The fate of a person moment with vodka. Writing: Dialogue Andrei Sokolova with Muller as one of the climax episodes of the story M

The fate of a person moment with vodka. Writing: Dialogue Andrei Sokolova with Muller as one of the climax episodes of the story M
The fate of a person moment with vodka. Writing: Dialogue Andrei Sokolova with Muller as one of the climax episodes of the story M

Interrogation scene Andrei Sokolova Muller. Sokolov is the embodiment of a national Russian nature, so his speech is the prognost, close to folk, conversational. Andrey uses proverbs: "Tobacco washing, that the horse is treated." It consists of comparisons and sayings: "As a horse with a turtle", "how much is a pound of lich." Andrei is a simple, a little man, so in his speech there are many irregular words and expressions. The character of Sokolova is revealed gradually. Before the war, he was a good family man. "I worked for these ten years and day and night. I earned well, and we lived no worse than people. And the children were pleased ... "" Before the war put Domishko. "

During the war, he behaves like a real man. I could not stand Andrei "such slobes", which "snot on paper smeared." "You and the man, you and the soldiers, so that everyone shall suffer, all reveal if I called for this." Sokolov was a simple soldier, performed his duty, served as at work.

He then got captive and recognized the real soldier's fraternity, and fascism. Here's how they were captured by: "... Our picked me on the fly, piled up in the middle and from half an hour under the hands." The writer shows the horrors of the fascist captivity. The Germans were driven by prisoners to church with a broken dome on a naked floor. Then Andrey sees a prisoner who exhibits real humanism towards other comrades in misfortune. "He and in captivity, and did his great business in the darkness." Here, Sokolov had to make his first murder. Andrei killed a captive soldier who wanted to give the Germans to the Germans. "I killed my first and then in my life."

The culmination of the story is an episode with Muller. Muller is a commandant camp, "low growth, dense, whitewash and all the whole white". "In Russian spoke like me with you." "And the master was a terrible master." Actions Muller - the embodiment of fascism. It is every day in the leather glove with a lead laying left before the prisoners and beat each second in the nose. It was "flu prophylaxis."

Andrei Sokolova called to Muller on the "some scoundrel" den, and Andrei prepared to "Spray". But here, our hero did not hit the dirt face. He wanted to show, "That although it falls with the hunger, but it's not going to press them with their hand, that he has his own, Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn him into the cattle." And Muller, although he was the true fascist, the convened Andrei and even awarded the courage. Thus, Sokolov saved his life.

In the "fate of a person" Sholokhov revealed the character of a strong spirit and proud man, who even in the face of death does not want to humiliate and retains his human dignity. But the most important thing, in my opinion, is that Andrei Sokolov in that fatal moment for him identified himself with all Russian people.

And, while maintaining their own dignity and pride, the hero defended the dignity and pride of the whole Russian people.

In the years of the Great Patriotic War of Sholokhov in military correspondents, essays, the story "Science of Hate" exposed an antichelovical nature of the war unleashed by the Nazis, revealed the heroism of the Soviet people, love for his homeland. And in the novel "They fought for their homeland" was deeply revealed by the Russian national character, brightly manifested in the days of heavy trials. Remembering how in the years of war, the Nazis "Russian Ivan" called the Soviet soldier "Russian Ivan", Sholokhov wrote in one of the articles: "The symbolic Russian Ivan is that: a person dressed in a gray sinel, who, without thinking, gave the last piece of bread and The front-line thirty grams of the Sahara who was orphaned in the Terrible Days of the War of War, a man who selflessly covered his comrades, saving him from an inevitable death, a man who, gritting his teeth, tolerated and postponed all the deprivation and adversity, going to the feat in the name of the Motherland. "

Such a modest, ordinary warrior appears before us Andrei Sokolov in the story of the "Fate of Man". How about the case of the most ordinary falcons speaks of his courageous actions. Bravely performed on his military duty at the front. Under the slogans, he was instructed to ride shells to the battery. "It was necessary to hurry a lot, because the battle was approaching us ..." says Sokolov. - The commander of our part asks: "Surfate, falcons?" And then there was nothing to ask. There, my comrades may die, and I will hurt here? What a conversation! - I reply to him. - I have to slip, and Basta! " In this episode, Sholokhov is notified the main feature of the hero is a sense of partnership, the ability to think about a friend more than about himself. But, stunned by a breakdown of the projectile, he woke up in captivity of the Germans. He looks with pain, how the coming German troops go to the east. Having called what enemy captivity, Andrei, with bitter sigh, says, turning to the interlocutor: "Oh, his brother, it is not easy to understand this thing that you are not in your water in captivity. Whoever didn't feel this in his skull, you can't enter the soul immediately, in order to do it like it, which means this thing. " The fact that he had to survive in captivity, his bitter memories say: "It's hard to me, my brother, remember, and even more difficult to talk about what happened in captivity. How to remember the nonhuman flour, which I had to bear there, in Germany, how to remember all friends-comrades, what died, tortured there, in camps, - the heart is no longer in the chest, and in the throat beats, and it is difficult to breathe ... "

Being captive, Andrei Sokolov made all his strength to preserve a person in himself, not to exchange any relief of the fate of Russian dignity and pride. One of the brightest scenes in the story is the interrogation scene of the prisoner of the Soviet soldier Andrei Sokolov by a professional killer and a sadist Muller. When Muller reported that Andrei allowed me to show discontent with the core job, he summoned him to the commandant for interrogation. Andrei knew that she was going to death, but decided to "gather with the Spirit, to look in the hole of the gun fearlessly, as she likes the soldier, so that the enemies did not see at the last minute, that it was difficult to part with life ...".

The interrogation scene turns into a spiritual match of the prisoner soldier with the commandant of the camp Muller. It would seem that the forces of superiority should be on the side of the full, endowed with the authorities and the possibilities of humiliate, to complete the man of Muller. Playing a gun, he asks Sokolov, is there a four cubic meter of production - a lot, and one on the grave is enough? When Sokolov confirms his previously uttered words, Müller offers a shot of a glass of Schnaps before shooting: "Before the death of a drink, Russ Ivan, for the victory of German weapons." Sokolov initially refused to drink "for the victory of the German weapon," and then agreed "for his death." Drinking the first glass, Sokolov refused to eat. Then he filed the second. Only after the third he bit off a small piece of bread, the remainder put on the table. Talking about it, Sokolov says: "I wanted to them, damn, show that although I disappear with the hunger, but I'm not going to give up my hand, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me out in the cattle, No matter how hard. "

The courage and excerpt of Sokolov struck the German commandant. He not only let him go, but finally gave little loaf of bread and a piece of Sala: "That's what, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and respect decent opponents. I will not shoot you. In addition, today our valve troops came to the Volga and the entirely mastered by Stalingrad. It is a big joy for us, and therefore I gnolly give you life. Go to your block ... "

Considering the interrogation scene Andrei Sokolov, it can be said that it is one of the composite vertices of the story. She has its own theme - the spiritual wealth and moral nobility of the Soviet man, its idea: there is no power in the world capable of spiritually breaking the true patriot, make him humiliate in front of the enemy.

Much overcame on his way Andrei Sokolov. National pride and dignity of the Russian Soviet man, endurance, mental humanity, non-coordination and indestructible faith in life, to their homeland, in their people, is what the Sholokhov is typed in a truly Russian character of Andrei Sokolov. The author showed an inflexible will, the courage, the heroism of a simple Russian man, who in the godine of the greatest tests that fell into the share of His Motherland, and the irreparable personal losses were able to rise over his performed deepest drama for his personal destiny, managed to defeat death in the name of his life. In this paphos story, his main idea.

Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man" tells about the life of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, Andrei Sokolov. The gifted war took everything from a man: a family, a house, faith in a bright future. The volitional character and the hardness of the Spirit did not allow Andrei to break. Meeting with the orphaned boy Vanyushka brought a new meaning to Sokolov.

This raskaz enters the class 9 class literature curriculum. Before you get acquainted with the full version of the work, you can read the online "Fate of Man" Sholokhov, who will introduce the reader with the most important episodes of the "Fate of Man".

main characters

Andrey Sokolov. - The main character of the story. He worked for a driver in wartime, while Fritz did not capture him, where he spent 2 years. Captive was set at number 331.

Anatoly - Son of Andrei and Irina, who went to the front during the war. Battery becomes commander. Anatoly died on Victory Day, he killed his German sniper.

Vanyushka - Orphan, Reception Son Andrei.

Other characters

Irina - wife Andrey

Kryzhnev - Traitor

Ivan Timofeevich - Sorry Andrey

Nastya and Olyshka - Daughters Sokolov

The first spring after the war came on the top don. The guarding sun touched the ice on the river and the flood began, the turning road into the blurred is not a pass.

The author of the story at this incoud-road police was to get to the station Bukanovskaya, which was about 60 km. He got before crossing the Elanca River and, together with his accompanying chauffeur swam on a hole with an old-age boat on the other side. The driver again sailed, and the story remains to wait. Since the shofer promised to return only after 2 hours, the narrator decided to make a cross. He pulled out the cigarettes who got wet during the crossing, and laid them to dry in the sun. The narrator sat down on the woven and thought.

Soon, from thoughts, his disagreement is a man with a boy who moved towards the crossing. The man came up to the storytellor, greeted him and asked: how long to wait for a boat for a long time. We decided to smoke together. The narrator wanted to ask the interlocutor, where he is in such a road off-road with a little son. But his man was ahead and spoke about the past war.
So the narrator and met a brief retelling of a man's life story, whose name was Andrey Sokolov.

Life before the war

Having ever made Andrei still in pre-war time. Being a young boy, he left for Kuban to work on fists (wealthy peasants). It was a stern period for the country: She went 1922, hungry time. So the mother, father and sister Andrei with hunger died. He remained very alone. He returned to his homeland only a year later, sold the parental house and married Syrote Irina. A good wife came across Andrei, obedient and without grilling. Irina loved and respected her husband.

Soon, the young couple had children: at the beginning, the son of Anatoly, and then daughters Olyushka and Nastya. The family has been equipped well: they lived in sufficient, the house was rebuilt. If before Sokolov drank with friends after work, now hurried home to his beloved wife and children. In the 29th, Andrei went from the plant and began to work the driver. Flying for Andrei for another 10 years unnoticed.

The war came out unexpectedly. Andrei Sokolova came the agenda from the military registration and enlistment office, and he goes to the front.

War time

Conducted Sokolov to the front of the whole family. Poor premonition tormented Irina: as if she was seen with her husband for the last time.

During the distribution, I received Andrei military truck and went for his ram to the front. But he did not have to play for a long time. During the onset of Germans, the task was given to: put ammunition to soldiers in a hot point. But I could not bring the shells to your own - the fascists undermined the truck.

When Miraculously survived Andrei woke up, he saw an inverted truck and undermined ammunition. And the battle was already somewhere behind. Here Andrei realized that he got straight in the environment to the Germans. The Russian soldier fascists immediately noticed, but did not have to kill - labor is needed. So it turned out to be falcons in captivity along with one-sex.

Prisoners drove to the local church to spend the night. Among the arrested were a military doctor who made his way in the dark and interviewed every soldier about the presence of injuries. Sokolova was very disturbed by a hand dislocated during the incident explosion when he was thrown out of the truck. The doctor fired Andrei the limb, for which the soldier was very grateful to him.

The night was restless. Soon, one of the prisoners began to ask Germans to release him to fix it. But the eldest convoy banned someone from the church. The plated could not stand and cried: "I can not, - says, - to desecrate the holy temple! I am a believer, I am a Christian! " . The Germans shot the annoying Bogomol and a few more prisoners.

After that, the arrested fell silent for a while. Then the conversations began with a whisper: they began to ask each other who was coming from and how to capture.

Sokolov heard a quiet conversation next to him: one of the soldiers threatened with a pleasant, which will tell the Germans that he is not a simple ordinary, but a communist. Threatened, as it turned out, the name of the roof. The pleasant begging the Kryzhnev could not give it to the Germans, but he stood on his, arguing, "that his own shirt is closer to the body."

After the heard Andrei shook from rage. He decided to help the weld and kill the sealing party. For the first time in the life of Sokolov killed a man, and so disgusting to him, as if he was "some kind of shrouded smoking."

Camp work

In the morning, the fascists began to find out which of the prisoners belongs to the Communists, Commissars and Jews to shoot them in place. But these were not, as well as traitors who could have issued.

When the arrested drove into the camp, Sokolov began to think how he was to escape. One day, a prisoner was presented with such a case, it was possible to escape and tear off from the camp 40 km. Only in the footsteps of Andrei went dogs, and soon it was caught. Undecated dogs broke all the clothes and shed into blood. Placed Sokolov to the Cake for a month. After Karzer followed 2 years of grave work, hunger, bullying.

Sokolov went to work in a stone quarry, where the prisoners "manually looked, cut, crumbled German stone." More than half of the workers died of hard work. I could not stand somehow Andrei, and said rashwords toward the brutal Germans: "They need four cubic meters to work out, and for each of us and one cubic meter is enough for each of us."

There was a traitor among his, and reported on this Fit. The next day, Sokolova asked for a German authorities. But before moving the soldier to the execution, the commandant of the Muller bloc offered him to drink and eat for the victory of the Germans.

Practically looking into the death of death, the brave fighter refused such a sentence. Muller just smiled and ordered to drink Andrei for his death. There was nothing to lose the prisoner, and he drank to get rid of his torment. Despite the fact that the fighter was very hungry, he never touched the fascist snack. The Germans poured the second glass of the arrested and again offer him to eat, what Andrei replied to German: "Sorry, Herr Commandant, I am not used to climb after the second glass." The fascists laughed, poured the Sokolov Third Glass and decided not to kill him, because he showed himself as a real, faithful soldiers. He was released in the camp, and for the manifest abnormality gave loaf of bread and a piece of Sala. In the block we divided the provisions equally.

The escape

Soon Andrei falls on the mine in the Ruhr region. In 1944, Germany began to pass his position.

By chance, the Germans find out that Sokolov is a former driver, and he enters the service of the German office "Todte". There he becomes a personal driver of a thick Fritz, Major Army. After some time, the German Major is sent to the front-line strip, and with him Andrei.

Again the prisoner began to attend thoughts on the shoot to her. Once he notified the falcons of drunk Untera, started his corner withdrawing all uniforms from him. The form Andrei hid under the seat in the car, and also planted the weight and telephone wire. To implement the plan, everything was ready.

Somehow in the morning orders Major Andrey to carry him out of town, where he led the construction. On the road, the German was herticle, and as soon as they left for the city, Sokolov pulled out the girlet and stunned German. After the hero pulled a planted shape, quickly changed her clothes and drove into full support towards the front.

This time, he managed to get a brave soldier to his German "Hotel". They met him as a real hero and promised to submit to the state award.
They gave the fighter a month of ferred: to get, relax, with their relatives to see.

Sokolov sent to start in the hospital, from where he immediately wrote a letter to his wife. 2 weeks have passed. The answer comes from the motherland, but not from Irina. The letter wrote their neighbor, Ivan Timofeevich. This message was not joyful: Andrei's wife and daughters were killed in 42nd. The Germans undermined the house where they lived. It remained from their Chatinka only a deep pit. Survived only the eldest son, Anatoly, who after the death of relatives asked the front.

Andrei came to Voronezh, looked at the place where his house was stood, and now the pit filled with Rusty Water, and on the same day went to the division back.

Waiting for a meeting with her son

For a long time I did not believe Sokolov my misfortune, burned. Andrey lived only with the hope of Son. A correspondence from the front began between them and his father learns that Anatoly became the commander of the Division and received many awards. Pride overwhelmed Andrei for her son, and in his thoughts he had already become drawing, as they heal with her son after the war, as he would become grandchildly and would nurse grandchildren, having met a quiet old age.

At this time, the Russian troops rapidly occurred and moved fascists to the German border. Now the correspondence was not possible, and only by the end of the spring father received a news from Anatoly. The soldiers approached the German border - the end of the war came on May 9.

Excited, happy Andrei waited with a look at the meeting with his son. But there was no shortness of his joy: Sokolov reported that the battery commander shot the German Sniper on May 9, 1945, on Victory Day. He spent Anatoly Father on the last journey, burying the Son on German Earth.


Soon Sokolova was demobilized, but he did not want to return to Voronezh because of heavy memories. Then he remembered the military friend from Uryupinsk, who invited him to himself. Veteran there and headed.

A friend lived with his wife on the outskirts of the city, they did not have children. Attached a friend of Andrei to work the driver. After the work of Sokolov, he often went to the tea room to skip the cup-other. Near the tea falcons noticed an awesome boy of 5-6 years. Andrei found out that the streets called Vanyushka. The child remained without parents: the mother died during the bombing, and the father was killed at the front. Andrei decided to adopt the child.

He led Sokolov Vanya to the house, where he lived with a married couple. The boy was washed, fed and dressed. Became the child of his father at every flight to accompany and never agreed to stay at home without him.

So there would be a son with his father for a long time in Uryupinsk, if not for one incident. I rode somehow Andrei on the truck in bad weather, the car was listed, and he knocked down a cow with his feet. The animal remains unharmed, and Sokolov deprived the driver's license. The man also led the man with another colleague from Cashara. He invited him to work to himself and promised that he would help get new rights. So they keep the way with her son in Kashhar district. He admitted Andrei teller who would still not stand in Uryupinsk: no longer allowed him to be hushed up in one place.

All would be good, but Andrei's heart began to fiercely, it would not stand afraid, and the son will remain. Every day his deceased relatives became a man seeing his name to him: "I speak about everything with Irina, and with kids, but only I want to push the wire with my hands, - they leave me, as if they are melting ... And here is an amazing thing: In the afternoon I always keep myself firmly, I don't burn out of me, I'm not buried, and I woke up at night, and the whole pillow wet from tears ... "

The boat appeared here. On this ended the story of Andrei Sokolova. He said goodbye to the author, and they moved to the boat. With sadness, the narrator looked with these two close, orphaned people following. He wanted to believe in the best, for the best fate of these strangers to him people who have become close to him for him.

Vanyushka turned and waved the narrator for farewell.


In the work of Sholokhov raises the problem of humanity, loyalty and betrayal, courage and cowardice in the war. The conditions in which the life of Andrei Sokolov put, did not break it as a person. And the meeting with Vanya gave him hope and purpose in life.

Having become acquainted with the story of the "Fate of Man" in reducing, we recommend that you read the full version of the work.

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In the years of the Great Patriotic War of Sholokhov in military correspondents, essays, the story "Science of Hate" exposed an antichelovical nature of the war unleashed by the Nazis, revealed the heroism of the Soviet people, love for his homeland. And in the novel "They fought for their homeland" was deeply revealed by the Russian national character, brightly manifested in the days of heavy trials. Remembering how in the years of war, the Nazis "Russian Ivan" called the Soviet soldier "Russian Ivan", Sholokhov wrote in one of the articles: "The symbolic Russian Ivan is this: a person dressed in a gray sinel, who without thinking gave the last piece of bread and front-line thirty Sugar grams orphaned in the Terrible Days of the War of War, a man who selflessly covered his comrades, saving him from an inevitable death, a man who, gritting his teeth, tolerated and suffer all the deprivation and adversity, going to the feat in the name of the Motherland. "

Such a modest, ordinary warrior appears before us Andrei Sokolov in the story of the "Fate of Man". How about the case of the most ordinary falcons speaks of his courageous actions. Bravely performed on his military duty at the front. Under the slogans, he was instructed to ride shells to the battery. "It was necessary to hurry a lot, because the battle was approaching us ..." says Sokolov. - The commander of our part asks: "Surfate, falcons?" And then there was nothing to ask. There, my comrades may die, and I will hurt here? What a conversation! - I reply to him. - I have to slip, and Basta! " In this episode, Sholokhov is notified the main feature of the hero is a sense of partnership, the ability to think about a friend more than about himself. But, stunned by a breakdown of the projectile, he woke up in captivity of the Germans. He looks with pain, how the coming German troops go to the east. Look, what is enemy captivity, Andrei with bitter sigh says, turning to the interlocutor:

"Oh, my brother, it is not easy to understand this thing that you are not in captivity. Whoever didn't feel this in his skull, you can't enter the soul immediately, in order to do it like it, which means this thing. " The fact that he had to survive in captivity, his bitter memories say: "hard to me, my brother, remember, and even harder to talk about what happened in captivity. How to remember the nonhuman flour, which I had to bear there, in Germany, how to remember all friends-comrades, what died, tortured there, in camps - the heart is no longer in the chest, and in the throat beats, and it becomes difficult to breathe ... "

Being captive, Andrei Sokolov made all his strength to preserve a person in himself, not to exchange any relief of the fate of Russian dignity and pride. One of the brightest scenes in the story is the interrogation scene of the prisoner of the Soviet soldier Andrei Sokolov by a professional killer and a sadist Muller. When Muller reported that Andrei allowed me to show discontent with the core job, he summoned him to the commandant for interrogation. Andrei knew that he was going to death, but decided to "gather with the Spirit, to look in the hole pistol fearlessly, as she likes the soldier, so that the enemies did not see the last minute that he was difficult to part with life ..."

The interrogation scene turns into a spiritual match of the prisoner soldier with the commandant of the camp Muller. It would seem that the forces of superiority should be on the side of the full, endowed with the authorities and the possibilities of humiliate, to complete the man of Muller. Playing a gun, he asks Sokolov, is there a four cubic meter of production - a lot, and one on the grave is enough? When Sokolov confirms his previously uttered words, Müller offers a shot of a glass of Schnaps before shooting: "Before the death of a drink, Russ Ivan, for the victory of German weapons." Sokolov initially refused to drink "for the victory of the German weapon," and then agreed "for his death." Drinking the first glass, Sokolov refused to eat. Then he filed the second. Only after the third he bit off a small piece of bread, the remainder put on the table. Talking about it, Sokolov says: "I wanted to them, damn, show that although I disappear with the hunger, but I'm not going to give up my hand, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me out in the cattle, No matter how hard. "

The courage and excerpt of Sokolov struck the German commandant. He not only let him go, but finally gave little loaf of bread and a piece of Sala: "That's what, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and respect decent opponents. I will not shoot you. In addition, today our valve troops came to the Volga and the entirely mastered by Stalingrad. It is a big joy for us, and therefore I gnolly give you life. Go to your block ... "

Considering the interrogation scene Andrei Sokolov, it can be said that it is one of the composite vertices of the story. She has its own theme - the spiritual wealth and moral nobility of the Soviet man, its own idea: there is no power in the world capable of spiritually breaking the true patriot, to force him to humiliate in front of the enemy.

Much overcame on his way Andrei Sokolov. National pride and the dignity of the Russian Soviet man, endurance, mental humanity, non-coordination and indestructible faith in life, to his homeland, in his people - this is what the Sholokhov is typed in a truly Russian character of Andrei Sokolov. The author showed an inflexible will, the courage, the heroism of a simple Russian man, who in the godine of the greatest tests that fell into the share of His Motherland, and the irreparable personal losses were able to rise over his performed deepest drama for his personal destiny, managed to defeat death in the name of his life. In this paphos story, his main idea.

The work of the "Fate of Man" Sholokhov was first published ten years after the Great Patriotic Wound ended, in 1956-1957. The topics of the story is atypic for literature of the time dedicated to the war. The author first spoke about the soldiers who were captured by the fascists.

Then we learn the fate of this character already from his mouth. Andrei with a random interlocutor is extremely frank - he does not hide personal details.

It can be safely argued that the life of this hero was happy. After all, he had a loving wife, children, he was engaged in his favorite thing. At the same time, Andrei's life is typical for that time. Sokolov is a simple Russian man, which in our country at the time there were millions.

Feat Andrei ("Fate of Man", Sholokhov)

The written "War in the Life of the Main Hero" can be built on the contrast to the attitude towards it Andrei and other people who are found on his life path. In comparison with them, it seems us more majestic and terrible feat, which, in fact, is his whole life.

The hero, in contrast to others, shows patriotism, courage. This confirms the analysis of the work of the "Fate of Man" Sholokhov. So, during the battle, he wonders to carry out almost impossible - to deliver shells to the Russian troops, breaking through the enemy barrier. At that moment he does not think about the threat of danger, about his own life. But the plan could not be implemented - Andrei enters the fascists captivity. But here he does not fall in spirit, keeps his own dignity, calm. So, when a German soldier ordered him to remove the boots, which were liked, Sokolov, as if mocking him, removes the ports.

In the work reveals various problems of Sholokhov. The fate of a person, any, not only Andrei, was tragic at that time. However, before her face, different people behave differently. Sholokhov shows the horrors taking place in captivity of the Germans. Many people in inhuman conditions lost their face: for the sake of saving the life or a piece of bread, they were ready to go to any betrayal, humiliation, even murder. The stronger, cleaner, the personality of Sokolov, his actions and thoughts appears above. Character problems, courage, perseverance, honor - that's what the writer is interested in.

Conversation with Muller

And in the face of threatening Andrey the deadly danger (conversation with Muller) he behaves very worthy than even the enemy causes respect. In the end, the Germans recognize the incremental character of this warrior.

Interestingly, the "confrontation" of Muller and Sokolov took place just at the moment when the battles were going under Stalingrad. Andrei's moral victory in this context becomes a symbol of the victory of Russian troops.

Raises other problems of Sholokhov ("the fate of a person"). One of them is the problem of the meaning of life. The hero was fully echoing war on himself: he learned that he lost his whole family. Hope for a happy life disappeared. It remains quite alone, who lost the meaning of existence, devastated. Meeting with Vanyusha did not allow the hero to die, go down. In this boy, the hero found a son, a new stimulus to live.

Mikhail Alexandrovich believes that resistance, humanism, self-esteem - features typical of Russian. Therefore, our people managed to defeat this great and terrible war, as Sholokhov believes ("the fate of a person"). The person's theme writer is revealed quite detail, it is reflected even in the title of the story. Turn to it.

Meaning of the name of the story

The story "The Fate of Man" is named so at all by chance. The name is, on the one hand, convinces us that the character of Andrei Sokolova is typical, and on the other, it also emphasizes his greatness, since Sokolov has a full right to be called a person. This product gave impulse to the revival of the classical tradition in Soviet literature. It is characterized by attention to the fate of a simple, "little man", worthy of respect fully.

With the help of different techniques, the story-confession, portrait, speech characteristic - the author reveals the character of the hero as fully as possible. This is a simple person, majestic and beautiful, having a feeling of self-esteem, strong. Its fate can be called tragic, since the share of Andrei Sokolov had serious tests, but we still unwittingly admire them. I could not break his either the death of loved ones nor war. "The Fate of Man" (Sholokhov M. A.) - the work is very humanistic. The main character acquires the meaning of life in helping another. This, first of all, demanded a harsh post-war time.