Pass us by more than all sorrows. Bypass us more than all sorrows and the lordly anger, and the lordly love ...

Pass us by more than all sorrows. Bypass us more than all sorrows and the lordly anger, and the lordly love ...


The forty-eighth year was approaching Magadan, with a gloomy inevitability making its way through the twilight of the icy fog, through the gloomy anger of people.

A furious charge of anger was carried this time not so much by prisoners and ex-convicts as by free ones. The monetary reform of the end of 1947, perhaps more painful than the inhabitants of any other corner of the country, hit them, the Kolyma conquistadors, the local ordinary Soviet millionaires. In the upper stratum of the negotiators, the detachments of these socialist millionaires were already quite significant. But even the average wives who lived in Kolyma for several years numbered hundreds and hundreds of thousands in their savings books.

All these people, accustomed to feeling like the beloved children of the Soviet regime, were stunned by the blow that struck them. How! Do the same with them, with those who formed the stronghold of the regime in this land inhabited by enemies of the people! With those who survived so many cold winters here, depriving their body of vitamins!

For many, this reform was the beginning of the collapse of the illusory world in which they lived and which seemed to them so impeccably organized. I remember the conversation with the former commander of the Tuscan platoon of the Vohra. I met this "acquaintance" on the street, on the way to work, and he delayed me for a long time, so that I could take upon myself the explosion of words that burst into his mouth. Oh, and these were amazing words! The commander's voice hissed, gurgled, choked.

Justice is called! Seven years mantulized like a damn! He risked his life ... What bison he guarded! My baba threw the guys for the good of the saints, she ran to work, knocked out these percentages. And now ... Only, you know, they took shape on the mainland, left Dalstroy. Well, we think we'll buy a hut in the Poltava region, all kinds of junk ... Pokantuemsi at the resorts ... And now - on you! Buy a spruce shisha here ...

I willingly conducted mass educational work with such an unusual interlocutor. Say, war and all that ... Inflation ... Improving the economy ...

Oh, come on, you understand! It's good for you hicks to talk about the economy! You have nothing to lose ... Yes, and you people are desperate. Not only money, but they did not spare their children, they turned into enemies ... - And suddenly he interrupted himself, looked intently at me, waved his hand and grunted: - Maybe everyone lied about you too! Damn him!

The mood of the freemen was also spoiled by the fact that new stages of prisoners appeared, who received fresh sentences precisely for the machinations associated with the reform. They were given the article "economic counter-revolution", and thus they again fell into the category of enemies of the people. There were such cases among the residents of Magadan.

They whispered alarmingly in the corners, conveying sensational details of various monetary transactions. The very essence of the fraud was absolutely incomprehensible to me: someone warned someone, someone sold it to someone, someone took the money off the book in the wrong time, or, on the contrary, put it on the book in time. But the denouement in all cases was standard: ten, sometimes eight years of imprisonment for the economic counter-revolution.

Yulka was as happy as a child that we had not suffered at all from the monetary reform. Not a single dime!

I'm fine, I'm an orphan! - She joked and added: - No, I still have intuition ... As if some inner voice prompted me: buy a second folding bed!

We made this capital expenditure in view of Vaska's upcoming visit. But so far all this remained within the bounds of baseless dreams, because by the beginning of 1948 I had already received eight from the personnel department of Dalstroy - EIGHT! - refusals to issue my son a pass to Magadan.

All the technology of "permanent" filing of applications was already worked out with the utmost clarity. I left the room where they told me "You were denied", and immediately went into the next room, where I handed in a new, prepared in advance statement. New applications were accepted mechanically and flawlessly. Each time they said: "You will come on such and such a date for the answer." And after that, despair again gave way to false hopes.

Yes, I still hoped to meet with Vaska. Because letters came from him. Stingy, rare, but they went. And he expressed in them an interest in the forthcoming, first long journey in his life.

But the thought of Anton and his fate woke me up in the middle of the night with a jolt to my heart, poured cold sweat on me, covered my eyes with dull darkness.

After the sack of pine nuts, they dragged on for months without any news, without signs of life. I developed a frantic energy. I wrote to all of our people who, after leaving the camp, lived in the area of ​​Yagodnoye and Shturmovoye. And now, just before the New Year, an answer came, worse than it was difficult to come up with. One of my acquaintances from Elgen found out everything and told me that Anton had not been at Shturmovoye for a long time. He was sent to the stage, and under very strange circumstances. In an atmosphere of strict secrecy. Without any violation of the regime on his part. They sent one, in a special escort. It seems that on demand from somewhere above.

On sleepless nights, pictures of the recent war years floated in front of me. How many German prisoners (Soviet citizens) were sent to secret stages in the same way, never to arrive anywhere. True, now the war is over. But who will vouch for the Kolyma bosses! I drew scenes of beatings, interrogations, executions. I saw the taiga prison "Serpantinka", about which no one knew anything, because not a single person had yet returned from there.

Worst of all was the consciousness of my own powerlessness. I couldn't even make an official inquiry about his fate. After all, I'm not a relative. On reflection, I wrote to Kazakhstan to one of his four sisters who were in exile there. I asked her to make a request on behalf of her relatives. They wrote. They were not answered.

Meanwhile, at work, I also underwent significant changes. Soon after our return from the "Northern Artek", where I was given the Certificate of Honor, I was summoned by the head of children's institutions, Dr. Gorbatova. She began the conversation by saying that she was very pleased with my work.

You have everything: education, hard work, affection for children. But...

My stomach went cold. The meaning of this BUT was clear. Probably, the personnel department squeezes her out of the world because she keeps a terrorist-tyurzachka on the "ideological front". And now this kind woman is looking for words to soften the blow. My God, what am I going to send to Vaska?

No, no, no one is firing you, ”Gorbatova exclaimed, reading it all on my face,“ I just want to take some measures to strengthen your position ...

It turned out that in our kindergarten the place of a music worker is being vacated. Our head, who also taught music lessons, is leaving for the 1st kindergarten. This gives me a wonderful opportunity.

I was told that you play well.

Very unimportant. She studied a long time ago, in deep childhood.

Nothing. Exercise - restore. But, you know ...

And then Gorbatova spoke so openly, as if she herself was not a boss, but a terrorist jerk.

In the near future, several graduate educators will arrive from the Krasnoyarsk preschool pedagogical school. Then it will be almost impossible for me to defend you further. And the pianist ... There are no pianists among them. This is a defensive complementary qualification for you. Besides, the word "pianist" sounds somehow more neutral. Away from ideology ... Well, do you agree? The salary is the same.

These arguments could not raise objections. But all the same, I agreed reluctantly. After all, this is not a taiga Taskan, where it was enough to disassemble "Songs of a Preschooler". Here you will have to hold matinees in front of a large audience, play bravura marches at a fast pace. In a word, it was necessary to urgently return the lost equipment.

I sent a telegram to Rybinsk, where my mother lived after the war, staying at the place of her evacuation from Leningrad. Poor girl, everyone thought that Rybinsk might be allowed to me ... Now I asked to send notes, not really hoping that she would be able to buy what she needed in Rybinsk. But the parcel arrived, and I was amazed to find my old children's notes in it. How did she manage to preserve them, take them out of two conflagrations, her and mine? However, it is a fact: I had in my hands my own Ganon, over which I once suffered, when I was eight. The yellowed glued pages were full of the teacher's sharp pencil marks, and I remembered her big hand, circling the notes on which I had faked in purple circles. On one page it was written in crooked childish letters: "I can't take an octave. I don't have enough hands!" And "I can" - through YAT.

Ganon! I looked at him with deep remorse. After all, it was in him that all the forces of the old world were once embodied for me. It was this notebook that I threw away, submitting an application to the Komsomol and announcing to my parents that I now have more important concerns. Let the daughters of the world bourgeoisie study Ganon!

Did I think then that the day would come when the rejected Ganon would come to the Far North to save me from being fired from my job, from trouble, from all sorts of villainy? Forgive me, Ganon! And excuse me, Czerny and Clementi!

From the slogan “Down with ten capitalist ministers!”, Which appeared (June 14, 1917) in the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda, and on June 18 under this slogan a large demonstration against the Provisional Government, led by Lenin's supporters, took place.

Ironically: about ministers and officials who came to the government from big business, and after completing their careers in government, leave for well-paid jobs in banks, large companies, to the creation and prosperity of which they once had a hand.

Ministers fall like sandwiches: usually face down in the dirt

From German: Minister fallen wie Butterbrote: gewonlich auf die gute Seite.

Literally: Ministers fall like sandwiches: usually on the good side(that is, oil down).

The words of a German critic and publicist-democrat Karl Ludwig Berne(1786-1837), leader of the Young Germany writers' association, which ideologically prepared the German revolution of 1848.

Apparently, K. L. Berne paraphrased an old Jewish saying: "A sandwich always falls butter down."

Ironically: about ministers, high-ranking officials, dismissed for this or that transgression before the law or morality.

Gone are the golden days of Aranjuez

From the tragedy "Don Carlos, Infante of Spain" (1787) Johann Friedrich Schiller(1759-1805). With these words of Domingo, the king's confessor, this play begins. It is about the stay of Don Carlos in the amusement palace of the Spanish king Philip II in Aranjuez near Madrid. In Russia before the beginning of the XX century. "Aranjuez" was usually pronounced like "Aranjuez". Schiller's phrase was quoted accordingly.

Allegorically: a good, carefree time has passed, the time for fun and entertainment.

The charm of days gone by

The charm of days gone by

Why did you rise again?

Who awakened the memory

And silent dreams?

These lines became widely known due to the fact that they were set to music by A. Pleshcheev (1832), P. Bulakhov (1846) and Y. Capri (1879) and thus became the words of a popular romance.

Allegorically: about a happy, carefree time in life.

Pass us more than all sorrows / And the lordly anger, and the lordly love

From the comedy Woe from Wit (1824) A. S. Griboyedova(1795-1829). The words of the maid Lisa (act. 1, manifest. 2):

Oh, give it from the gentlemen;

They have troubles for themselves for every hour,

Pass us more than all sorrows

And lordly anger, and lordly love.

The world belongs to the strong

see by the right of the strong

Peaceful coexistence

From the report of the Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Government Georgy Vasilievich Chicherin(1872-1936) at a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (1920): "Our slogan is peaceful coexistence with other governments, whatever they may be."

In the form of "peaceful cohabitation" the expression was used by VI Lenin in his Answer to the Questions of the Berlin Correspondent of Amer. Carl Wiegand's Universal Service News Agency (1920).

Usually it serves to define a loyal, equal relationship with someone, without friendship, but also without enmity (jokingly ironic.).

World Sorrow

From German: Weltschmerz.

From the unfinished work "Selina or Immortality" (published 1827) by a German satirist Jean Paul(pseudonym of I.-P. Richter, 1763-1825), who used this expression, speaking of "the innumerable torments of people."

As the Russian poet and translator wrote Petr Isaevich Weinberg(1830-1908) in his article "The Poetry of World Sorrow" (1895) world sorrow is "sorrow for the imperfections of the world, for the disorder in it and for the suffering of mankind."

The expression became especially popular after the publication of the article "From the exhibition of paintings in 1831" German poet Heinrich Heine, who, speaking of the painting by the artist Delaroche "Oliver Cromwell at the body of Charles I", wrote: "What a great world sorrow the master expressed in few features!"

Shuttle-iron: about someone's gloomy appearance, bad mood, despondency, etc.

Mr. X

Stage name of the protagonist of the operetta Imre Kalman "Princess of the Circus" (1926). Libretto Julius Brammer and Arnold Grunwald.

Jokingly, ironically: about someone unknown or about someone who wants to maintain their anonymity.


Written by A.A. Bestuzhev: "I am not talking about poetry, half of them should be included in the proverb."

Many of Griboyedov's aphorisms entered everyday speech:

We use catchphrases without thinking about their authorship.

Of course, quotes from "Woe from Wit" gained popularity not only thanks to the talent of Griboyedov. After the coup of 1917, the accusatory play was included in school curricula and theater repertoires.

Griboyedov's catchphrases given below are correlated with the characters in the play. We got their characteristics through catch phrases. There are eighty proverbs in total.

The headlines contain the most popular, and, therefore, the most appropriate proverbs.

Lisa - Pass us more than all sorrows and lordly anger, and lordly love

Famusov - That's it, you are all proud!

She has no sleep from French books
And the Russians hurt me to sleep.

And all the Kuznetsky Most, and the eternal French.

There is no need for another model,
When the father's example is in the eyes.

Terrible age! Don't know where to start!

Oh! mother, do not finish the blow!
The poor man is not your match.

He fell painfully, got up well.

What a commission, Creator,
To be a grown-up daughter's father!

Read not like a sexton,
And with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

Philosophize - the mind will turn.

What aces live and die in Moscow!

In name, brother, do not run wrongly,
And, most importantly, come and serve.

That's it, you are all proud!

My custom is this:
Signed, off your shoulders.

You will not be in Moscow, you will not live with people;
To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov.

He wants to preach liberty!

In my presence, foreign employees are very rare;
More and more sisters, sister-in-law of the child.

Well, how not to please a dear little man! ..

You behaved properly:
Colonels for a long time, and recently serving.

They will argue, make some noise, and ... disperse.

Here you go! great trouble
What a man will drink too much!
Learning is the plague, learning is the reason.

If you stop evil:
Take all the books and burn them.

Bah! all familiar faces!

What he says! and speaks as he writes!

Oh! Oh my God! what will say
Princess Marya Aleksevna!

Sofia - The hero of not my novel

Chatsky - Who are the judges?

A little light already on my feet! and I am at your feet.

And here is the reward for the exploits!

Oh! tell the end of love
Who will go away for three years.

Where is better? (Sofia)
Where we are not. (Chatsky)

When you wander, you return home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!

More in number, cheaper?

The confusion of languages ​​still prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

The tradition is fresh, but hard to believe.

Tell me into the fire: I’ll go as if to dinner.

I would be glad to serve, to serve is sickening.

However, he will reach the degrees of the known,
After all, nowadays they love the dumb.

Who serves the cause, not individuals ...

When in business - I hide from fun,
When fooling around - fooling around
And to mix these two crafts
There are darkness of artisans, I am not one of them.

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.

And who are the judges?

The women were shouting: hurray!
And they threw their caps into the air!

But to have children
Who lacked intelligence?

Ranks are given by people,
And people can be deceived.

Blessed is he who believes, warmth to him in the world!

Mercy, we are not guys,
Why are the opinions of others only holy?

Not good for such praise.

No! I am dissatisfied with Moscow.

Reason in spite of, in defiance of the elements.

If only we could borrow a little from the Chinese
Wise their ignorance of foreigners.

Listen! lie, but know the measure.

Get out of Moscow! here I am no longer a rider.
I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
Where the offended feeling has a corner! ..
Carriage for me, carriage!

Skalozub - In my judgment, the fire contributed a lot to her decoration

Molchalin - Ah! evil tongues are scarier than a gun

Khlestova - All calendars lie

Repetilov - Look and something

Princess - He is a chemist, he is a botanist

Chinov doesn't want to know! He is a chemist, he is a botanist ...

Amusing misdeeds of the heir to the throne sometimes amused only himself.

To many, they seemed inconceivable even for a 17-year-old undergrowth. And what happened at the door of the royal dining room caused a real commotion, and the august aunt literally tore and threw from overflowing hot emotions ...

And we live solemnly and hard ...

Entering the grand ducal half, the empress kissed Katya and asked why the beauty was late for mass, caring more about clothes than about serving the Lord God. Elizabeth dryly added that during the time of Anna Ioannovna, she, the crown princess, had to live not in the Winter Palace, but at an impressive distance, in her mother's stone house on Tsaritsyno Meadow, near the Summer Garden, not far from which the Promenade promenade has now been laid out. However, this building, as well as the mansion of the late General Adam Weide, standing next door, became the property of Count Alexei Grigorievich Razumovsky - for services to the Fatherland.

In the same place, by the way, the monarch explained, once, upon arrival in Russia, His Highness Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein, the husband of my sister Anna Petrovna and the father of your dear, dear spouse, had lodged there. Your deceased father-in-law in Bose! “It was from these walls - on a frosty winter night almost five years ago - surrounded by reliable people, that I set off in a sleigh to the barracks of the Preobrazhensky regiment, to the Peskov area, beyond the Fontanka, in order, with the help of my valiant guardsmen, to recover the sacred ancestral crown stolen by impostors. But much earlier, at that difficult time for me, when Anna Ioannovna ruled, I did not violate my duties, did not miss church services in the palace, although for this I had to sacrifice sleep, get up in the dark, dress by candlelight ... "

Fike timidly lowered her head. Elizabeth, squinting, looked at her and ordered to call the court hairdresser. “Timofey,” she affectionately addressed to the faithful servant bowed down, “if you continue to comb the Grand Duchess's hair at the same slow pace as usual, I will dismiss you in no time. Go! " (Alas, thought Katya, a day of sorrow and grief awaits everyone.) "Yes," Elizaveta Petrovna smiled as if to match her sad thoughts, "where is your faithful?" - "In your chambers, your majesty ..." - "Call me him. I longed for my nephew. I thirst to contemplate! "

Seven swords pierced the heart ...

The heir-crown prince was not long in coming. In a dressing gown and with a nightcap, he ran merrily, slightly frivolously to the regal handle and froze with such an expression as if he was preparing to accept a well-deserved reward. The Empress kissed him on the cheek and asked where and when he had the courage to commit such an unsightly act. Entering the Hermitage room, where the kitchen hoist is located, the monarch informed, she saw a door drilled like a sieve. All the holes were directed to the place that the autocrat usually prefers at the table. How will Pyotr Feodorovich order to understand all this?

“You probably forgot what you owe me? Ungrateful youth! My father had, as you know, an adult son, heir to the throne. Ambitious, independent - not your match. Even while drunk, he did not fall to his knees in front of busts and portraits of foreign kings. By the way, your half-uncle - you were born ten years after his death. This man had all the legal rights to the crown. Everything! But he behaved insolently, recklessly, contradicted, contradicted, intrigued, hid with Caesar in Italy, and his father excommunicated him from the sovereign inheritance. Excommunicated completely! Keep in mind: I can change my plans too! "

The Grand Duke started and objected, but the queen angrily cut him off and, getting angry in earnest, as often happened to her in moments of discontent and rage, began to shout reproaches and insults in a thunderous voice. “And how dare you? The Empress ... with the guests ... in private ... And you? Peeping? To spy? To head off? Brat, boy! What do you allow yourself? Is it out of your mind? The scout has found out! I will teach you good manners. I'll teach you once and for all! They would try to do something like this at the court of Anna Ioannovna, my elder cousin ... She is not me: in an instant she put the disobedient and troublemakers in the fortress, drove them to Tmutarakan. And the death penalty with her, be healthy as they used. That was what they were afraid of, that was what they were wary of. And I, generous nature, canceled. Then, in the dead of night, at the hour of my triumph, I swore in the presence of witnesses in the Bible that I would not shed anyone's blood. And sacredly fulfilled this vow. I pity and pity everyone. So I get ... gratitude. "

Elizabeth took a deep breath and then noticed tears on Fike's face. “Calm down, baby,” she waved her fan, “none of this concerns you. You didn’t peep or try to peep. What are you worried about? " The Empress fell silent, as if taking a break from the noisy, heavy scene. Then she closed her eyelashes and, nodding to the frowning couple, went out into the corridor ...

We wandered and bitterly repent ...

Pyotr Fyodorovich hurried to his rooms, and Katya - to the bedroom, finally to change her dress dress, which was never taken off after the service. A minute later, the crown prince returned to his wife. He stood and said - almost in his ear, in an indistinct, embarrassed, mocking tone: "The Empress was like a fury, she did not realize her screams and screams." “Well, not quite like that,” retorted Ekaterina, “she was just very upset. You shouldn't have done what you did. I warned of imminent troubles. " - "You warned late!" - “Ah, I’m also in charge! Your Highness, you are an adult, family man and are called to realize all the consequences of wrong steps and rash acts ... "

The young couple dined at Katya's apartment, talking in an undertone and not taking their eyes off the doors and windows. When Peter went to his chambers, the camera came to Fike - Frau Maria Kruse. Her tirade was prepared "from the doorway" - and, obviously, on instructions from above. “I must admit,” breathed out the “scout,” “that the empress acted like a true mother!” Catherine listened attentively to the intruder. What's the point of the conversation? “The mother gets angry and scolds the children,” the experienced lady said with inspiration, “but then the offense passes and the intercessor forgives them their sins. Both of you should have said: guilty, mother, forgive us! And they would disarm her with meekness and humility ... "

Katya, diligently searching for phrases, squeezed out that, being unusually embarrassed by her Majesty's anger, she considered it a blessing to listen and be silent. Kruse threw up her hands and quietly left the room - rushing into the high offices with an urgent report. But the science of the wise chamber-frau was not in vain. The sacramental combination of "guilty, mother" firmly sunk into the head of the judicious Ficke. Has sunk, like a magic sesame, "opening" any whim of the almighty autocrat. Fike picked up the quote and used it successfully over the years. Still, Elizaveta Petrovna - by her character traits - loved to see those who blamed and repentant in front of her.

... Before Easter, the knight marshal Karl Sivers (the one who once met Sophia and Johanna near Moscow, in the village of Vsesvyatskoye, and later collapsed with Katya at a masquerade, where he had to dance the polonaise in huge women's tansies) told the princess the cherished royal will. She, who limited herself in food during the first week of Great Lent, should fast as much more. Fike told her good acquaintance (who recently married the daughter of Maria Kruse, Benedikta Fedorovna) that she would like to refrain from anything short-lived for the entire month and a half. Soon, the nobleman informed Catherine: the empress received extreme pleasure and allowed this spiritual feat. The thunderstorm has passed ...

"And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!" - a selection of quotes, aphorisms and catchphrases from the comedy in verse by Alexander Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”.

"Woe from Wit" by Alexander Griboyedov is an outstanding work of Russian literature, which literally immediately after its creation was dismantled into quotations. The most apt expressions have become winged and are used as sayings and aphorisms. We use them every day, hear them on TV screens and do not always remember that the author of these catchphrases is the poet Alexander Griboyedov. We assume that in terms of the number of aphorisms and sayings that “came out” of a literary work, “Woe From Wit” is the absolute champion of not only Russian, but also world literature. And this despite the fact that “Woe from Wit” is a very small piece of work. So, a word to Alexander Griboyedov:

Portrait of Alexander Griboyedov, artist Ivan Kramskoy, 1875, painted from lithography

The statements are cited in the order of their appearance in the text of the comedy Woe from Wit.

"Woe from Wit" Act I

1. “... Pass us by more than all sorrows

And the lordly anger, and the lordly love ”. (Lisa, phenomenon 2)

2. "Happy hours are not observed." (Sofia, apparition 3)

3. “And everything is Kuznetsky Most, and the eternal French,

Destroyers of pockets and hearts!

When the creator delivers us

From their hats! cheptsov! and studs! and pins!

And bookstores and biscuit shops! ” (Famusov, phenomenon 4)

4. “There is no need for another model,

When the father's example is in the eyes ”. (Famusov, phenomenon 4)

5. "Blessed is he who believes, warmth to him in the world!" (Chatsky, phenomenon 6)

6. "Where is better?" (Sofia) "Where we are not." (Chatsky, phenomenon 6)

7. “Living with them will get bored, and in whom you will not find stains?

When you wander, you return home,

And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us! " (Chatsky, phenomenon 6)

8. “However, he will reach the degrees of the known,

After all, nowadays they love the dumb. " (Chatsky, phenomenon 6)

"Woe from Wit" Act II- winged expressions, aphorisms, quotes:

9. "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve." (Chatsky, phenomenon 2)

10. "The tradition is fresh, but hard to believe." (Chatsky, phenomenon 2)

11. “Is it one thing? take you bread and salt:

Who wants to come to us - if you please;

The door is open for the invited and uninvited

Especially foreign ones;

Though an honest man, though not,

For us equally, dinner is ready for everyone ”. (Famusov about Muscovites, phenomenon 6)

12. “The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.

Rejoice, do not exterminate

Neither their years, nor fashion, nor fires ”. (Chatsky about Moscow, phenomenon 5)

13. "Who are the judges?" (Chatsky, phenomenon 5)

14. “Where, show us, fathers, fathers,

Which ones should we take for samples?

Aren't they rich in robbery?

They found protection from court in friends, in kinship,

Building magnificent chambers

Where they are poured in feasts and extravagance ... ”(Chatsky, phenomenon 5)

15. “And who in Moscow didn’t have their mouths shut

Lunches, dinners and dancing? " (Chatsky, phenomenon 5)

16. "... evil tongues are worse than a gun!" (Molchalin, phenomenon 11)

"Woe from Wit" Act II I- winged expressions, aphorisms, quotes:

17. “I am strange, and not strange who is?

The one who looks like all fools ... ”(Chatsky, phenomenon 1)

18. “Ranks are given by people,

And people can be deceived. " (Chatsky, phenomenon 3)

19. "Evil, there is a whole century in girls, God will forgive her." (Princess, phenomenon 8)

20. “Ah, France! There is no better edge in the world! -

Decided two princesses, sisters, repeating

The lesson that they have done from childhood.

Where to go from the princesses! -

I sent desires odal

Humble but out loud

So that the Lord destroy this unclean spirit

Empty, slavish, blind imitation ... ”(Chatsky, phenomenon 22)

"Woe from Wit" Act I V- winged expressions, aphorisms, quotes:

21. “Oh! if someone penetrated people:

What's worse about them? soul or tongue? " (Chatsky, phenomenon 10)