Bernard Show Chronological Table. Show, Bernard - writer, playwright, philosopher and Englishman with a capital letter

Bernard Show Chronological Table. Show, Bernard - writer, playwright, philosopher and Englishman with a capital letter
Bernard Show Chronological Table. Show, Bernard - writer, playwright, philosopher and Englishman with a capital letter

Byrnard Biography Show

Childhood and youth

Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin in the family of a merchant and singers, in addition to Bernard in the family there were two more children, his sisters. In young years, the boy was distinguished by his unique way of thinking and unusually adult behavior. In school, he communicated little with his peers, and he loved his studies. Young Bernard more interested in the teachings of spiritual, but not scientific research and shank. Relations with teachers did not charge him from the first days for which he repeatedly received many physical punishments. After graduating from school, the young man immediately went to look for work, financial difficulties did not contribute to the receipt of the show to the university, and the young man himself did not want it.

Work Clerk.

Thanks to the support of Uncle, he managed to get a clerk to a popular real estate agency in Dublin. The saddest and cruel for his soul was the collection of taxes from the inhabitants of poor districts. Due to the inability to somehow help them a young man strongly crashed himself for powerlessness. In the future, this dark period of his independent life can be partially seen in the play "House of Widset". Despite the darkness of the work, the future writer liked to write books, in an attempt to entertain himself and distracting from monotonous work, he honed his ability to diligently and clearly write every letter. After Bernarda turned 16 years old, his family broke up, the mother of the boy ran into London with a new beloved and daughters. Deciding that he could not leave his father in full solitude, the young man remained in his hometown and continued his studies at the real estate company.

First steps in the world of writing

Soon the young man realized that he didn't like him how he lives and he went to see the mother and sisters in London. Arriving in the UK show changed, he began to spend a lot of time in libraries, studying the literature and starting to write his own works for the first time. At first, it was not interested in his work and he had to enter the feast of writing through criticism. Only after the show became a successful literary criticism of his novels were noticed by the public. The first product of his writer's activities enrolled in print was the novel "Profession of Cough Byrona", created in 1882. The work itself was published only four years after the end of work on it. Some moments in the book show the life of the writer himself. The main character was engaged in boxing battles, like the author himself, who loved this rather aggressive sport. It is noteworthy that the fights themselves took place in England, and a kind of fighting in the world of writers began at the show just on arrival in London.

Popularity and fame

A year later, a publication took place for another unusually exciting history - "not a social socialist." At the beginning of the book, the life of a women's school is shown, which is sharply interrupted by the moments of simple workers and ends with socialist themes. In 1884, a few years before writing "not a social socialist", the writer became interested in the ideas of socialism and joined the "Fabian community", which was engaged in promoting socialism in society. Shortly after the publication of the next novel, the show becomes a correspondent who wrote a review of musical performances. From this point on, the writer is increasingly fond of the world of the theater in his novels, more dramatic appears and more and more acts resemble the plays. In 1885, the writer begins work on the first play "House of Widset", but soon postpones its completion.

Love Pieces and Marriage Mature

In the work of "Love Among The Artists", the writer brightly shows and describes the relationship between people, his personal glances for marriage and a personal understanding of love as phenomena. Symbolic can be called the fact that the last novel who was published by the show became "Immaturity", which was his first creative work. In 1892, the first play of Bernard Shaw "House of Widet" was shown on the stage of the theater. The playwright often used satirical techniques, ridicuing the highest society, which lived due to the fact that poor people gave them the last money. Many of his work remained unpleasant for many reasons, some were too complicated to understand the simple public, others did not pass political censorship.

In 1898, the show entered into a marriage with Charlotte Pain Townsend with which he had a lot in common. The couple supported socialist ideas and it was the reason for their acquaintance. Despite love and understanding in the family, the show has repeatedly changed his wife and, she knew about it, but despite this, the couple remained together.

Innovative look

New topics that have not been raised on the scene of the theater brought their own stake in the theater, but the real success came only in 1904. The Theater "Royal Court", who was in London, began to show the best plays written by the playwright and this raised him to the top of popularity. "Major Barbara" and "doctor in front of the dilemma" differed from previously written works in these works, you can see the whole life experience that Bernard possessed. At the age of 50 years, it has fully formed its manner and feeding the written material. One of the most famous works created at the beginning of the twentieth century - "Pygmalion". In this play, the author is trying in an affordable form to show people that everything is ultimately equal and the same in essence. The differences that it shows are only in external and sexual incompatibility.

Change of thinking

The First World War has become a shock for the whole world, and the playwright has not been an exception. He denied the idea of \u200b\u200bwar for the world itself, because the principle of such actions was built on solid contradictions. "The house where the hearts are broken" showed that this mass fratricide has undermined his faith in humanity, although it was, as before, was shown in humorous form. In his faith in socialism, huge holes began to appear and increasingly he put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bdictatorship. He believed that the crowd would never be able to rule the world in harmony, because many people have so many opinions and never in kind of humanity will not give themselves. In his later plays, the show showed his attitude to life from some frankly dark work the public was terrified. "Holy John" has become a ray of hope for creativity of the playwright, the canonical image of the martyrs Zhanna helped him to return to the former love of the public. With every play, the author became getting closer to the Nobel Prize, which he received in 1925.

Sunset of Life

Despite all the love of the audience, the play, written in the last years of life was not successful and filmed from the show after two views. In 1931, after visiting the USSR and personal communication with Stalin, the show becomes a fan of his views and fully supports the idea of \u200b\u200bStalinism. In the future, the show more than once took the side of Stalin during conflicts with other countries. At the sunset of his life, the show moved to his estate and spent most of the time alone. At the age of 94 in 1950, a great thinker and playwright died.

  • Bernard Shaw once evil noted that to be in love, which means an inappropriate way to overestimate the difference between one woman and the other.
  • Proper pronunciation of the SHAW surname: "Sho", but the "show" pronunciation was entrenched in the Russian-speaking tradition.
  • In response to the heard phrase "Show is a clown", V. I. Lenin said: "In the bourgeois state, he may be a clown for the meshness, but in the revolution they would not be accepted for clown"
  • Few people know that the outstanding English playwright Bernard Show was fond of boxing and even performed on competitions. This was detailed by the journalist and writer Benny Green in the book "Champions of the Show", published in 1979 in London. Shaw performed in middleweight. It was the classes of boxing that a rich material was given to the writer, then a rich material for writing a novel about Boxers "Profession of Cachel Byrona", the warmth of the writers as Robert Stevenson and William Morris. The teacher of the show - Ned Donneli, first who taught the writer the lessons of boxing, - withdrawn in the novel under the name of Zen.


  • Nobel Prize in Literature (1925)
  • Best Adapted Scenario (1939)
  • New York Society of Dramatic Critics in the Nomination "Special Mention" (1952)

Show, George Bernard(SHAW, George Bernard) (1856-1950), Irish playwright, philosopher and prose, outstanding criticism of his time and the most famous - after Shakespeare - the playwright wrote in English. Born on July 26, 1856 in Dublin. His father, cracked in business, was addicted to alcohol; Mother disappointed in the marriage, fond of singing. The show has not learned anything in schools that visited, but a lot has learned from the books of Ch.Dikkens, W.Shispir, D. Benyan, Bible, Arab fairy tales Thousand and One NightsAnd also listening to the opera and oratories in which the mother sang, and contemplating paintings in the Irish National Gallery.

At a fifteenth age, the show got a clerk to the firm for the sale of land. A year later, he became a cashier and held this position for four years. Unable to overcome disgust for such work, he left in London to the mother at the twenty years, which after a divorce with her husband earned the life of singing lessons.

The show already in his youth decided to earn a living by literary labor, and although the selected articles were returned to him with depressing regularity, he continued to besiege. Only one article was accepted for printing, paying fifteen shillings to the author - and it was all that the show earned a pen for nine years. Over the years, he wrote five novels who rejected all English publishers.

In 1884, the show joined the Fabian society and soon became one of his glittering speakers. At the same time, he improved his education in the reading room of the British Museum, where he met writer U.Archer (1856-1924), who introduced him to journalism. Having worked for some time with a freelance correspondent, the show received a place of musical criticism in one of the evening newspapers. After six years, who have given to musical review, the show for three and a half years worked as a theatrical critic in the "Saterey Reevet". During this time, he released books about H. Ibsen and R. Vagner. He also wrote the plays (Collection Pieces are pleasant and unpleasantPlays: Pleasant and Unpleasant, 1898). One of them, Profession Mrs. Warren (MRS. Warren "S Profession, first set in 1902), was banned by censorship; other Wait and see (You Never Can Tell, 1895) after several rehearsals was rejected; third Weapons and man (Arms and the man, 1894), no one did not understand. In addition to those called in the collection included plays Candida (Candida., 1895), Chosen of Fate (THE MAN OF DESTINY, 1897), House of Widset (Widower "s houss, 1892) and Hoodoo (The Philanderer, 1893). P.Mesfield delivered in America Devil's student (The Devil "S Disciple, 1897) - The first play of the show that had a cashier success.

The show wrote the plays, reviews, performed as a street speaker, promoting socialist ideas, and, in addition, was a member of the Saint Pancras Municipal Council, where he lived. Such overloads led to a sharp deterioration in health, and if not for the concerns and care of Charlotte Pain Townzend, on which he married in 1898, the case could end badly. During the protracted illness, the show wrote a play Caesar and Cleopatru. (Caesar and Cleopatra., 1899) and (Captain BrassBound "S Conversion, 1900), which the writer himself called the "religious treatise". In 1901. Devil's student, Caesar and Cleopatra and Captain Brasbound were published in the collection Three Pieces for Puritan (Three Plays for Puritans). IN Cesar and Cleopatre - The first play of the show, where real historical personality acts, the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero and heroine is changed to be unrecognizable.

Not succeeding on the path of the commercial theater, the show decided to make drama by the conductor of his philosophy, posing in 1903 plays Man and superhler (Man and superman.). However, next year his hour came. Young Actor X. Granvil Barker (1877-1946) Together with the entrepreneur, J.E. Vented by the leadership of the London Court Theater and opened the season, whose success was provided with old and new plays shows - Candida, Wait and see, Another Island of John Bull (John Bull "S Other Island, 1904), Man and superhler, Major Barbara (Major Barbara., 1905) and Doctor in front of dilemma (The Doctor "S Dilemma, 1906).

Now the show decided to write plays, completely devoid of actions. First of these plays-discussions, Marriage (Getting Married, 1908), had some success among intellectuals, the second, Misalliance (MISALIANCE1910) turned out to be hard and for them. Having surrendered, the show wrote a frank cash bellish - First Piez Fanny (Fanny "s First Play, 1911), which for almost two years went on the scene of the small theater. Then, as if playing for this concession, the crowd tastes, the show created a genuine masterpiece - Andrkl and Lion. (Androcles and The Lion, 1913), followed by the play Pygmalion (Pygmalion., 1914), delivered by the city of Birbom-three in the "Theater of His Majesty" with Patrick Campbell as Eliza Dulittl.

During World War I, the show was an exceptionally unpopular figure. The press, the public, colleagues trembled him with insults, and in meanwhile, calmly finished the play House where hearts are broken (Heartbreak House., 1921) and prepared his covenant to human race - Back to Malfusale (Back to Methuselah, 1923), where in the dramaturgical form of its evolutionist ideas. In 1924, Glory returned to the writer, he gained world recognition of the drama Saint John (Saint Joan.). In the eyes of the show Jeanne D, Ark - Proc. Protestantism and nationalism, and therefore the sentence made by her the medieval church and the feudal system is quite natural. In 1925, the Nobel Prize was awarded in literature, from which he refused.

The last play that brought the show success was Applecart (The Apple Cart., 1929), who opened the Malvern Festival in honor of the playwright.

In the years when most people were not before traveling, the show visited the United States, the USSR, South Africa, India, New Zealand. In Moscow, where the show arrived from Lady Astor, he talked with Stalin. When the Labor Party came to power, for which the playwright did so much, he was offered the nobility and the title of Par, but he refused from everything. At the age of ninety years, the writer still agreed to become an honorary citizen of Dublin and the London County of St. Pancras, where he lived in young years.

The show of the show died in 1943. The remaining years the writer conducted in solitude in Eyote-Saint-Laurent (Herrtfordshire county), where at the age of ninety two years old graduated from his last play Billions of Bayanta (BUOYANT BILLIONS., 1949). By the end of the days, the writer kept the clarity of the mind. The show in Eyote-Saint Lorense on November 2, 1950.

Does the joke, get two higher English literature awards at once? No, it's not a joke at all, but the real achievement of the playwright of Bernard Shaw.

Life of the playwright: brief information

George Bernard Show - An Englishman of Irish origin, born in the family of merchant and singer. The mother of playwright Lucinda was professionally engaged in music, and Father George led the grain trading.

School years

The study was given to Bernard easily, but the education system itself he simply hated. In the adulthood of the show, the English education system has criticized many times, pointing to the ineffectiveness of corporal punishment, and on the scarcity of spiritual development in the school walls.

Nevertheless, the show in childhood was in school grammar. Then visited College in Dublin. He also had a chance to go to Protestant school.

First career steps

At first, the show worked with a simple clerk. He did not love his position, but did not leave her for several years. Starting to work in 15, Bernard collected the housing fee from the inhabitants of poor districts. It left an indelible mark in his worldview.

At the age of 20, the young man decided to move to London. His mother and sisters have already lived there. In London, the show went on local libraries, I tried to write literary works, but the first attempts were not too successful.

In 1885, prominent art figures began to look closely to his novels and plays. Then Bernard Shaw began to try himself as criticism.

Up to 36 years, the creativity of the playwright did not have much success. He tried to show his plays to directors and the leaders of theaters, but they did not take them for the productions.

After acquaintance with the works of the Norwegian playwright, Ibsen, the show again believed in his strength, and took up work with tripling zeal.

In 1902, in London, they still put the play of the show "House of Widen". The English audience adopted a pretty cold. But still reviews critics were positive.

In Vienna, Berlin and the states of the work of the playwright had a huge success. After his merit was recognized in their homeland.

Bernard Show and Politics

During the Second World War Show criticized hostilities. In 1931, he was invited to the USSR, where he was awarded the audience from Stalin. Bernard was fascinated by the Soviet political regime.

Returning home, he began to criticize the bourgeoisie and its values.

Bernard's personal life

The recognized English playwright was married to Charlotte Tauzend. His wife was a patronage, and in periods of creative failures supported her husband in everything.

Before his death in 1950, the show managed to write a few plays, which received enthusiastic reviews of critics and spectators. His "Trolley with Apples" was raised many times on scenes of various dramatic theaters.

After death from kidney problems, Bernard's dust was dispelled in the same place where his late wife was dispelled.

During the lifetime, the show received Oscar for his works, as well as the Nobel Prize in the field of literature. He worked his whole life and lived in a house in Hartfodshire. His creativity is considered a model of dramaturgy. In addition, Bernard Shaw was unlawfully called the "Second Shakespeare".

What did the show wrote about?

Characters of the plays, which created the playwright, were philosophers, commoners and typical people. They reasoned more about life than they acted and decided.

In the works of the show, all unsightly things and deeds were always called their own names, they were not veiled, and Grotesko showed at the bottom.

The show loved to laugh at the shortcomings and vices of English society. Simple viewers adored his work, and the aristocracy could not get used to his style for a long time. But after all, then this social layer Bernard show has gained recognition. Great playwright often worked before exhaustion, completely giving out all his art and serious literature. His works later received deserved glory, but the show continued to work hard, and achieved success.

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😉 Greetings permanent and new readers! In the article "Bernard Show: biography, facts, quotes" - a brief story about the life of the English writer and unique playwright.

Byrnard Biography Show

George Bernard Shaw was born and grew up in Dublin (Ireland). Date of birth 26.07.1856, Zodiac sign - Lion. Father traded grain, mother was a professional singer. In the family with a modest taste there were three children.

Between the spouses often there were scandals. George did not remember the parent hearth heat. Instead of caressing, the baby often received subtletiles.

As a child, the boy visited the college. Then he was given to Protestant school, in which attention was paid to spiritual development, and not to the sciences. Here, physical punishment for disobedience was practiced. Imagine that I had to endure a guy, because he was one of the worst students.

The young man could not tolerate school. The school period was the most terrible in his life. At 15, he gladly began working as a clerk at the real estate office. Soon his parents divorced. Mother and daughters left in George stayed with his father, continuing to work in the office.

After four years, he easily left Dublin, with whom only sad memories associated him, and moved to the mother.


There was no money for the further education of Bernard and in the mother's family. 20-year-old George engaged in self-education: I read a lot, visited museums. Stopped late in the reading room of the British Museum.

For eight years, the young man wrote novels and articles. He sent her works into different publishers of London, from which only refuses came. But the young writer did not despair, kept faith in herself, optimism and love for life. Easy to his poverty, the guy did not communicate with the girls.

After reading the "Capital", the show declared himself a socialist and entered into a society promoting socialist ideas. He began to actively speak with lectures without receiving a pen.

Casual acquaintance with the writer Archer will make adjustments to Bernard. George decides to try himself in journalism. At first he worked as a freelance correspondent, she worked as a musical critic in the London World magazine. Then, in the magazine "Saterey Reeveya," he worked as a theatrical critic.

The debut of the 36-year-old playwright was the play "House of Widset". The first real success brought a play "Devil's student" (1897).

The house of the writer in Hartfordshire, not far from London. Here he lived and worked for the last 44 years

In 1913, the "Pearl" of Dramaturgia became the play "Pygmalion", which had a stunning success. In 1925, the show received Oscar for the scenario of the film "Pygmalion". For his long life, the playwright wrote 56 plays.

You will not believe, but the writer was indifferent to the money. In 1925, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, but he refused money!


Bernard Shaw loved to travel. Despite the honorable age, he visited many countries, including the USSR. As a socialist, in 1931 he met with

Personal life

The writer first married when he was 40 years old. His wife was the 20-year-old Charlotte Pein-Townzend. She was a rich heir, but the show was absolutely indifferent to her millions.

Charlotte Pain Townzend (1876-1940)

The marriage was happy. Spouses lived together for 45 years. Charlotte knew how to create a homemade comfort, was a support and assistant in her husband's affairs. There were no children from the pair. His spouse Bernard survived for 7 years.

In family life there was a difficult period when the spouse was carried away by the actress Stella Patrick Campbell. For her, the main role in the Piigmalion play was written. Then a rapid roman actresses and playwright moved into friendly relations.

Stella Patrick Campbell (1865 - 1940)

Favorite garden

In the elderly he had excellent memory, the clarity of the mind. He continued to work, but an accident occurred. Working in the Beloved Garden, Bernard fell and broke his thigh. I had to transfer two operations.

Soon the great playwright left this world. He was 94 years old. Neucharging Loves It would be easy for another ten years! By the way, the writer was

Bernard Shaw's graves does not exist. According to his testament, the body was cremated, and the dust is dispelled in the garden. Unique, nozzard, with a subtle sense of humor, fearless, independent, witty, original and unpredictable show ...

Quotes Bernard Shaw

The best quotes of the ingenious show are presented in this video:

Additional information "Bernard Show: biography, facts"

George Bernard Shaw was born on June 26, 1856 in Dublin, in the family of a grain merchant. Bernard's childhood was very heavy. The young man was forced to earn a living at an early age. When he turned 20 years old, he moved from Ireland to London. Here Bernard joined the Fabian society, which interpreted the ideas of moderate socialism.

However, literary activities have long been attracted him. In 1879, the novel "Immaturity" was created. The following novels were published in the journal "Tudei": "Single Socialist" (1884), "Profession of Cachel Byrona" (1885 - 1886).

Bernard Show. Photo 1911.

A little later they saw the light of the novels "Unreasonable relationships (1887)," Love Artist "(1888). At the beginning of the nineties, the play began to write plays. In 1892, the play "House of Widet" was created. After that, the show became a professional playwright. The play "Profession Mrs. Warren" (1894) caused discontent of society, since it was discussed about a former prostitute.

Huge success had a play "Devil's student" (1897). In the same year, the show became a state advisor.

In 1898, the playwright he married Charlot Pein Tausend. The bride was from a very rich family, but just like the show, he was a member of the Fabian society. Therefore, she became not only the faithful spouse, but also a devoted assistant.

Genius and villains. Bernard Show

On the scene of the Royal Theater in 1904 - 1907. Some of the plays show were delivered. Among these plays - "Man and Superholders" (1905), Major Barbara (1905), Caesar and Cleopatra (1907). After that, the show became a world celebrity.

In 1912, the show created one of his significant works - "Pygmalion". During World War II The show wrote the plays about what was happening in society. They were subsequently published in the collection of "Piesense about War" (1919). In 1919, a play was created "House where hearts are broken." In 1923 - Piez "Holy John". According to many critics, this work has become the top of the dramatic activity of the show.

In 1925, the show was awarded the Nobel Prize "For creativity, marked by idealism and humanism, for sparkling satire, which is often combined with exceptional poetic beauty."

The show itself spent to establish an Anglo-Swedish literary fund for translators.

In 1931, the playwright visited the USSR. The left intellectual, he was delighted with the Soviet country, until the end of his life admired Soviet build and achievements.

The Late Creativity of the show includes works: "Billions of Boitant" (1947), "Identified Basni" (1948), Shex against SHEPa (1949). The poetic play "why she refused" remained unequal.