What is the National Park. What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park and from the reserve

What is the National Park. What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park and from the reserve
What is the National Park. What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park and from the reserve

Many believe that foreign national and natural parks are analogs of our domestic reserves. In fact, these are different types of environmental protection areas that differ from each other by the level of protection of ecosystems and a visit regimen. So, we propose to see what the different types of territories with the environmental regime are distinguished, which exist in Russia and other countries.

Nature Monument

Under the monument of nature is understood as a natural complex with a natural complex, as well as a separate object of natural or artificial origin. Lake, a waterfall, a cave, a spring, a unique tree or a whole relict grove, as well as objects having a high paleontological value can be as a monument to nature. At the same time, various environmental regime can act on the territory of the monument of nature - the reserve or the reserve, which happens less often.

Nature Monument Lake Seliger


Reservations are created to protect any specific types of animals or plants, or to preserve the entire landscaped complex. These territories allowed economic activities that do not damage protected species. Research is conducted here, and people sometimes interfere with the inhabitants of the reserve, feeding in winter hoofs or adjusting the number of some animal species.

National Park

Human economic activity in the National Park is also limited, but allowed. In addition, tourists are visited by the territory of the National Park for which special routes have been developed and viewing platforms are equipped. National parks often combine environmental activities with educational events.

Nature Park

The environmental regime in natural parks is not as strict as in national parks, but the main purpose of their creation is the organization of recreation. Of course, the environmental component is also present, but natural parks are known primarily as popular places for outdoor activities and tourists are often visited.

Natural Park "Ergaki"

Natural Reserve

Reserves include territories on which any economic activity is completely prohibited. This includes not only the hunting or cutting of the forest, but also fishing, the collection of berries, mushrooms and other Dijoros. In reserves, only scientific activities are allowed and ecotourism is possible in rare cases.

Biosphere reserve

The status of biosphere has reserves included in the international network of particularly valuable natural territories organized under the UNESCO Program. Control over their condition and scientific activities are conducted within the framework of international programs. At the same time, both the Natural Reserve and the National Park can serve as a basis for organizing the biosphere reserve. In total, there are more than 650 biosphere reserves in the world, and in Russia these environmental territories with international status - 37.

In order to preserve rare species of plants and animals, the creation of specially protected territories is organized: national parks. They are federal objects. In order to maintain order in these territories, funds are allocated from the federal budget.

What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park? You can select several aspects. First of all, it is necessary to figure out what these territories are. What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park in different countries, you can understand if you become familiar with the purpose of creating them.

National Park

For the purpose of human activity, special natural areas have been created. In national parks there is a limitation or a ban on any economic processes. A visit to natural objects by man is allowed. These territories may appear both tourists and ordinary nature lovers.

National Parks are called protected educational and research institutions, which are characterized by special ecological, historical and aesthetic value. The purpose of these objects is environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes, as well as in the regulation of tourism.

Each national park is surrounded by a zone on which limited environmental management is valid. All this land is divided into territories in which various regimes of protection are operating, for example, reserved, recreational, economic and regulated use zone.


The main goal that the creators of national parks is pursued is the need to preserve natural objects, territories of cultural and historical significance, organization of regulated recreation areas. The main task is to restore previously disturbed natural, historical and cultural complexes, as well as in the introduction of special scientific ways to protect the surrounding nature. What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park? Tourism and rest are not prohibited in the latter.


In order to preserve natural resources, specially protected areas and water area have been created. What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park and the reserve? First of all, by the fact that it represents the territory where absolutely everyone come under protection. These include soil, reservoirs, animal and vegetable world.

In order to visit the reserve, a special permission is required. In the limits of this zone, any economic activity is prohibited, there are no industrial enterprises. Here they also do not break the ground and do not make the grass, it is impossible to organize hunting, fishing, gathering mushrooms and berries.

The federal law, in which the status is prescribed to land and water territories in the indefinite use of the reserves.

The main task

The priority goals of nature reserves include maintaining diversity of biocompleks. These territories are organized by various scientific research and carry out environmental monitoring. Also, the main tasks of the activities of reserves include the processes of environmental education and assistance in the preparation of specialists in the field of environmental protection. This is a nationwide program that includes more than one hundred protected areas in Russia. The laws of our country provide them with the status of specially protected natural territories. What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park? In the first case is limited completely. There are no similar prohibition in national parks, but restrictions also apply.


There are territories on which certain types of animal and plant world are protected. These institutions are called reserves, which anyone can visit. There is a permit for partial economic activity. Installation of tents, parking lots, riding a car or motorcycle are prohibited here. In the reserves it is impossible to breed fires, walking dogs, and also to hunt some animals.

What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park and the reserve? Relying on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the protected zones fall under the tougher control and protection. Unlike them, free visits to national parks and tourists only welcome.

Country of unique natural complexes

Tanzania is a very interesting and distinctive country in the environmental sense. Twelve national parks, thirteen reserves, as well as thirty-eight environmental territories turned this country in the best place for tourism lovers.

What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park in Tanzania? As in other countries, these are huge areas inhabit the incredible number of animals and birds. Non-intended natural complexes are under the protection of the state. Poaching activities are strictly punishable under the law, and visitors who hunt for rare types of animals will be expelled from the country. There are reserves in Tanzania and national parks, it works here a large number of Rangers and veterinarians. They recalculate the number of livestock, as well as track the annual migration of animals.

What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park and from the reserve?

First of all, it should be noted that each project is created to preserve natural areas from the aggressive impact of human economic activity. The differences consist only in measures to limit such interference. Under the most stringent control are reserves, they are fully or partially isolated from economic use. A visit to these complexes occurs in coordination with the curators of the zone.

In national parks, any economic activity is excluded almost completely, but tourists are not limited to visitors. The reserves, in contrast to the reserves, are the territory of natural complexes, where the entire object falls under protection, but its separate components. These may be representatives of the plant and animal world, as well as historical, memorial or geological values.

Natural facilities in our country

What is the difference between the reserve from the National Park in Russia? All these territories are traditional and effective forms The main difference of projects is that land and water sections are in the continuous use of the reserves. It is curious that such a phenomenon is characteristic only for our country.

Thus, in this article we looked at what the reserve differs from the National Park or the reserve. Regardless of the name and purpose of objects, it should be remembered that their appearance is associated with the threat of the disappearance of certain biocomplexes. It is necessary to take care of nature not only in the territories of nature reserves and national parks, but also beyond.

There was no place left on earth where a person would not have visited. People live almost everywhere that of course affects the world around. Animals change the habitat, some do not disappear at all, the plants are becoming less and less. And we would never have learned what fauna was in a particular region earlier, if they did not close them. For those who do not understand what we are talking about, we will tell why we need reserves why they are protected and what they differ.

Protected Natural Territories: History

Solve problems related to the preservation of nature, people have become long ago. The first law on this topic was adopted in the 3rd century to our era. Then the king of Devanampiyatissi organized the first reserve.

In the Middle Ages, European to know has protected its hunting estates. Barons and graphs allocated areas on which the hunt was forbidden.

During the reign of Romanov, Alexei Mikhailovich appeared a whole network of special forest zones near Moscow. They were forbidden to hunt and produce any activity to everyone except the king.

The first state-protected plot of land in Russia appeared in the northeast Transbaikalia on the shores of the Barguzin River.

Thus, gradually the reserve (reserve) received official status - territory, forever seized from economic use to preserve samples of typical or rare areas of nature. Here it is forbidden to hunting, fishing and presence of unauthorized persons (tourists), except for excursions in a specially designated time by an organized group under the supervision of employees.

What is the difference between the reserve from the reserve?

The reserve is also a specially protected area, but under its wing is not the entire natural complex, but only objects. For example, only plants or animals are here.

In addition, not all activities are prohibited in the reserve, only the one that affects the life of concrete wards. For example, fishing in local lakes can be caught, but it is impossible to hunt on rare animals living on land.

There are still national parks. This is the most loyal kind of protected areas in relation to visitors. There are the same laws here, but the park zone is allowed to visit tourists and in controlled scales is allowed by various kinds of farm.

For example, in the National Park you can walk with a carriage, pass by bike, but burn fires and to hunt forbidden.

What are the important reserves and national parks?

Considering all the above, it is easy to understand that if we did not create reservations, it would have long lost a good part of many representatives of flora and fauna, as they themselves ill-violate the natural order of their lives.

The importance of these unique parks is difficult to overestimate:

  1. They help save the variety of species;
  2. The security mode provides water purity and fresh air;
  3. Local nature serves as a genetic material for future generations;
  4. Without them, the development of science is impossible;
  5. These are the only places where people can get closer to the pristine nature;

Those who allow themselves to violate the laws of reserved zones: lead an unauthorized hunt, fishing, cutting down forests - make a crime not only against nature, first of all, against all people living now and future generations, their children.

What kind of reserves is in Russia?

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources for 2014, 104 environmental zones are operating in our country. To tell about everything is impossible, we will list some:

  • Azas - Reserve, located in a huge cavity between the mountains (Todzhinskaya Cup) in the north-east of Tuva. This is a unique water complex that feeds the origins of the mighty river - Yenisei. It consists of two major rivers and over 130 lakes;
  • Baddin-Baskunchaksky was opened in the Astrakhan region near Lake Baskunchak, one of the earliest in our country. The need for it arose to preserve the whole complex: a unique lake, a forest oasis and mountains, which is the highest location. As well as rare representatives of Flora - Schrenk Tulips, Vasilkov Talieva;
  • Poohoral located on Pouotnian Plateau, south of the Taimyr Peninsula. Rare animal species (wild northern deer, snow ram) live here, intact rivers and lakes are seen, the perfect combination of subarctic and arctic systems is observed.

This is only a small part of the unique territories of Russia. On the rest you can read separately:

  • Baikal Lensky Reserve;
  • Bashkir;
  • Large arctic;
  • Vishersky;
  • Zhigulevsky;
  • Ilmensky;

And many others. After the joining of the Crimean Peninsula, another 6 was added, now there were only 109, without taking into account national parks and reserves.

Is it possible to get on the excursion?

Yes, practical in any reserve can be accessed with the excursion. Most often, special environmental trails are organized on the territory, along which tourists are watering. Alone same cross the borders of the protected object is prohibited. Information can always be found on sites.

There are general rules of behavior in such places and must be observed, because you go to visit the wild animals, visit virgin sites:

  1. It is impossible to break and tear plants;
  2. It is forbidden to collect mushrooms, berries, nuts and other edible fruits;
  3. You can not catch insects and other small inhabitants;
  4. All the garbage must be taken with you;
  5. Turn off the trails prohibited;
  6. Watching wild animals Do not delay for a long time and do not fit them.

In general, try to make your stay as descent as possible. You will not even imagine what location can make your close attention to the life of local inhabitants.

For example, looking at the eggs of some bird, you risk leave babies without parents, they will easily throw the masonry feeling the presence of a person.

What is a biosphere reserve?

The biosphere reserve has the same privileges as the usual with a small difference. Create it on the basis of the already existing reserve or the national park with the addition of other territories and objects to their composition.

Here they are divided into 3 zones aimed at performing three additional features:

  • Reserve - preservation and restoration of the gene pool of plant and animal peace;
  • Buffer - the surrounding reserve, in order to prevent the negative impact on the latter;
  • Transitive - unifying land with the population and all types of use (land use, water use, etc.).

All biosphere reserves are organized under the auspices of UNESCO.

Their feature is that specialists from all over the world can conduct their research and observation.

37 biosphere closed zones were organized in Russia:

  • Altaic;
  • Baikal;
  • Volzhsko-Kamsky;
  • Lapland;
  • Oksky;
  • Prioksko-terass;
  • Sikhote-Alinsky

And others, including national parks. In total, the world according to UNESCO 699 specially protected areas.

So, we tried to do everything so that you understand what important work people are doing creating natural reserves. We hope that now you will not have a question, what kind of reserves are needed and what role they perform in society. This is the future of our planet, which may not be if we do not comply with its rules.

Video about the role of nature reserves in conservation of nature

In this video, Ecologist Arthur Moiseev will tell, for which the world needs reserves, what and how they help save:

State Natural Reserves - This is fully seized from the economic use of specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water, bowel, vegetable and animal peace), having environmental, scientific, ecological and educational importance as samples of natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places of maintaining a genetic fund Plant and animal world.

At the same time, reserves are environmental protection, research and environmental-educational institutions that have the goal of preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique environmental systems.

Natural resources available on the territory of public native reserves are provided to them in perpetual use. All property reserves, including natural complexes and objects, is state property and cannot be the subject of any transactions on its alienation.

It is prohibited to withdraw or other termination of the rights to land and other natural resources of the State Natural Reserve.

The following tasks are assigned to the reserves:

Implementation of the protection of natural territories in order to preserve biological diversity and maintaining protected natural complexes and objects in the natural state;

Organization and conduct of scientific research, including the management of the chronicles of nature;

Implementation of environmental monitoring in the framework of the national environmental monitoring system;

Environmental education;

Participation in the state environmental impact assessment of projects and projects for the placement of economic and other objects;

Assistance in the preparation of specialists in the field of environmental protection.

The most characteristic feature of the legal regime of the State Natural Reserve is that any activity contrary to the specified tasks and rules of its special protection is prohibited. Staying on the territory of the reserves of citizens who are not workers in these reserves or officials of bodies in which these reserves are underway only in the presence of permits of these bodies or directors of the reserves.

In accordance with international environmental protection programs, biosphere reserves have been created in our country. They enter the international system of biosphere reserves that implement global environmental monitoring.

National parks - These are natural complexes and facilities with special environmental, historical and aesthetic value, which are intended for use in environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

As well as reserves, national parks are environmental protection, environmental and educational institutions. Their property is state property, provided to them in perpetual use, withdrawn from civil turnover and is not subject to privatization.

The main tasks of national parks are:

Preservation of natural complexes, unique and reference natural sites and objects, as well as historical and cultural facilities;

Environmental education of the population;

Creating conditions for regulated tourism and recreation;

Development and implementation of scientific methods for the protection of nature and environmental education;

Implementation of environmental monitoring;

Restoration of disturbed natural and historical and cultural complexes and objects.

Thus, unlike state-owned nature reserves, national parks perform not only environmental and scientific countries, but also recreational and educational programs: they create conditions for recreation and tourism of the population, familiarization with natural attractions.

For these purposes, the National Park is attached to the differentiated re refuse with the allocation of various functional zones:

Protected, within which any economic activity and recreational use is prohibited;

Especially protected, within which conditions are provided for the conservation of natural complexes and objects and in which a strictly adjustable visit is allowed;

Cognitive tourism, intended for the organization of environmental education and familiarization with the attractions of the National Park;

Recreational, intended for rest;

Protection of historical and cultural facilities, within which conditions are provided for their conservation;

Maintenance of visitors intended for accommodation of spaces of overnight, tent camps and other objects of tourist service, cultural, domestic and information service of visitors;

Economic destination, within which the economic activity required to ensure the functioning of the National Park is carried out.

Any other activity that may cause damage to natural complexes and objects of the National Park and contradicts its tasks is prohibited, including the development of minerals, the impairment of soil cover, the change in the hydrological regime, the provision of horticultural and country-country sites, the construction of roads, communications and other objects not related With the functioning of the National Park, cutting down forests, hunting and fishing, traffic, the organization of mass sports and spectacular activities outside the specially provided for this place, etc.

State natural reserves - These are territories (water areas), which are of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining an ecological balance.

State natural reserves are designed to preserve some natural objects or reproduction of natural resources in combination with limited and consistent use of others. At the same time, the territories on which the reserves are located may not be seized by the owners, owners and users of land plots, unlike the territories of nature reserves and national parks. At the same time, these entities of the rights to land plots, which are within the boundaries of the reserves, are obliged to comply with the regime established on their territory specially oh wound and carry responsibility for its violation.

State natural reserves may have a different program, in accordance with which the following types of reservations are allocated:

Complex (landscape) intended to preserve and restore natural complexes (landscapes);

Biological (zoological and botanical) intended to preserve and restore rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural relations;

Paleontological intended to save fossil objects;

Hydrological (marsh, lake, river, marine), designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and environmental systems;

Geological, intended to preserve objects and complexes of inanimate nature.

The legal regime of state natural reserves is characterized by the fact that in their territories, any activity contrary to the objectives of creating a reserve or harm to its natural complexes and their components is constantly or temporarily prohibited.

To ensure the functioning of the reserves, their administrations are created.

There are many reserves and national parks in Russia. What is the specificity of the respective territories?

What is the reserve?

Reserve - Natural territory, visiting which a person without permission of competent organizations is prohibited due to the need to ensure the protection of environmental objects located in this region. This measure is most often due to the fact that rare animal species dwell on the relevant territory or rare plants grow.

The goal of the reserve establishment is, thus, is to maintain biological diversity and natural development of natural complexes, lands, water bodies. In the territories of the relevant protected areas, it is possible to carry out the necessary scientific research, the implementation of environmental monitoring, conducting environmental impact assessment, training specialists in environmental protection.

Reserves established in Russia are protected by federal legislation and have the official status of specially protected territories. In accordance with the norms of law regulating the status of reserves, land and water resources are constantly enshrined at such territories.

In order to visit the reserve, it is necessary in most cases to receive a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or directly from the leaders of the reserve.

The environmental zones are being discussed at the expense of the budget of the Russian Federation.

What is the National Park?

National Park It is the territory on which, in order to protect the environment, the activities of people associated with the use of objects of nature are prohibited or largely limited. However, visiting national parks for tourism and walks is usually allowed. Scientific research can also be conducted on the territory of national parks, training of environmental protection professionals.

National parks are usually established in order to protect facilities with environmental, historical and cultural value. These can be unique natural landscapes, climatic zones, territory with purest air and water. But since the hunting and the collection of fruits in national parks are usually prohibited or permitted with restrictions, favorable conditions are created for the development of plants and animals, the area of \u200b\u200bliving coincides with the Park territory.

Real estate objects located in the territory of national parks are assigned to them and acquire the status of resources that are in operational management. As a rule, a protected natural zone is formed around the territory of national parks, the control of the locality is established.

National Parks of the Russian Federation, as well as reserves, are found at the expense of the state budget.


The main difference between the reserve from the National Park is that the person visits the territory of the first natural zone is generally prohibited or strongly limited. If we talk about the National Park, visits of tourists and travelers to the relevant territories are usually carried out freely. But the maintenance of economic activity within both of the natural areas under consideration is unacceptable.

Basically, the establishment of the reserve is carried out in order to protect rare species of animals and plants, the area of \u200b\u200bresidence of which corresponds to its territory. The National Park is usually organized in order to protect the particularly valuable environmental, historical and cultural objects of the state. But on its territory, conditions are also created for the favorable development of flora and fauna, since the hunting and collection of fruits, considered as varieties of economic activity, are also prohibited or permitted by internal regulations on limited areas of the National Park.

By defining what the difference between the reserve and the national park, reflect the conclusions in the table.


Reserve National Park
What is common between them?
Most types of human activities are prohibited in the territories of the relevant natural zones
The status of both types of natural zones is defined in federal legislation
The development of both types of natural zones is carried out at the expense of the state budget.
What is the difference between them?
In general, closed to visiting people (authorization of officials is required)As a rule, it is discovered for visiting by people, subject to the observance of the ban on the hunt and the collection of fruits (unless otherwise established by the Rules of the Park)
As a rule, establishes in order to protect rare species of animals and plantsAs a rule, establishes in order to protect environmental, historical and cultural objects of the state