The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn. "Tom Sawyer and his friends" who was friends of Tom Sawyer

The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn.
The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn. "Tom Sawyer and his friends" who was friends of Tom Sawyer

Leading: GoOd Morning, Our Dear Guests!

Today We Shall Have a Party Devoted to Mark Twain. I Hope You Like to Read English Books. Today We'll Show a Play "Tom Sawyer and His Friends" Let US Begin Oour Play.

Painting the Fence.


POLLY: IT IS Saturday. But No Holiday for You. You must work (puts the bucket). I Want You to Paint This Fence.

Tom: YES, Aunt Polly.

Narrator: Tom Started to Paint The Fence.

Max: Hi, Tom!

Tom: Hi, Max!

Max: What Are you doing?

Tom: I am Painting The Fence.

Narrator: Max Is Watching, Tom Painting The Fence. Suddenly Tom Had An Idea.

Tom: You know What, Max.

Max: What?

Tom: Painting is fun.

Max: Really? IT SEEMS SO. May i try?


Narrator: Tom Is Looking Like He Is Thinking.

Max: Please, Tom, Let Me Paint The Fence. I'll Give You My Apple.

Tom: Really. I Like Painting a lot. But You Are My Friend and I Like You. GO AHEAD (transfers brush)

Max: Thank You, Tom, You Are My Friend.

Narrator: SOON Other Boys Saw Max.

BILLY: Hi, Max! Hi, Tom! What Are you doing?

Max: I'm Painting The Fence, IT IS Really Fun.

Johnny: Is IT? IT Sems Like Fun.



BILLY: I'll Give You My Pocket Knife

Tom: I Like IT.

Johnny: And here is a dead cat.

Tom: I Like It Too. NOW YOU CAN PAINT.


Becky: Tom, Let Me Paint The Fence a Little. I'll Give You My Sweet. I Can Paint As Well As You Can.

Tom: I am a Gentleman and can't Say "No" to a lady. (Transmits her brush)

Narrator: Then Ann Is Coming.

Ann: I'll Give You My Book with Pictures. IT's My Lifetime Dream to Paint The Fence.

Tom: I'm Kind Today. Give Me Your Book.

Kate: We Like Painting The Fence, Tom. Thank you for letting us paint.

Tom: NO Problem. We Are Friends. WE Need to Share What We Like.

Narrator: Aunt Polly Came Outside to See The Fence.


Tom: Yes, I Have. Come and Look!


Tom: Thank you, polly!

Polly takes the book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", shows her viewers and reads the poem "A Book" (by Adelaide Love).

A Book, I Think, Is Very Like a Little Golden Door,
And Best of All, The Golden Door Always Stays a Jar.

Tom Sawyer is the owner of the rebellion, fidget, squad and great adventurer, settled in four books of the writer. The former journalist passed the way of creative torment before found the desired form for the work and, in fact, the hero, who was destined to become a favorite of young readers. Cheerful adventures created the author's reputation to the Large Humorist and the Master of Intrigue. Unrestrained fantasy, burdens and mischievous deeds - the life of a boy from the town of St. Petersburg will envy any child.

History of creation

Mark Twain gave children four novels in which exciting events unfold: "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "The Adventures of Geclberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer abroad" and the detective "Tom Sawyer is a detective." Another product called "Conspiracy of Tom Sawyer" the author did not have time to finish.

The first book was born with difficulty: Twain began her in 1872, and finished only by the summer of 1875. A curious fact is a work by the author for the first time in his creative biography wrote on a typewriter. The autobiographical novel is based on the childhood of the writer, when in a serene world, filled with dreams about the expirations and accomplishments, the care of adult life has not broken. Mark Twain confessed that, as well as the heroes of the Romanov, being a boy, wanted to find the treasure, build a raft, settle on the uninhabited island.

The name of the character by the author borrowed from the familiar Thomas Sawyer, with whom the fate was brought in California. However, the prototypes served as three boyfriends from distant childhood, which Twain speaks of the preface. That is why the protagonist turned out with such a controversial character.

I wrote a prose not so much for children as for their parents, trying to convey to moms and dads that the children are not enough roof over her head and clothes. You need to try to understand the magic world of the child, not to evaluate its actions only negatively - the "great" idea is behind each act. And indeed, a simple tongue, a huge number of curiosities and sparkling humor made novels with excellent adult religious.

The dates of writing subsequent books - 1884, 1894 and 1896. The novels tried to translate at least a dozen writers to the Russian language, but the best work is recognized as a translation. The writer presented the work of Soviet children in 1929.

Biography and plot

Tom Sawyer lives in the small town of St. Petersburg, Missouri State on the banks of the Mississippi River in the family of native aunt - after the death of Mom, she took the boy to upbringing. Days fly for schools at school, in fights and games on the street, and still Tom leads friendship with a sleeping day and falls in love with the beauty-peer backs. In general, everything is like an ordinary teenager.

Incredible optimist for the form of each problem to turn into a profitable event. So, the overlooks of the fence that the boy instructed the aunt in the form of punishment becomes a profitable business. Tom with such an ecstasy and pleasure works with a brush that you also want to try juvenile familiar. In this case, Sawyer fastened the whole "condition", having replenished the piggy bank of his boyish treasures with glass balls, one-eyed kitten and a dead rat.

One day, the main character of Roman met on Finna Street, and a controversy broke out between the boys on the theme of the effectiveness of the treatment of warts. Geclberry told a new way for which a dead cat and a campaign at night in a cemetery. From this point on, the exciting adventures of friends started.

The boys become witnesses to the murder in the cemetery, decide to become pirates, in the company with a school comrade Joe fighting the fleet and go on a trip to the nearby island. To friends even managed to find a chest with gold and turn into the richest boys in the city.

The adventures of friends continue in the next book, where Geclberry Finn comes to the fore. Tom helps the friend to save the servant of Jim, tugging the whole impetus. And in the third novel come and are at all on a balloon - a series of tests is waiting for them on a journey in America, over the sugar and the Atlantic Ocean.

In the future, Sawer was to visit Arkansas, where, again with Finn, the boy got involved in the investigation into the murder and theft of diamonds.


Works Mark Twain were several times in the work at the famous directors. For the first time, the adventures of the young learn moved to Film William Taylor in 1917. However, the picture was not successful. But the next film, shot by John Crwell in 1930, gave out the leaders of the rental. 40 years later, the Americans repeated success - the musical picture of the director Don Taylor was nominated three times on Oscar and twice for the Golden Globe. The main role went from Johnny Witakera.

The French decided to approach the adventures of the American boy with a scope, which is the light series "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1968), however, in mini-format. In a restless volume, Roland Demonsery transformed.

In the country of Sovitzov, Roman Mark Tweed Decoders also did not pay attention. According to the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer", black and white tape created Lazar Frenkel and Gleb Zatvnitsky in 1936. However, the film "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn", which appeared on Soviet film screens in 1981, won great fame. The image of Tom tried, and his friend Geclberry is a future celebrity for whom the role has become debut.

Govorukhin collected on the set of actors with the name. Characters of the American book played (Aunt Polly Sawyer), (MEFF Potter). The role of beloved Tom - Bakki - performed the daughter. The film crew was put in light: the geography of the film creation included Ukraine, the Caucasus, Abkhazia, and in the form of the Mississipp River, Dnipro appeared.

The new directorial reading of the books of Twain presented to the court of the audience Hermin Huntgeburt. In "Tome Sawier" (2011), Louis Hofman (Tom) and Leon Sid (Geclberry) were assigned the roles.

Producer Boris Shenfelder spoke in an interview:

"The idea of \u200b\u200bremoving the film about Sawyer came to me after watching" Hands away from Mississippi "and" Ingenious Screws ". Thinking on these two paintings, I decided to remove such a film for children and young adults, which will not blindly indulge in children's tastes and will be out of our time. "

The thought turned out to be embodied quite successfully.

The last screen version of the literary brand Mark Tweed happened in 2014. The film "Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn" of the joint production of Germany and the United States put Joe Kasstner. A restless fiction boy played Joel Courtney.

  • Under the name St. Petersburg hides his hometown Hannibal, where Mark Twain was born and grew. The environment of Tom Sawyer has real prototypes. For example, Aunt Polly "Sruit" from the Mother of the Writer, and Becky - from the neighbor's girl Laura Hawkins.
  • Children's Music Theater of the Young Spectator in 2005 put the sparkled musical "Tom Sawyer". The music and words of songs for the performance wrote the composer Victor Semenov, especially the audience like the composition "Star River".
  • The two-storey house of the Hawkins family still decorates the street of the native city of the writer. Hannibal authorities are going to repair the building and open the Becky Tatcher Museum. Nearby, according to the fans of creativity Twain, it costs "that very" fence, which I had to bleve, and in the quarter from the street, the Cardiff Hill rises, where the children described in the novel took place. Caves, in which one day was lost with backs, are also available in the vicinity of the settlement.
  • Illustrate Books Mark Twain took away different artists, but the best work is considered pictures of Robert Ingpen.


"It often happens that the smaller the excuses of any rejection, the harder it is to get rid of it."
"No worse than a fool than an old fool. It is not for nothing that says "the old dog will not learn new focuss."
"- What do you do with your share, Tom?
- I will buy a drum, an extremely saber, a red tie, a bulldog puppy and marry.
- Will you marry?
- Well yes.
- Tom, you ... You are not in your mind! "
"Only that is pleasant that it is difficult to get."
"The main thing is to believe. If you believe, everything will definitely be good - even better than you can arrange. "
"Glory, of course, the thing is important and valuable, but for the real pleasure of the mystery is still better.
"In the Middle Ages, the difference between man and locust was that the locust was not a fool."
"Girls can be found in the face - they have no excerpt."

We are glad to present the audience to the selection of novels for the children "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures Geclberry Finn" of the authorship of Mark Twain. The series consists of three episodes and tells about the life of the friends of Tom and Heka: they are looking for a treasure, play pirates and meet with Indian Joe. The director of the painting was made by Stanislav Puhykhin, and in the main roles starred Fedo-pudded, Vladislav Galkin, Maria Miroenov, Bulls and other talented sectors.

The film Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn has a literary basis. The scenario was written on the novels of the famous American Prose of the late 19th - early 20th century Mark Twain. Another equally well-known American writer Ernest Hamingway believed that all the modern literature of America was based on the brand of tween "The Adventures of Geclberry Finn". It was this work that I decided to shield Stanislav Govorukhin and did not lose - the series is already attracted by one of the generation of young spectators. The action unfolds in the non-existent provincial city of St. Petersburg on the Mississippi coast. The orphaned fidget that Fyodor Fedor is played, lives in Aunt Pohli (Ekaterina Vasilyeva) and delivers a lot of trouble not only to her, but also to the church teacher. For one of these tricks, the volume is punished, and he in a rustling of resentment leaves friends to the island, where there is a fun and careless time. One of the members of the Children's Shayka is the unreserved Geek Finn (Vladislav Galkin played), with which it is not allowed to be friends with other children from decent families. But soon their fun pastime on the island, away from concerned relatives, turns out to be overshadowed. Wow at the time of the night walk in the cemetery, friends are witnessing murder. What awaits the guys who are involved in this case? What other adventures are waiting for young adventurers? Watch the film The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn - it means to learn the settings for the questions. Tom Soyer and Gek Finn not only shoulder to the shoulder overcome the difficulties that have fallen on their share, but also learn to be loyal and honest people in life in general. Watch online in good quality Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn is also the sake of the incredible beauty of the landscapes shown in the film. The shooting took place in Ukraine - in the Kherson region and Odessa, as well as in the Caucasus - in Sukhumi and Abkhazia.

We are glad to present the audience to the selection of novels for the children "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures Geclberry Finn" of the authorship of Mark Twain. The series consists of three episodes and tells about the life of the friends of Tom and Heka: they are looking for a treasure, play pirates and meet with Indian Joe. The director of the painting was made by Stanislav Puhykhin, and the FedoP Fedo, Vladislav Galkin, Maria Miroenov starred, starred