Victoria Kolos about modern classics. Designer Victoria Kolos Number of Victoria Kolos

Victoria Kolos about modern classics. Designer Victoria Kolos Number of Victoria Kolos
Victoria Kolos about modern classics. Designer Victoria Kolos Number of Victoria Kolos

What materials to give preference in the formation of the interior? How to work with styles? And what to do is categorically impossible. Designer Victoria Kolos is divisible for its ideas

Victoria Kolos is a graduate of the art school. M. B. Grekov, studied the design in one of the Moscow interior schools, was in London. One of the few, whose projects of the British company Andrew Martin included the best decorators of the world's best decorator work on the annual album. Its interiors have always differed with a high taste and surprise of solutions. It is easily and elegantly connecting the brutal architecture, concrete, silk and flax, bold color solutions and mega-modern details

About materials. Of course, natural. Nobody canceled them, and they will never go out of fashion. This tree, stone, necessarily glass, necessarily natural fabrics: silk, cotton, flax. Flax I just adore. But the concrete did not go away from my interiors, he just did not appear for a long time. The client must be ready for concrete. It is impossible to shock people. But people who loving concrete and understanding in it are always located.

About styles. Modern classic is primarily competent, good proportions, a combination of modern materials with some classic techniques, classic furniture. Modern classic is a classic cornice on a concrete wall. If I see an interesting room that you just need to restore and emphasize the real stucco, then modern furniture appears in the interior. If the walls are completely new, the brutal is emphasized, (I can, for example, leave a concrete or do everything in a brick), then classical furniture has already appeared. Need a contrast.

About finishes.I love the wallpaper. Every year they get better and better, more and more interesting. I do not like to upload wallpaper all the walls, I prefer fragments. With concrete wallpaper combined perfectly. Vintage, handmade is suitable for concrete. You can use "Babushkin" drawings - flower and small, and large. The drawing can be barely noticeable, maybe bright. But usually, there are no bright colors in my interiors. I prefer gray shades, dusty. It is for me to heart, it soothes very much, the interior becomes meditative.

About art in the interior.Often, people seem to be the art in the interior is an expensive pleasure. But if I work, then with the art of modern, not antiques. For example, I like the work of Olga Gorokhova, the Belgian artist of Russian origin. I would like my customers in houses they hung.

About taboo. I will never make an interior with tension ceilings, with multi-layer ceilings going wave. That's horrible! I prefer to make space simple and understandable. And from the materials I will not use plastic surfaces, "under natural stone", "under malachite". This is just horror! I can not carry plastic. The material must be material, should be pleasant, tactile. It is impossible to save on materials. Save, of course, falls on something. If, for example, the customer loves art, but he has not a lot of money, it seems to me that there will be enough concrete walls and laminate in the interior. And the main thing in the interior will be art, its collection.

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The famous rocker, the participant of the "three chords" and "voices" presented a new companion - a popular designer.

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His 59th birthday of the star "Three Chords" and "Voices", Andrei Davidyan noted in one of the Moscow restaurants. To congratulate the star gathered the full hall of his fans, among which our correspondents not wondered by his colleagues on the show.

"I am very joying that, despite the difficult economic situation, so many people came to me," Davidyan's emotions did not hide. - It is very characterized by our public, which does not lose interest in music. Spectators draw up to hear something that will warm them in winter cold days!

The spectators did not listen to Andrei and after each song arranged a crushing ovation. Sergey Volchkov became closely observed for the victorious and winner. The singer came to the holiday to Davidyan alone and that and the matter was told the wedding ring.

Alexander Marshal never issued a mystery who won the show / Mila Streach

Coming down from the scene, the birthday man went to the dressing room. Few of the gathered knew that a pretty brunette was already waiting for him here.

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"You see a fantastic girl, which I love," Andrei did not hide his emotions. - Get acquainted: Victoria Kolos. She is a brilliant artist, an interior designer. She did a lot in my life and opened very large spaces for me. I'm afraid to say everything ... or do you want me to say everything? She can do a lot, remember. She is half of my success - I think so. I do not hide anything from anyone!

I introduced Davidyan Victoria and Alexander Marshal. He came to the holiday to Andrei along with his wife, with which rarely goes into light. That evening, Alexander asked the waiters to bring him ... soup. But the request of the singer could not be fulfilled: it turned out that in the institution, the first dishes are not prepared.

- Already ten days did not eat soup! - Alexander admitted to himself whiskey, went to congratulate the birthday man. And I made it sincerely, from the soul.

Andrei Davidyan / Mila Streach

"You can not even say that you are competitors in the" three chords, "someone from those present smiled pretty.

- God forbid! - Marshal waved his hands. - There is no competitors in music. "Three chords" are a show. And the jury is planted there only for people to be interested. Our project is primarily beautiful songs and communication. I already know who won. But you will not say.

He agreed with Marshal and another star "Three Chords" - Anastasia Spiridonov. Nastya came to the holiday to Davidyan with a huge bouquet of flowers. Congratulating the birthday girl, the girl told our correspondent that he had recently cited the anniversary, however, in America.

- It was a wonderful trip! - admitted the singer. - I visited many places: in every city no longer delayed! And I met my birthday in Las Vegas. Played in a casino! Released without loss: how much I put, so much won. It is most important. Although I am not a big casino lover. I remember, a long time ago in Moscow played. But it is: children's fun. In general, I got a lot of impressions. I had such an emotional shake, just not to convey words!

"Not every decorator can boast the monarch of the monarch. Last year, Princess Kent, visiting Moscow, honored Victoria Kolos Prize" The Name of the Year in Interior Design ". Wika manages to combine severeness and tenderness, elegance and simplicity, sensuality and severity. In its projects is visible Light female hand - and in this their power

- Victoria, what do you think the decorator is a female profession?
- Absolutely. I can not imagine a man in this role.

- The profession of architect, on the contrary, is considered male. And if the architect and the decorator binds not only a creative, but family union, it is probably the perfect option. You and your husband Architect Alexey Visir - a noticeable couple. How did you meet?
- at the School "Details". Alexey was my teacher, told about his architectural projects, and what he said was very close to me. The walls that he erects always seemed magnificent me. Perfect space for my decor. But only now, on the fifth year of living together, we started working together. Five years ago, no one took decorators seriously, everyone treated them negligiously, and architects including. You are starting to declare yourself - a conflict arises. I had to defend your right to exist. For a while, I did not intersect at all. And now he sees what I do, and understands that this is not his path, it is better to give this part of the work to me.

"Have you never regretted that you chose such a profession?"
- Never. I feel absolutely comfortable, in your plate, I don't want to change anything for the first time in my life. I know that I am a strong person in this area. I'm just sure about it.

- What else was the school for you in the profession, except for "parts" and close communication with such a serious architect, as Alexey Kozyr?
- Practical experience. Many illusions had to refuse. For example, now I know for sure that the wardrobe rooms are holy, and any interior should begin with them. Because things need to be hidden somewhere, otherwise they will be sprawling around the house. At first I thought the clothes could be picturesque, but this, unfortunately, does not work.

- You said that I change our lives several times ...
- At one time I was a model, then I was engaged in a tattoo, I even had my own salon. But everything that I would do, always dealt with creativity. And if we talk about what helped me to become a decorator ... I traveled a lot from childhood, in Russia and abroad. When you see a lot, it is postponed in memory, becomes yours. It is impossible to develop, sitting on the spot, even if unique books before the eyes. Personal experience is important.

- Which countries and cities stayed in your memory with a bright picture, which immediately occurs in memory when you start a new project?
- Of course, Venice. This is my love for life. Then Scotland, which caused I have a cultural shock. She is completely different, brutal and at the same time touching. I remember stunning architecture, black locks on the emerald hills, giant red men with tattoos and in kilts. Even flowers in flower shops there are also brutal, black and purple. It was wonderful.

- Do you like black?
- I generally love color. Until recently, I liked dark, mysterious interiors, but now everything is different. I want freshness and white.

- Is it somehow connected with your internal changes or such is the general trend?
"No, I'm not trying to catch trends at all, trust my intuition and sensations." Probably just want to try something new. I am now finishing one interior, where white on white. This is a small apartment, 130 m2, but it is quite complicated, because the long, like sausage, and all windows on the one hand. It was necessary to "drag" the light to the end of the apartment, even visually. To fulfill such a task, I had to carefully consider the layout and select the materials. It turns out great, all on the nuances.

- Many say that white walls are boring. Hospital, at best, office ...
- The white interior may be incredibly interesting due to unexpected textures, details.

-Do you have favorite materials?
- Rather, favorite combinations. Walls - coarse plaster, floors - wood, and immediately glass, velvet. Any baroque chair I see only against the background of the concrete wall.

- What project from already executed you are most satisfied?
- I like my apartment, although there I made a lot of mistakes. It was a pure experiment, but I could afford to try everything that I want, unlike apartments of customers. Antique faucets that I bought on the frontier in Izmailov drove in two weeks, now I'm trying to change them. Another error is the lack of a dressing room. I waved clothes on beautiful metal rods - it seemed that it would be picturesque, but all the fact that I had to order spacious wardrobes.

- If you estimate your apartment as a foreign designer project, what would you notice?
- It is interesting in textures. For example, when the workers have risen the ceiling, I left it so much. Fixed, and that's it. Then the workers began to clean the walls - shake wallpaper layers, paint. And when they got to the first layer, I was delighted. Left pieces of "alive", encouraged walls, and the rest rolled the same color. In the layout almost nothing changed, only removed the corridors.

- If you admire the old one, you probably love antique things.
- Actually, I am not an antiques. I like the lived things, but not those who are considered jewelry. Somehow in Paris, I met one famous antiquarian, he has workshops next to the Louvre, and he drove me in his treasures. Of course, when I touched the table, belonging to Napoleon, it was a stunning feeling. But this is too specific theme. It seems to me, not from the area of \u200b\u200bdesign. Some people, building the "historical interior", try to completely recreate the era. And I would put a Napoleonic table against the background of concrete walls. And only one. "

If I understood correctly, she did this apartment for himself:

Probably, here in such I would like to live.

93-year-old Zlata Sergeevna, chained to a wheelchair, drive out of their own apartment

Ex-soloist of legendary legendary summer groups, Victoria and Rock-Atelier Andrei Davidyan, who gained wide fame with a brilliant performance in the show of the first channel "Voice", suddenly died at the age of 60 a year and a half ago. But now it became known about what truly Shakespeare Passions suddenly broke out after that between numerous relatives of a wonderful singer.

Shortly before Andrei's death, I was asked to represent his interests in the trial with the customer of his speeches, - told the lawyer Laura Escamil Vega . - This man invited the band Davidyana On your anniversary for 700 thousand rubles. Paid an advance - 300 thousand. But until the last day he could not agree with them about the payment of the necessary sound equipment. And then accused of a group of Davidyan in a breakdown of the speeches and after the court demanded 1 million 900 thousand as compensation. Allegedly, instead, he had to invite another team for one and a half million.

In fact, he did not cost such money. These were two nobody famous girls who, and 10 thousand no one would pay. And I did not make difficulty to prove in court the unreasonableness of customer requirements.

Andrei was so inspired by the won business, which gave me the general power of attorney and wanted me to set up some of his works. But what exactly I did not have time to say. Suddenly he was taken to hospital with acute abdominal pain. Appendicitis! Operated in the usual clinic he was afraid and insisted to transfer to the paid one. There, Davidyan was infection, and came peritonitis. I had to do another operation. The second dose of general anesthesia His heart could not stand. A few days later, Andrei fell into someone. And on November 13, 2016, left life.

Victoria and Andrey. Photo:


After the commemoration in the Forte club, an elderly man called me. It was called by the elder brother Andrew and asked: "Does anyone to eat with us with my mom?" I did not understand anything and asked for help to the director Davidyan Yury Denisovuwith whom I got acquainted during the trial - continues Laura.. - "Yes, Andrei left mom Zlata Sergeevna Plyashkevich, Born in 1925, and the elder brother Karen, born in 1948, "Yuri enlightened me. - They were on its content. " I immediately gathered some kind of products and went to them to the apartment in Krylatskoye. It turned out that the Zlata Sergeyevna, in the past, a well-known pianist, due to the injury of the spine chained to a wheelchair, and Karen suffers from asthma and after the meningitis suffered in childhood is not entirely capable. Since Andrei fell into the hospital, nobody came to them. They remained without money, food and the necessary assistance.

And the most terrible one - Mom did not even report that her youngest son is no longer alive. "Go and tell her! - asked me brother. - I can not". From the relatives of Davidyan, I knew only my mother of his youngest daughter Kati - his former wife and back vocalist Anna Abramochinawho was present at the funeral. Contact her in the hope that she and her daughter would take care of the challenge Sergeyevna and Karene. "You know, we have no relation to us very much," Abramochkin said. And let me understand what to help them in her plans is not included.

On the ninth day, everyone again gathered in the same club "Forte" to remember Davidyan. When friends learned from me about the plight of Mom and Brother, they had eyes climbed onto the forehead. "Maybe Andrei remained some savings?" I asked them. "Yes, he was collected 15 million for the purchase of housing," they remembered.

Kolos works by a designer. Photo:

I lived Andrei recently not with my mother and brother in Krylatsky, but on a removable apartment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Metro "Airport", where he kept his concert suits and equipment. After he was taken to the hospital, his facilitator continued in this apartment - stylist Victoria Koloswho introduced his wife's physicians and took his keys and documents. "What happened to the money and property of Andrei?" - I asked her. "The money that was in his apartment was our common. Costumes we bought him too. It all now belongs to me, "the woman sorrows me. And to request the opportunity to explore the apartment answered with a categorical refusal.

Through the concierge, on duty in the entrance, I managed to find the hostess of the apartment, which handed it to Davidyan. From her I learned that the Kolos returned her keys and refused to leave for further rent. "She took all the property," the mistress assured me. - There is nothing left in the apartment. " The concierge confirmed that some women and men endured huge Baulas with things from there. And a few days later, the "Lexus" belonged to Andrei "Lexus" took away from the courtyard. According to the concierge, he could not start and taken away on the tow truck.

I applied to the ATS "Airport" and reported about the embezzlement. "It is necessary that someone from the relatives of the deceased," the police told me. Anna Abramochkina refused to write a statement. "We consulted from Victoria Kolos and decided that this was not necessary," she explained. And the Zlata Sergeyevna, which I continued to visit every day, still did not know about the death of the son. "Where is Andrei?" She persistently asked. "Maybe he left with some kind of woman," I tried to calm down.

At the evening of memory, Davidyan, his mother, Chista Plyashkevich, touching Alexander Gradsky. Photo Anatoly Lohokov

But my mother did not convince mom. According to her, Andrei could not call her a maximum of day or two. And already walked on the 12th day, as he did not appear. "Or you tell me what happened to Andrey, or I call to the police," she set up an ultimatum. I did not have anything, how to tell her the truth.

Fearing that the old woman will be bad, I in advance caused a paid ambulance service. But she scared so scary that injections of ordinary sedatives did not act and doctors had to make her some special injection that turns off the nervous system.

When Sergeyevna's Zlata came to himself, I received a power of attorney from her and on her behalf wrote a statement to the ATS "Airport". But the police were in no hurry to do anything to search for missing property. Witnesses did not interview. Records from video surveillance cameras did not look. And then they began to intermit me with words at all: "This is a hereditary case. Deal with yourself. "

The only thing - they helped us to pick up from Victoria Kolos, Andrei's money - 25 thousand dollars and 9 thousand euros. And she gave them only because the question was raised about the return of the advance for the failed concert in Alma-Ata and she did not want to deal with the steep people who ordered him.

After that, Victoria hurriedly fell into the clinic of neurosis and under the pretext that I suffered it and brought to the nervous breakdown, it shied away from further communication.

In the show "Voice", the mentor of our hero was Pelagia. Frame of the First Canal

Hereditary case

Six months after the death of Andrei, the letter from the notary came Sergeyevna Leonid Trekovwho asked whether she would take to her share from the inheritance of the Son - says Laura Escamilla Vega. - From the letter it turned out that two daughters of the deceased - Katya from Anna Abrachkin and Masha from the first wife Olga Gorokhova - opened the hereditary case and began to share his property. The most interesting thing is that the number of this property, they included the apartment of Sergeyevna Zlata in Krylatsky. Yes, and formally, the owner was listed Andrei. But in fact she was always the property of his mother. Zlata Sergeyevna bought it in 1987 in the ZhSS "Bobruisk" together with the late husband - singer Sergey Davidyan. And the son rejected only in 2003, when he left for the states to teach piano.

Andrei then lived in this apartment with Anna Abrachkin and their daughter. Work at that time he had almost no. And the Zlata Sergeyevna had to not only pay for housing, but also actually contain his family. She earned about $ 3,000 in America to teach. And almost all the money listed to Moscow. And in order to bring ends with the ends with the ends, at night, it was adjusted to play in restaurants.

Due to the fact that Abramochkin abused alcohol, Andrei after a few years broke up with her. And after the return of the Zlata Sergeyevna from States, I wanted to convey the apartment back to her property. Even wrote a statement to the Board of the Justician "Bobruisk" on re-issuing a membership on her. But in 2014, the Zlata Sergeyevna fell into a serious accident and broke the spine.

Naturally, they were not up to the apartment - they went through hospitals. And without their participation, the re-registration was impossible. I told me the chairman of the Board of the HSK and presented all the documents.

I notified the notary of Strakov that the question of the ownership of the apartment is controversial, and demanded to suspend all the notarial actions on this case. But when I came to him in the office, the lawyer representing the interests of Andrei's daughters, declared me that they were already divided and received evidence of the right to inheritance. "Did you crazy? - I was indignant. - Since when have we notary solve the dispute between the heirs? And if you divided the apartment, where will the brother Andrei, who has no other housing? " "" We are not interested in this, "the lawyer dismissed. - We are now engaged in the evaluation of "Lexus", which belonged to Andrei. He also went to the order of inheritance. "

Musician with Anna Abrachkin and their daughter Katya. Photo Anatoly Zhdanova / Komsomolskaya Pravda

Alimony from grandmother

Some time passed, and I called the assistant judge from the Kuntsevsky court. "Please tell me the last name Davidyan talking about something?" She asked carefully. "Yes, I represented his interests." - "Come! We here have filed a lawsuit on his mother, "the judge's assistant said - sighs the lawyer. - Affective thing, the Zlata of Sergeevna Mail did not check the agendas that she sent, did not receive. But the judge was so shocked by this claim that found it necessary to find at least someone related to her. And by the proxy of Davidyan from the Moscow City Court found me.

I saw this first time in my life. The essence of the claim was that the daughter of Abrachkin Catherine had fallen away from a suddenly deceased father alimony in the amount of 160 thousand rubles and demanded to recover them from a disabled grandmother receiving a pension of 17,600 rubles per month. She motivated his demand by the fact that her grandmother, living in his own apartment, actually accepted the inheritance of his son and, to be, should be responsible for his debts.

"But there is another heir - the second daughter," I reminded in court. - She does not want to pay the first duty of his father in alimony? " "" Catherine also thinks that he needs to get from her grandmother, "the lawyer said.

The cynicism of these people outraged me so much that I could not have kept and allowed himself twice to call them an offensive word. In theory, for this they were supposed to withdraw from the courthouse or write a fine of 100 thousand rubles. But the judge was limited only to the remark. And in satisfaction the claim refused.

Then they filed a new one with the requirement to force Sergeyevna to sell the apartment and give two daughters to the inheritance of the share. "You can fight as much as you like, but the property that is divided, you will not return," the familiar Anna Abramochkoy told me on the anniversary of the death of the death of the death of the death of Andrei. - I advise you in vain not spending effort. "

And indeed, all my attempts to stop the greedy heirs still have not led to anything. I applied to deputies. He wrote complaints to the prosecutor's office. And everywhere received a otloup. In the end, complained Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. From Him in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow sent orders to sort out our business. But there again everything was lowered on the brakes. What else should I do to protect from the arbitrariness of two helpless old people with disabilities? Go out rally on the Red Square?

Ordinary intrameal questions

For the first time I hear about all this, - he stated in response to a request for comments by Anna Abramochkin. - Who told you such nonsense? No complaints about Andrei Davidyan my daughter does not show my daughter. And she does not select the apartment. Conventional in-family questions are solved. Why is it interested in your resource? If someone does not suit something, let them complain about the court!

Russian artist, interior designer. Member of the unification of interior decorators. Beloved singer Andrei Davidyan.

Victoria Kolos. Biography

Victoria Kolos Born in Rostov-on-Don. Since 2002, it works and lives in Moscow. For some time, Victoria worked as a model, then she was engaged in a tattoo, opening his own salon.

He graduated from the art school. M. B. Grekova, studied the design in one of the Moscow interior schools. Also, Victoria was also in London. She is one of the few, whose projects the famous British company Andrew Martin included the best decorator work on the annual album. Victoria Kolos's own stylist calls "sensual": it can combine thin, air silk with steel and concrete in a single ensemble with steel and concrete, as well as to give elegant lightness with laconic architectural spaces. Victoria - a member of the annual exhibitions "Decor Week" Mesonin magazine.

Victoria Kolos, developing interiors, never uses stretch and multi-layer ceilings "wave", and indeed any plastic materials. The designer prefers to make the space understandable and simple. The material is convinced by Victoria, should be pleasant, tactile.

Was married to architect Alexey Kozyremwith whom I got acquainted at school "Details". Alexey was a teacher Victoria.

In 2005, Princess Kent, visiting Moscow, honored Victoria Kolos Prize "The Name of the Year in Interior Design".

For several years, Victoria Kolos was the civil wife of the star of the show "Voice" Andrei Davidyan. At its 59th birthday, the singer represented Victoria as a "a fantastic girl, which he loves." Davidyan emphasized that Victoria Kolos did a lot in his life and opened large spaces for him. According to Artist, it was Victoria who had half his success.

Victoria Kolos was the first to report on the death of Andrei Davidyan. November 13, 2016 on its page in Facebook has a joint photo with a singer with a signature: "Sleep quietly my boy ... "