Marry Georgian. Georgian men in relations and married

Marry Georgian. Georgian men in relations and married
Marry Georgian. Georgian men in relations and married

Georgian girls are distinguished by incredible beauty and bright appearance. Georgia is a country rapidly developing on a European manner, but the local population still honors the traditions of ancestors and keep them. How does Georgians live today and what are they noticeably different from women of other nationalities?

Georgian families

Over the past centuries, women were brought up in both men. Even today, the overwhelming majority of Georgian families reigns a full patriarch. Wife is still lucky if her husband is a senior child. According to the customs of this country, younger sons Must live with parents even after marriage. At the same time, their wives are completely and unquestioned not only to their husbands, but also mother-in-law, which in this situation plays the role of the "older hostess". All this sounds too unusual for the European man, isn't it? Historically, the decision of all household issues lies on fragile female shoulders. In mountain villages and today every family has a large economy. In this case, the function of a man is to work and ensure their family. At home, the real Georgians do not help with their spouses. A woman should be not only an excellent hostess, but also an excellent homework.

Education of Georgians

Everything without exception, a woman in Georgia is wonderful mistresses. Many families in modern cities choose a European lifestyle. But even in this case, for the mother, a real shame, if her daughter does not know how to prepare national dishes and follow the house. Today, all girls in Georgia receive secondary education. Residents of cities often end the institutes. Special attention is paid to home education of children. Georgian girls are distinguished by pride, high morality, incredible love for their homeland and their own family. In this country, Georgians are very respected often look soft and bad, but at the same time most of them differ incredible power Spirit and have a steel character.

Etiquette of Georgian women

In Georgia, it is not customary to look into the eyes of unfamiliar people, especially men. This behavior is considered to be causing. Many Georgian girls since childhood can watch "through people", it is this look that is considered permissible and acceptable. During the conversation in this country, it is customary to keep a distance of at least meter. Only close relatives or good acquaintances can approach each other. Separately, it is worth noting the norms of casual wear. Traditional color for Georgians - black. Most often, women wear skirts below the knees. Blouses and blouses they also choose dark shades. Accordingly, the accessories are selected in the tone.

Beauty in Georgian

How do you look very beautiful girls in Georgia? Georgians are beautiful from nature. Thick dark hair, dark skin and expressive eyes. Among the representatives of this nationality, it is simply impossible to find a clearly unattractive person. Many Georgians will value with their hair and grow long braids. Short haircuts Among local women are not popular. From the nature of Georgian slender and have very feminine figures. However, in adulthood, many women begin to recruit overweight. Most often the reason for this is the passion national Kitchen In combination with a slowdown of metabolism. For the correction of the figure, beautiful Georgian girls choose diet, but sports loads in this country are considered to be a neleval case. Many Georgians are happy to wear jewelry and jewelry. Cosmetics residents of many Georgia provinces enjoy only large holidays. Otherwise, the situation is in big cities. Here women face daily, black eyeliner is very popular. All without exception, Georgians are not indifferent to perfumery.

Women's Georgian names

Many Georgians even in our days are very serious about how to name the newborn baby. National in Georgia is often borrowed from ancient legends and legends. In this country, it is important not only how musically the personal appeal to a person sounds. Georgians believe that the name can affect the character and fate of the person. Jamaliya ("beauty"), Mariam ("decisive"), MzSevinar ("Sun"), Tinatin ("Landlink of the Sun"), Theon ("The Thought of God"), Aliko ("all-knowing") - exactly called girls in this Country for many generations. However, it is worth noting that old names Do not really like young people. And often from full and complex names invent cuts used in everyday life. Many "modern" parents in Georgia call their daughters as well as Europeans or Russians. Diana, Christina, Catherine, Marina, Maya, Natalie, Nelly, Polina, Sofia - this is modern georgian names Girls. Most Georgians are Christians. Many families choose biblical names for their kids.

Relationships with men and wedding traditions

Most Georgian girls get married at a young age. In some regions, the country is still common an ancient custom, which implies the abduction of the bride. Nevertheless, most marriages in this country lies in mutual agreement and agreements between the newlyweds. Young Georgian girls should be modest and chaste. Young Georgians are advised to behave so that none of the neighbors could not even inflate something bad. Wedding in Georgia is a special event. For some time, everyone relatives and friends are preparing for a celebration. Even in large cities today, many vintage customs are observed. Wedding in Georgia is very colorful and interesting event from traditional dancing and songs, beautiful toasts and atmosphere of universal fun.

Features of life in cities and villages

Modern Georgia is a country of contrasts. Small villages and villages live as well as dozens of years ago. And here big cities Few difference from European megacities. The upbringing of Georgian girls largely depends on how strict the father's family. In most villages, even swim in the reservoirs follows in clothes. At the same time, fashion boutiques, cafes and nightclubs are open in cities. Many representatives of modern youth dress up as they want, and look quite extravagant. But, of course, such behavior is unacceptable in countryside. Actions and appearance of Georgian girls in the provinces are discussed for years. The mistakes are unacceptable, because even today, for most young Georgians, a priority goal is a successful marriage. This means that the local population is trying to take care of his youth.

The legendary Queen Tamara is the perfect image of a Georgian woman

Many creative people were looking for inspiration in the landscapes of Georgia and the beauty of local women. Main Muse and the most real Georgian - Queen Tamara. This woman went down in history due to their wisdom and great achievements. The Queen was built the city, took significant state decisions, and in their free political affairs time personally engaged in raising children and needlework. If you believe in the words famous poets, Tamara was incredibly beautiful and feminine. It was often called simply "perfection." Many modern very beautiful girls in Georgia seek to develop their character and dream of at least remotely to become like the Great Queen Tamar.

"There was it, right next to the bomb fell, - a resident of Gori Konstantin Tsuladyzeshows from the window of its apartment for the burnt ruins of the military base of the Army of Georgia. - Our soldiers even resistance russian troops They did not, immediately fled. " To the question of how he belongs to Russia, Culadze smiles: "Excellent. August 8, 2008 - this is a personal adventure of the former president Saakashvili. I did not quarrel with your people. " He liberates guide M-Aria, museum worker dedicated to Joseph Stalina: "When you occupied Gori, nothing disappeared from the exhibits. Everyone was afraid - the war, there are valuable things, plunder, but not a single item touched. And even then we suffered fear, I do not have complaints about your country. " On the streets of Tbilisi, Russian speech sounds - for last year Georgia visited more than a million tourists from Russia. At stores - advertising signs in Russian, inviting to drink "familiar with Soviet Union»Georgian wine and foaming phrase Vakhtanga Kikabidze From the movie "Mimino" "Larisa Ivanovna want!". It seemed that after a long anti-Russian hysteria, Under the rule of Mikhail Saakashvili, it is impossible. However, the Observer "AIF" was convinced himself - Georgia opened the second breath of love for the Russian Federation.

"Katsu, Russians respect"

"Listen, Genatvale, the whole" Goebbelschina ", which against Russia was going on here, - her seriously was simply not perceived," the doctor says Joseph AronashviliHaving dining with me in Khinkal in Tbilisi suburb. - I know people who worked on TV. So even they confessed: "Katsu, we respect the Russians, but we pay good money to scold them and every nonsense to invent!" You want, I will now tell the owner that we have a Russian journalist away, and he immediately for you to make a bottle of Cherch to the table? Saakashvili - Clown, it is to blame for everything. How could it be born with such a powerful country? Russia is an elephant, Georgia - ant. You have just been involved in a couple of divisions, and our army has not become. And I do not want to talk more about politics. Comeva better wine Let's drink! "

This proposal ended approximately 99% of conversations throughout Georgia. The youth former president is not interested at all, but older generation (especially those who remember the USSR), covered the "Miho" on what the light is worth. The republic has long canceled a visa for citizens of the Russian Federation, they are not taken to work in travel agencies and restaurants without the knowledge of Russian. Saakashvili, at one time, forbidden the teaching of the Great and Mighty in Georgian schools, put a pig to his own people - many have to re-study Russian on courses to get workplace. "I lost salary at the end of 1991 - the first president Zviad Gamsakhurdia forbade trade in Russia, - tells the former employee of the winery in Telavi Guivi Kobali. - Types will not give Russian to our Churchhel, Hwwankar and grapes - it is necessary. As a result, production in Georgia collapsed by 40%, Million Georgian went to Russia to trade in the markets and boil on construction projects. This is what the anti-Russian attacks lead - they only hurt themselves. Why was it again for the same rake? "

Photo: / Georgy Zotov

Residents of the country still infuriates the fantastic lie regime Saakashvili on the economic achievements of Georgia - they, as we remember, some politicians in Russia naively admired. Yes, the center of Tbilisi is well renovated, but these are solid Potemkinskie villages: the facade of the house is made great, and behind the finger of Tkni - collapses. There were plenty of buildings in the capital of the republic, and it seems that they were not repaired since the collapse of the USSR. "I have no water at home since 1991," an old man explains to me, who came to the courtyard with a bucket. - Neither hot, nor cold - I go and gain! "

"Saakashvili dumped into Russia any problems of Georgia - a businessman smiles Avissal Chakvetadze. - No water at home? Russian aggression is to blame. People dismissed from work? Russians are building economic goats against our democracy. For heating expensive to pay? Damned Kremlin sells gas at a speculative price. Protection of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs beat a innocent man to death? There was no such thing, it's all the terrible Russian propaganda. For 10 years ex-president The plate was accomplished, as a result, it was terribly tired of people. Voices began to be heard - and why to host Russia? When we were friends with her, life was much better, and America is not very money to us with money. Our wine in the US and the EU turned out to be a gift to anyone. The consequences of a quarrel, economic sanctions and war with Russia we are looking around and now - Georgia remains a very poor country, the average pension here is 150 lari, or 3500 rubles. And yes, I also think - this is Saakashvili fought with russian army, not Georgians. I did not support the war then completely. "

"Propaganda, Genatvale"

At the same time, the Soviet occupation Museum, which is pompous, open in Tbilisi in 2006 for the ex-president of Georgia, still works. The entrance is free (unlike the Stalin Museum in Gori), but there are no visitors. "Guests from Russia do not come here, foreigners are also small, except that the group of American tourists will lead the guide," the exhibition employee said. By the way, the museum building itself (like the entire Central Rustaveli Avenue) was built in the XIX century by the Russian governor of the Caucasus - Count Mikhail Vorontsov. I ask about it Georgian youth, boys and girls shrugs - they say nothing to this name. But they are aware of the "Soviet occupiers", they are aware of the wellness, they tell the school. Nevertheless, it can be seen - many Georgians want to make up with Russia, so in conversations diligently, and the August war of 2008, and the humiliating defeat of the Georgian army in five days, and Saakashvili assured the whole country that "We are standing on combat qualities at the level NATO". "The Americans reassured our heads, and everyone believed," the peasant in the village of Gori says to me. - Uh, yes, we need them! We were saved by the Russians 200 years ago from the Persian massacre, and we are Taldychat - they were Georgia occupied! Propaganda, Genatvale.

I sit in a cafe on Leselidze Street - Soviet Colonel-General, a participant in the Great Patriotic and Hero of the Soviet Union, defeated by the Nazis Transcaucasia. Of course, it was also renamed by Mikhail Saakashvili in the framework of reforms, but Tbilisites call the address in old age. In the neighboring table communicates Russian couple. "You see," says the guy to the girl. - And you were afraid - such as the war with us was, the Russians probably hate. Nothing like this".

Looking at Georgia, you know: the several neighboring republics that do not like us so much that - again I will quote "Mimino" - "I can't eat anything," after some time it is definitely "sang" and grab the head. "But for now we will not relax," I smile to my companion from Georgian deputies. "Suddenly you are still surrounded by any propaganda." He frankly wrinkles. "Listen, dear, enough about politics! Let's drink better about the friendship of good wine! "

Georgia is probably one of the most loved ones in spirit countries for tourists from the former post-Soviet Union. Here you be sure to try Understand and help, treat or ride to the right place.

In Georgia, the tourist hardly succeed any language barrier When communicating with the local population. In the extreme case to help come ordinary passersby And with a smile will answer any questions.

And yet, let's learn more about features Georgian National Language. In particular: what is better to learn in advance, in which language to communicate with different age group etc.

What language in Georgia?

Officially state language in is of course georgian. It has writes on stores and supermarkets, menu in restaurants and cafes, bus routes, pointers.

But still, further afraid tourists not worth it. First, next to the inscription in Georgian in many cases It should be a translation in Russian or English (especially in popular). Secondly, the population is older good know Russian, and young people are also English. Therefore, in 99% of cases, there is a person who will definitely have a person who will understand everything.

What is worth knowing about Georgian?

Understand Georgian practically unreal. From the side it may seem that people swear, although in fact they will peacefully communicate. All because Georgians, in our opinion, very emotional.

Georgian is quite complex for foreigners and learn it hard- Thus answered my question about the possibility of studying their Maria language (guide on excursions in the Prometheus Cave and Temples).

A total of 33 letters in it, of which 5 are vowels, which are nevertheless pronounced dryly. Words are written as well as hear, but ... equally in height (in the sense without allocating capital letters in names, headlines, etc.)

Will you understand in Georgia?

The main part of the Georgian population is well understood and even communicate in Russian, because until recently it is officially taught in schools. IN lately The number of educational institutions where the Russian-speaking program is still studying significantly reduced.

But nevertheless, we are in a hurry to please those who decide to move to Georgia with a child: you exactly find school With the familiar little tongue.

As you can see, on the pointer in Batumi, the attractions are indicated in two languages \u200b\u200b- Georgian and English, as well as on most local products.

We personally have come to meet people who are already many years They live in the country, without having learned completely Georgian and feel great here. They work on official work, understand everything that "indigenous local" say, but communicate mostly in Russian.

IN resort cities This is not surprising, because tied towards tourism. Therefore, in the same, people try to look thin poorly to learn the language of the majority of travelers (sometimes just to feed the family).

Had to be stumbled on perfect misunderstanding On the part of no longer young Georgian drivers in who emphasized the form that they do not understand Russian (and maybe they really did not understand?). Then passengers came to the revenue, which not only explained where the attraction is interested in us, but also a little spent To the place for which they thank you so much.

As a result, we did obvious output: The main thing is not to panic. In any case, in Georgia you will find support and understanding if not from those to whom you have turned, so from random people.

Does me save me knowledge of English in Georgia?

If you communicate with young people, you may encounter with the problem of misunderstanding Russian language. In this case, will come to the rescue english.

In Georgia, us not once It was necessary to communicate with the local population and tourists in English. Most bright example I remember in the minibus, following Tbilisi's bus station in a small town, in the south of the country, near the border with Turkey. There a young woman turned to us, a local resident: first in Georgian, and then, when she saw our bewilderment - in English. We talked for a long time, told her their observations and impressions about what was seen in the country.

Sometimes, drivers of minibuses do not know, do not understand or can not answer you in Russian, nor in English. As the hostel's mistress explained to us, in which we lived in Tbilisi, such drivers are immigrants from tiny villages. They do not fundamentally want (and not ready) to spend time on the study of the Russian language. In this case, feel free to contact your fellow travelers. Will help, verified personally.

Communication with Georgians: how to place people to yourself?

Communicate with Georgians nice and easy. They constantly try to treat you something, advise something useful or talk about the most, in their opinion, interesting.

In the evenings, Batumi can see a small lawn with books in various languages \u200b\u200bfrom Batumi.

Walking along the embankment, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bMorvokzala, you will definitely turn out several, ready-made for a certain amount Rolling to the nearby city, and in some cases, although to another part of the country. All of them - open, smiling people. Not from one of the taxi drivers, we did not even heard the gram of the negative.

With one of the drivers, we had even a fun conversation. As a result, he made a verdict that we are good tourists (since everything he has had already seen).

Several phrases in Georgian, which will be accurate to use

I think no one will object to the fact: a tourist who knows several useful words In the language of the country in which there is always a welcome guest / client in any home / shop.

In Georgia, this chip works too. Local first surpriseAnd then with a smile answer or correct your pronunciation (if you managed to get acquainted quite well).

Below we posted several popular words and phrases, which, in our opinion, will be useful to every tourist.

From myself add another couple of interesting things in our opinion for common development : Mother - Dad; Father - Mom.

Georgians - the most friendly and hospitable nation

For all the time of our trips around the world, it became a real discovery for us. On so many friendly, hospitable, welcoming and easy wonderful people We have not yet been met. To tell the truth, I really did not want to leave Georgia.

ABOUT local residents, the features of their behavior, traditions and everyday life, we wrote a separate article called. We sincerely hope for more than once visiting our Caucasian friends.

That up to frequently asked questions about the safety of the arrival of a beautiful sex independently, boldly answer: Come! Georgian men despite their emotionality, are well brought up and kept. They will not "pursue" you, if you do not give this reason.

Useful links and interesting information:

  • Grocery stores Does it make sense to save in Georgia on food?
  • Rest in Georgia in summer. What you should pay attention to?

Georgians are proud and bold residents of the Caucasus, the Keepers of the Golden Runa, the world's best winemakers and noble folk lovers. Even the half-way legend about the creation of the world states that when God distributed to all the peoples of the earth, the Georgians were late, because the universe was noted and sorry his name. For Georgian sincerity, God decided to give them a piece of land, which left for himself - the most beautiful worldwide.


Georgians call themselves a carriage, or the kartvel, and the country - Sakartvelo, which means "Country Cartvel." The name of the nationality occurred from the name of the Kartli terrain, the main region of the country where its origin took place. The first mention refers to 800 of our era.
Exonyms "Georgia" and "George" have Persian roots and originate from the word "Hurg", which up to the X century called residents of the region. Georgians themselves believe that the name it came to them on behalf of St. George, although there is no historical confirmation.

Where live

Most of the representatives of the nation live in Georgia. The country is located in Western Transcaucasia and is washed by the Black Sea. The capital of the state is the city of Tbilisi. Georgians make up 86.8% of the country's population.
Among the nation has a series ethnographic groups, differing among themselves areas of residence, dialects, partly elements of culture and traditions. The following small groups are highlighted:

  • adjirts - live in the southwest of Georgia in the region of Adjara;
  • megrellas - Subthnic Group of Georgian people, has its own language and significant cultural differences;
  • svants - live in the historic mountain part of Georgia Svaneti, own Georgian and Svan Languages;
  • lases, Chvebururi, Imerhevtsy - live in Turkey, mainly confess Islam Sunni sense;
  • guriyz and Imeretinians - inhabit Georgia in the regions of Guria and Imereti;
  • inhilaytsy - part of the Azerbaijani diaspora;
  • ferdanians - live in Iran, faith - Islam Shiite sense.

During the USSR, Georgians were actively moved to the Soviet space, most of Migrants asslaved in Russia, quickly assimilated.


The number of representatives of the nation around the world has more than 4 million people. According to the 2014 census, most of them are 3.2 million people living in Georgia. According to the 2010 census, a little less than 160 thousand Georgians are officially registered in Russia, however, according to unofficial data, their number is about 350-500 thousand. In total, B. soviet years About 1 million kartvels migrated to Russia.
In addition, large diasporas are in:

  • in Turkey - about 152 thousand people
  • in Iran - 62 thousand people
  • in Abkhazia - by different estimates, from 40 to 70 thousand people
  • in Ukraine - about 34 thousand people
  • in Azerbaijan - 9.9 thousand people


The Georgian language refers to the carnote family common in the western part of the Transcaucasus. The peculiarity of the language is a large number of long words and the abundance of consonant letters. There are no stress, however, intonation is actively used to express the meaning and allocating the main root: therefore it seems that the Georgians sweep during the conversation. The language is quite simple: there is no male and female, the capital letter is not used, and all the words are written in the same way as they hear.

Writing in the region was originated in ancient times: some monuments related to the V century were created in ancient-year-old language. However, the language itself began to form much earlier, in the second millennium to our era. The language is based on the inhabitants of the Kartli region, and the alphabet goes back to the ancient Aramaic or Greek letter. Modern language Based on the phonetic principle, it is spoken by more than 4.2 million people around the world.


The modern territory of Georgia was populated by the ancestors of people millions of years ago. In 1991, a hominid was found near the small Georgian city of Dmanisi, called Dmanirsky. This is an oldest out of famous representatives Homo who lived outside the African territory.
It is not a fact that it was from this type of hominids that there were Georgians, however, no doubt, the nation leads roots from the region of the modern location of Georgia. Many tribes lived here already in the era of Neolithic and Paleolithic, building dwellings, engaged in primitive agriculture and cattle breeding, hunting and collecting.

Golden Fleece in Georgia

In the V-IV centuries BC, the region is first mentioned in written sources. Then the Kolkhida Kingdom was located on the eastern shore of the Black Sea, and in the east of modern Georgia - Iberia. The first mentioned Herodotus, Eschil and Pindar, but most of all she became famous for the legend of argonauts. Myth about the golden rune sent greek gods, I said that it was lost in Colchide. Then the hero Jason went to the distant kingdom, as a result of which Runo, and his wife, and his wife, the Kolkhida ruler. In the center of Batumi even worth a sculpture dedicated to this: "Medea with a golden rune."

Iberia and Kolkhide have long tormenid: they captured the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Arabs. However, it is during this period that the region takes Christianity, and the capital of Kartli, central District Region, becomes Tbilisi. Only in the 9th century, the Bagration dynasty expelled the Arabs, combines the feudal states and forms a single-card. From this point on, it is possible to start the basis of the formation of Georgian statehood.

Revival and modernity

The XI-XII century is considered to be the "Georgian revival", the epoch of construction and heyday. During this period, the rules of the famous Queen Tamara, who established the economy and relationship with Kievan Rus. There was a flourishing of painting, literature, philosophy, architecture, metalworking. After a period of decline associated with endless wars with Tatar-Mongols began, Ottoman Empire, Persians, Iran, Tamerlan invaded the country eight times.
This situation persisted until the second halves XVIII century, while Georgians did not apply for help Russian state, in the end, becoming part of it. After the October Revolution, the nationality did not want to join the advice, but the unrest were suppressed. After the collapse of the USSR, inter-ethnic conflicts began in the country, which led to the separation of the historical regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.


Anthropologically most of the Georgian refers to caucasoid racepresenting its kavkiy type. To the number of it distinctive features Believe:

  • high or medium height;
  • strong physique;
  • karego eyes, blue or green;
  • dark blond, black or brown hair;
  • "Orline" or straight nose with a slightly curved tip;
  • bright skin;
  • a wide face with a selected chin and a convex jaw.

For a long time, Georgians were considered one of the most beautiful Caucasian peoples. Foreigners noted the athletic addition of men and the slightness of girls who preserved forms even with age. Immanuel Kant and Charles Darwin celebrated the incredible beauty of Georgians and the fact that many Persians, Arabs, the Turks dreamed of take one of them to the wives to "reflect" blood and appearance.


Georgian men's suit Known far beyond the country: its elements are found in collections modern designers all over the world. The traditional option consists of wide pants, chained with tassels, a stente shirt and a short caftana. Main element Dresses - Choha, which is an upper clothes, like a caftana with wide, frequently cut sleeves and a deep wedge-shaped neckline.

Choch was supposed to have every Georgian, since she was considered a symbol of courage and courage. Usually, Choch was black, less than red, and a beige or white could wear a wedding. Often, pieces of matter with a rich sewage were attached to her, on which generic heights were depicted. Mandatory element Choi - Gazei, chucks for storing cartridges. In winter, the appearance was complemented by a bunch and dad from sheep wool.
Women traditional costumes They differed depending on the region, but there were general features. Suctent clothing consisted of a shirt and pantalon, the dress was put on top: tight in the chest and wide, descending to the floor, at the bottom. A high velvet cap was the head of the head of the head, to the back of which they attached a piece of mild matter. Rich Georgians complemented an image of a velvet cape and an elegant leather belt.


A man at all times occupied a leading role in family and social Life. He solved everything public questions, answered for the upbringing of sons, fully provided relatives. In the family, a man was the main thing, the wife had to obey him in everything.
Men were distinguished by a warlike and hot-tempered character, but at the same time had a cheerful temper, adored jokes and large companies. One of the important elements of the life of any man - availability best friend. He is called "Digiri", which is translated as " internal organs" Georgians believe that living without a better friend means to live without a heart.


Georgians loved and revered women, even in early mythology they had a female, as well as the mother earth. In many respects, the famous Queen Tamara and Holy Nino influenced the relationship with the woman, which, according to the legend, brought Orthodoxy to Sakartvelo.
At the same time, the woman until the 20th century did not have almost no rights: she could not be voted, to participate in the discussion of public affairs, to be in the society of men and give them advice, swear and be a guarantor.
The main purpose of the woman is to engage in family and economic affairs, to educate children. Fantasy women did not respected, also a shame was considered to be treated and even ordinary communication with outsiders. The main thing for Georgians is to preserve decency rules and good reputation in society.

Family manner

The mentality of Georgians from ancient times was based on the worship of the elders. They preferred to live with large related communities, the number of which could reach 100-150 people: several generations lived together with new families. Over time, there is a decrease in families to 30-40 people, and in cities, young families are preferred in the cities after the wedding separately from their parents.

The family flourished the patriarchal structure, and the bride after marriage passed into the house of her husband. For her there was a ban on conversations with parents and senior relatives of her husband, the burden of economy was charged. A special holiday in the family was the birth of a boy, but the appearance of daughters, especially in large quantitieswas undesirable.


Housing Georgians differed depending on the place of settlement. In the mountains, stone one-story buildings prevailed, located boringly fortified by towers and other defensive structures.

In the plain area, stone houses were built with earthy or straw roofs, as well as wooden batch. Part of the villages was boring and chaotic, the other was spacious, stretching along the rivers. On the plains, Georgians had extensive estates with economic buildings and main home.
Stone dwellings were usually from one large room. Sleeping places were located in front of the entrance, and in the center there was a big hearth with a suspended boiler, around which she dinned, dinner and washed. Later began to build two-storey houses with covered terraces and canopies before entering. Usually, a basement was located in the basement for the production of wine or storage, on the ground floor there was a living room and kitchen, on the second - bedrooms.

A life

Traditionally, mountain Georgians were engaged in cattle breeding: more often sheepodia, less often grown horses and large cattle. A fat agriculture prevailed on the plains. The main cultures were wheat, rice, rye, lentils, oats, millet, corn. Georgians were engaged in beekeeping, gardening, gathered wild herbs.
Special role In life, Georgians always played winemaking: part of the researchers believe that it is the ancestors of the Kartvelebi first in the world to have learned to make wine. Without it, it does not do it feast, they are obliged to treat guests and do to their own use. Wine culture also existed. For example, drinking a glass has always followed the bottom, for special occasions, hollow goat or rogues were used as a glass. There was a saying: if you buried you, then you are not Georgians.

In the XX century, exotic cultures began to grow: laurel, tobacco, citrus, tea. Not in vain in the Soviet years, Georgia was called "Main on Holidays": for the new year, she provided the country with tangerines and oranges, to other holidays - wine, tobacco and tea.
Crafts flourished: men were famous for the skill of processing metals, tree and animal horns, produced magnificent jewelry dies. Women were engaged in weaving, made wool and silk matter, engaged in an artistic knob of fabrics. In all regions, the luxurious embroidery of the golden thread was valued.


Culture Georgian is unusually rich. Folk art represented by legends, legends, songs and dancing. The whole world is famous for the dance cartuli., spectacular and reflecting the mentality of the people. The woman plays a central, but indirect role: moves smoothly, small steps, as if floating with a timid expression of the face and as directed to the floor. Her partner, on the contrary, demonstrates confidence and masculinity, makes broad and sharp movements with their hands, jumps high.

Georgians are not less proud and their musical creativity: Without long, incredibly beautiful songs in the sound, no feast is done. Most of the songs sing multiplied, where the choir sings the lower voice. Songs are devoted to friendship, heroic past people, love, loyalty, honor.


Georgians among the first received the Christian faith: according to beliefs, she brought it to the region of the apostle Andrey was the first-surveyant. Most of the central Georgia completely adopted faith in the III-IV centuries, is most often mentioned 319 years. In Western Georgia, Christianity was finally rooted only by the V century.

The church in Georgia is autocephalous, that is, independent and completely autonomous: she managed to achieve this only in the XI century. It is valuable that people managed to preserve their religious affiliation, despite the centuries-old oppression from Islamic states: in the Middle Ages, all its neighbors were Muslim faith.
In the Georgian chronicle of the XII century "Kartlis Tshovreba" is mentioned a legend about the biblical origin of the people. According to her, the carriers lead their own genus from Targamos, the son of the Biblical Yafeta: he was the son of Noah and escaped with him from the flood in the ark.


Georgian hospitality is known for the whole world: ancient custom, anyone who will ask the bed is obliged to take into a house with honors, feed and give the night. For guests are covered with a rich table and be sure to treat wine: it is impossible to refuse.
There is a whole culture of feasts in Georgia: their people consider loved by their favorite pastime. The mistress of the house always answered the abundance of dishes. At the same time, women were sitting separately from men: at the other end of the table or for individual.
For each feast, Tamada is chosen: he must ensure that guests are not too cold, talk to toasts and transmit the word to other participants. By the way, the myth about long Georgian toasts is unfair: the average length of the packaging speech does not exceed 80 words.
Until now, virtually no changes remained wedding traditions. Usually the wedding took place with a collusion, and the abduction was practiced only if they wanted to save. According to tradition, in the case of theft of the bride, the lush feast was not suitable, noting only in a close circle. Usually, the wedding was walked with a scope: it was invited to all relatives on both sides, and their refusal was considered an insult.

After the wedding, the bride was brought to the house of the groom: before the entrance, it was obsessed with happiness to smash the painted plate. The newly-made husband climbed the roof of the house and released a white diet into the sky as a symbol of peace in the house. The spouse, going to the house, was to be sure to touch the hearth and get around a pot with grain or oil three times.


Georgian cuisine is one of the most popular in the entire post-Soviet space. It is noteworthy that most of the dishes reached us almost unchanged. The basis of the diet of Georgians from antiquity was flour and dairy products:

  • cheese from sheep, cow or goat milk, including Suluguni;
  • marty;
  • cottage cheese and cream;
  • lavash, Puri, Shota - bread from wheat, rye, oatmeal or barley flour;
  • msidi - fresh bread made of corn flour;
  • khachapuri - puff pasting cake with cottage cheese or cheese.

There were many vegetables (eggplants, tomatoes, beans, corn), herbs and greens: they were added to all dishes and served separately. Traditional casual dish - Korsha Gomi from corn or wicked cereals. The main drink was, of course, wine, in the mountains in the go there were vodka Arak and barley beer.
Meat dishes were served only during feasts: they are most popular in modern Georgian cuisine. Among them:

  1. Hinki: Large piles of dough with a thick "tail." They eat their hands, biting off from the bottom to feel the broth.
  2. Lamb kebabs, turkey, beef or chicken.
  3. Satzivi - dish with sauce of nuts and greens with poultry meat.
  4. Chakhokhbili is a sharp chicken stew.
  5. Harcho - fragrant soup with beef.

From vegetarian dishes worth noting the Lobio - a bean-based dish, Phali is a mixture of greenery, spinach and nuts, as well as Ajapsandal - snack from eggplants with fragrant spices and herbs.

Famous Georgians

Georgians presented the world many outstanding personalities. Among the born in the 20th century, it is possible to note the whole pleiad of talented art and culture figures. In the field of cinema, the actor Vakhtang Kikabidze became famous, who became a folk favorite after the film "Mimino", Impressant Oleg Basilashvili, directed by Georgy Delia and Otar Ioseliani. The latter received a premium of the Cannes Festival for the film "Listopad", and Delhelia removed all the favorite films "I walk in Moscow" and "Kin-Dza-Dza!".

Grigory Chkhartishvili became a cult writer, however, the majority knows him under the pseudonym Boris Akunin. No less known sculptor Zurab Tsereteli, an outstanding ballet artist Nikolai Tsiskaridze and a popular dancer Evgeny Papunyishvili.

Georgians and politics were noted: the names of Joseph Stalin, Lavrentia Beria and Grigory Ordzhonikidze, are known to the whole world. A huge contribution to medicine was introduced by Surgeon Leo Beria, which developed a unique method of conducting operations on the heart.

Known for the whole world by their vocal data Georgians conquered the estrad. Among famous names it is worth noting Tamar Gverdziteli, Zurab Sotklav, Soso Pavliashvili, Konstantin and Valeria Meladze, Kiet Topuria, Gregory Leps (Lepsveridze).

In the field of television and the media, it is impossible not to say about the shockful Tina Kandelaki and Otar Kusnashvili.


Absolutely, all Slavic girls who visited Georgia (blondes - especially) will confirm that Georgian men to us, gently say, "breathing unevenly." We always make a big discount "for beautiful eyes", We are looking at us as looking by the thirst man on the water with ice. I have always wondered why we attract such attention. With each look of jigita addressed to me, I was wondering "really they are not enough for them?!". Having visited the homeland of Khachapuri and Hinkie and taking advantage of the moment, I found the bravels who explained to me than they do not suit Georgians, writes Julia Dryn to The People.

Sandro Nesadze, 27 years old (was married to the Russian woman 3 years)

With his Russian wife, we met in Turkey (I worked there, and she came to visit her boyfriend). If you call everything with your own names, then I led her from my friend (they are, Slavica - for the sake of them you can lose our head, and sacrifice a friend). Communicating a couple of months, we got married in Georgia. I still remember how she called parents to Russia and said: "Mom, I married Georgian." Unfortunately, we have lived together for only three years, but I consider it a very good girl, a friend, my wife (and will always be jealous). And in the future (if fate prepared another marriage for me) I would again really wanted my wife-Slavyanka. Believe me, it's better to live a year with Slavs than five with Georgian. +

Since childhood, my grandmother said that I would have a Russian wife. Slavs, unlike our girls, have always attracted their mounted appearance. Most recently, I met in one event with Georgian. She looked perfectly, was opened in communication (I was even surprised that I met such a well-groomed and uncomplex Georgian). A week later, I called her on a date and ... regretted it. She came neglected, as if she was not prepared for a date, but to the garden. Georgian girls do not know how to be sexy, lure a guy, they do not even try to attract a man. +

Most Georgians are very compacted, but at the same time - very demanding, and in response they do not give anything (they want all the time flowers, gifts, restaurants, attention and perceive everything as due). The only plus of Georgian wives is easily in everyday life (they never ask for husbands to wash the dishes and serve at home, because from the very childhood they are taught to do it all on its own). +

Vakhtang, 30 years old (married in Ukrainian 5 years)

I met my wife at a friend's wedding. Fun, dancing, toasts ... After the wedding, we started to correspond, then meet. Slowly everything again came to the wedding, only our already. We often laugh that everything started the wedding and the wedding ended. +

I was looking for a particular Slavic wife. In principle, I have nothing against Georgian women - Georgians always put a family in the first place, many are even ready to close their eyes to betray her husband for the sake of preserving the family, and our men, unfortunately, use. But the Slavic woman wants to be the only one and does everything to be. Changed - be ready to see the suitcase with things at the door. Believe me, the men married in Slavs and thoughts will not have to change it, and if it arises - he is just an idiot. +

Georgy, 22 years old (married in Ukrainian 2 years)

With my wife-Ukrainian, I met on vacation. Honestly, at the time of dating I was very drunk. But even B. drunk Realized that disappeared. The next day I forgot about friends and spent time exclusively with her. After half a year, we got married. +

I am grateful to fate that my heart conquered the Ukrainian. Someone will say that appearance is not important. But you see, love a person who likes you not only sincerely, but also outwardly - twice as pleasant. +

Let's miss the appearance (here are no extra words - the Slavs are undoubtedly won). Georgian women - materialists, the Russian phrase "with Milic Paradise and Chaolache" - not about our women. And Slavic people live soul, they are willing to live in it with a salary for the sake of feelings. Now someone will say that I am not right, because many Ukrainians do not even look at the guy without a car and penthouse. Everywhere there are exceptions, I will answer. +

I also want to add - if the Slavic girl can not get married in his homeland, let him come to Georgia, there are potential grooms for her as a mandarin on a tree. It will be still a nose to twist and choose. +

In short, it is also prestigious to have a Slavic wife as prestigious how to come to a chic restaurant on Bentley. Such men hold the nose highly and consider themselves lucky, and they all envy themselves. +