The first rock paints. Primitive rock painting

The first rock paints. Primitive rock painting
The first rock paints. Primitive rock painting

These phased drawing schemes will help create pictures with children imitating rock painting. The painting of cave walls by ancient hunters - the oldest works of fine art, famous for humanity. Primitive pictures are made so expressive, bright and vividly, which still does not leave the audience indifferent.
Usually, cave artists depicted animals - the object of their hunting, less often - hunters, and almost never plants. Therefore, we offer you four schemes of phased drawing with children of figures of rock painting: the man, elk, a ram and a wild prehistoric horse.
For their work, the ancient artists enjoyed natural pigment paints. We will use more modern materials for drawing. Pastel or markers are best suitable, but can be drawn with colored pencils or paints. But the colors will try to keep the "ancient": red, brown, black.

Preparation of paper to gradual drawing with children "Flood painting"

Of course, you can draw on ordinary landscape sheets, but much more interesting to make the basis for drawing - "Stones". Especially since making them easy. And the drawings performed on such "stones" are remarkably assembled into a whole "rock".
You can make the basis for gradual drawing along with children or cook "stones" in advance. First, imitating a stone surface. Use all the shades of brown. Then a wide brush, spend a dark brown uneven line - the "stone" contour. When the picture is driving, cut the paper by contour.
Ready base for gradual painting with children "rock painting".

Phased drawing with children "Frame painting" on natural stones.

As the basis of the drawing, you can choose and real stones found on a walk or brought from summer holidays. You can draw with a thin tassel and gouache paint, marker, felt-tip pen, even a soft simple pencil. For strength, the drawing would be good to cover with colorless varnish. For tricks of such painting, read in the article. Color colors pick up the color of the stone. In this case, the more contrast, the better.
Natural stones with figures of "rock painting"

Hunter - scheme of phased drawing with children "Rock painting"

Baran - Phased Drawing Scheme with Knock Painting

Elk - scheme of phased drawing with children "Rock painting"
Horse - Phased Drawing Scheme with Frame Painting

Drawing diagrams can be printed and give guys to independently work. Children can decide which figure they will want to fulfill, choose for it paper (or real) "stone", color of shallow or marker. For one occupation, the guys 7-8 years will have time to do one or two drawings, if you will tint paper "stones" with them with them. Or all four pictures, if "stones" you will give them ready. Such an occupation will perfectly complement the reading of "small fairy tales" R. Kipling. For example, about a cat that walked by itself, or about how the first letter was written. You can read the book while dries a tinted base or simply after all work is completed.

primitive art

Anyone endowed with a great gift - feel beauty surrounding feel the harmony Lines, admire the variety of colors.

Picture - This is captured on the canvas of the artist's globility. If your perception of the surrounding world is reflected in the painting of the artist, then you feel related to the works of this master.

Pictures attract attention, fascinate, excite imagination and dreams, cause memories of pleasant minutes, about favorite places and landscapes.

When appeared first images Created by man?

Appeal primitive peopleto the new type of activity - art - one of the greatest events in the history of mankind. Primitive art reflected the first ideas of a person about the environment, thanks to him, knowledge and skills were passed and passed, people were communicated with each other. In the spiritual culture of the primitive world, art began to play the same universal role, which pointed stone performed in labor activity.

What accepted a person to imagine certain objects?How to know if the coloring of the body was the first step towards creating images, or a person guessed the familiar animal silhouette in the random outline of the stone and, having tried him, gave a greater similarity? Or maybe the shadow of an animal or a person served as the basis of the drawing, and the handprint or step precedes the sculpture? There is no definite answer to these questions. Ancient people could come to the idea of \u200b\u200bportraying objects not one, but in many ways.
For example, to the number the most ancient imageson the walls of the caves of the Paleolithic era include human hand prints, and university weave of wavy lines sold in crude clay with the fingers of the same hand.

For works of art of the early stone century, or Paleolithic, the simplicity of forms and colors is characteristic. Folding drawings are usually the contours of the beastsmade by bright paint - red or yellow, and occasionally filled with round spots or completely painted. Such "" Pictures "" They were clearly visible in the twilight of the caves illuminated only by torchs or a smoky fire fire.

In the initial stage of development primitive visual art did not know laws of space and prospects, as well as compositions, those. The intentional distribution on the plane of individual figures, between which there is a sense.

Alive and expressive images arise before us the history of life of primitive man The epochs of the Stone Age, told by him in shaking pains.

Dance. Painted Lland. Spain. A variety of movements and gestures, a person passed his impressions of the surrounding world, reflecting their own sensations, mood and mental state. Mad horse racing, imitation of an animal hawking, panting legs, expressive hand gesturescreated prerequisites for the occurrence of dance. There were also militant dances associated with magical rituals, with faith in victory over the enemy.

<<Каменная газета>\u003e Arizona

Composition in the cave shop. France. On the walls of the caves you can see mammoths, wild horses, rhinos, bison. Drawing for primitive man was the same "witchcraft" as spell and ritual dance. "The knocked" spirit of the painted beast with singing and a dance, and then "killing" him, a man seemed to master the animal strength and before the hunt "won" him.

<<Сражающиеся лучники>\u003e Spain

And these are petroglyphs. Hawaii

Mural at Mountain Plateau Tassili Agere. Algeria.

Primitive people practiced sympathetic magic - in the form of dances, singing or images of animals on the walls of the caves - to attract the herds of animals and ensure the continuation of the kind and safety of livestock. The hunters played the scenes of successful hunting to attract energy into the real world. They appealed to the mistress of herd, and later to the horned God, whom they portrayed the horns of goats or deer to emphasize his primacy in herds. The bones of the beasts were supposed to be buried to the ground so that the beasts, like people, were revived from the lamb of the mother.

this cave drawing in the Lasco region (Lascaux) in France from the Paleolithic era

Preferred food were large animals. And people of Paleolithic, skillful hunters, destroyed most of them. And not only large herbivores. During the Paleolitis completely disappeared, as appearance, cave bears.

There is another type of rock paintings that wears a mystical, mysterious character.

Fashionable drawings from Australia. Whether people, or animals, and maybe not that, and not the other ...

Figures from West Arnama, Australia.

Huge figures and near the little men. And in the lower left corner, in general, something incomprehensible.

But the masterpiece from Laskauksa, France.

North Africa, sugar. Tassili. 6 thousand years BC Flying plates and some but in a safty. Or maybe it is not a space.

Casual drawing from Australia ...

Val Camonik, Italy.

and the next photo from Azerbaijan, Gobustan district

Gobustan is included in the UNESCO Heritage List

Who were those "artists", who managed to transfer to remote epochs of the news about their time? What prompted them to do it? What were the hidden springs and the driving motives with which they were guided? .. thousands of questions and very few answers ... Many of our contemporaries are very loved when they are offered to look at the story through a magnifying glass.

But is it really so small in it?

After all, there were images of the gods

In the north of Upper Egypt, there is an ancient city of Chramov Abidos. The occurrence of it goes back to prehistoric times. It is known that already in the era of the ancient kingdom (about 2500 BC) in Abidosa enjoyed a wide twisting of the Universal Deichness of Osiris. Osiris was considered a divine teacher who gave the people of the stone century by diverse knowledge and crafts, and, quite possibly, knowledge of the secrets of the sky. By the way, it was in Abidos that ancient calendar was found, dated IV Millennium BC. e.

Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome also left a lot of shaking evidence that remind us of their existence. They have already developed writing - their drawings are much more interesting, from the point of view of learning life, rather than ancient graffiti.

Why is humanity trying to learn that there were millions of years ago, what knowledge had an ancient civilizations? We are looking for a source, because we think that the opening of it, we will know what we exist. Humanity wants to find where the initial point of reference is located with which it all started, because it thinks that there, apparently, there is an answer, "for which it all", and what will be at the end ...

After all, the world is so unlawed, and the human brain is narrow and limited. The most difficult crossword of history must be solved gradually, cell per cell ...

About ancient rock paintings.

Around the world, speleologists in deep caves find confirmation of the existence of ancient people. Shark paintings are perfectly preserved for many millennia. There are several types of masterpieces - pictograms, petroglyphs, geoglyphs. Important monuments of human history are regularly entered into the World Heritage Register.

Usually on the walls of the caves there are crowds of plots, such as hunting, battle, images of the sun, animals, human hands. People in ancient times gave painting sacred meaning, they believed that they would help themselves in the future.

Images were applied by various methods and materials. For artistic creativity, the blood of animals, ocher, chalk and even guano volatile mice were used. The special type of painting is dashest paintings, they were knocked out in stone with a special cutter.

Many caves are not sufficiently studied and are limited in visiting, and other, on the contrary, are open to tourists. However, most of the precious cultural heritage disappears unattended without finding their researchers.

Below is a small excursion to the world of the most interesting caves with prehistoric weak paintings.

Ancient rock paintings.

Bulgaria is famous not only about the seizures and the indescribable flavor of the resorts, but also the caves. One of them, with the sonorous name Magura, is located north of Sofia, not far from the town of Belogradchik. The overall length of cave galleries is more than two kilometers. The halls of the cave have colossal dimensions, each of them is about 50 meters wide and 20 in height. The pearl of the cave is a rocky painting, made directly on the surface covered by Guano volatile mice. Murals of multi-layered, here a number of paintings, neolithic, eneolyt and bronze century are presented here. In the drawings of the ancient homo, Sapiens depicted figures of dancing settlements, hunters, many wonderful animals, constellations. The sun, plants, tools of labor are also represented. Here begins the story of the festivities of the ancient era and about the sunny calendar, scientists are assured.

Cave with the poetic name Kueva de Las Manos (from Spanish - "Cave of many hands") is located in the province of Santa Cruz, exactly in a hundred miles from the nearest settlement - Cities of Perito Moreno. The art of rocky painting in the hall 24 meters long and 10 meters in height dates back to 13-9 millennia BC. An amazing picture on limestone is a bulk fabric, an isolated hand-trail. Scientists have built the theory about how they turned out to be clear and clear and clear prints of the palms. Prehistoric people took a special composition, then they gained it into the mouth, and through the tube with force, they blurted out on the hand applied to the wall. In addition, there are stylized images of a person, Nanda, Guanako, cats, geometric shapes with ornaments, the process of hunting and observation of the sun.

Charming India offers tourists not only to the delights of the eastern palaces and charming dances. In the north of central India, there are huge mountain formation from the weathered sandstone with a lot of caves. In natural shelters, once ancient people lived. About 500 housing with human habitats are preserved in Madhya Pradesh. Indians ordered rock dwellings with the name Bhimbet (on behalf of the hero epos "Mahabharata"). The arts of the ancients are dated here with the epoch of the Mesolitis. Some paintings are insignificant, and some of the hundreds of images are very typical and bright. 15 shaded masterpieces are available for contemplating those who want. Most importantly, patterned ornaments and scenes of battle are depicted here.

Rare animals are found in Serra da Kapivara National Park, and masty scientists. And 50 thousand years ago here, in the caves, our distant ancestors found. Presumably, this is the most ancient community of hominids in South America. The park is located near the city of San Raymondo Nonato, in the central part of Piaui. Experts counted more than 300 archaeological monuments here. The main preserved images are dating 25-22 thousand years before the Nativity of Christ. The most amazing thing is that extinct bears and other Paleoofaun are drawn on the rocks.

From Somalia in Africa recently separated the Republic of Somaliland. Archaeologists in this area are interested in Lasa Gal cave complex. Here are rocky paintings of the times 8-9 and 3 millennia to our era. On the granite walls of majestic natural shelters, scenes of life and life of the nomadic people of Africa are depicted: the process of grazing, ceremony, games with dogs. The local population of the drawings of the ancestors does not attach, and the caves use, as inserted, for asylum during the rain. Many of the etudes have not been studied properly. In particular, problems arise with the chronological binding of the masterpieces of Arab-Ethiopian ancient rocky painting.

Not far from Somalia, in Libya, there are also robust paintings. They are much earlier, and dated, almost until the 12th millennium BC. The last of them are applied after the Nativity of Christ, in the first century. It is interesting to observe, following the drawings, like in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Sahara, fauna and flora changed. First we see elephants, rhinos and fauna, characteristic of a rather wet climate. It is also interesting to a clearly traceable change in the style of the population of the population - from hunting to sedentary cattle breeding, then to nomadicity. To get to Tadrart-Akus, you need to cross the desert to the east of the city of Gat.

In 1994, for a walk, by chance, Jean-Marie Shaw opened the famous cave later. She was called in honor of the speleologist. In the sew cave, except traces of the vital activity of the ancient people, hundreds of wonderful frescoes were discovered. The most amazing and beautiful of them depict Mammoths. In 1995, the cave became a state monument, and in 1997 a 24-hour surveillance was introduced here to avoid damage to a magnificent heritage. Today, to take a glance at the unmatched rocky creativity of Cryanons, you need to receive a special tolerance. In addition to mammoths, admire there is something on the walls here there are both handprints, and fingers of representatives of Orignak culture (34-32 thousand years BC)

In fact, the name of the Australian National Park is not related to the famous Parrots of Kakada. Just Europeans incorrectly pronounced the name of the Gaagudju tribe. This nation has now extinct, and there is no one to fix the unstring. Aborigines lived in the park that did not change the way of life since the time of the Stone Age. For thousands of years, indigenous Australians were engaged in weak paintings. Pictures here have been drawn already 40 thousand years ago. In addition to religious scenes and hunting, stylized stylized stories are sketched here in drawings about useful skills (training) and magic (entertainment). Animals depicts extinct sampling tigers, Soma, Barramundi. All Miracles of Plateau Arnhem Lend, Kolpignac and South Hills are localized 171 km from Darwin.

It turns out that the first homo Sapirens got to Spain at 35 millennia to the Nativity of Christ, it was an early Paleolithic. They left the scattered paintings in the cave of Altamira. Artifacts on the walls of a huge cave date back to the 18th and 13th millennium. In the last period, polychrome figures are interesting, a peculiar combination of engraving and painting, the acquisition of realistic parts. Famous bridges, deer and horses, or rather, their beautiful images on the walls of Altamira often fall into textbooks for middle-class students. Altamira Cave is located in the Cantabria region.

Lasco is not just a cave, but a whole complex of small and large cave rooms located in the south of France. Not far from the caves stands the legendary village Montignac. Pictures on the walls of the cave are drawn 17 thousand years ago. And so far they are striking amazing forms, akin to modern art graffiti. Scientists especially appreciate the hall of the bulls and the Palace Hall of Cats. What the prehistoric creators left there, it is easy to guess. In 1998, the fishing masterpieces almost destroyed the mold, which arose due to an incorrectly mounted air conditioning system. And in 2008, LASCO closed to preserve more than 2000 unique drawings.


Pictures and engravings on the rocks began to draw for tens of thousands of years before the birth of such civilizations, like Greece and Mesopotamia. Although most of these works remain a mystery, they strengthen modern scientists to understand the daily life of prehistoric people, understand their religious beliefs and culture. This is a real miracle that these ancient drawings have been preserved during such a long time in the face of natural erosion, wars and destructive human activity.

1. El Castillo

Some of the oldest famous rock paintings in the world, which depict horses, bridges and warriors are in the cave El Castillo, in Cantabria in the north of Spain. Inside the cave leads the hole, so narrow that it takes a crawling through it. In the same cave you can find a lot of drawings, which turned out at least 40,800 years.

They were made shortly after people began to migrate from Africa to Europe, where they met with Neanderthals. In fact, the age of rock paintings involves the possibility that they were made by Neanderthals, who at that time lived in this region, although evidence of this is not at all convincing.


For a long time it was believed that the oldest famous rock paintings were found in El Castillo's cave. But in 2014, archaeologists made a stunning discovery. In the seven caves on the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi on the walls found fingerprints and primitive drawings of local pigs.

These images have already been known to local residents, but no one even guessed how old they are. Scientists estimated the age of rocking drawings of 40,000 years. Such discovery questioned the long-standing conviction that human art first appeared in Europe.

3. Plateau Arnhem Lend

Recent studies have shown that some places in Australia can fully arrange by age with the most ancient art in the world. In the stone refuge, Majabarnmang was found in the north of the country found rocking painting in 28,000 years. However, scientists believe that some drawings can be much older, since one of them shows a giant bird, which extinct about 40,000 years ago.

Therefore, or rock art older than was supposed, or the bird lived longer than the modern science suggests. In Navarl, Gabarnmang can also find drawings of fish, crocodiles, Kangaroo-Wallaby, lizards, turtles and other animals made of tens of thousands of years ago.

4. Apollo-11

This cave received such an unusual name, because it was discovered by the German archaeologist in 1969, when the first spacecraft (Apollo-11) landed on the moon. On the stone plates of the cave in the southwestern Namibia drawings made by charcoal, ocher and white paint were found.

Images of creatures that resemble cats, zebras, ostriches and giraffes have been from 26,000 to 28,000 years, and they are the oldest fine art found in Africa.

5. Pesh-Merl Cave

Scientists believed that the images of two spotted horses on the walls of the Pesh-Merl cave in the south-central part of France, which were made 25,000 years ago, are the fruit of the imagination of an ancient artist. But recent DNA studies have shown that such spotted horses really existed in this region at the time. Also in the cave you can find 5000-year-old images of bison, mammoths, horses and other animals drawn by black manganese oxide and red okra.

6. Tadrart-Akus

Deep in the Sahara Desert in the south-west of Libya in the Tadrart-Akacus Mountainside, thousands of paintings and rock paintings were found, which show that no time in these arid lands was water and flowered lush vegetation. Also on the territory of the current Sahara lived giraffes, rhinos, and crocodiles. The oldest drawing here was made 12,000 years ago. But after Tadrart-Akacus began to absorb the desert, people finally left this place about 100 AD.

7. Bhimbet

In Madhya Pradesh, there are about 600 caves and rock dwellings, in which they found rocky paintings, made between 1,000 and 12,000 years ago.
These prehistoric images are drawn in red and white paint. In the pictures you can meet the scenes of hunting on buffaloes, tigers, giraffes, elk, lions, leopards, elephants and rhinos. Other drawings show the collection of fruits and honey and domestication of animals. You can also find images of animals that have long been extinct in India.

8. Lasa Gal

A complex of eight caves in Somaliland contains one of the most ancient and most well-preserved rocky paintings in Africa. Their age is estimated between 5,000 and 11,000 years, and these drawings of cows, people, dogs and giraffes in red, orange and creamy are performed. About people who lived here at that time practically nothing is known, but many local residents still consider the caves sacred.

9. Cueva de Las Manos

This unusual cave in Patagonia is literally overflowing with 9,000-year-old red and black hand prints on the walls. Since there are mostly images of the left hands of teenage boys, scientists suggested that the application of the image of their hand was part of the rite of initiation of the young men. In addition, the cave can also find scenes of hunting on Guanako and non-flying birds Nanda.

10. Plovmts cave

In the Libyan Desert in 1933 they found a cave with rock painting of the era of Neolith. Images of floating people (because of which the cave received its name), as well as handprints, and which decorate the walls, were made between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago.

Friends, from where and how did it all start?

Maybe when an ancient man saw his footprint on the sand?
Or, when he spent his finger on the ground, I realized that a trace of my finger was?
Or maybe when our ancestors learned to manage the "fiery beast" (fire), spending the burnt end of the stick on the stone?

In any case, it is clear that man has always been curious And even our ancestors, leaving primitive drawings on the rocks and stones, wanted to give each other their feelings.

Explore pictures of ancient peopleIt is obvious that in the process of evolution, their drawings were improved, moving from primitiveness to more complex images of people and animals.

It is known that archaeologists have found on the territory of Africa, in Cave Sibud, rock paintings made by ancient people another 49 thousand years ago! The drawings were painted with hoora, mixed with milk. Primitive people used okhru before before, about 250 thousand years ago, but there was no milk in the paint.

This finding was strange because the ancient people who lived 49 thousand years ago did not yet have livestock, and therefore mined milk, hunting for the beast. By the elo, our ancestors used for drawings coal or elander roots, unwrapped in powder, limestone.

All are known painting ancient Egypt Popular most. The history of the ancient Egyptian civilization has about 40 centuries! This civilization has reached large heights in architecture, writing papyrus, as well as graphic drawings and other images.

Existence Ancient Egypt It began 3000 years BC. e. And ended with IV -VII centuries. ad.

The Egyptians loved to decorate painting almost all: tombs, temples, sarcophages, different homemade little things and dishes, statues. For paints, used: limestone (white), soot (black), iron ore (yellow and red), copper ore (blue and green).

The painting of ancient Egypt was meaningful, depicting people, for example, the dead, providing them with services in the afterlife.

They believed in the afterlife and believed that the life was only the gap to another, more interesting life. Therefore, after death, the dead was glorified in the images.

No less exciting ancient drawings and frescoes of other civilizations - Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.

Greco-Roman antiquity Began in the VII century BC and ended the VI century of our era. Make painting walls on raw plaster Romans spied in the ancient Greeks.

So, for example, for paints, colored minerals Mixed with squirrel eggs and animal glue. And after drying, such a fresco was covered melted wax.

But here ancient Greeks They knew where the best way to preserve bright colors. In the plaster, which they used, contained lime and when drying, it formed a transparent, thin film from calcium. That is this film and made fresco durable!

Wall murals of ancient Greece They reached this day, after millennia, perfectly preserved in the same bright and rich color, as when creating them.

Previously, the fresco called picturesque work on raw plaster. But in our time, any wall painting can be called fresco, not depending on the technique of its execution.

In general, wall paintings or frescoes belong to monumental painting. And it is directly related to me. It is Alpharian painting, that is, the wall painting is my main specialization I studied in a private school in southern France.

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In the Middle Ages in Russia Kiev The walls of the cathedrals painted beautiful frescoes. So, for example, in 2016, I visited the Sofia Kievskaya reserve in Kiev. And in the beautiful cathedral, laid down in 1037, the Great Prince of Kiev Yaroslav Wise, on the walls, wall frescoes were preserved on the walls (the total area of \u200b\u200bthe frescoes of 3000 square meters. M.)

Home Composition in Cathedral - portrait of the Yaroslav Wise Family On three walls. But only portraits of the sons and daughters of the prince reached this day. Huge frescoes written in the XI century, of course, made a strong impression.

Also already B. Middle Ages (period V - XV BB) Used for picturesque works not only the walls, but also surfaces of the tree (for writing pictures). For such works, tempera paints were used. This paint, of course, is considered one of the oldest types of paints and used it to write paintings, up to the XV century.

While one day netherlands painter Van Eic did not introduce widespread use Oil-based paints in Europe

Tempera - It is water-based paints. Powder powder diluted with water and chicken yolk. History has more than 3,000 years in this type of paints.

Sandro Botichelli / Sandro Botticelli. Left Portrait of a young woman 1480-1485, 82 x 54 cm, Frankfurt. On right Annunciation 1489-1490gg, tempera tempera, 150 x 156 cm, Florence

So, for example, in ancient Egypt sarcophages Pharaohs Scribed precisely Temper.

But to use the canvas, instead of a wooden board for writing paintings, in the countries of Western Europe, only at the beginning of the XVI century have become. In significant quantities, Florentine and Venetian painters were written on the canvas.

In Russia, the canvas, as the basis for painting began to be applied even later, only from the second half of the XVII century. But that is another story…. Rather

So, showing curiosity and making a small analysis, you can trace the methods of self-expression of a person from a primitive drawing to the true creations of the Middle Ages !!! Of course, this is not a scientific article, but only a view of one curious artist who likes to drip and drop in the maze of the human mind.

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