Styopa from home 2 personal life. Stepan Menshchikov - biography, information, personal life

Styopa from home 2 personal life.  Stepan Menshchikov - biography, information, personal life
Styopa from home 2 personal life. Stepan Menshchikov - biography, information, personal life

Member Name:

Age (birthday): 21.05.1977

City: Yekaterinburg, Moscow

Education: Yekaterinburg Theater Institute

Family: married to Evgenia Shamayeva, son Ivan - March 2012, the couple is expecting their second child

Height and weight: 178 cm, 79 kg

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Stepan Menshchikov was born on May 21, 1977 in Yekaterinburg. Like everyone else, he graduated from school in his hometown, but unlike many, while still a schoolboy, he knew who he wanted to become.

Even then, Styopa was distinguished by a restless disposition and excellent acting skills.

Immediately after graduation, Stepan submitted documents to the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute... The guy did not want to stay in his homeland and in 2002 he went to Moscow to try his luck. Before participating in the project, he managed to work as a stripper, realtor, clown and even a head teacher at a school.

In 2004, together with fourteen more "cool" guys, he launched a new, and as it turned out later, the longest reality show in the world.

On the project, Stepan was one of the brightest participants, he came up with contests, staged theatrical performances, played other residents of the perimeter.

Relationships with girls did not work out for him., he expressed his sympathy for Olga Buzova, but she rejected his advances.

When Alena Vodonaeva came to the project, the bright and daring participant said that she liked Stepan. Soon, one of the most spectacular couples in the entire history of television was formed on the project.

Unfortunately for the fans and participants, the couple broke up, but Stepan turned his attention to another recognized beauty -.

Thanks to his acting talent and natural charm, he quickly charmed the girl.

Their relationship was filled with passion and fire, quarrels, showdown and at the same time crazy love. This relationship was exhausting for both participants. and the break was inevitable.

There was also a long-term relationship with, which also ended in the perimeter.

After, Stepan, although he attracted many girls with his image of a womanizer, did not build a serious relationship.

He became the winner of the competition and received the title "Master of the House 2", worked as editor-in-chief of the glossy magazine of the same name.

More and more Stepan came into conflict with himself due to lack of self-realization and decided to leave the project.

Then he returned in 2013, but in a different capacity - a teacher and mentor for young participants.

Stepan Menshchikov is a conflicted person, at house 2 he constantly participated in fights. Viewers will remember that he is one of the most controversial participants in the show.

After the perimeter - Stepan arranged fights on the set.

When Stepan finally left the show, he began to promote his own brand "MC", which stands for "We are happy", he leads celebrity parties, takes part in the tour of the project participants a, recorded an album of his own songs.

He acted as the organizer of the beauty contest "Miss Russia", for girls with curvaceous forms, as opposed to traditional trends in the world of beauty. He also opened his own dating site.

After the project, Stepan took part in the filming of several more TV projects "Hu from Hu" and "Good night guys".

I found my family happiness outside the perimeter of House 2, Evgenia Shamaeva became his chosen one, she gave birth to his son Ivan, and now the couple is expecting the birth of their second child.

The first marriage, which is not really in Russia, took place for the guys in Goa in 2014.

And more recently, in August of this year, they officially signed in the Tverskoy registry office in Moscow.

The couple is expecting a second child, it is already known that it will be a girl.

Photo by Stepan

Menshchikov is a very positive person, uploads photos from various events and travels.

Stepan Menshchikov was born in the spring of 1977 in Yekaterinburg. After graduating from school in 1994, he served in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Ural Military District, then became a student at the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute, the Department of Acting.

In 2002, Stepan Menshchikov moved to Moscow, where in two years he changed several types of activities, among which were the professions of a stripper, clown, realtor and head teacher of the school.

The creative path of Stepan Menshchikov

May 12, 2004 Stepan Menshchikov became one of the first participants in the longest-running reality show on television - "Dom-2".

As part of the television project, he established himself as an actor of the comedy genre, entertaining his colleagues and show hosts. He unequivocally expressed sympathy for one of the brightest participants, Olga Buzova, but the girl did not appreciate him due to the lack of a romantic mood.

Stepan Menshchikov, despite his dubious image and very mediocre appearance, met only with the most spectacular participants in the TV show.

He started his first and most scandalous romance in the history of "House-2" with Alena Vodonaeva. There have always been fights and stormy reconciliations in this pair. After several years of a vivid relationship, love faded away, and Stepan Menshchikov continued to look after the girls. Victoria Bonya was on the list of his sympathies, and soon the union of a wealthy beauty and a simple guy from Yekaterinburg turned into a real misalliance.

“If a person got into“ Dom-2 ”and stayed for a long time, he is not in danger of losing his mind. Because there are no normal people, crazy people go there. Normal people are not accepted into the project. There are all neurasthenics with hypertrophied vanity. Vanity is my favorite vice. This is a federal entertainment channel! I was also chasing fame and money. "

After another stormy breakup Stepan Menshchikov started dating Alexandra Kharitonova... Their acquaintance took place in Thailand and grew into a short romance. Menshchikov even offered the hand and heart of his beloved, but she refused him due to the lack of her own living space outside the perimeter, after which she nevertheless agreed to start life from a new sheet - outside the Dom-2 show.

Stepan Menshchikov left after his beloved girl, but their relationship did not work out, and Alexandra returned to the project again. Stepan himself left Dom-2 forever, having enlisted the support of the "native" TNT channel.

In 2008 Stepan Menshchikov took part in the show "Stars change professions" as a hairdresser, and two years later became a co-host of the project "Hu from Hu" on the TNT channel in tandem with another former member of "House-2" Rustam Solntsev.

He also became the founder and host of the popular Goodnight Guys! on DTV.

Stepan Menshchikov opened his own dating site and dreams of creating a new television show " Bride for an alligator ", within which ordinary girls will get a chance to become life companions of oligarchs and show business stars.

Stepan Menshchikov: “I specifically called the oligarchs alligators so that they would not think too much of themselves. I already have a certain base of wealthy, wealthy men who would like to get married. Now casting is underway, I am selecting beautiful girls for my project! "

In April 2018, Menshchikov announced on social networks that he intends to fight for the heart of his former colleague at Dom-2, Olga Buzova, in the show Marry Buzova on the TNT channel, in which the TV personality was going to look for her chosen one among several participants. However, Stepan's fans did not take seriously the showman's intention.

Stepan Menshchikov explained his desire to participate in the show "Marry Buzov" in his microblog on Instagram as follows: “I live a bright and dynamic life and I make many decisions for which I am responsible. I have done little in my life that I later regretted. Now I want to confess to you that sometime, 14 years ago, I took off Olga Buzova's panties that were hanging over my bed, which I now regret. And now I dream of correcting that fatal mistake and taking part in the project on the TNT channel and frankly confessing my love to the beautiful Olga Buzova and making our queen truly happy! "

Personal life of Stepan Menshchikov

Myself Stepan Menshchikov I have already tried to find my love not only on the television project "Dom-2", but as part of the show "Let's get married!" on Channel One.

Before marriage, Stepan dreamed that his future wife would turn out to be a moderately obstinate brunette, and he himself would become the owner of at least a television holding.

“The main thing for me is that there is one outstanding form - the priest. In fact, I like smart women, with humor to understand the jokes. Another woman must be clean in the literal and figurative sense. If the girl only thought to go to the left, she already becomes unclean for me, and the relationship goes into another plane. "

Since 2011, he dated Evgeny Shamaeva, the relationship with which very quickly became serious, the couple lived together. In March 2013, a son, Ivan, was born to Menshchikov and Shamaeva. For the sake of the baby and his beloved, Stepan left the project "Dom-2". In December 2013, on the air "Let them talk" Menshchikov made an offer to Evgenia, she agreed.

The lovers arranged the wedding ceremony in Goa in January 2014, and in Russia they officially formalized the relationship only two years later.

In the fall of 2017, it became known that the spouses no longer live together. In October the Menshchikovs were invited to shoot the show "Actually". In the studio, Stepan was surprised to find out the results of a DNA test made shortly before filming. It turned out that the eldest son Ivan is not really Menshchikov's biological son.

Still the star " Houses-2”Emphasizes that this fact will not in any way affect his attitude towards his four-year-old son.

“After the transfer, I didn’t say anything to her. I said nothing. The most important thing now, in this situation, is the health of children. Moral and physical. "

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Biography, life story of Stepan Menshchikov

Arrival at the project

Stepan was born on May 21, 1977 in Ekaterinburg. He is an actor by education, studied at the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute.

Since May 12, 2004, Stepan is one of the first fifteen participants in the reality show "House 2" on the TNT channel.

Arriving at the project, Styopa was determined. From the very first day he began to conquer all the girls in a row. All this time, Styopa was the "main clown" of the project, using all his KVN experience and acting skills to entertain the participants and spectators. Attempts to establish a relationship with someone took place rather in the background (with the exception of sympathy for the main blonde of the project).

And then she arrived. Fam-fatal "House-2". The spectacular girl immediately interested Styopa. He began courting her, and soon they turned into the brightest and most talked about couple on the reality show. How many times the guys quarreled and dispersed - we lost count. How many times Styopa was called henpecked, and Alena - a calculating bitch, too, can not be counted. However, the fact remained the fact - they were indomitably drawn to each other, no matter what. And they were together.

Stepan is a veteran of the project

But everything goes away. After the restart of the project, Alena and Styopa (together with, and Olya), became part of the inviolable group of participants and moved to a separate house. But the music did not last long. Horns and legs were left from one of the oldest pairs of the project in a matter of days. Alena said that there was no more love. And they parted with Stepan. Menshchikov returned to the same thing with which he began: he constantly flirted with someone and went on romantic dates. Of all his passions, the audience remembered, perhaps, only the eastern girl, whom Menshchikov met at the casting and a little later invited to the project.


Stepan's second love became. At first, their relationship seemed like pure misalliance: a beautiful and well-groomed girl in a jeep and a simple Russian guy. But Stepan's charisma did its job, and Bonya melted away. For a long time, out of principle, they did not agree to live in a VIP-house, preferring to him the ascetic Stepin's corner in a cheerful hostel. But on November 1, at the vote, Menshchikov and Bonya surprised everyone by announcing that they were claiming a room in the Old House. So they were given the living space of Nastya and Sam. It is not known what Stepa was guided by when making such a decision. But the "oldies" have long been accustomed to his unexpected tricks, so they were not particularly surprised.

However, the contradictions between the young people over time became more and more, and their relationship could no longer “leave” on passion alone. Either Styopa complained that Bonya didn’t trust him, then Vika didn’t like his boorish demeanor ... After a holiday trip to a nightclub, the love of Styopa and Vika faded away. And they left the room.

Suddenly, Stepan's circle of love adventures closed. Because now they are paired ... with Alena Vodonaeva, his first project love. During the time that Stepan and Alena tried to build relationships separately (Menshchikov - with Bonya, Vodonaeva - with May), the former lovers became very close and became good friends. And then events began to develop rapidly: Stepan, Alena and the couple unexpectedly announced themselves, and they moved into a room in the Old House, and got together to get married. So far, no one can understand what connects the guys - a partnership agreement or a new outbreak of love for each other.

What Stepan told about himself at the beginning of the project: he considers himself a sloven and is proud of it. Eccentric, emotional, Stepan calls himself a spot in the gray mass of people. I got used to taking time off from work: “ You just have to do everything wisely! Even take time off from work!»A little pompous and arrogant. Good actor. I got used to conquer girls with impudence. He considers himself a star created to participate in a reality show. " I need three things to be happy: love, money and friends.».

With Alena, Styopa had the very first affair, later he gave his girlfriend to May Abrikosov. When Mai left the project, Alena returned to Styopa and they announced their wedding, but the marriage never took place.

Leaving the project

Vika Bonya was the girl for whom Styopa exchanged Alena when he parted with her for the first time. The couple seemed perfect, but soon the social difference between the lovers made itself felt - Styopa became jealous of Vika of her rich and influential friends. As a result, Vika went to and left the project with him.

Having moved to city apartments, Styopa invited a friend, whom he met in Thailand, to live with. The easy flirting turned into a strong relationship, but again the social difference prevented him - in response to an offer to leave the project and get married, Styopa heard that he did not have an apartment and a decent job. Having broken with Sasha, he started an affair with a girl very similar to her named Xenia.

At one time Styopa was the Master of "House-2", this title went to him from Semyon Frolov, as well as the producer of "Istra Witches". He refused this position after a quarrel with Sasha, because she was part of the group. Now Styopa is working on creating an alternative group.

Several months ago, Stepan Menshchikov, at the request of his girlfriend Sasha Kharitonova, left the scandalous television project Dom-2. However, the couple did not manage to "build love". Sasha Kharitonova after some time returned to the project (in order to leave again later). Stepan himself left Dom-2 forever, having enlisted the support of the "native" TNT channel.

Menshchikov was never deprived of the attention of numerous female fans, of whom there were enough of them during his entire stay on the Dom-2 television project. And few doubted that the 32-year-old famous guy would be able to find himself a new lover in a fairly short time.

By the way, Stepan's ex-girlfriend, as well as one of the brightest stars of "House-2" Alena Vodonaeva, is also preparing for the wedding. According to rumors, the wedding will take place in August. " In winter we already had a wedding in the Maldives- Alena tells reporters. - I want the official wedding to be just as unforgettable! A beautiful dress, a beautiful place - everything is like in a fairy tale. Everyone dreams of this day since childhood. There must be a grand celebration", - said the bride.

Ironically, it was Stepan Menshchikov who introduced Vodonaeva to her future husband. " It happened on Lesha's 30th birthday, - says Alena, - I am the most expensive gift he has ever received in his life».

Stepan's creative path

In 2008, Stepan Menshchikov took part in the show “Stars are Changing Professions” as a stylist-hairdresser, and two years later he became the co-host of the project “Hu from Hu” on TNT channel, paired with another former participant of “House-2” Rustam Solntsev.

He also became the founder and host of the popular Goodnight Guys! on DTV.

Stepan Menshchikov opened his own dating site and dreams of creating a new television show "Bride for an Alligator", in which ordinary girls will have a chance to become companions in the life of oligarchs and show business stars.

"I specifically called the oligarchs alligators so that they don't think too much of themselves. I already have a certain base of wealthy, wealthy men who would like to get married. Now casting is taking place, I am selecting beautiful girls for my project!"

Stepan Menshchikov himself has already tried to find his love not only on the television project "Dom-2", but as part of the show "Let's get married!" on Channel One.

Stepan Menshchikov dreams that his future wife will turn out to be a moderately obstinate brunette, and he himself will become the owner of at least a television holding. At the moment, he only managed to buy an apartment in his hometown of Yekaterinburg.

"The main thing for me is that there was one outstanding form - the priest. In fact, I like smart women, with humor, so that they understand jokes. Another woman should be clean in the literal and figurative sense. If a girl just thought of going to the left, she already becomes for me unclean, and the relationship goes into another plane. "

Photos of Menshchikov Stepan


Collective farmer. How many bad words there are in the world, it's all for you. You deserve no other ...

2016-10-31 15:53:56

Snezhana (Moscow)

What is this star? Hilarious! He even had a surname with the beech "Sh", which did not reach the normal Menshikov.

2016-06-06 19:34:13

Lora (Moscow)

I never liked him. He looks like a country boy. If I got to the project, I would never even communicate with him. Ivan the Fool.

Stepan Menshchikov is one of the first participants in the Dom 2 TV project, a famous showman, TV presenter and performer of popular songs. The showman was born on May 15, 1977 in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Stepan Menshchikov grew up and was brought up in a modest average family, and among three children he was the eldest. The artist's mother, Nadezhda Pavlovna, worked as a builder, and his father, Valery Vladimirovich, who graduated from the Kazan Aviation Institute, worked at the Kalinin machine-building plant and was a land acquisition specialist.

To learn and get an education, Menshchikov Sr. had to work as a janitor. The family did not live well, so the future participant of "House-2" did not know what luxury was: the artist recalled that as a 12-13-year-old child, he and his father washed the floors in the stairwell. Therefore, from early childhood, Styopa knew what it was like to earn a living through hard work. The showman admitted that he spent more time with his mother than with his father, because Valery Vladimirovich left to work early in the morning and returned home late in the evening.

Stepan Menshchikov with his parents

Stepan said that his parents were not strict people, so real democracy reigned in the house: the boy was not scolded too much for pranks, but his father sometimes scolded him for incomplete mathematics. However, the artist is even grateful for such upbringing, because, as you know, the ability to count and multiply is sure to come in handy in life for any person. It is also known from Stepan's childhood that he adored his mother's doll (which her husband gave her), loved to break toys, was fidgety and constantly admired his appearance. However, it is worth noting that Menshchikov was a well-bred child: he helped both mom and dad and neighbors.

Menshchikov began to get involved in creativity largely because of Nadezhda Pavlovna. Stepan's mom dreamed that her son would learn to dance. Therefore, the woman, with the help of trickery, took the boy to the dance studio: until the last moment she did not tell her child where they were going. Styopa did not like the classes, and the boy perceived each visit to the circle as unbearable torture, for which he paid in the future: when Menshchikov entered the university, his folk dance at the admissions committee failed miserably.

Stepan Menshchikov after the army with his sister

Having become older, the young man did not take part in school amateur performances. It is known that while studying, the guy developed typical rebellious inclinations: in the 9th grade, he began to smoke cigarettes (the Menshchikov family is a non-smoker), and in the 11th, due to unrequited love, Styopa tried alcohol. Having received a certificate of maturity in 1994, Menshchikov began his creative biography in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Ural Military District, and later the young man was admitted to the Yekaterinburg University at the Faculty of Acting.

Show "Dom-2"

After graduating from university, Stepan served in the army and set out on a free voyage. A choice arose between the young man: to go to live in London or to conquer Moscow. But since Menshchikov had problems with a visa, the guy had to stay in Russia. It is noteworthy that in the capital, the showman tried himself in various roles: he worked as a stripper, a clown and even a head teacher at a school.

Stepan Menshchikov in the show "Dom-2"

On May 12, 2004 Menshchikov became one of the first participants in the reality show "Dom-2". On a long-playing TV set, a talented guy managed to both build love and entertain the presenters and colleagues in the shop, for which he fell in love with viewers - not without reason some fans compare Stepan with the famous American comedian.

Thanks to his sense of humor and charisma, the "old man of the perimeter" managed to win more than one woman's heart. The first darling of Stepan became. Fans of "House-2" often discussed this beautiful couple and wondered when the wedding would be. However, the relationship between Menshchikov and Vodonaeva parted at the seams, because, in addition to romance, lovers often had conflicts and violent quarrels.

After breaking up with Alena, Stepan began dating. Some reality fans believed that young people were no match for each other: they did not understand why a rich girl and a beauty contest participant drew attention to an ordinary guy from Sverdlovsk. Boni and Menshchikov's relationship kept a multimillion-dollar army of viewers near the TV screens: the whole country watched the life of an extravagant couple, who scandals and fights provided the show with unprecedented ratings.

The next victim of the main don Juan of the project was. He met the seductive Muscovite Styopa on vacation in Thailand and was not slow to invite her to a reality show. After an unsuccessful relationship as part of a television project, the lovers decided to try their luck outside the perimeter, however, this romance was doomed to failure.

But it is worth saying that after leaving the "House-2" Stepan continued to flicker on TV screens. For example, in 2008 he played the role of a hairdresser in the show "Stars are changing their profession", and from 2011 to 2012 Menshchikov (in the role of the funny rabbit Stepasha), together with a colleague, hosted the satirical television show "Hu from Hu", where famous politicians were invited and stars:, and others.

Personal life

Stepan Menshchikov is a cheerful and artistic person, open to communication: he shares the latest news in

Stepan Valerievich Menshchikov. Born on May 15, 1977 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Russian actor, showman, former participant of the show "Dom-2".

Since childhood, he demonstrated acting skills, not a single celebration at home and at school was complete without Stepan's participation. “But in general I was a real bully. I remember a funny story related to my grandmother Aya. I came to her and began to try out the superglue technology: I dripped a drop of glue onto one finger, said to press it to the other and count to 10, and I ran away! ", - he said.

Then Stepan Menshchikov became a student at the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute, the Department of Acting.

In 2002, Stepan Menshchikov moved to Moscow, where in two years he changed several types of activities, among which were the professions of a stripper, clown, realtor and head teacher of the school.

On May 12, 2004 Stepan Menshchikov became one of the first participants in the longest-running reality show on television - "House 2".

As part of the television project, he established himself as an actor of the comedy genre, entertaining his colleagues and show hosts. He unequivocally expressed sympathy for one of the brightest participants, but the girl did not appreciate the lack of a romantic mood.

Stepan Menshchikov, despite his dubious image and very mediocre appearance, met only with the most spectacular participants in the TV show.

His first and most scandalous novel in the history of "House-2" he started with. There have always been fights and stormy reconciliations in this pair. After several years of a vivid relationship, love faded away, and Stepan Menshchikov continued to care for the girls.

It turned out to be on the list of his sympathies, and soon the union of a wealthy beauty and a simple guy from Yekaterinburg turned into a real misalliance.

One of the consequences of relations with Victoria Boney became. Bona had to prove through the court that she was not in the photo.

He often suffered because of his long tongue. In the program "Sincere Confession", trying to explain why Yuri Budagov (ex-husband of the TV presenter) liked him, Menshchikov called the businessman "a charming swindler" (and further in the same style). This was followed by a phone call from Budagov with threats, and then unknown persons on a cool BMW beat Menshchikov.

There were suspicions about Budagov's involvement in the beating of Stepan Menshchikov, but the investigation failed to prove this.

“If a person gets into“ Dom-2 ”and stayed for a long time, he will not go crazy. Because there are no normal people, crazy people go there. They don’t take normal people into the project. There are all neurasthenics with hypertrophied vanity. Vanity is my favorite. vice. This is a federal entertainment channel! I was also chasing fame and money, "the showman admitted.

After another stormy breakup, Stepan Menshchikov began dating Alexandra Kharitonova. Their acquaintance took place in Thailand and grew into a short romance. Stepan Menshchikov even offered the hand and heart of his beloved, but she accused him of not having her own living space outside the perimeter, after which she agreed to start life from a new leaf - outside of the Dom-2 show.

Stepan Menshchikov left after his beloved girl, but the relationship did not work out, and Alexandra returned to the project. Stepan himself left Dom-2 forever, having enlisted the support of the "native" TNT channel.

In 2008, Stepan Menshchikov took part in the show “Stars are Changing Professions” as a stylist-hairdresser, and two years later he became the co-host of the project “Hu from Hu” on TNT channel, paired with another former participant of “House-2” Rustam Solntsev.

He also became the founder and host of the popular Goodnight Guys! on DTV.

Then he opened his own dating site and dreams of creating a new television show "Bride for an Alligator."

Stepan Menshchikov in the Let's Get Married!

Stepan Menshchikov's height: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Stepan Menshchikov:

Since 2011, he met with Evgeny Shamaeva. In March 2013, a son, Ivan, was born to Menshchikov and Shamaeva. For the sake of the family, Stepan left the project "Dom-2".

In December 2013, on the air of the program "Let them talk" Menshchikov made an offer to Evgenia, she agreed.

The lovers staged the wedding ceremony in Goa in January 2014. And in August 2016, Stepan Menshchikov and Evgenia Shamaeva legalized their relationship in the registry office.