Business plan for the production of drinking water. Water production business plan

Business plan for the production of drinking water.  Water production business plan
Business plan for the production of drinking water. Water production business plan

Water production as a business- a rather laborious and complex process that can bring good income, but only if the process is correctly and competently organized. Today, almost everyone knows that drinking water from a water supply system is undesirable, since it does not always meet the standards. Someone buys water only for drinking, others - for drinking, and for cooking, coffee, tea.

According to statistics, despite the obvious fact that tap water is harmful, about 30% of them constantly buy purified water in stores, but it is obvious upward trend.

Filters may be a good option, but they are not always effective, quickly clog up, and require regular maintenance and replacement. Therefore, the organization of a business for the production of drinking water today is more relevant than ever.

Features of the organization of the case

Before starting production, you need to familiarize yourself with current legislation- laws on subsoil, environmental expertise, tax code, regulations and standards, rules. If you plan to extract water, you need to take care of obtaining permission from local governments for drilling a well, using a land plot for extracting groundwater, for a bottling enterprise project.

You will need to register a business, obtain permits from the SES, certificates of the State Standard, in some regions, to sell goods, you will need to obtain a license from the chamber of commerce.

When developing a business plan for the production of drinking water, there are two options: to extract it yourself or take it from the tap, which has undergone special purification. If you choose the second option, then we are talking about a water treatment system. The technology is quite simple, but it requires the purchase of special equipment to disinfect and enrich water with oxygen. With a competent organization, the costs quickly pay off, since the production of drinking water is.

Before bottling, the water undergoes ozonation, as well as several more stages.

For them you will need:

  • ORP controller and ORP sensor
  • Ozone generator
  • Inverter pump
  • Thermocatalytic ozone destructor
  • Fittings, valves
  • Automatic duplex dehumidifier
  • Level sensors, automatic start
  • Blow molding equipment (bottles)
  • Labeling machine

If you plan to take from the well, you will also need:

  • Fine and coarse filters
  • Borehole pump
  • Mechanical filling device
  • Storage tanks

To organize production bottled water with an automated line, you will also need: a filling unit for siphons, cans, bottles; block of water weakening, saturation, strong purification. The equipment costs a lot, but you cannot do without it; when buying, you must definitely require certificates and results of examinations, compliance with standards and documents.

Business plan for the production of drinking water: basic calculations

To understand whether it is profitable to engage in bottling drinking water, it is necessary to calculate all costs in advance. Much depends on whether you plan to fully automate the system or involve employees. If people work, their salaries are added to the calculations, if equipment is purchased, its cost.

The main expenses for the business plan for the project:

  • Acquisition of a plot of land - prices may be different, depending on the region, district, location features (for drilling a well, if water is taken from the tap, this item is excluded)
  • Purchase of equipment- the amount may also be different, depending on the volume of production
  • Equipment installation - the same factors affect the final figures
  • Rent or - depends on the size of the area, location, lease-construction conditions, etc.
  • Wage staff
  • Payment electricity, water(from the crane or extracting it from the well)
  • Advertising campaign- in order to buy water, you need to think over the name, slogan, label design, press release, offer for partners, etc.
  • Expendable materials

In general, such a business can bring good profits and pay off in six months or a year, provided that the goods are fully sold.

Features of the mineral water bottling business

It is generally accepted that the mineral water springs have all been occupied for a long time, but this is not so. After all, we are not talking about special properties, but about any water that was extracted from lower horizons of groundwater... The degree of mineralization can be different; it differs from drinking one by the presence of special mineral compounds. The composition of mineral water is: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate. It can be a dining room (up to 4.5 g / liter of minerals) or medicinal (more than 4.5).

To organize the production of mineral water, you will also need paperwork and obtaining all permits, as is the case with drinking water. It is very important here to choose the right equipment, which can be expensive, which is why buying used equipment is often considered.

V production business plan mineral water, you need to make the purchase of such items: a capping and filling machine, water tanks, pumps for wells, a saturator, equipment for creating bottles from blanks, for packaging.

Unlike drinking clean water, which can be taken from the tap and processed, in this case, you cannot do without drilling a well. There is an option to purchase water from an already operating well, and in some cases it is more profitable than doing everything yourself. The plot of land and the well itself must be transferred to private ownership, or they agree on a long-term lease for at least 50 years.

Mineral water: main stages of production and business plan

Production involves some features and associated costs, which must be taken into account.

The technological chain in this case involves the following stages:

  1. Water lifting from wells 300-400 meters deep using a deep pump and pipeline, accumulation in reservoirs
  2. Filtration - on a special block, filters and sand
  3. Disinfection - in a UV unit
  4. Cooling - plate heat exchanger
  5. Saturation carbon dioxide
  6. Blowing bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters on the machine
  7. Water filling and supply to the warehouse, corking, labeling, packaging of 6 bottles in shrink film
  8. Palletizing, packaging, shipping to warehouse

Considering the production of bottled mineral water as a business, you can take different amounts of initial costs, depending on whether there is a well, how much is needed to start drilling, whether delivery from other places is planned. Unlike the usual purified or distilled one, here not any well is needed, but drilled out for a specific type of water.

In general, the costs look like this:

  • Premises for rent with an area of ​​300-400 square meters.
  • Capital expenditures for equipment - 1,100,000 rubles: a pump for a well - 30,000 rubles, a soda water dispenser - 650,000 rubles, filters - 100,000, blowing equipment - 70,000, sterile tanks - 40,000, a semiautomatic bottle capper - 120,000, a labeling machine - 90,000 rubles.

  • Payment for the work of a technologist, handyman, warehouse manager, equipment foreman, accountant and sales manager will cost another 1,270,000 rubles a month.

In general, the costs are about 2,400,000 rubles. If we take into account that the line productivity per shift is 8,000 bottles of one and a half liters (12,000 liters), and the number of working days per month is 22, it turns out that the net profit per month can reach 500,000-600,000 rubles.

This is a fairly high profitability, which will make it possible to return the equipment costs in a few months, but the business plan assumes the sale of all manufactured products, which requires additional investments in advertising and marketing.

bottling and supply of finished products to the warehouse


Mineral water from well 1E from a depth of 440 m is raised using a submersible pump. They are fed through pipelines to storage tanks.

Filtration of mineral waters.

Suspended substances contained in water cause cloudy water and reduce the effectiveness of bactericidal treatment. Therefore, all waters are freed from suspended particles before bottling.
To remove suspended particles from the waters, a filtration method is used. Water filtration takes place on a filter block filled with sand and filtration materials.

Disinfection of mineral waters.

The main purpose of water disinfection is to destroy microorganisms. For disinfection of water, it is treated with ultraviolet rays in a UV installation

Cooling of mineral waters.

The solubility of gases increases with decreasing temperature. Therefore, water is supplied chilled for carbonation. Water is not subjected to deep cooling, as this can lead to a decrease in the solubility of salts contained in the water and their precipitation. Water cooling takes place on a plate heat exchanger.

Saturation of mineral waters with carbon dioxide.

Mineral waters are saturated with carbon dioxide using imported Sodamikh equipment. The solubility of carbon dioxide in water depends on the temperature of the water and the pressure at which it is saturated with carbon dioxide.

Preparation of PET bottles

The preforms are fed into the loading bunker and fed to the SBO. In SBO, the preforms are heated and under high air pressure the bottles are shaped. Then the prepared bottles are fed to the air conveyor with the help of which the bottles are fed to the monoblock. Filling and capping takes place on a monoblock.

Filling, capping, labeling, marking, packaging and supply of finished products to the warehouse

Mineral water is poured into PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5 dm 3, sealed with plastic stoppers, glued on a label, marked with a printer, packed first in a shrink film in 6 pieces, and then on pallets of 4 tiers with cardboard shifting between tiers, after which it is wrapped on a politizer stretch. Then the finished products are sent to the warehouse.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create an enterprise for the extraction and bottling of artesian water. The feasibility of the project is due to the growing popularity of this product both for use in offices and for home use.

Production location - х. Pukhlyakovsky, Rostov region. Sales region - Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region. Price segment - "Standard +". The industrial premises are supposed to be leased, delivery is carried out by our own transport. Distribution is carried out through an affiliate network of stores. The VodoPukh trademark and trademark are registered.

The project is attractive for investment, which is confirmed by financial calculations and the resulting integral performance indicators (Table 1).

Table 1. Integral indicators of project efficiency


The company carries out activities for the extraction and bottling of artesian water in 19-liter bottles. The main consumers of this product are organizations of any field of activity and of any size; the use of bottled water for household needs in our country is insignificantly developed, but it is gaining more and more popularity. Today, according to various sources, in Russia the consumption of bottled water per person is about 40 liters per month; in Europe, this figure is in the range of 100-150 liters. Thus, we can confidently speak about the significant growth potential of the industry. It should also be taken into account that Russia and, in particular, the Rostov region, have large reserves of fresh water, which has a positive effect on the cost of the final product.

According to Rosstat, more than 5,000 small and medium-sized businesses operate in the Rostov region. If we take the average number of the company at 20 people, this amounts to 100,000 potential customers. Based on the monthly water consumption of 40 liters per month, of which about 75% of a person consumes at the workplace, the total need for water supply for organizations is 100,000 * 40 * 0.75 = 3,000,000 liters per month. It is extremely difficult to estimate the number of households and their water consumption, but we can say that it is not less than the water consumption by organizations.

The competitive environment in the region is represented by three largest suppliers, two of which both produce and distribute through a network of their own stores (1 and 3 own brands, respectively), and one is a distributor-aggregator, importing water into the region from other regions (7 brands in various price segments); in addition, there are about 10 regional manufacturers in the region that produce products of the budget segment and carry out distribution through the village grocery stores; as a rule, they are not present in large cities of the region.

The technological process includes lifting water from a pre-drilled well, cleaning it, softening and disinfecting it, and then bottling it. After that, the water is delivered to the points of sale by our own transport. The sale is carried out through a network of partner stores. The competitiveness of the enterprise is ensured by the high quality of purification and organoleptic properties of water, provided by high-quality water treatment.


The enterprise extracts water from an artesian well located in the Pukhlyakovsky farm in the Rostov region. The water of this region is characterized by high softness, as well as low acidity and content of metal impurities. By processing on special equipment, the water is filtered, disinfected, and its organoleptic properties are increased.

The quality of bottled drinking water is regulated by SanPiN According to this regulation, all drinking water is divided into two categories: 1st category and the highest category. "VodoPukh" belongs to the highest category, which will increase the profitability of the enterprise due to the higher sale price, and, accordingly, increase the company's marginal income.

The quality and characteristics of VodoPuH water are confirmed by independent laboratories in Rostov-on-Don. The main characteristics of water are given in Table. 2 in comparison with the requirements of SanPiN

Table 2. Comparative description of the main properties of water "VodoPukh"

In terms of chemical composition harmlessness, organic, radiation and bacteriological contamination, as well as other parameters given in the standard, "VodoPukh" fully meets the requirements, significantly surpassing them in most parameters.

The water is bottled in 19 liter PET bottles with a handle. PET is used as an alternative to the more common polycarbonate bottles, which, despite higher rigidity and longer turnover times, contain bisphenol A, which negatively affects the taste of water. The bottle turnover, according to TO 2297-01-96201068-2008, is 50-60 cycles; in practice, the service life is 1.5-2 years. After that, the container must be disposed of.

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The bottle is labeled with the VodoPukh corporate logo, information about the manufacturer, water parameters and contact information of partner stores.


Water "VodoPukh" is sold through a network of retail outlets that specialize directly in drinking water. At the time of the start of the project, the chain's assortment includes three trade marks of the Standard and Premium segments. VodoPukh occupies an intermediate niche, which significantly increases the competitiveness of the brand.

A cooperation agreement has been signed with the network. Marketing and promotion of the brand is carried out by the trade network; all brands in the assortment are advertised equally. Financing of advertising events - equity, 20% is paid by the manufacturer "VodoPuh", 30% - by the manufacturer of other assortment brands, 50% - by the distributor. This distribution of shares (20/30) generally corresponds to the share of brands in total sales. The media plan is shown in Table. 3.

Since the demand for drinking water has a pronounced seasonal character, the advertising campaign is planned taking into account its changes.

The sale of water by the trading network is carried out both through retail outlets by self-pickup, and with home delivery upon prior order. An order can be placed either by phone or via the network's website.

As of January 2016, the chain's share in the total sales of bottled (19 l bottles) water is 15%. By expanding the range of water "VodoPukh", it is planned to increase the share to 20%.


The first stage of the project is drilling a well in the area adjacent to the farm. Pukhlyakovsky, Rostov region. Water is extracted from the second aquifer; its depth is 120-150 m. The expected debit of the well is 90 m 3 / day. Exploration and drilling are carried out by a specialized company. The cost of work is shown in Table. 4.

Table 4. Cost of works on the device of an artesian well

Water is supplied to a production facility located 50-70 m from the well, where bottling is carried out directly. The list of equipment is given in Table. 5.

Table 5. A set of equipment for filling water into 19-liter bottles

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The well debit exceeds the volume of water required during the first two years of the project. The volume of production is dictated by the volume of retail sales. Average production in the first two years is 10,000 liters per day. The warehouse needs to maintain a constant stock to cover the two-day demand. Three light trucks with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons are used to transport water from the production site to the points of sale.

Required production area - 50 sq.m., warehouse - 80 sq.m. The number of production workers is 4 people. The number of auxiliary and warehouse workers is 3 people. The full staffing table is shown in Table. 6. The production plan is given in Appendix. 5.

All workplaces are certified in accordance with the legislation, maximum safety and availability of labor protection equipment are ensured.


All administrative and managerial functions are performed by an individual entrepreneur. To organize effective work, he needs to have general knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, tax legislation and accounting. Knowledge of detailed knowledge of production technology and labor protection is also important. The technology training is carried out by the equipment supplier within 2 working days after the equipment installation directly at the production site.

Table 6. Staffing table and payroll

All employees are directly subordinate to the owner of the enterprise.

Loaders perform both work on the territory of production and work on the road when unloading machines at retail outlets. The dispatcher accepts orders from the distributor, and also plans the route of the vehicles.


The financial plan is designed for a five-year period. Basic economic indicators have been calculated, cash flow is normal and discounted.

Table 7. Investment costs

Table 8. Variable costs

Table 9. Fixed costs

The complete financial plan is given in Appendix. 7. Based on a comparison of financial indicators, a simplified taxation system (STS) with an object of income minus expense was chosen.


On the basis of the received financial calculations, integral indicators of the project's efficiency were determined (Table 1). The discount rate of 10% was chosen based on the low level of risks for the project, and since the industry is not innovative, the market is well known and is not influenced by negative factors from the general economic situation in the country.

Analyzing the integral performance indicators, it can be concluded that the project is promising and is of interest to the investor.


Table 10. Possible risks and measures for their prevention and / or elimination of consequences

Taking into account these factors, we can conclude that the risks for the project are quite low.

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Denis Miroshnichenko
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Legal aspects, equipment selection, assortment formation, room requirements, production processes, sales. Complete financial calculations.

Since the issue of clean drinking water is very relevant now, the business associated with mineral waters is considered very profitable. Since the demand for good water is high in every region, and there are also sufficient sources of mineral water, everyone can organize a profitable business on mineral water. Such a business is distinguished by a quick payback with a small investment, and water is an almost inexhaustible source of income.

Many people think that there are few sources of mineral water and they are all already owned by someone, in fact, water extracted from the lower horizons of groundwater can be considered mineral. The degree of water mineralization can also be different, but if it was mined from a depth of more than one hundred meters, then such water is considered mineral and has healing properties.

In order to properly organize a business, you need to understand what mineral water is. It differs from drinking it in the presence of mineral compounds. According to their composition, mineral waters are divided into:

  • Sulfate;
  • Chloride;
  • Hydrocarbonate.

Also, mineral waters are table (with a mineral content of up to 4.5 g / liter) and medicinal (over 4.5 g / liter). The composition of water and its source directly affects the organization of a business. It is also necessary to consider the extraction, packaging, transportation of water to the point of sale and other factors. Like any other business, making money on mineral water requires a detailed business plan, in which it is necessary to describe all the nuances and stages of organizing your own business.

When organizing a business selling mineral water, it is important to determine the type of product. In addition to mineral waters, melt water is now in demand. During freezing, clean water turns into ice faster than dirty and with impurities, so they can be drained, and the remaining liquid will be most useful. The production of melt water does not require special investments, therefore, at the stage of business formation, this can be a starting point.

The documents

In addition to registering the company itself (individual entrepreneur or), it is also necessary to obtain permits. This is, first of all, the sanitary conclusion of the SES, and it is issued both for the water itself and for production. Certification in Gosstandart is also required. If the company will be engaged in retail or wholesale trade of mineral water, then in some cities it is necessary to obtain a trade license from the Licensing Chamber.

The package of documents can be drawn up independently, or you can order this service from a specialized company, which will do everything necessary for a fee (from $ 500).


When organizing a mineral water business, it is important to choose the right equipment. Since the cost of equipment for the extraction and bottling of mineral water is quite high (it can reach 1 million USD), the solution may be to purchase supported equipment. It will also be possible to buy a ready-made business, for example, a small mineral water plant with the necessary equipment.

As for the list of this equipment, the following items will be needed:

  • Saturator;
  • Well pumps;
  • Water tanks;
  • Filling and capping machine;
  • Equipment for the formation of plastic bottles from blanks;
  • Equipment for packing;

This is the minimum required equipment for a mineral water production enterprise. The listed equipment can be purchased as a complete set or as separate components. On sale you can find new and used equipment from domestic and foreign manufacturers. If the option of used equipment is chosen, then over time, with the expansion of the business, it will be possible to replace the old equipment with new positions.

It is also necessary to purchase transport for the transportation of products to places of trade and consumers.

Extraction of mineral water

Not everyone can get access to a well with mineral water, so if it is not there, then water can be purchased and brought to the desired mineral composition. It should be understood that this option is more expensive.

With the option of own well, it is necessary to prepare a project for the construction of a bottling workshop. This object will relate to the food industry, so it is important to comply with all norms and requirements. The well and the plot of land must be transferred to private ownership, and if this is not possible, then it is necessary to agree on a long-term lease (for a period of 50 years).

Advertising and staff

The new brand of mineral water should be well advertised. To do this, you must use the following methods:

  • Advertising in the media
  • Articles and announcements in specialized printed publications.
  • Organization of promotions and various events.
  • Billboards and banners.

A food technologist will be required as personnel, as well as workers to maintain equipment. Also needed are handymen, warehouse manager, accountant and sales managers.


The main source of expenses in the organization are the following points:

  • Extraction of water from the source
  • Water treatment until ready
  • Purchase or manufacture of containers for bottling
  • Payment of rent for premises or utilities
  • Employee salary
  • Payment for product expertise.
    The payback of the project depends on the level of the enterprise, the type of production, the cost of equipment and other points. On average, in 3 years, you can return the initial investment and achieve stable income.

Drinking water today is bought not only for the home. It is ordered in offices, catering establishments, hospitals, childcare facilities, production workshops. There will always be demand for this product, because at any time of the year a person simply cannot live without it. Of course, such an important product cannot be ignored by modern entrepreneurs. Mineral water production is one of the promising and inexpensive business ideas.

  • What equipment to choose for the production of drinking water?
  • Drinking water production technology
  • Ozonation of bottled drinking water
  • What equipment to choose for the production of mineral water
  • Mineral water production technology

It may seem that there is no simpler product than drinking water. However, there are many types of it. The main groups are mineral table species, natural table species and medicinal ones. The first type contains at least 1-2 g of salts per liter. In addition, the composition contains pharmacologically active components. There are more salts in the medicinal table waters. They contain biologically active components. Medicinal types are products in which the total mineralization is not less than 12 g per liter. They can only be used as directed by a physician. By the amount of capacity in the product of anion and cation exchangers, table water is divided into 19 groups, and medical table water into 28 classes. There are about 160 species of the former, and no more than a hundred of the latter.

What equipment to choose for the production of drinking water?

A line for the production of bottled drinking mineral water costs about 1 million rubles. The set of equipment includes:

Saturator or carbonation unitIt resembles a cylinder in which a certain pressure is created. It is controlled by a valve, the level is indicated by a pressure gauge installed on it. Before saturation with carbon dioxide, the water is cooled to 6 ° C.
Filling and capping machineHe rinsing, bottling soft drinks in PET containers or glass bottles, with a volume of 0.33 to 19 liters. Equipment can be sealed with a plastic cap, crown cap or aluminum cap.
Well pumpMineral water is water that is extracted from a depth of 100 meters or more. The equipment must be powerful enough to pump it out and send it to the production line.
Water tanksUsed to store drinking water before and during processing.
PET bottle production unitForms a container into which the product will be poured in the future.
Equipment for packingServes for packing bottles into briquettes, convenient for further transportation and storage.

Drinking water production technology

The production of bottled and draft drinking water is carried out using this technology. Water from wells enters special containers. It rises through pipes using special deep pumps. Such drinking water always contains mechanical impurities. To get rid of them, the water is thoroughly filtered. If this is not done, the product will sooner or later become cloudy and deteriorate. Industrial filters are made from well-known materials: coal, sand and others. At the next stage, the water is purified from biologically active organisms. For this, ultraviolet radiation is used.

Not all mineral water is carbonated. As practice shows, a product without gases is in less demand. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired level of sales, the water must be passed through a saturator. He will saturate her with carbon dioxide. Cool the water in the heat exchanger. Carbon dioxide is also dissolved there.

In modern factories, the container for the product is made by themselves. Plants for its production do not take up much space, and production does not depend on suppliers. Branded stickers and special design are another important feature that affects the sales and the success of the company's marketing policy.

Container for mineral water.

Ozonation of bottled drinking water

Saturation of water with oxygen (ozonation) removes the liquid from harmful microorganisms, disinfects it and even imparts some healing properties. Oxygen that enters the water does not affect its mineral properties, but it improves the taste and makes the product useful for humans. It has been proven that the cellular structure of water that has passed through ozonation is similar to the structure of human blood. The body processes it more easily.

The installation in which ozonization (water saturation with oxygen) takes place can be purchased for 260 thousand rubles. It has a certificate of conformity ROSS RU.AB67.H00706 No. 0276073. The water passed through it complies with domestic norms and rules. In the installation, you can:

Such equipment is capable of producing ozonation from 50 to 500 liters of drinking water per hour. It is a one-piece housing that does not require any special installation. The technology does not consist in carbonation, but in filling drinking water with oxygen at the ionic level. At the exit, a liquid is obtained, which contains 40 mg per 1 liter of dissolved oxygen.

Ozonation of bottled mineral drinking water in production is carried out immediately before bottling. The ozone level in such liquids is 0.2-0.3 mg / l. They can be usable for a long time.

Ozonation takes place in a very short time, but nevertheless, it allows the product and container to be disinfected. Ozone also affects the filling system itself, the cap, the neck of the bottle and other elements involved in the process. After the bottle is hermetically sealed, the ozone molecules are converted into oxygen. This process renders the product virtually sterile prior to consumption. Ozonation is mainly used at the last technological stage.

In the end, it should be noted that on average in the industry, the production of bottled drinking mineral water has a profitability of about 30%. With such an indicator and subject to the full sale of products, the investment promises to pay off within 12 months. The term, accordingly, will increase if more expensive equipment is purchased and the production premises are bought out.

What equipment to choose for the production of mineral water

To organize a small production of mineral water, a novice entrepreneur needs to purchase special equipment. Depending on the finances available, this could be new or supported hardware. There is also the option of purchasing each machine separately or purchasing a ready-made automated production line.
For the production of mineral water, you need to buy the following elements:
- borehole pump;
- filter blocks of coarse and fine cleaning or an automatic system;
- equipment for the production of bottles;
- reservoirs and tanks for water;
- automatic bottle filling and sealing machine;
- a device for the production of labels.

Mineral water production technology

Mineral water production technology consists of several stages. During the production process, the water undergoes some processing. Mineral water is pumped out of wells with a depth of 300-400 meters with special pumps and raised into storage tanks. Then the water enters the filter unit, where it is purified by filtration materials in two stages - coarse and fine purification, and also disinfected by ultraviolet rays. Before filling the mineral water with СО², it is pre-cooled on a plate heat exchanger. After that, on a special production line, saturation with carbon dioxide occurs, the solubility of which in water depends on temperature and pressure.
The pre-prepared preforms are fed into the bottle making machine, where they are heated and the containers are shaped under pressure. At the last stage, mineral water is poured into PET bottles, sealed with plastic corks, and a labeled label is glued. Finished products are placed in a shrink film in 6 pieces, stored or immediately delivered to customers.