you will spend the least time and on this article costs can be saved. Consider the options for hostels and guesthouses, prices are far as much as in the hotel. In hostels, the more people live in the room, the cheaper accommodation costs. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfor example, there is an inexpensive hostel located right in the city center. There is also an option to rent housing directly from the owner of the apartment, such a service provides the AirbnB website. On the site is indicated in which foreign language is talking to the owner of the premises, as well as the reviews of the previous guests, in this way you can protect yourself, as well as it is designed in more detail about the place in which you want to live, asking him directly from the owner. Security is guaranteed, no fraud, because all transactions are conducted through the system, and the owner receives funds only after your approval. The free accommodation option is also present, it is a crawler, but if you are more than two people and he is not comfortable with children, and not everyone wants to take on a large number of guests. At the same time, of course, it is not necessary to rely on beautiful landscapes from the window, but still good location, cleanliness and calm you are provided, and most importantly acceptable price.

The third board is saving on food, no, that you, I do not urge you to eat fast food or not useful products. And yet, if you get a tour with breakfast included in it, then the amount will be much more expensive than without it (by the way, in the hostels, breakfast is usually included in the price). At the same time feeding on their own, you have a choice and daily diversity of dishes. As in any European country in Spain, you can order "Menu Del Dia", which means a comprehensive lunch. Usually it includes the first and second dishes, salad, non-alcoholic cocktail or drink, and sometimes even dessert. Food is quite enough to dine well, it costs such a pleasure from 5 euros to 10 euros per person. Usually, prices for complex lunches are postponed on a special sign near the establishment, so in the account you will not see any surprises. With such a nutrition, spend from three to four thousand rubles for the whole trip. In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI can recommend several establishments that offer the most delicious and affordable comprehensive lunches: "Laposte", the price of lunch will be 6-7 euros, the establishment of the address is located at: Gignàs Street, House 23, Metro Jaumei. "Drassanes" - the cost of lunch 10 euros, located in the yard of the Maritime Museum, the subway Drassanes. "ELCONVENT", prices from 8 euros, address: Jerusalem Street, House 3, Liceu Metro.

On excursions, you can also save. In Spain, many palaces, museums and parks can be visited for free, and hiking excursions with an experienced guide in English is carried out free of charge. Barcelona offers tours on old streets and neighborhoods of the city, as well as on the route of the art of the famous architect Gaudi (Holy Family Cathedral, Casa-Mila, Palace Guell, Casa-Batlo). Such excursions are held daily, the meeting point is Reiala, the first excursion begins at 11 am, the second in the same place from 16:30.

In Madrid free for visiting are: Museum Prado, Museum of the Corrida, Museum of Queen Sofia, Ben-Retiro Park. In the Ben-Retiro Park very beautiful, there is a pink garden, a variety of statues, presentations and fairs are held and you can rent a bike completely free. The planetarium can also be obtained for free, as well as on Wednesday, the Royal Palace. Active travelers and just those who want to save on movement around the city and the country are recommended to move on buses. In Spain, they are comfortable, and the cost of the ticket rarely can exceed 10 euros.

Spain surrounds the two seas: Balearic and albão, as well as the Biscay bay. Having such a favorable location, the country is the best choice of a holiday tourist in beach Europe. Travelers attracts a large territory of the coastline and a large number of colorful islands in this country. Spain is provided with secluded beaches, a high level of culture and stunning landscapes.

Before you, the list of best areas for recreation in the beachflash, which will help naturally prepare the route of your holiday.


Nerja is located near the lively shore of Malaga to Costa del Sol. This is an amazing place to be in front of the mountains in the mountain range of Sierra Almihara. In ancient times, Nerja was a village of fishermen, whereas now she has grown and turned into a better location, with all this, the real situation of Spain has saved.

The most magnificent landscape can be seen from the balcony of Europe, from which the unbarrible marine gave and the ruins of the old castle on the shore are opening. If you summarize all the duration of the beaches in Nerhae, it will be about 8 kilometers, and the most famous of them is the sandy beach del salon. The beach is perfect for families with children, as it is transparent and shallow.


Along the coast of the Mediterranean, not far from Barcelona is located Sitges - the popular sea resort of Spain. Many city inhabitants flock to Sitges during the day to sunbathe in the sun, but it is also a worthy place for full vacation and beach holidays. Along the coastline of Sitges called the Costa Dorada, you can count as many as 17 beaches. What does Sitges do so unique, so it is a variety of each of the beaches.

Here you can find some of the best beaches in Spain, tiny bays, seats for family holidays and huge sandy beaches, where you can spend great time thanks to a variety of available entertainment. Many beaches are easily accessible on foot, which is also a big advantage for beach lovers in Spain.


During the coastline of Costa de Cantabria, the city of Santander is located in Northern Spain. Among its outstanding attractions, celebrate the historic center of the city and the Palace Magdalena, who was once the summer residence of the Spanish King. Despite these historical monuments, Santander is known primarily by its beaches.

Magdalena Beach is just one example of popular coastal places. Playa Sardinero is the most crowded in Santander, while Virgen Del Mar Beach is a more quiet place. Enjoy sea views while walking along the long promenade of the Santander Gulf.

Costa Brava

To the north of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bnear the border of France, there is a coastal area of \u200b\u200bCosta Brava. There are many seaside resorts, historic fishing villages and largest coastal hotels here. In terms of beautiful landscapes and traditional Spanish color, go to Tossa de Mar Beach, which is the perfect beach holiday destination in Spain. For lovers of nightlife and tanning on the beach, Lloret de Mar will suit. In Lloret de Mar you can absorb the sun on the beach Lloret, do diving, or have fun all night long in coastal bars.


Throughout the coast of Costa Blanca, you will find a lively resort Benidorm. Popular like the Spaniards and tourists from all over Europe, Benidorm is a noisy place with countless hotels, shopping centers and all sorts of amenities. But it is his beautiful beaches that are considered the main advantage of the resort. The most popular two largest Beach Benidorm: Levante and Pontiente. Levante is always crowded with tourists who come here for the sake of excellent restaurants, shops and bars. Pontiente is more popular with local residents and families with children who want to avoid noise and collision.


Corralejo is a beach town on the northern tip of Fuerteventura, the second largest from the Canary Islands. The island has many beautiful beaches, due to which it is recognized as a favorite destination for fans of water sports. Thanks to regular winds, surfing experience is also popular here. Among the attractions of Spain is to celebrate Dunes National Park near Corralejo.

This stunning corner will not be practically affected by a person, giving everyone a chance to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can go on Safari on the dunes on special buggies, examining also the most beautiful sights. In Corralekho itself there are four main beach with all infrastructure, cafes and restaurants.


Marbella in Costa El Salo once was a tiny fishing village with a pair of hundreds of residents. Today it is one of the most famous beach holidays in Spain. The old town of Marbella is rich in historical architecture, but the real attractiveness of this city is in warm weather, magnificent beaches and nightlife. Most of the beaches of Marbella have excellent infrastructure, rescue tower, as well as many shops and bars. Playa de Alicate with clean white sand is considered the main beach in Marbella, and Nikki Beach attracts nightlife lovers.


The largest of the Canary Islands not far from the shore of Africa is Tenerife. Visitors come here throughout the year to enjoy warm weather, world-class nightlife and exceptional beaches. In addition to excellent beach holiday opportunities, Tenerife also offers all types of water sports. Al-Medano, for example, is considered one of the best destinations in the world for windsurfing.

In Los Gigantes, you can go fishing in the open sea, or watch whales. In search of unusual impressions, head to Las Galletas Beach, where you can feed the seaside skates in their natural habitat.


On the most southern tip of Spain along the Costa de la Luza is located a small town of Tarifa. Phenomenal beaches make the tariff to a stunning direction for a beach holiday in Spain. Through the Gibraltar Strait on a clear day you can easily see the shores of Africa. If you like beach sports, then go to the beach Los Lanses. Here you are waiting for about 10 kilometers of clean white sand and dunes, and the permanent wind makes Los Lanses ideally suitable for kitesurfing and windsurfing. On the beach there is Lagoon Rio Yar, filling with water during the tide.


Ibiza - Balearic Island, known for his non-stop nightlife. And although Ibiza comes to life at night, the days on the beach still attract many visitors. If you visit Ibiza, undoubtedly go to Cala Salad in San Antonio. Rocky coast towers over bright turquoise waters, forming idyllic landscapes.

Behind a cold cocktail and chaise longue Go to Cala Yondal-wondered Beach with beautiful white sand. For privacy it is worth choosing a small Cala Xuclar Bay, where you can relax from the noisy crowd and dive with the mask.


Gran Canaria is one of the most popular Canary Islands located near the shores of Western Sahara in Africa. The Spanish island has many attractive holiday destinations, but one of the best is Maspalomas. The striking dunes and bright blue sea make Maspalomas ideal for a beach holiday in Spain. Maspalomas is divided into four areas.

Families with young children can stay in the first of them, while other sections will be interested in party members, nudists and fans of water sports. Maspalomas Beach is located near the city center, where you can always eat and enjoy drinks.


Mallorca is the largest of the Spanish Balearic Islands. With countless beaches, white sand and pure water, Mallorca is a fantastic beach holiday destination in Spain. Magalufa Beach is one of the most popular on the island, where you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also have fun shopping and nightlife.

Many visitors Majorca stop in hotels off the coast of the ocean on the most crowded strip of the coastline, but there are also some isolated places where it is possible to find a privacy. Kala-Figuer Beach, for example, is located between the mountains in a quiet bay. Here you will find amazing untouched nature and peaceful silence.

Be interesting with