Why the comedy grief is immortal from the mind. Immortal comedy A.S.

Why the comedy grief is immortal from the mind. Immortal comedy A.S.
Why the comedy grief is immortal from the mind. Immortal comedy A.S.

The philosophical sound of the comedy "grief from the mind", the universal sense of the comedy. "Woe from Wit" there is a picture of the morals, and the gallery of living types, and forever acute, burning satire " (I. A. Goncharov). Comedy "Woe from Wit" in the assessment of A. S. Pushkin. Realism of the comedy. Conflict and its development. Chatsky vs. Famovsky society. "Millon Torzaniya" Chatsky. The mind is the most valuable quality of a person. But did you go to the past problem from the mind? The struggle of the mind with stupidity lasts throughout the history of mankind.

Questions for repetition

- Why is the comedy named "grief from the mind"?

- What divides the Chatsky and Famovskaya Moscow? What led Chatsky to rupture with her?

- Why did Sofya be in the camp of the opponents of Chatsky? "What a burner knew how to get to her in the heart of Molchanin?

- Who dismissed the rumor about Chatsky's madness and why did he spread so quickly?

- What are the hopes of Chatsky turned out to be illusions and why? Was the Chatsky for the exercise of his hopes? What directions of his character are close to you? Is the Chatsky contemporary?

- Why Sofya "Not stupid prefers a fool cleverly" (A. S. Griboedov)?

Reading by heart

Monologue Chatsky

Themes of Comedy"Woe from Wit"

The moral appearance and the vital ideals of Chatsky.

"Millon Torzaniya" Chatsky.

Chatsky and Sophia. The meaning of their images in the comedy.

Chatsky vs. Famovsky society.

Moscow in the image of Griboedov.

Chatsky and Famovskaya Moscow.

"Woe from the mind" Griboedov is a comedy for a century.

"In a group of 20 persons, it was reflected like a beam of light in a drop of water, the entire former Moscow" (I. A. Goncharov).

Chatsky and Molchanin.

I am Chatsky.

The scene of the ball in the comedy Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" and its role in the play.

"Why wasn't it still ... Griboedovsky Chatsky, and with him and the whole comedy?" (I. A. Goncharov).

Chatsky and Onegin: who is more significant?

The Decembrist orientation of the Comedy Griboedov "Mount from Wit".

"Your mind and your deeds are immortal in the memory of the Russian ..." (Nina Chavchavadze).

Chatsky and Pharmuses.

Reading and reviewing Works, determination of the genre

1. "Why wasn't it still ... Griboedovsky Chatsky, and with him and the whole comedy?" (I. A. Goncharov).

2. I am Chatsky.

"Why wasn't it still ... Griboedovsky Chatsky, and with him and the whole comedy?" (I. A. Goncharov)

N. A. Nekrasov

A. S. Griboedov is one of the geniuses of the land of Russian, writer, diplomat, composer ... to become famous, he did not need to write a dozen works. Thanks to just one comedy "grief from the mind" his name became known.

Why two centuries comedy, and with her and her main character not only did not make up, but also continue to enjoy the increasing interest? What is her immortality?

It seems to me, truly immortal makes it makes the image of Chatsky. Its image can be associated with advanced people as that time and the present.

Running into the sleepy silence of the Magazine House, Chatsky becomes inappropriate in it. There are no sincere feelings, his passionate love and faith:

Slightly light - on the legs! And I have your feet.

The condemnation of the false morality of the Famusov society, the tag of their speeches make the Chatsky "dangerous person." Chatsky condemns society, "where he is famous for whose neck more often." Is it not characteristic sometimes for our time?

The mind is the most valuable quality of a person. But did you go to the past problem from the mind? The comedy "grief from the mind" convinces us in this. The struggle of the mind with stupidity lasts throughout the history of mankind. How much can be given examples when the mind and justice won stupidity and ignorance.

The comedy "grief from the mind" can not be called a topical, since the main problem, set in it, still does not lose its sharpness. This was noted by I. A. Goncharov 50 years after creating a work in his critical etude "Millon Torzaniya": "But so far there will be a desire for honors in addition to merit, while the masters and hunters will be included and" rewarding and having fun ", while Gossip, idleness, emptiness will prevail not as vices, but as the elements of public life, - until then, of course, they will fill in modern society the features of the Famous, silent and others ... "

These words of criticism did not lose their relevance, although they are written over the century ago. Until now, we are watching the struggle between old and new, stagnant and advanced, vulgar and high.

Why is Chazki fight for? In the image of the main character, the author showed a man who joined the way to fight the lies and vulnerability. In Chaccom, Griboedov showed not only the hero of his time, but also gave the image of a fighter for freedom and the truth. The rupture of Chatsky with the Famovsky society occurred because he could serve, and not to be served:

It would be glad to serve sissing.

He is mercilessly branding with shame of "tormentors of the crowd":

Slept! I was looking for all the works in whom!

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky dedicates himself to art, science, refuses the ranks, hates the "villains noble."

Following Goncharov at the end of the 20th century and we can say that the comedy did not lose their relevance. Its images are affected by vitality and tangibility. Through the greatest wizard written by the hand, we feel stupid scalozubs, scoundrels of silent, blessed pharmaceuticals.

If Chatsky had just fought against serfdom, hardly the comedy was successful in our time. Chatsky condemns the wrong trial that protects people who have power and money: "And who are the judges?"

According to Goncharov, "Cartski live and not translated in society, repeating at every step, in every house, where, under one roof, the old one with the young, where two centuries converge face to face in the flavors of families, - everything lasts the struggle of fresh with the exhaust, A patient with healthy ... Every business requiring the update causes the shadow of Chatsky ... "

In the image of Chatsky, a huge generalizing force is concluded, therefore gonchars and carried it to the eternal manifestations of renewal energy in humanity.

As a true great work, the classical comedy of Griboedov's "grief from the mind" puts problems with normal. Written about two centuries ago, the work raises the actual problems. And the main hero of the comedy worries us and inspires its resistance, courage and optimism.

But I believe that not only the content gives a comedy connection with our time. Did not the nominal names of the main characters? And how often do we use the expressions from the comedy, which became covered: "Is it possible to go to the shock for walking away?", "Ba! Familiar all persons ... ". In his work, Griboedov, with the greatest skill, combined a spoken language with literary, common - with a vocabulary of the educated nobility.

Lifestyle depth, bright typics of images, acknowledged and alive language, the originality of the genre and composition - all this provided the longevity of the comedy and the immortality of her talented creator.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" is one of the monuments of world culture, the "eternal book", the brightest artistic document of the Decembrism era. Upon leaving, the comedy was recognized instantly, and the prophetic words A. Bestumev: "The future will appreciate with a worthy comedy and put it among the first creations of the people" - seemed unnecessary. But the wonderful quality of the comedy turned out to be the fact that the polyphonism of its content became all the tangible time with time, why and "did not build up so far ... Griboedovsky Chatsky, and with him and the whole comedy."

Review. In the composition of the comedy "Woe from Mind" by A. S. Griboyedov on the actual material of the comedy, it was convincingly shown that the main criterion for the formation of a person as a person is his high ideological conviction, and the measure of the values \u200b\u200bof the personality is his spiritual wealth, patriotism, ministry to Fatherland.

In the composition, the uncomplication of Chatsky is proved, it is said about the value of the Hero of the Comedy Griboyedov for modernity. The judgments of the author's writings are independent, deep.

I - Chatsky

(According to the comedy "grief from the mind" A. S. Griboyedov)

I am a man who was taken for the crazy, and the person who is all right!

No, I do not argue that I declared me crazy ("He's not in his mind", "insane all over," "Learning - here is a plague, a scholar - this is the reason that now in the forest, and things, and opinions ") are not right in everything, but in most cases they are deliberately emitted or deeply mistaken.

That I was led to the house of Famusov - this is the love of Sofier:

Slightly light - on the legs! And I have your feet.
I'm forty-five hours, I'm not nice Mig.
The vert is more sevented, the wind, the storm ...

But when I learned that Sophia loves the other, then instead of seeking her reciprocity, referring to the long-standing love for her, I try to explain Sofa her terrible delusion.

Solvellin! - Whoever still wives everything peacefully!
There is a pussy in time!
Here at the time the card is stuck!
In it, Zagoretsky will not die!
You found it for me the properties.
But many have forgotten? - Yes?

Finally, talking to the silent himself, I made sure that Sophia looks at his eyes in a lot in life.

With such feelings, you love with such a soul! ..

And here I am alone. But I was freed from illusions towards Sofa.

Slept! I was looking for all the works in whom!
Hurry up! .. I flew! Shawn! That's happiness, I thought, close.

I saw my many-sided enemies, even better realized my goals.

I traveled for a long time and thought I know people, their thoughts, their Duma. But no ...

Dreaming from the eyes of one - and sleigh slept.

In the circle, Famusov speaks only about ranks, money, achievements, condemn science:

Hours - Here is the plague, the scholar is the reason ...
... Or if evil stop preventing:
Pick up all books would he burn.
Married by calculation:
Be bad, yes if you want
Shower thousand two generics -
That and the groom.
All this is unacceptable for me.

That's why every new face that appears in the comedy becomes in relation to me in a hostile position, and not only those who have had direct clashes with me, but also those who have never said with me are terribly gloomy:

Tormentors crowd
In love traitors, in the enemy of tireless ...
And I have the only thing:
Won from Moscow! Here I am no longer a ride.
Run, do not look around, go to look for light,
Where offended there is a feeling corner! ..

Review. Essay an essay is interesting in shape - a look at Chatsky, as it were from the inside. Very personal, bright, excited.

Modern reading classics

The newest publications of PO A. S. Griboedov

Velagin A. P. A. S. Griboyedov. "Woe from the mind": read together. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - P. 24.

Struve P. B. Face and Genius Griboyedov // Literature at school. - 1994. - № 1.

Bazhenov A. To the mystery "Grief": the ideas and images of the comedy "Woe from the mind" // Literature at school. - 1996. - № 4, 5.

Lancherov A. I. "Mount from Wit" as a mirror of Russian life // Literature at school. - 1997. - № 5.

Comedy "; grief from the mind";, written by A. S. Griboedov at the beginning of the 19th century, is relevant for today's Russia. In this work, the author with all depth reveals the defects, hit the Russian society of the beginning of the last century. However, reading this work, we find in it and the heroes of these days. The names of the Characters of the Comedy, collected by Griboedov in the House of Moscow Barina Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, did not accidentally become nominated.

Let's look at the owner of the house. Each replica Famusov, each of his monologue is a zeal protection "; century of humility and fear"; This person is dependent primarily from traditions and public opinion. He teaches young people that, they say, you need to take an example from the fathers: "; I would study, on older looking";.

And what is, in understanding Famousov, thereby experience in older generations? This is brightly visible on the example of his reviews about the late Uncle Maxim Petrovic, who "; not on silver - rod to gold";. Maxim Petrovich, noblemaster "; Mother of Catherine";, is for the Famusov sample to follow, because "when it is necessary to be sympathized, he bent backward"; Flattery and low-alphabones in the price of this comedy character. Having taught a great post, Pharmuses recognizes what it serves in order to get the ranks and other benefits.

At the same time, he does not even delve into the essence of the papers subscribed: And I have something that is not the case, the custom of my such: signed, so from the shoulders. A. S. Griboyedov brilliantly reflected in the form of Famousov also such a line of officialhood, which we call today "; protectionism"; The comedy's hero is admitted: with me, the employees are very rare, more and more sister, the presenters of children ... How will you stand to the baptism of whether, to the town, well, how not to try to a native little man. The measure of human value for Famousov is ranks and money.

He says his daughter Sophier: "Who is poor, that you are not a couple";. Colonel Rockozub, according to Pharmuses, would approached Sofye as a husband, because he "; not now - tomorrow General";. In the form of Famousov, we can easily find familiar features of our contemporary.

After all, so far, many use the same valuables in their lives, which was the beginning of the XIX century to the Russian Barge. And the bureaucracy, which has already become a public phenomenon, keeps on these Most Famine. The same can be said about the silence and rockozuba.

The main goal of their life is a career, position in society and everything connected with it. They are accustomed to "; light"; Bread, which is achieved by driving up to higher. They love the beautiful life, which is rewarded for low-stylism, foam. So, for example, Molchanin lives according to the principle: first, to please all people without withdrawing - the owner, where I will bring to live, the boss, with whom I will serve, his servant, who cleans the dresses, Swiss, janitor, for avoiding evil, janitor's dog So that Laskova was. In the face of Molchalina Griboedov created an expressive generalized image of a cynic, devoid of moral values, which will be able to walk to "; degrees of famous";

This hero refers to its advantages "; moderation and accuracy";, the ability to silent when they are scorn. As for the colonel of the scalosis, then in him Griboedov recreated the type of stupid, narcissistic and ignorant hero of the parade exercises, an old opponent of the whole new. This "; Hircun, remotely, Bassoon, Constellation of maneuvers and Mazurki"; chasing the ranks, orders and a rich bride. In my opinion, it is scary when there are people such as Famuses in society as Famuses, Solvelin, Scalozub. Due to the fact that silence are silent, innocent people suffer, although the truth is on their side.

These heroes of Griboedov make up that layer of society, which is always sorry to the authority, whatever it is. It is such people who serve as a support in the anti-democratic state, which is convincing the history of our country. Therefore, we can talk about the relevance for today's heroes today as Chatsky. In it, the writer embodied many qualities of an advanced man of his era. In his beliefs, he is close to the Decembrists.

He negatively refers to the fastened right, the cruelty of landowners, careerism, kindness, ignorance, to the ideals "century of the past";. Chatsky proclaims humanity, respect for a simple person, service, and not to persons, freedom of thought. He argues the progressive ideas of modernity, the prosperity of science and art, respect for the national language and culture, to enlighten.

The convictions of the Hero are revealed in his monologues and disputes with representatives of the Magazine Moscow. His rejection of serfdom sounds in the memoirs of the fortress theater, o "; Nestor of the villains of noble";,, having exchanged its faithful servants on three greyhound dogs. After listening to the enthusiastic story of Famusov about Maxim Petrovic, Chatsky talks with contempt about people who "; not in the war, and in the world they took her forehead, they were knocking on the floor, did not regret"; about those, "whose neck happened";. He despises people who are ready to yawning to yawn on the ceiling, be silent, send, dine.

He does not accept "; the month of the past" ;: "; direct was a century of humility and fear"; He approves those young people who do not hurt "; fit into the shelter's shelves"; Critically refers to the dominance of foreigners: is he rising from alien mod from alien? So that intelligent, vigorous people, although they did not consider us a language for the Germans.

Chatsky protects the right of a person to freely choose her classes: travel, live in the village, "; to fill the mind"; in science or devote yourself "; art creative high and beautiful";. Chatsky tends to "serve";, and not "; to serve";, moreover, serve "; case";, and not "; persons"; Chatsky is an advanced man of his time. It should be noted that this character Griboedov is very realistic, he lives in the present, and his views are directed far to the future. Such people can be found in every era, and especially - at the junction "; century past"; and "; century of the present";.

On this occasion, I. A. Goncharov in his article "; Milong Torzania"; wrote: "; With sharp transitions from one century to another - the Chatsky lives and are not translated in society, repeating at every step, in every house, where, under one roof, the old one with the young, where two centuries converge in face to face in the flavors - Everything lasts the struggle of fresh with the suspended, patient with healthy ... "; We see that Chatsky is an extraordinary person. He, unlike the rest of the heroes of the comedy, openly expresses his thoughts, does not hide anything. This person speaks directly about what contradicts his views on life that he does not accept. Nowadays, such as Chatsky, are called "white corners"; since they are not like everyone else. Chatsky stands out by its pronounced personality.

That is why he does not fit into the Famusov society, which he does not understand and does not even try to understand. On the contrary, he is recognized as crazy: it's crazy! .. She seems to her! No wonder?

It became ... Why would she take! Goncharov in their article "; Milong Torzania"; I wrote about "; grief from the mind"; - what it is "; everything lives with its natural life, will survive and many more eras and everything will not lose their vitality"; I fully share his opinion. After all, the writer drew a real picture of the morals, created living characters.

So living that they lived to our times. It seems to me that this is the secret of the immortality of the comedy A. S. Griboyedov. After all, our Magazovs, silent, the rockozuba are still forced by the modern Chatsky to experience the grief from the mind.

The immortal work of A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"
The comedy "Woe from Wit", written by A. S. Griboedov at the beginning of the XIX century, is relevant for today's Russia. In this work, the author with all depth reveals the defects, hit the Russian society of the beginning of the last century. However, reading this work, we find in it and the heroes of these days.
The names of the Characters of the Comedy, collected by Griboedov in the House of Moscow Barina Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, did not accidentally become nominated. Let's look at the owner of the house. Each replica of Famusov, every monologue is a zealous protection of the "century and fear of the century." This person is dependent primarily from traditions and public opinion. He teaches young people that, they say, you need to take an example from the fathers: "I would have learned, on the eldest looking." And what is, in understanding Famousov, thereby experience in older generations? It is clearly visible on the example of his reviews about the late Uncle Maxim Petrovich, which "not on silver - rod to gold." Maxim Petrovich, the Wiel, the times of the "Mother of Catherine", is for the Famousov sample to follow, because "when it is necessary to rely on, he bended backward." Flattery and low-alphabones in the price of this comedy character.
Having taught a great post, Pharmuses recognizes what it serves in order to get the ranks and other benefits. At the same time, he does not even know. Whats in the essence of the papers subscribed: And I have that the matter is that it is not, the custom of my such: signed, so from the shoulders.
A. S. Griboyedov brilliantly reflected in the form of Famousov also such a line of officials, which we call today "protectionism". The comedy hero admits: With me, employees are very rare,
More and more nursing, presenters kids ...
How will you posing to the baptism
to the town
Well, how not to please a native little man.
The measure of human value for Famousov is ranks and money. He says to his daughter Sophier: "Who is poor, you are not a couple." Colonel Rockozub, as Famuses believes, Sophie would come up as a husband, because he is "not now - tomorrow General."
In the form of Famousov, we can easily find familiar features of our contemporary. After all, so far, many use the same valuables in their lives, which was the beginning of the XIX century to the Russian Barge. And the bureaucracy, which has already become a public phenomenon, keeps on these Most Famine.
The same can be said about the silence and rockozuba. The main goal of their life is a career, position in society and everything connected with it. They are accustomed to the "light" bread, which is achieved by listening to higher. They love the beautiful life, which is rewarded for low-stylism, foam. For example, Milec Alin lives according to the principle:
First, to please all people without emissions - the owner, where I will bring to live, the boss, with whom I will serve, the servant of him, who cleans the dresses, to the Swiss, the janitor, the dlah avoiding evil, the dog of the janitor, so that Laskov was. In the face of Molchalin Griboedov created an expressive generalized image of a cynic, devoid of moral values, which will be able to walk to the "degrees of famous". This hero relates "moderation and accuracy" to its advantages, the ability to keep silent when they are scorn.
As for the colonel of the scalosis, then in him Griboedov recreated the type of stupid, narcissistic and ignorant hero of the parade exercises, an old opponent of the whole new. This "haircut, an extravaglist, Fagot, the constellation of maneuvers and Mazurki" chasing the ranks, orders and a rich bride.
In my opinion, it's scary when there are people like Mizolov, Solvelin, scalosub in society. Due to the fact that silence are silent, innocent people suffer, although the truth is on their side. These heroes of Griboedov make up that layer of society, which is always sorry to the authority, whatever it is. It is such people who serve as a support in the anti-democratic state, which is convincing the history of our country.
Therefore, we can talk about the relevance for today's heroes today as Chatsky. In it, the writer embodied many qualities of an advanced man of his era. In his beliefs, he is close to the Decembrists. He negatively belongs to the fastened right, the cruelty of landowners, careerism, sinovation, ignorance, to the ideals of the "century past". Chatsky proclaims humanity, respect for a simple person, service, and not to persons, freedom of thought. He argues the progressive ideas of modernity, the prosperity of science and art, respect for the national language and culture, to enlighten.
The convictions of the hero are revealed in his monologues and disputes with representatives of the Phamp-Council of Moscow. His rejection of serfdom sounds in the memoirs of the fortress theater, about the "Nestor of the villain of noble", which exchanged their faithful servants on three greyhound dogs. After hearing the enthusiastic story of Famusov about Maksim Petrovic, Chatsky talks with contempt about people who "not in war, and in the world they took her forehead, they knocked on the floor, did not regret," those whose neck was happening more often. "
He despises people ready
In patrons yawning on the ceiling,
To be silent, coming, dine.
He does not accept the "age of the past": "Direct was a century of humility and fear." He approves those young people who are not in a hurry to "fit into the shelter."
Is he rising from alien mod?
So, vigorous our people
Although I did not consider us a language for the Germans.
Chatsky protects the human right to freely choose his own classes: to travel, live in the village, "to use the mind" in science or devote yourself to "art creative and beautiful." Chatsky seeks to "serve", and not "to serve", and serve the "case", and not "persons".
Chatsky is an advanced man of his time. It should be noted that this character Griboedov is very realistic, he lives in the present, and his views are directed far to the future. Such people can be found in every era, and especially at the junction of the "century of the past" and "century of the present". On this occasion, I.A.Gongcharov, in his article, "Millon Torzani" wrote: "With sharp transitions from one century to another - Cartski live and are not translated in society, repeating at every step, in every house, where the old roof is getting around With the young, where two centuries converge face to face in the flavors of families - everything lasts the struggle of fresh with the suspended, patient with healthy ... "
We see that Chatsky is an extraordinary person. He, unlike the rest of the heroes of the comedy, openly expresses his thoughts, does not hide anything. This person speaks directly about what contradicts his views on life that he does not accept. Nowadays, such as Chatsky, is called "white corners", as they are not like everyone else. Chatsky stands out by its pronounced personality. That is why he does not fit into the Famow-Society, which does not understand him and does not even try to understand. On the contrary, he is recognized as crazy:
You are crazy),. She seems to her!
No wonder? It became ... Why would she take!
Goncharov in his article "Millon Torzani" wrote about "grief from the mind," - that it "everything lives with its unthill life, will survive and a lot of era and everything will not lose their vitality." I fully share his opinion. After all, the writer drew a real picture of the morals, created living characters. So living that they lived to our times. It seems to me that this is the secret of the immortality of the comedy A. S. Griboyedov. After all, our Famuses, silence, the scaloves still make the modern Chatsky to experience the grief from the mind.

"The immortal comedy" grief from the mind. "

Goal (literature lesson): consolidate knowledge of students about life and work; To show the importance of the comedy "grief from the mind" in the history of Russian literature on the material of the memoirs of contemporaries and literary-critical articles.

During the classes.

His handwritten comedy "grief from the mind" produced

indescribable action and suddenly put it with the first

our poets.

The name opens one of the most brilliant pages in the history of Russian literature. The brilliant poet and a deep thinker, Griboedov left an indelible mark in the development of our national culture. The paradox is that Griboedov, with all the brilliance of artistic dating, created only one truly great work, immortal. The value and influence of such works goes far beyond the historical era. We still admire the artistic perfection of the "grief from the mind", the brilliance of Griboedovsky, the bright image of life and morals, the realism of images.

The fate of Griboyedov is tragic, beautiful and mysterious. It is unknown, in which year he was born, and the poet died under mysterious circumstances.

Lecture with interview elements.

1. Griboedov was born in Moscow, in a secured, informant family. The surrounding struggling is unusually early and rapid mental development. He received a wonderful home education, continued his studies at the Moscow Noble Guesthouse. In 1806 he entered Moscow University. Two years later he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and continued his studies at the law faculty. In 1810, he finishes training, but does not leave the university, but enters the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences. The war of 1812 prevented the third faculty to complete the third faculty, as well as pass the exams to receive a scientific degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences.

Griboedov voluntarily arrived in the Moscow Gusar Regiment, then was translated into the Irkutsk regiment. In hostilities, he did not have to participate, since both regiments were in reserve . (On the computer monitor, students see the portrait of Griboedov in the hussar form).

In 1816, Alexander leaves military service and is defined in the Foreign Affairs College. Griboedov was a very educated person. He owned several European languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Italian), studied the ancient and eastern languages \u200b\u200b(knew the Persian, Arabic, Turkish, taught Sanskrit), he read a lot (he knew Goethe, Schiller, Shakespeare in the original), was engaged in music ( Our favorite composers were Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Weber, etc.), but not only was an expert on musical works, but also composed. 2 Waltz Griboyedov reached us. One of these waltz I suggest your attention.

In 1817, Griboedov participates in the duel of the "four" as a Secundant. After that, heavily experienced the event, he feels the need to say goodbye to Petersburg and "idle scattered." He was suggested to go on the diplomatic service to the United States of North America or to Persia. He chose Persia.

The appointed secretary of the newly formed Russian mission at the court of Shah Persia, Griboedov goes to the far path to the East, where he was destined to spend his best years. "The secretary of the Mission" - so Griboedov himself dubbed himself. It was in Persia that the final idea of \u200b\u200bthe "grief from the mind" was ripe.

And now let's talk about the history of the creation of "grief from the mind."

(Students tell about the history of the creation of "grief from the mind" on preliminary home preparation.)

Comedy was completed in the fall 1834.

Griboedov really wanted to see the comedy in the press and on stage, but a censored ban was imposed on it. The only thing that managed to do after long hassle is to print excerpts with censorship edits. However, the comedy reached the reading Russia in the form of "lists". The success was awesome: "Thunder, noise, admiration, no curiosity" (from the letter).

Only after the death of the author, the comedy appeared on a professional scene. The first separate edition of the "grief from the mind" was published in Moscow in 1833 (with censored bills). The initial name of the comedy it was "Mount the mind"Then the author changes it, because the truss of the grief cannot cause it, but from the mind of Mount to be very can even.

Griboedov was an outstanding diplomat, could bring a huge benefit to the state, but all his subsequent wishes and plans were not approved by the government of Nikolai I. Griboedov was a civil service, assured his friends what was born for another field, but it was forced to serve, stubborn in the "political link ".

In 1828, Griboedov married Georgian, Princess Nina Chavchavadze. But he is forced to go to Persia again and keep difficult negotiations, join political disputes, conflicts. The death of Griboyedov was the result of a well-thought-out and carefully developed plan, although the Persian government assured that a ridiculous accident occurred, a misunderstanding (just!). And the Russian government, in turn, did nothing to restore the truth.

On January 30, 1829, a huge crowd, armed than hit, incited by religious fanatics, attacked the house engaged in the Russian embassy. It is said that Griboedov learned about the possibility of an attack, but not in his rules to retreat before the dangers, he proudly answered the informants that no one would dare to raise his hand on the ambassador. A small detachment of convoy Cossacks, officials of the embassy and the ambassador himself defended heroically. But the forces were too equal. All Russian Embassy - 37 people - was confused. According to some versions, the disfigured corpse of Griboedov's crowd of killers for 3 days dragged through the streets of Tehran. Then he was thrown into pit. When the Russian government at the insistence of Griboedov's insistence demanded the issuance of the body of the ambassador, they said, he managed to identify only on the hand of his hand, at one time she was shot on a duel. Nicholas I for the murder of Griboedov favorably accepted apologies and the gift of Iranian Shah is a huge diamond. "I betray the eternal obligations of the ill-fated Tehran business," the Russian emperor said.

The murder of a Great Power diplomat threatened with serious complications, and a special delegation was sent to Petersburg, which was headed by Prince Hosrev-Mirza.

Among the gifts were not only diamond<Шах>But also two Kashmir carpet, a pearl necklace, twenty-old manuscripts, sabers and other precious things, according to Persian Shaha, had to soften the heart of the Russian king. In response to Vitivatu Speech, the Mirza, the Russian emperor as if said only seven words\u003e:<Я предаю вечному забвению злополучное тегеранское происшествие>.

The task:Make a complex offer from word data, determine its appearance.

1 part : Work, originally, this is, author, name.

Part 2: role, since, comedy, very, significant, "grief from the mind", literature, in, Russian, history.

(Answer: This work did reasonably the name of the author, since the role of the comedy "grief from the mind" is very significant in the history of Russian literature...)

What is the type of this offer? Why do we call this type of suggestion? What words help determine the place of the apparent offer in relation to the main? (Unions, Union words)

The history of the creation of a comedy "grief from the mind."

Message about the meaning of Griboedov ()

Sleep Griboyedov

In 1820, in the distant Tivriz, Griboedov was dreamed of Petersburg, the house of Prince, a friend, playwright and theatrical figure. In this house, the favorite guests of Prince - Griboedov, Pushkin, Katrenin gathered every night. In each letter to St. Petersburg, Griboedov had always passed the pokes of the Miley Prince Shakhovsky, listened to his opinion and treated them.

In a dream, Griboedov saw himself next to the prince, heard his voice. Shakhovsky is prettring, whether Griboedov wrote something new. In response to the recognition that long ago there is no hunting for a letter, it begins to annoy, and then, as once, goes into the offensive:

Give me a promise that you will write.

What do you want?

You know.

When should I be ready?

In a year certainly. We assign.

A year later, let the oath give ...

Waking up, Griboedov will swear: "In a dream, it is given, revealing ...".

And he kept the word, however, with some delay: not in a year, but after four. In 1924, he brought to St. Petersburg "Mount from Wit" and read Shakhovsky.

Message about the process of working on comedy.

1. I remembered: "Griboedov wrote" grief from the mind "with me, at least, I read every separate phenomenon immediately after it was written."

Since Griboedov said Wilhelm, confused:

In the meeting, it is too early to go, I want to honor you from your new comedy. My comedy is "grief from the mind", the comedy is characteristic. I have our hero, from me a little, more from you. Imagine, he returns how you now, from other marriage, he was changed, well, with whom, well, the imaging of Pokhiviyev ... neat, helpful and together the prestant rubbish - so ...

But this is not the case. Characters - this is the main thing. Portraits are part of the comedy and tragedy. I will collide the hero with opposite characters, I will give a whole gallery of portraits, let him live on the theater.

Wilhelm was sitting as chained. His cheeks burned ... Griboedov read calm and confident, easy gesture accompanying poems.

How? - he asked.

Wilhelm rushed to hugging him, touched, with a confused look.

Griboedov was pleased. He walked over to the piano and began to play something. Then he shot glasses and wiped her eyes. ()

2. Griboedov, who finished comedy in 1824, attached a lot of effort to print it, but he could not. He did not achieve permission to produce the "grief from the mind" on stage: censorship considered the comedy of Griboyedov politically dangerous and banned it. During the lifetime of the author in Almanac, the Russian Waist in 1824 there were small excerpts from the comedy, and even that in a highly modified form. But this did not prevent its wide fame. The comedy diverged in the lists, read it, discussed, wrote off the text under dictation. The number of handwritten copies many times exceeded the greatest colors of the then print editions.

Only in 1831, after the death of Griboyedov, the comedy was resolved to the press, although, too, with seizure of the text of those places that were recognized in censorship especially "unrealized". In the same year, the comedy was put on the scenes of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Only in 1862 the royal government had finally allowed to publish Griboyedov's comedy. ()

3. "The grief from the mind" entered the treasury of our national culture and did not lose its social, moral and artistic strength. This work did the author's name. She affected the most important issues of modernity: about the serfdom, about enlightenment and upbringing, civil debt and service, about national culture, about the slave imitation of everything foreign.

The comedy made a big impression on contemporaries and no less strongly affected and later - up to our time. She admired and, Decembrist and. Gogol put the name of the author "grief from the mind" next to the names of Pushkin and Lermontov, highly appreciated the artistic and historical significance of the types of comedy. ()

V. Independent work

2. Tasks. Correct speech and punctuation shortcomings. Make out of the proposed proposals one complex, build its scheme.

Writers - Decembrists and their like-minded people wrote. "Mount from the mind" is a classic work. "Woe from the mind" is a living picture of Moscow morals. Chatsky is a person who is truly loving his homeland. The comedy is written by a living Russian language close to folk speech.

VIII. Homework:

disposition in the notebook a quotation characteristic of Chatsky.

Independent work

1 .. Tasks. Read passages. Arrange the punctuation marks. Build the proposals schemes.

The comedy affected the most important issues of modernity about the serfdom about the enlightenment and education about civil debt and the service of national culture about the slave imitation of everything foreign.

2. Tasks. Correct speech and punctuation shortcomings. Make out of the proposed proposals one complex, build its scheme.

3. Rearrangements with a direct speech in complex deposits, build their schemes.

"I don't say about verses; Half must be included in the proverb, "said confidence.

Independent work

1. Read excerpts. Arrange the punctuation marks. Build the proposals schemes.

The comedy affected the most important issues of modernity about the serfdom about the enlightenment and education about civil debt and the service of national culture about the slave imitation of everything foreign.

2. Correct speech and punctuation shortcomings. Make out of the proposed proposals one complex, build its scheme.

Writers - Decembrists and their like-minded people wrote. "Mount from the mind" is a classic work. "Woe from the mind" is a living picture of Moscow morals. Chatsky is a person who is truly loving his homeland. The comedy is written by a living Russian language close to folk speech.

3. Rearrangements with a direct speech in complex deposits, build their schemes.

"I don't say about verses; Half must be included in the proverb, "said confidence.

Slap or scary of Molchanin? (by comedy A.S.Griboyedov "Mount from the mind")
The comedy "Woe from Wit" A.S. Gribredova made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature. The writer showed it a true picture of Russian life after the Patriotic War of 1812. The play is set up the most burning issues of then pores: the position of the Russian people, serfdom, the relationship between landlords and peasants, autocratic power and the insane wasting of the nobles. In the "grief from the mind" reflects the struggle of two irreconcilable ideological positions: progressive and reaction. The representative of the latter and is Molchanin.
Molchanin and Chatsky. Two opposites in Comedy Griboyedov. Next to the ardent Chatsky, a passionate fighter and a fierce accusable, alleyless mileyllin is completely unmarked. Therefore, probably, he is given not so much attention. But for inexpressive appearance and gray thinking, a whole life philosophy is hidden, very alive and persistent.
We think that it is a silence? Sympathy or condemnation is worthy?

At first we get acquainted with him thanks to the characteristics that are given to him by other characters play. Satisfied with them by Magovadov, who presented a robust, but a faithful assistant to fulfill his simple duties. Loving Sophia notes that he
Compliant, modest, quiet,
In the face either the shadow of anxiety
And no actions in the soul.
Yes, and Molchanin himself says that moderation and accuracy are their main talents. And only once, Sophia is regretted:
Of course, there is no this mind in it ... -
Having, probably, in mind the brilliant and sharp mind of Chatsky. But how a heroine was wrong! The smart, very smart, imperceptible silell, but prefers to hide it before time. After all, it is much more profitable to wear a mask, seeking such how they want to see those surrounding: gently submissive with Sofia, with the Famine-devotee, falsely-humble with Chatsky, familiar with Lizonka. It seems that only with the maid, he is completely sincere, revealing his life position:
I won my father:
First, please wither all people without rewritten;
The owner where will bring to live
Head, who I will serve with
A servant him that cleans the dress
To the Swiss, janitor, in the evil evil,
Dog janitor, so that Laskov was.
What is the pride and self-esteem, such as Molchanin? Humanity is the main thing in his philosophy. But all his behavior indicates that he is deeper than the characteristics given to themselves.
He is finding and careful: tries to hide from an extraneous relationship with the Master's daughter, and unexpectedly met Famousov in a spontaneous time near the Room of Sophia, not lost and instantly comes up with a plausible explanation. The conversation with Chatsky shows that Molchanin does not put a smart guest in anything. Humbly starting the conversation, Molchanin will soon go to the offensive: he asks questions, condemns, advises.
Love uses silence as a means for his career, he is not only not in love, he is not even passionate about Sofia. Frankly and unless he says:
Let's go love to divide the crying our crawl ...
And later on the lysine, the question of a possible wedding is responsible:
Hopes a lot ahead
We have time without a wedding.
All his mind, cunning and quietness are designed to serve one goal: well, gently, sweet to settle in life. And only a catastrophe occurring at the end of the play prevents its plans to implement it. After the scene in the Seine, Molchanin cannot remain the same: the mask is drunk, and everyone saw his true face. But too convenient was the former silelline for everyone, even for sofa. And the Chatsky right comes true:
You will make it up with him, according to the sober thinking.
So, the defeat of silence, in all likelihood, temporary. It is forgive. And the achievement of life goal will be even tempting.
Molchanin - Opponent Chatskomu. But as faithfully managed to foresee Griboedov in these images, two ways, according to which people will go after the end of the war with the French: Cartsk will always choose the struggle and open battle, silence - humility and peace.
There was no one to regret: not a pitiful, and cunning, smart and scary srololine before us. So the literary hero was the first to pace the way for which a huge mass of really existing adaptors, patiently deprived of interest in public life, unprincipled and indifferent. Nothing interests them, except for her own little well-being. And, looking around around, you can see a lot of modern silent.

Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" was written in 1822-1824. But so far this work does not come down from the scenes of all theaters of Russia, the winged expressions from it are in the convenience of Russian people, and the heroes of this work became largely nominated. What is the reason for such popularity and "youth" of this comedy?

I think the main reason is that "grief from the mind" considers one of the "eternal themes" of literature, causing humanity over the past centuries. This is the problem of "fathers and children", the relationship of new and old, progressive and conservative. In addition, the values \u200b\u200bthat preach the main character of the comedy - Chatsky - also eternal. They are relevant at all times, for all nations, for all countries.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is filled with sublime ideas. It protests against old orders, which existed then not only in Moscow, but in all of Russia. Chatsky struggles for "new" laws: freedom, mind, culture, patriotism.

Arriving in the house of Famusov, Chatsky dreams of a daughter of this rich Barin - Sofa. He is in love with the girl and hopes that Sophia loves him. But in the house of his father's father, hero is waiting for some disappointments and blows. First, it turns out that the daughter of Famusov loves the other. Secondly, that all the Moscow Surroundings are strangers for the hero. He can't agree with their views on life.

One of the most significant scenes in the comedy is Chatsky's conversation with Magazov. On the teachings of the old man about how to live, the hero is responsible for the famous phrase: "It would be glad to serve it sick." For Famusov and his friends, the most important thing in life is Chin, official position. They are absolutely anyway, for which a person receives a position: for real cases, useful actions for society or for falsehood and serving. Pharmuses give a vivid example of how to "serve", represented by the Universal Moscow Maxim Petrovich:

When it is necessary to refuel

And he bent forward:

In Kurtage, he happened to obstruct;

Fell, so that a little nape is not puzzled;

Was heavily granted a smile.

Chatkoma Such a humiliation and subdimition seems impossible, the mind is incomprehensible. He is confident that in his time everything has changed:

No, now the light is not so.

Easy to breathe

And it is not hurry to fit into the shelter.

All this hero speaks in such a heat that he does not notice how Magizov has not been listening to him for a long time. He just shut up his ears. This is best illustrating the position of Chatsky in the modern society. The arguments of these people simply do not listen, as they cannot argue.

Chatsky believes that education is necessary to every person. Hero himself spent a long time abroad, got a good education. The old society led by Famowov believes that the scholarship is the reason for all the troubles. From education, a person can even go crazy. Therefore, so easily, the Famusov society believes hearing about the hero's madness at the end of the comedy.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky - Patriot of Russia. He saw on the ball in the house of Famusov, as all guests are filled in front of the "French from Bordeaux" just for the foreigner. At the hero, this caused a wave of indignation. He fights for all Russian in the Russian country. Chatsky dreams for people to be proud of their deception, spoke Russian.

In addition, the hero is an ardent supporter of the cancellation of serfdom. He can't understand how in his country some people can own others. Alexander Andreevich does not accept slavery with all his soul.

In short, Chatsky wants to change life, live better, more honest, just. His struggle is difficult and stubborn, but the victory of the new is inevitable. The words of Chatsky will be separated, will repeat everywhere and produce their storm. They are already of great importance among the "new", progressive people.

The authority of Chatsky was known and before, he already has like-minded people. Scalozub complains that his brother left the service, without waiting for the rank, and became the book to read. One of the Moscow Stars complains that her nephew, Prince Fedor, is engaged in Chemistry and Botanica.

Chatsky began split. Let him disappointed in his personal expectations and did not find the "charms of meetings". After all, in fact, Sophia betrayed him, putting his rumor about the madness of the hero. At the end of the play, Chatsky learns about Sophia's novel with silent. Chatsky is defeated, injured in the heart. His opponent is an insignificant silella?! Not finding an understanding and having received a double blow - the crash of personal and public hopes - the hero runs from Moscow. But but he managed to "splash himself on the dried soil of live water."

Thus, the comedy Griboedov proclaims progressive and humanistic ideas and thoughts. She decides the question of "fathers and children", who has learned and coming to shift. In addition, a love collision is being developed in the "grief from the mind".

This work has undoubted artistic advantages. Yaps, tags and shaped comedy language, phrases of which went to the winged phrases. Therefore, we, no doubt, we can say that "grief from the mind", his heroes, and the author himself will never be made up, but they will be more relevant and in demand.

The brilliant play is dedicated to life and the nruhm of the noble society. And in the center of the story - a person, the worldview of which is significantly different from the system of views of those who surround it. Writing on the topic "Griboedov. "Mount from the mind" "Schoolchildren write from year to year. The moral and artistic force of the comedy will never lose, and therefore it is one of those great works that should not only read, but also analyze.

History of writing

Piece Griboedov "Woe from Wit" was created for about three years. In 1822, the work was completed. However, it was published only after seventeen years and in distorted form. Censored edits significantly changed the author's text. In the original form of the play was published much later.

Submit Russian literature without this work is quite difficult. The unsurpassed essay of "grief from the mind", the images of which personify the defects of the capital society, also transmits the opposition spirit, which covered the most advanced representatives of the nobility.


Acute socio-political problems affects the comedy "grief from the mind." The essay on one of the following software involves the study of the artistic conflict. And here he is not alone. At the beginning of the work, a certain love conflict is tied. Then the author of the comedy raises socio-political issues. On the one hand, a progressive thinking young man. On the other - representatives of the reaction nobility. Their time leaves, but there is still no advanced ideas in this society. The collision of two foreign social worlds is traditionally devoted to the themes of writings.

"Mount from the mind" is a work possessing an open finale. Who has won? Chatsky? Or silent and migraousov? Does not give a clear answer to these questions comedy "Mount from Wit". An essay of the tragically dead diplomat and playwright is almost two centuries for almost two centuries for deep philosophical reflections.


The name of the comedy speaks of the misfortune of the main character. The problem of Chatsky is that he is a smart. Here, however, the mind is rather synonymous to the word "free-rode".

The author makes it clear to the reader that all his characters, with the exception of Chatsky, stupid. But each of them does not know about it, believing herself clever, and the madman who does not want to share his views. Writing on the topic "Griboedov. "Woe from Wit" "can disclose the question of the meaningfulness of such a thing as the mind. After all, Famuses and Molchanin believe that it is nothing but the ability to adapt and extract mercantile benefits. It is a peculiar image of thoughts and a lifeguard that reign in Moscow society, which reigns in Moscow society, and modern Griboedov.

Two hundred years later, little has changed in the worldview of people. Therefore, an essay on the theme "Griboedov. "Mount from the mind" "can answer such questions as" what is the modern comedy of the Russian classic? "," What is its relevance? "

The image of Chatsky

In Russian literature, this hero takes a special place. The work is present at the Decembrist Spirit, so relevant for that time. The author pays attention to national historical, social and political issues.

But if you close your eyes to events, in the atmosphere of which a brilliant play was created, and to see in the image system only characteristic psychological types, invariably present in society, the question will arise: "Is it capable of providing a sympathy today?". Hardly. He is witty and smart, independent in his judgments and sincerely. However, he is now before those who Corpel in school years over the textbooks of literature, creating an essay on the topic "Griboedov. "Woe from the mind", "he would not understand. He would only see a losticated Magazovsky view.

Artistic peculiarity

Griboedov combined in its work the feature of the dieting classicism and the new one for the period of the literary direction - realism. Does not deprive the play also romantic features.

The author does not ignore the obligatory principles of classicism. The storyline in the work is only one, and all actions occur in one place. The author endowed his characters by speaking surnames, which is typical for creativity but the romantic exclusivity of the Chatsky is unusual for this literary direction. And finally, the comedy has historical accuracy, which is a sign of realism.

The school program offers various essay themes. "Woe from Wit" is unique in artistic work. Literary techniques that are used in it, in work on the creative task should not be ignored. This play is written in a turning point in the history of Russian literature. And therefore combines such different artistic forms.

Griboedov A. S.

Writing on the work on the topic: System of characters in Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

The comedy "grief from the mind" is the greatest work of Russian literature. It has extremely important issues of the era that has come after the war of 1812, - the time of birth and deployment of the Decembrist movement in the country.

The specificity of the conflict, genre peculiarity, the features of the language and comedy style are used by the author to achieve the main goal - to show the struggle of two epochs of Russian life - the "century of the current" and "century past". Griboedov is an innovator of his time. Departing from the canons of classicism, it exceeds the permissible number of actors. In addition, a large number of insignificant characters are introduced into the comedy, the number of which exceeds the stage, which is also an innovation for the classic work.

All images in the comedy we can divide into three groups: the main characters - they participate in the personal conflict (Sophia, silent, Chatsky, Famuses and Lisa), minor and extraimatic. The second group includes guests of the Famus dance evening. The third includes all the insignificant characters, which we learn from the dialogues of the acting persons on the scene.

Such a system of characters is not accidental. The main characters are presented to us close-up, minor complement them, helping the most profound disclosure of images, well, the shaped characters expand the spatial and time frame of the play. "The grief from the mind" is a comedy realistic, respectively, all the actors are the embodiment of typical features of typical characters in typical circumstances.

Such heroes can be divided into two large camps - representatives of the "century past" and representatives of the "century of the present".

The first and most striking representative of the "century of the past" is Famuses. Barin-serpent, "like all Moscow", dreaming to get a son-in-law "with the stars yes with the ranks." Service for Famousov, as well as for all representatives of the noble Moscow, is only a means of promotion on the service staircase. He adheres to the custom - "signed, so with the shoulders of a share."

Famuses do not want to take anything new. Old customs and orders arrange all the patriarchal society, and any changes can lead to the loss of their social and material well-being. Therefore, it is not surprising that Pavel Afanasyevich is an ardent opponent of any teachings, professors of the Pedagogical Institute, which "exercise in split and peccurs." "To pick up all the books would he burn," he says. Like the whole Griboedovskaya Moscow, Famuses leads a celebrating lifestyle, "blooms in feasts and mothers": "On Tuesday, I'm on the trout", "on Thursday I'm called for the burial," and on Friday or Saturday, "doctors to baptize" Which "according to his calculation" "should give birth" - this is how the week passes Pavl Afanasyevich. On the one hand, Famuses, like all heroes, is typical, but, on the other hand, it is individual. Here, Griboedov has no strict division on positive and negative heroes, as was during classicism. Famusov is not only a barin-serpent, oppressing his peasants, but also a loving father, the owner of the house, flirting with his maid.

His daughter Sophia is allocated among other persons. Employed with reading French novels, she represents their heroine. Because of her speech, there are many psychological motives ("I am ashamed of the walls", "reproaches, complaints, my tears will not dare to expect, do not stand them"). Possessing the powerful character and practical mind, Sophia in the future will be the same as Natalia Dmitrievna, waking up with his "boy-boy, a husband-serving." There are no gallicalism girls in the speech. She brought up with Chatsky. Sophia boldly expresses his opinion: "Who wants - I love," and at the same time it does not care that "the princess of Marya Alekshna will say." That is why she gives her preference to silence. Sophia understands that he will become the "ideal of Moscow all husbands," will be grateful to the coffin for raising him to his level, introduced into society.

Silent-Jyrian representative of the Famow Society. He serves in the House of Famusov for three years, "Archives", already "three awards received". In herself, he appreciates two qualities, "two talent" - "moderation and accuracy", I am sure that "in his summer should not be mixed up to have", that "it is necessary to depend on others."

The purpose of his life is to be at the right time in the right place, and most importantly - follow the covenants of the Father: "please all people without withdrawing." He is not a few, uses in his speech the Zhemanel Light, which not only corresponds to his lifestyle, but also his names - "Molchanin". Every word and step is thought out. He skillfully pretended to the lover of his owner's daughter, although he himself nourishes sympathy for the servant Lisa ("her position, you.").

The main hero of the comedy representing the "century of the current" is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, formed, smart. A clear and sharp mind argue that he is not just a smart person, but also "free-refumen." He is a hero-lover and the main resonant at the same time. And if in the love of Chatsky tolerates a complete failure, then he performs his socio-accurate mission. Being the main spokeeller of the Decembrist ideas in the comedy, the hero in his angry speeches exposes ignorance, cunning, rigidity and the fastener basis of the Famus society.

Lisa, a smart girl, a smart girl playing an important role. On the one hand, she subrete (the traditional role of classicism) helps their mistress to arrange love dates. In addition, Liz "A - the second resonant on stage. It gives a taking characteristics of heroes:" Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and Oster, like Alexander Andreich Chatsky "," like all Moscow, your father, such: wish the son-in-law he with the stars would wish Yes, with the ranks, "", and, as his khokhol, turns, will tell, fainting, will add a hundred sticks. "

Secondary characters are represented in the third actions of the comedy on a dance evening at Famusov. They complement the picture of Moscow Baria.

A bright example of the military and arakcheevshchina is a colonel of rockozub, in the form of which military careerism and passion for Mutrod are observed. Limited and coarse, he enjoys respect in society, because he "and a golden bag, and marks to the generals." Its speech, like all the heroes, author-sized. Scalozub speaks one-room and incoherent proposals, often builds the wrong phrases: "I am conscable, like an honest officer!" And Sofya says that "he did not speak the words smart."

Next, we appear the whole gallery of representatives of Moscow Baria. It's a bitch with a typical noble family, where "the husband is a boy, a husband - servant," and the powerful self-love wife, playing the role of a guardian: "Yes, go away from the door, through the wind blowing behind." Even in the recent past, Platon Mikhailovich "rushed on a borocery stallion," and now suffers from "retaulicism and headaches", "noise camp, comrades and brothers" are replaced by a different occupation: "On the flute I'm staring the duet a-mole."

This is the prince of Toguhovsky with his wife and six daughters, which travels around the balls in search of grooms. This is the Countess of Hernikov: Grandmother's granddaughter - Old Virgo, forever everyone is dissatisfied, and her grandmother, who does not see anything and does not hear, but entertaining evenings attends.

This and the "fraudster, Ploot" Zagoretsky, who found "protection against court" in the best houses of Moscow. These are the Lord N. and O., who are needed only to spread gossip about Chatsky's madness, and repetitives - a pathetic parody of representatives of the secret society. All of them embody such a thing as "Famovskaya Moscow".

Finally, in the comedy there is a large number of insignificant characters, the number of which exceeds the number of scenic, which is a violation of the canons of classicism. The role of these characters is great: they expand both temporary and spatial frames of the comedy. It was thanks to them that Griboedov managed to cover the period of time from Empress Catherine II before the beginning of the Board of Nicholas I. Without the insignificant characters, the picture would not be so complete. Like all scenic, they can be divided into two opposing camps - on the "age of the past" and "current state". From the dialogues, Replica we learn about the "Nestor of National Rawnivors", who endured their loyal servants "On Borzy Three Dogs", about the balletoman landowner, "not agreeing with the debtors for a delay", as a result of which "Marshmallows and Amours are all sold out,", About the sister of the whip praskovier, for which Zagoretsky "Two Arapchenkov took out at the fair" and about many others.

We also learn about their attitude to the service, their operability and sinovation. This and Maxim Petrovich, who, if necessary, "bended backward", and Kuzma Petrovich, who "was a venerable chamber, with the key, and the key knew how to deliver the key; I am rich in my rich was married, "and Thomas Fomich, who" at the three ministers was the head of the department, "and the father was silent-on, who won the son to" please all people without risen ", and others.

The favorite occupation of Moscow ladies are gossip. So, Tatyana Yurevna, who "from St. Petersburg returns," told about the "connection with the Ministers" of Chatsky.

Many foreigners who went to Russia with fear and tears, but because of the ignorance of the Moscow society, they found that "caress there is no end." This is Madame Réye, and a Frenchman from Bordeaux, and a dancer Gilome, who, thanks to their foreign origin, enjoyed great respect.

Also, representatives of the secret society, which tells reheetles also belong to the "Aveterpecus". All this is only a pathetic parody of the Decembrist meetings. Engoman Prince Gregory, an amateur of the Italian opera Vorkulov Evdokim, "Wonderful guys" Leva and Boryt, the genius-writer Udushyev Ippolit Markelich, and their Chairman "Night Robber, Duelist" - those who claim to the role of advanced people of their time.

But there are representatives of the "century of the present". This is a professor of the pedagogical institute that "exercises in splits and peccurs", and a cousin of the Scalozub, who "service suddenly left, in the village of Books began to read," and the nephew of Princess Togukhovskaya Fedor, who is engaged in Chemistry and Botanica, and all the advanced youth, On behalf of which the Chatsky acts in his monologue "And the judges who?"

And although there are many actors in the play, but there is nothing superfluous in it: not a single hero, scene, in vain said words, not a single unnecessary stroke. The main actors in the comedy are made close-up, the minor complement the picture, and the shaped characters expand its temporary and spatial boundaries. Such a system of images is aimed at disclosing the main conflict of the play.
Griboedov / Goreotuma194.

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The famous Russian writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov said the wonderful words about the work of "grief from the mind" - "There would be no comedy without Chatsky, there would be a picture of morals." And it seems to me that this is a writer right. It is the image of the main character of the comedy Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich "Mount from Wit" is determining the conflict of the whole story. Such people like Chatsky - always turned out to be incomprehensible society, they carried progressive ideas and views to society, but the conservative society did not understand them.

Repeatedly various literary critics noted that in the words of the main hero of the comedy Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" repeatedly sounded motives that were close to the Decembrists. This is the motives of freedom, the spirit of liberty, which in a few years will feel all the participants of the December uprising. The main theme of the work is freedom of man, personality from all sorts of prejudices of society. Chatsky and such people dream about the development of society, science, they strive for high and sincere love. This progressive youth wants the world to celebrate justice, all people were equal to each other and are free.

First of all, I want to work for the benefit of the Motherland, to serve great deeds, and not to people. It is outraged by the fact that many compatriots bow to foreigners, their culture, etc. But he is one. At least in the comedy Griboedov "Mount from the mind", Chatsky does not have friends who would share his views. On the contrary, there are some careerists around him, the envious people who for the sake of their career pleases with the higher ranks. These people are configured against all the best, even education is considered unnecessary, in their opinion, books must be assembled and burned.

It is this conflict - one sensible man of Chatsky - against the entire conservative society, becomes the central conflict in the comedy Griboyedov "Mount from the mind." Naturally, one person, whether it is at least a million times right, nothing to society can not any society. So and Chatsky, he loses conflict. Against the background of these mercenary, evil and stupid people, he looks like a ray of light, but society does not accept it, repels. And a few years later, Herzen will say beautiful words, calling Chatsky - the Decembrist. The way it is. And as well as the Decembrists lost, Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedova is losing the main character of the comedy "Mount Mind".

    • Great Woland said that manuscripts are not burning. The proof of this is the fate of the brilliant comedy Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov "Mount from the mind" - one of the most ambiguous works in the history of Russian literature. The comedy with a political bias, continuing the traditions of such Masters of Satira, like Wings and Fonvizin, quickly became popular and served as a precursor of the coming take-off of Ostrovsky and Gorky. Although the comedy was written back in 1825, but they came out only eight years later, surviving her [...]
    • After reading the comedy A. S. Griboedov "Mount from the mind" and articles of critics about this play, I also thought about: "What is he, Chatsky"? The first impression of the hero that he is perfection: smart, kind, cheerful, wounded, passionately loved, faithful, sensitive, who knows the answers to all questions. He for seven hundred luxurious rushes to Moscow to meet with Sofia after a three-year separation. But such an opinion arose after the first reading. When we disassembled a comedy in the literature lessons and read the opinion of different critics about [...]
    • The name of the comedy "grief from the mind" is significant. For enlighteners, convinced of the omnipotence of knowledge, the mind is synonymous with happiness. But serious tests have fallen into all the epochs. New advanced ideas are not always accepted by society, and the carriers of these ideas are often declared crazy. It is not by chance that Griboedov also draws to the theme of the mind. His comedy is a story about the advanced ideas and reactions of society on them. At first, the name of the play "Mount Maew", which the writer will then replace on the "grief from the mind." Yet […]
    • The name of any work is the key to his understanding, since it almost always contains an indication - direct or indirect - on the main idea, which is based on the creation, a number of problems comprehended by the author. The name of the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" contributes to the conflict of the plays an unusually important category, namely the category of mind. The source of this title, such an unusual name, besides, initially sounded as "Mount the mind," dates back to the Russian proverb, in which the confrontation between smart and [...]
    • Hero Brief description Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov The name "Famuses" comes from the Latin word "Fama", which means "Molva": This Griboedov wanted to emphasize that Mizhsov is afraid of molts, public opinion, but on the other hand, the word "Famuses" is root Latin Words "Famosus" - the famous, famous rich barain-landowner and a major official. He is a famous person in the circle of Moscow nobility. Rooded nobleman: in relationship with noble, Maxim Petrovich, closely familiarized [...]
    • "Public" comedy with the social clash of the "century of the past" and "century of the present" called Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". And it was built so that about the progressive ideas of the transformation of society, the desire for spirituality, only Chatsky speaks about the new morality. In his example, the author shows readers how difficult it is to bring new ideas to the world that are not understood and not accepted by Zakozhnaya in their views. The one who begins to do it is doomed for loneliness. Alexander Andreevich [...]
    • A. A. Chatsky A. S. Molchanin character is a straight-line, sincere young man. Forky temperament often interferes with the hero, deprives the unnecessant judgments. Secretive, cautious, helpful person. The main goal is a career, position in society. The situation in society is a poor Moscow nobleman. Gets a warm welcome in a local society due to origin and old connections. Provincial intention by origin. The rank of college assessor according to the law gives him the right to the nobility. In the light […]
    • In the comedy "Woe from Wit" A. S. Griboedov depicted noble Moscow on the 10-20s of the XIX century. In the society of that time bowed to the uniform and rank, rejected books, enlightenment. About the person was judged not by personal qualities, but by the number of fortress shower. Everyone was striving to imitate Europe and worshiped someone else's fashion, language and culture. For the "century of the past", presented bright and full in the work, is characterized by the power of women, their great influence on the formation of tastes and the views of society. Moscow [...]
    • The famous comedy AS.Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" was created in the first quarter of the XIX century. The literary life of this period was determined by the obvious signs of the crisis of the autocratic-serf system and the ripening of the ideas of noble revolutionism. The process of gradual transition from the ideas of classicism was made, with his addiction to "high genres, to romanticism and realism. One of the bright representatives and ancestor of critical realism and became A.S.Griboyedov. In his comedy" grief from the mind ", successfully combining [... ]
    • Rarely, but still happens in the art that the creator of one "masterpiece" becomes a classic. That is what happened with Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov. His only comedy "grief from the mind" became the national property of Russia. Phrases from the work entered our daily life in the form of proverbs and sayings; We do not even think about who they are put into the light, say: "That's not enough, you note you note" or: "Friend. Is it possible for walking // To choose the shock? " And such winged expressions in comedy [...]
    • Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" consists of a number of small episodes-phenomena. They are combined into larger, such as the description of the Bala in the Famous House. Analyzing this stage episode, we consider it as one of the important stages of the permission of the main drama conflict, which lies in the confrontation of the "century of the present" and the "century of the past". Based on the principles of the writer's attitude to the theater, it is worth noting that A. S. Griboedov represented it in accordance with the traditions [...]
    • Chatsky - Hero Comedy A.S.Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" (1824; In the first edition, writing the name - Chadsky). Probable prototypes of the image - P. Sadayev (1796-1856) and V.K-Kyhehelbecker (1797-1846). The nature of the actions of the hero, his statements and relationships with other people of the comedy give extensive material to disclose the topic declared in the title. Alexander Andreevich Ch. - One of the first romantic heroes of Russian drama, and as a romantic hero he, on the one hand, is categorically not a consecutive plane, [...]
    • The name of the comedy is paradoxically: "grief from the mind." Initially, the comedy was called "Mount Human", from which Griboedov was subsequently refused. To some extent, the title of the play is "flourishing" of the Russian proverb: "Fools happiness." But isn't Chatsky surround alone fools? Look, is there much fools in the play? Famusov recalls his uncle Maxim Petrovich: a sharper look, the temper. When it is necessary to rely, and he bended backward ... ... and? How do you think? In our opinion - it is silent. And himself [...]
    • The comedy "grief from the mind" was created in the early 20s. XIX century The main conflict, on which the comedy is built, is the confrontation of the "century of the current" and "century past". In the literature of that time, the classicism of the era of Catherine is also power. But obsolete canons limited the freedom of playwright in the description of real life, therefore Griboedov, taking as the basis of a classic comedy, neglected (as necessary) by some laws of its construction. Any classic work (drama) had to [...]
    • In the comedy "grief from the mind" Sofya Pavlovna Famusov is the only character conceived and fulfilled, close to Chatsky. Griboedov wrote about her: "The girl herself is not stupid, prefers a fool to a clever man ...". Griboedov refused to farce and satire in the image of Sophia. He introduced the reader a female character of great depths and strength. Sofye "Not lucky" in criticism for quite a long time. Even Pushkin considered the failure of the author the image of the Famusa; "Sophia is nottening unclear." And only in 1878 Goncharov in his article [...]
    • SLOLLLIN - Characteristic features: the desire for a career, hypocrisy, the ability to sympathize with a little climb, the poverty of the lexicon. This is explained by his fear to express his judgment. He speaks mostly short phrases and selects words depending on who he says. There are no foreign words and expressions in the language. Molchanin chooses delicate words, adding adorable "-C." To the Famowov - respectfully, to the chleerstorm - flattering, ingratiatingly, with a sofa - with special modesty, with Liza - it is not shy in expressions. Especially [...]
    • Age characteristics of the current age of the past attitude to wealth, to the ranks "The defense against the court asked friends, in relationship, the magnificent coaster of the Chamber, where they bloom in feasts and motorcycles, and where the clients of foreigners last resurrected to live like", "and those Who is higher, flattery, like a lace spin ... "" Be bad, yes, if you want, the shower of thousands of two birth, that and the groom "attitude to the service" To serve would be happy to serve nauseous "," Mundir! One uniform! He is in their former life [...]
    • At the sight of a rich house, a welcoming owner, elegant guests are unwittingly admire them. I want to know what these people are talking about what they are interested in what is close to them, which is alien. Then you feel that the first impression is replaced by a bewilderment, with contempt for both the house of the house, one of the Moscow "Tuzhov", and to his surround. There are other noble families, the heroes of the war of 1812, the Decembrists, the great masters of culture (and if great people came out of such houses, which we see in the comedy, then not [...]
    • Gallery of human characters, successfully noticed in the comedy "Woe from the mind" is relevant today. At the beginning of the play, the author introduces the reader with two young people, in all opposite to each other: Chatsky and silent. Both characters are presented to us in such a way that there is a deceptive first impression about them. About Molchalin, Secretary Famusov, we judge from the words of Sony, as about the "enemy of audacity" and a person who "for others to forget". Molchanin first appears in front of the reader and in love with Sonya [...]
    • The image of Chatsky caused numerous disputes in criticism. I. A. Goncharov considered the Hero of Griboedov "sincere and hot figure", superior to Onegin and Pechorina. "... Chatsky is not only smarter than all other persons, but also positively smart. Speech boils by mind, witty. He also has a heart, and moreover he is immaculately honest, "the critic wrote. Approximately the same responded about this image of Apollo Grigoriev, who considered the Chatsky with a real fighter, honest, passionate and truthful nature. Finally, such an opinion was adhered to himself [...]