Drawings I want to be president. Blog platform of the youth election commission of the Moscow region

Drawings I want to be president.  Blog platform of the youth election commission of the Moscow region
Drawings I want to be president. Blog platform of the youth election commission of the Moscow region

The closer the 2018 presidential election, the more creativity the supporters of the current head of state have. Schools draw election flyers TV crew they select teenagers for filming in pre-election videos, and on social networks they decide who will win all-Russian competition"Children are painting President Putin."

The organizers of the last event guarantee that there will be no losers: all participants will receive a set of patriotic paraphernalia in the form of badges with the Russian tricolor and with the image of the GDP itself. The five winners will receive not only valuable prizes and diplomas. "In the event that Vladimir Putin is elected for a new term, they will be able to congratulate him on his victory by presenting him with their drawings," says the regulation on the competition, and "you can attach your letter of appeal to the drawing."

This competition was invented by the head of the "Infrastructure of Charity" Sergey Volodin... He says that the project itself has nothing to do with the upcoming presidential elections and, moreover, is not agitation, since its goal is "to creatively portray the current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin," and he invented it a year ago. Children from 5 to 17 years old can take part in the competition, the winners will be determined by open voting on the Internet, which will end on March 18, 2018.

A total of 450 drawings were sent to the competition. Volodin says that he thought there would be many more, for example, more than seven thousand drawings were submitted to another drawing competition "The Red Book by the Hands of Children", which is also taking place now.

To put it bluntly, there are not many plots with Putin: mostly children depict him against the background of the Russian flag.

Or the Kremlin wall.

Or is it just a portrait, without unnecessary background.

In hundreds of portraits drawn by children and submitted to the All-Russian competition, VVP practically never smiles anywhere. As a rule, he is strict and decisive, ready to give the right order at the right time, for example, as in the picture of 13-year-old Serafima Chapova.

However, there are other works that suggest that Putin is not only a symbol of state power, but everything human is also not alien to him. Judging by them, Russian children are aware of the incumbent's hobbies. Many of them know that Putin is very fond of fishing, and therefore willingly portray him either with a fishing rod on the shore, or with a pike already caught.

He also enjoys mountain skiing.

Putin loves animals, plays hockey, builds great Russia and the Crimean Bridge, presents awards, meets ordinary citizens and hosts the World Cup. All these stories drawn by children are presented in the competition.

“Personally, I really like all the creative works sent to the competition,” says Volodin. - We did not ask for any explanations from the guys like why they love Putin or why they consider him a good president. This is my personal idea and it has not been coordinated with the presidential administration in any way. We did not promise that the winners would be able to meet with Putin if he wins the new elections, but the works of the winners, in large print, we will definitely hand over to him.

The organizer of the competition assures that despite the fact that the competition he is running will end exactly on election day, it has nothing to do with the election campaign. "Putin, the current president, did not relinquish his powers for the duration of the campaign, so how could we act if we really want to summarize his work?" - Volodin is surprised. However, even the Central Election Commission drew attention to the "non-childish" children's activity during the presidential campaign. The head of the CEC, Ella Pamfilova, demanded to stop the involvement of students from Russian schools in pre-election events. According to her, the employees of the Central Election Commission have collected information on all known facts of illegal campaigning.

However, you can only draw Putin

As a rule, such events are held under a quite plausible pretext. As, for example, in one of the schools in Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region. The competition was called "I draw elections, I make my choice", to draw, however, it turned out you can only Putin, says the deputy of the regional legislative assembly Alexander Ivachev. When one of the students drew the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinin, she received a harsh scolding from her teacher, the deputy had already sent a complaint about this to the prosecutor's office.

- Panfilova's statement can be viewed as an indirect condemnation of the involvement of children in the election campaign, although the organizers of such competitions will say that there is no campaigning here. I do not exclude that they decided that these children's drawings are the easiest way to attract Putin's attention. Maybe in general all this is conceived only for one viewer. But Putin definitely did not ask for this, - the head of the Political Expert Group is sure Konstantin Kalachev.

According to the political scientist, Putin and children are a very electoral topic.

Children love Putin, parents love children. The exit - parents voting for Putin

- Love for children is what unites us all. In the search for unifying values, the first thing that comes to mind is the attitude towards children. In a country where the majority of voters are middle-aged and older women, the topic of a candidate's love for children is a win-win, he explains. - But here is another story. Here is the theme of children's love for Putin. Two-touch approach - children love Putin, parents love children. The output is parents who vote for Putin. As my mother says: "I, son, will vote for Putin so that you and your children will be fine." And a son at two years old, pointing to a photo of his dad, says: "Putin!" In fact, the drawing competition is a background and mobilization project. After all, they do not just draw, there is also a continuation connected with the voting day - a promise that the drawings and letters of appeal of children will reach the president himself.

Renowned cartoonist Alexey Merinov says that after seeing these children's drawings, he "urgently wanted to drink to his happy childhood."

I feel a little envy and anxiety about the appearance in the near future of a whole galaxy of talented rival cartoonists

- For none of the then "political instructors and political commissars" could even think to arrange such a circus - to give children to be torn apart by "dear comrade" Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. I can imagine how the country would laugh over dozens of involuntarily drawn cartoons with eyebrows, - the artist explains. - On the other hand, I feel a little envy and anxiety for the appearance in the near future, if this continues, a whole galaxy of talented cartoonists-rivals. Facebook asks you a question: "What are you thinking about." I would like to repeat it, changing quite a bit: "What do you think there?" However, he received a lot of positive emotions and looked at these masterpieces in an excellent mood.

Another famous cartoonist Sergey Elkin says that he has a negative attitude towards such children's contests. "Some proactive officials are trying to show their allegiance at the expense of children," Elkin said.

Child psychologist Olga Makhovskaya Having studied the competition works, I came to the conclusion that Putin is like an icon for children, a symbol in itself, an inanimate model.

Putin is depicted alone, without a family, there is no one around him

- When working with children, we often ask to draw our family, these works immediately show which of the adults occupies what place in the child's life, without whom he cannot imagine his life. In almost all of the competition works, Putin is depicted alone, without a family, there is no one around him, there are no other children participating in the competition, they cannot even imagine themselves next to Putin, it upset me most of all, for a psychologist it says a lot, '' he says. Makhovskaya (out of 450 drawings, less than a dozen, where Putin is not alone - RS). - I saw similar portraits in prisons in the form of tattoos by convicts, they have such a drawing on their chest or on their hand means a certain involvement in the election of the main "godfather".

According to Makhovskoy, the choice of themes for the drawings, in most cases suggested for certain by parents or teachers, shows that the president for them has long become more of a rhetorical figure than remains a living person.

“There are absolutely no simple children's drawings like“ Putin and I are drinking tea, ”or we are playing a computer game or lotto together, but in theory there could be many, children love such stories,” says the psychologist. - Practically in all the submitted works, Putin is devoid of his psychological characteristics, he is an absolute authority, even a mask. To be honest, I can't imagine what I would say to my child myself in order to motivate him to participate in such a competition ... As a child psychologist, it would be interesting for me to see what will happen to these children in 10 years, where they will be, will be whether they support the ruling party or, on the contrary, will leave Russia.

Sergei Volodin, organizer of the Children Draw President Putin competition, says that the works sent to the competition inspired him to a new idea. "Closer to autumn, we will announce another all-Russian competition - we will invite children to draw outstanding contemporaries, even the most interesting who they will send. So, we can say that the competition for the best drawing of Putin will be the beginning of a new gallery of heroes of our time," he explains.

Lyudmila Dyubko

Children and elections. It would seem, what does the child have to do with the elections ...

Drawings on the topic of elections, or "If I were president" created by children create a good emotional basis for discussing the importance of issues such as participation in elections and expression personal citizenship.

Target such drawings - already at an early age to instill in children a sense of duty as a citizen of the country and the need for at least minimal participation in the fate of the state, as well as to form an active life position of the child.

Drawing such pictures, children begin to talk about what, who is the president, what he can do for the country.

Already at preschool age, children begin to talk about the most important quality president, to be president you need to do a lot of good for other people.

Therefore, young participants reflect own view, that the president can become everyone.

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On the territory of the Moscow Region, in accordance with the current electoral legislation, the authorized bodies have appointed elections of various levels, namely:

Early elections of Heads urban settlements Bykovo, Rodniki and Udelnaya, Ramensky municipal district, Moscow region;
Early elections of deputies to the Council of Deputies Rural settlement Barvikhinskoe, Odintsovo municipal district, Moscow region;
Additional elections of deputies to the Councils of Deputies:
- Solnechnogorsk municipal district for electoral district No. 17;
- Urban settlement Vidnoe, Leninsky Municipal District, constituency No. 8;
- Noginsk district by electoral districts No. 1 and No. 3.

The voting on February 7 was watched by representatives of the youth election commissions of the Moscow region

The total final turnout, as of 8:00 pm on February 7, was about 25%.

According to the information provided by the Moscow Regional Electoral Commission, about 20% of voters came to vote in Volokolamsk and about 30% in Krasnoznamensk.
There were no serious violations at the polling stations, no one asked for medical help.

In Volokolamsk and Krasnoznamensk, a monitoring group from the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region headed by Marina Yudenich, Deputy Chairperson of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, worked as observers.

In addition to observers from the Public Chamber of the region, there were about twenty people in Krasnoznamensk - observers from among the active youth. For many of them, this was their first observation experience. This is what the young observers themselves said about it.

“This was my first experience as an observer at PEC-1251. And in the morning, one might say, I was skeptical about the elections. But my opinion changed after the end of the voting day and here's why: there was a large turnout, there were no conflict situations, as well as provocations at the polling station. All observers also noted the high professionalism of the PEC members, their responsiveness and kindness, and the conscientious performance of their work. People came happy, it even somewhat resembled a holiday. Not far from the site you could have a snack, we played music. The day passed quickly and interestingly, and most importantly, productively! " - Mikhail Shapovalov.

“The elections went smoothly, although the tension was very strong. No violations were found, all controversial issues were quickly resolved. There were complaints against the Chairman of the Commission, who forbade observers to take photos and videos, as well as move around the site. As a result, this did not cause problems, but in a more critical case it could have caused a conflict, ”- Ivan Usik.

“In my hometown, very important elections were held for residents, elections of the Head of the city. Everything went surprisingly calmly, transparently and honestly. Apart from me, observers from other candidates and even nonresident citizens were present at the elections. The counting of votes in these elections was carried out completely automatically, after which, under our control, it was checked several times by members of the election commission. I would like to note the active position of young people, whose number is growing every year! " - Vladislav Rodionov.

The first meeting of the intermunicipal (zonal) stage of the third regional Olympiad for high school students on electoral legislation took place in the Moscow region

On January 30, 2016, in the city of Chekhov, the first duel took place among 8 teams participating in the intermunicipal stage of the third regional Olympiad for high school students in electoral legislation from the urban districts of Domodedovo, Podolsk, Protvino, Pushchino, Serpukhov and Leninsky, Serpukhovsky, Chekhovsky municipal districts. The participants of the Olympiad answered test tasks on electoral legislation, presented their team performances on the topic: "What would I do for the Moscow Region if I were a deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma," answered blitz questions.

After summing up the results, the winners and prize-winners were determined by the decision of the jury of the zonal event. In the individual championship Prizewinners of the intermunicipal (zonal) stage were: Students of the 9th grade Nikita Demushkin from the Podolsk urban district, Anastasia Kambolina from the Leninsky municipal district, Shefer Ellina from the Domodedovo urban district, Vadim Abramov from the Chekhov municipal district, Maxim Vinogradov from the Podolsk urban district , pupils of the 10th grade Shek Elena and Erokhin Leonid from the urban district of Podolsk, students of the 11th grade Ermolenko Alexandra from the Chekhov municipal district, Zubova Ekaterina from the urban district of Pushchino and Kazakov Nikita from the Serpukhov municipal district.

The winners of the intermunicipal (zonal) stage held in the city of Chekhov were: Musina Amina, a 9th grade student, a representative of the PRAVOVED team of the Chekhov municipal district, Anna Babicheva, a 10th grade student, a representative of the PRAVOVED team of the Chekhov municipal district, Smykova Elena, 11th grade student, representative of the PRAVOVED team of the Chekhov Municipal District.

In the creative competition, the winners of the intermunicipal (zonal) stage were the teams "PRAVOVED" of the Chekhov municipal district, "PRIZYV" from the urban district of Domodedovo. The PODOLIE team from the Podolsk city district became the winners. In addition, the following teams were awarded in special nominations: "Young Russia" from the urban district of Serpukhov - "For persistence and will to win", the team "Elite" from the urban district of Protvino - "For creativity", the team "Territory of Responsibility" from the city Okrug Pushchino - "Unlimited resource", the team "VID" from the Leninsky municipal district - "The most artistic team", the team "HAVE THE RIGHT" from the Serpukhov municipal district - "For the ability to fight."

In accordance with the Regulations "On the third regional Olympiad for high school students on electoral legislation in the 2015/2016 academic year", approved by the decision of the Election Commission of the Moscow Region dated October 6, 2015 No.

No. 242 / 3250-5, according to the results of the sum of the average scores of the teams' performance in the individual and team championships, the jury determines the results of the performance of the teams participating in the zonal event, which are entered by the organizing committee of the Olympics in a special summary sheet of the performances of the teams participating in the intermunicipal (zonal) stage of the Olympics.

At least ten teams will take part in the regional stage of the Olympiad, which will be determined by the decision of the Election Commission of the Moscow Region on the basis of the final statement of the performance of the teams participating in the intermunicipal (zonal) stage of the Olympiad (with the highest number of points) and winners, prize-winners.

The Moscow organization "Resource Center" Infrastructure of Charity "announced a children's drawing competition. Children from 5 to 17 years old were offered to draw the current president of the country, Vladimir Putin. The works were accepted until the end of 2017. By voting (the winner will be determined by the number of likes) 440 drawings involved(Commenting on the president's portraits is prohibited). We looked at the drawings that passed the competitive selection and collected the best, in our opinion, images of the president.

Putin saves Russia

The main motive of children's drawings is that the country will have a hard time without Vladimir Putin. He takes care of grandmothers, stays in yurts, protects the state from external enemies and leads the nation into a bright future.

All around the war

Participants of the competition are children from 5 to 17 years old. Some were probably helped by their parents. You can see the reflection of Russian rhetoric in the pictures - on the one hand, the president is for world peace, on the other, he is ready to smash enemies and build a huge state.

"Thank you for a happy childhood!"

Believer Putin

Another side of the president is religiosity. The head of state often attends services in churches, communicates with Patriarch Kirill and tries to instill faith in his closest circle - Dmitry Medvedev and his wife and other representatives of the top government visit churches.

The organizers of the competition will print the best drawings and send them to the presidential administration as a gift for the inauguration of the new elected head of state.

Recall that on March 18, the Russians will vote for the leader of the country for the next six years. It is not yet clear what the organizers of the Children Draw President Putin will do if Pavel Grudinin or Vladimir Zhirinovsky, for example, becomes the new leader.

... PRESIDENT Soon the Russian Federation would buy military equipment and our army would become very strong. We would help all countries and earn worldwide respect! Soon the Russian Federation would buy military equipment and our army would become very strong. We would help all countries and earn worldwide respect! But, as they say, dreaming is not harmful.

... A FOOTBALL PLAYER Perhaps I would play for Zenit, and then immediately go to a foreign club. I would often come to schools and show everything that I can do. When my career was over, I would become a coach and coach the Russian national football team. Together we would have won all the cups! Perhaps I would play for Zenit, and then I would immediately go to a foreign club. I would often come to schools and show everything that I can do. When my career was over, I would become a coach and coach the Russian national football team. Together we would have won all the cups!

... I would fly with a BIRD, make different falls and look for food. For the winter some old woman would give me shelter and feed me all kinds of nuts. And when I had children, I would bring them the thickest and most delicious bugs. I would fly, make different falls and look for food. For the winter some old woman would give me shelter and feed me all kinds of nuts. And when I had children, I would bring them the thickest and most delicious bugs.

... LOADER If I were a loader I would carry boxes with different things. I would go to high floors and be very strong and resilient. I would advance in my career and, perhaps, would soon be delivering things by car! If I were a loader, I would carry boxes with different things. I would go to high floors and be very strong and resilient. I would advance in my career and, perhaps, would soon be delivering things by car!

… AS A GIRL I would wear different dresses and outfits. I couldn't run fast because I would wear heels. I would spend all my pocket money on cosmetics, because my mother would say that this is all bad for the skin and I should look natural! I would wear different dresses and outfits. I couldn't run fast because I would wear heels. I would spend all my pocket money on cosmetics, because my mother would say that this is all bad for the skin and I should look natural!

... INVISIBLE I would be a spy or a superhero! And soon the president would have awarded me a medal, because I would have uncovered an attempt on his life. I would wear a special mask on my face so that they could see me. I would be a spy or a superhero! And soon the president would have awarded me a medal, because I would have uncovered an attempt on his life. I would wear a special mask on my face so that they could see me.

… AN ARTIST I would paint pictures of different styles. I would become very famous. Maybe sometimes I would paint portraits on the street. This is probably very interesting! I would paint pictures of different styles. I would become very famous. Maybe sometimes I would paint portraits on the street. This is probably very interesting!