Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: "The husband wandered from a carriage through the streets in the company of local homeless. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: I need my husband like air

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: "The husband wandered from a carriage through the streets in the company of local homeless. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: I need my husband like air

By 33 years in her life there was only one serious novel, which she stopped herself: the chosen was married, and Karamericovskaya did not want to break the family. Later, she understood that everything did everything right - life just prepared her to the real feeling.

Singing actress

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya became the singer on the call of the heart, preparing initially learn at the philologist, like a sister and mother. But the love of singing was stronger - and Luba entered Gnesink. The unique timbre of the Master's singer was already appreciated at the Institute - and invited a student Kazarnovskaya to fulfill Tatiana's party in Opere Evgeny Onegin on the scene of the Music Theater. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

To each Party, Kazarnovskaya was treated as a full-fledged theater role, striving not only to ideal execution, but also an external ingress into the image. "If I play a 15-year-old Salome in a strauss musical drama, it should look for 15 years. If the 18-year-old longing in the opera Pucchini or 17-year-old Violetta in the "TRAVIATE" VERDI, then it should be the same in the form. How else? It is then, sorry, not the theater, but very conditional, the concert performance of the opera is that there is not true ... "," she said. The audience appreciated this approach to: the name of love of Kazarnovskaya quickly becomes famous in the circle of Opera lovers, and she herself - the laureate of all-union and international competitions, sings on the stage of Mariins and the Bolshoi Theater.

The overseas audience learned about the love of Kazarnovskaya during the restructuring. In 1989, Impresario from Austria Robert Ratsik arrives in Moscow: listen to Soviet singers in order to offer them contracts in their own country.

Love affair at work

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya became one of the twelve performers, who Robert proposed contracts in Vienna. Several times before his departure, he called and for a long time talking to her about the profession, about music. Kazarnovskaya found that abroad is accepted so carefully to the singers.

But when he herself came to Austria, I realized that Robert's attention is not a professional need.

"Very soon the fact that we are not just pleasant to each other and are pretty, and we have a novel, nor with him, no doubt about me ... On listening, I sing a very successful, and soon the first contract is signed with me. To say that I was happy, - say nothing! ", - remembers the singer. Robert knows the Russian language - half Croat, he graduated from the Faculty of Slavic Slavic University, read Pushkin, listened to Shalyapin. Their views on the profession and music coincide, together it is interesting and partable becoming more difficult - but it is necessary.

Kazarnovskaya continued to live and work in Moscow, Robert was waiting for work in Europe. In the end, he stated that they should live together - and made any sentence. From this point on their struggle for happiness. Nobody believed in the sincerity of their feelings: people believed that Kazarnovskaya acts in the interests of a career, wanting to make a career in the West - with her husband-impresario it looked easily achievable target. They just wanted to get married - but could not do this due to bureaucratic wires.

Having gathered a thick bundle of papers necessary for a wedding with a foreigner, the lovers came to the registry office, where they were given from the gate: the business visa Robert was not suitable, it was necessary to make another. The Vienna Municipality also refused, demanding permission to marry a foreigner from the Soviet embassy. "And now Robert goes to the attache for culture and reports:" I'm going to marry. On the Russian singer. " - "Oh, how good. And who is she?" - "Lyubov Kazarnovskaya". And here, as the husband tells, this person naturally falls his face. I am a young, promising soloist, just starting a stormy international career, and they are unprofitable to let me go, "said Kazarnovskaya. After receiving the next refusal, Ratsik exploded. Perfectly realizing that the embassy phones are listening to, he called and stated that all the so-called restructuring - profanation, and he refuses all projects with a big theater. A few days later, all the necessary references were given and gave a good wedding.

Only now to organize it, given the permanent employment of Kazarnovskaya, it was not easy. For the whole ceremony, they were able to allocate no more than half an hour - but these were the happiest half an hour in the life of the spouses. So that no one dared to doubt the sincerity of their feelings, Rossik left the work of the impresario immediately after the wedding, switching to other projects. Anyone who accused her in a korear and predicted the rapid collapse of their marriage, Kazarnovskaya answered: "Wait and see." With Robert, she is happy for more than twenty years, they raise the son of Andrei, who went in footsteps of parents and is studying at the Moscow Conservatory in the class of violin. Marriage for the calculation could hardly become so happy.

Love Yuryevna Kazarnovskaya conquered the hearts of many fans of opera art. The singer has a unique opera voice (soprano), therefore it became known all over the world and received numerous titles and rewards.

The biography of the love of Kazarnovskaya is full of creative success and accomplishments.


Lyuba girl was born on July 18, 1956 in Moscow. Her parents are a military diplomat Yuri Ignatievich and a teacher of Philology Lidia Alekseevna - were concerned about the musical education of his daughter from early childhood. The older sister of love, Natalia, went in the footsteps of the mother and received a philological education.

After the release of the school, on the advice of the mother, decided to submit documents to the Admission Commission of Gnesink. After listening, the girl was credited to the compartment of the musical comedy. In the process of study, almost all of the professors unanimously declared the unique treasure to her voice, and love understood: her vocation - to fulfill the opera arias.

At the end of the school named after Gnesini, Kazarnovskaya entered the Moscow Conservatory and graduated from graduate school in 1984. In an interview, Lyubov Yuryevna always thanks his teacher Hope Malyshev-Vinogradov, who made a great contribution to the establishment of a star.

Career and Success Story

The debut work of the young singers was the party of Tatiana in the famous opera "Eugene Onegin", presented on the stage of the Moscow Theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. In the next few years, Kazarnovskaya's love performed the leading parties in many other musical works, such as Iolanta Tchaikovsky, "Paltsy" Leonkallo, "Tale of the Invisible Grade Kitezh" Roman Corsakov and others.

In 1989, fate made a generous gift. From the world-famous conductor Herberta von Karaian, she received an offer to become a participant in the Salzburg Festival. Kazarnovskaya sang a batch in the work of Giuseppe Verdi "Requiem". Thanks to this event, the whole world learned about the talent. For her, the most famous scenes in America and Europe opened. The singer worked with the famous conductors, her creative partners were the greatest opera performers.

In the late 90s, the singer founded the Lyubov Fund of Kazarnovskaya, whose activities are aimed at supporting and developing domestic opera art. Thanks to the efforts of this organization, the stars of foreign opera, useful seminars and lessons of vocal skill for young performers were repeatedly held in our country.

The talents of the singers are not limited to music - the love of Yuryevna tried her strength and as an actress. For her, such concepts as the "singer" and "actress" are closely connected. In the period 1994-1996 Kazarnovskaya worked on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

The singer left his trail in Soviet cinema. In 1988, she played a role in the Gypsy Baron Art Film, and then, in 2005, received roles in the "Anna" and "Dark Instinct" film. It is necessary to add that any music number of the artist turns into a theater representation, so much soul it puts into your favorite job.

The repertoire of the singer, who she is very proud of, consists of more than 50 parties and includes such works as "Masquerade Ball", "Traviata", "The Force of Fate" Giuseppe Verdi, Salomew, Richard Straus, "Eugene Onegin" Peter Tchaikovsky, "Tosca" Jacommo Puchchini. One of the most popular works of modernity - Aria Magdalena from the opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar". In addition, the opera diva voiced the evil wizard to the Malifisent in the Russian dubbing of the cartoon "Sleeping Beauty".

Family Artistiki

In school years, the future star of the world opera has not been very popular among representatives of the opposite sex. But at the time of the student, the nasty duck turned into a swan. From the fans there was not a penalty, but the girl did not give preferences to anyone, and the device of personal life was not particularly interested in a young singer with a tense schedule of study.

In 1989, the Soviet capital was visited by producer Robert Ratsik, who came to take talents for the Vienna Opera. One of these luck was love, to which Robert immediately began to show sympathy. Already in Vienna, a young couple realized that real feelings appeared between them. For the sake of preserving the good name of his beloved and in order to avoid accusations of a carriage, Ratsik decided to stop the activities related to the opera, and sent his strength to another river. Marriage of love and Robert took place on April 21, 1989.

Lyuba and her husband dreamed of raising children, and four years after marriage, in 1993, the son of Andrei appeared in the family. The birth of the baby attacked the indigenous changes in the creative life of a woman: there was a risk of changing the voice due to childbirth, a lack of time for touring tours, refusal from a large number of contracts. But, despite all the career risks, the singer easily went to this step.

Lyubov Kozarnovskaya and her husband always said that children are flowers of life and a symbol of love. The couple took the right decision, and their family is happy to this day. Having matured, Andrei, like his famous father with his mother, decided to devote life to musical art. He plays a violin, studying in college at the conservatory, and in the future dreams the career of the symphony conductor.


Now the opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya lives in Moscow. Despite her age, she, as before, touches a lot and teaches vocals with young diving. Thousands of vote are jealous of her voice, and the talent admire millions of listeners all over the world. The singer is in excellent physical shape, engaged in sports, leads a healthy lifestyle.

The actress pays great attention to pedagogical activities, finding young people with outstanding musical abilities. One of her protege, Trash Diva Ursula from Ukraine, is a unique performer who can sing both in a high female tonality and male tenor.

Lyubov Yuryevna also leads an active creative life on Russian television. In 2013, she became a mentor in the one-one show, and already in 2014, the singer was invited to the jury of the TV project "First Channel" "exactly". Posted by: Natalia Svetlova

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya with her husband Robert Ratsik

Lilia Charlovskaya

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: "My husband and son knew all the homelessness of San Francisco"

The singer frankly told about his beloved spouse in the newly published book

This year celebrates the 60th anniversary. Of these, it is already 27 years old in lawful marriage with the Austrian producer Robert Ratsik.

"I remember when I moved to Vienna to Robert, began to unpack things, put their uncomplicated belongings in the closet,

with it, I get the bag from the suitcase, and in the bag - tights, duples or with a small arrow ... I got, I looked at and calmly so put in the closet.

- But why?

- To wear trousers.

- Why under trousers wear torn tights?

- Well, you know, we have so accepted, not to throw away, we wear them under pants, and in general, good tights are the same deficit.

Surprise on Robert's face was such that I was ashamed at the same moment. I lowered this bag in the trash can ...

Coming to the store, I tormented to buy more products, as we were accepted, - about the reserve: I bought two half-kilo cheese for us, Kilo sausages. Robert was surprised - why? It is necessary to take two sausages, well, four. Tomorrow in this store at home will have the same thing, why score a fridge? And everything will be fresh. Cheese is appropriate to buy 150-200 grams, apples - a few pieces ...

In the USSR, then there was a total shortage of products, an assortment - no. And so I got into a completely different environment. Roberta sometimes it was not easy with me, but there is one important feature in his character - he is a very open person, on the one hand, and on the other, if he sees that I start nervous, pour, he just departs aside. And after five minutes, he says: "Well, how is everything normal, everything is ok?"

It is so important in a man - the ability is not to be drawn into a starting female grumble. Of course, many ladies live in shortness, in some endless illusions, offended, short-lived, and there is it in me and continues to spill it sometimes.

I studied at my husband and eventually learned. You start to start or something unpleasant to remember - stop

immediately, just leave this topic, drove!

Once Robert told me a very good parable. Two monks pass the stream, black monks that women do not communicate with women. And suddenly, from somewhere, the old woman appeared and says:

"Transfer me through the stream, I myself will not go." One

the monk says: "Well, let's post you!" Moved.

Moved monks on. The second endured, endured, then could not stand and says: "How could you? We have no right to concern women! " And the first responds: "Listen, an hour has passed, as I moved it through the stream, and you still carry it." Why continue to boil where it is not necessary, it is better to boil in a good place and use this boiler energy for peaceful purposes. I learned a lot from Robert, very much.

He is smart. Apparently, there is such a memory of generations ... restraint, aristocracy - in his family. In this regard, he is the son of his father, - Mother Robert Austrian, such a real, earthly, from Mountain Austria, everything should be "Ordnung" - in perfect order, but the father was with some softness and at the same time the ability to show character there at the same time Where it really needs, without changing the trifles. Robert is the same. When we lived together somewhere, I realized that I don't need to try

to manage it, and at first I tried, without leaving his charm, to establish something like a matriarchy, as, according to the existing stereotypes, is put on a real strong family. Even remember funny! It is accepted to assume that a man in marriage must need to raise, teach how he should live with a woman: so, and so. Fortunately, I pretty soon I realized that I don't have to teach him if I was myself, and not a demanding creature trying to stimulate my husband, to give him, then he would answer me much more courageous.

(...) When our son was born, Andrei, I learned how endlessly devotee and caring man my husband. Not a word, - I never heard anything like "Why I have to get up at night, why I have to do it, why I should not sleep, I need to work," Robert got up when the child woke up, took Andrew, brought him I, I fed him, and Robert worn him back. He fell asleep himself or not, one God knows. I see blue shadows under the eyes:

- Did you manage to sleep?

- What is the difference, most importantly you sleep.

Then changing the time zone, the first after the birth of the contract in San Francisco. "Mercy tit" 163 Mozart. I am in the role of Vytellia - a new role for me. Rehearsing actively. Due to the difference in time, the son has already been "Gul-Gul-Gul" at three or four hours. Robert took him and went for a walk until nine in the morning, "by this time I woke up, my rehearsal began at ten. He loves to remember this time, laughs: "We have been known from Andryusha all the homelessness of San Francisco, and they are us. What? September, warmth, luxurious weather for walks. "

There was a single cafe that worked around the clock. And the bums that have been acquired by this establishment, he was welcomed: "And you are walking too!" Robert took Cappuccino, the child slept, and when he woke up, he brought him to me, I fed, and they walked again. There were on my rehearsals: with the sounds of the magic Mozart, the kid, smiling, fell asleep. Never in my life I did not hear from him: "Why? Why should I do this? I am a man, I will not do anything, "while everything was washed away, everything was cracked ... Thanks to Robert, I know: a man and responsibility is inseparable concepts."

Connoisseurs of opera music are well known for the popular performer of classical works of Kazarnovskaya love. The biography of the singer is full of bright moments and creative victories. To date, this performer is a doctor of music, a laureate of many contests, professor. In this article, we will consider the most interesting information and events from the life of one of the most popular classic singers, whose name is Lyubov Kazarnovskaya (nationality, biography, creativity, victory in contests, etc.).


This talented performer was born in an intelligent Moscow family. Her father is a stock general - is the author of many books on military and historical topics. Mother of Love Kazarnovskaya in education philologist. She worked his whole life with a teacher of Russian literature and language.

Many readers will surely be interested in the question of how many years of love of Kazarnovskaya. Consider yourself. The famous singer was born in 1956 on July 18. Love for music has manifested itself very early. In school years she was engaged in a pop-jazz studio, performed at the evenings.


After graduation, young love submits documents to the acting faculty of Gnesin Institute. It was there that, by performing classic works - Aria from Tchaikovsky operas, Verdi, Roman Corsakov, she realized that this genre was able to reveal its limitless talent as possible. In 1982, the young singer ends the Moscow Conservatory.

How many years of love of Kazarnovskaya was at that time? At that time, she was passed 26. She was quite an adult and a person who was held. While still a student of the conservatory, love performs on stage there is its first debut in the role of Tatiana (Opera "Eugene Onegin").


At the end of the highest educational institution, the young singer enters the graduate school, where he is studying in the class E. I. Sumilova. In 1986, at the All-Union competition of vocalists. Glinka laureate of the second prize was a young artist Kazarnovskaya love. The biography of the actress is a series of impressive achievements and rapid victories.

After this competition, a little-known singer began to invite to the main parties in such serious operations as the "May night", "Iolanta" Tchaikovsky, "Bohemia" Pucchini, "Breaks" Leonkallo. At the request, Kazarnovskaya acts in performances of the Bolshoi Theater. She performs Fevronia Party ("Tale of Invisible Grade Creek"), Tatiana (Evgeny Onegin) and other solo rooms.

The world recognition came to the love of Kazarnovskaya together with the victory in 1984 at the UNESCO Executive Competition in Bratislava. In the same year, in Helsinki, she was awarded the 3rd award at the international competition of Vocalists named after Millyham Hellin. And two years later, a young performer received the title of Lenin Komsomol Prize winner.


In 1986, the opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya receives an invitation to become the leading soloist of the academic theater. Kirov. Having worked there for three years, she performed practical all sopranny parties from a concert repertoire of the institution. Among them - Margarita ("Faust", Guno), Leonor ("Power of Fate", Verdi), Violetta ("Traviata"), Lisa (Picovaya Lady, Tchaikovsky), Donna Elvira and Anna (Don Juan, Mozart ) and many others.

In 1988, the first foreign triumph of the Russian performer took place in the "Covent Garden" in London "Covent Garden". She sang a party of Tatiana from Evgenia Onegin. A year later, at that time, the famous vocalist gets acquainted with Robert Ratsikom - impresario from Vienna, and marry him. So the family of love of Kazarnovskaya is born.

The biography of this well-known worldwide Russian performer is saturated with triumphal events. Marriage has little reflected not her creative life. It continues to play with success around the world, many times the queries most complex numbers. Having lived 4 years in marriage, the artist gave birth to the Son, whom Andrei called.


The repertoire of the singer has about fifty opera rooms and many works of chamber music. She recorded a number of disks. Throughout his creative path, she had a chance to cooperate with many famous masters of opera art, such as D. Barenboim, K. Tilemann, R. Muti, directories M. Vikkom, F. Dzifirelli, D. Dew, M. Vikkom. She spoke with P. Domingo, L. Pavarotti, H. Carreras and many other eminent famous performers.

In 1997, she created a fund in support of Russian opera arts. In its framework, the Kazannovskaya engaged in the master classes of world celebrities in their native country. For helping young singers, she establishes special scholarships.

In 2000, the Coordination Council of the Cultural Center entitled "Council of Cities" is headed by Kazarnovskaya love. The biography of the singer characterizes it as an active creative person. She conducts greater educational work in the regions of Russia. Two years later, Kazarnovskaya was elected chairman of the Commission on Humanitarian and Cultural Cooperation. In addition, it is a member of the Board of the Russian Music Society.

In the city of Dubna, the famous performer oversees the Opera House for Kazarenskaya is the first singer who wrote all the hundred three romances to P. Tchaikovsky on CDs. In addition, the Russian vocalist was awarded the prestigious diploma of Cambridge, who recognized it with one of the few outstanding performers of the last century.

Work in the cinema and theater

Not only with high achievements in vocal art known to the world Kazarnovskaya love. The biography of the performer characterizes it as a talented actress. The first film with her participation, shot by E. Ginzburg, is called "Anna". At the festival in Gatchina, this film was received by the Grand Prix. The next film with her participation was the picture of the director M. Tumanishvili "Dark Instinct". In 2011, she is removed in the project "Ghost Opera".

The next job is a unique performance "Simon Bokkanta" D. Dew, presented in Cologne. Mirrors are used as decorations, which play the role of the balcony, the sea, the sky. Love Kazarnovskaya and in avant-garde modernist performances are participating a lot. One of them is "Salome" directed by A. Egoyan.

She graduated from GMU named after Gnesini, in 1982 - Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, in 1985 - graduate school at the conservatory. Her teachers were Nadezhda Malysheva-Vinogradov and Elena Schumilov.

Kazarnovskaya starred in the cinema. She played the main role in the film Opera "Spanish Hour" (1988), Anna's Music Melodrama (2005) Evgenia Ginzburg, a criminal detective TV series "Dark Instinct" (2006) Mikhail Tumanishvili.

The singer is also actively involved in television and radio programs. On television, she was a member of the jury in the TV projects of the first channel "Phantom Opera", "one to one" and "exactly in-point." On Radio "Orpheus" Kazarnovskaya leads the author's weekly program "Vocalissimo".

The singer leads active social activities. Recently, Kazarnovskaya's love pays a lot of time to develop musical life in Russian regions. She is the ideological inspirer of the festival "Province - Soul of Russia", which takes place in the village of Vyatka Yaroslavl region.

In 2012, founded the International Academy "Voice and Violin".

He is a co-founder of the Foundation "Cultural and educational movement" Promoting creative education ".
Professor, Doctor of Music Sciences.

The singer is married to the Austrian producer and public figure Robert Ratsikom, their son Andrei - a student of the Moscow Conservatory.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources