Anastasia Tregubova, biography, news, photo. Anastasia Tregubova, biography, news, photo getting a capital education

Anastasia Tregubova, biography, news, photo. Anastasia Tregubova, biography, news, photo getting a capital education
Anastasia Tregubova, biography, news, photo. Anastasia Tregubova, biography, news, photo getting a capital education
Anastasia Tregubova is a multifaceted popular Russian TV presenter, her favorite format is the morning show. For the first time, she became famous after filming for Playboy and Maxim magazines, on television, the girl tried himself in different formats - from the entertainment fitness show on MTV to extreme gears on the channel "My Planet". Anastasia Tregubova is a large mother.


Anastasia Tregubova was born on September 21, 1983 in a small town of Aprelevka in the Moscow region. A smart and purposeful girl immediately after graduation went to conquer the capital and entered the Economic Faculty to one of the local universities. In 2004, Anastasia received a diploma of an economist marketer, but to continue his career in this field.

Career model

In the same year, Nasta managed to become "Miss April" Playboy and to play in an erotic photo shoot for Maxim magazine. The model career became a pass to her to show-business - the girl soon noticed and began to invite to shooting in the video clips. Anastasia starred in the clips "Dancing" Andrei Gubin and "Night Hooligan" Dima Bilan.

Anastasia Tregubova in the video of Dima Bilan

Over time, everyone would have forgotten about Young Beauty, but the girl decided not to stop at what. To embody a long-standing dream, Tregubova decided to get journalistic education - Ostankino television school.

TV presenter career

After successfully passed occupations, Anastasia was sent to be included on the TVC channel. In parallel with this, Nastya successfully passed the casting of the MTV Russia TV channel and in 2005 it became a TV host program "on fitness". For one year, Tregubova took an interview with stars who are fond of sports.

Anastasia Tregubova for MAXIM magazine

After the project was closed, in 2007 Tregubova settled on 3 channels, where he became the leading TV program "Consumer". In 2009, she returned to MTV again, this time she confessed the show "The star went to ...". In the same year, Tregubova appeared on the World TV channel as the leading culinary project "Delicious World". During this time, Nastya spent more than a hundred release issues.

In early 2010, the girl took part in such extreme shows as "cruel games" and "big races". Despite the difficulty of testing Nastya, with dignity, coped with all challenges. The next achievement of Tregubova was the position of the leading "Survival School" on the channel "My Planet". If earlier Tregubov led the transfer from a comfortable pavilion, then in this project she had to learn to survive in dangerous conditions.

In 2012, Anastasia led the TV shows "Moscow Rulit" on the Moscow 24 channel, dedicated to one of her favorite hobbies - expensive cars. In the show, the girl spent test drives the best cars, telling the audience in detail about the benefits of a particular model.

Anastasia Tregubova in the Moscow Rulitis Program

In 2014, Tregubov became the co-host Anton excommunicated in the program "Good morning" on the first channel. Anastasia is confident that the morning shows is its format.

Personal life

The first relations of the popular lead, about which the media was recognized, its speed romance was with Dima Bilan. With the famous singer, the girl began to meet after filming on the project "Big Racing", but their connection ended as quickly as it began.

For a long time, nothing was known about the personal life of Nastya, but in his popular instagram she began to show family photos, of which it became known that, together with her husband Alexander, a girl raises two children - Lisa and Misha.

At the beginning of 2018, Tregubova became a mom for the third time - her daughter was born.

Despite the tight schedule of work, Anastasia managed to allocate time not only for his family, but also on the favorite hobby: it is riding on racing cars, fitness and reading.

Anastasia Tregubova now

Since 2014, Anastasia has been a permanent lead program "Good morning" on the first channel. The girl leads a pretty popular blog in Instagram, where it is divided with subscribers the most bright and happy moments from his life and television stoken.

Anastasia Tregubova (34) began his career in the modeling agency, and now she is one of the most famous TV presenters (on her account "The Star Show on ..." on Muz-TV, "Fitness" on MTV and even "Brutal Games" on the first canal). Why she will never make plastic, because of which she was not allowed to the podium and about the soon adding in the family, Nastya told Peopletalk.

About education

According to the main formation, I am an economist marketer. My second profession Journalism: I studied at the television school "Ostankino" and was engaged with a private teacher - put a voice, learned to work in the frame. At the end of last year he graduated from the photocurses and began to master the profession of the photographer.

At the age of 14, I learned in a model school, began to be filmed in advertising, videos. Participated in photo projects for fashionable Coolgirl and Cool magazines, filmed in the clips from Zemfira and Dima Bilan.

After graduating from the institute, settled a specialist in working with key clients to a large pharmaceutical company. For three months of internships, thousands of drug names learned, and I gave me an increase, began to respond to work with military hospitals. I traveled, offered medicines, prepared the tender documentation. It hardly hardered my character, taught to achieve the goals set and not to give up.

About television

For the first time, the television came when it was shot in the video cards of the program "Incretion" for NTV. Then I realized that I was interested, and went to learn. In 2005 heard Casting on MTV. And came, inexperienced, but with a great desire to get into the frame. I had long blonde hair, and I remember me: "Are you ready to change the color of the hair?" And I replied without a doubt "Yes." As a result, the transfer of sports and zozh "on fitness", which I led under the pseudonym of the electra's vow, and my colleague was Archie's vision. By the way, I became a brunette.

Now I have extensive experience on TV, except for music MTV and Muz-TV there were "Moscow 24", "Third Channel", Country Channel. For four years I have been working on the first channel, leading "good morning" and various author's headings.

About beauty

My morning on working day: rise at 3:30 am, shower, glass of coffee, articulation gymnastics and cheerful music in the car.

I do not spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, I prefer universal and effective means. The husband gave me a set of caring for itself, consisting of four phases: wash, cleaning, reducing emulsion and cream. It's enough. Of course, watching weight, I go to the massage, take care of the hair. I am for the naturalness: I never built the eyelashes, the hair increased once, but after a few days she took off. That's not mine. I have no tattoo, and while I'm not ready for this. I do not divide the hobbies of plastic surgery, especially when it is a tribute to fashion and as a result of the girl becomes similar to each other. Woman should be an individual.

My older Liza 11, the son of Mishe in January will be seven. At the end of January, I will become a mom again. The daughter is now a transitional age, she is looking for himself. Previously, looking at me, I said that I would like to become a journalist, I, if possible, take her to my shooting, she likes. Last year she was engaged in music, now studying at art school. He says that he is thinking of becoming a professional artist and enroll in the architectural university. Misha is studying in the first grade in the Spanish school, is engaged in Flamenco, Taekwondo, chess and Spanish guitar.

Dress, Blends of Love; Shoes, Massimo Dutti

I try my personal life not to advertise, but I'm not trying to hide obvious. I understand that on the "Good Morning" on the air, my situation is visible, so trying to deny it stupid. But in details I do not go.

I had experiments with style: I wore lush dresses, things decorated with sparkles. But on his own experience, I realized that I was more classical: dresses-cases, narrowed pants, blouses. Simple and elegant, not coming out of fashion. On ordinary days is jeans and jumper. One day she bought a leopard dress, once starred in it in the film "Love in the Big City - 3". And it was my only experiment. From the warm upper clothes, I like the down jackets, a coat, in cold weather - sheepskin. I have a fur coat only one, I carry it rarely.

How nice sometimes meet our brother journalist! Especially if this sister is also not much dressed.

Yes? Strange. We somehow asked the same question on the radio, and most girls said that they would give preference to the guy on the cabriolet. Even if it is "UAZ" without a roof.
It may well be. But the fact is that I have the convertible itself. Maybe therefore, it is subconsciously like something else.

What don't you like in modern men?
What they used to get everything quickly. Men have no longer permanent period for a girl, some romance. I arrived, took the restaurant - and all, let's immediately love.

And if you do not give?
It depends on the girl. In my case, the ninety percent is called and appoint a new meeting.

And if there is nothing after nothing?
It remains seventy percent. Those who have serious feelings.

And most seriously can be determined since the seventh?
Somewhere so. So, he can be believed and now go with him to the movies.

And why not everyone should women?
We also need. But we need gifts immediately, flowers ...

Okay. If a man right on the first date will give eight bouquets, the clock with the pants, the phone Vertu and something else, then everything else can happen right on the first date?
Well, in many cases yes. Although again we are not talking about me, but about the situation as a whole. I actually married if that.

It is important here, who has this content to appear first and how exclusive it is. For example, if every morning you will take pictures of yourself in the soul and lay out, the clones will appear very later.
But then it will appear throughout the network!

Not always the road on the way to glory is terny and heavy. It also happens that it is very light and consists of a solid luck. This is exactly what happened with the famous TV presenter Tregubovaya Anastasia. About such people, as a rule, they say they were born under a happy star. We'll tell you more about the biography and creative path of the girl further.

Anastasia Tregubova: biography and brief description

About childhood and adolescence of the TV presenter, which many know on the programs "Moscow Rulit" and "Morning", it is known extremely few. She was born in the small town of Aprelevka near Moscow on April 21, 1983. She studied at a local school and was famous for incredible cheerfulness and burden to read. Anastasia Tregubova was a very active and energetic child. She often visited dance and musical circles at school. He loved to dance and sing in front of their parents, other relatives and friends.

Several memories of first school love

As Anastasia Tregubov herself says, the first love fell on her right at school. At that time, one Sasha studied in their class. According to the future TV presenter, he was the most beautiful boy in which all the girls were in love. She wrote to him notes with text from favorite songs. He read them. And about the miracle! Among other girls, Sasha chose Nastya. It is so hijling her classmates that they even declared her boycott. Moreover, the girl quarreled with his best friend Natalia.

However, closer to the seventh grade, all the adorable boy matured and no longer looked so beautiful. Anastasia sobbed him and reconciled him again with the best girlfriend. As it turned out, she continues to be friends with her today. Currently, Natalia has to the godmother of children of the TV presenter. But about the fate of the former lover, as leading Anastasia Tregubov says, nothing is not known.

Obtaining the capital education

After graduation, the girl confidently declared his desire to receive a higher education. For this, she left his hometown and went to conquer the capital. Without special efforts, Anastasia Tregubov passed the entrance examinations, and then entered the Faculty of Economics. There she studied until 2004. In the same period, the girl received a diploma of the economist-marketer and thought about his further fate.

Work in the model business

Having all the pros and cons, TV presenter Anastasia Tregubov decided not to go to work by profession. According to her, she was enough to get a higher education. But it did not plan to apply the knowledge gained in the economic environment. On the contrary, the girl possessed excellent external data. Its growth was 170 cm, weight - 52-55 kg. She was thin and pretty. It is these data and led the future leading popular TV programs in the model business. So, the girl came to the turn of such popular male publications as Maxim and Playboy.

Of course, the first shooting of Anastasia Toples was not easy for her because she did not like to take off the public. Therefore, the girl was very shy and looked unnatural. But it was 21 years old. When the young model has acquired a certain experience in photographing in the style of Nu, she stopped being afraid and began to behave more naturally.

Television and Show Business

After some time, the photo of Anastasia Tregubova falls to the agents so the girl notice, and it participates in the shooting of the video of the famous singer. By the way, the future leading and singer immediately find a common language. At that time, Dima broke up with his beloved and worried about the difficult moment in his life. Anastasia supported the young performer, so that there were rumors about their fleeting novel in the press.

Later, Anastasia participated in the shooting and other clips. It was working with the singer Zemfira, as well as the performer of the sensational hit "Lisa" Andrei Rubin. Then Nastya began to invite to the movies. True, all this was only small and insignificant episodic roles. But even this turned out to be enough for Tregubov to decide to become a TV presenter.

New television dream

After numerous filming, our heroine solidically decided that he would fall on television. However, it lacked her profile education. On the way to a dream, the girl enters the school of television at the "Ostankino" and begins to study the television journalist. Along the way, with training, Nastya begins to master the profession of the correspondent and falls on one of the TVTS channels.

The work of the TV presenter and the first unpleasant moments

Later, the girl learns about the casting from the MTV Russia channel, which she successfully passes. As a result, the channel's management invites Nastya to the "Fitness" program, where our heroine will first comprehend all the charms of the TV presenter. During the program, various well-known personalities come to the studio, which are divided with the audience with their secrets, tell about proper nutrition, sports and other nuances.

However, despite the fairly successful start, the fitness program did not receive a big rating. As a result, the channel's management decided to cover the project, which lasted only one season. This was one of the unpleasant moments that the leading was to survive.

Further cooperation with television channels

Despite the fact that the first pancake for the TV host turned out to be a room, she did not go without work. On the contrary, she continued to cooperate with his favorite TV channel. During this partnership, Tregubov performed the lead, awarded musical awards and even communicated with celebrities during the New Year's show.

Currently, the girl works at once on several TV channels, among which "Moscow 24" and "Country". It conducts information issues in such programs as "Country for the Week" and "Day after day. Results. " Nastya is actively involved in the filming of the "Channel One" and simply adore cars. With the latter, she is quite closely communicating during participation in the project "Moscow Rulitis".

Hobby and hobby

In addition to television, Anastasia is actively engaged in sports and loves music. It is rumored that she even recorded her own track. He called "Who is there?". That's just where he sounded, unknown. It is possible that this creation was heard exclusively by family members of the girl. But who knows, because the line between the song pit and the work of the lead is very thin. It is possible that Anastasia can still manifest itself on a pop field.

Lack of time and career achievements

In addition to participating in various TV projects, Nastya accepts offers from various individuals. During corporate events, anniversaries and other parties, it becomes one of the brightest and most demanded leading. According to the girl, her graph is very dense. But despite this, the charming blonde regularly works on himself. Thanks to its perseverance, excellent external data and excellent speakers not so long ago, Nastya fell into the "Top 10" among the most beautiful TV presenters in Russia.

Some information from personal life leading

Huge role in the life of the girl played her husband. Anastasia Tregubova simply loves Alexander. In a joint marriage of spouses, two children: the seven-year-old son Mikhail and the eleven-year-old daughter Lisa. And recently, the thirty-year-old TV presenter reported his third pregnancy. Despite the big employment, Anastasia is trying to find time for his family. She does not like to talk about her personal life, but sometimes throws up his fans of spicy details in the form of photos on social networks.