What are phantoms and fakes. What is Phantom Man? What are phantoms for and how to work with them

What are phantoms and fakes.  What is Phantom Man?  What are phantoms for and how to work with them
What are phantoms and fakes. What is Phantom Man? What are phantoms for and how to work with them
  • "Phantom"- the name of several feature films from different countries and times:
    • "Phantom" - a film with Otto Sander in the title role, dir. Uwe Schreider (Germany);
    • "Phantom" - a film with Billy Zane in the title role, dir. Simon Winser (USA, Australia);
    • Phantom is a miniseries starring Ryan Karnes. (USA, Canada);
    • "Phantom" - a fantastic film directed by Chris Gorak and producer Timur Bekmambetov (USA, Russia);
  • Phantoms- a race from the cartoon "Final Fantasy: Spirits Within Us", which appeared after aliens blew up their planet.
  • "Phantoms" is a fantasy horror film directed by Masayuki Ochiai. (USA)

see also

Notes (edit)

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See what "Phantom" is in other dictionaries:

    phantom- a, m. fantôme m. 1. A ghost, a ghost. ALS 1. Pictures, phantasmagoria, or something similar. Dahl. Rumor also assures of the death of the phantom for whom the villainy was started about John Antonovich. 1764. Panin to Catherine II. // RS ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    1) a ghost, a ghost; 2) a model of the human body used in the study of surgery, obstetrics, etc .; 3) a wax figure representing a person in life size. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    The doll on which the art of midwifery is studied (Dahl, fantasy) See doll; ghost ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. phantom doll; ghost; illusion; shadow, model, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    - "The Phantom" USA, 1996, 100 min. Adventure film, thriller. An action-adventure movie about a noble superman hero, nicknamed Phantom, who is always ready to help in difficult times. Cast: Billy Zane, Treat Willias, Christie ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    phantom- (wrong phantom) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    - (French fantome, from the Greek phantasma ghost), 1) bizarre vision, ghost; creation of imagination, fiction. 2) A life-size model of a human body or part of it is a visual aid in educational institutions, museums, etc ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (French fantome from the Greek phantasma ghost), .. 1) a bizarre vision, a ghost; creation of imagination, fiction2)] Life-size model of the human body or its part is a visual aid in educational institutions, museums, etc. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PHANTOM, phantom, husband. (French fantome from Greek). 1. Ghost, ghost, bizarre phenomenon (book). 2. A life-size model of a person or animal (or part of the body) (in freak show, museums, etc .; special). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    PHANTOM, ah, husband. (book). A bizarre phenomenon, a ghost. Mysterious F. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    This is the name in obstetrics made of papier mache and rubber, a model of a woman's torso, mainly her pelvic region, which serves for exercise in the production of obstetric operations ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    If in your own words: the phantom of a person is his energetic essence, this is his second image, which exists in a different, intangible form. Closer to the word phantom comes the word soul, these two words are similar in their concepts, being approximately the same.

    There is a different definition of a phantom than these answers.

    From a physical point of view, our space, the dimension where we live is not the only one, there are still parallel worlds where we ourselves exist, absolutely the same as here and now, but in that dimension time passes differently. That is, you can thus look into the future or past of a person, looking at how his phantom feels and what he is doing now. That is, in this case, a phantom is nothing more than a person himself, simply living in another time dimension. But what it is specifically and what the phantom is made of is not yet a clear answer. Most likely energy in some of its manifestations.

    The phantom of a person is the so-called astral projection, the spirit of a person. In this case, a person can be both alive and deceased.

    According to legend, after death, the soul of a person leaves the body and can appear to living people in the form of a phantom, an image of a person.

    According to other opinions, the human soul leaves the body during sleep and goes on an astral journey, again, becoming a phantom.

    A phantom is an energetic copy of a person's consciousness. It is also compared to live photography. This example helps very well to understand what a human phantom is. A phantom can only exist with a person, because he exists due to his energy.

    Phantom, this is the French word fantome, and came to the Russian language a long time ago, it means a ghost in translation. Phantoms are found in living and dead people, and in animals or objects.

    Now, almost everyone looked at TNT Battle of psychicsquot ;, in which many sorcerers and witches, performing tasks, work with a person's phantom to find out about his fate, whether he is alive or dead, etc.

    Phantom, it is an evoked, created image of a person, with his energy. You can talk to him. But only the one who created, imagined, summoned it sees and communicates with the phantom, for the rest the phantom remains invisible.

    By chance, a phantom can be summoned by a simple person, not a psychic. This happens when a person misses someone very much, misses and all the time mentally imagines the one about whom he is sad, talks to him. Suddenly, his phantom may appear (dead or alive, it doesn't matter). Many films have been shot with such a storyline, books have been written.

    Have a word phantom there are other meanings see Wikipedia

    The phantom of a person is in most cases called the ghost or soul of a deceased person. The phantom is created immediately after the birth of a person, that is, with the coming into life and it remains even after death, that is, it does not disappear anywhere. Thanks to these phantoms, a special kind of people associated with magic and mysticism can read information about a particular person after death.

    A phantom is the outline and appearance of a person, without his material carrier. That is, in other words, his image is preserved, but there is no body with all its organs, from which a person turns out, in fact, like a draft. In general, there is no scientific proof of the existence of a phantom at this time.

    The totality of all the energy components of the human biofield can be called his phantom. Or an energy copy, which is basically the same thing.

    Able people can create almost instantly phantom man and carry out manipulations with him, for example, to heal from diseases.

    Under such a concept as human phantom it is the human soul, its energy component that is meant. The phantom is not something material and appears from birth and does not die after the physical death of the body.

    The phantom of a person, according to long-standing signs, is the soul of a dead person or his silhouette who cannot find peace and whether someone has not forgiven him and he is looking for forgiveness to be allowed into the next world. And so he staggers after someone in search of forgiveness to be forgiven and he calmly went to the next world.

0 Some people sometimes come across various mysterious phrases or words in films, literature or the Internet, the meaning of which is not particularly clear to them. Today we will talk about one of them, this Phantom which means you can read a little below.
However, before continuing, I would like to introduce you to a couple more popular news on the topic of education. For example, what does Leviathan mean, how to understand the word Conjuncture, briefly about the Decembrist Uprising, what is Creative, etc.
So let's continue what does Phantom mean? This term originated from the French language " fantome", and is translated into Russian as" ghost "," vision. "This means that this concept means something ephemeral, subtle, weightless.

Phantom- so they call something that is not in reality, or it is not tangible and invisible

Usually, this word is very popular in the occult. Essentially all mysterious, translucent entities that you've ever read about in books, and called ghosts, are essentially phantoms. Although in fact, such a concept as a phantom is much broader than it seems at first glance.

Some occultists suggest that each of us has many astral copies, or, as they are also called - phantoms.
Great researchers from the past believed that our world, rough and heavy, and above it, a step higher, there is another dimension - the astral. It is believed that phantoms have the same senses as the originals, with only one "minor" difference, they are practically invisible to most of us.
It turns out that everyone can create phantom only by making a mental effort for this. For example, you began to remember how you rested in the Crimea in the summer, recreating the environment that surrounded you in your brain. With a similar mental action, you create your double, which will arise exactly in the very place, near the sea.

Not without reason, many people meet ghosts at the sites of mass catastrophes, where many people died. In addition to the fact that there are the astral remains of the dead, the survivors again and again recall the day and hour when they experienced the greatest stress. By this, they create many phantoms who constantly roam this place of sorrow.
In addition, in hospitals, there are also a huge number of such invisible creatures. People remembering how bad they felt there, create their astral copy in these hospital wards.

Theologians suggest that there are both negative and positive phantoms that have originated from negative or positive experiences. You need to understand that these weightless entities are capable of influencing the energy of a person, and if "bad" phantom destroys the energy shell, then positive, fills a person with energy.

Some Vedic practices including shamanism and voodoo so mastered the art of creating phantoms that they are able to influence other people, embodying their astral projection (phantom) into some inanimate object. Then they slowly carry out various manipulations with him, which can even lead to the death of the subject.

Some people are convinced that photography can be very easy to influence phantom the person depicted on it. Therefore, some "knowledgeable" are categorically against photographing, because if this card gets to bad sorcerers and witches, you can get various problems, both in personal life and in health. By the way, knowledgeable people are able to make all their phantoms return, including those attacked, and then simply dispel them.

Today there are supporters, both "for" and "against", but it is only known that modern scientists have not yet been able to prove their existence.
However, in fact, in fact, when you visit the places in which the tragedy, then you start to feel not very comfortable, as if the temperature is dropping around, and you suddenly realize that you are not welcome here.

In the real life " phantoms"they usually call something inexplicable, strange, unsteady. For example, the old jet planes, which at one time were the pinnacle of human genius, were called" Phantoms "by the Americans, as a sign that they are difficult to detect, although the MiG-17 coped well with them. how Phantoms- energy copies of people, animals, terrain, cities, houses, monuments and other objects. Some people see phantoms most often with peripheral vision. If a person, who usually does not notice phantoms, begins to see them, this means that the energy situation around is undergoing changes, usually this portends troubles, perhaps even natural disasters of various strengths. Sometimes a person begins to see phantoms when the energy in the house is deteriorating: there has been no repair for a long time, a charmed thing was planted, a geopathogen was activated.
Phantom can be put - for example, when learning to visualize objects. Imagine a vase, a monument, a statuette, etc. After placing a phantom, it is necessary to remove it, otherwise it will stand in the room, gradually feeding from its creator.

Professor A. V. Chernetsky wrote in his article "The Energy of Emptiness": If you create a mental image anywhere, for example, in the corner of a room, then the device will record the "shells" (aura) of this phantom, if you mentally blur this image, then the "shells" disappear - the device will not show anything.

Quite often, abandoned or divorced women create phantoms. They have an endless conversation with ex-husbands, imagining their reaction, constantly proving something to them.
Imagining a man very emotionally and often, you can create a strong energetically phantom. If the man was represented in the kitchen and in the room, then the phantom begins to move freely around the apartment, actively consuming the woman's energy. The creation of energy phantoms is one of the reasons for the loneliness of women. Men feel that the woman is "busy", there is a man next to her, therefore they do not consider her as a future companion in life. In order not to create such a phantom, it is necessary to distract from thoughts of the man with whom you have parted, try to think about him every day less and less. Do not show emotionality, convince yourself that one stage of life is over, another, happier one has begun.
Sometimes a woman experiences a break with a man very hard, it seems to her that the end of the world has come, but in fact the roots of this tragedy lie.
Healers often use a phantom to heal a sick person. The phantom is "put forward", it is examined, damages of an energetic nature are corrected. The phantom's energy cocoon should become even, without protrusions, depressions and holes. Then the internal organs are diagnosed. The energy of internal organs is corrected in case of damage. After that, the meridians are "cleansed", a free flow of energy is established. In the event of a general lack of energy, it is “pumped” into a phantom. The phantom returns to the physical body. The physical body of a person is gradually healed, and he forgets about diseases.
Many people know phantom pain - after amputation of an arm or leg, a missing limb hurts. Studies have shown that only the physical part of the body is amputated, while the energy part remains.
Any disease begins at the energy level, and if it is cured in time, it will not develop at the physical level.
In connection with the topic of phantoms, one more topic can be touched upon - the topic of abortion. When a woman has an abortion, in addition to the well-known consequences in the woman's body, the phantom of the unborn child remains, disappearing on the fortieth day. During this time, harm is done to the health of the woman and, most often, to the health of the future. They will have to develop in the energetically weakened body of the mother, this will lead to a reduction in the life expectancy of these children and a decrease in immunity.
In many religions and esoteric schools of the world, special methods are studied and applied to create their own energy phantom, which, at the request of a person, can go into the past or travel around the world, studying various countries and customs of people. Such phantoms can transmit information collected during travel to the person who created them.
There are energetically powerful phantoms, they can be seen, they look like ordinary people. Perhaps you have seen such phantom people - a man is walking along an empty street, no different from others. But it is worth looking away - the phantom has already disappeared. It seems that he turned into a nearby street or quickly left.
In some houses, phantoms of the previous tenants live - not ghosts, but phantoms. They are periodically seen, doing their usual household chores, walking around the room, going out into the corridor or outside. Most often, such houses are located in active energy zones.

I'll start with my impressions of what I read on the Internet about human phantoms :) In general, I read more than necessary nonsense, mixed, confused and not logical. Not everything, of course, there are more or less adequate definitions, but there is practically no understanding of what phantoms are in structure and how to use them for development and work. This suggests that a lot of people are interested in esotericism, but in practice it is used in life and good results are obtained - very few people.

So, the questions that we will consider:

  • What are phantoms, basic definitions.
  • Misconceptions and not the truth about phantoms.
  • How to work with phantoms in practice? (it's a super cool tool!)

Misconceptions about human phantoms

Phantoms are not created by people, they are created by the Higher powers. People create thought forms, thought images (including themselves) and essences. Phantoms are, of course, not a soul, but it is a rather complex energy system that a person is not able to create. There are not an infinite number of real phantoms, but according to the spiritual and energetic status of a person c. For an infinite number of phantoms, a person simply does not have enough energy. Once again, I say that the fact that a person rivets himself is not phantoms, but created primitive essences of thought-form.

A phantom is a copy of consciousness, not a physical body, although a phantom basically takes a physical image of a person (as a person himself is used to perceiving himself). The phantom does not have the chakras themselves with full stuffing, there are copies of the chakras, and only the person himself (his soul) has all the information and the filling of the chakras, just the “chakras” of the phantom are directly connected with the chakras of the person, therefore the phantom reacts as if he thinks and makes decisions.

The phantom does not feel anything, it will not be tormented by conscience, etc. - this is a delusion (a soul and a person can experience mental pain through a phantom)! The phantom has no physical body and physical. he really does not feel pain, but he transfers all other sensations to his master, and with developed sensitivity you can feel mental pain through your phantom. And if a phantom is destroyed by someone, for example, during hostilities, then a person can also feel it, energy weakness and pain.

So what exactly is Phantom Man?

A phantom is an energetic copy of a person's consciousness, his chakras and energy sheaths, but this is not a soul, but only a copy taken from the consciousness of a particular person in a particular life (like a live photo). The phantom is directly connected directly with a person (his subconscious, through the chakra) and in, when communicating with him, he reacts as the person himself would react if you spoke to him. In fact, phantoms implement the subconscious reaction of their masters.

A phantom cannot exist without a person, without a soul, he does not make decisions on his own, he implements programs written in the subconscious of a person and fully lives and works on the energy of the owner. The phantom can shrink and enlarge. If a person has a lot of energy, he can become huge, like a multi-storey building.

Who creates phantoms? Phantoms are created by the Higher Powers and each has their own number: from several pieces to several dozen, and at the highest levels of phantom development there can be hundreds and thousands. There are several difficult major phantoms, which, to a certain extent, are autonomous, they can make decisions themselves and give commands to other phantoms of a person, something like generals. But such a hierarchy of phantoms appears in a person starting from the 3rd level of development (disclosure and implementation of aspirations). On the levels of human development -.

In an inactive state, phantoms are in front of a person on his astral shell () in a reduced form (several centimeters).

For most people, phantoms are absolutely ownerless and not raised, in fact, they automatically try to embody all subconscious reactions or desires that arise in a person. The person wanted to hit someone, the phantoms are undermined and run to beat this person (energetically, of course). A person wants to receive something from someone - phantoms immediately strive to take it from another. And so in everything, if a person does not consciously control himself and his phantoms.

That is, if you take offense at someone and mentally argue with him or beat him, then phantoms will absolutely realize this, energetically causing harm to another person.

What are phantoms for and how to work with them?

Phantoms have their own, clearly defined purpose, why they are given to a person by the Higher Forces, which for some reason is practically not described anywhere.

1. A person needs phantoms primarily for training! You can direct your phantoms to the necessary egregors for training, especially effective at night. The soul goes about its business during sleep, and phantoms go about your tasks. You turn to your personal Patrons and forgive them to send phantoms to learn. You can learn anything, everything you need: English, building relationships with some person, business, some professional skills, getting rid of some shortcomings and weaknesses (from laziness, pride, etc.), studying your own the future and, in general, everything.

Learning through phantoms significantly accelerates your learning in the physical world, and if the phantom has already learned, then you have the feeling that you seem to remember what you already knew before.

Through the training of phantoms, it is possible to avoid and prevent a lot of mistakes that a person would have made if he had not learned through phantoms.

2. Do some work! For example, negotiating with other people and reaching agreement, the desired result. If you have agreed with the phantom of another person, then almost certainly you will be able to agree with the person himself, and they will say “Yes” to you.

Or work with your personal goals and plans. Through phantoms with the help of Patrons or Powers, you can repeatedly simulate options for your future and choose the best and most favorable option.

Any work, if at first done in the Subtle World with the help of phantoms, will be done by you quickly and efficiently at the physical level, you just have confidence and the feeling that you know exactly what and how to do, and do it without mistakes.

3. Purification of your karma - in the egregor! Phantoms can be given a program (and make an order to the Patrons and the Forces of Karma) to work off their sins and close the "tails" of their past. It is not necessary to suffer and torment in the physical world, atoning for every sin, most problems can be closed through the Subtle World. You can learn through phantoms, and you can also take karmic tests through phantoms. Thus, human development is accelerated at times and becomes very effective.

Through phantoms, appropriate rituals are also carried out, for example, the "Repentance" ritual, when you mentally apologize, and phantoms run around the Subtle World and convey all apologies and compensation to those for whom you repent. Thus, negative connections with other people are closed and karmic punishments are removed.

Of course, everything I have described is described in a very simplified form, but the essence is this.

4. Phantoms can be used very successfully for military operations and battles.! An ideological skirmish, an argument, a psychological or emotional duel (sorting out the relationship) - all this is an energy war and phantoms in this war - warriors who fight.

And if this is a light warrior - a Warrior of Light, then he fights with evil, with dark entities, dark phantoms of other people, demons, etc. There is much more fighting in the subtle world than an ordinary person can even imagine.