The secondary characters of the comedy "grief from the mind. Incoming and secondary heroes and their role in comedy "Mount from the mind

The secondary characters of the comedy "grief from the mind. Incoming and secondary heroes and their role in comedy "Mount from the mind

Each of the characters play performs its feature function. Episodic characters shade and complement the features of the main characters. Introductory characters although they do not act straight, but play important role: They indicate that the Cartcom is opposed to powerful and efficient reaction force. All heroes, taken together, create a bright, full-blooded picture of the Moscow Nobility Society. Famusov's ball gather on the ball for the elite of the noble Moscow. They are many belts, but all of them have common features: Ferrical views, ignorance, sinovation, korestoloby. Episodic characters appear in comedy, replacing each other. Consider them in the sequence in which they are depicted in the comedy. The first of the guests on the ball appears Chet Gorichi. This is typical Moscow married couple. Chatsky knew Plato Mikhailovich before the latter entry into marriage. It was a vigorous, living person, but after marriage to Natalia Dmitrievna, he changed a lot: he fell under his wife's heel, became a boy, a boy, a servant. " Natalia Dmitrievna does not give her husband even "mouth to open": she is responsible for him to Chatsky's questions, talking to him in an ordinary tone: "Listen to the time, cute, fastening soon." Gyach perfectly understands his position and has already humbled with him. He bitterly tells Chatkomu: "Now, brother, I'm not the same." In general, the motive of her husband's submission to his wife passes through all the work. Griboedov holds a parallel between Plato Mikhailovich and was silent otherwise. Spouse Natalia Dmitrievna says: "There is, to take: / On Flute, I'm staring duet / a-mole." The author of this phrase refers to the reader to the beginning of the comedy, when Molchanin and Sophia behind the scene play a duet on the piano and flute. Sophia gives preference to silence, although she could choose a scalosis or Chatsky. Molchanin deserved her love by the fact that he is "the enemy of audacity." Sophia is raised in the Magazin spirit, and she needs the same husband as Gorich, - "husband-boy", "husband-servant". Lackey Petrusha in the comedy almost does not speak, they are disposed of Famuses, which orders him: "Look", "I went hurried." And he obeys. However, Lisanka speaks of him: "How not to love the parsuer's buffetber?" Petrusha can obey, it also likes it: he loved Lisanka. A family of Toguhovsky comes to the ball. Princess is very concerned about the search for the grooms for his daughters. The reader understands it almost from its first words. Having barely freezing the Chatsky in learning that he was not married, she sends her husband, the same "boy's husband", "Musha-Servant", invite the potential groom to himself. But as soon as she finds out that Chatsky is not good and he has no high rank, she "what is urine" shouts: "Prince, Prince! Back! " The figure of the princess of the Toguhov-Skoy helps to understand the nature of the Famous. Pavel Afanasyevich wants to give his daughter to marry a rich, possessing power noticeable in the society of man. Princess Tugo-Khovskaya pursues the same mercenary purposes. Through the figure of Princess, Griboedov emphasizes in the character of Famousov such features like korestolyviy and gasping. In the Famovskogo society, for rich brides, pick up the grooms for this principle: * Be bad, but if there are two thousand people of a thousand birthday, * that and the groom, as well as "who is poor - that you are not a couple." Countess Hryumina appear on the ball. It's embittered on the whole the world Hrumnna granddaughter with his half-blood grandmother. Hrumina-granddaughter cannot find a decent groom and therefore dissatisfied with everything that happens around her. I barely arrived at the ball, she regrets that he came too early. Leaning from the ball, the granddaughter's countess so responds about him: "Well, the ball! .. And not to say who, and not to dance!" She is angry that she did not get acquainted with anyone to the ball for whom it would be married. Hrumina-granddaughter shows his admiration for all foreign, reveals addiction to "fashionable shops". She often uses French words, even pronounces a few whole phrases in French, which no one does in comedies. In her face, Griboedov rises more characterlike Nobility of that time: worship in front of all foreign. Chatsky in his monologue talks about the "French from Bordeaux," which feels in Russia "Little Tsarka", although he left his country "with fear and tears." This Frenchman not only did not meet in Russia "barbarians", but he heard his everywhere native language, I saw the ladies wear the same dresses as in France. With the help of the image "French from Bordeaux" Griboedov shows that noble society So imitates the French nuts and customs that the Russian nobles cannot be distinguished from the French - they are "phoned". Zagoretsky more than other episodic heroes "involved" in comedy. It is almost the most vicious person from Postess at the Ball of Famusov. Everyone is frankly talking about him: "Anchored fraudster, Plut", "Lgunushka he, gambler, thief." But, despite such a destroying characteristic, it is taken in the light, the doors of the Famovsky house for him are open, even Heshov said about him good word: "God forbid him health!" Zagoretsky covered off with his helpfulness, he says Sofier, that no one would help her that he "hit everyone," pulling tickets to the performance, confess that "kidnapped by force." This phrase reveals the lowness of the Zagoretsky nature. He will do everything to serve necessary person in the right moment . When the old Hersest wanted "from him and the door to constipation," he helped her, giving the Arapchonka, whom he apparently took out some kind of dishonest way, thereby placing her to himself. The characteristic feature of one of the main heroes of the comedy - Molchalin - coincides with the main nature of the character of Gorodetsky. Molchanin says: "My father bequeathed to me: first, to please all people without the withdrawal." Chatsky expresses his opinion on silence: "In it, Zagoretsky did not die." Indeed, Griboedov shows the Zagoretsky "selected fraudster", "liarishkoy", "Pluto" to reveal the same lightness of the soul in silence - the future tape. The sixty-year-old Baryna Hlesov also comes to the ball. This is a serf, powerful and self-width, according to Goncharov, "The remainder of the Catherine Century". In the image of the chille-howl, Griboedov reveals the cruelty of serfs, in which people relate to people like dogs. Hersestow takes with him arapy-girl and a dog. " For her, a fortress man is like a dog. She asks Sophia: "He was fed to feed them, my friend" - and immediately forgets them. In the comedy, it is invisibly present another character who belongs to the people subject to him as dogs. Chapsky tells about him, calling him "Nestor of the villains of noble." This person changed his faithful servants who saved his life and honor, on hunting dogs. The image of "Nestor" also testifies to how severe people who have power, with those who are subordinated to them. In a conversation with Sofia, Chatsky mentions several people with whom he was familiar before departure abroad. He recalls a person who lives at the expense of his artists ("Tolsta himself, his artists of Torshi"), only having fun. Chatsky speaks about him: "It is written on the forehead:" Theater and Masserand ". This "Theater and Masserad" remembered him because he hid a man in the "room at some" on some ball in "Solovy's" room. " Then Chatsky tells about the man who slears on the "fortress ballet" of children, "spinless" from his parents, and "made the whole of Moscow to divide their glory," and then sold them alone. So Griboedov identifies social inequality, in which you can choose children with parents. Another familiar Chatsky "settled in the scientific committee" and "with cry" protested against education. This character identifies ignorance and uneducation of the Famovsky society. The most latter, to the "haguard disaster", the ball is repenetry. This character in the image of Griboedov is a man, reinforcing and discrediting ideas of time, he with his "secret union" and "secret meetings on Thursdays", where only "noisy" and "drink champagne to slaughter", acts as nothing to do , Boltun, for which all advanced ideas Not more than fashionable hobby. Repe'shlov calls some people who are authoritative to the "Secretary Union", but the reader understands that all these people cannot bring a real update to society: one is characterized by the fact that "speaks through the teeth", the other, What sings, two more - just "wonderful guys", and Ippolit Markelich Udushyev - "Genius", because he wrote in the magazine "Excerpt, look and something." In the image of the reheet of Griboedov rises random people In the circles of progressive society. On the ball a lot of other representatives of the Famow Society. Griboedov did not give them even full names. Such, for example, the Lord N. and B. The author does not say anything about them, but they are involved in the spread of gossip about Chatsky's madness. Mr. ^. Does not believe it, but he is interested in what others say about it. Sophia perfectly knew all this mechanism, and it was worth it to tell to two "gentlemen" a few words, as all Magazovskoye society spoke in full voice about the madness of Chatsky. In the images of these minor gossip groups, Griboedov shows what the noble society is engaged in: the spread of gossip and rumors.

Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" is a kind of "encyclopedia of Russian life" first halves XIX. century. By significantly expanding the framework of the narration due to many minor and inshape characters, Griboedov outlines magnificent human types Modern Moscow.

As O. Miller notes, almost all second faces Comedy are reduced to three types: "Famusovy, candidates for Famuses and Famuses-losers."

The first of them in the play appears Colonel Rockozub, "Fans" of Sofia. This is "Famuses in Army Unidire", but, at the same time, Sergey Sergeich "Much Limitory Famusov".

Scalozub has characteristic appearance ("Three Sisonlets"), gestures, manners, speech, in which many military terms ("Division", "Brigadier General", "Feldfelg", "Distance", "Shanga").

As typical and character traits of the hero. Griboedov emphasizes rudeness, ignorance, mental and spiritual limitations in the rocky. Having rejected his "potential groom", Sophia notes that he "the words smart did not spend this name." Being not too educated, the scalosis opposes the sciences and enlightenment, against the "new rules". "The scholarship does not overeat ...", "he says confidently.

In addition, the author emphasizes another line in the rocky - careerism, "a rudely pronounced passion for crosses" (N. K. Piccsanov). Sergei Sergeich with hardly awarely cynicism tells the Famusov about the reasons for its promotion:

I am pretty happy in my comrades,

Jobs are just open;

Then the elders will turn off other

Others, look, are interrupted.

In the House of Famusov Scalozub - Write Guest: Pavel Afanasyevich considers it a suitable fiance for Sofia. However, Sophia, like Chatsky, is far from delighted with the "merits" of Sergei Sergeich. In his own way supports the niece and old woman Hersest:

Wow! I exactly got rid of the loop;

After all, a pollen father:

He gave him three sages of delets, -

I introduces, I don't seek, whether we are pleased, is it?

Finally, it is very reasonable characterized by a cliffsuba Lisa: "And the gold bag, and marks to the generals."

The image of the scaloise is inherent comic elements. The surname of the hero is already hinting at this. About the jokes of the scalosis in a comedy tells Lisa.

And cliffs, as your khokhol tightened,

Tell fainting, add a hundred sticks;

To joke and he is much, because now who does not joke!

Often comic and speech Sergey Sergeich. So, he notes about Moscow: "Distance of a huge size", about the relationship with Nastaski Nikolavo - "I did not serve with her", about the fall of Molchalin from a horse - "take a look, how was it cracked - breast or sobk?"

N. K. Piksanov considered the image of the scalose not enough developed, unfinished. The reader is incomprehensible, whether the scalosis is groomed to marry Sofye, and whether he guessed her novel with silence, seeing the reaction of Sophia for a fall of silence with a horse. However, despite some incompleteness, the image of the rockozuba very organically entered the circle acting personscreated by Griboedov.

Almost all comedy characters are as bright and vividly different.

One of the first to come to the Magazus Prince and Princess Toguhovsky. They hope to look at the ball with rich grooms for their daughters. In the field of their view, Chatsky unexpectedly falls, but, learning that he was not rich, they leave him alone.

Spouses Toguhovsky are depicted Griboedov Satirically. Prince Toguhovsky (what the surname itself is already indicated) almost nothing hears anything. Its speech consists of individual exclamations: "Oh-Hmm!", "I-Hmm!". He constantly performs all the directions of his wife. This hero embodies the aged Famusov. Princess Tugukhovskaya is characterized by a rather evil moral, ulcer. So, the reason for the arrogant behavior of the grandmother's countess, she sees in her "unfortunate destiny": "Evil, in girls a whole century, God will forgive her." Like all guests of Famousov, Prinugina Tugukhovskaya does not see the benefit of enlightenment, believes that sciences are rising to society: "In St. Petersburg, the Institute of Pea-Guy, so, it seems that it is called: there are practical professors!" Toguhovsky quickly pick up the gossip about the madness of Chatsky and even try to convince the repetible.

Among the guests of Famousov and the Countess Hrumina with his granddaughter, who are also happy to believe in the madness of Chatsky. Grandman's granddaughter informs the news to Zagoretsky. Grandmother's countess, suffering from deafness, in his own way interpreting everything heard. She declares Alexander Andreevich "Okayan Voltariana" and "Busurman".

Mizhov's guests joins the guests of His sober, the old woman Herse. S. A. Fomichev calls this heroine Famusov for female halves societies. Khlestov is a confident lady, unloud, experienced, in his own permeable. What is only one characteristic given to her Zagoretsky:

Lygunushka he, gambler, thief ...

I had a door to constipation from him;

Yes Master to serve: I and the sister Praskovye

Two Arapchenkov took out at the fair;

Bought, he says tea in the cards wept;

And I give my present, God for him Health!

Skeptically, it is configured and toward the scalosis, repetitive. With all that, Hisvestow shares the opinion of the guests of Famusov about the sciences and enlightenment:

And really go crazy from these, from some

From guest houses, schools, lyceums, how meaning them,

Yes from lankutary mutual learning.

Hersestov means a Lancaster training system, however, for its age and lifestyle, this confusion of concepts is quite excuse and very realistic. In addition, it is worth noting that in this statement there is no such militancy, which is characteristic of the Ramsov speeches and the scalosis of enlightenment. Rather, here she just supports the conversation.

In the minds of xleste human advantages others are inextricably merged with their social Regulations, wealth and ranks. So, she notices about Chazkom: "There was a sharp man, he had a shower of three." Confidential and patronage of her intonation in conversations with silence. However, Khlestov perfectly understands the "place" of Alexei Stepanycha and not very ceremony with him: "Molchanin, your chulators," she says, saying goodbye.

Like many guests of Famousov, Hlesov loves to gossip: "I can not know anyone else's estates!" She instantly picks up a rumor about Chatsky's madness and even puts out its version of the events: "Tea, drank not in the years."

Caricature in comedy image of rehetylov. This is just the type of "Famusov-loser". It is a ridiculous, disabled, stupid and superficial person, a visitor of the English club, a lover of drinking and painting, unkind in noisy companies. This character asks in the comedy theme "ideological fashion", as if parodying the Public line of Chatsky.

According to O. Miller and A. Grigoriev, "Reetleva ... I could not achieve any truly official Goble from marriage to the daughter of an influential background-Clock and now he hit the liberal redhead ...".

Reetales tries to captivate Chatsky "Freightness" and outlines "secret collaps" in the English club, where they say "about Beyron", "On Mother of Important". Reetales tells Chatsky about "smart youth", including the "True Genius" Ippolite Udyshev. In this description, a frank author's satire sounds:

Night robber, Duelist,
In Kamchatka, Soslated, returned to Aleut,
And firmly in hand is unclean;
Yes, a smart person cannot be not a swarm.
When it is about honesty high
Some kind of demon inspire:
Eyes in the blood, the face is burning,
It is crying, and we all sob.

That's what I wrote about this image of Pushkin: "... What is reheetles? in it 2, 3, 10 characters. Why make it nasty? It is pretty that he is windy and stupid with such a simplicity; Pretty, so that he admitted to be thrilled in his stupidity, and not in the vast. This humility is extremely new on the theater, at least who of us did not happen to confuse, listening to him like that? "

The repetitions in the comedy is a kind of parody of Chatsky, this is a twin character, comically lowering the ideas of the main character. The literary "counterparts" rehetylov - Grushnitsky from Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", Sitnikov from Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children", Lebesyatnikov from the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

Among the guests of Famousov and "Lucky sky man»Anton Antonich Zagoretsky. It is also the type of "Famusov-loser". I do not manage to get the ranks and ranks, he remains a small fraudster and the ladies. A comprehensive characteristic gives him a rink:

Potted fraudster, Plut:

Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.

With it, it is consistent: to transfer Most,

And do not sit in the card, sell.

To Platon Mikhailovich also joins the old woman Khlestov: "Lygunik he, a gambler, thief," she says Sofye. However, all the "rue" of Zagoretsky is limited to the vital sphere. In the "ideological" of the same sense, he is completely "law-abiding":

And if B, between us,
I was presser presserved,
On fables would be left; Oh! Basni - My death!
Mocking eternal above the lions! Over the eagles!
Whoever says:
Although animals, but still kings.

According to O. Miller and A. Grigoriev, Zagoretsky is a candidate for Famowov, but his circumstances have developed differently, and he took a different role - a universal servant, ashield. This is a kind of slicer, necessary for everyone.

Zagoretsky - the sweeping boltun and liar. And his lies in the comedy almost unpreciful. He is also happy to support the gossip about Chatkom, without even remembering this is speech: "His uncle-Plut stubborn himself ... grabbed, in yellow HouseAnd put on the chain. " However, he pushes a different version of Hernin: "In the mountains wounded in the forehead, went crazy from the wound."

Visiting Famusov and Chet Gorichi. Goric - the old buddy of Chatsky since the times military service. Perhaps this is the only character of the comedy, written by Griboedov, with a shade of sympathy. This hero, it seems, we cannot count any of the types described earlier (Famuses, Candidates in the Famuses, Famuses-losers). Gorich is a kind and decent person who does not feed the illusions about the morals secular society (Recall the characteristic that the rink gives Zagoretsky). This is the only hero who seriously doubts, having heard a gossip about the madness of Chatsky. However, Plato Mikhailovich is too soft. He is deprived of the confidence and conviction of the Chatsky, its temperament, courage. Communicating in all his wife, he became "health weak", "calm and lazy", from boredom having fun playing the flute. "The husband-boy, a servant husband, from the marrying packages" - this particular type is presented in the image of Korich.

The behavior of Korich illustrates in the comedy theme of the humility of men with his own wives. The prince of Toguhovsky "in front of his spouse, it is a frustrated mammy, is also conquered. Also Robot, quiet and modest Molchanin during dates with Sofia.

So, Scalozub, Prince and Princess Toguhovsky, Countess Hrumina. Old woman Hersestov, reheetles and Zagoretsky, Korichi ... - "All these types created by hand true artist; And their speeches, words, appeal, manners, the image of thoughts, breaking away from under them, is a brilliant painting ... " All these images are bright, memorable, original. Griboedov's heroes embody the unhurried "age of the past", with his life traditions and moral rules. People these are afraid of new trends, they are not too complaining of science and enlightenment, courage of thoughts and judgments. Thanks to these characters, and the extraordinary heroes of Griboedov creates a wide panorama of Russian life. "In a group of twenty-face, it was reflected like a beam of light in a drop of water, the whole former Moscow, its drawing, then its spirit, historical moment and morals."

Secondary characters in Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit"

Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" is a kind of "encyclopedia of Russian life" of the first half of the XIX century. Having significantly expanding the framework of the narration due to many minor and shaped characters, Griboedov describes the magnificent human types of modern Moscow in it.

As O. Miller notes, almost all the secondary faces of the comedy are reduced to three types: "Famuses, candidates for Famowwood and Famuses-losers."

The first of them in the play appears Colonel Rockozub, "Fans" of Sofia. This is "Famuses in Army Unidire", but, at the same time, Sergey Sergeich "Much Limitory Famusov".

Scalozub has a characteristic appearance ("three seats delets"), gestures, manners, speech, in which many military terms (Division, "Brigadier General", "Feldfelg", "Distance", "Shanga").

As typical and character traits of the hero. Griboedov emphasizes rudeness, ignorance, mental and spiritual limitations in the rocky. Having rejected his "potential groom", Sophia notes that he "the words smart did not spend this name." Being not too educated, the scalosis opposes the sciences and enlightenment, against the "new rules". "The scholarship does not overeat ...", "he says confidently.

In addition, the author emphasizes another line in the rocky - careerism, "a rudely pronounced passion for crosses" (N. K. Piccsanov). Sergei Sergeich with hardly awarely cynicism tells the Famusov about the reasons for its promotion:

I am pretty happy in my comrades,

Jobs are just open;

Then the elders will turn off other

Others, look, are interrupted.

In the House of Famusov Scalozub - Write Guest: Pavel Afanasyevich considers it a suitable fiance for Sofia. However, Sophia, like Chatsky, is far from delighted with the "merits" of Sergei Sergeich. In his own way supports the niece and old woman Hersest:

Wow! I exactly got rid of the loop;

After all, a pollen father:

He gave him three sages of delets, -

I introduces, I don't seek, whether we are pleased, is it?

Finally, it is very reasonable characterized by a cliffsuba Lisa: "And the gold bag, and marks to the generals."

The image of the scaloise is inherent comic elements. The surname of the hero is already hinting at this. About the jokes of the scalosis in a comedy tells Lisa.

And cliffs, as your khokhol tightened,

Tell fainting, add a hundred sticks;

To joke and he is much, because now who does not joke!

Often comic and speech Sergey Sergeich. So, he notes about Moscow: "Distance of a huge size", about the relationship with Nastaski Nikolavo - "I did not serve with her", about the fall of Molchalin from a horse - "take a look, how was it cracked - breast or sobk?"

N. K. Piksanov considered the image of the scalose not enough developed, unfinished. The reader is incomprehensible, whether the scalosis is groomed to marry Sofye, and whether he guessed her novel with silence, seeing the reaction of Sophia for a fall of silence with a horse. However, despite some incompleteness, the image of the rockozuba very organically entered the circle of actors created by Griboedov.

Almost all comedy characters are as bright and vividly different.

One of the first to come to the Magazus Prince and Princess Toguhovsky. They hope to look at the ball with rich grooms for their daughters. In the field of their view, Chatsky unexpectedly falls, but, learning that he was not rich, they leave him alone.

Spouses Toguhovsky are depicted Griboedov Satirically. Prince Toguhovsky (what the surname itself is already indicated) almost nothing hears anything. Its speech consists of individual exclamations: "Oh-Hmm!", "I-Hmm!". He constantly performs all the directions of his wife. This hero embodies the aged Famusov. Princess Tugukhovskaya is characterized by a rather evil moral, ulcer. So, the reason for the arrogant behavior of the grandmother's countess, she sees in her "unfortunate destiny": "Evil, in girls a whole century, God will forgive her." Like all guests of Famousov, Prinugina Tugukhovskaya does not see the benefit of enlightenment, believes that sciences are rising to society: "In St. Petersburg, the Institute of Pea-Guy, so, it seems that it is called: there are practical professors!" Toguhovsky quickly pick up the gossip about the madness of Chatsky and even try to convince the repetible.

Among the guests of Famousov and the Countess Hrumina with his granddaughter, who are also happy to believe in the madness of Chatsky. Grandman's granddaughter informs the news to Zagoretsky. Grandmother's countess, suffering from deafness, in his own way interpreting everything heard. She declares Alexander Andreevich "Okayan Voltariana" and "Busurman".

Mizhov's guests joins the guests of His sober, the old woman Herse. S. A. Fomichev calls this heroine Famusov for the female half of society. Khlestov is a confident lady, unloud, experienced, in his own permeable. What is only one characteristic given to her Zagoretsky:

Lygunushka he, gambler, thief ...

I had a door to constipation from him;

Yes Master to serve: I and the sister Praskovye

Two Arapchenkov took out at the fair;

Bought, he says tea in the cards wept;

And I give my present, God for him Health!

Skeptically, it is configured and toward the scalosis, repetitive. With all that, Hisvestow shares the opinion of the guests of Famusov about the sciences and enlightenment:

And really go crazy from these, from some

From guest houses, schools, lyceums, how meaning them,

Yes from lankutary mutual learning.

Hersestov means a Lancaster training system, however, for its age and lifestyle, this confusion of concepts is quite excuse and very realistic. In addition, it is worth noting that in this statement there is no such militancy, which is characteristic of the Ramsov speeches and the scalosis of enlightenment. Rather, here she just supports the conversation.

In the consciousness of the whips, the human advantages of others are inextricably merged with their social status, wealth and ranks. So, she notices about Chazkom: "There was a sharp man, he had a shower of three." Confidential and patronage of her intonation in conversations with silence. However, Khlestov perfectly understands the "place" of Alexey Stepanoma And it does not particularly ceremony with him: "Molchanin, won Chulators," she says, saying goodbye.

Like many guests of Famousov, Hlesov loves to gossip: "I can not know anyone else's estates!" She instantly picks up a rumor about Chatsky's madness and even puts out its version of the events: "Tea, drank not in the years."

Caricature in comedy image of rehetylov. This is just the type of "Famusov-loser". It is a ridiculous, disabled, stupid and superficial person, a visitor of the English club, a lover of drinking and painting, unkind in noisy companies. This character asks in the comedy theme "ideological fashion", as if parodying the Public line of Chatsky.

According to O. Miller and A. Grigoriev, "Reetleva ... I could not achieve any truly official Goble from marriage to the daughter of an influential background-Clock and now he hit the liberal redhead ...".

Reetales are trying to captivate Chatsky "Freightness" and describes the "secret collars" in the English club, where they say "about Byrone", "On Mother of Important". Reetales tells Chatsky about "smart youth", including the "True Genius" Ippolite Udyshev. In this description, a frank author's satire sounds:

Night robber, Duelist,

In Kamchatka, Soslated, returned to Aleut,

And firmly in hand is unclean;

Yes, a smart person cannot be not a swarm.

When it is about honesty high

Some kind of demon inspire:

Eyes in the blood, the face is burning,

It is crying, and we all sob.

That's what I wrote about this image of Pushkin: "... What is reheetles? in it 2, 3, 10 characters. Why make it nasty? It is pretty that he is windy and stupid with such a simplicity; Pretty, so that he admitted to be thrilled in his stupidity, and not in the vast. This humility is extremely new on the theater, at least who of us did not happen to confuse, listening to him like that? "

The repetitions in the comedy is a kind of parody of Chatsky, this is a twin character, comically lowering the ideas of the main character. The literary "counterparts" rehetylov - Grushnitsky from Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", Sitnikov from Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children", Lebesyatnikov from the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

Among the guests of Famusov and the "dexterous secular man" Anton Antonich Zagoretsky. It is also the type of "Famusov-loser". I do not manage to get the ranks and ranks, he remains a small fraudster and the ladies. A comprehensive characteristic gives him a rink:

The selected fraudster, Plut: Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.

With it, it is consistent: to transfer Most,

And do not sit in the card, sell.

To Platon Mikhailovich also joins the old woman Khlestov: "Lygunik he, a gambler, thief," she says Sofye. However, all the "rue" of Zagoretsky is limited to the vital sphere. In the "ideological" of the same sense, he is completely "law-abiding":

... And if B, between us,

I was the arms appointed,

On fables would be left; Oh! Basni - My death!

Mocking eternal above the lions! Over the eagles!

Whoever says:

Although animals, but still Dari.

According to O. Miller and A. Grigoriev, Zagoretsky is a candidate for Famowov, but his circumstances have developed differently, and he took a different role - a universal servant, ashield. This is a kind of slicer, necessary for everyone.

Zagoretsky - the sweeping boltun and liar. And his lies in the comedy almost unpreciful. He is also happy to support the gossip about Chatkom, without even remembering, he is talking about: "His uncle-Plut stubborn him ... I grabbed, in the yellow house, and put on the chain." However, he pushes a different version of Hernin: "In the mountains wounded in the forehead, went crazy from the wound."

Visiting Famusov and Chet Gorichi. Gorich is the old buddler of Chatsky since the time of military service. Perhaps this is the only character of the comedy, written by Griboedov, with a shade of sympathy. This hero, it seems, we cannot count any of the types described earlier (Famuses, Candidates in the Famuses, Famuses-losers). Gorich is a kind and decent person who does not feed the illusions about the morals of a secular society (remember the characteristic that the rink gives Zagoretsky). This is the only hero who seriously doubts, having heard a gossip about the madness of Chatsky. However, Plato Mikhailovich is too soft. He is deprived of the confidence and conviction of the Chatsky, its temperament, courage. Communicating in all his wife, he became "health weak", "calm and lazy", from boredom having fun playing the flute. "The husband-boy, a servant husband, from the marrying packages" - this particular type is presented in the image of Korich.

The behavior of Korich illustrates in the comedy theme of the humility of men with his own wives. The prince of Toguhovsky "in front of his spouse, it is a frustrated mammy, is also conquered. Also Robot, quiet and modest Molchanin during dates with Sofia.

So, the rockosub, Prince and Princess Toguhovskiy, Countess Hernica, Old Westhouse, Reetales and Zagoretsky, Korichi ... - "All these types created by the hand of the True Artist; And their speeches, words, appeal, manners, the image of thoughts, breaking away from under them, is a brilliant painting ... " All these images are bright, memorable, original. Griboedov's heroes embody the unhurried "age of the past", with his life traditions and moral rules. People these are afraid of new trends, they are not too complaining of science and enlightenment, courage of thoughts and judgments. Thanks to these characters, and the extraordinary heroes of Griboedov creates a wide panorama of Russian life. "In a group of twenty-face, it was reflected like a beam of light in a drop of water, the whole former Moscow, its drawing, then its spirit, historical moment and morals."

Miller O., Grigoriev A. Wednesday depicted by the comedy "Mount

from the mind. " - In KN: Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov. His life and writings. Collection of historical and literary articles. Amounted to V. Pokrovsky. M., 1908. P. 51.

Miller O., Grigoriev A. Wednesday depicted by the comedy "grief from the mind." - In KN: Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov. "His life and writings." Collection of historical and literary articles. Amounted to V. Pokrovsky. M., 1908. P. 52.

Pushkin A. S. Letter to A. A. Bestuzhev. - In KN: A. S. Griboyedov in Russian criticism. M., 1958. P. 41.

Untellites. Women's Society In the comedy "grief from the mind." - In KN: Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov. His life and writings. Collection of historical and literary articles. Amounted to V. Pokrovsky. M., 1908. P. 7.

Belinsky V. G. Mountain from the mind. - In KN: V. G. Belinsky. A look at Russian literature. M., 1987. P. 241.

Goncharov I. A. Millon Torzany.

The role of secondary and insignificant characters in Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

Minor I. incoming characterwho are not so much in the play play a very significant role in disclosure ideological content Comedy. These characters are often associated with basic, and with their help we will learn some important details: they reveal the essence of a scene, the meaning of events, both taking place on the stage and the scene, clarify the characters of the characters, show their relationships. With the help of these secondary and shaped characters, Griboedov creates a special atmosphere of the rich house of the Moscow Barina Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov of the beginning of the last century.

This character is remembered as the maid at the House of Famusov, Lisa. At first glance, - a simple and brisk girl. But after we hear her replicas, comments, it can be said that it is described by Griboedov, as a very real fortress girl, full of delight and insight. Her words facing the Magazus are striking and remain in memory for life:


AND barsky wrath And Bar Love ...

She in comedy is an expression of common sense, criticized almost all the characters of the play. She cleverly argues, it was Lisa who would represent us the main character of Chatsky:

Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and Oster,

As Alexander Andreich Chatsky.

Griboedov, describing Lisa, invested in her mouth some of his thoughts and feelings towards the heroes and events of the play.

For a more complete presentation of the Famovsky society, the author introduces Sergey Sergeyevich Skalozub in the play. For a clear definition of Lisa, he "and a gold bag, and marks to the generals." And in the opinion of Sofia, "he did not speak the words smart."

Famusovskoe society in Enlightenment does not see anything light, they believe that from books go crazy. Scalozub talks about enlightenment with the stupidity and limit characteristic:

And the books will remain like this: for large fools ...

Chatsky, finding out why Sophia met so coldly, he tries to frankly and sincerely talk to the cliffs, but immediately understands that the future general is frankly stupid. After all, the words pronounced by him after the monologue of Chatsky "And the judges who?", Indicate that the scalosis did not understand anything from his chips. And Chatsky calms down when he hears, as with his characteristic scalosis, he directly indicates the causes of his success:

I am pretty happy in my comrades,

Jobs are just open

Then the elders will turn off other

Others, look, are interrupted.

These cynical words, testifying to an uncontiguous desire for wealth, career characterize not only the scalosis, but also the whole society gathered on the ball in the house of Famusov.

Prince and Princess Toguhovsky with six daughters also add their characteristic feature in our idea of \u200b\u200bthe Famovsky society. Their presence on the ball is explained only by one the sole purpose - Find your daughters worthy and rich party.

Famusov's ball is a "live" museum wax figuresrepresenting elite Moscow noble nobility. There are many anecdotic figures, such as, for example, Zagoretsky - a famous adventurer, a switter and waters of the ladies. I presenting this person to this person, you can appreciate all the Famine Society, where there is nothing but a pompous hypocrisy, egoistic nonsense, "noble" rudeness and confusion.

Maxim Petrovich, Catherine, the first, princess of the Pulcheria, Andreevna, Nestor, National Society, are united against the Chatsky. With their help, Griboedov creates an idea of \u200b\u200bthis force, against which there is unsuccessfully trying to speak Chatsky. These characters perform two basic meaningful functions: serve as an object of ridicule Chatsky, helping us to clearly see the flaws of a secular society, and secondly, they make up and combine the camp, hostile to the main hero. Among them are three figures similar to the functions with the rest of the characters, but the most important to disclose the essence of the main conflict of the play. These are those whom they put in an example in the Famow Society: Kuzma Kuzmich, Maxim Petrovich and Thomas Fomich. For Chatsky, the story of the nomination of Maxim Petrovich, and wonderful works Fomi Fomich is an example of absolute nonsense. And for Famousov and this, these people are the sample of service well-being.

Such an idea of \u200b\u200bthese nobles and their attacks to their fortress servants, such as the old woman of Hlesov, who asks to feed his "Arapka - the girl" along with a dog. Such ladies with obvious fortresses, like any of the Famousov Society, should not humiliate the dignity of servants or controverson to send their serfs unknown for what to settle. All of them, defending a serfdom, consider the main advantage of man of his wealth, limitless power over themselves like similar, infinite cruelty in handling from their servants.

Griboedov shows us that in the Famovsky society, if a person wants to have completely different interests, to live in his own way, and not in Famusovsky, he is already "not in his mind", "Robber", "Carbonary", for example, princess tells With the condemnation of your nephew:

Ranks do not want to know! He is a chemist, he is nerd.

Prince Fedor, my nephew.

Griboedov in Prince Fedore is trying to show us another pure mind, similar to the mind of Chatsky, show that the main character Not one future Decembrist in the Famow Society, which can be released on December 14, 1825 to the Senate Square.

From the monologue of the Chatsky, we will learn about the French from Bordeaux, about which everyone enthusiastically say, who feels like a small king here, because the Famusov society admits to France and all the French, forgetting, national pride and dignity. And this "French", when he arrived in Moscow, it seemed that he was at home:

Neither the sound of Russian, nor the Russian face ...

One of secondary characters - Platon Mikhailovich Gorich, former friend and like-minded Chatsky. Platon Mikhailovich appears in Griboedov in just one meeting meeting with Chatsky on the ball at Famusov. Famusov's society made it approximate husband His wife Natalia Dmitrievna, who kits him like a child. Such life made him abandon youth hobbies. Chatsky with a mockery asks him:

Forgotten the noise of camp, comrades and brothers?

Calm and lazy?

To which rink replies:

No, there is no

On Flute I Strip Duet

A - mole ...

It is very important, in my opinion, in a comedy such a character, like reheetles, which can be considered in the comedy twin of Chatsky. Only he, in contrast to Chatsky, simply plays freeness, and his reasoning is an empty phrase. It is no coincidence that his replica: "noise, brother, noise!" I became a winged and denotes the void, the visibility of the case. In the scene, when reheetals tells Chatskomu about Baron, the background of Cloce, who "in the ministers marked", and he "to him in the saint", manages his desire for cheap careerism, its undoubted doubliness. And this baron with their "friends" helps us see the true face of the imaginary friend of Chatsky.

In a conversation with Chatsky, Molchanin, it mentions some Tatyana Yurevna:

Tatyana Yurevna told something

From St. Petersburg, moving ...

And we understand that it is a gossip, like, in general, almost all the ladies of the highest society. For them, there is nothing more interesting, how to suck, they do not find anything interesting in any books or art.

G.N and G.D - these mysterious characters appear in the comedy in order to dissolve the rumor about Chatsky's madness. At first, Sophia say about it, but after a while it becomes a public opinion. Famusovskoe society cannot forgive the Chatskom of his mind and education, so they are pleased to believe this slander.

At the end of the Piesen, Magovyov exclaims:

Oh! Oh my God! What will say

Princess Marya Alekseevna!

And you can immediately understand that the opinion of this unknown to us Maria Alekseevna for Famousov is more important than the happiness of his own daughter.

Thanks to the secondary and extraordinary characters, the comedy "grief from the mind" is not closed in time and spatial circle, where the action takes place. We begin to understand what moral values In the world that perturbates Chatsky. Contradictions between the hero and society are becoming natural. With the help of these characters, Griboedov introduces us with the past and future different peopleAnd, first of all, we learn the background of the life of the main character. We understand that the future Chatsky is most likely with the Decembrists, because he expressed a lot of things in comedy, which could be heard from the Decembrists.


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"Woe from the mind" is the first Russian realistic comedy, in which the life of Moscow appeared in front of us on 10-20s of the XIX century. Using one of the basic principles of realism is the principle of typing, the playwright has created a gallery of images, each of which is typical for its time and class, but at the same time has individual, only inherent features.
A special role is assigned to the comedy insignificant and episodic characters, so widely represented in the comedy. With their help expand the spatial and temporary borders of the comedy.
Griboedov created bright portraits, without which it is difficult to imagine the regulars of the English club or an aristocratic salon. The author himself in one of the letters to a friend and the writer Katenin wrote: "Portraits and only portraits are part of the comedy and tragedy."
In a series of images of old Baria, the portrait of Ekaterininskoy Velmazbi Maks Petrovich occupies a special place. The head of the house - the official of Famuses -Engthen this "noble in the case" as an ideal for imitation and addresses it young generation In the face of Chatsky. For Famousov, it is important that his uncle received the Order, "I rowed on gold, a hundred people to services, rode something eternally zugom," but the most important thing is that the "eyelid." Thus, a person in the Famovskogo society was valued by what Chin he occupied and on "what was riding." Therefore, this society is fighting for everything to be without change. Basic life principle Following the traditions, unshakable authorities, social superiority. The nobleman in Russia was protected by the fact of its origin, and if he followed the traditions and stands in his class, society, worshiped him ideals, then a good prospects were opened before him career growth and material well-being. The main thing is not to be a loser, like a reheet of fishing, or the ashy crazy, like Zagoretsky, whom Chatsky characterized like this: "Molchanin! In it, Zagoretsky will not die! " Zagoretsky happens everywhere, a lot knows about the members of society, "Master Service": takes tickets to the performance of Sofye, two Arapchonkov - for the whispe and her sisters Praskovia. Molchanin also strives to all please, following the covenants of their father "please all people without rewriting":
Whoever still will wait peacefully so much!
There Moskku stroking in time
There is a card styling.
A little official seeks to make a career, take a certain place in society, to become such as Magazov.
Among the representatives of this society there are those who already have the ranks, such as Thomas Fomich. "At three ministers was the head of the department," it represents Zolkollin, to which Chatsky snatchfully notices: "The empty man from the most stupid." Before us, the portrait of a man who has succeeded in life, unlike reheeting, which "in the ranks would be climbing, and there was a failure." He wanted to marry the daughter of Barona Clooton Background, who "in Methyl Ministers", get promotion and good dowry, but nothing came out. Reetales are a unlucky person, and society does not perceive him seriously.
With great respect and respect, the Famusov society belongs to a Frenchman from Bordeaux, who was going to "in Russia, to the barbarians," and came as if "in his province", "no sound of Russian, nor the Russian person met." Chatsky is indiguing against blind worship before all foreign. The English club depicted by Griboedov can also be called "blind imitation". The parody of the secret meetings can be considered a "secret union", going on Thursdays, whose members say to themselves: "Noise, brother, noise. Create visibility activities typically for this society, as it is typical and for Russia as a whole, which will later show Gogol in his immortal comedy "Auditor".
But another phenomenon, characteristic of Moscow Baria, is to ever-sitting women. Take, for example, Plato Mikhailovich Korich, "Boy's husband, Musha-Servant", entirely, fully located under the heel at his wife. He does not quite sue the fact that Natalia Dmitrievna gives him a guide, as a mother of an unreasonable child: "You swung open all and unbuttoned the vest! .. Asking soon!", But, nevertheless, he does not tell her across.
The same state of affairs reigns in another family: Prince Toguhovsky does everything that his spouse says: goes to bow, invites guests to the house. By how these weak floor representatives manage their husbands, we can judge them as a powerful women who will not defend their power to anyone and will protect existing orders before the latter.
Famuses gives a characteristic and other women, episodic characters: "Judges around, everywhere, there are no judges over them," they can command the army, sitting in the Senate - they can do everything. Famusovskoe society, despite the existence of the emperor, lives in the state with the female rule. The author acquaints readers with equally important and significant ladies who occupy a high position in society - Princess Marya Alekskova and Tatiana Yurievna. Therefore, Molchanin advises Chatsky to go to Tatyana Yurevna, because "the ranks and officials - all She is friends and all their relatives. " And Famusov himself very worries, "What will say the princess of Marya Alekskna". For him, a state official, the court of princess is terrible, because her word is very significant in society. Also, many are afraid of the ships of the chilly, because its opinion is also public. In addition, she, like many other representatives of the Famow Society, loves to prosecute. Grandman's granddaughter is an embittered gossip, as "a whole century in girls." It is dissatisfied with the fact that many are leaving abroad and marry there.
Natalia Dmitrievna greets with princes a thin voice, they kiss and inspect each other with the legs to the head, trying to search for disadvantages, which will be a reason for gossip. Gossip reign in the society of Moscow bar. It was the gossip about the madness of the Chatsky, fleeing his beloved Sofia, makes the hero of a social madman, is observed smart man on exile.
Among the insignificant characters, not only the representatives of the "century of the past", but also like-minded Chatsky can be distinguished. it cousin Skalozuba, who condemns the society for the fact that "Chin followed him: he suddenly left the service, in the village of books began to read." He missed the opportunity to get a rank, and this is unacceptable from the point of view of the Famówovsky society, besides, "leaving the plague" for them. Or Prince Fedor, the nephew of Knyagini Toguhovskaya, - "He is a chemist, he is nerd," runs away from women, "as well as professors of the Pedagogical Institute," exercises in splits and peccurs. "
I should be said about Lisa, the maid at the House of Famusov. It has a practical mind, everyday wisdom. She gives the characteristic characteristics of the heroes: "Like all Moscow, your father is such," she says Sofye about Famowov, who "monastic is known to be ignorant" and do not mind to learn for Liza, but the heart of Petrusha. On the cliffsube Lisa low opinion: "Cleancher, and does not hurt heter." She is more favorable to Chatskom: "Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and Oster." Lisa is the second resonant in the comedy, expressing the opinion of the author himself. Characteristics of heroes, data Lisa, are additional strokes to portraits created by Griboedov. Interestingly, the author of many heroes gives associative surnames: reheetles, Toguhovsky, Scalozub, Hlesov, Molchanin.
Thus, episodic and extraimatic characters help to reveal the characters of the main characters, expand the spatial and time frames of the play, and also help to create a picture of the life and morals of the life of the Moscow nobility of the 10-20s of the XIX century, contribute to the deeper disclosure of the conflict of the play - the collision "century The current "with the" century last ".

Tasks and tests on the topic "Incoming and episodic characters and their role in Comedy A. S. Griboyedov" Woe from Wit ""

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