An interesting event on March 8th.

An interesting event on March 8th.

Scenario of the holiday "March 8" for children 5-7 years old: the silly bear did not know what gift to give mom on March 8th. And his friends decide to help him with this, and together they all go in search of a gift for their mother.

Super mom (competitive program)

The show program "Super-Mom", held on the eve of the celebration of March 8, will raise the festive mood and give pleasure to both girls - pupils of elementary grades, and their mothers. Competitions contribute to the strengthening of friendly relations in the family, the development of creativity, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Scenario for March 8 for adults "Oh, these women!"

So the wonderful holiday on March 8 has come! And on this day, we want to give our women a piece of joy and fun, where you can show everyone how smart and talented you are, and you can cope with any task, no matter how difficult it is.

Scenario March 8 "Fashionistas-beauties"

Scenario of the holiday on March 8 for adults. This scenario can be used at a corporate party dedicated to International Women's Day.

Scenario "Spring, it's great that you came!"

Scenario of the holiday on March 8 for preschool children (4-6 years old). This scenario can be used at a matinee in kindergarten. It is necessary that the children prepare postcards and hand-made crafts for their mothers in advance. In addition, it is necessary to learn poetry and a song in advance with the children. The presenters should prepare the costumes in advance.

Script for March 8 "Beloved mothers and grandmothers"

The script of the school event - a festive competition and entertainment program "Favorite mothers and grandmothers", is designed for children 8-10 years old. During the celebration, mothers and grandmothers will be able to see not only the talents and skills of their children, but also take part in various competitions.

Scenario "Magic flower, or how Vanya chose gifts for March 8"

Boy Vanya does not know what to give his mother by March 8. The kind sorceress gives him a magic flower that will guide him through fairy tales, where Vanya will find the answer to his question.

Scenario "March 8 - let's praise the ladies!"

The 8 March holiday celebrates the beautiful half of the population - women, girls and girls. The most famous Russian pop stars came to congratulate them on International Women's Day! The script is designed for holding a festive event among the adult population - at a corporate party, student party or with friends.

Scenario March 8 for adults "Secrets of the female image"

The script for a small festive concert dedicated to the celebration of International Women's Day in a group of friends or colleagues. The holiday will be successful if you spend it in the assembly hall.

Scenario for March 8 in the rural settlement "Women are the flowers of our life"

With the arrival of spring, not only nature blooms, but also female beauty. In addition, one of the most tender and sensitive holidays is coming - International Women's Day, which must be met and celebrated with dignity. With the help of this scenario, you can hold an interesting event, give women positive emotions, a lot of joy and smiles.

Scenario for March 8 for women in the village club "How Spring and Winter shared the throne"

This scene will be a great start to the festive concert prepared for March 8th. A cheerful, interesting plot, will certainly give a sea of ​​emotions to everyone who comes.

March 8th is the most romantic holiday. This spring day is always associated with love, warmth and tenderness. This is a great occasion to demonstrate your sympathy for lovely ladies, to express the most tender feelings to your mothers and grandmothers, to make a heartfelt congratulation to your sister. Sincere joy and a smile from them will not keep you waiting long!

MOU "Lyceum No. 2 of Buinsk, RT"

Work experience 18 years

March 8th "href =" / text / category / 8_marta / "rel =" bookmark "> March 8th,
When everything shines around
Let us congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

Ved .:
We wish you health, happiness,
So that they never feel sad
So that you always prosper
In the name of happiness and goodness.

Ved .: The first smiles of spring nature, high March stars, crisp snow, special pre-spring air, we give you, dear women. Let me sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, endurance and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always good mood!

How are you, dear mothers?

It's not easy, because there is so much trouble

But used to keep your back straight

Love does not let you lose heart.

That love that is called family

The love that is in the eyes of children

We are the only one shining a star

And it will warm you like a shawl on your shoulders!

Spring to you joyful and tender,

Happy days and pink dreams

May even snowy March give you

Your smiles and flowers.

And what love without hugs

And what is love without love?

Smile at us, dear mothers

After all, for you all the flowers have bloomed


I stand in front of you

I'm worried mommy!

Lean against my cheek with my hand

Calm down, mommy!

Let everyone see that you

I admire, mommy!

And I will not hide my love

Kiss Mommy!

Student 1.

Every year at the beginning of March

They talk about miracles.

Doesn't sit at our desk,

And snowdrops - in the woods.

Student 2.

Painted in the spring

Men are running everywhere -

Waiting for a special day off!

Student 3.

The planet will celebrate

The best holiday on earth.

I am waiting for an answer from you, friends -

Help me remember!

It is waiting for its start now

The feast of the ladies ...

All participants of the holiday(in chorus). March 8!!!

Apprentice 4

The last snowflake

Winter will suddenly melt

And the sun will melt the heavy ice.

March comes to us,

And spring is coming

And gives us a holiday

Goodness, beauty!

Apprentice 5

Radiant sun

Smile at us!

Today for women of the planet Earth!

Good for you!

Great happiness!

And our warmest words.

Apprentice 6

Congratulations to all women

Happy spring holiday!

And we want to wish you

Joy, fun!

Apprentice 7

Let in business

Always and everywhere

Success is with you!

And today is a holiday

Be you

The happiest of all!

Apprentice 1

Happy holiday!

Apprentice 2

Happy holidays!

Apprentice 3

Happy holiday

Wonderful, wonderful!

Apprentice 4

Happy holiday of caress,

Love and attention!

Apprentice 5

Happy Women's Day


Leading There are many poems about the women's holiday,

Our dear mothers will congratulate you!

The song "Apples for Mom"

Leading. And now it's time to talk about those who take care of the house, bring up children in the absence of mom. Who is this?

Granny, of course!

Dads and moms are in business,

Where can I find time for children?

To and from work,

Get some more sleep in the store.

Who will take a walk with us,

Will he sing a lullaby?

Our dear grandmother

Protects our childhood.

Leading. Our grandmothers are not only skillful, affectionate, but also very, very caring. Many of them meet their grandchildren from school and accompany them to school, feed them and even prepare lessons with them. And, of course, we are extremely happy about all the successes of our grandchildren.

1. Two grandmothers on a bench

Sat on a hillock

Grandmothers told:

We have only fives!

Congratulations to each other

They shook hands with each other!

Although the dictation was written

Not grandmothers, but grandchildren!

Leading. The eighth of March brings not only joy and fun, but also troubles, anxiety: "Have you prepared everything?", "Did you buy that gift?"

Listen to how our children were preparing for the holiday.

Apprentice 17

Gifts are different -

Modest and beautiful

Boring and sedate

Careless and priceless.

Gifts are eternal

If they are cordial.

Student I got up early today.

How much? There are a hundred reasons.

First of all, I am the oldest,

After dad, from men!

I washed, combed my hair,

I made my own bed

I got dressed for three minutes and went,

But don’t gylyat!

I went to the store for bread

And more milk

Played with three-year-old Gleb,

I knocked out the rug with my fist,

I ate all the porridge at breakfast:

For myself and for Natasha!

Nata told me quietly:

I love this brother!

And then dad and I deftly

We baked a pie in the oven.

But! Neighbor's y first

Before lunch there was a conversation:

How much milk do you need?

Where is the vanilla? And where is the flour?

And what kind of jam to take?

What's in the pie? What's in a cookie?

My dad and uncle Pavel

We learned a lot of rules:

Everyone leafed through the manual

Under the name "Housekeeping".

Student Do not recognize dad today

He came. And suddenly at the door ...
I didn't throw my hat on the table
And he hung it up as if he were visiting.

"Hello, son! Hello, daughter!"
And laughing this time
He kissed mom on the cheek,
And I shook my grandma's hand!
He didn't hide in the newspaper
At the table he looked at everyone.
He did not beat the cutlet with a fork -
As if someone was sitting in it.

He was better, he was more beautiful,
He poured tea into cups.
Even grandmother is not "mother-in-law"
And he called him "mummy"!

And I asked my mother directly:
"Mom, what happened to him ?!"
"Women's day - said mom -
Dad should be like that! "

I don't understand this ...
Maybe an adult who will understand?
Is it unpleasant for dad
Be good for a whole year?

Song "My family"

1st presenter: Spring Festival - time. Mothers' holiday - two. Holiday of grandmothers, aunts, sisters and other female relatives - three. Remember everything?

2nd presenter: No, not all. I forgot a very important thing.

Reader: People's eyes are radiant and bright,
Because they meet with you again
Former students and current children,
Raised by your kindness.
You are like a second mother for them,
You are both affection and comfort for them,
They are all to you, the most beautiful one,
Congratulations will come up today.

Reader: To stand above the young life,
Keeping a beautiful unity
An age-old honor, a holy duty -
Teaching and motherhood.
First awaken the souls
Let the thirst for knowledge awaken in them,
Then tell the pets
To a clear, clean well.
Living water from the depths
Teach you to draw with your hand,
To love your people and the land,
Grow up and grow prettier in soul ...

Congratulations to the teacher.

Leading. And also, by the way, on March 8 all girls are congratulated, gifts are given.

1. Today we are like dandies

Before you at the blackboard,

But more beautiful than our girls

All the same, we didn’t!

2. You are beautiful as stars.

And the eyes shine with fire.

And your smiles are lovely

Eclipse the sun during the day!

3. You are so glorious!

You girls are just class!

Because we all want so much

Be like you!

4.We wish you only happiness,

And let us tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

In the whole school there is simply no!

Ved. Now let's play a little. End the line with "boys" or "girls"

1.Spring bouquets of dandelions

You will see at our ...

2.Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in the pocket of ...

3 ice skates drew arrows

We played hockey in the morning ...

4. Chatted for an hour without respite

In colorful dresses ...

5. In front of everyone, measure your strength,

Of course, everyone loves ...

6. Silk, lace and ring fingers,

Going out for a walk ...

Leading.We continue our concert program. It's time to listen to the festive ditties.


1. We start singing ditties,

Please don't laugh;

There are a lot of people here,

We can get confused!

2. Today dad got up early,

He cleaned everything in the apartment.

Why once a year

Daddy gets up before everyone else?

3. “Oh,” Julia said to her mother, “

I have to get my hands dirty!

How will I wash the dishes

If it is dirty? "

4. “You would sew a dress, Ksyusha,

How can you walk like that? "

“What are you, mom, it’s difficult,

Better to buy a new one! "

And so Anya whips.


It turned into a bathhouse.

6. Although the vastness beckons us,

We are not a step away from mom!

Daddy can move mountains

If mom says how!

7. We put on sandals

On high heels!

We hobble along the path -

Ski sticks in hand!

8. I decided to wash the clothes

And put everything in the typewriter.

Although I didn't add gouache,

But I didn't recognize the linen.

9. They say we are badass

But never believe!

In our class, the commanders

There were always girls!

10. I'm a fighting boy

I will stay fighting!

Oh! And it will be bad for that

Who will I get.

11. I will not wash the dishes

And I will not sweep.

I will sit all day

And dream of a pretty little thing.

12. Oh, we're pretty drunk

Give a new shift.

Oh, thanks to the accordion player

For a fun game.


We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday

And with the spring already coming,

With the first greens,

With the first leaves

And refreshing breath of spring!

Be forever loved and happy

And always dazzlingly feminine

So sweet, so kind and sympathetic

How can only women be!

The song "Give a Smile to the World"


1 let the stars shine in the sky
And the lights will flash on the stage
May it leave a memory in my heart
This day for many years.
A ray of joy on the faces
And tears of a happy trail,
This holiday will last
Will last for many years!


Give a smile to the world
Light up new stars
A song of joy and happiness
Give it to the whole planet!
Give a smile to the world
A rainbow of colored lights
Smile with a smile of happiness
Warm everyone's heart!

2. Let the whole planet dance
Let the sadness and sadness go away
I believe that we are with you
See you someday!
You will give me a smile
You will wave your hand to me
This holiday will be repeated
And make friends with you!


3 let the years fly like birds
Persons, countries, cities,
This holiday will be repeated
You believe and I believe!
Everything will repeat itself one day
We will sing with you again
Music of kindness and light
Will sound above the ground!

1. My family

1. There are a bunch of toys in front of me,

But everyone has known for a long time

I'm pretty bored to play alone

And not at all interesting at all.

But when my relatives are with me

And the people I love most

I immediately forget about despondency.

And it has always been, is and will be ...

Chorus: There will be a happy and wonderful day,

If dad and mom are near.

I will be cheerful, I will be very happy

If the sister and brother are next.

And I will be infinitely happy

If grandfather and grandmother are nearby.

Well, most of all I will be glad

If the whole family is there,

All my family.

2.And I have to confess to mom and dad,

That sometimes I am, of course,

A bit naughty and stubborn

But I love, I love you endlessly!

Failure won't scare me

I will not be afraid of the cold wind,

My family is with me, which means:

I am happier than anyone in this world!

2. Apples for mom

1. Apples for mom are on the table

Bright and ruddy cheeks shine

Mother will return home in the evening

Smile quietly, say "My dear!"

This day, mother's day

He's the best on the calendar

This day, mother's day

The loudest on earth

This day is mother's day

The sun's light won't go out

This day is mother's day

It is no more dear to me.

2. It's a pity childhood is passing

Where is it now?

Only mom's heart

Everything hurts for us.

And the children are stubborn

Beckon mirages

Only for mom

We are all babies.

3. Everything happens in life

Life is hard

Mom forgives everything

Mom is only one

From a distant land

I'm calling friends

Mom, dear, hello, it's me!

Number of participants: 3 people. The script also involves the performers of the artistic numbers and the teacher.

Time spending: from 50 minutes to 1 hour.

Location: Assembly Hall.

Purpose of the holiday: focus the attention of children on respect, love for a woman; promote the development of talents and abilities, awakening interest in learning about reality, communication between children.

Equipment: sound equipment - music center, microphones.

Application: flowers, gifts.

The stage is decorated with flowers, greeting cards and posters.

The dance "Enchanting Spring" is performed to the melody "Dance" by G. Rossini.

The presenters take the stage.

1st presenter

Three miracles captivated me forever, without a doubt,
Earth, also heaven and woman - the third miracle,
Three secrets plunge me into thought and confusion,
The earth, also the sky and the woman - the third secret.

2nd presenter

But the secret of the earth is already running out,
And the sky grows shallow, and the bottom is already visible.
Only a woman is a secret
Remains unknown forever - as a supreme miracle
And like magic.

1st presenter

Dear women, we congratulate you on International Women's Day.

2nd presenter

Performed "Waltz" from the operetta "Gypsy Love" by F. Lehar.

2nd presenter

March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers.


We wish you happiness, vigor and understanding.
Let the nightingales sing in your heart
May all wishes come true
Happiness in the house, kindness and love!

1st presenter

O women of peoples and tribes!
You are different, but still one -
May you always be worried again
Hope, faith and love!

2nd presenter

What are you striving for -
Everything is surmountable to you.


Welcome to you…. She will perform a song about good mood.

The song is being played.

1st presenter

So much to say
On a beautiful spring day
Wish you great happiness
Love and inspiration.

2nd presenter

We wish you strength, smiles of happiness,
Prosperity in the house, warmth,
Love, hope, kindness.


It all starts with love
They say: "In the beginning there was a word ..."
And I declare again:
"It all starts with love!"

And insight, and work,
The eyes of flowers and the first cry of a child.
It all starts with love
It all starts with love!

1st presenter

For you, dear women, this song.

The song "Ah, this is a resounding summer" is being performed.

2nd presenter

“All opposites converge in a woman’s heart,” said Voltaire.

1st presenter

The Latvian poet Jan Rainis said poetically and figuratively about women.

The source of all beauty is woman.
We would fall under the yoke without her.
The source of all kindness is a woman.
We would breathe darkness and evil without her.

2nd presenter

You are welcomed by the dance group

Performed "Slavic Dance", melody by A. Dvorak.

1st presenter

The snow is already melting, streams are running,
Spring breathed through the window ...
The nightingales will swear soon
And the forest will be clothed with foliage!

Pure sky blue
The sun became warmer and brighter
It's time for blizzards of evil and storms
Again passed for a long time ...


You can't live like that! Feigning jealousy
With longing in my soul and cold in my blood,
Without quiet tears and loud fun,
Without burning torment and happiness of love,
Our men are the best of the best,
We are in our arms, we must all wear them!

The acrobatic sketch "On the Hands" is being performed.


Give, earth, warmth to me,
To make the world light
So that joy is born in the heart,
So that the soul always shines
So that life is good
And it always remained that way.
Give me this whole world
The height of the sky to the full extent,
And dream, and life, and vocation!

1st presenter

The profession is a teacher! This is both love and a vocation for life!

2nd presenter

And we invite teachers to the stage to take part in a blitz survey.

Teachers take the stage.

  1. Please tell us how many years you worked at our school.
  2. What are your most memorable experiences with your students?
  3. What is the most memorable gift your students have given you on March 8th?
  4. What do you think a teacher should be: strict and principled or kind and loyal? Why?
  5. What would you do if your lesson was disrupted?
  6. Continue the phrase "The teacher is this."
  7. What is the 8th March holiday for you?
  8. Do you communicate with your alumni?
  9. What former student and student do you remember the most? Why?
  10. 10. Is the profession of a teacher a vocation for you?

1st presenter

Thanks to the teachers for the answers. And once again we congratulate all women on the holiday of spring.

2nd presenter

Every adult still has a child who, no, no, and is drawn to return to childhood. A child who can joke, talk nonsense, laugh at himself and others.

The "Lullaby" by I. Brahms sounds.


I think that today's children please and do not grieve you, dear teachers.

The presenters tell jokes.

Little Johnny, - says the teacher, - tell me some transparent object.

Keyhole, Ivan Ivanovich.

Dad, is the expression "Live and learn" wise?

Yes, son, why?

They left me for the second year.

Hello, my brother won't go to school today. He has fever.

What is the patient's temperature?

Normal, room, 18 degrees.

Maria Ivanovna, - Little Johnny asks the teacher after school, - what topic did we go through today?

What a stupid question?

Thank you, I will refer to you when my parents ask me about the lessons in the evening.


Little Johnny, why are you walking and not going home right after school?

And I left a note to my parents: “I haven't been home for a long time. The cockroaches began to experience hungry fainting. "


That is how they are spontaneous, these children.

1st presenter

Everyone in the world loves contests,
We will not be left behind
Dear viewer,
Do you want to play with us?

2nd presenter

The competition is as follows: the melodies of famous songs sound, we tell you what the song is about. You will need to name it.

1st presenter

Competition is like a school lesson. You will not need to shout out the name, but raise your hand.

Sample tasks

  1. A song about a piece of land where ugly but kind people live. ("Island of bad luck".)
  2. The song is about a tanned girl picking grapes in a nearby garden. ("The Dark Woman".)
  3. A song about animals with long ears serving as lawn mowers. ("Hares".)
  4. The song is about the future, which should not be cruel to our contemporaries. ("The beautiful is far away.")

Rewarding for correct answers.

2nd presenter

Greetings ..., "Playing with hoops".

Amateur performance number.


The blue month of March. Blue sky, blue snow. Blue distance, blue ice. Blue footprints in the snow. Blue copses, blue ditches. The first blue puddles and the last blue icicles. And on the horizon is a blue strip of a distant forest. The whole world is blue!

1st presenter

Snows are burning in March: everything is covered with glittering solar dust. The snowy glow burns the face. Even the trees are tanning in the March sun. In the afternoon, the sun drops. At night - sonorous frost. March is blue in the yard - it's time for the bright sun and striped snow; the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

2nd presenter

The dance group greets you.

The dance "March drops" is being performed.


The snow is still white in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shores,
They run and shine, and they say ...

They say to all ends:
Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are the messengers of the young spring.
She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming -
And quiet, warm, May days
Ruddy, light round dance
The crowd is merrily behind her!

1st presenter

Spring is coming - and I want creativity, poetry.

2nd presenter

Well, there will be creativity and poetry for you. We invite 6 people who can write poetry to the stage. They will need to compose a quatrain using the suggested words. The competition involves 2 teams of 3 people each.

Sample tasks

Words for the second team: spring - awakening; congratulation is a treat.

Calm music sounds during the competition.

Rewarding teams for the "Poem" competition.

2nd presenter

Come out at night - blows from the south
The rustle of wings in the dark sky.
Blue March in the clink of ice
You will hear the steps of spring.

1st presenter

Smoke in the fields of loam,
In the fringe of a crystal roof
Shy willow lit up
In a light gas handkerchief,
Ready to fly away to the sky
Poplar tight buds ...


Today with warm lips
The wind kisses my face
The blue rain passed through the bushes
The bluest rain in the world.

By the blue March in the dawns of the blue
The fields are sleeping. They are not freezing -
Warm showers they dream
Summer they dream of thunderstorms ...

1st presenter

And the boys in the colors of March
The colors of May have been unraveled
And the desk is cramped for the boys,
And they beckon the boys.

2nd presenter

And again - spring ... As the creation of the world, -
Millions of years in one April day.
From the bowels of the earth into invisible moments
The boil of clouds rushed to the height.

2nd presenter

Now the rain is pouring, now it is playfully dripping,
And the rainbow split half the sky ...
How life lurks in every ringing drop
A particle of primordial heat.


A play of shadows ... jubilant light ...
And the planet comes to life before our eyes!

2nd presenter

The highest perfection on earth was and remains a woman! She gives life, love, family to all people living on Earth! I congratulate you on the 8th of March!

1st presenter

I wish you love, health, happiness, so that joy and joy overwhelm your hearts!

2nd presenter

This dance is for you!

Performed "Gypsy Dance" melody from the opera "Carmen" J. Bizet.


Education of spiritual and moral qualities of a person, a sense of respect for girls and women;

Activation of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents.


for the first part - "The most charming and attractive" (competition program): tokens for determining the winners, audio recordings of songs about women, about love, about flowers.

For the second part - "Rural bachelorette party" (humorous competition program): rubber gloves, hair curlers, decorative cosmetics, wigs, scarves, bijouterie, women's clothing, shoes.

Preliminary work:

Several girls who wished to participate in the competition (7-8 people) are selected in advance. The program is hosted by two hosts. For the second part (secretly from the girls) a group of 5-7 children is being prepared, who wished, disguised as girls, to take part in “women's” mini-contests. Groups of guys and girls need to know the script, but not the contests. All that is necessary for the competitions is prepared by a group of "requisitioners".

It is advisable to invite mothers of students to the show. Those invited will be members of the jury.

Class hour

1st presenter:

The month of March, like a schoolboy, skipping

He rushed to us, so mischievous.

Get out the bouquets, boys,

To congratulate classmates on the spring!

Where there are flowers, frost will recede there,

So that the drops rang with a stream.

Don't forget to put in the mimosa

In the morning at the teacher's table.

Bare the trees tops,

Forgetting your snow dreams

Flowers appear everywhere

Telegrams, postcards, greetings, -

March is approaching its eighth day.

So give, boys, bouquets,

Congratulate the girls with the spring!

2nd presenter: It just so happened in our life - to mark all the red days of the calendar.

So today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate a special day - the holiday of Spring, the holiday of Women, the holiday of the Girls. In a word - International Women's Day on March 8.

1st presenter: International Women's Day is celebrated at the beginning of the first month of spring, when the sun begins to warm the earth, and snowdrops bloom on forest thawed patches when rooks arrive. But for it to become such a holiday, women all over the world have long and hard fought for their rights.

In 1910, in a small country of Denmark, in the city of Copenhagen, women-revolutionaries gathered. And already in 1913, International Women's Day was celebrated in Russia for the first time. It was held in St. Petersburg under the guise of a scientific conference.

2nd presenter: Many years later. Now every year we openly and solemnly honor women.

But today we have gathered in this cozy hall in order to hold the show-competition "The most charming and attractive".

And first, we listen to the questions ... and get tokens for correct answers (girls answer).


1. What did Cinderella lose at the Prince's ball? (Crystal slipper)

2. Name a Russian poet who has dedicated a large number of lines to a Russian woman. (N.A. Nekrasov)

3. Who owns these wonderful lines:

You alone are my help and joy,

You are the one untold light to me.

(S. A. Yesenin. "Letter to Mother")

4. What flowers are human names? (rose, cornflower, ivan da marya)

5. Who on our stage sang a song in which there are words: After parting, we are with you

Let's save our love.

From difficult conversations and resentments.

(Irina Allegrova and Igor Krutoy. "Unfinished novel")

6. How was the Frog Princess called? (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

7. Name the vegetables that have edible tubers and roots. (Potatoes, turnips, radishes, carrots, beets, radishes, onions, garlic)

Not renounce loving,

After all, life does not end tomorrow ...

(Veronica Tushnova)

9. What liquids in bottles can you buy in perfume stores? (Cologne, perfume, lotion, shampoo, eau de toilette)

10. Who loved Little Red Riding Hood the most? (Granny)

11. Which of the poets owns these lines:

I can not live without you!

Me and in the rains without you - dry,

I feel cold even in the heat without you,

Moscow is a wilderness without you

I am without you every hour - about a year.

(Nikolay Aseev. "Simple lines")

12. How to cook delicious porridge without butter? (Joke: with great love)

13. Name fairy tales with female names in their titles. (C. Perrault. "Cinderella", G.-H. Andersen. "Thumbelina", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", L. Carroll. "The Adventures of Alice", A. Lindgren. "Pippi Long Stocking", W. Shakespeare . "Romeo and Juliet")

14. Who sang a song on our stage, which contains the words:

I live without you

As if in a dream.

I'm burning without you

Like it's on fire.

I ask, write

News to me

You write at least a line.

(Tanya Bulanova. "Write to me")

15. Who owns the words: "Do not eat with your hands, there are spoons and forks for that"? (Malvina. "Golden Key")

I carried my misfortune

On the spring ice.

The ice broke, the soul broke.

I went under the water like a stone,

And the trouble - even though it's hard -

And it lingered behind the sharp edges.

(Vladimir Vysotsky "Trouble")

17. Which hand is the best for stirring tea? (Better with a spoon)

18. What is the name of the poetess who wrote these lines:

One hundred hours of happiness ...

Isn't that enough?

I washed it like golden sand,

collected lovingly, tirelessly,

bit by bit, by sparkle,

created it from fog and smoke,

accepted as a gift from every star and birch ...

(Veronica Tushnova)

The jury determines the winning girls and presents them with tokens.

1st host: Please come here all the girls who have our holiday tokens in their hands.

(Music plays, girls come out of the hall.)

2nd moderator: On these pre-holiday days, much is said about beauty, tenderness, kindness. But the trouble is, someone said it all. But you too can tell a lot. Show what you are capable of. And we offer you several contests.

First competition: "Welcome gesture"

1st presenter: It is customary all over the world to greet each other when they meet: shake hands, take off their hat, rub their noses - no matter what gestures the inhabitants of different countries have invented to greet each other.

Think of how the savages from:

- the warlike tribe of Yoho-cho;

- the rich tribe shuko-tu;

- hospitable tribe sese-ki;

- a beggar of the Lulu-am tribe;

- the peace-loving tribe Tura-bu;

- the greedy tribe of yum-yum;

- the eternally hungry tribe zhu-zhu;

- very fat tribe fat-fat.

Second competition: "Unusual singing"

2nd leader: Everyone knows how to sing correctly. But sometimes it is not interesting to sing like that.

Try to sing the song "Little Country" (from the repertoire of Natasha Koroleva), but at the same time pinch your nose with your fingers.

Third competition: "More emotional than hands"

2nd host: Unlike animals and robots, a person is a very emotional creature. Usually all our emotions are “written on our face”. The ability of a human face to convey different emotional states is called facial expressions. But emotions can be shown not only with facial expressions, they can be shown with hands.

Try, using only your hands, to portray: anger, joy, fear, sadness, hunger, dislike.

The jury announces the results of previous competitions.

Fourth competition: "Strange People"

1st host: On one planet in the constellation Orion, all people did work with one hand.

Show how people from a distant planet would perform some of the usual actions for earthlings. And for this you need to peel a boiled egg with one hand, spread butter on a piece of bread, cut cheese for sandwiches, grate carrots.

(Those who do not cope with the task are eliminated from the competitive program.)

Fifth competition: "Color"

2nd leader: The human eye is able to distinguish tens, hundreds and thousands of shades of different colors. Each color shade known to man has its own name. One has only to pronounce this name, and those around them understand what color we are talking about, But what if a person suddenly lost his speech? In this case, he is forced to resort to facial expressions and gestures.

Try using the art of pantomime to depict a color: white, yellow, red, green, black.

Sixth competition: "Congratulations"

1st presenter: The essence of this competition is that quickly, without preparation, you can congratulate all those present in this hall on the upcoming holiday! You can read a poem, sing a song, make a toast. So...

(Those who failed or turned out to be the worst of all, according to the jury, drop out of the competition program).

Seventh competition: "Cinderella Dances"

2nd host: Cinderella has always loved to dance. But she never had free time for this. Therefore, Cinderella had to dance while she was doing housework.

Show how Cinderella danced at the moment when she ironed linen, watered flowers, knocked out the carpet, washed dishes, wiped the dust.

The jury will advise on the winner of this stage of the competition program.

1st host: So, our kennel ends. In the meantime, the jury sums up the results, let us once again pay tribute to our participants and all the ladies present. And for this I will ask the most daring man to come out here ...

(At this time, there is a loud knock, a crash, indignant voices are heard: "But what is this, they have forgotten about us!")

Young men disguised as women, some in a dressing gown, a scarf, some in a wig, and some with a fan appear in the hall.

1st host: Who are you? Maybe we actually forgot about someone? After all, we have a large team.

(A paper airplane smoothly lands near the presenters with an anonymous message: "We thought they ran away from the boys? And the boys are already in the hall! Signed: Well-wisher")

1st host: It can't be! We decided to do without the guys and invited only girls and women.

2nd host: Wait a minute. And your newcomers do not arouse suspicion? Let's test it.

(He proposes to organize two teams. One of them is the guys in disguise, and the other is the girls, the participants of the competition.)

First competition

1st host: All women are excellent housewives and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Even with their eyes closed, they are perfectly oriented in their domains.

2nd host: Our first competition is for good housewives: blindfolded, you need to determine what is on the silver platter.

(Pour sugar, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley into a saucer.)

Second competition

1st host: Times are difficult now, you can't do without a cow in the village.

2nd host: Let's see how our participants know how to milk a cow.

(In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers. Who is more "milked"?)

Third competition

1st moderator: The farm is a farm, but you don't need to forget about yourself. A woman should always be beautiful, mysterious, charming.

2nd host: Hairstyle plays an important role in this. Representatives of which team will wind the curlers faster and more accurately?

Fourth competition

1st presenter: Such a hairstyle needs appropriate makeup.

2nd presenter: The task for the participants of the next competition is to put on evening make-up.

Choose your assistants from your team - and get to work!

(In this competition, participants need to show their imagination, not forgetting that the competition is humorous.)

While the participants are preparing, a music competition is held for the funniest ditty.

The painted participants come out.

They are encouraged to pass like fashion models.

At the same time, for young men it is necessary to prepare shoes with heels in advance, the higher - the funnier.

Fifth competition

1st host: Life sometimes puts us in the most unthinkable situations, and we somehow have to cope with them.

How will you behave in the following circumstances:

1. At a party, you spot the guy of your dreams. How do you try to get his attention?

2. The "latest fashion" was brought to the store - a suit, the cost of which is equal to three salaries of your parents. How do you get your parents to give you a gift?

Sixth competition

1st host: Not only are women unpredictable, they are also very inventive. Find a use for torn nylon tights.

(Command versions)

Seventh competition

2nd host: And now a blitz tournament!

- How much does a loaf of bread cost?

- A liter of milk?

- A kilo of nails?

- A dozen eggs?

- Washing powder?

- Lipstick?

- A liter of gasoline?

The jury conditionally sums up the results. "Conditionally" - because one team (boys in disguise) performed all tasks with humor.

1st host: It looks like our suspicions were not justified. We bring you (in the direction of the disguised team) our apologies.

We made sure that you are ... the guys in our class. You did a really good job with all the tasks of the contests. But to be honest, our girls did it more professionally.

2nd host: Yes, and not surprising. After all, they are always the most charming and attractive, and by the day of March 8 they did their best.

1st host: And yet the time has come to announce the name of the most charming and attractive!

The word of the jury.

The jury will announce the winner. There are two possible incentive prizes for the participants.

Mothers congratulate the girls on the holiday. The class teacher sums up the mini-results and thanks everyone for participating in the show program.