What is a miral intrigue in the auditor. "Miracle Intrigue" in the comedy of Gogol "Auditor IV peculiarity of the composition I and V Action Comedy

What is a miral intrigue in the auditor.
What is a miral intrigue in the auditor. "Miracle Intrigue" in the comedy of Gogol "Auditor IV peculiarity of the composition I and V Action Comedy

"Miracle Intrigue" is the term Yu. V. Mann (the word "Mirazhny" is borrowed from the critic of the last century Al. Grigoriev). It means that it is formally intrigue occurs between the xlestakov and officials, and in fact the officials interact with the chilly, but with the missing auditor. The name of the comedy "The Auditor" eloquently indicates this character, which does not appear on the scene. Meanwhile, it is "purpose and sense of comedy". "In the head of everyone sits the auditor" (N. V. Gogol). The auditor has been submented by Khlestakov, so in the course of the development of action between heroes ^, false, imaginary, "ghostly" (as Belinsky would say) or "Mirage" relationships would be established. Based on this, it can be said that in the comedy two g of intrigue.

One real: "The auditor is going to us." This tie appears in the very first phrase and captures all the actors (Gogol considered such an energetic beginning very important requirement for the comedy). You can understand this concerning in the symbolic sense - a mystical fear of the auditor as a manifestation of "wild conscience" (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin). After tie - exposure (reports of officials about the situation for the viewer, is an acquaintance with officials). The climax point - the postmaster message that Khleklakov is not an auditor, reading the letter to the rag and the words of Governing ("Over whom we are laughing and so on."). An omission is the arrival of the gendarme (with a message about the arrival of the real auditor) and a dumb scene.

Another intrigue is "Mirazhnaya" (the waterville relationship of the horstykova with officials). The tie here is the message of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, that the auditor is xles. The culmination moments - the scene of the lies of Klezlekov (and the compositionally parallel scene of the boasting of the city), the scene of receiving bribes, the scene of the "walling" of Klezlekova with a parody love triangle (he, wife and daughter of gondoing). An interchange for Klezkleskova is his departure, and for Governing - the moment when he feels disappeared ("pissed, damned ..."). The action develops, thus, between two letters, which gives the composition of the ring character.

With respect to the final "silence" there is no uniform opinion of the researchers, it can be interpreted in different ways. One of the possible interpretations - finally a real, honest auditor appeared, and officials overtook a fair retribution. It is known, however, that honest officials, including the auditors, does not happen, this is telling many years of experience in cityhold, and the whole play proves this idea. Consequently, it is hardly worth hoping that this new auditor will be better than the previous one. In addition, it is not reported in the play that the official "who arrived in the nominal command from St. Petersburg" is exactly the auditor (especially since the expected auditor should be "incognito"). That is, anxiety can be false again. But if this official is not an auditor, then it is generally incomprehensible, who he and for what purpose came. He travels, accompanied by gendarme and demands a government. If this gendarme is needed in order to arrest Governing, it is inexplicable - because the investigation has not yet been, as it was not the audit itself.

However, it is obvious that the city does not need a revision from: he audited himself throughout the play. Therefore, it is not by chance that the replica of the gendarme causes such a shock of actors: the arrived official can actually be associated with heavenly caro, who is afraid of the characters of the comedy. This contributes to the fact that the gendarme announced by him is not in the list of actors. All this gives a special, mystical coloring ending play.

It is noteworthy that the official arrives from St. Petersburg: this corresponds to the general color of the image of St. Petersburg in the play as the city of the mysterious, transcendental, "mirage", which none of the inhabitants of the city have seen existing in some particular reality.

History of the idea and genre peculiarity of the poem "Dead Souls"

Choosing a plot. As in the case of the "auditor", the plot is built on a well-known "joke", and Gogol was suggested by Pushkin. Gogol found it as it is impossible to be more suitable for such a work, in which it would be possible to portray "Although from one side ... All Russia." This is what he said about this: "What is the original story! What a variety of bunch! All Russia will appear in it. " A simple "road" plot (Chichikov drives in Russia, buying "dead souls") gives you the opportunity to show pictures from the life of various social groups. It is essential that if in earlier \\ works of Gogol, the place of action is a mythologized city-world, then in the "dead souls" the place of action should be considered Russia as a whole. Of course, this is also mythologized Russia, Russia - "Child Gogol" (A. A. Blok).

Datovsky background. As an important pre-preparation for his poem, Gogol elects the "Divine Comedy" of Dante, the main character of which travels to hell, nose and paradise in search of the soul of the Beloved. The poem "Dead Souls", according to Gogol Plan, was to also consist of three parts, conditionally relevant hell, purgatory and paradise. "Dead souls" are conceived as a poem about the gradual ascent of the hero from the lower spheres of human life to the highest, from the ugly to the beautiful, from chaos to harmony, from non-existence to being, from the "dead souls" to the living soul. In the first volume, all bad (hell) is concentrated, the events of the second volume were to be for Chichikov "purgatory", in the third volume hero was to finally transform and become the embodiment of the national ideal. Together with Chikchikov, this path is also held by the author, and Russia itself (represented by the reader). Does this mean that Gogol had a kind of utopian intent to save, transform Russia with his poem? It is probably so it is. However, like every utopia, this idea was not carried out in reality. Being in a state of severe spiritual crisis. Gogol destroyed the third volume of poems and a significant part of the second.

"Dead Souls" - Poem. Gogol does not accidentally call the "dead souls" by the poem despite the fact that this text is prosaic. In this work, of course, the influence of an adventurous plutovsky novel, or the so-called "Pikarsky", the main character of which (Plut, Picaro) travels, meets on its path of various people and masterfully drives them around the finger; Road plot gives a writer the opportunity to show a variety of social and satirical paintings. But despite this, "dead souls" are not like an ordinary novel. We list those features of the poetics of "dead souls", which justify the formula of the genre ("poem") proposed by the author.

1. Laro-epic character of the work, a special role in the author's voice, lyrical deviations.

2. An important role of composite repeats at different levels of text.

3. Poetic letter manner. Deployed metaphors and comparisons, long phrases with complicated rhetorical figures, arbitrary associative; Rows, a variety of deviations from the topic, in some places (Re-read the head of chapter 7) You can talk about a certain rhythmic element in prose and about the significant role of phonetic consonance. Large fragments of the "dead souls" easily memorize precisely thanks to this "poetic" factor.

4. In general, the style of the narrative has more importance here than in a purely epic work (story, novel). As already mentioned, during this period of Gogol's creativity, the phantasmagoric element as it should be moving from the plot into the style.

5. In the outline "Teaching book of literature for the Russian youth" Gogol gives the definition of a "smaller epic genus" as the genre of the average between the poem and the novel: "... the author leads him [Hero] life through the chain of adventure and change, in order to present with the fact Logger is a faithful picture of all significant in the features of the time, the picture of the shortcomings, abuses, defects ... "Recall that the epic is a major epic work on the national theme, it finds their expression" Substance forces of the People "(V. G . Belinsky). "Dead souls" thought. Gogol in such a long time. Therefore, the reading of K. S. Aksakova (article "A few words about the poem Gogol" Gogol's adherents, or dead souls "), who calls this poem of the Russian" Ilia ", and Gogol - Russian Homer. (Read Article K. S. Aksakova, as well as Articles of V. G. Belinsky about the "dead souls". What is the essence of the controversy between two critics?)

Plot and conflict

The plot of the poems is easy.

Tie. In the first chapter of Chichikov comes to the city, meets with officials and prepares the soil for the adventures conceived them. Pay attention to the portrait characteristic of Chichikova (Find instructions on the typical, "averability" of the hero), The romantic stamps in Chichikov's self-character, addressed to officials: "... And the conversation in such cases took several books: that he has a slight worm of the world of this and not worthy of a lot about him cared for what he experienced a lot on him There was a lot of enemy in the service for the truth, I had a lot of enemies who even had to calm himself, and that now, wanting to calm down, looking for a choice of finally a place to live, and that, arriving in this city, honorable for the indispensable debt to witness his respect for his first Sannis ". Here, the parody is emphasized unexpectedly prose, even the vulgar, ending.

(Which of the landowners met Chichikov at the "home party" from the governor?)

IN The same chapter we discover and exposure - a description of the city. Pay attention to the satirical and grotesque aspect of the street landscape and the interior of the hotel. Highlight the formula for instructions for typics ("Peace was a well-known kind, because the hotel was also a well-known kind, that is, just like hotels in the provincial cities ...", etc.). The paradox is that although it is mentioned about the usualness and typical, but many details are written to grotesque and hyperbolic (shielded on the picture of the nymph "with such huge breasts, what reader, right, never see", the room "with cockroaches, looking like prunes , of all the corners, "the store with the inscription" Foreigner Vasily Fedorov "), visible Irony (" More often than the darkened two-headed state eagles was noticeable, which are now replaced by a laconic inscription: "Pite"; "The city did not mind other provincial cities : The yellow paint in the stone houses strongly blew into the eyes and modestly dark gray on the wooden "). Pay attention also to the parody fragment from the newspaper note ("our city was decorated ...", etc.).

Development of action. In chapters from the 2nd to the 6th Chichikov, landowners are visited by the owners of the "dead souls" - and concludes a deal with them. All chapters are built according to the same composite principle. In the 7th chapter of Chichikov, he signs a bumping letter, for which he needs to come to the judicial chamber and give a bribe to the official "Ivan Antonovich Kuvshtshina". In the 8th chapter of Chichikov comes to the governor, and here it suddenly exposes the nostrils.

Culmination. The performance of the Nozder on the ball can be considered the beginning of the culmination of the plot. This culmination is extended. At the end of the eighth chapter, we encounter Kolymagi boxes that goes to the city to find out, "how much dead souls now." The ninth chapter begins with a conversation of two ladies and continues as grotesque-phantasmagoric rumors about Chikchiki. In the tenth chapter, all officials gather at the police officer to "be forced" about what happened. Here the postmaster tells the "Tale of Captain Copeikin." Please note: On the one hand, this inset slows down the stroke of the narrative, on the other hand, its appearance in the climax implies a special significance on a deeper, symbolic level of the work.

Junction. In the 11th chapter of Chichikov leaves the city. Please note that the disconnection is slightly blurred. Almost the entire head of the woven out of the author's retreats: this is Chichichov's biography (which can be considered as "belated" exposition of the main character), as well as a number of lyrical deviations on Russia. In the final scene of Chichiki, he gradually loses its own "Chichikovsky" outlines and dissolves in the image of the triple, these are no longer chischiki, and the generalized-symbolic image of Russian, which in the following volumes was to correspond to the generalized-symbolic image of Russia itself. Maybe here chikchiki merges with the lyrical hero.

"Miracle Intrigue" in the comedy of Gogol "Auditor"

"Auditor" is a whole sea of \u200b\u200bfear.

Yu. Mann.

The main acting person of dramatic creation

There is a center play. Near him appeals

All other persons like planets near the sun

I. KRONEBERG (cited by book

Yu Manna "Gogol Poetics")

I. Organizational moment

II. Work on the lesson

1.Explanation of the goals and objectives of the lesson

2. Work in notebooks. Record the topic of the lesson and epigraphs.

3. Teacher's word:

What character is Gogol's play? Is it possible to say that the comedy is fantastic?

4. Wordwork No. 1.

1. Fiction (For example, composes a brilliant fate, fantastic changes in

external living conditions)

Hyperbola (Scene of the lies - watermelon 700rub., 35 thousand couriers + poverty Grotesque imagination in this fantastic change). Mirage Intrigue

5. The word teacher

In the "Revolution" a lot is built on exaggeration:

1) It is fantastically exaggerated, brought to "ideal" not only the stupidity of the horstykova, but the universal desire seems to seek a little better, higher than it really is.

2) Comically exaggerated the situation of delusion.

3) But the main thing is what "Gogol Grotesque" was realized is the "Miral Intrigue," the absurdity of human life in her pursuit of numerous mirages, when the best forces are spread in the desire to focus the emptiness, so brilliantly embodied in Klestakov.

T. O, you can confidently talk about "Mirazhnaya Intrigue" as a "loss situation."

III. Detailed consideration of the first phrase of city

1. Conversation with elements of the game.

I will identify the "soil", which gave the opportunity to turn on the "Mirage Intrigue".

a) What phrase begins comedy? (Already contemporaries of the writer noted the extreme rapidness and capacity of the phrase)

b) What makes this phrase so magical? Think together.

Roleplay "Situation of the Auditor"

Since we are talking about the auditor, we will present ourselves in the role of the "auditor" and "auditory", i.e., create a "auditor situation". The task of the auditor is to "find and punish", the task of the auditory - "Hide and escape from responsibility." At the same time, none of the parties are not a secret of the target and tactics of the opponent, but the rules of the game are such that this knowledge is not shown. The occurrence of fear is due to any kind of surprise, but the worst is the result of the revision, in which the "extreme" is almost always found. So, any auditable may suffer punishment. T about., Revision is a dangerous and unpredictable process.

c) What kind of reaction does this phrase cause? It is also called a key triggering.

d) Explain the reasons for the fear of officials according to the table.

2. Work on the table


Field of activity

Position in this area


Trustee of godly institutions

1. All patients are similar to Kuznetsov;

2. Bolna do not treat;

3. Scorn bad;

4. In the wards they smoke tobacco;

5. All "Recovery like flies."

1. Patients with pure caps;

2. Touch the names with the name of the disease;

3. And in general, so that the patients are smaller (dissolve around the houses).

3. Model of Gogol city

Gradually, the image of the city is diverged from small details. First, all administratively presented are territorial units (except for the army and church). Secondly, it is absolutely obvious that in all spheres of urban life are unfavorable. Thirdly, the population is represented by all layers of society.

4. The word of the teacher.

So that's what "soil" arises before readers. She - it makes it possible to turn on the "Mirage Intrigue", because the punishment is afraid of everything.

Pay attention to the epigraph: "The auditor is a whole of fear" Y. Mann. It can be said that precisely the fear is if not the main acting face of the play, then at least the inner engine of the plot.

5. Record Migra "Per Gunt" ("In the Cave of the Mountain King")

Listen to the symphonic picture of E. Grieg "Per Gunt", known as "in the cave of the mountain king."

Music transmits the dance of the gnomes, which, starting in a fairly calm pace, is gradually becoming becoming fierce and violently. Suddenly, powerful blows, reminiscent of the stroke of the Mountain King, the gnomes are frozen for a second, but immediately their dance is resumed in an even more rampant rhythm. The angry king again hits the staff to the floor, shifting the gnomes to horror and the stupor. Attempts to start a feverish dance again cause the terrible rage of the mountain king, the blows of the staff literally shake all the underground kingdom, and silence comes.

IV originality of the composition I and V Action Comedy.

The "auditor" begins with such a strike of the phrase of Gully, after a minute of petition everything comes to some convulsive and feverish movement. Fear accelerates this movement, rates the forces: "Have time, have time, have time!" - But immediately the next blow: the message of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky that the auditor is already here! Again, a minute discharge and confusion - again the energy of action, unprecedented by force. There is nothing to do anything - and at the same time you need to have much. Only now the point of the application has changed: do not put in order the city, but to "take the auditor".

I'm going forward, I will tell you that we will find a symmetrical construction in the last action of the comedy, where the message of the pool about the intercepted letter of Khlleskov will be the first blow, and the second, final, phrase-prison is a genarma about the auditor, after which the final petrification occurs

With you closely approached the concept of "Miral Intrigue". But now the most important thing is to talk about her carrier - Khlestakov.

V. The image of the horstakov - the main carrier of "Mirage" Intrigue "

one). Student

2). The word teacher

a) When the chille, the Mirage is materialized.

b) Gogol has repeatedly insisted that Hogletakov is the main character.

c) setting this character to the Comedy Center and gives the whole play fantastic, even a phantasmagoric character. I am a director. I am a general. I am Commander-in-Chief. I am everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, etc.

d) But why is he main?

3). Vocabulary work №2- "Fantasomodia"

four). Conversation for the epigraph to the lesson.

Record on the board, and guys in notebooks: " The main person of dramatic creation is the center of the Piesen. Around him all the other persons like planets near the Sun »

Does it apply to Khlestakov as the main acting person? Is it possible to say that the interests of most other heroes are directed to him?

Yes. Students prove

1) Gingerbile

2) Zemlyanina

3) Bobchinsky, Dobchinsky

five). The word teacher

Yes, he is the center of the Universe - but the unreal, illusive, imaginary. He is an emptiness adopted by the center. The concept of "miragian intrigue" is to transform the hollykov in a significant person, that is, in filling the emptiness by a fictional content.

6). Wordwork No. 3 - "Initigan"

Vi. Summarizing with the subject of the lesson

1. The word teacher

So, in the center of the comedy it turns out a person who is least able to lead an active game.

For all the action, the entire intrigue is felt by a large "zero", delivered to the "units" position "united for heroes and viewers.

It is in this formulation that the "Miral Intrigue" is manifested. He is specially put in the center of the play, he does not recognize the position in which he found himself, and therefore does not try to benefit.

2. It's not a hero of action, and the action leads the hero - it is so very conditional, but it can be denoted by the main feature of the comedy building. This is the originality of the development of the plot of the plot about the imaginary auditor, immediately relieving the issue of various types of borrowings, and the essence of the concept of "Mirazhnaya Intrigue".



Once, the poet and critic Apollo Aleksandrovich Grigoriev so responded to the plot of the play of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Auditor": "This is a miral intrigue." But what is "Miral Intrigue" and what is it in the play telling about the county town?

In order to answer this question, we need to refer to the definitions of the words "Mirage" and "Intrigue". Mirage is an illusion, a phantom, a ghost generated by the game of imagination. Intrigue (from lat. "Invent") - secretive actions using various non-residenting agents to achieve any goal.

It turns out that the intrigue itself does not want to deceive and may not even guess that he became a culprit of universal deception? Exactly. The same thing happens with Ivan Alexandrovich Khleshtakov, the hero of the "Auditor" play, a young official who kicked in the Saratov province to his father. Ivan Aleksandrovich is a junior titular adviser who has to live in the tavern of the county city due to the fact that he "has been published a little", losing money to the card. But how did the young "title" ended up in the epicenter of the mirage intrigue? After all, not in vain Nikolai Vasilyevich said that the image of the "metropolitan thing" is the most difficult for stage in the scene.

The fact is that to fool at first Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky, urban landlords, and then the city and the rest of the residents of the city was not the trick of Khlezlekov, but his simpleness, sincere. "Like, lying and anywhere will not worry!", Gorodi said, "and? And will not redden! Oh, yes with him you need Egor Egor ... ". But Heblestakov did not try to deceive publicly. In a young official there is no cunning nor anger, he only said that he dictated the circumstances. He lives a minute of the present and comes as he was taught: it is necessary to respect Chin - he respects; He is asked about the delights of the luxurious St. Petersburg life - he is responsible, becoming the minister and more thanks to the minister; Offend him bribes - he takes. Gogol himself in his "comments for the Lords of the Actors" gives such a council to the artist who performs Khlezkov: "The more the actor who performs this role will roll out sincere and simplicity, the more he will win." The county city is an absurd world, the world of hypocrisy who faces the sincerity and simplicity of St. Petersburg official. Thus, the whip does not like its will become an intrigue center. But why did Ivan be accepted for the auditor?

"I pierced me with fear," here is the first comment describing the horstykov. It was the fear that covered the city before the arrival of the auditor, prepared the soil for deception. Therefore, the unintentionalness of the actions of the hollytakov confused so many people. They see what they have on the mind. And now each trifle in the movements and speeches of the official from St. Petersburg, as it were, confirms the fears of citizens - the auditor arrived! "It! And no money pays and does not go. To whom to be, how not to him? "," Assumes Dobchinsky. "He, he, her God he ... Such an observant: everything was examined yes, so he looked back to the plates," Bobchinsky ends. And what else should the auditor, as "a non-free outside, in a particular dress, there is a pack of room, and in the face of a certain reasoning ...".

Reading the play, we can notice what an impressive number of notes gives Gogol for actors. "He said to", "grabs his head", "with disregard", "teases him", "loud" ... But it is surprising that the least of the author's remarks refers to the Khlestakov, which they simply do not need: He has something on his mind , then in the language. But then with what funds Gogol depicts his beloved grotesque character? The main role is played by Osip, the servant of Klezlekov, who lying on the Bark bed, reveals the entire truth about us about his owner, a card player and the hanging, which is necessary and "to show yourself in every city" and be sure to flush all the money. An important role is played by the speech of the St. Petersburg official, fast and dismissed: "What really? I am so! I do not see anyone ... I say to everyone: "I know myself, myself. I am everywhere, everywhere ...". After all, he says and acts Hellets without any considerations: he is not able to stop constant attention to any thought. To emphasize all the instability and variability of the essence of Klezlekov, Gogol gives a description of its outfice: "... Slender, thin - how do you know who he is?". And yet: "... But what kind of rigorous, low, it seems, it would give it to the nail ...", "says Gingerbage.

The image of the hollekova is perhaps one of the most multifaceted in Russian literature. He personifies the "secular conscience" - silly, treacherous, ambiguous and mirage.

The place of the "auditor" in his work and the level of artistic generalization, to which he sought, working on comedy, Gogol revealed in the "author's confession" (1847). "The thought" of comedy, he stressed, belongs to Pushkin. Following the Pushkin Council, the writer "decided to gather everything bad in Russia into one bunch<...> And at one time laugh at everything. "Gogol defined the new quality of laughter: in the" Revolution "- this is a" high "laughter due to the height of the spiritual and practical task that stood in front of the author. The comedy became a breakdown of forces before work on the grand epic about modern Russia. After the creation of the "auditor", the writer felt "the need of the composition of complete, where it would be no longer one thing, than to laugh. Thus, the "auditor" is a turning point in the creative development of Gogol.

In the "Theatrical Drive", Gogol draws attention to the fact that the playwright should find a situation that would affect all heroes, would include in his orbit the most important life worries of all acting - otherwise the characters will simply not be able to realize themselves in a few hours of scenic . Therefore, calm, the "flat" course of life in the drama is impossible - conflict, an explosion, an acute clash of interests. In addition, "extra" heroes not included in the conflict can not be. But what then the situation that the playwright should find in order to include all the heroes in its orbit and show their characters? In other words, what can follow the basis of a dramatic conflict? Love affair? "But, it seems, it's time to stop relying so far on this eternal string," says the second artist of the arts, and with him and Gogol. "It's worth looking intently around. Everything has changed in the world. Now it takes a random place. , shine and eclipsed by anything else to get revenge for disregard, for a mockery. Does now have the electricity of the rank, money capital, profitable marriage than love? " But, leaving the conflict of the "Auditor" and Chin, and profitable marriage, and cash capital, Gogol is still a different plot that has significantly more "electricity": "And everything can be tied up," the second lover of the arts will summarize, Fear of expectations, the thunderstorm of the right law ... "

It is this - "the most horror, the fear of expectations, the thunderstorm of the laws of the law,", mastering officials, forms the dramatic situation of the "auditor". The play is tied by the first phrase of Governing: "I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you the most examples: the auditor is going to us." From this point on, fear begins to shoot the heroes and increases from a replica to a replica, from action to action. All increasing fear, mastering officials in the "Revior", forms many comic situations. Gingerbread, giving orders, confuses words; Going to the imaginary auditor, instead of hats wants to put on a paper case. The comerism of the first meeting of Gleztakov is determined by the situation of mutual fright, which makes both carry the full Occalezitz: "Do not destroy! Wife, children are small ... Do not make an unfortunate man," the prayer-DMUKHANOVsky pray, sincerely forgot that small then he has no children. Not knowing what to justify, he sincerely, right, as a frightened child, is recognized in his own uncleanness: "According to the inexperience, she-God is inexperienced. The deficiency of the state ... All of themselves do not even sue: the treasury salary is not enough even on tea and sugar ".

Fear immediately unites heroes. By setting the action of the comedy alone by the phrase, Gogol resorts to the reception of composite inversion: the exposure and the label changed in places. Cooking officials to the arrival of the auditor, their conversations about what and who needs to be done becomes the exposition from which we learn about the state of affairs in the city. But the exposition reveals not only the flaws in the city (tell detail what). It shows the most important contradiction that exists in the minds of officials: between dirty hands and absolutely clean conscience. All of them are sincerely sure that the sins are found for every clever person, "for he does not like to" pass what is floating in his hands. " Exactly the same "smart person" they hope to meet in the auditor. Therefore, all their aspirations are directed not to the rush correction of "sins", but on the adoption of only cosmetic measures that could enable the auditor to close their eyes to the true state of affairs in the city - of course, for a certain remuneration. The farm sincerely believes that "there is no person, Which would have had any sins for him. It's already so God yourself arranged, and the Solitical women speak in vain against it. " Everything agrees with this, and the only objection that he meets comes from Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkina: "What do you think, Anton Antonovich, sins? Sink sinners - Return. I say to everyone openly that I take a bribe, but what are your bribes? Breeze puppies. This is quite another thing. " The objection concerns only forms, but not essentially. It is in this openness and sincerity that this contradiction is manifested - between the understanding of their "sins" and an absolutely pure conscience. "He is not even a hunter to create a lie," Gogol writes about him, - but the passion for the dog hunt ... "Going to Khleshtakov, Goryanki reminds officials:" Yes, if they ask, why the church is not built at the bodily-friendly institution to which back to that For five years, the amount was allocated, then not forget to say that it began to be built, but burned. I imagined about it and reported. And then, perhaps, someone, forgotten, Sduru will say that she did not start. "

As the city does not feel guilty and does not act on malicious intent, but because it is so instituted and other heroes of the "auditor". Email meterster Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin reveals other people's letters exclusively out of curiosity: "... Death I love to know that there is a new one in the world. I will tell you that this is a successful reading. A new letter with pleasure is read - this is how different passes are described. ... Better than in the Moscow Vedomosti! "

The judge is trying to instruct it: "Look, get you ever for it." Shhekin sincerely wonders: "Ah, Batyushka!" He did not think that was wrong. Gogol comments on this image so: "E-mail - indifferent to naivety, looking for life as a meeting of interesting stories for the transition of the time he reads in printed letters. Nothing else remains to make an actor, how to eat how much it is possible."

Gogol, creating a portrait of society and showing the imperfection of a person, deprived of moral law, finds a new type of dramaturgical conflict. Naturally it would be expected that the playwright would go through the introduction of a hero-ideologist to conflict, say, a true auditor, serving "case, not to persons, who confesses the true ideas about the appointment of a person and able to expose the urban city officials. So, for example, built a conflict "grief from the mind" A.S. Griboedov, showing the failure of the Famovsky society, confronting him with the hero of the ideologist, Chatsky, who expresses a true understanding of the debt and honor. The innovation of Gogol is that it refuses the comedy genre with a high hero, relatively speaking, removes Chatsky out of the play.

This determined the fundamentally new character of the dramatic conflict. In the comedy there is no hero ideologist, nor a conscious deceiver, which is watering everyone. Officials themselves deceive themselves, literally imposing a significant person role, forcing him to play it. Heroes, in every way catching Khlezkov, rushed to nowhere, in pursuit of void, mirage. It is this circumstance forces Y. Manna to talk about "Miragia Intrigue," which the situation of delusion in the "Revolution" is turned around.

The Miral Intrigue is tied at the appearance of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky with the news of the auditor.

Dobchinsky's words ("He! And no money pays and does not go. Who would be, how not to him? And he is registered in Saratov"), supported by the comments of Bobchinsky ("He, he, to God he ... Such an observant: I wanted everything. I saw SOLE with Peter Ivanovich ... So he looked at the plates to us. I was hidden in fear of me "), according to a completely incomprehensible reason, they convince officials in the fact that Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov and hiding "Incognito damned." With the appearance of a chille, the mirage as it would be materialized. In the scene of the first dating with him, the community of which is based on the situation of mutual fright, the government disappears all any doubts about this expense. And why? After all, everything speaks not in favor of Khlezkov, and even the Gingerbile notices this: "But what a rigorous, low, it seems, would give it to the nail." But he does not give his observations any meaning, and only reading the letter to the "soul of Ragcin" will open him the truth. The Miral Intrigue is to transform the husk in a significant person, in a state person, that is, in filling the full emptiness to be fictional content. Its development is due not only to the fear and illogical of the thinking of officials, but some qualities of the Khlezlekov himself. Khlestakov is not just stupid, but "perfectly" stupid. After all, he does not immediately comes to mind why he is so taken in this city. "I love pleased," he says, having slept after the reception of Governing, "and I confess, I like more, if you please me from a pure heart, and not that of interest." If the melting fear of the echoing mind is forced to take "icicle, rag", "hertoprach" for the auditor. If it is not Osip, who immediately interests about another exit in the house of Goverling, and then urgently advises Barina to leave ("by God, it's already time"), believing that they can't help "out of interest," he could not understand What remains longer dangerous. He could not understand who he was accepted for: In a letter, Raguccin, he assures that his "in St. Petersburg physiognomy and a suit" was accepted for the Governor-General (and not for the auditor). Such simplicity and unintentionalness allow him to not deceive anyone: he simply plays the roles that are imposed by the officials. In a few minutes in the scene of the liner Klezlekov (the action of the third, phenomenon VI), the mirage grows to incredible sizes. In a few minutes, in front of the chinners of Khlestakov makes a dizzying career. His exaggerations are purely quantitative: "In seven hundred rubles, watermelon", "thirty five thousand alone couriers." Having received an imaginable opportunity to write out something from Paris, Hellakov receives only ... Soup in a saucepan, who arrived at the steamer right from Paris. Such requests clearly characterize the poverty of nature. Being "With Pushkin on a Friendly Leather," he cannot come up with a theme for conversation with him ("Well, what, Brother Pushkin?" - "Yes, Brother, - answered happened - so somehow everything ..."). Due to the unintentionalness of the hlipkota, it is difficult to catch on lies - he, damaging, easily comes out of the predicising position: "How to upload the stairs to myself on the fourth floor - you just say the cook:" on, Muverushka, Shinel ... "What I'm lying "I was forgotten that I live in the Belfare. In the" comments for the Lords of the actors "Gogol writes that the spectacle spectacle is" Rovyvist, and words fly out of his mouth completely unexpected "- even for himself. That is why he so easily corrects his lies. - Just without thinking about believing.

Building a comedy on the situation of fear and self-deception of officials, Gogol, nevertheless, does not refuse love intrigue, or rather, it parods it. But still the ideological-composite role of love intrigue consists in another. With it, as it were, one mirage is closely approaching officials - the image of St. Petersburg, lined, having. He becomes by imaginary walling almost

reality: The Luczno-Dmukhinovsky family almost moves to St. Petersburg, Anna Andreevna dreams of a special "ambre" in his room, Gingerbread ride over the shoulder of the Order of the Order. The materialized Mirage of St. Petersburg is specified in the naive reflections of heroes.

The image of St. Petersburg is introduced into comedy in different ways. It tells about his position in the city, damaging, whipping, the image of the capital arises in his letter to the "soul of Raguccin," officials are dreaming about him, Osip is divided by their memories of the city. And in that and in another case it is a city based on fear, "insurerive" city, only in one case, Klezlekova is afraid of the State Council, the Department, where when it appears - "just an earthquake, everything trembles and shakes like a sheet", and in Another case he himself fears the confectioner, who can extend him for the collar "about the eaten pies on the account of the income of the Aglitsky king." In the same way, Petersburg and Gingerbile thinks. The only one of the heroes who do not experience fear at the mention of St. Petersburg, this is Osip: It stands out of a bureaucratic hierarchy, based on fear, and he has nothing to fear.

And when both Miragia, on the materialization of which the Mirazhnaya Intrigue is built, take care of almost the material embodiment (the thunderstorm with the auditor turns into incredible winnings, the matchmaker took place, and the city is about to receive a new, Petersburg appointment), the entire building begins to fall apart: two imaginary junctions are followed: Klezlekova and reading of the letter) and then already - a true disconnement, the "dumb scene", in a different light of the sense of the comedy. How much the meaning gogol is "a dumb stage", says the fact that its duration he determines in a minute and a half minutes, and in the "passage from the letter ... to one trial" says even two to three minutes of "petition" of heroes . According to the laws of the scene, one and a half, and even more so three minutes of immobility - this is a whole eternity. What is the ideological-composite role of "silent scene"?

One of the most important ideas of the "auditor" is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitable spiritual retaliation, whose vessels will not be able to avoid any person. Therefore, the "dumb scene" acquires a wide symbolic meaning, why does not give in to any unambiguous interpretation. That is why such a variety of interpretation of a "mute scene". It is interpreted as an artistically embodied image of a terrible court, in front of which a person will not be able to justify references to the fact that the sins are found for every clever person; Conduct analogies between the "mute scene" and the picture of Karl Bryullov "Last Day Pompeii", the meaning of which Gogol himself saw that the artist addresses the historical material to the situation of a strong "crisis that felt by the whole mass." Similar crisis is worried about a minute of shocks and the characters of the "Auditor", like the heroes of the picture of Bryullov, when "the whole group, who stopped at a minute of impact and expressed thousands of different feelings," was captured by the artist at the last moment of earthly being. Already later, in 1846, in dramatic passages "the" auditor "the" auditor "gogol proposed a completely different interpretation of the" scene "scene. "Peel-ka intently in this city, which is bred in the play! - Says the first comic actor. - Everything is completely agrees that there is no such city in all of Russia ... Well, what if this is our spiritual city and sits he Does any of us? .. What do not say, but the terrier of the auditor, who is waiting for us at the door of Fob. As if you don't know who is this auditor? What do you pretend? This auditor is our wokeered conscience that will make us suddenly look at everything Eyes on themselves. In front of this auditor, nothing will dock, because by the name of the highest command he sent and it will be erected about him when it also will not be done back. Suddenly will open before you, in you, such a horror The hair takes up. It is better to make the audio all that neither is in us, at the beginning of life, and not at the end of it. "

One way or another, but the appearance of the gendarme that announces the arrival from St. Petersburg "by the name of the auditor of the auditor already," is striking as the thunder of all, "says in the author's remark. - The sound of amazement unanimously seals from the ladies; the whole group, suddenly change the position, remains in petrol. "

Gogol believed that the force of laughter can be changed for the better world and man in this world. That is why laughter in the "auditor" - most advantage of satirical, aimed at negate of the rope. Satira, according to Gogol, is designed to correct human flavors, and in this its high social importance. Such an understanding of the role of laughter determines its focus not on a particular person, an official, not on a specific county city, but on the vice itself. Gogol shows how terrible fate of a person affected by him. This predetermines another feature of funny in the play: the combination of comic with drama, which is concluded in the inconsistency of the initial high purpose of man and its unrealized, exhaustion in pursuit of life mirages. Dramatic and the final monologue of Gulchov, and the imaginary walling of the holling, but the climax of the tragic, when comic is at all goes to the background, becomes a "dumb scene". Gogol's artistic world inherent grotesque. Specify your ideas about Grotesque. Grotesque, exaggeration, dramatically violating real features that have akin to fantastic. It often exaggerates not the phenomenon as a whole, but some kind of its face, which is even more violating the actual proportions, distorts the subject. In the "Revior" a lot is built on exaggeration: fantastically exaggerated, brought to the "ideal" not only the stupidity of the horstykova, but universal, in essence, the desire to seem to be slightly higher than you really are. Comically exaggerated the situation of delusion. But the main thing is what Gogol Grotesque was realized, it is a miral intrigue that highlighted the absurdity of human life in the fantastic reflections in her pursuit of numerous mirages, when the best human forces are spread in the desire to focus the emptiness, such a brilliantly embodied Holetakov. The petition of the "Silent Scene" emphasizes, grotesquely highlights illusory, the scenaries of the goals, to achieve which is sometimes put on the whole life.

This video tutorial is devoted to the discussion of the topic "An innovation of Gogol - playwright (according to the comedy" Auditor ")". You will be able to learn many interesting details about the history of the creation and reprint of this play. Together with the teacher, you can analyze in very detalessly analyzed, what was manifested in the "Revolution" innovation of Gogol - playwright.

The first printed version came out in 1836 (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Printing editorial office "Auditor" ()

In April 1836, the premiere of the performance was held in the Alexandrinsky Theater (Fig. 3), and in May - in the Small Theater in Moscow.

Fig. 3. Alexandrinsky Theater ()

The second edition is published in 1841, and the final edition - in 1842. Gogol changed the replicas, recycled, explained, commented and inserted a wonderful phrase of Governing:

"There is a clutch, paper man, in comedy will insert you. That's what a shame! Rank, the title will not spare, and everyone will scold the teeth and beat their hands. "

Wonderful poet and critic Apollo Alexandrovich Grigoriev (Fig. 4) about the plot of the "auditor" spoke:

"This is a miral intrigue."

Fig. 4. A.A. Grigoriev ()

And this "Mirazhnaya Intrigue" repeatedly appears in the work of Gogol. For example, in the "Marriage" play, where Podskold and wants, and does not want to marry, he jumps out of the window at the last moment before the wedding, frightened marriage.

"Auditor" is a play on how the auditor arrives in the county city. In the end, it turns out that he is not at all an auditor. This is not an auditor, it is a dummy, which was accepted for the auditor.

In the "dead souls" (Fig. 5) Chichikov travels peasants. It turns out that he does not buy peasants, and lists with dead peasants.

Fig. 5. "Dead Souls" ()

This is a mirage, some kind of ghost, some phantom, something non-secrecy.

But in the predecessors of Gogol, the situation of the imaginary auditor itself has met repeatedly. It is best to say about Yuri Manna. Here is one of the examples that he mentions. There was such a writer Kwitte-basiconenko (Fig. 6), which in 1827 he wrote a play "Peziya from the capital, or a turmoil in the county town." This play will be printed in 1842, after the "auditor". But, as some believe, Gogol could know her by manuscript.

Fig. 6. G. F. Kvitka-basicenko ()

In the play in the county city comes a kind of character, "Metropolitan thing"who begins to issue himself for the auditor. Easy to imagine how all this happens next. But the peculiarity of the Gogol Plays is that the Khlestakov itself does not produce himself. The question arises: why did they be deceived, why did they take Klezlekov for the auditor?

The answer to this question may be not one. Belinsky says that the whole thing in the sick conscience of Governing. This is very detailed and very subtle through this Yury Vladimirovich Mann (Fig. 7).

He says that in this absurd world everything is absurd. After the letter of Chimyov, all officials are already awaiting the auditor. But why should Kleztakov? You probably remember that Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky (Fig. 8) are resorted to:

"How! Of course he! He does not pay money, does not go anywhere. When we drove with Peter Ivanovich, he looked into the plates. What is not an auditor? Auditor.

Fig. 8. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky ()

The absurd world, the world of lies, hypocrisy (after all, the gingerbread three governors deceived), faces sincerity, with such an unconscious lie horstykova. From here and there is a plot of one of the best Russian plays.

The deception is revealed only in the fifth action, when the postmaster reveals the letter of Klezlekova, and finds out that the xles not only is not an auditor, not authorized and not special, but in general "It's none, damn know what is".

But this is not enough. At the end of the play on the threshold, a gendarme appears with a message:

"An official who arrived from St. Petersburg requires everyone to himself. He stopped at the hotel. "

In general, Gogol was obviously unhappy with theatrical modern repertoire: the tricks of loved, deft servants, water, melodrama (usually borrowed or on someone else's plot). Gogol builds his own play fundamentally differently.

In the "Dead Souls" he says:

"The visible laugh through the tears invisible, unknown tears."

He laughs at his heroes, but he is also scared that people reach this, he is hard.

Fear is that force, the sense that can unite everyone in this comedy. And it is clear what kind of granule is afraid, officials are afraid. How well mann proves, they are afraid of no exposition, they are afraid that they are not lucky, they will not be able to deceive the auditor, they will not be able to play the game correctly in the game that the auditor imposes. But afraid and Dobchinsky. And when Anna Andreevna says: "Do you even be afraid of? You do not serve ", Dobchinsky replies: "When the nobleman says, you feel fear".

In the traditional comedy, evil is opposed to good, the heroes of satirical are opposed to the heroes of positive. N at Gogol is not. Please note that city officials NN.* Absolutely not afraid of exposure, they are afraid not to please. All concerns are care of form. They think that it is necessary to wear clean caps on the patients, on the street, hesitate from the hotel to the presence, you need to put a straw / Fig. 9.

Fig. 9. Officials ()

It is not by chance that Gogol does not simply gives a positive hero, and he shows in his heroes of sins. It is especially important to re-read the pre-exit for the Lord actors when Gogol explains the character of a particular character:

"Glainy(Fig. 10) "The character, beyond which, as everyone else, is sinful, for there is no man who would have had any sins."

Fig. 10. Gingerbread ()

Another very important feature of the "auditor", which distinguishes him from other comedies, is the lack of love intrigue. Comedy are very often built on the peripetias of relations between young lovers (they want to connect, they have interference, etc.). Gogol is everything completely removes, but not only that he does not give love intrigue, he parods it.

Khlestakov is drawn in front of his wife and the daughter of Governing, dragging out of both. At first, he suggests to retire "under the Sen jet" Anne Andreevna, then asks Anna Andreevna's hands Mary Antonovna. This transition occurs lightning. Here he falls on his knees from love for Marya Antonovna, after she inadvertently went to his room. Then Anna Andreevna drives her daughter, he rushes his knees in front of her: "Madam, you see, I burn with love! I'm in love with you. "Then runs Marya Antonovna with words "Oh, what passage". Khlestakov grabs her hand: "Anna Andreevna, do not oppose our well-being, bless constant love." And the city, naturally, is amazed: "So you in it? .."(Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Explanation in love. "Auditor" ()

Gogol depicts this parody love intrigue, using the stamps of predecessors already subdes the viewers:

"Holetakov: You can't stop me; On the contrary, you can bring pleasure. Did you seem to be so happy to offer you a chair? But no, you should not stool, and throne. As if I wish, madam, be your handkerchief to hug your lily neck. My life is in the balance. If you will crowned my permanent love, then I am not worthy of earthly existence. Shooting. "

This is all, apparently, from the repertoire of modern Gogol literature. All this is absolutely absurd, ridiculous. And then Khlestakov leaves, he already woke up like Marya Antonovna. Gingerbile and his wife in Euphoria, they plan their lives to arrange in St. Petersburg:

"Gingerbread: just from some kind of gods and suddenly with what the devil threatened!

... you can stupid a big chin ...

... Over time and you will fit into the generals. Cavalry will hang over the shoulder. "

And in the midst of this celebration, the postmaster with a printed writing appears. And immediately the true auditor immediately.

This is not fully assessing this, but for contemporaries it was unusual. This was an innovation of Gogol-playwright.

Composition "Auditor"

It should be understood that the play lives only on stage. Bulgakov (Fig. 12) has a novel called "Distribution of the Deader" (or "Theater Roman").

Fig. 12. Mikhail Bulgakov ()

There is one wonderful place there. The hero wrote a novel, the novel does not print, only a small piece. He lives alone in a room in a communal apartment. Casts his loneliness only a cat. Single evenings it seems to him that his sacred box is erected on the table. In this box begin to walk people. They speak. Somewhere hears the shots, somewhere music. He immediately liked this game, and he is waiting every evening when he can imagine all this herself. He begins to record what he sees. And suddenly understands that he writes a play. Of course, it is impossible to compose a play as Bulgakov, or his hero, or as Gogol. But you can imagine the play on the stage. After all, the play exists only on stage. Imagine how it looks on the scene. In order to truly understand the play, you need to imagine yourself to the director, to submit the selection of actors to one or another role, to think about how the scene must be framed, which music should be accompanied by a play.

It would seem that there is such a thing that can absolutely can be transferred on stage. This is an epigraph to the "audio":


Long ago, in the 70s, in the theater on Taganka in Moscow there was a performance on Gogol, he was called the "Audivskaya Tale". There were fragments and "dead souls", and the "auditor". When the spectators went out after the play in the lobby and got clothes, they came to the mirror, and this mirror was curved, as in the room of laughter. It - "On the mirror of Necha, beating, if Ryzh Kriva". This is how the director and artist Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov (Fig. 13) passed the Gogol epigraph.

Fig. 13. Yu.P. Lyubimov ()

The comedy should be knit itself, by all its mass in one large general node. The tie must embrace all the faces, and not one or two, to touch the fact that it worries more or less than all actors. Here is such a tie in the "Revolution":

"I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform the renegriented news. The auditor is going to us. "

And immediately everyone becomes engaged. It covers everyone. Just like the isolation, when everyone stands like thunder amazed (first from the news that Hellets is not an auditor, and then from the arrival of the gendarme).

In the first action, he says his famous phrase granuing. And immediately: "How does the auditor? As an auditor? " - Officials are asked.

In the fifth action:

"Email meterster: the official we accepted for the auditor was not an auditor.

All: What is not an auditor? "

Such a mirror is many times in the composition of the "auditor". She, of course, is not at all random. Initially, they read a letter of Chimyov to Governing, at the end read the letter of Klezlekova ragucchin. And about the passion of the mailman to read other people's letters, the reader will know more in the first action.

Very curious doubling in the "Revior": Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky, Anna Andreevna and Mary Antonovna, Merchasar and Unter-Officer, two letters, two rats. And as Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky at the beginning argue who first said: "E!"So in the end they will argue, dumping each other, who saw the auditor in the whip.

Khlestakov is explained twice in love. First, Marie Antonovna, then Anna Andreevna. He falls on his knees twice, talks twice about permanent love. Several times the readers pass through the Renice all officials. First, in the first scene with the city, then when they appear at Klezlekov, then when the letter of Klezlekova is read, in which they are characterized by everything.

The rolls are very much in this play. For example, the Chifts writes:

"You do not like to miss what sails itself."

And the Officer officer answers:

"I have nothing to give up from my happiness."

In the "Revolution" there are also examples of a coarse comic, which already has a source is not in nature, but some scenic effect. For example, Gingerbread is put on the case instead of hats, Bobchinsky falls with the door.

The most important in the composition of the "auditor" is silent scene(Fig. 14).

Gogol requires a silent scene for a very long time, unusual for a long time. That's what he writes:

"Almost one and a half minutes, the numbered group saves such a situation."

The meaning of the final. In the "Theatrical Drive" one of the characters will say:

"And here, noble, they all quit, as the payback came."

In the junction of the "auditor" about this was also discussed. Gogol will say that this is the phenomenon of our conscience.

In building a play, there are many not immediately noticeable, but unusually interesting connals, motifs, moments. To better understand this play, you need to imagine it on the scene.


These are very important words. Khlestakov (Fig. 15) - in each. Pay attention to the passage from the letter N.V. Gogol:

"Anyone at least for a minute was made or done by Hellestakov ... and the dexterous guards officer sometimes will be a whistakov, and the state husband is sometimes Khlestakov, and our brother, a sinful writer, will be sometimes Holetakov. In a word, rarely who will not be at least once in life. "

Fig. 15. Khlestakov ()

The fact that Khleklakov is overlooking the dreams of Governing and Anna Andreevna, we have already spoken. And Dobchinsky seems to confirm this observation.

In the "Theatrical Rebulment" there are such words:
"A person primarily makes the question:" Does such people exist? " But when it was seen to make a person to make such a question: "Does I really feel free from such vices?" Never!"

The moral charge of this comedy is not expressed in showing the vices of others, but that each of us ask yourself, and there is no horstykov in us. This topic discussed Gogol in conversation with Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov.

Khlestakov is a completely incomprehensible figure. Gregory Alexandrovich Gukovsky (Fig. 16) in his book "Realism of Gogol" suggests that Khlestakov behaves like a real auditor. Everyone is deceived, because the real auditor would do the same: he would take bribes, would tell about what an important person he would use this power.

Fig. 16. G.A. Gukovsky ().

Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman (Fig. 17) Interested in how "a small man from Gogol" is trying to play the role of at least the top of the one that he is given.

Lotman draws attention to the fact that Khlestakov despises himself. It is very easy to prove:

"You think that I only rewrite? No ... I only go to the Department only for a minute, I say it so, and this is so. And there already some rat went to the letter. "

So, the "rat" for the letter is it.

Fig. 17. Yu.M. Lotman ()

It is very strange to read how Khlestakov begins with the fact that the head of the department with him on a friendly leg. Of course, he invented it. And finishes the fact that he goes to the palace every day and that tomorrow will be produced in Field Marshals. It turns off on this phrase, because it was too tightly breakfast and drank a lot for breakfast. And it does not confuse anyone. True Gaining says:

"Gingerbile: Well, if at least one half of what he said is true? (Thinking).

And how not to be true?

Having poured, the person is all carrying out: what's on the heart, then in the language. Of course, sat down a little; Yes, and after all, no speech says not to say. "

To understand what a mystery of Khlezkov is curious to remember some facts about Gogol. Gogol life is so fantastic that everything can be in it. Remember how the story "Nose" ends:

"Whoever says, and such incidents are in the world, rarely, but there are."

Khlestakov is absolutely sincere. In the sixth phenomenon of the third action, when he tells that he went to the palace, he completely unconsciously invent himself. Even when he was frankly caught on the lies, he completely brilliantly comes out of this position:

"Yes, there are two" Yuri Miloslavsky. " One, indeed, Mr. Zagoskin, but also my other. "

What city said:

"I probably read yours. So well written "(Fig. 18) .

Fig. 18. "Auditor" ()

Very good Helps performed by Evgeny Mironova in the 1996 film. Great artists feel the face between the familiar and unusual, plausible and leaving the limits of likelihood (Fig. 19).

Fig. 19. The screening of the "auditor" ()

There is another curious reception that distinguishes any comedy and who works well in the "Revolution". This technique is called talk deaf. Another antique comedy began with this: two characters come out that talk in the same language, but on different dialects. And in one dialect, the word means, for example, some reward, and in the other - for example, a night pot. There is a comic effect on this misunderstanding. Gogol has a completely fantastic scene - the conversation of Khlezkov and Governing in the hotel. It would seem that now everything should be explained. Gingerbread thinks that this is an auditor. Khlestakov thinks that the granitious came to send him to prison (Fig. 20).

Fig. 20. Khlestakov and Gingerbread ()

This scene is so good that anywhere is absolutely visible "seams", everything is very convincing:

"Gingerbread: My duty, as a city-owner of the local city, take care of the passing and all noble people with any oppression ...

Histakov: I'm not guilty ... I, right, I'll pay ... I will send from the village.

Gingerbread: Let me suggest you move with me to another apartment.

Khlestakov: No, I do not want! I know what it means to another apartment: that is, in prison. Yes, what are you right? "

Gingerbreading would have to understand everything, but he thinks that Khlestakov means that if he moves with him to another apartment, that is, he will receive such a service from an informant, then the horstykova for the fact that he is badly auditing, they will be sent to prison.

"Khlestakov: I'm going to the Saratov province, in my own village.

Gingerbread: in the Saratov province! BUT? And will not redden!

With it you need Egor Egor. "

Here on such misunderstandings and roll calls are built in the "Revolution".

"Gingerbread: I ask you to see what bullets are cast! And the old man's father surrendered! Nicely knotted knot! Lying, lying - and will not break anywhere! But what kind of nonsense, low, it seems, the nail would give it. Well, yes, you wait, you will talk to me. I'll make you more than telling you! "

This is a comic effect. Khlestakov speaks the truth, and he does not believe. Khlestakov is lying, and everyone is ready to believe him.

Very often, speaking of the "auditor", use the word grotesque.

Grotesque - bring the aloghrism of life to the absurdity.

Consider this on a specific example. Gogol is quite clear that in Russian life, the uniform means much more than the advantage of the one who wears it. This, of course, is illogical. This is a pretty sad side of Russian life. Gogol as if asking for a question: what if the uniform is not to wear a person, but on the nose? Then it turns out that the nose is the general, it is a Stat adviser (Fig. 21).

And Major Kovalev, unfortunate, with a flat place instead of nose, meets his own nose in the Kazan Cathedral and offers it to return to the place. To which the nose is responsible for him: " Judging by the buttons of your uniform, we serve in various departments, the merciful sovereign. " That's how Gogol Grotesque works.

And in the "Revior" such a moment: what if the uniform is only imaginary; And what if this imaginary uniform boot on the most perfect negligence, a pacifier? It turns out that everyone is ready to accept him for the auditor. Commenting on this place, the authors of the Soviet textbooks always said that this means the exposure of the royal bureaucratic system: anyone may look an auditor, even if he does not give himself for him.

Such a combination of absurdities is very comic and very meaningful. This technique becomes also a note, which Goryanki wrote on a restaurant account, which was submitted by Khlestakov:

"I hurry you to notify you, donating that my condition was very sad, but, I said on the mercy of God, for two salty cucumbers especially and for the plan of caviar ruble twenty five kopecks ..."

This is a reception of comic, when two completely different texts face and produce a comic effect.

Causal relationships in the "Auditor" are very strange. Remember the assessor from which I smell with vodka because his mother was hurt. Teachers are a great subject for Gogol ridicule. For example, a teacher on the historic part, who loved the chairs to break, flakes notices many times that this should not be done, to which he answers:

« As you wish, I will not felt for the science of life ".

Another teacher wringing faces. Gingerbread says:

"If he did such students? .. And then I can not judge, it may be so necessary.

If he will do this to the visitor, from this damn know what can happen. Mr. The auditor can accept it on his own expense. "

For Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky Khlestakov is an auditor, because he looks at the plates, does not go and pays money.

These are just some of the techniques of comic. There are also comic surnames (like Hermorka or Lapkin-Tipkin). There are comic actions. Many comic techniques. But the question is not to list them, but to see how they work. Gogol is all in place, so he wrote a play, which is read and put to today.


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2. Merkin G.S. Literature. 8th grade. Tutorial in 2 parts. - 9th ed. - M.: 2013.

3. Cretarov Zh.N. Analysis of the works of Russian literature. 8th grade. - 2nd ed., Act. - M.: 2014.

1. Internet site sobolev.franklang.ru ()


1. Give examples of "Major Intrigue" in the works of N.V. Gogol.

2. List and explain the principles on which the plot of the play is being built.

3. What is the innovation of Gogol-playwater?