Dwelling of Indians: description and photos. Indian House This: Red, Yellow, White, Blue or Blue and Black

Dwelling of Indians: description and photos. Indian House This: Red, Yellow, White, Blue or Blue and Black

Friends, if you remember, the ball from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino" painted on the furnace, as he himself said, "Indian National People's History" - (in his lips, it sounded like "FIGHVAM", but it was meant that Wigwam):

So, the ball drew this very "wigvam" and thus introduced the millions of innocent children into delusion, unwittingly distorted in their representation the bright image of the Indian dwelling. After all, he actually depicted tipi - Also traditional Indian, but differing from Wigwam with its cone-shaped housing. Unlike the ball, Karl Bodmer, the Swiss artist, used mostly watercolor, not coal, so from his drawing made in 1833 during the trip over North America, you can get a more complete picture of Tipi:

Well, now we suggest you see and forever remember, how do you actually look like a real wigvam. The first one depicted in the picture is located near the Fort Apache in the north-east of the American state of Arizona. Its structure fully corresponds to the dwelling, which for many centuries was among the Indians leading a nomadic lifestyle. It was intended mainly for sleep, since all other things - for example, cooking, was made outside.

So, we see that Vigvam, unlike Tipi, has a dome-shaped form. In essence, it is a skeletal housing, that is, the slashes on the frame, which is made of thin long trunks (jersey) and is entirely covered by the "footing material" - the crust of trees, branches or a cane mat. And although, as we have already said, in Wigwam, it was not customary to cook food, the heating source in it was still there, therefore, a small chimney hole was left in the center of the ceiling.

The Indians had two types of dwellings, which distinguished them from other nations, is Tipi and Wigwam. They have features peculiar to the people who used them. They are also adapted to typical people and the environment.

Everyone - according to his needs

Houses of nomads and sedentary tribes are distinguished. The first prefer tents and chalashi, while fixed buildings or sonons are more convenient for the second more convenient. If we talk about hurns of hunters, then they could often see animal skins. North American Indians - the people for whom it was characterized by a large number of each group she was their own.

For example, Navajo preferred semi-ray. They created a global roof and a corridor called "Hogan", through which it was possible to enter inside. Former residents of Florida built pile huts, and for nomadic tribes from the subarctic, the most convenient was Vigvam. In the colder time, he was covered, and in warm - bark.

Scaligence and strength

Iroquoise built a frame of wood bark that could serve under 15 years. Usually, throughout this period, the community lived near the selected fields. When the land was worn out, relocation took place. These constructions were high enough. They could reach 8 meters in height, from 6 to 10 m wide, and their length sometimes accounted for 60 meters and more. In this regard, such dwellings were nicknamed long houses. The entrance was placed in the end. Nearby was a picture depicting the Totem of the kind, the animal, which he patronized and faith. The dwelling of the Indians was divided into several compartments, each living has a couple that form a family. Everyone had in his hearth. For sleep, there were Nara near the walls.

Settlements of sedentary and nomadic type

Pueblo tribes built strengthened houses from stones and bricks. The courtyard was surrounded by a semicircle or circuit circuit. The Indian people struggled whole terraces on which houses could be built in several tiers. The roof of one dwelling became an outside site for another, located on top.

People who have chosen forests built Wigwam. This is a portable domestic dwelling in the form of the dome. It was different in small sizes. The height, as a rule, did not exceed 10 feet, however, indoor to thirty inhabitants. Now such buildings are used in ritual purposes. It is very important not to confuse them with Tipi. For nomads, such a design was quite convenient, since it did not have to apply great effort to construction. And you could always move the house to the new territory.

Design features

During the structure, trunks were used, which were well bent and were rather thin. To tie them, a leaky or birch bark, mats made from reed or reeds were used. Also came the leaves of corn and grass. Wigwam nomad was covered with cloth or skin. So that they do not sculpted, used frame outside, trunks or poles. The inlet was covered with a curtain. The walls were inclined and vertical. Planning - round or rectangular. To expand the construction, it was pulled into an oval, spending several holes for the exit of smoke. For the pyramidal form, the installation of smooth poles, which bind upstairs are characteristic.

The dwelling of the Indians, similar to a tent, called Tipi. He had a stiffe, from which a conical shape was obtained. For the formation of the tires used bison skins. The hole from above was designed specifically so that the smoke from the fire went outside. During the rain it was covered with a blade. The decoration of the walls served drawings and signs that mean the belonging to one or another owner. Tipi really finds many on the Vigvam, which is why they are often confused. This type of construction of the Indian people used also quite often as in the north, so in the south-west and far west traditionally for the purpose of nomadicity.


They also built a pyramidal or conical form. The base diameter was up to 6 meters. The forming poles reached the length of 25 feet. The tire was made from an average to create a coating had to kill from 10 to 40 animals. When North American Indians began to interact with Europeans, trading exchange began. They had a canas, who had more easily. Both skin and fabric have its drawbacks, so combined products often created. Pins made of wood used as a fastener, the coating was tied to spicks that were traphed from the ground. Especially for the movement of the air left the gap. As in Wigwam, there was a hole for the exit of smoke.

Useful devices

A distinctive feature is that there were valves regulating air craving. To stretch them to the bottom corners, leather belts used. This dwelling of the Indians was quite comfortable. It was possible to attach a tent or another such building that significantly expanded the inner area. From a strong wind defended the belt descended from above, which served an anchor. At the bottom, the lining was laid below, which had a width of up to 1.7 m. It retained the inner heat, fencing people from external cold. During the rain, the ceiling of a semicircular shape was stretched, which was called "Ozan".

Exploring the construction of various tribes, it can be seen that each of them differs from some of its own inherent in her feature. The number of poles is different. They are connected differently. The pyramid formed by them can be both inclined and straight. The base has an ovoid, round or oval form. The tire is dismissed in a variety of options.

Other popular varieties of buildings

Another interesting dwelling of the Indians is a Wikiyap, which is also often identified with Wigwam. The building in the form of the dome is a slash in which they lived predominantly Apache. It was covered with slices of fabric and grass. They were often used for temporary purposes to hide. Covered with branches, mats, put on steppe outlets. Atabasi, inhabited by Canada, preferred this type of building. It was perfectly suitable when the army put forward on the battle and needed in a temporary place of stay to hide himself and hide fire.

Navajo settled in the Hogans. As well as in summer-type houses and dugouts. In the hogan, the cross section of the round shape, the walls form a cone. Often there are and square designs of this type. The door was located in the eastern part: It was believed that the Sun brings good luck through her. Also in building a large cult value. There is a legend telling that Hogan was first built in the form of Coyote. He was helped by beavers. They were engaged in the construction in order to provide housing for the first people. In the midnight of the five-pointed pyramid there was a forktime pole. The faces had three angle. The place between the beams filled the earth. The walls were as dense and strong, which could effectively protect people from winter weather.

Front was located the lobby, where they conducted religious ceremonies. Residential buildings were distinguished by large sizes. In the 20th century, Navao began to build buildings with 6 and 8 corners. This is due to the fact that then the railway function was functioning not far from them. It was possible to get sleepers and use them in construction. There was more space and space, despite the house stood quite tight. In a word, the habitats of the Indians are quite diverse, but each of them performed functions assigned to it.

"Zone Gringo"

The miner's village of Bonans was lost in the Nicaraguan jungle among the hills in the West Department of Seleia. From the port city of Puerto Cabezasa is about two hundred kilometers. Almost five hours drive, "if everything is fine." In Selai, you often hear this phrase when it comes to the departments. The road is or rather, not the road, but broken by wheels, blurred by shoes trail marked on the cards of the dotted line, is going through the jungle, crossing them from east to the west.

The only transportation is the shabby Pickup "Toyota" - goes to Bonans once a day. It is departed from the central square of Puerto Cabezsa. Elderly chauffeur does not hurry: there are no schedules, and the more people will go to the pickup, the better. Sit in the shade, smoke. Fifteen minutes later, a tall young ebony with a cap of curly hard hair is suitable. Then two doodle traders appear, they carry round baskets filled with vegetables and fruits. Finally, the area crosses the junior lieutenant in the full combat ammunition and the militia and the Karabin. We are six. The chauffeur, squinting, looks at the sun. Then, not to mention the word, goes to the car, sits down and starts the engine. We occupy places and we. Dorodic traders are hardly clenched into the cabin, men are arranged in the body. At the departure from the city of Pickup stops an average year-old man, in his hands he has a child. It turns out that this is a Cuban volunteer, traveled to Puerto Cabezas to negotiate about medicines for the hospital in Bonans. The younger lieutenant, looking at the child, knocking his fist along the wall of the cabin. The merchant makes the form that everything that happens does not concern.

- Hey, senorites, lie in the body! - Shouts the younger lieutenant. - Do not you see, a person has a child in his arms? Nothing, shake in the bodies, it is useful for you ...

The merchant is long worried about two voices - the meaning of their words is reduced to the fact that "the new power does not allow each joy to insult two respected women! They have sons at his age! And if he thinks, once in the hands of the machine, then everything can be - mistaken! " - But still inferior. While women get out of the cabin, the younger lieutenant speaks with Cuban.

"You see, in anyone who does not want to part with me," as if the doctor is apologized, nodding on the baby. The boy is thin, big. - Dad calls. We found him six months ago in the hut. The gang attacked the village, killed everyone. And he stayed alive. Two weeks sat one in the hut among the corpses of parents and brothers, while we did not find it. We then walked on the villages and made children vaccinations from polio. The boy died of hunger. After all, he is four years old, but looks two. Six months I was keen, barely saved. And since then he rushed to me, he does not let go. And my business trip ends. We'll have to take with you. I have five in Cuba. Where are five, there and the sixth. Go to Cuba, Pabito? The boy joyfully nods, smiles and still cuddles to the shoulder of the doctor.

Before Bonans, we get in the evening. Road envelopes a steep hill. So we are already in the village, and the road is not at all the road, but the street. On the right, below us, - the gaping dips of the shifts, workshops, rope lifts, mechanical drags. Mountains of a blank breed ... mines. Behind the hill, on the other vertex, like a mirage: a complex of modern cottages, trimmed lawns, flower beds, a banana grove, a blue pool bowl.

- "Zone Gringo," explains Cuban doctor, intercepting my amazed look.

Details I recognize the next day when I drive me one of the activists of the local SFNO Committee, Aleryano Savas, is a powerful, cattle and leisurely mining mining.

"A manager of the mine, engineers and employees of the company lived before the revolution," said Arleano, pulling the cottages with his hand. All Americans, of course. So we called this place "Zone Gringo." We have been closed there there, and they appeared in the village, only when they went to the office. The company knew how to share people on "clean" and "unclean."

- And what about the company, isleano?

- "Neptyun Mining." This is the last one, and before there were others. I started working at her in the fifties, the boy. Father, too, was miner, until he died. Probably grandfather, just I do not remember him. Father spoke, our family moved here from Matagalpa, so we are "Spaniards". And there are both Miskito, mestys, negros ... The company owned everyone, even by air, even the life of our own. The land on which we set our homes belonged to the company, building materials - too, the company brought out products in the village and sold in their stores. Light in homes, electricity - also the ownership of the company, as well as boats, and pier on rivers, and in general any transport to drive to cable or Matagalpu ... Do you know who the manager was for us? God! He and kalle and pretty. True, milked rarely. It will not give bones to the products, so we live as you want. Or refuses towards treatment. The hospital also belonged to the hospital. And you will not kill - the range in debt. And if you still hold, the National Guard will definitely find and lead back. Still will be invented, otherwise they are shot in the edification of the rest ...

"Yes, a companguero," Arleano continued, sitting on the stone at the side of the road. "Here, in the mines, every person has let the revolution in the heart. As the company embroidered, everyone sighed. Life saw. Mines are now state, we work on ourselves. Imagine, there are no spare parts, many people got up, because the gringo does not supply us the details. But - We work! And to live joyfully. School built, the hospital is now our products, distribute products by justice. In the "Gringo Zone" there is a kindergarten, the kids swim in the pool, and the library and cinema and cinema have been placed in the former club.

Herleano came down on the exterior steps to the management of mines, and there were tired workers in the mining helmets, many by their shoulders were rifled. Another change was returned from the mine. Their faces were black from indestructible dust, in bright sweats of sweat, but they had fun on each other, laughed fun and infection. And Arleano also smiled in a thick mustache ...


Someone, and Wilbert, I did not expect to meet in Puerto Cabstone. According to his rare letters that came to Managua, I knew that he was fighting in Nueva-Segovia. And so in the evening at the entrance to the city Square, a low army sergeant helped me for the elbow. A familiar gesture corrected points, smiled at a familiar smile ...

- Wilbert! What fate?!

- Translated. How did you find himself here?

- on business ...

Then we have long remembered a trip with the Bibliobus, the guys and the black night on the road that led from the new Ginea to the village of Jerusalem ...

New Guinea - South Department Seleia. The Indians of the Rama tribe live there - they plow the ground around the tiny and rare villages, graze herd on the plains. Mountains in the south of Seleia are low, flat, as if cut by a giant knife, vertices. They are naughty, they are a bit like Scythian mounds, and therefore seem to be superfluous on the green smooth steppe tabletop, where the herbs hide the rider with his head. Cattle Paradise, New Guinea ... I went there in April 1984 with students of the metropolitan technical school "Maestro Gabriel".

My acquaintance with these guys began a long time ago. Back in 1983, students found an old rusty minibus "Volkswagen" on the outskirts on the outskirts of Managua. On the hands through the whole city, they dragged this rhylad to workshop of the technical school. It is difficult, it is almost impossible to get spare parts in Nicaragua, clamped blockade by visits. But - got, repaired, then covered with yellow paint and wrote on the sides: "Youth bus - library." Since then, "Bibobus" began to run through the most remote cooperatives and villages, according to student production teams, collecting cotton and coffee crops. And in one of the flights, students took me with them.

New Guinea - dusty and noisy town - comes to life with the first rays of the sun. When "Biblobus", Davezha and jumping on Ughab, rushed into the winding streets, in the new burner and selflessly moorled roosters. The Zonal Headquarters of Sandinist Youth has built columns of student production teams that went on collecting coffee. In the courtyard, a sergeant-border guards was sitting in the courtyard with his sleeping eyes and, she saw her lips, recorded the number of machine guns issued by students, the number of ammunition and grenades into a pephany notebook.

While Wilbert pushed at the headquarters, finding out the route, Gustavo and Mario stood in line for weapons. The sergeant raised a loss view on them:

- Are you from the brigade?

"No ..." the guys jumbled, loyering.

Sergeant, reappearing into his notebook, silently waved his palm from top to bottom, as if he cuts off from the whole turn. Clear. It is useless to talk to him: the order is the order. It is not known how everything would have arisen, at the table Lieutenant Umberto Korea, head of the state security of the area.

- Give them four cars with spare stores, sergeant, "he said to a smooth and calm voice. - This is the guys from the" biblus ". Did not recognize?

And then, turning to the student Vilbert, said quietly:

- In the zone is still restless. Again, the young traitor moved. Yesterday we ran into an ambush, seven died. You have a difficult route, you will go through state schools, right? So, Wilbert, I allow only the day. In the farms, of course, our patrols, and students put their posts, but there may be surprises on the roads ...

All day we dwined around the villages stretched along the roads. Everywhere around the bus in a matter of minutes, a crowd was collected: the peasants who had recently learned by diploma, students, women with children; The little girl looked curious eyes on an unprecedented spectacle. Gustavo, Mario, Hugo, Wilbert distributed books, explained, told ...

In the evening in seven kilometers from the village with a rare biblical name for these places, Jerusalem minibus got up. Dried, movable, small growth of Carlos driver, looked into the engine, crushed his hand: 2 hours are repaired. From the height of his thirty-six years, he looked at the "these boys" patronizing and swore, which is going with them for the last time. Nevertheless, Carlos has not missed a single trip - and there were more than thirty, - without receiving, naturally, for that neither Sentavo.

Mattered quickly. The sunset spilled out with a shrink gold on the pale sky. The shadows disappeared, and the round fruits of wild oranges became similar to yellow lanterns, wipe in the dark foliage. Wilbert and Mario, hanging the machines on the chest, went right away from the road, Hugo and Gustavo to the left: Combat hosted, just in case. I highlighted Carlos portable lamp, which, climbing the bus, was picking in the engine.

Suddenly the left, very close, there were automatic queues. Somosovtsy! One, second line. Then the machines were blocked. Ratherly, filling the air with a thick knock and ringing. Fucked through the Mario Road. He did not even look at our side and disappeared into a dense shrub, approached the sidelines. Then the Wilbert appeared.

- Soon? He asked, melting air.

"I try," Carlos exhaled, without interrupting work.

"You give a beep," Wilbert again disappeared into the bushes.

Shooting rolled, Satolon, tormented. Finally, Carlos got out of the car and jumped into the cockpit. By opposing hand turned the ignition key - the motor came to life. In joyful excitement, Carlos, with force, hit Klakson - the car rooted unexpectedly powerful bass.

"Gony!" Wilbert ordered in a whisper, while the guys on the move, sending a light jet of the tracks into the dark wall of the shrub, jumped into the opening door of the Biblobus.

And Carlos, extinguishing the headlights, drove the bus by barely distinguished in the night the ribbon of the road. In Jerusalem.

There were also awaited books ...

Return of Nara Wilson

Tashba-when translated from Miscito means "Free Earth", or "Land of Free People". In February 1982, the revolutionary government was forced to relocate Miskito Indians from the Coco border river into specially built Tashba villages, with ... Endless raids of gangs from Honduras, murders, huggers for cordon, robbery - all this put Indians on the edge of despair. Funked by counter-revolutionary, which were often relatives or coumings, the Indians were increasingly distinguished from the revolution, closed in themselves, and then they fled where her eyes look.

I reset the Indians from the combat zone into the departure departments, the government not only built them at home and schools, churches and medical groups, but also allocated community land. A year later, many of those who once left with "contrace" returned to the families in Tashba. The Sandinist Government declared Amnesty the Indians of Miscito, who was not involved in crimes against the people.

So returned to his sons and Nar Wilson - Indian, with whom I met in the village of Sumubil.

When Nar Wilson married, he decided to leave the community. No, it did not mean at all that he did not like life in the village of Tara. Just Nar Wilson has already been serious in those years and because he judged that it was not worth it with his father and brothers under one roof. I wanted to have a house - my home, own.

And the Nag went along with the wife of kilometers to ten downstream the Coco River, separating Nicaragua from Honduras. There, in deserted, deserted places, in the rule, on the jungle died in the jungle, he set his house. Put firmly for years. As it should be, vomed deep into the crude clay land of piles from strong seborate trunks, made on them the flooring from red boards. And only then erected four walls, covering them with wide leaves of wild bananas. It was twenty-five winters back. Twenty-five times froze from the shower of the water Coco, approaching the threshold itself, and the house was standing, as if they built it only yesterday. Only squeezed from moisture and the Sun of the piles and they polished to the shine of the stage.

Everything in the world is subject to time. He himself has changed and Nar Wilson. Then he was eighteenth, now forty-one is superfluous. He rang out in his shoulders, the palms became wide and crawled, we were wicked, time sketched the wrinkle network for a dark face. Life flowed like a river in summer, smoothly, measured and leisurely.

Nag fishing, hunted, he was smuggling a little. He did not like smuggling, but what was done? After American companies passed through the forests, Dići left very little. Lamine disappeared from the mouth of Coco, behind the boar and it had to run.

Children were born, growing, adultels. Senior, married, put their homes nearby, behind the bend of the shore, on green low cavity. Let's the grandchildren. So lived everything around, not noticing time. The years were allocated only to rich catches and outbreaks of the number of beasts in rural. It seemed that nothing happens in the world. To lead from the West, from the Pacific coast, rarely came, even less often came from there with new people.

Nar from childhood remembered an important Tolstoy Sergeant, the head of the post of border guards in the packaging, to whom his father paid a weekly MZD for smuggling. Then he also gently began to pay it and Nar. It was the power of the military. Honorable Peter Bond personified the power of spiritual. Priest Bond, like a sergeant, lived in the village from time immemorial. Baptized and instructed Nara, then children Nara, grandchildren ...

Changes have come unexpectedly. Suddenly the sergeant disappeared. They spoke, he drew in Honduras, swimming Coco on the boat. And Bond began to tell in the sermons the incomprehensible things about some santinists who want to deprive all the Indians of democracy. Then Peter Bond and closed the church at all, saying that Sandinists prohibit praying to God. Then everyone was indignant. How so, no one seen them, these subordinists, and they no longer allow people to go to church! Especially unhappy were old men. And when Sandinists appeared in the district, they met them intensely, silent. For the most part, Sandinists turned out to be young guys from the West, the Spaniards. Hot were guys, collected rallies, talked about the revolution, about imperialism. But few people understood them.

Gradually, the storm of events subsided. Instead of the former sergeant, another - Sandinist appeared in Tara. He did not take bribes and did not allow smuggling, which caused the wrath of many. Honorable Bond reopened the church. AU has already begun to think that life will slowly return to the older, but his hopes did not justify. Increasingly, Wilson began to look at Pedro, the Sandy chief from the packaging. Starting a conversation from afar, he ended every time the same - convinced Nara to create a cooperative. They say, everything will be as before and the citizens will be able to raise rice, bananas, fish, - but not alone, but with other peasants. In the words of Sergeant, Nar Wilson felt sense and truth: Indeed, he, his older sons and the neighbors, working together, will be able to heal better and without smuggling. But, cautious, Nag is dismissed, did the form that he did not understand everything. Pedro spoke in Spanish, and this language Nar and actually knew very badly.

Since May 1981, they began to visit Nara and people from the side of the border. There were among them Miscito Hondurassic and Nicaraguan, were "Spaniards". They were transported across the river at night, remained in his house for several days, using the hospitality of the owner. After all, Nar - Miscito, and Miskito cannot drive a person from his hearth, whoever he could. Aliens were dangerous people, although they spoke their native language. They did not part with the weapon, cursed Sandinists and persuaded the Nar to go with them for Cordon. He dismissed, although not a truth, no sense in their words found.

Once in November, when after a long rain, the Selva was impregnated with moisture as a sponge into the sea, the Nar had a large squad, a man in a hundred who sailed from Honduras on ten large boats. Among them, Nar saw his older brother William and the son-in-law, her husband of sister Marlene. The rest were not familiar to him. Nara was asked to hold a detachment by land to the village of Tara. For a long time he refused, but William, talking to the commander, promised that then he would immediately be allowed to return home and leave alone.

Attack on the village was short. For half an hour, the shootout, and the detachment broke into the narrow streets of Tara. Only then understood the Nag, which was accomplished, and realized that there would be no refund to the former life. The border guards killed, Sergeant Pedro chased the machete. Raped, and then shot a young teacher who recently arrived in the village of Managua.

Somosovtsy returned to boats excited, fascinated by success. William walked next to Nar, was silent for a long time, and then finally said:

Nar only silently shook his head. He was not going somewhere. I did not want to leave my house, leave your boat, parted with my family. However, I had to. Before loading, the leader of the detachment said, evil squeezing his eyes: "Go with us, Indian." The leader was not Miscito, was not Nicaraguan. Therefore, he said as if he gave the order: "You will go with us, Indian." Again, he shook his head negatively, did not tend a sound. The leader, grinning, showed his finger on him, and two gangsters buried the rifles in the breast of Nara. Indian shook his head for the third time. The leader began to scream and wave his hands. Nag stood silently. Finally, the leader, having woolen his head - the three of his people dragged out of his home wife and children Nara, put them back to the river, moved and prepared to shoot. "Now go, Indian?" - the leader asked and grinned again. There is still so silently silently walked around the sand to boats. Behind him, the gangsters pushed the butts of a woman and kids.

While they crossed the river, the Nag stood on the stern, face to the Nicaraguan coast, and, holding back the sobs, looked at his house, watched his house. Buggy glare fled on the water.

"Why did you set fire up?" - in a whisper, without tearing away from the fire, asked the Nar.

"And in order not to pull you back," someone's dark voice answered from the darkness.

In Honduras, Nara was placed in a training camp, the family lived nearby in the village. In the camp, Nar under the leadership of Hondurassic officers and two Yankees engaged in military affair: crawled, shot, threw grenades, studied the machine. Three months later, he was determined in a group consisting of three hundred people, and sent to Nicaragua to kill. For several weeks, they hid in the jungle, arranged ambushes on the roads, attacked the villages, on the divisions of the Sandinist army. And all this time, Nara did not leave the thought of escape. But how? After all, there, for koko, family.

He managed to run only a year after that fatal for him of November night. The wife by that time died, Nara began to let go more often to children. In one of these days, they left the ingur - nar and four sons. For several days, wandered around the rural, confused traces, leaving the Honduranians and Somosovts. One day I had to shoot. But thanks to Americans and other instructors - taught. Nar and before was a good shooter, now he had no hunting shotgun in his hands, but a machine gun. In a shootout, he dumped two, the rest behind.

Then the Nar with his sons swam to the raft Coco and came to the packaging. But in the village it was empty. The package is extinct, many houses stood burnt, only black heads were left. Five fugitives met the army patrol. Nara was sent to Puerto Cabezas, from there - to Managua. Five years of conclusions defined by the court did not seemed to mention an excessive period. Understand: He deserved more for having managed to do Nicaragua on Earth. Sexed only a few months - came the amnesty. What to do in the wild where to go? Always advised to leave to Selai, in Tashba-at. There, they said, they live and his sons, with whom he came from Honduras.

Nar went through the Sumubil and did not believe his eyes. Indians have good homes, school, medical center on the hill. Music is driven out of open lashing doors - it is included in the radios, the kids play in the glade in front of the garden. And most importantly - many in the village of the weapon. But in Honduras, he was inspired that Sandinists oppress Indians, they take children and wives from them, the bosses share the property and lands of Miskito ... So, did you grow? It turns out so. It turns out, the Indians do not need to protect Somosovts at all. On the contrary, they themselves took a weapon to protect against these "defenders", from him, Nara ...

I met Nara on the outskirts of Sumubili, at the very edge of the jungle. He dug deep pits in clay, damp land. Next was the thick white trunks of the Sahib.

"I thought, as much as separately," he said, squinting on the logs and snapping. "Soon one more son will leave me - to marry thinking. I will stay with three younger, I will give them to school, let them learn. Practice. In the cooperative I will join. Here is just a new home will put ...- And he stroked a wide palm with a slightly damp, alive still trunks ...

And today we will introduce our readers with the meaning of the word "wigwam" and its differences from the "Tipi" of the nomadic tribes.

Traditionally, Wigwam is called the place of residence of forest Indians who lived in the northern and northeastern part of the continent North America. As a rule, Vigvam is a small slag,the total height of which is 3-4 meters. It has a dome-shaped form, and about 30 people can live at the same time in the largest wigvamama. Also, the Wigvamam can also include small chalashi, having a conical shape and similar to Tipi. Now Wigwams are often used as a place for traditional rituals.

Vigvamov analogs can also be found in some African peoples, Chukchi, Events and Soytov.

As a rule, the hut cake is made from thin and flexible wood trunks. They are binding and covered with bark of trees or mats from plants, corn leaves, skins and slices of fabric. A combined coating option is also found, which is also additionally strengthened with a special outer frame, and in the case of its absence, trunks or special poles. The entrance to the wigwam closes the curtain, and it can be both small and the full height of Wigwam.

In the upper part of Wigwam there is a chimney, which is often covered with a piece of cortex. Rim up it to withdraw the smoke with the help of a pole. The dome-shaped versions of Wigwamov can be both vertical and inclined walls. Most often there are round vigvama, but sometimes you can see a rectangular design. Wigwam can be pulled into a sufficiently long oval and also have some chimneys instead of one. As a rule, oval wigwams are called long houses.

The vigvamov conical shape of the frame is made of direct poles that are connected together on top.

The word "Wigwam" originates in Protoalgonkinsky adverb, and it translates as "their home". However, there is also an opinion that this word came to the Indians from the language of Eastern Abenakov. In different nations, their variant of the pronunciation of this word, but in general they are close enough.

Also known and another term -wetu. Despite the fact that it is widely used by Indians from Massachusetts, this term did not fit in the rest of the world.

In our time, Wigwam is most often called dome-shaped inhabitants, as well as the simplest chalashi designs in which Indians live from other regions. Each tribe gives his name to his Vigvam.

In the literature, this term is most often found as the designation of the dome-shaped place of the residence of the Indians from the fiery land. They are quite similar to the traditional wigwams of the Indians from North America, but they are distinguished by the lack of horizontal ligaments on the frame.

Also, Wigwam is often called the dwelling of the Indians with high plains, which correctly call the word.

Different sized tent, according to the form similar to Wigvama, is often used in various rituals of revival and purification in the tribes of the Great Plains, as well as from a number of other regions. In this case, a special pyrine is done and the Vigvam himself is in this case is the body of the greatest spirit. A round form denotes the world as a single whole, and pairs in this case are a preamune of the greatest spirit that makes spiritual and cleansing regeneration and transformation.

National The best reflects their image and lifestyle, which largely depends on the genus of people and climatic environmental conditions. So, settled peoples live in and twilight, nomads - in tents and slashes. Hunters cover their housing with skins, and farmers - leaves, plants and earth stems. In previous articles, we told you about and, and today our story is dedicated american Indians and their famous traditional dwellings wigvamam, Tipi and Hoganam.

Wigwam - Residence of North American Indians

Wigwam is the main type of North America Indians. In fact, Vigvam is the usual shala on the frame, which is made of thin tree trunks and is covered with branches, bark or mats. Such a structure has a dome-shaped, but not a conical, shape. Very often, Wigwam is confused with Tipi: take at least a ball from the famous cartoon "Prostokvashino", which was sure that I painted on the stove Wigwam. In fact, he painted Tipi, which has a cone form.

According to the urges of the American Indians, Wigwam personified the body of the Great Spirit. The round the shape of the housing symbolized the world, and the man coming out from Wigwam on the White Light should have left behind everything bad and unclean. In the middle of Wigwam, there was a furnace with, which symbolized the world axis connecting the land with heaven and leading straight to the sun. It was believed that such chimney provides access to heaven and opens the entrance of spiritual strength.

Interesting is the fact that the presence of a focus in Wigwam does not mean at all that the Indians were preparing food there. Wigwam was intended exclusively for sleep and rest, and all other things were made outside.

Tipi - Portable House of Nomadic Indians

Tipi, which, as we said, are often confused with Wigwam, is a portable nomadic Indians of the Great Plains and some mountain tribes of the Far West. Tipi has a form of a pyramid or cone (slightly tilted back or straight), made in the form of a frame of poles and covered with a cloth from the stitched skin of deer or bison. Depending on the size of the design for the manufacture of one TIPI, from 10 to 40 animal skins. Later, when America has established trade from Europe, Tipi often covered easier sail. A small inclination of some cone-shaped Tipi made it possible to withstand strong winds of the Great Plains.

Inside Tipi, the center was equipped with a hearth, and from above (on the "ceiling") was a smoke hole with two smoke valves - blades that could be adjusted using the poles. The lower part of Tipi was usually equipped with an additional lining, which was isolated inside people from the outdoor stream and, thus, created enough comfortable accommodation conditions during the cold season. However, in different Indian tribes, Tipi had their own design features and differed somewhat from each other.

Surprisingly, during the time of the Preconionial era, the transportation of Tipi was mainly carried out by women and dogs, and they spent a lot of effort because of a sufficiently large weight of the design. The appearance of horses not only eliminated this problem, but also made it possible to increase the size of the base of Tipi to 5-7 m. Tipi was established usually by the entrance to the East, but this rule was not observed if it was located in a circle.

Life in Indian Tipi proceeded in its special etiquette. So, women were supposed to live in the southern part of the dwelling, and men in North. It was necessary to move to Tipi through the Sun (clockwise). Guests, especially those that came for the first time, had to be in the female part. The riding of inadvertising was considered to go between the hearth and someone else, since it violated the connection of all those present with fire. To go to his place, a person, if possible, should have moved behind the backs of the sitting people. But there were no special rituals of leaving: if someone wanted to leave, he could do it immediately and without unnecessary ceremonies.

In modern life, TIPIs most often use conservative Indian families, holy traditions of ancestors, indianists and historical reconstructors. Also today there are tourist tents with the name "Tipi", the appearance of which somewhat resembles traditional Indian dwellings.

Hogan - Navajo Indian Residence

Hogan is another type of American Indians, the most common Navajo people. Traditional Hogan has a conical shape and a round base, but today you can meet square khogans. As a rule, the door of Hogan is placed on his east side, as the Indians are confident that at the entrance through this door the sun will surely bring good luck to the house.

Navao believed that the first Hogan for the first man and the woman was built by a courage with Bobrov. Bobra gave a log cabin and taught him how. Today, such a Hogan is called "Male Hogan" or "Hogan with a fork sole"And its appearance resembles a pentagonal pyramid. Often outside the five-marched shape of the house is hidden behind thick earthwalls protecting the structure from winter weather. In front of such a hogan is the lobby. Men's Hogans are used mainly for private or religious ceremonies.

As housing, Navao used "Women's" or Round Hoganswhich were also called "family houses". Such dwellings have several large sizes than "male hogans", and did not have the lobby. Up until the beginning of the 20th century, the Navajo Indians built their hogans in accordance with the described method, but then they began to erect hexagonal and octagonal houses. According to one of the versions, such changes were associated with the advent of the railway. When there were wooden sleepers in the hands of the Indians, which needed to be placed horizontally, they began to build spacious and high with additional premises, but at the same time they retained the form of "female" hogan.

Curious is the fact that numerous beliefs were associated with the Hogan in the Indians. For example, it was impossible to continue to live in Hogan, about who were rubbed by the bear, or not far from which lightning struck. And if someone died in Hogan, the body was lit inside and burned together with, or endured it through the northern hole, pierced in the wall, and Hogan left forever. Moreover, the wood of abandoned khoganov never and no purpose was used again.

In addition to the Hoganov, the people of Navajo were also common underground, summer houses and Indian pairs. Currently, some old hogs are used as ceremonial structures, and some - as a dwelling. However, new hogans are rarely built in order to further live in them.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Wigwams, Tipi and Hogans are not all kinds national Houses of American Indians . There were such builds as vikup, Malok, Toldo, etc.who had both general and distinctive features with the designs described above.