Exquisite names. Exotic female names

Exquisite names. Exotic female names
Exquisite names. Exotic female names

Rare female names today sound and remember increasingly. Return from the past forgotten Slavic options, borrowed from abroad analogs of familiar Russian names.

Of course, sometimes old names are simply intact. But still, they often have a strong feminine energy or bring good luck. Therefore, today we have prepared a list of rare, but very successful female names.


This is a rare and beautiful female name with one of its soft sound gives some special beauty to its carriers. Most often it can be noted that parents are ready to roll the whole world and quit their daughter to the legs, but you need to be careful. Often, the frets grow up because of this very capricious.

By nature, Lada is usually the maximalist in everything, especially in feelings, because of which it sometimes is sometimes difficult to agree. This must be considered, choosing such an unusual name for the girl. However, the Lada is decisive and stubborn, which will help them in career growth. After all, they almost never leave their goals.


Beautiful female name Zlata It is easy enough to interpret even without the help of dictionaries. It is most likely of Jewish origin, but could get into Russian through Greek. In this name, the root of "gold" is easily recognized, of course, resembling gold.

Not surprisingly, a woman named Zlata always has its own principles regarding money. She really does not like to take in debt, even if forced to do it. Also, Zlata is usually enough to go through that, of course, it will come in handy in life. Thanks to its natural caution, these women turn out to be good hostesses.

It must be said that in the life of the zlya family plays a very important role. The girl with this rather rare name can grow into a house. She is intellectual and often wants to look into the future. Usually, the name emphasizes their qualities as tactfulness and attentiveness to people, but can give some secrecy.


Vasilisa - Beautiful name for the girl, which was once very common in Russia. It is Greek origin, and it can be translated into Russian as "royal." It is also a female variant of the male name Vasily. Sometimes it is reduced to Vasya or use another option, Vasilena.

Girls with this name most often turn out to be very virtuous and sometimes consider their own and other people's problems with the same zeal and the desire to help the neighbor. They are charming and good by themselves, know how to be nearby, if it comes to difficult life situations.

Usually, the disadvantages of these women are attributed to the inability to recognize their weaknesses and excessive stubbornness. Nevertheless, women with a rare name of Vasilis are sufficiently soft in communication, which makes them very pleasant.

Sophia (Sofia)

Sophia or Sofia It is considered to be a Russian Orthodox name, which means "wisdom" and everything connected with it. This name is also mentioned in Greece and has the following diminutive forms: Sonya, Sofa, Sofya, Sonechka, Sofka, Fiya, Fifi.

In Russia, this name was considered as strong that only the highest class could be obtained initially, and it was used only in the aristocratic society. In the future, fashion has moved to the noble estate. The popularity of such a beautiful and unusual name was constantly growing, and soon the name of Sofya began to call girls from any class.

Women with the beautiful name of Sophia have a deep inner world, which helps them cope with any problem and supports in a difficult moment. They carry light, good and love in the world, and this is exactly what they attract others and charge positive. Such women are always open to communicate and are ready to substitute their shoulder. Despite its strong inner rod, they are very gentle and passionate natures.

Sofia temperament in personal life plays a major role. She and an excellent owner and a wonderful wife and mother. Despite the fact that such women dream of becoming the head of the family, they are always nice, when a strong man is located nearby, able to take all responsibility for himself. Only with such a husband, Sophia feel behind the stone wall and with great pleasure they begin to engage in the creation of a home coat.


Name Angelina While it is quite rare, although it is present in the salty. Literally it means the "Newsletter". By origin, it is Greco-Latin origin and has a lot of forms and variations in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Angelina's name can be reduced to brief Lina But do not forget that this option is also independent.

Often, the girls with an unusual name Angelina inherit the character of her mother and grow very stubborn, which can be seen since childhood. Therefore, Angelina manifests the desire to command. For concessions, this girl is rare. She also wishes everything to seek herself and does not expect any help from anyone.

Sometimes Angelina does not really show activity and may not be interested in what is happening at school or even university. But she loves to do their own. It can be said that it is inherent in several men's character traits, and it is difficult to find a common language with it. But Angelina is always an interesting and pleasant person.


Diana - This is a Catholic and rather unusual female name for our country. In the scale of the whole world, it is more familiar, because the spread of Catholicism has greatly affected its popularity. Translated from Latin Diana to translates as "belonging to God." The same name was the Roman goddess, which means that this name is noted by the patronage of higher forces.

Diana is a very kind, bright and pleasant person. If you ask Diana about whether it is happy, then 100 percent of cases she will answer you "yes."

For a girl, this is a rare name in our country means success in relationships with boys, which maintains throughout life. Diana may look ordinary, but after acquaintance with them, no man will remain indifferent to them. They are kind, they know how to joke and understand any person, for which they are very loved in any company.


By the most common version, name Arina is an outdated form name Irina. Historians believe that earlier Irin was called in Russia, after which the transformation of the name of the first letter was happening. Now it is unusual at first glance, the female name is back back, gaining popularity.

Arina is always interested in something, and very much. This unusual female name gives its own owner a good composure, exposure and stress resistance. Arina always know what to say when to silence and when to fight back. Despite the strong traits of character, Arina is incredibly attractive for men. This is one rare female gives those who wears, the gift of light interaction with the male floor.

Arina often falls in love, but not only in men, and also to their work. The girl with this name always brings the work started to the end, not retreating at the sight of problems. That is why Arina is successful and adores its work, which is quite often also his beloved passion.


Many have heard of the Western name Emilywhich, according to many scientists, is practically synonymous Emilia . In Russia, this name sounded like Emilla - It was a female form Omeliana. One way or another, but now this form forgotten. Translated from Greek, Emilios means "kind" or "affectionate".

Since childhood, Emilia loves difficult tasks and all that is attractive outside. She appreciates beauty in people, but not only external, but also inner. This is an unusual name for a girl living in our country, as it is incredibly rare. This has its advantages about which all female representatives are dreaming - individuality, beauty and charm.

When Emilia grows, her life flows along the row, which the girl itself determines for itself. It is not always well versed in humans, but they feel good, therefore Emilia is happy.


Anita very often confused with Anna Although there is absolutely no one between these two names in terms of origin. Anita - This is a rare female name, which appeared presumably in Spain, although goes back to the German old roots. It means "beautiful", "graceful", "gentle", "cute".

The nature of the anitha is complicated and incomprehensible to most people. It is a poet in childhood anitha a little friends. If you ask a girlfriend or friend Anita on why they are friends with her, do not hear the intelligible answer. This is a mystery person, and not only for others, but for himself.

In adulthood, this is a beautiful and rare female name gives girls and women a lot of advantages before other representatives of the weak floor, namely: charm, the ability to see what others cannot see the insurmountable craving for the beautiful. Anita loves not so much life itself as the beauty of its details.


Name Taisiya Distributed both in the Slavic peoples and in the West. This is a Catholic and Christian name that has a Greek origin. Translated, it means "fertile". This is a very beautiful and unusual female name, but it often happens to hear. In Eastern Europe, it is very popular, but in Russia it gives it rare girls.

Taisiya is impulsive and very hidden. Perhaps these are the only qualities that can deliver to her in the life of the problem. Otherwise, she has all the deposits of the strongest leader, as well as personality self-sufficient and strong. Her analytical mind tells her that it is impossible to get married, and strong intuition does not argue with it. That is why it starts the children and binds themselves to the bonds of marriage quite late.

This is a person of contrasts, because such strong ladies always have many friends and many enemies. A very important role in this plays her character, which is very difficult to call very difficult. Taisiya secretive and patient, but sometimes its life problems make it explode, like an atomic bomb. In this case, it is better to run without regard.


Name Kira It has several versions of origin. Many argue that this word came to us from Greece and is derived from the name of Kyros, which was assigned to men. It has a strong meaning and associated with such words as: "Lord", "Lord", "Mr.". Others prove that this name came to us from Persia and means "sun", "rays of light" and "bearing heat". The name of Kira is assigned the abbreviated name from such names as: Kirill, Kiriakia, Shakira, Kirra.

With age, Cyre will have to face injustice, which only harde her character and will bring in it restraint and high-speed. However, thanks to such lessons, fate, in women with the beautiful name Kira, directness and purposefulness appear, which helps them move towards their ideals directly, destroying all obstacles in their path. Such women copes perfectly with senior positions and know how to combine charm and mind.

Women's houses and such a rare name, like Kira, become excellent housewives. They constantly reign warm and comfort, and the doors are always open to relatives and close friends. Such women become faithful wives who are able to support their husbands in a difficult moment and inspire them to feats. Her choice will fall on an attractive man on whom you can rely on. And if in the career of Kira will not tolerate competition, then in marriage is ready to agree to the role of the second plan. Such a feature of Kira will create a strong union based on mutual love, respect and understanding.


Name It is unusual in that in different cultures has completely opposite meanings. According to one of the versions, this is derived from the word "autumn" and so called girls who were born in the autumn months. On the other legend, the girls born in the spring were called "Spring". It was this word in the future transformed into an extension. There are also few more opinions, where came to us such a rare name. Some argue that this name has become popular after the emergence of the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, and others argue that it is derived from the Arab male name Hassan, which means "beautiful", or from "alien" from Greek.

Yenya is growing a very kind and loving girl. She relates well to animals and loves everything beautiful. Over the years, learns to hide their soft character and is quite easy to achieve their goals. Of these women, wonderful managers and mentors are obtained. They are fair and very smart. Such women immediately stand out from the crowd with their inexorable zeal to get the desired. If you are fascinated by some kind of thing, it will definitely bring it to the end.

Such an independent nature of women affects the family life of the ESI. These women are married only after they can secure themselves. They appreciate their freedom, but also climb on their neck will not allow themselves. That is why there are mostly late unions. However, this does not bear any negative consequences.

Milan (Milena)

This name has many consonant names, such as Milena. However, they have absolutely different meanings. It is believed that the name Milan Initially, it happened from the word "MIL", like other similar names. However, they cannot be called diminutive and assume that this is the same name. It is important to understand that Miloslava, Militsa, Milonia, Milena are not forms of each other. But if you want to name Laskovo Milan, then for this the following names are suitable for this: Milanka, Mila, Lana, Milunka.

Adult Milan always does what he says. In her character, there is a male temper, which, contrary to everything, does not deprive her femininity, but only emphasizes it. Such a rare name awards its owner with excellent intuition, endurance and burden to all mystical. Although Milan prefers loneliness, a noisy company, her interests never allow themselves to feel abandoned and no one needed. Such women feel well and always know when they need to be alone with their thoughts.

The name is what the parents are given to us. This is what we give our children. ...

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Exotic names

Exotic female names

Exotic names - This is not just unusual or rare names. These are bright, memorable, exclusive names from exotic countries.

Exotic name You can choose for your child, and you can take such a name for yourself - with a change in documents or as the second name (secret or pseudonym).

Some of the exotic names are strong magic (occult) names, Activating magical power. Some names are pushing to spiritual development. And some names stimulate to achieve success in society.

Fans of exotic with interest can familiarize themselves with the list of exotic names, which we accounted for and refer to.

Exotic female names

Abha - fearless

Agan - the fire






Amara- Immortal

Ambica - Mother of the world

Anahore - caused by the Spirit that helped in the fight against the enemies (Maori)


Argira- Silver (Greek.)


Arona - Love (Maori)

Astone - Emit


Afra - African

Barhana - go ahead, grow, do progress

Barm - The word of God

Beloyar - First month of spring, April

Bhthe - Stability




Varuna - goddess of water and sea

Vasantha - Spring

Veva (Viveya, Fivea)- loyal, solid (Greek)

Vidia - bye


Gaida - conductor


Ganga. - name of the sacred river of India

Garuda - Giant Bird (Eagle)

Ghara - House




Gongonia - rapid, fast (Greek)


Gianana (Guyana) - Spiritual knowledge

Dunda - staff

Dakhana - Burning, goddess dawn

Devara - a door

Jagata- Universe

Jamela - confusion, chaos

Jaya (Jaya) - Glory, victory

Diva - Divo, Miracle

Divia - Divine

Dhana- Material wealth

Dharana - behavior, lifestyle

Dhira - the one who does not bring material illusion out of equilibrium


Eusevia - Piece (Greek)


Alive - Goddess of Life, Spring



Indra - God of thunderstorms, storms and rain, Lord of the Heavenly Kingdom

Because of(Berber.)


Iolan.- soaring (Hawaiian name)

Yolan - soaring (Hawaiian name)

Kaida - discipline, law, system, benefit

Cala - Time


Kaleya - Joy, happiness (Hawaiian name)

Kalena (Hawaiian name)

Calimata- Goddess personifying victory over all vices

Kakhina (Berber.)



Kiana (Hawaiian name)





Cryp - mercy, compassion

Kriya - activity, activity


Coarse. - God of wealth and treasure

Khivey.- Transport through the river

Ksetra - Field

Lada - The goddess of love


Laya (Laya) - Son.



Lila - game, entertainment



Lania - Moon

Lucillia - shining, luminous

Maata(Maori's name)

Madana - the one fascinates

Mayan - Illusion. Material energy that immerses a living being in oblivion about God

Malia(Hawaiian name)

Mandara - Mount


Mariada - rules of behavior

Marcandai - Wisdom





Mastria - Researcher (Greek)

Mala - Garland, Wreath, Necklace

Chalk- a meeting

Mara - power of evil or temptation



Milan - a meeting


Minodore, Milodora - Dar Mina, Greek Goddess Moon

Mira(Indian Name)

Myrrh - Daughter of the Cyprus Tsar

Moana - Wide water space, sea (Maori)



Muni. - Wisdom

Nava - New

Note - Nude


Nara - Divine






Pad- Stop running in the footsteps of God


Pautra - patience and seriousness


PRAY - Nutrient (Egypt.)

Pinna - Pearl sink (Greek)

Prema - Clean Love

In- Pleasant

Phena- Pen

Ravana- Making roar, powerful demon

Raga- true love

pleased - The daughter of the sun and the lady of the sea (hence the word rainbow arose).






Sagara - Ocean

Saguna - possessing qualities

Samana - Shamananka


Sanatana- Eternal



Satya- Truth



Semiramid(Persian Name)

Side - Muda

Sitara - Star

Sira - From Syria

Skanda - Goddess of War


Soma. - Goddess of the Moon, Gmble Drink of Gods

Stavira - Mature


Sunny - listens and hears




TA-dah - while




Tray - Three









Fota - Light


Halahala- poison that appeared when boiling the dairy ocean

Hela - Liberation

Hima - Winter

Khoma. - view of the Vedic sacrifice to the gods, the rite of the relief of purified oil on fire

Holi - Aryan New Year's holiday (three-day), certified in full moon in February-March associated with the Spring Equinox

Christ, christ - Golden (Greek.)




Chula - Chulad, Break, stock storage

Shavala - Divine Energy Delight


Shash- Vedic character, snake


Ekagrata - One-directionality, purposefulness of the mind



Efalius, Effalia

Yajna - Sacrifice. The one who is addressed to all the victims, and who enjoys them.

Yamuna - Sacred River North India

Yatra - Judge

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Exotic names. Exotic female names


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Almost 20% of parents do not have time to decide on the name of the future child by the time of his birth, but there are also those who cannot come to an agreement even a month after the appearance of the baby. After being distracted by many household problems, her husband and wife is sometimes very difficult to agree, because everyone has their own preferences and their vision on this issue. And here are more relatives, friends, and just familiar begin to offer their own options. Fashion dictates, television promotes how to choose here?

It is clear that every parent wishes his child's happy life. Considering that the name of the newborn can determine his further fate, to promote success in his personal life and career, in the name of the baby, parents often see his future - and, it happens, choose their baby that is rare, and not a common name. Why?

  • It is believed that it will help the child develop certain qualities - for example, independence.
  • We strive to highlight your child among other children in advance.
  • Family traditions are followed, where the names of grandfathers and grandmothers are transmitted from generation to generation.

Based on these prerequisites and you can determine where rare names come from.

  • The most obvious is "well forgotten old." In everyday life, the names called children for many years, and sometimes centuries, back. In Russia, the Old Slavonic names are again sounded - Bogdan, Miroslav, Tyan.
  • There are very creative and progressive parents that they themselves come up with names. It was this way that the name of Svetlana appeared, although it was invented for a character, and not for his own child. And the name of Stella was invented for the sonnet cycle.
  • Sometimes adults are trying to save any events that are important for them. This is also born absolutely unusual names, many of which are in the future become non-visual, but some of these names continue to exist - for example, Kazbek, Damir or Kim. This desire to fix various historical events, places, remember and perpetuating some great personalities. To a greater extent, the Soviet names appeared to reflect this trend, and they can be called rare (radium, dawn, owned, Astra).
  • You can also consider rare names those foreign, borrowed names that are not accepted in everyday life in a certain country. At the same time, most of the Christian names can somehow duplicate both in Catholicism and in Orthodoxy (Martha - Martha, Christian - Christina). But some foreign names can still be called rare - Emma, \u200b\u200bMadeleine, Monica, Laura.

Rare Names for Girls

Giving a daughter a rare name, parents strive first allocate and emphasize some certain features of the newborn, which, as parents are sure, they will definitely have their daughter. Most often it is beautiful, sonorous, singeling names. Different nationalities have their own list of rare female names.

In Russia, in recent times it has become fashionable to give the children of Old Slavonic names. For example, it became possible to personally get acquainted with fun or the blade, although such names are still considered rare. And people believers will be nice to meet with girls such beautiful names as Seraphim, Pelagia or Evdokia.

Zemfira, Ilzira, Ilyza, Mavelud, Maille, Nominal, Nuria, Perizat, Razil, Sahid, Safura, Sevara, Fazil, Fariza, Hadia, Shakira, Shakhina, Ange

Rare names for boys

The baby's name is chosen based on a certain idea. These may be names on the sign of the zodiac, mythical, biblical, foreign or new names. Part of the previously rare names are becoming popular at present, their former interest is returned to them. Some common names are transformed, acquire new writing and sound, thus a new, beautiful rare name appears.

In addition to the obvious goal of parents who choose a rare name for their child, - to highlight it among the others, there is also hidden. Parents try to be independent and independent from the small years. After all, since the first days of the life of the baby, the surrounding begin to ask asked, check, be surprised at the heard name, and the child can not not notice this.

But this cargo is not all children can withstand, and not all, even adults, owners of such rare names are ready to continue to carry it. Such a selection imposes an imprint on the inner world of man. It may affect his behavior, making closed, touchy, or, on the contrary, arrogant and aggressive. Many, when achieving the majority, change their name to more common. But it happens that it is its own rare name that a person helps, and still a child, to overcome obstacles, to hold his head high and seek the goals.

But still, maybe the future parents should think and choose a child one of the more familiar and popular names?

Rare names for months

This list was composed of the names given in the calendar of the name. It includes Orthodox and Catholic names. This is another way to use parents looking for a rare name for their child. A full calendar of a nameman (including for popular names) can be found on the link under the table.

Many names that we consider relatively relatives, in fact appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and most of them do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rites and the life of the ancient Slavs. Such names can be attributed: Dobroslava - sensible; Fun - mischievous, cheerful; Mstislava - Declaring; Snezhana - modest, tender.

Most Popular Modern Names for Girls

According to the statistics of the management of the registry office of Moscow, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alice, Elizabeth, Alexander, Daria. Therefore, if you are looking for beautiful and rare names for girls, pass by this list of 10 female names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the value of the female name. We are accustomed to believe in what you call the ship, so he sails. For example, if you want your girl in life with the winner, you can call her Victoria. But remember that this name is now very popular!

Here are some examples, what values \u200b\u200bare in female names.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means "blooming". In childhood, calm, mature, becomes decisive and stubborn. Never make rapid acts, knows how to find a common language with people.

Valeria translated from Latin means "strong, strong". It is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed fantasy and excellent shaped memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, economic and hospitable wife. Carefully approaches the choice of a professional area in which it will become a real specialist.

Dominica in Latin means "Mrs.". Girls with such name have intuition, man's manner lead and edit. Dominica is confident in himself and can bring to the end of the most impossible and difficult matter. The most prone to a senior position, even if it is associated with risk. It achieves success in painting, architecture, in the field of design and clothing modeling.

Rare Names for Girls

Statistics says that many parents seek to choose a child name that is not particularly popular. If you stick to the same looks, then I keep in mind that quite recently small Aurora, Lyubava, Lyia, Ustinya, Emily, Bozhen, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Spring, Malvina, Blancatra have already appeared.

A rare female name is always interesting sounds, bright coloring. It is remembered, attracts and, accordingly, predetermines the fate of the carrier. We have compiled a list of excellent and sonorous names that can be called a child.

Choose a beautiful female name, a gift to your crumb. To date, it has become fashionable to choose the girl "unusual" name. Thus, parents want to highlight the child and emphasize love. According to statistics there are many sonorous Slavic names. Foreign names are also quoted, which are the prototype of our Russians. A rare female name may not be completely harmful, but it carries a tremendous energy impulse. It feminine and unequivocally deliver the success of the owner. Go!

Rare Women's Name - Ulyana

Beautiful name for the girl! Obviously, the origins of its origin are leading during the Roman Empire. Beautiful female name painted by the spirit of conquerors, powerful personalities. So the little beauty, possessing the name, will be distinguished by a slashing temper. She has charisma, energy. If you do not like an unusual name for the girl Ulyana, then you can call the child Julian (sonorous, has a softer energy). Also as familiar ear. A beautiful female name has a brutal form - Ulya.

Beautiful name for the girl - Melissa

Strong word for energy, soft and gentle - according to phonetics. The origin of this word leads to deep antiquity. He patronize the gods, which is important. Your child will fall under powerful protection, as a rare female name is also the "invisible" charm. The first associations that a person experiences the Word related to the medicinal plant. It calms the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the body. So the child called by this name will bear a positive charge. He will be glad everywhere where he will appear. An unusual flower, like a beautiful female name, is also associated with the forest goddess. In Babylon, the deity of fertility was so called. So you can pick up good synonyms. Your child will be diligence and goodwill, but no offense will not give himself.

Rare Women's Name - Eve

So called the mother - the student of living on earth. This is a symbol of beginning, life and light. Do you remember the legend about Adam and Eve? This beautiful female name is translated as "giving life." By the way, more modern variations occurred from it, for example, Eugene or Evdokia. Such a child will have a strong will. To defend your position, even if they go into incision with public opinion. This is all about this child. Eve is a wonderful manipulator. She will easily play on human weaknesses if she needs it. Brilliant, movable and living mind makes it look for interesting ways out of any situation. Its intelligence can be envied. Inside such a person there is a good, but to get to the bottom, you need to enter the circle of her trust.

Such a woman like the opposite sex. But it will suit the choice of satellite life very responsible. Eva will be married only by love. Figuratively speaking, she will look for Adam. This Miss will embody all the qualities in the marital life: it will be a digestive mistress, passionate mistress and a caring mother. But the marriages of the family board will be in the hands of the spouse!

Beautiful female name - Aida

It feels a mystical, strong, fascinating principle. The origin of this name is also covered by the mystery. For example, some believe that it was the world from Verdi opera. Others suggest that Egypt is noticeable. Not surprising. Aid was the deity of the kingdom of the dead. And in the meaning of the Arab state, the beautiful female name "decrypts" as the "returning woman". You will be surprised, but the epithet even associate with Africa. Taking it from this language, we get the word "remuneration".

Obviously, an unusual name for the girl carries a powerful charge. You definitely give her an interesting fate. What can appear in a child? These are creative deposit and incredible intuitive understanding of things. The mystical name, of course, help the otherworldly. This is a connection with spirits, ancestors.

Beautiful Name for Girl - Mariana

An interesting fact that a beautiful female name includes two popular names. Guess what? In one destiny, such a child will be the positive characteristics of these names. But what else is amazing, interpretation, translation of the word. And it sounds like "Beauty, which is in the sadness." But you should not scare it. Other meanings: "bitter" and "Favorite". Such paradoxical installations receive a person called in this name. If you are so applied your favorite daughter and put in the name of the soul, then nothing bad, and even more so, terrible, will not happen. Do not confuse two different name - Marina and beautiful female name Marina. The latter translates, "maritime", carries completely different bioimpuls.

Unusual name for the girl - Stanislav

Beautiful female name gives good and volitional energy. Such a girl will be hardened with the Spirit, and her character will not break anything. Slavic roots are indicated here as "the formation of the soul." Such a woman will be the leader first in everything. This glorious girl likes everyone. Brief shape - a beautiful female name of the old. There are those who further reduce the derivative form - to Asya. You do not impose your opinion such a girl. She will live as he wants. Little will behave like a real banding and rebar. She fell fidget and prefers active games. Therefore, in sports, she is always the first. Adult, girl learns to manage his head. Therefore, severe and independent personalities are formed from such children.

Rare Women's Name - Miloslava

Brief shape - Mila. But it also sounded with Lyudmila and Milan. But the other promise carries. It has Slavic roots and interpreted literally - "Mila for Glory." So, such a child is doomed to recognition. In other countries, it is possible to hear this beautiful female name in another form - Milen, Milan.

The child is very responsive, trying to help everyone, but not infringe upon his own interests. Miloslava - enthusiastic, friendly, but emotional. But these qualities help build a good future.

Beautiful female name - Lada

Lada is the deity of love. Thought, Venus? But in Slavic mythology it is called Lada. The first associations come with a swan bird. Also, the word is decrypted as "sweet", "Favorite", "wife." So such girls will become excellent hostesses capable of creating comfort and give heat. They emit an inner radiance, and you want to share personal, communicate. By the way, the name Vladislav has a general root with our own way. Usually girls who are named as very likely love and pursue parents. They are ready to do everything for the sake of expensive Chad. Pay attention to this moment, if you want to call the child so much. No need to allow excessive spoils, and therefore capriciousness. Lada inborn careerists. Even in them a long time plays maximalism. This applies to love. "All or nothing" is the motto of such stalling beauties.

Unusual name for the girl - Zlata

You do not need to take a dictionary in the hands to make sure the way of the appearance of this. Also understands its meaning. Zlata - Jewish toponym or word from the Greek continent. What is the first to come to your mind? Gold word? It's right! Such a girl is gold for their relatives and beloved people. She knows how to handle money is best. Zlata dried, behaves well budget. It is a weathered, welcoming and economic person. She does not like financially depend on anyone, so it does not want to be borrowed. Tactical, attentive to detail and hidden. Of these girls, very diplomatic women grow up. By nature - Domask.

Rare Women's Name - Vasilisa

The heroine of Russian fairy tales. Beauty with long oblique. She is meek, gentle and magical. Awarding your daughter with the name, you will prevent a "fabulous" life. Initially, Vasilisa came to us from Greece. It sounds like "Especially royal blood." Not wonder, since after the adoption of Christianity, the majority of the names already ingrained in our people are borrowed from Byzantium. Abbreviated form - Vasya, male form name - Vasily. In the girls called in this name, such a trait is dominated as kindness. They seek to help the neighbor and protect their relatives. Such women are very charming, have an attractive appearance. In a difficult situation, this person will always disinterestedly stretch the hand of help. From negative aspects you can highlight stubbornness. Such ladies do not wish to recognize weaknesses. But in conversations they are soft, understanding.

Beautiful rare name - Sofya

Another option is Sofia. Now this is a rare female name in the number of popular, and catch up with Anna. It is translated as "wisdom", therefore, such a girl since childhood will demonstrate good mental abilities. This means that it will easily assimilate information, memorizing complex terms. The name, like many others, has greek roots. In the old days, only the highest sections of society were right to call Sofia's daughter, and later noble. The name Sofia became more popular, and then moved into common masses. The inner world helps a lady to cope with different troubles. People stretch to such girls, going on their light and positive. They bear good, peace and consent. Sophia women are sociable and ready to come to the rescue. In addition, such ladies have a strong passion, but also able to give tenderness of expensive people. The temperament is strong, it solorates in life. Sophia fully combines the qualities of a good spouse, an experienced parent and a magnificent mistress. Because, having a strong character, she wants to see a number of responsible and volitional partner who is capable of protecting. Spouse - stronghold and family center.

Beautiful Name for Girl - Angelina

It meets in the sacnesses, but in modern society is considered one of the rarest. In different languages, it sounds differently, and its origins "flow" from two countries - Greece and Latin America. It is translated as "Newsright". Such a bright girl, fast, easy. She is "all in mom." Distinctive features of character - stubbornness. These are small commanders who will not yield. But but the Angelina everything in life is achieved by its own, help does not ask and does not wait! But to study a little Miss to do not care. This type of self-taught. She will be zealous to study only, what brings her pleasure. Men's ambitions are dominated here, but in general, the gel is benevolent in communication.

Unusual name for the girl - Diana

We do not use mass love, has Catholic roots. From Latin sounds like "Divine". She patronizes the goddess Rome. If you see a glimpse, we will see a cheerful, radiant baby, sparkling not only by beauty, but also a good heart. Such a girl becomes a magnet for the opposite sex. She knows how to joke, support a conversation and just amazes with optimism.

Rare Women's Name - Arina

This name refers to an outdated form from Irina. The first letter was replaced, and there was a completely new name. In Russia, Arin was abound. But now the good tradition returns. If you want to call your daughter, then read further. A child since childhood gets a domestic patience and stress resistance. The girl has a good will and composure. In a difficult situation, it will apply a cold calculation. Arina knows when to say, and when you need not to break something. If such a person is passionate, it will devote himself to this entirely and completely. They have women's spells, in front of which men will not stand. In conclusion, strong character helps to live. Loves in love, but very devoted work and your work. Careerists? Yes!

Beautiful female name - Emilia

Affectionate girl - it translates this popular overseas name. In our convenience, it will be written as Omelian. Therefore, it did not reduce such widespread. The girl is beautiful, appreciates individuality, examines only good people in people. We guarantee a strong union. Since Emilia is a magnificent empath, feeling people and able to contact them, the best career must be associated with children, or be in the field of psychology.

Beautiful Name for Girl - Anita

We found a start in the hot Spanish lands, and the roots of the German. All nice epithets: Cute, trembling belong to this name. The girl differs from the peers from an early age. She is closed, poorly unauthorized. Her behavior seems strange. Because Anita has difficult, but complex character. But it makes it special. She is a riddle for others, but also for itself. Anita disassembles life on the bones. She highlights the details, can enjoy them. Such a young lady entails a strong floor. Anites love beautiful. Like their name, possess an unearthly charm.

Unusual name for the girl - Taisiya

It is western, and our. He enjoyed love with Slavs. Traditions are renewed, and now the name Taisia \u200b\u200bis quoted. The origin of Greek, but the roots rest in the Christian faith and Catholic canons. Transcription - "fertility". Do you know where the most Taisae? In Europe, namely the Eastern part of it. Well, maybe Russia will catch up! The girl grows power and self-sufficient, but has secretive. Does not want to spread about life. It can be noted excellent intuition, logic and analytical structure. Such a young lady calculates the moves in advance. So waiting for early entry into marriage. Such bright personalities fascinate and frighten at the same time. Taii will have many enemies and friends for life. She is impatient, sarcastic. Quickly explodes and departs. This is a not easy indicator. But this should not scare. Taisiya will be a famous person!

Rare Women's Name - Kira

Have you heard about the Greek Island of Kyros? It is believed that this name is formed from his name. It has a male beginning, as it means "Lord", "Lord". But you can say about another version of the origin of toponym. Kira - Persian name, symbolizing the "sunshine". Your girl will illuminate his appearance all around! By the way, Kira is derived from Shakira. You can notice this child in the crowd, because it will always share toys, never will select something in the weak. Develop in the girl's ability, then she will grow sensitive, gentle and good child. In the life of Kira goes with a raised head. It is purposeful and kept, struggling with the injustice of life as can. Her straightness plays his hand. How in this woman gets around charm and at the same time mind? You can meet such a person in senior positions. Have such an boss - a gift for any employee!

But not only in the career the lady shines. Cyrus copes great with family affairs, she loves to receive guests and relatives. Skill and deftly leads the economy, and the upbringing of children does not make her fall into depression. This is a faithful wife who will support the spouse, and will help. Kira is an inspirational, not in vain her name is associated with the sun. It will attract a pretty man, and she will submit to the second roles in the family. But at work this furia will not let the descent! So, call the daughter of Kira, and be sure your flagship will sweep on being, having achieved a lot in it and building a strong marriage.

Beautiful female name - Eenia

Beautiful name with a light hint of Melancholy. The sophisticated nature and clean soul - epithets applicable to this charming baby. There are versions that this is the name "autumn", and so called girls born during this period. Legend # 2, that name is, on the contrary, spring, and so called girls who appeared on this time of year. Of course, it is impossible to silent, and do not remember the great Russian poet. In some, it is Yesenin, it is considered a prototype of this gentle name. And here is the Arabic meaning: the name Hassan presented peace. No matter how it was, it is a very "fragrant" and a feminine name that is worth calling a child. If you combine the values, we will receive the translation - "Beautiful Stranger". Eventy is looking for the meaning of life, chooses his way. She has a sensitive and deep soul. Of course, she is kind and cute girl. Abbreviated name - ENA, ESA. Sometimes she manages to hide a soft temper. Esya adores the whole animal world and stretches to the beautiful. Fair and intelligent is adult. She will support, will send and always give an excellent advice. Started, such a woman will bring to the end. And you will definitely pay attention to it.

Easy independence halo can affect family life. Marriage such a person will join after complete material success. Evention should feel that at any time it can provide yourself. She is tied to his freedom, hence can get a late marriage. But there is no negative. Since ENI will enter into an alliance with the correct calculation.

Beautiful Name for Girl - Milena

You can also call Milan. Very "cute" name. It, by the way, is translated. She is feminine, but the character is not deprived of male dignity. The girl does what he wants is particularly not a ceremony with others. But at the same time she fulfills its promises. Milena is in mysticism, but at the same time she is hardy and has a tremendous intuition that helps her calculate the situation, and be two steps forward the rest. She has many interests, so you don't have to miss. You will not see Milena in a noisy and cheerful company. She will prefer cozy loneliness. She needs to dive into his world and his thoughts. Since Milena feels people, she knows when you need to be returned, and when, on the contrary, listen to the opponent, to sympathize with him. She will achieve glory in what loves. Therefore, to send the girl to some kind of sphere, try to first cause her interest. The work should also be attractive, otherwise Milena will not stop on one. Related may feel bewilderment from the behavior of a young lady. It is a charming child, then touching the nature. But if we talk about a relationship with the opposite sex, then such unpredictability only plays a hand. The interest of the men to such a woman never fades.

Choose a beautiful name for the girl on astrology!

Astrology becomes increasingly. So why not choose a rare female name for the future child, relying on the energy of the sunny sign? The harmonious combination of the name and the zodiac will definitely give the girl a happy fate, and will form a faithful promise to good luck.

Rare Women's Name for Aries

It is important to choose a beautiful name for a girl who will not overshadow the personality of the child, but will emphasize his charisma and some "reference". Also, the beautiful name for the girl will help a little smooth the sharp corners of the character, making the energy softer. For example, a beautiful name for the girl is a bazhen (desirable) or barbarian (dicking, unbridled).

Rare Women's Name for Taurus

A hardworking sign, which is distinguished by a careful attitude to everything, lacks romanticism. Add it, giving my daughter's name Beatrice (happy). And the dreaminess will give a beautiful name for the girl - Angela (Angel).

Rare Women's Name for Gemini

Such a child lacks support and sustainability in life, let's call the girl - Regina (Queen).

Rare female name for cancer

These are dreamy creatures, they need to learn to manifest individuality. It will be easier to do if you call a baby - selenium (shine). The beautiful name for the girl Diana is suitable for which we wrote above.

Rare female name for lion

It would seem that you still need to lioness? They are passionate, strong and charismatic, but they also need a span of romanticity. Name your lion glass - Snowman, and then you will get a fair, soft, but strong person.

Rare Women's Name for Virgin

A practical sign to add sensitivity. The ideal option to name the child is August (royal).

Rare female name for weights

Wise and tender girl seeking harmony. For her, a beautiful female name is suitable - Zlata (see description). You can also call her Pelagia (sea).

Rare Female Scorpion Name

This is an insightful child who is already born with the deposits of the leader and the strategist. But you can add it confidence to make small scorpions achieved incredible heights. So, an unusual name for the girl Alevtina (reflection of power) and a beautiful name for the girl Agata, like a gem, make your baby shine!

Rare Female Name for Sagittar

Emphasize the originality and pride of the child, calling the girl - Stella (star).

Beautiful female name for Capricorn

The purposeful and cold-blooded Capricorn lacks optimism. They go like tanks in life, losing the share of "joy", concentrating on the achievement of the goal. This is their vulnerable space, as for family members, such people appear dry and emotional. This situation can be corrected by writing a beautiful name for the girl - Rimma (apple) in the birth certificate. We also advise you to look at Inge (Goddess Ingwe).

Beautiful female name for Aquarius

Oh, these freedom-loving nature. How to call such a "ezo"? Such children have an excellent sense of humor and friendly character. Aquarius amazing creatures that need to give will. They themselves will develop and create. An unusual name for Girl Evelina, just fit into their fate, and means it is a forest nut.

Beautiful female name for fish

Liquor creatures that are very insightful, so choose an unusual name for the girl of March (mistress) or a beautiful name for the girl Eve (description in the source), and then your child will be "in its place" in this world.