Mummy Guanajuato: Sad History of the cholera epidemic in Mexico. Mummy Mumi Guanajuato: Body preserved by natural pathway (Mexico) The history of the Mummy Museum

Mummy Guanajuato: Sad History of the cholera epidemic in Mexico. Mummy Mumi Guanajuato: Body preserved by natural pathway (Mexico) The history of the Mummy Museum

The People's Museum Guanajuato is located in one of the most beautiful places in the historic part of the city. A museum has been opened in 1979 and since then its collection is constantly updated with new samples of folk art.

In the permanent exposition of the museum there are many national heritage objects. These are archaeological finds, and samples of visual arts, and tools of labor, and objects of life of local nationalities. The pearl of the museum is an extensive collection of miniatures.

Despite the abundance of exhibits, the museum's exposition is organized very compactly, which makes visiting the museum very comfortable.

The museum works every day, except Sunday and Monday, from ten o'clock in the morning to seven in the evening. On Sunday, the museum is open to visits from ten o'clock in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon.

House Museum Jin Byron

This museum is a recreated phasenda - a typical building, in which the wealthy residents settled during the time when the branch of silver was flourished. Fazenda was restored in the mid-50s of the last century and in our time is a good visual example of the lifestyle of its last inhabitants - artist Jin Byron and her husband Virgin.

The creative inclinations of residents of the house left the colorful imprint on his decoration. It is furnished with a subtle taste. The interior decorate the original items from wood and ceramics, paintings, as well as antique furniture. A beautiful garden surrounding the house museum also pleases with his calm beauty.

The house functions as a museum in which exhibitions are regularly held. There is also a cultural center where Baroque music concerts and a variety of applied art are being held. Part of the arts can be bought.

Museum of Independence

The Independence Museum is located in the center of the city inside the building built at the end of the eighteenth century by the Francisco Mgenel Migesel Gonzalez.

Earlier, a prison was located here, which in one historical Sunday in September 1810 lost all their prisoners as a result of Grito de Independencia.

In 1985, the building acquired the status of a museum, which currently includes seven permanent expositions, including the "liberation of prisoners", "Cancel Slavery", "Judicial Hidalgo", "Perfection of Independence" and others. In addition to expositions, the museum organizes excursions, thematic cinema cycles, mobile exhibitions, conferences and concerts.

Museum of San Ramona

The San Ramona Museum is a public museum dedicated to the Mining Industry of the region and is open to everyone. A permanent exhibition includes exhibitions of minerals, ancient photographs, labor objects and life of Valencia county miners.

The oldest exhibits of the museum refer to 1549, when Silver surface deposits were discovered in County, which to this day are considered one of the richest in the world. Later began to produce both a mine method. In one of these mines, a separate exposition is arranged. The total length of this mine is five hundred fifty meters, but for reasons of security to visits, only the first fifty are permitted.

At the entrance to the excursion mine, a small restaurant is arranged, where you can try national cuisine in the appropriate setting.

Mummy Museum

The Mummy Museum in the Mexican City of Guanajuato offers its visitors to look at the mummified bodies of people who are collected here more than a hundred. The exposition of the museum is a testimony of a very unusual attitude towards death. The preservation of the mummy exhibited is very good. From Egyptian Mexican mummies are distinguished by the fact that the atmosphere and soil in Mexico are too dry, so the bodies are strongly dehydrated, and not specially displaced.

In the exposition of the museum, 59 mummies were exhibited, which were exhumed from 1865 to 1958. At that time, the law acted in the country, according to which relatives it was necessary to pay the tax for the bodies of their deceased loved ones in the cemetery. And if the family could not pay on time, then lost the right to the burial place, and the bodies were removed from the stone tombs. After leaving in dry ground, some bodies are naturally mummified, and they were stored in a special building under the cemetery.

At the end of the XIX - early XX century, Mummy were launched there, the attention of tourists began to attract the attention of tourists, and the staff of the cemeteries began to charge for inspection. In 1969, when Mummy in Guanajuato was exhibited in glazed shop windows. And in 2007, the exposition of the museum was recomposed on thematic sections. Every year hundreds of thousands of tourists arrive here, as well as numerous researchers.

Exhacienda San Gabriel de Barrera Museum

The Exhacienda San Gabriel de Barrera Museum is a museum of Mexican gardens. Here you can see Mexican flowers, shrubs and trees. The Exhacienda San Gabriel de Barrera Museum is located on a huge Mexican ranch created in the seventeenth century. Previously, it belonged to the famous Mexican Gabriel Barrera. He acquired the popularity of gardener thanks to the cultivation of various plants. These were Mexican flowers, shrubs and trees. Until now, seventeen barreran gardens have been preserved.

Gardens visitors will be able to see not only representatives of the plants that were grown in the seventeenth century, but those who meet in Mexico and now.

Five gardens are located in the museum in the open area, there are those that are located indoors. Exhacienda San Gabriel de Barrera works every day. Plains are waiting at 9 am to 6 hours. During the day of staying on the territory of the museum will have to pay about eight dollars

Museum of Diego Rivera.

The Museum of Diego Rivera was founded in 1975. It contains a collection of famous artist Mexico Diego Rivera. In the collection of the gallery there are over one hundred seventy five works of the Master. Most of the pictures once belonged to the local resident of March. In the Museum of Diego River, visitors will be able to see the paintings that the artist created in early childhood, in the period of youth and in the last years of life. The latter, created by him, dates back to 1956. In the museum you can see such famous paintings by Diego River, as Madame Libet, the "Pigeon of the World", "Classic Head".

In addition to paintings, some sketches of the artist are represented in the gallery. The Museum of the Diego Rivera is kept work and other artists Mexico of the twentieth century. They are combined into a separate collection, which is called "Minimar". For example, here you can see the paintings by José Louis Cuevas. The Diego Rivera Museum works at any time of the year. For staying at the museum will have to pay a few dollars.

Museum Cas de la Tia Aura

This museum can be called unique in the literal sense. Because its exposition is a very peculiar meeting of impressions, shades, nuances and inexplicable feelings that remain from those who have inhabited this old house before the residents.

This museum is often called a ghost house. And special effects help to very reliably feel his mysterious and even mystical situation.

The idea for creating such a museum was informed of the fact that human sacrifices were made inside this house.

The house tour is held only in Spanish, so in foreign language guests will not be so easy to understand the story of the guide. But very believable sighs, rustles and other sounds speak for themselves. Boring in this museum will definitely not be.

Opened museum from Monday to Saturday.

Museum of Fine Arts in Kikote

The Museum of Fine Arts in Kikote - a museum created under the patronage of Guanajuato Government and the Cervantina Eulalio Foundation. The Museum of Fine Arts in Kiheot is widely known as a cultural center. The reason for fame lies not only in the widest thematic collections of the museum (more than 900 artistic works). First of all, the museum is known as the center of the annual art festival, where artists, writers, sculptors and other representatives of the creative intelligentsia from around the world are gathering.

The exposition of the museum includes pictures made in different styles and techniques, sculptures, ceramics, articles of decorative and applied art and much more. The collection continues to replenish, mainly due to the donations of the Cervantina Foundation.

Museum of Mummy

Mummy Museum was created at the end of the nineteenth century. It was opened in 1865. At this time, the first mummified body was found in the Pantheon of Santa Paulo. The one hundred fifty-year-old history of existence was discovered, the museum visited over one million visitors. The Mummy Museum collection has more than a hundred exhibits. Some of them were given to the Museum by American researchers.

Mummy Museum was created in order to preserve the cultural heritage of Mexico. Each exhibit reflects Guanajuato's life over several decades. During excursions in the Mummy Mummy, the guide tells visitors about the peculiarities of the appearance of mummifications, the decorations of their graves, and also crosses Mexican legends associated with mummies. Each employee of the museum participated in archaeological excavations, which are constantly held on the territory of Guanajuato. In 2007, the Mummy Museum was reproduced.

Attractions Guanajuato

Some mummies who today scare visitors world capitals were found thousands of years ago. As for the mummies of the Mexican city of Guanajuato, they hit the museum just a few centuries. In the period from 1865 to 1958, the years of the city, whose relatives were resting in the local graves, ordered to pay tax. If someone shied up from paying for three years in a row, his bodies of his loved ones immediately dug out.

Due to the fact that the soil in this region of Mexico was extremely dry, the corpses were more resembled well-preserved mummies. The first dummy mummy is considered to be the body of Dr. Lerua Remigio, which was found on June 9, 1865. The dumped bodies retained in the cemetery in the cemetery, and relatives could still buy a corpse. This practice lasted until 1894, while in the crypt did not accumulate enough tel to open the mummy museum in Guanauato.

In 1958, residents stopped paying a tax for a place in the cemetery, but Mummy decided to leave in the crypt, which soon became a local attraction and began to enjoy popular with tourists. Yes, initially travelers came straight into the crypt to see the bodies of the mummies, but soon the collection of the dead became the exhibits of a separate museum.

Since all mummies were formed in a natural way, they look much more terrifying than disabled bodies. Prior to the Mummy Guanajuato with their bony and distorted persons are still dressed in the decoration in which they were buried.

Perhaps the most shocking exhibits of the Mummy Museum for visitors will seem the buried body of a pregnant woman and the entertaining bodies of children. The museum also contains the smallest mummy on the planet, which is no more loaf of bread.

At the moment, it is not for example, as a corpse, being buried more than a century, could so well preserve. As already mentioned, scientists suggest that the cause of this is the peculiarities of local soil, but it also has the opinion that the local climate contributed to the mumization of the corpses.

The museum has a store where sugar skulls are sold, stuffed up mummies, as well as postcards with black humor in Spanish.

The museum can be found in almost every city. Often in museums demonstrate works of art, the work of famous masters and so on. But some museums contain completely different exhibits. Looking at them, a man is terrified, interest and thrust to the supernatural. One of these institutions is the museum of screaming mummies, located in a small Mexican town of Guanajuato.

Guanajuato is located in the central part of Mexico, 350 kilometers from the capital. In the sixteenth century, the Spaniards wanted these lands from Aztecs, after which they founded the fort Santa Fe. This land attracted Spaniards because there were most valuable mines in which it was possible to produce gold and silver tons.

History of the city of Guanajuato

Aztecs called the above-described area Kuangas Huatato, which means "the place where the frogs among the hills live." When the Earth wanted the Spaniards, they renamed them and began to mine gold for the king. In the eighteenth century, precious mines were almost completely exhausted. Gold miners switched their attention on silver, which many more in the mines remained. For several centuries, the Spanish town was considered the richest and profitable. He was in every way decorated with architecture, which partially survived to the present day.

In the mid-nineteenth century, Mexico received independence, thanks to which ordinary peasants were able to get rid of colonial status. Since then, much has changed: the government has established new orders, conducted reforms and so on. Only one thing remains unchanged: the desire of the rich to increase its income. Taxes continuously increased. Since 1865, the places in the cemetery became paid, which were especially unhappy with ordinary people. Now, if they did not pay for the place in the cemetery, in five years the body of the deceased was exhumed and was transferred to the basement. If relatives managed to pay for huge debt, the body was returned to the grave.

The victims of the new law were lonely dead

The bodies of the dead, who simply did not have relatives were injured in the first place. The second were injured by those whose relatives could not make a huge board by challenges. At first, the bones of exhuated peacefully lay in the basement. Then the enterprising owners of the cemeteries decided to make Museums from the basements, visiting which could be "enjoyed" with the considerable exhibits. Since 1969, terrible exhibits began to demonstrate eyictionaries openly, without hiding from law enforcement agencies. The basements merged into a single museum who received official status.

Creepy remains of unfortunate people

The number of bodies that were subject to exhumation was incredibly huge. Not all "expelled from the cemetery" were transferred to the museum. Only the most terrible bodies were taken there, which could attract attention and at the same time shock rich visitors. For the windows of the museum was placed only those corpses, which during their stay in the grave did not decline, and turned into a natural way in mummy. It should be noted that in Mexico did not embalmed dead people specifically, as it was expensive and wrong from the point of view of religion.

The most famous "screaming" exhibits

The first and most famous exhibit of a terrible museum is the body of Dr. Leo's doctor, who was quite rich in life. Unfortunately, he did not have relatives that could make a fee for a place in the cemetery, so it was exhumated, despite the financial condition. Leroy dug in 1865. Initially, the body was denoted as "a storage unit No. 214".

In the above exhibit, you can see a suit in a relatively good condition. He sews from an expensive fabric, so it has been preserved for so long. Most of the "screaming" exhibits do not have clothes, as she simply rotted at one time. Some robes seized the museum workers, commenting on that they are too much with death. The disgusting fragrance was not able to kill chemicals.

People whose remains can now be contemplated in the Museum in Guanajuato, died for various reasons. Some ruined the cholera epidemic in 1833, the others died from the professional diseases of miners. In addition, there are the remains of those who died by their death from old age. The most interesting thing is that women in this museum are much more than men. In those days, representatives of the fine floor had a more difficult life.

Scientists have failed to identify all the remains, but the individuals of some they still installed. For example, the remains of Ignashi Agila. This woman in life was a decent mother, good wife and hostess. When her body was exhumated, they were very frightened, as she lay in a strange pose: her hands were pressed to the face, and the clothes were sked. The researchers suggested that she was buried alive, confusing death with lethargic sleep. In the mouth of Ignashi found blood clots. Most likely, she woke up already in the coffin, tried to get out, and when I realized that it was useless, in a panic and from the lack of air ruined her mouth with his hands.

No less sad was the fate of another interesting exhibit, too, women who strangled. Her neck remained fragments of the rope, which was not even removed from it during the funeral. Museum workers say that at the other end of the room there is a severed head of her husband, who was a killer, for which he was executed.

It should be noted that open mouths, allegedly screaming, are not always a sign of death in terrible flour. Even a quietly deceased person can get such a frightening facial expression if he will be bad for jaw.

But in real life, they do not represent any danger, but are the most valuable archaeological object, able to talk about the life, traditions of ancient people. If you are not afraid of meeting with mummy, then you must visit the Guanajuato Museum in Mexico, who gathered under one roof more than fifty mums.

One of the most shocking museums is located in Mexico, in the city of Guanajuato. You will never see living beings there, because the main and the only exhibits are mummies. Before proceeding with the story, we will deal with those who are so mummies. Mummy is a body of a living creature treated with a special chemical composition that slows down the decomposition process.

The history of the Mummy Museum

As the idea arose to create such a strange museum. Turn to the story. It all started in the 19th century, when the authorities of the city introduced a tax on burial. From now on, to be buried in the cemetery, the population was to make a fee. Of course, they could not pay for themselves, this duty was automatically transferred to the relatives of the deceased. But, as a rule, the fee or simply did not do, or the dead man did not have close. Then the bodies were exposed to exhumation. Imagine the surprise of graveters, digging not a bunch of naked bones, but entire body, practical in perfect condition. Mystic? Not at all. It's all about the special structure and unusual soil composition, which created natural conditions for the mummification.

The law acted almost a hundred years. But this was quite enough to collect a rich foundation for the future museum. Keep mummies in a building next to the cemetery. Time passed, and this collection began to attract more tourists who are ready to even pay to "admire" on terrible exhibits. This way there was a mummy Guanajuato Museum.

Museum structure

All at the disposal of the museum 111 mummies, but only 59 is exhibited for everyone. But this quantity is enough to catch up with fear on some tourists. A museum begins with a small corridor, tired on both sides by the most ordinary and unremarkable mums. The most interesting thing is that the skin has been preserved on each of them. Not so gentle, like a person, but the creature has long died, he is forgiven. Some of the dead are exhibited in clothing in which they were buried. But then the exhibits become much more interesting. In the past, these are people of different classes. For example, there is a mummy in the cosuhy. Surprisingly, considering that the man lived in the 19th century, when there was no rock and motorcycles. In another hall you can meet a mummy with a full parade: dress, decorations. There is even a mummy with oblique to the belt. These are the exhibits.

But most terrifies the tradition to be photographed into memory with dead children. In the museum, even such photos are represented from which the hair stands on end. In the neighboring hall you can see the mummy of a pregnant woman and her child - the smallest mummy in the world. No one will leave indifferent room with mummies, who died not natural death. There you can meet drinkers, and a woman who saved in a lethargic dream, and a man who deceased from cranial injury. Each posture clearly gives to understand who and how died. Some of them even survived shoes. These are whole works of art of an ancient shoe industry.

And in conclusion

Many consider Mexicans with the wild people, easily related to death. What is horror and disgust with us is commonplace. Mexicans prefer to "be friends" with death. So you visited the distant ancestors. They have even a national holiday - "Dead Day." For residents of Mexico death is the most common phenomenon. Maybe we are also easier to treat life?

Some mummies who today scare visitors world capitals were found thousands of years ago. As for the mummies of the Mexican city of Guanajuato, they hit the museum just a few centuries. In the period from 1865 to 1958, the years of the city, whose relatives were resting in the local graves, ordered to pay tax. If someone shied up from paying for three years in a row, his bodies of his loved ones immediately dug out.

Due to the fact that the soil in this region of Mexico was extremely dry, the corpses were more resembled well-preserved mummies. The first dummy mummy is considered to be the body of Dr. Lerua Remigio, which was found on June 9, 1865. The dumped bodies retained in the cemetery in the cemetery, and relatives could still buy a corpse. This practice lasted until 1894, while in the crypt did not accumulate enough tel to open the mummy museum in Guanauato.

In 1958, residents stopped paying a tax for a place in the cemetery, but Mummy decided to leave in the crypt, which soon became a local attraction and began to enjoy popular with tourists. Yes, initially travelers came straight into the crypt to see the bodies of the mummies, but soon the collection of the dead became the exhibits of a separate museum.

Since all mummies were formed in a natural way, they look much more terrifying than disabled bodies. Prior to the Mummy Guanajuato with their bony and distorted persons are still dressed in the decoration in which they were buried.

Perhaps the most shocking exhibits of the Mummy Museum for visitors will seem the buried body of a pregnant woman and the entertaining bodies of children. The museum also contains the smallest mummy on the planet, which is no more loaf of bread.

At the moment, it is not for example, as a corpse, being buried more than a century, could so well preserve. As already mentioned, scientists suggest that the cause of this is the peculiarities of local soil, but it also has the opinion that the local climate contributed to the mumization of the corpses.

The museum has a store where sugar skulls are sold, stuffed up mummies, as well as postcards with black humor in Spanish.