Crimea map. Detailed map of Crimea with the main resort cities

Crimea map.  Detailed map of Crimea with the main resort cities
Crimea map. Detailed map of Crimea with the main resort cities

The peninsula in the south of Russia is becoming more and more popular among tourists every year. A map of Crimea with resorts allows you to make a route and decide on a choice in a wide range of places for recreation. Two seas wash the coast of the peninsula. If you wish, you can plunge into the Sea of ​​Azov in the morning, and splash around in the Black Sea in the evening.

The map of the Crimean coastline is dotted with small resort places that have long been loved by tourists. Those who dream of a comfortable vacation can choose the best option for themselves. Large cities with attractions and small villages with natural beauty await their guests.

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In order to take a closer look at the coast of Crimea and its resorts, zoom in on the map.

Map of Crimea with resorts: convenient tourism

The Crimean peninsula, a detailed coastal map of which is necessary for travel, is replete with resort places. Tourists arrive in Simferopol, where they can see the sights and visit the entertainment centers. Large cities provide ample opportunities for exploring unique cultural and architectural monuments. Further, all roads lead to the sea.

The map of the southern coast of Crimea, washed by the Black Sea, attracts the attention of those who have not yet decided on the choice of a resort. Finding a great place is easy. On the peninsula, mountain peaks give way to plains, and one sea to another. A detailed map of the Crimean coast with villages is indispensable for finding the best roads and making routes. You have to do a lot during the vacation, so there is no time to waste.

Crimea coast map: southern coast

The southern coast of Crimea, the detailed map of which gives comprehensive information, is distinguished by exceptional conditions for recreation. The pearl of the peninsula - Yalta, the brilliant Alupka, filled with poetry Gurzuf and Livadia open their doors to tourists.

The southern coast of Crimea, where to rest, the card offers a wide range of options. Tourists are attracted not by numerous cafes and bars, attractions and attractions, but by a welcoming atmosphere, high level of service and comfortable beaches. Everything on the southern coast is adapted for a good rest.

Tourists can rent inexpensive accommodation or stay in a comfortable hotel. There are all sorts of options on the Black Sea coast. Tourists are happy to place the Botanical Garden or go to a restaurant located in the Swallow's Nest castle, sunbathe on the beach or explore mountain routes. The Crimea resorts are helped in this by the map of the coast, which reflects all the objects of interest to vacationers.

The eastern coast of Crimea is a combination of steppe landscapes and a coast cut by grottoes and mountains. However, the mountains here are not at all the same as on the South Coast, much more "modest" in scale. Rather high hills and plateaus than mountains.

The beaches of the eastern resorts of Crimea are different. And sandy (in Beregovoye near Feodosia, and pebble - in Sudak, for example), and stony (in the New World). There are a lot of wild beaches on the east coast. In general, there is a corner for everyone to their liking.

There are different resorts in the east of the peninsula - rather large cities with developed infrastructure, and very tiny villages where you can relax without fuss and rush.

Weather in the resorts of eastern Crimea

The climate of the east coast is temperate and mild. There are a lot of sanatoriums on the coast, thanks to the mild healing climate.

Summer is sunny, few cloudy days. The humidity is low, the heat is tolerated quite well.

In summer, the air warms up to 29-31 degrees. The sea breeze refreshes and relieves the heat. By the evening it becomes more pleasant, the air “cools down” to 21-24 degrees.

It is very beautiful in the east of Crimea in spring, when the steppes are covered with poppy flowers, the gardens are also in bloom, there are aromas in the air, the sun is already warming up well enough, a warm jacket or windbreaker is enough.

In winter, it is worth going to the east coast, except for medical treatment or sightseeing. There are very few tourists at this time, but museums and exhibitions still work the same. Some year-round sanatoriums are also open to receive guests.

East Coast Resorts

The resorts in the east of Crimea include:

  • Marine;
  • Merry;
  • New World;
  • Zander;
  • Resort;
  • Koktebel;
  • Ordzhonikidze;
  • Feodosia;
  • Coastal;
  • Primorsky;
  • Embankment;
  • Kerch;
  • Wasps;
  • Yurkino;
  • Resort (Kerch);
  • Gold;
  • Nizhnezamorskoe;
  • Semenovka;
  • Factory;
  • Kamenskoe;
  • Salt;

Strictly speaking, the last few villages on the list are already the North-East of Crimea, but we will not make such fine distinctions. More information about each of the resorts can be found on the links in the text, in separate reviews.

The most interesting sights in the east of Crimea

You should definitely visit the Genoese Fortress in Sudak. Not only is it a monument of architecture and history, presumably 7th century. So it is also in excellent condition, something has survived to this day, something has been restored. The main thing is that today it is an interesting place where exhibitions and events are held, and from the highest point a stunning view of the surroundings opens.

The Golitsyn trail in Novy Svet is a great reason to walk along the coast, see the Golitsyn grotto, Tsar's beach in the Blue Bay, Cape Kapchik. Listen to a tour guide who talks about winemaking in the village.

Interesting in the house-museum of M. Voloshin in Koktebel. But this excursion is only for those who have read the poet and about the poet. The rest, perhaps, will get bored.

Aivazovsky Gallery in Feodosia - not only the works of the eminent artist are exhibited here, but also paintings by other local artists. In addition to the permanent one, changing exhibitions are held.

The Museum of M. and A. Tsvetaev in Feodosia is a place where you can learn a lot of interesting things about the "wintering" of the sisters in this wonderful city. The exposition brought together materials, interior items and many other artifacts.

The Tower of Constantine and the remains of the Genoese fortress are still there in Feodosia. You can see it simply by walking around the city (Tower), or along the coast of the city (Fortress).

There are a lot of attractions in Kerch, which is not surprising, this is one of the oldest cities in the world with an incredibly rich history. Particularly interesting are Panticapaeum - an ancient Greek city of the 7th century. BC, the Turkish fortress Yeni-Kale of the 18th century, the crypt of Demeter with amazing frescoes, a unique exposition of the Lapidarium, the Adzhimushkay catacombs - a monument to the heroism and fearlessness of Soviet soldiers.

Sochi, as well as other settlements. Crimea coast map includes the location of cities and towns along the coastline, which officially exist in 2016. The Crimean coast has long been famous for its resorts. Tourist cities are located along the entire coastal line of the peninsula, however, there are 3 directions along which the flows of tourists are distributed.

Map of the coast of the southern coast of Crimea

The southern coast of Crimea is famous not only for its picturesque beaches, entertainment facilities, amusement parks, etc. The most famous and interesting sights of the peninsula are concentrated here: the Alushta nature reserve, and much more. , - hospitable, sunny, beautiful cities that warmly welcome guests from year to year. Here you can stay in a luxury hotel or a modest, quiet temporary hut. Regardless, you will have a great time, relax and definitely not get bored.

Map of the coast of the eastern coast of Crimea

The east coast attracts tourists with a variety of natural landscapes. and are famous for their clean, picturesque stone and sandy beaches; the Sea of ​​Azov attracts tourists. Extreme sportsmen will not be left without entertainment either. Hang gliding lovers will have a great time on Klimentiev Mountain. And windsurfers can do their favorite sport by visiting Cape Kazantip. A special atmosphere of freedom and inspiration reigns in cities and towns. Using the ferry, guests of the peninsula can visit and have a great rest there, visiting the famous quarries.

Map of the coast of the western coast of Crimea

The western coast of the peninsula is a great place not only for relaxation, but also for treatment. There are various sanatoriums, boarding houses, children's health centers. The famous mud baths in and attracted people from tsarist Russia.

This wonderful place is a great option for families. The wide, gently sloping sandy beaches are ideal for children. During the day, children and their parents sunbathe and swim on these beaches, and young people have fun in the evening. The beach parties of Evpatoria are especially good.

The villages are also gaining popularity among tourists. Vacationers are attracted by clean beaches and a small number of people, as well as the low cost of living. The Crimean peninsula is a universal resting place for every taste: treatment, extreme, incendiary discos, breathtaking landscapes, cognition of antiquity, solitude, inspiration - all this is Crimea!

The eastern coast of Crimea is a part that includes the coast of the Azov and Black seas. The Black Sea coast, 160 kilometers long, is an almost continuous strip of small villages. There are 3 large cities on this coast - Kerch, Feodosia and Sudak.

The eastern coast of Crimea attracts tourists with picturesque and varied landscapes, numerous attractions and a wonderful, Mediterranean-like climate.

In addition, there are fewer vacationers here than in the resorts of the southern coast of Crimea, and prices are noticeably lower. An important advantage of the coast is the absence of strong currents here, which allows you to fearlessly swim along the coast for long distances.

Good transport links from Simferopol and Kerch make it easy to get to any resort on the Eastern coast of Crimea.


The eastern coast of Crimea starts from Kerch, one of the oldest cities in the world and the oldest city in Crimea. Rome is only one year older than Kerch!

People have lived in this place on the shore of the Kerch Strait since prehistoric times. Archaeologists have found sites of primitive people dating back to 8000 - 5000 BC.

Civilizations, states, peoples replaced each other, leaving unique monuments of ancient, medieval and Ottoman architecture.

In the 19th century, a railway line connecting the city with St. Petersburg and Moscow was extended to Kerch, and a port was opened. Kerch both before the revolution and today is an industrial city. A port, a ferry crossing, operating enterprises in industrial zones are not the best neighborhood for a seaside holiday.

But rest in the suburbs of Kerch and in the villages of the peninsula is of certain interest both from the point of view of low prices and from the point of view of the scarcity of tourists.

The Azov coast of the Kerch Peninsula is under development. The town of Shelkino and the village of Mysovoe are the most equipped places for recreation.

Prices in the private sector in boarding houses start from 600 rubles per day per person. In boarding houses with meals, the price with meals is about 1600 rubles per person. The Azov coast of the Kerch Peninsula is the cheapest vacation option in Crimea.

There are many completely deserted sandy beaches on the Azov coast, which are almost impossible to find on the Black Sea coast of Crimea.

The Black Sea coast of the Kerch Peninsula is little developed, and is not very suitable for resort recreation.

An excursion around Kerch is interesting and informative Mount Mithridates, an ancient settlement, burial mounds, the Church of John the Baptist, the Yeni-Kale fortress, Fort Totleben - for this it is worth spending a few hours on the road.


Like many cities in Crimea, Feodosia was founded by the Greeks in the 6th century BC. The name of the city is "given by God" - a Greek word.

In Feodosia, it is good to combine a beach holiday with a sightseeing of numerous and varied attractions. You don't need to go anywhere for this.

Right on the city embankment, you can admire the unusual oriental palace, built at the beginning of the 20th century for the family of the tobacco kings of Stamboli.

The medieval Armenian Church of St. Sergius is an adornment not only of Feodosia, but of the whole Crimea. Fans of literature will be interested in visiting the A. Green Museum.

The golden beach of Feodosia - 15 kilometers of sandy shore - is one of the main attractions of the city - the resort.

Feodosia is a big city and it is good for tourists who are not exhausted by the charms of a big city to relax here. Those looking for peace and quiet should pay attention to the city's suburbs. Feodosia and its suburbs has a huge potential for receiving tourists. There are 88 hotels of different classes alone.

Reservations are made only through a single website This site contains all the necessary information about hotels, with their descriptions, coordinates, prices, photos and reviews of tourists who visited them. Summer prices range from 1,500 rubles to 8,500 rubles per person per day.

To search for a vacation spot in the private sector, you need to type in any Internet search engine "Rest in the private sector in Feodosia in 2015".

Upon this request, all housing options offered in the private sector will be presented with detailed descriptions, photographs, maps, contact details and prices. Summer prices range from 400 rubles for a room for two to 3000 rubles for a two-room apartment.


Koktebel is the most "secular" and intellectual resort in Crimea. It happened historically, since pre-revolutionary times, thanks to M. Voloshin, who survived the revolution here.

Koktebel is located only 20 kilometers from Feodosia, but the mountains surrounding the village protect it from the steppe winds. Koktebel Bay with a pebble beach, which used to be famous for gems, the most beautiful mountain Kara-Dag.

The Karadag reserve, Cape Chameleon and many other wonderful places of the village and its surroundings make rest here a real holiday. But rest in such an elite place is quite expensive.

On the website you can get all the necessary information about hotels, boarding houses, guest houses in Koktebel - a total of 77 accommodation options.
Accommodation in the private sector is booked through the website Summer prices, depending on the location and comfort of housing for a two-room apartment, start from 2,000 rubles.


The name of the city of Pike perch has nothing to do with fish. From the Persian language, the name Sudak is translated as "pure, immaculate and sacred."

The pike perch and the warm, clear bay are surrounded by mountains, which are covered with dense, almost impenetrable forests of oak, bamboo and pine trees.

Of all the structures of Crimea known from the time of the Genoese, the Genoese fortress in Sudak is the largest and best preserved.

Pike perch is one of the warmest places in Crimea. Water often warms up to a temperature of +32 degrees.
Pike perch is a wine-making town. Champagne and vintage wines produced here perfectly complement the rest in the most beautiful place on the eastern coast of Crimea.

Pike perch is a big city for Crimea. The number of options offered here for recreation is very large.

The website offers 116 accommodation options in hotels, guest houses, villas and the private sector. For each object there are photos, description of the object, distance from the sea and many reviews. You can book a room on the same website.

The prices are pleasing... For the summer, a double room can be rented for an average of 1130 - 2300 rubles. But there are also super suggestions: 680 rubles per room, as well as 6800 rubles for a double room.

Almost all booking options offer reservations without a credit card as well as free cancellation. Of course, Sudak offers the largest number of recreation options at the most affordable prices.

New World

Only 5 kilometers from the populous Sudak is the small village of Novy Svet. Unlike other ancient cities of eastern Crimea, Novy Svet is relatively young.

The estate of Prince L. Golitsin appeared here only at the end of the 19th century. The prince named the village "Paradise" - "Paradise", which corresponded to the magnificent mountain landscapes and the impeccable sea.

The sparkling wine factory, founded by L. Golitsin, is still operating. The famous Golitsyn cellars are also open to the public. Preserved 2 palaces of the prince. One, in the Moorish style, became the symbol of the village and is depicted on the coat of arms. The other houses a museum.

Novyi Svet is a resort for lovers of quiet, non-partisan rest. It will be good for those who appreciate the beauty of wild mountain ranges, the blue of deserted bays and the silence of caves and grottoes.

In Noviy Svet, offers for renting out housing are posted on the website

Each proposed object is described in detail, given the coordinates for communication, location in the village and the distance to the sea.

A double room in summer costs about 3000 rubles per day. This is the price for a house with all amenities, close to the sea. There are cheaper accommodation options - 2,400 rubles per day and more expensive - 18,000 rubles. At this price, they offer a suite in one of the hotels in the New World.

Crimea- a very promising destination for travelers who prefer to combine beach holidays with extreme sports on steep ascents, as well as exploring ancient historical monuments and enjoying picturesque nature.

Crimea on the world map and Russia

Being one of the most beautiful peninsulas on the planet, Crimea is famous for unique relief and nature.

Where is and what is the climate?

The Crimean peninsula is located on the territory and extends far into, and is washed on the east side. Its area is very small, but full of districts, whose names have been known since childhood.

In the eastern part the Crimean peninsula is located Feodosia, Koktebel and Sudak, on South tourists are pleased with Yalta and Alushta, in the West- Evpatoria and Saki, and in the central area- Simferopol and Bakhchisarai. Finally, the Kerch Peninsula is developed in terms of tourism, which can be found in the western part Crimea.

The extreme points of Crimea: in the north - the Perekop isthmus, by which it is connected to the mainland, in the south - Cape Sarych, in the west - Cape Kara-Mrun, in the east - Cape Fonar, located on the Kerch Peninsula.

The climatic map of the peninsula is divided into two regions - in the northern part prevails continental, in the south, features appear subtropical climate... On average, in January the temperature is + 1-4 ° С, + 24 ° С. Summers are dry and hot, while winters are mild and rainy.

Natural resources

The Crimean landscape is quite diverse and is divided into two zones: steppe, which occupies most of its territory (about 70%), and mountain located in the center and closer to the south.

The peninsula is washed by two seas; it also has more than 50 salt lakes, 257 rivers(the largest are Salgir, Alma, Belbek). Thanks to its unique location, nature is perfectly preserved here, which is available in the Crimean, Yalta, Kazantip and Karadag reserves.

How to get there?

Most of the travelers stay in Crimea by air landing in Simferopol. It is also possible to inexpensively reach the peninsula by ferry from the mainland of Russia through the Kerch Strait, by bus from the cities of the Krasnodar Territory (Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik or), by train to Simferopol or Feodosia, as well as by car from anywhere in the country.

Attractions in popular resorts

The peninsula has a variety of resorts.


The most popular among tourists is Balaclava- a small town, which is a real treasure trove of interesting places to visit:


- the second resort town, capable of attracting the attention of vacationers, also has iconic sights:

  • Aivazovsky Gallery- Museum of seascape painting, which includes the largest possible number of works by the artist;
  • Green Museum- the memorial museum of the popular romantic writer, which recreates the life and atmosphere of the times of his life.

The sea views that open up in this part of Crimea are so beautiful that talented artists, as well as poets and other creative personalities could not ignore this beauty.

Sandy beaches

The main reason why tourists choose Crimea is, of course, endless beaches for every taste. Total on the peninsula is about 75 most luxurious beaches stretching for tens of kilometers.

TO the best sandy beaches include:

  1. Snow-white coast of the village Olenevka and Mezhvodnoe;
  2. Village bay Black Sea;
  3. Bounty and Scarlet Sails Beaches in Koktebele;
  4. Secluded beaches Cape Meganom;
  5. Most of the territory Evpatoria;
  6. Dynamo Beach and Pearl Beach in Feodosia.

Regardless of the choice, vacation in Crimea will bring a lot positive impressions and will also remain a pleasant experience for any traveler.

Watch a video about several more attractions of the peninsula: