Scene composite features of the comedy Gogol Auditor. Scene-composite features of the comedy N.V

Scene composite features of the comedy Gogol Auditor. Scene-composite features of the comedy N.V

In the comedy "Auditor" N.V. Gogol acts as a playwriter. He overcomes traditional techniques of classicism poetics, deputy water techniques, departs from traditional love intrigue, turning to satyric image Society, cities growing in a grand symbol Russian state. "I wanted to collect everything bad in Russia in one pile and at one time ... I need to laugh," I wrote N.V. Gogol. Let's try to analyze the plot-composite structure of the work.

The originality of the author was already the fact that the exposition in the comedy follows after tie. The strings of the play is the first phrase of Governing: "... an auditor is going to us." And only after that we plunge into the atmosphere of the life of the county city, we learn what orders are instituted there than the local officials. We will learn here and some details: how the guests are contained by the guests of the bodies of "in the present places", which is happening in educational institutions ..

The string of real intrigue comedy, as we have already noted above, the first replica is becoming the first replica. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko in the article "The Secrets of the Scenic Charism Gogol" noted the extraordinary courage and innovation of Gogol in creating a string. "The most wonderful masters of the theater," he says, "could not tie a play otherwise, as in several first scenes. In the "Revolution" alone phrase, one first phrase: "I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you the most examples: the auditor is going to us," and the play has already begun. Dana Fabul, and this is the most important impulse - fear. " However, it is worth noting that there is still no fear. The suspension in the play is also different and comedy, and satirism, and psychologism. The arrival of the auditor is definitely unpleasant news, but the situation is traditional. Government has extensive experience in such affairs (two governors deceived). The auditor rides, but he is not afraid yet. The initiative is still holding in his hands. However, the city is already in motion. Gingerbile vigorously distributes instructions to officials. Gogol showed himself as a talented playwright, invented such a violinity, thanks to which all the comedy faces arrived at once. Each of them acts in accordance with its character and its crimes. We also note that neither exposure, nor in the string of the play is present the main character.

Further, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky appear in the comedy and bring the news about the mysterious restaurant guest. Here Gogol uses traditional to comedy the image of the heralds. Alternatively only the news that they bring. From nothing they create an image of the auditor. The arrival of the stranger seems to them unexpected, the behavior of his mysterious (lives, observes, does not declare himself). And here it is among officials and confusion begins, fear arises. The scene depicting the heroes is unusually important in the artistic fabric of the plays. Some researchers believe that it is a kind of concern for the actual conflict of the plays. Other critics (denoted the presence of two intrigues in the plot - real and "mirazhny") see the violence of "Mirage" intrigue in it. It seems that we can consider this scene as the development of action after the rigging (government messages) in the real conflict of the play.

A scene of the first acquaintance of Glastakov is built on a very complex comiasis. This scene is also the development of action in real, and in the "Mirage" conflict. Khlestakov feels fear, thinking that he was going to transmit to the debt. The gingerbread also believes that his interlocutor is distinguished by cunning and cunning: "What foga scored!". Heroes do not understand each other, being like different waves. But the Gingerbile regards all the behavior of the horstykova as a certain thin game, the conditions of which he quickly takes. And the seduction of the imaginary auditor begins. To begin with, Anton Antonovich gives him a bribe. it crucial moment In the behavior of the city. He overcomes the timidity and feels more confident. The situation undoubtedly familiar with him and is familiar. Then invites you to live in your home, visit the godly institutions, county school, Ostrog. In short, actively acts. We note here comedy in the development of the conflict. "From the point of view of common sense, the hero leading the action, attackers attacked, should be an auditor, since he is a state official who came to the city with revisions, with a check, and Hellestakov does not attack anyone, because it is not an auditor. It turns out to be an attack object, it was accepted by a ridiculous coincidence for the auditory, and he could reflect this attack. The hero leading the action is granted. At the heart of all his actions, one desire: to deceive the auditor, create the visibility of well-being, not to give any person in the city to say the auditor about official crimes.<…> All this "on the contrary" will pass through all the most important moments in the development of conflict. "

The events of the third action are also very stage in the development of conflict. Khlestakov probably begins to guess what he is taken for an important state person, and begins to play this role, very at ease. He tells about his metropolitan life and freezes to such an extent that it fully exposes himself. The scene of the lies is the culmination in the self-disabilities of the hero. However, the city and other officials take a lie of the hero as proper. What is the reason for this behavior? According to researchers, "fear has prepared the soil for deception. But deceived the original chilleskov. Experienced Plut would hardly have been governing, but the unintentionalness of the actions of Khlezlekova knocked him off.<…> ... in all cases - even at a minute of the most incredible lies - Khlestakov sincerely. Invents whores with the same sincerely, which previously told the truth, and this again deceives officials. " Then follow the scene to visiting the imaginary auditor by local officials - all he takes money. The scene of bribes contains a roughly comic stroke. The first visitor, the judge, is still shy of money to offer money: he does it ineptly, with fear. However, Khlestakov resolves a tense situation, asking for loan. And then he takes a duty of each of the officials, and the sums of the visit to the visit increase. Then follows the scene of the courting of Klezlekov for the daughter and wife of the city. He woves to Marie Antonovna. This scene contains a parody of love intrigue. As V. Hippius notes, "the unity of time required rapid tempo, but still gave a space within five acts and twenty-four real hours. As if mocking this rule, Gogol accommodates two explanations, misunderstanding with rivalry, offer and engage in the limits of a semita and a few minutes to laugh in the last act and above this "phantom". Thus, the scenes of the lies, bribes and walling - this is the development of action in the real conflict of the play and at the same time culmination episodes In the "Mirage" conflict.

In the fifth act we have culmination in the development of real intrigue - this is the scene of the exposure of the horstykova. Gingerbile triumph: he not only managed to hide his affairs from the auditor, but also almost heated with him (this scene is also a culminated in the development of "mirage" intrigue). However, the celebration is overshadowed by the arrival of the mailman with a letter that opens the true state of affairs. The scene of reading the letter of Khleklekova is the culmination in the real conflict and at the same time the magazine "Mirage" intrigue. However, the comedy does not end with this episode. Next, the appearance of the gendarme, which reports the arrival of the real auditor. This scene is a union in the real conflict of the play. Thus, the plot action returns to where it began. "Silent scene" from Gogol gained various interpretations of critics. One of her interpretations: Finally, the real auditor arrived and the city is waiting for a real fair punishment. Another version: The arrived official is associated with heavenly caro, who is afraid of all the comedy faces.

Thus, N.V. Gogol acts as an innovator in the development of dramaturgical techniques, in the outfit conflict. In his comedy, he almost completely refused love intrigue. Love triangle Maria Antonovna - Khlestakov - Anna Andreevna demonstratively parodienne. The plot is based on an unusual case, "Anecdote", but allowing to reveal deep public relations and connections. The main character is not present in neither the first, nor in the last action of the "auditor": it is not both in the string and in the junction. Culmination in the development of a real conflict also occurs without a holling. The dynamics of the "auditor" follows specified rule "" It already wants to achieve, grab the hand, as suddenly an embrace. " This is equally applies to publicly, to its ambitious hopes, and to Marie Antonovna, to her love aspirations. The basis of the action of the play is not personal clashes, but a common, social beginning. Gogol has no positive heroes in the play. The perfect leaves the writer in the subtext. This is an idea, a moral criterion, from the position of which the author evaluates public vices. According to Gogol's remark, laughter is the only positive face of the comedy. Such are the main features of the poetics of Gogol-playwater.

Gogol Auditor in every sense is an amazing and special comedy. She is unusual and when it comes to the composition. Of course, much seemed unusual in that epoch, and now everything seems normal, usual. No one no longer surprise.

For example, contemporaries found very strange such a "sharp" beginning of the comedy. No explanation for you, what the situation, the characters. It immediately rushes about the auditor of some. (And when it happens in spectatorThis seems to be the news of this reporting to the spectators in the theater. Like, the theater auditor will come now, it will be all checked! You can get frightened ... But this is good - the relationship.)

And after all, it's funny that Hellets as the main character and is not a villain. Officials themselves impose a "honorable" role from which it is difficult for him to abandon his position. As if officials were fighting with windmills, it turns out. And all this happens in their Mirka, because the characters are not so much. Each has its own practically caricature, "talking" surname. In general, even the background - life of the city is very poor. Everywhere gossip, stupidity, superstition.

The highest point of the plot can be called the dream of Governing. That is, he already sees himself in St. Petersburg, rich and significant. It seems to feel unlimited power over the people. And the viewer and reader understand that all this deception and nonsense!

It is important that in this satire there is no special place of love. Usually, without a love intrigue, the performance does not cost, and here the "love" of the daughter of Gluchtakov - comedy.

It is also interesting that the composition seems to be twisted into the ring. In the final, again, the news of the auditor, but already present. And the classic is a dumb scene! And after all, not just die away, but in the poses reflecting their emotions. In addition, this scene should last by the plan of Gogol a couple of minutes. (If only the viewers did not go to the wardrobe until the actors try to show despair pose.)

Interestingly, with the advent of the "auditor", one Kharkov playwright was indignant, who used to still create a similar comedy. Seen time came for such works!

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UMC ed. V. Ya. Korovina; Literature grade 8.

Purpose: develop text analysis skills, selection composite elements; summarize the material of previous lessons; develop self-work skills; Relieve suddenness to the word.

Equipment: textbooks, cards, dictionary.

Stage lesson

Teacher's activities

Activities of students

Org.Moment and goal setting

Introduces the targets for lesson

Put a goal to perform all tasks achieve a high mark

Independent work on the analysis of text and the execution of tasks with one-room and expanded responses

Organizes independent work, sends, provides individual assistance

Independently analyze the text, answer questions

Conversation. Analysis of the composite structure of the comedy. Answers on questions.

Organizes a conversation.

Exchange opinions, observations.


Sums up conversation, analyzes the achievement table

Compare the result with the alleged

Individual house

Try to put yourself in the place of heroes (xles and cities) in this difficult situation.

Those who wish are written.


I. Org.Moment and goal.

W.:. Today we will talk about the composite features of the comedy N.V.Gogol "Auditor". The plot is based on the work - the perolet among officials, waiting for the auditor, and their desire to hide their "sins" from him. Thus, such a composite feature was determined as the absence in it. central Hero. Do you agree with this opinion? We have to think about this issue and answer others. We work with multi-level cards. The first level A assumes answers to questions on the assessment of "3", the level in - "4", the level C - "5". Put the mark on the fields you want to get. At the end of the lesson, we compare. I wish you all success!

II. Work on cards.

Level A.

1. How determines the genre of the work?

2. Name and comment on the epigraph to comedy.

3. What is these words: "What are you laughing? Laugh on yourself! "? How do you understand them?

Level B.

1. What is the rigging comedy? (Critics believe that in the first action two obscenities: a letter of Chimikov and the appearance of Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky with the news of the arrival of an imaginary auditor.)

2. Where and when the climax occurs?

3. What do you think is the junction of the comedy?

4. Can I define the main character of the work? Explain your opinion.

Level S.

1. How could you finish the work? Explain the role of "Silent Scene".

III. Conversation on issues.

IV. Reflection.

W.: Look at the achievement table. Are you satisfied with the result?

V. Individual homework.

W.: I suggest that I suggest such a task: try to put yourself in place of heroes (xles and grankiy) in this difficult situation. How would you do?

MOU "Tatar Gymnasium No. 2. Sh. Mardzhani »Kazan

Sharipov Zille Nurgalievna

19. Features of the composition in the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor"

His comedy "auditor" N. V. Gogol built on scene based Domestic joke, where, by self-procurement or by a random misunderstanding of one person, they take over the other. This plot was interested in A. S. Pushkin, but he himself did not take advantage of him, giving him to Gogol.

Diligently and for a long time (from 1834 to 1842) working on the "auditor", reworking and transmitting, inserting some scenes and throwing out others, the writer unfolded traditional plot With remarkable skill in solid and connected, psychologically convincing and logically consistent weaving of events. "Neighboring news" about the arrival of the auditor; Frames among officials; Random coincidence - the arrival of the horstyotov, in charge of the expected auditor, and as a result of this, a number of comic provisions and incidents; Universal thrill before imaginary auditor, bribes under the guise of disagreement of money when taking officials, walling for the daughter of the city and "Celebration" of the dissected family of the Snovenik-Dmukhanovsky; The prosperous departure of the "Groom" and, finally, the unexpected exposure of everything that happened thanks to the intercepted letter of Khlezkov, the Ambassador of the Celebrations, the Thunder Issues about the arrival of the real auditor, which turned everyone to the "petrified group," is such a plot canva Heroes, gave the types-characters, having gone at the same time his comedy-satir meaning of a huge social value.

The whole course of events, all the behavior of the actors, strictly motivated and flowing with the full credibility from the personal qualities of these people and the current situations is related to the "auditor" by the unity of the string. The tie is the expected arrival of the auditor and the "mistake", thanks to which Khlestakov was adopted by the one who was expected. Gogol deeply thoughtfully fulfilled the task of building his own play, expressed by him: "The comedy should be knitted by itself, with all its mass, in one large general node. The tie should embrace all the faces, and not one or two, to touch the one who worries more or less than all existing ones. There is anyone - the hero ... "

The innovation of Gogol as the author of the comedy was that in the "auditor" there is no obligatory love intrigue, there are no traditional virtuous persons and resonants and is unusually shown by the vice, which, at the request of old literary laws, should be punished: the frivolous "dummy" of Khlestakov escaped every punishment, and Pluto officials, although "petrified", but the viewer knows that they are waiting with the arrival of the real auditor. The author himself opened his heroes of the truth of their image, deeply faithful showing their creatures with the easiest humor and laughter, which, according to Gogol himself, is the only "honest", " noble person"In the" Revolution ".

20. Life of the county town in Comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor"

The era reflected by N. V. Gogol in the comedy "Auditor" is the 30s. XIX century, the time of the reign of Nikolai I. The writer later recalled: "In the" auditor "I decided to collect everything bad in Russia in one measure, which I then knew, all injustice, which are made in those places and those cases where most of all required From a person justice, and at one time laugh above all. " N. V. Gogol not only knew reality well, but he studied many documents. And yet the comedy "Auditor" is work of fictionAnd his feature is that the writer does not copy life, but rethinks the facts through artistic fiction. The playwright so deeply summarized the facts that the plot of the comedy came far beyond the limits of a particular place and time. County city of the 30s. XIX century turned into a symbol of autocratic Russia.

With injustice, otherwise, with treasures, arbitrariness, and lawlessness, creatible in the town, we are already faced with the first action of the play. People who are entrusted with the whole full of power, completely turn out to be fraudsters and thieves, less than all in truth about the prosperity of their city and the well-being of its inhabitants. Acting on the principle of "Give everything that lies badly", they do not have the slightest remorse of conscience. Some of the vital philosophy of these official thieves with negative sincerity formulates a city: "Yes, and it is strange to say: there is no man who would have had any sins for him. This is already so the God yourself arranged ... "So the Anton Antonovich Snovenka-DMUKHANOVsky is assigned with ease of government money, as it happened, for example, with the amounts allowed to build a church, without bending, however, and more modest charges from merchants. Under to become publicly and other "fathers of the city." In the subordinate strawberries of benogenous institutions, patients are similar to Kuznetsov, in the first places under the jurisdiction of Treipkin-Lyapkin, under their feet, every living nature, and from the assessment there is such a smell as if he had just left the distillery plant. Upbringing of youth, how can you understand, stupid people are engaged, many of which, to put it mildly, are not in your mind, but the caretaker educational institutions Luka Lukich Flaskow is not particularly bothering. Epothermaster from morning to evening is attached to his beloved lesson, opening other people's letters. And on the streets of the city, as the city himself recognizes, "Kabak, uncleanness", the arrestants do not issue provisions and so on.

The painting of the "ruling top" complements the two urban landlords, two Boltun, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, the whole life of which takes place in the running around the city and the retelling of the news and gossip, for which they are obtained (in the penultimate scene) colorful characteristic: "Cursed ratchets", "Soroki Shorty. " And at the bottom stage of the administrative staircase, there are landlords - whistles, crucial silver spoons and "not by ranting taking" bribes; Kuarportda, giving the will to his fists and "for order" "all the lanterns under the eyes - and the right and guilty."

And the wife and daughter of Gogina Antonovna, Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna, provincial coquettes, are the embodiment of the mental void and moral vulgarity, which characterizes Gogol women's Society In the county life. It is no better and ordinary inhabitants of the city, starting with merchants heading for Khlestakov with rich gifts to thread the high-capital guest, and ending the Unter-Officer widow, by mistaken by the police. Although she is the face of victim, does not cause the slightest sympathy. After all, this "victim of arbitrariness" comes with a complaint about Governed at all, not to restore justice or protect its human dignity. No, she asks material compensation for the damage caused, stating: "I have nothing to refuse from my happiness, and I would now be very useful for money."

Speaking of the "auditor", it is pointless to look for prototypes of certain persons. As the author himself noted in the introductory "comments for the Lord of the Actors", "the originals are always almost in front of their eyes."

After the appearance on the St. Petersburg and Moscow scenes, the public came to indignation. N. V. Gogol accused of maliciously distortion of reality, in the desire to blame Russian life. Then the epigraph appears before the text of the comedy: "Necha's mirror appears, if Kriva Rifle." The writer understood that the indignation caused not a "slander", but the truth of life he wanted to convey to the audience.

21. Images of officials in the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor"

N. V. Gogol wrote about the plan of his comedy: "In the" Revolution "I decided to collect in one measure all the bad in Russia, which I then knew, all injustice, which are done in those places and those cases where most of the person are required Justice, and at one time laugh above all. " This determined the genre of the work ─ socio-political comedy. It discusses not love intrigues, not events private life, and phenomena of public order. The plot is based on the work - the perolet among officials, waiting for the auditor, and their desire to hide their "sins" from him. Thus, such a composite feature was determined as the lack of a central hero in it. Such a hero in the "Auditor" began, in the words of Belinsky, "Corporation of different official thieves of robbers", the bureaucratic mass. The brilliant writer, depicting this picture, knew how to draw every image so, in it, which he did not lose his individual originality, at the same time, representing the typical phenomenon of the life of that period.

What is depicted chief Representative Bulk Mirka. russian province - Gingerbread?

This is a dodgy, unlucky, rough, driving a long heavy service man, accustomed to grab everything that "floats in the hands." In a minute, an evil frankness, he admits that no merchant, no contractor could hold him that he fraudsudoes were cheating, even three governors deceived. It is easily assigned Anton Antonovich stateless money, as it happened, for example, with the amounts allowed to build a church, without bending, however, and more modest charges from merchants. The head of the city is about all the riots, lawlessness, creating and on the streets, and in institutions. But he has its own philosophy: "There is no man who would have had any sins for him. It's already so God yourself arranged ... "Therefore, before the arrival of the auditor, it gives his subordinates to cover the blatant disgraces in the institutions subordinate to them, stipulating at the same time:" Yes, I just noticed you, "I just mentioned the county court, but to tell the truth, It is unlikely that anyone will ever look there "," I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but was probably something was entertaining. " He knows perfectly and that on the streets of uncleans that the prisoners do not give to provisions. But all this does not bother the owner of the city. That's just before the authorities did not reach, and also fell into difficult situations knows how. What is only one of his decision under the guise of a caring town team to visit the alleged auditor in the hotel! But the dreams are a "sharper" person do not extend further fantasies of the "silent" Klezlekov: to become a "bird of high flight", "to get into the generals", to have a general red ribbon over the shoulder and commercially "two fishes": Ryapushka and Koryushka, living in St. Petersburg .

Under to become publicly and other "fathers of the city." Judge Lapkin-Tipkin ─ A fans of a hunting hunting, taking bribes with only kick puppies and considered in the city of "Volnodumz", as "read five or six books"; Helply and fussy pads, a jammer and a plut, a fat man, a trustee of the godly institutions, arguing about healing: "We and I, Ivanovich, with Christian, took their measures: the closer to nature, the better, we do not use drugs. A person is simple: if he dies, he will die so; If he recovers, then it will recover. And Christian Ivanovich was difficult to express with them: he does not know a word in Russian. "

But the caretaker of the schooling of flakes living in eternal fear of any revisions and complaining of "serve on the scholar part". And the innocent-naive mailman Shpekin is engaged in the mail "previously" reading open letters to find out what is new in the world.

If between the "fathers of the city" and there are some differences, then they are imaginary, purely external. All of them take bribes, everyone is indifferent to people, manage which they are delivered, they all consider themselves to be the most frequent owners of life, free to finish their deeds at their own discretion, not believing with any laws. Naturally, the invincible news of the arrival in the city of the auditor incognito is incognito a great joy of them did not deliver any of them, but what is noteworthy - no particular fear caused. Knowing a lot of "sins" and perfectly realizing that at least some of them would definitely open, officials of the city administration are quite sure that they will be able to leave with dry out of the water, because not the first time they deal with the auditor! Apparently, soothes their simple calculation based on many years of experience: it is necessary not only to take bribes, but if necessary, to be able to give them what they do, going to the reception to the "auditor", where they humiliate, weigherize, twist.

From the stories of actors, as if involuntarily pronounced about their black acts, about different incidents from urban life, there is a terrible picture provincial life, which reflected the entire county Rus, the entire powerful life of its population, a rough arbitrariness of the administration, treasury, bribery, ignorance, gossip, stupidity, vulgarity, the insignificance of all interests is the bright impact of the entire official police officer's Nikolaev Russia. Such is the "Cross of the Romge" of Russian life, shown by N. V. Gogol in the comedy mirror.

22. Khlestakov - the main hero of the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor"

Comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor" has a peculiar character dramaturgical conflict. It does not have a hero-ideologist, nor a conscious deceiver, which is watering everyone. Officials themselves deceive themselves, imposing a significant person role, causing him to play it. Khlestakov is in the center of events, but does not act, and as if involuntarily involved in it and is given to his movement. Group negative characters, Satirically depicted Gogol, is opposed not positive hero, and flesh from the flesh of the same official caste - lightweight, but a pretentious desert person who has an extraordinary property applied to others without spending no effort on it, absolutely incapable of any independent decisions and conscious intentions. "He is like water taking the form of any vessel," ─ notes Y. Mann.

According to his official position, Khlestakov occupies the most modest foot on the ranks of the ranks: he is a college recorder, a low-class official. He did not heal anything, everything was bored, and now his father demands home, in the Saratov province. Stop B. county town He has forced: all the money is lost, but even a predic sufferment cannot get the horstakov seriously think over anything. He does not understand anything during a meeting with the Gingerbie: defends himself with complaints about the innkeeper, hot, ridiculous and ridiculously angry, covering his fear and confusion. And after receiving the money and invitations, come to the house to the city, it begins to enter the role of a kind and enlightened guest, which was finally appreciated.

Having visited the beige institution, where Khlestakov had a great breakfast, he was on top of bliss. "Abrupt and drew up to all ... He talked, not knowing at the beginning of the conversation, where will go His speech. " .

The efforts of others created excellent conditions, to revealed with complete frankness, everything that was placed in the dancer of this "empty" little man, which was drawn in his ridiculous dreams. Life that reveals before the stunned listeners of the Khlestakovsky chatter, not only the ideal implementation of the Khlestakovsky life principle: "After all, you live to tear away the flowers of pleasure," this is also the limit of all the aspirations of the ruling circle of this province: all the benefits are already purchased because you are and you want it.

Khlestakov mobilizes all his meager supply of information about the life of the St. Petersburg nobility, about events and literature and makes the central acting person Himself. Increpressed by an irresistible desire to play a role at least a little higher than that prepared by the fate of him, in this "the best and poetic minute in his life" Khlestakov is eager to appear not only secular person, but also a man "state". N. V. Gogol wanted to submit in this character "man who tells non-residents with heat, with hobby, who himself does not know how the words fly away from his mouth ..."

Neither the granted nor officials are doubting what he chatters. His words, on the contrary, strengthen their faith that the auditor sent to them - significant, "State man", nobleman.

In scenes official presentation Local officials Ivan Alexandrovich is already beginning to vaguely guess what was adopted for the "entanglement". This not only does not confuse him, but also encourages him to more decisive actions: requests for money become similar to the requirements, and, listening to visitors, promising and allowing him, keeps himself any worse than any truly important official.

I wonder how in the end explains Heltakov for myself the reason for the delusion of citizens in a letter to Ragkin, he writes: "Suddenly, in my Petersburg physiognomy and on a suit, the whole city took me for the Governor-General." In his habit, he strongly exaggerated a possible position and rank of that person for which he was adopted (it flatters his vanity), and at the same time, it is quite commonly motivating the mistake of officials. After all, just exterior appearance Klezlekova ("exactly flies with chopped wings") and caused the perplexity of governing his inconsistency with the importance and significance of the rank and the position of the auditor.

Khleshtakov "I also want to live here ..." And only a reminder of the anger of the father and tempting the prospect of getting good horses, and that the machines "how the Feldgerer rolled! And sang songs! " Makes him to agree to departure.

Having decided to leave, he is even more confidently played by the role of the government refused by the authority and it is important to take complaints of merchants and meshs to the arbitrariness of the city. However, the exclamations of the horstykova ("Oh, what he is a fraudster! .. Yes, it's just a robber! .. Yes, just in Siberia") do not mean any perturbation of the self-government of Governing: Khlestakov admires himself, trying on the role of the Governor's General, - only.

But for a long time to withstand the onslaught of complainants and the past, he cannot, it bother him, especially since it seems to shine with his secularity and metropolitan manners before the ladies. And here Khleklakov in new role -In the role of insane in love. But in whom: in Mama or daughter - it does not matter, it is necessary to think about it, but there is no thoughts in the head.

Therefore, he managed to deceive Glastakov, which did not deceive consciously, but acted sincerely and frankly. And I fulfilled everything that I was waiting for "fathers of the city" from the real auditor: I caught up with fear, I collected bribes and disappeared as suddenly, as it appeared. However, his phenomenon is very significant. It reveals the fictitiousness, the inner emptiness of the Russian reality, in which the place and value of the person are determined not by its talents and merits, but some ridiculous game in the "important" and "unimportant" persons.

23. Khlestakov and Klestakovshchina in the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor"

The huge artistic dignity of the comedy N. V. Gogol "The Auditor" is the typical of its images. He himself expressed the idea that the "originals" of most characters of his comedy "are always almost before the eyes." And about Khlestakov, the writer says that this is "a type of much scattered in different Russian characters ... all at least a minute ... was done or made Helustakov. And the dexterous guards officer sometimes will be sometimes Klestakov, and the state husband sometimes will be whisching, and our brother is sinful, the writer sometimes will be whispered by Khlestakov. "

In this hero, the mental nobility, and the spirituality of the spiritual life, and the lack of moral beliefs, and the disconnection, the ability to special vulgarity, and the desire to "play a role above their own" are connected. The conditions of others created the conditions for revealed with full frankness, everything that was laid in the dancer of this "empty" man, which was drawn in his ridiculous dreams. We believe Rosskaznam Ivan Alexandrovich officials because in his chatter is realized not only by the Khlestakov principle: "After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure," but also their dream limit: having power, dating, fame, money, not making any effort, Not spending mind and heart, having no daily duties. Therefore, it becomes looking like a horstakov, who believed that "gives out his daughter not that for some simple man, and for such that and in the world has not yet been, what can do everything, everything, everything, everything! " In his dreams and Anna Andreevna, a house appears, which should be the first in the capital, as well as Klezlekov, delicious fishing ribs, the Red General Tape over the shoulder, horses that drive around through lunch. N. V. Gogol specifically makes these repeats in the speech of his heroes, showing how Glastakov becomes Glastakov.

Khlestakovshchina, i.e., the bellishment, not reinforced by the possibilities, cases, the desire to seem not the fact that you are in fact, internal emptiness, irresponsibility, vanity; The phenomenon is very lively. Nowadays, unfortunately, there are also people with similar qualities. Thanks to the comedy N. V. Gogol, we understand the price of such xles and try to stay away from them.

24. Analysis of the scene of the lies in the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor" ( action III, phenomenon VI)

A feature of the Gogol Comedy "Auditor" is that it has " mirage", I.e. officials are fighting against the ghost created by their unclean conscience and fear of payback. The one who is accepted for the auditor does not even take any thoughtful attempt to deceive, fool the fallacy of officials.

The development of action reaches the climax in the III act. Comic struggle continues. Gingerbread is thoughtful goes to his goal: to make the horstakov "say", "tell more" to "find out what it is and to what extent it needs to be fearful." After visiting bogogenous establishmentwhere the guest was offered a magnificent breakfast, Hellekov was on top of bliss. "Obligated and drew up to everyone, even in a peel to walk the trump card on the Nevsky Prospect, he felt the worst and suddenly unfolded unexpectedly for himself, he talked, not knowing at the beginning of the conversation, where his speech goes. Topics for conversations give him a submitting. They, as it were, they put everything in the mouth of T create a conversation, "writes N. V. Gogol in the" Prevention ". In a few minutes in the scene of the lies of the whip makes daily career: From a small official ("You may think that I only rewrite ...") to Feldmarshal ("I am afraid of me the State Council"). The action in this scene develops with increasing energy. On the one hand, it is Rosskazni Ivan Alexandrovich, gradually losing all the believability and reaching apogee at the end of the phenomenon. On the other hand, this is the behavior of listeners coming in an increasing fright from the speech of the guest. Their experiences expressively convey remarks: at the beginning of the conversation "Goryanki and everyone sit down" on the gracious invitation of Khlezkov, however, when mentioning that in his hallway, it was allegedly found graphs and princes, even the minister, "Gingerborn and Other with Robility stand up from their chairs." Words: "And for sure, it happened, as I pass through the Department - just an earthquake, everything trembles and shakes like a sheet" - accompanied by a remark: "Gingerbread and others are lost from fear." At the end of the scene, Gingerbread, "Approaching and shaking with all the body, it is strengthened to say" something, but with a frightener cannot express a word.

During his speech of Khlestakov, as it were, instinctively catches the character of the impressions of them, the fear of waiting for the listeners, expecting the stories about unusual for provincials of life and service relationship. Its exaggeration is purely quantitative: in Seven hundred rubles watermelon, "thirty five thousand alone couriers." Drawing in front of the ladies, he mobilizes his entire meager supply of information about the life of the St. Petersburg nobility, about events and literature. "Khlestakov is not lying about everything, he sometimes simply reports sensational metropolitan News - about the magnificence of balls, about the soup, who arrived from Paris on the steamer, that Baron Brahmbus corrects other people's articles that Smpdine pays him a lot of money, that "the frigate" Hope "enjoys great success, and finally That Pushkin, with whom he "on a friendly leg," - "Big Original", ─ writes A. G. Gukasov in the article "Comedy" Auditor ".

However, all these real facts are shifted and redirected, the central person in all events becomes the narrator.

Due to the unintentionalness of the hlipkota, it is difficult to catch on lies - he hurts, easily comes out of the predicising position: "How to get up on the stairs to myself on the fourth floor - you just say the cook:" on, Muverushka, Shinel ... "What I'm lying - I And forgot that I live in Belfaja. "

Inspecorated with an insurmountable desire to play a role to a little higher than that predicted to him by fate, in this "the best and most poetic minute in his life," Khlestakov is eager to appear not only by a secular person, but also a man "state".

Neither the granted nor officials doubt what Khlekakov talks about, on the contrary, they are strengthened in faith that the auditor sent to them is significant state person. "There is a strange thing. Fietulka, a match, a boy of Histakov, the power of fear and reverence grows to him into person, becomes a sovereign, becomes those who see it, "concludes in this scene G. A. Gukovsky in the article" Realism of Gogol ".

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  • The intention of Gogol found a brilliant exercise in his comedy, determining its genre as a comedy of socio-political. The driving spring in the "Auditor" is not a love intrigue, not the events of privacy, but phenomena of public order. At the heart of the plot of comedy - the perolet among officials, waiting for the auditor, and their aspirations to hide their "sins" from him. Thus, a composite feature of the comedy was determined, as the lack of a central hero in it; Such a hero in the "auditor" began, in the words of Belinsky, "Corporation of various official thieves and robbers", the official mass. This official is given primarily in his office activitythat, naturally, entailed the inclusion of the plays and the images of merchants and mesh.

    "The Auditor" is a wide picture of the pnith-bureaucratic reign of serfs of Russia 30s. A brilliant writer, Gogol, drawing this picture, managed to write every image so, in her part that he. Without losing its individual originality, at the same time represents the typical phenomenon of the then life.

    Gingerbread convinced briberty: "This is how God himself is arranged, and the fretsmen speak in vain against it. He is Kasnokrad: constantly assigns possess money.

    The purpose of His aspirations is "over time ... to get into the generals." Why does he need it? "According to the concept of our city," Belinsky says. - Being General - it means to see the humiliation and meanness from the lower. In communicating with subordinates, in relation to the population of the city, he is self-confurtied: "Li will be dissatisfied, he after the ladies of such displeasure ..."; "So I am them, Canal ..."; "That Samovarniki, Archniki ..." Such coarse okhriches and defects are characteristic of publiclying.

    But otherwise he holds before the bosses. In a conversation with Khlestakov, whom he accepted for the auditor, the city tries to show himself as an executive official, says the expression of his speech, accepted in the ChinNicky Circle: "In other cities, I dare to report to you, the city-poraters and officials care more about their use, but the benefits except In order to deserve the attention of the bosses and vigilance to deserve attention.

    The second person in the city is the judge Lyapkin-Tipkin. Unlike other officials, he is a representative of the electoral authority: they are elected judge by the will of the nobility. " Therefore, he keeps free with Gingerbie, allows himself to challenge a hundred. It is considered in the city of "Volnodumz" and educated personSince I read five or six books.

    "Auditor" - truly folk comedy. The comedy images are typical, the behavior of each hero is vital, their words and acts reveal their characters. And although Gogol painted the world in the "Revior" provincial officialsThe depth of the writer's penetration in reality was so striking that the audience and readers of the comedy immediately saw the image of all Russia - its bureaucratic system.

    Therefore, the statement of the "auditor" and caused a whole storm of indignation and indignation by the official circles, serfs and reaction printing. The progressive public highly appreciated the comedy of Gogol.