Who is a provincial official in the auditor. An image of officials in the comedy N.V

Who is a provincial official in the auditor. An image of officials in the comedy N.V
Who is a provincial official in the auditor. An image of officials in the comedy N.V

essay in literature

"Auditor" - one of the best works N.V. Gogol. Speaking about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe comedy, the author claimed that he decided in it
That is how the city n appeared, in which the auditor comes. His arrival is a complete surprise for all officials, since each of them has something to hide from the state inspector.
The chief official in the city is, of course, the city. This is a nellueous man, "already aged in service," therefore, he knows all the subtleties of the official passage, cunning, rough and, most importantly, bribward. For him, the worst is a denunciation:

To find out if there was no complaint about him, the city asks Soilister Shpekina to open every letter coming to the city.
Gingerbile considers himself a full owner of the city, enjoys his position and is very afraid of losing his position, therefore it categorically prohibits showing the imaginary audio of the seekers and wishing to complain to oppression from the head of the city. The habit of taking and giving bribes was so rooted in his mind that he declares with confidence:

Fully granted himself in latest scene Comedy, when it turns out that Khlestakov is no auditor. The hero shouts, calls himself an old fool, does not understand how he, who is not one merchant and the governor to deceive managed, spent some kind of coolness from St. Petersburg. But in order to remove the blame for such a miscalculation, he, after the rest of the officials, collapses with a swearing on Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky.
All the bodies of the city's institutions are under Artemia Filippovich Strawberries. But this person's sweet had only a surname. This official is stupid, Zhaden and Coward. But in the subtleties of the state "service", like the city, disassembled perfectly, because it is the strawberry suggesting under the "gloomy pretext" to give Khlestakov money and teaches how to do it "correctly." The hero himself takes a bribe and does not hide it: so, he speaks directly to Lyapkin-Tipkin, that patients prescribed to feed oat-soup, and in his hospitals one cabbage smells. The official does not care if people in his establishments dying constantly ("recover like flies," he says, not embarrassed, Khlestakov). He lives with the firm conviction that if he wanted, a person will recover, but if there is no, then it will die so. At the same time, the strawberries are a sneaky man. So, when meeting with imaginary auditor He in a conversation about local officials speaks about a caretaker educational institutions As about Volnoduumz and offers to write a denunciation on him.
Full speaking surname And the private bailiff Stepana Ilyich Ukhukhrotov, as well as a policeman Derportorda. Only on the names of these characters can already be judged, what methods they prefer to use in the service.
The surname of Judge Lyapkin-Tipkina also quite eloquently speaks about him. Litigation And documents for him - a dark case. Ammos Fedorovich directly declares that if what an auditor and look into paper, then nothing will understand them, since he is so many years in this position, but still not everything understands. Lyapkin-Tipkin, like all the city officials, bribemer. But, being a fan of a fucking hunt, he takes a bribe to the puppies, and therefore it does not consider it for a bribe.
E-mailman Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin is a very stupid and naive man. The position calls "a pleasant pastime." This character without revelation of conscience reveals the letters of citizens, and the most interesting collects. Therefore, Gogol with a big irony depicts his embarrassment when the granitious invites him to read the letters to find a report, as well as at the moment when Shpekein brings an exposure letter of Klezlekov.
Thus, the differences between officials are negligible. All they take bribes, not counting it a crime, they are all indifferent to their official duties, rude with subordinates, look up with superior by rank. They all consider themselves the owners of the city, which can be left to his fate and the fate of its inhabitants at their discretion.
In his comedy N.V. Gogol paints a picture of the degradation of Russian officials. With amazing fineness and skill, the author managed to portray every image that, without losing an individual originality, at the same time was a typical phenomenon of that era.

"Auditor" - Comedy N.V. Gogol. As the author himself wrote, he wanted to show and, at the same time, ridicule all the shortcomings of the officialhood and injustice, which reigns in remote places of Russia. In the comedy, all the "sins" of officials of the city are revealed, who are trying to hide them from the auditor, which should visit them. N.V. Gogol does not introduce a separate main character in his work, he draws the image of each official, describing the shortcomings of political system.

Gingerbread appears in front of us, as a non-man, but for long years Services accustomed to deceive and steal. The character himself admits that no one can spend it, but he deceived a single governor with agility. Anton Antonovich takes money to his pocket, which were allocated to the needs of the city. Gingerbile knows about all the "dark affairs", which are worked in the city. But he justifies it, saying that all people are sinful, by nature. He holds a preventive conversation with his subordinates, in order to arrive the auditor, they hid all the shortcomings. He wants to heal before the bosses, and the solution of the problems of the city does not care.

Other chiefs are not inferior to in high spirits. Judge Lyapkin-Tipkin Prokhvost, who is trying to serve himself. He loves hunting and takes bribes with greyhound puppies. Regarding the health in the city, he says that a person who is destined to die will not help and expensive medicines, so without the need to spend money on them the city treasury.

Flames - a caretaker educational institutions. He is afraid of various checks and constantly complains how his service is hard.

Shhekin, which occupies the place of the postmaster, reveals the letters to unknown recipients. He justifies this occupation by what he wants to know that interesting is happening.

All city management is engaged in bribery. They do not care about the life of ordinary residents. They put themselves above them and manage the city, as they do. Officials do not look at the law and the needs of residents. When I comes to news of the arrival of the auditor, the officials are not particularly worried, they try to cover their misconduct, but they understand that the problem can be solved by bribes. The auditor attends the city not for the first time and the authorities know how to behave itself and what to say to get out of the water. After all, they serve in their ranks and manage the city is not the first year and everything comes with hands. By bribery, lies, the wrong bowl remain in their places and after various checks.

The dominant persons are pronounced about their misconduct, several stories from the life of the city are told. And thanks to this develops full picture What is happening in Russian provinces. The bosses arbitrarily operates the city, takes bribes, often gossip and write denunciations. The rights of citizens are infringed, the conditions for vital activity are terrible, and the administration closes the eyes. The life of counties and provinces is reflected in the Piesen N.V. Gogol. The author refuses all the features of Rus.

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Officials county town The name of the officials of the urban life, which he leads information on the state of affairs in this area of \u200b\u200bthe characteristic of the hero in the text Anton Antonovich Leschnik- DMUKHANOVSKY GORDER: general management, the police, providing order in the city, beautification takes bribes, congestive in this other officials, the city is not landscaped, state money is cleared "says it says loudly, nor quietly; no, nor little "; Face features of rude and hard; Roughly developed soul lenses. "Look, I have an eye elder! .. Do not take it away!". The merchants "I frowned, at least in the loop of the Flying". In a scene: "What are you laughing? Over yourself laughing! .. "

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Treipkin projected more hunt than proceedings. The meeting is always drunk. "Man who read five or six books"; Takes bribes with "star puppies." "I have been sitting on a judicial chair for fifteen years, and how to look at the memorandum note - a! Only hand Mahnu »Artemy Filippovich Strawberryman bogogenic establishments "Patients, like flies, recover", feed them to the black cabbage, the drugs are expensive do not use "very thick, slow and clumsy man, but with all that prone and a plow"; "Perfect pig in Ermolka"; offers to "slip" the auditor of the bribe; He brings him to other officials. "A person is simple: if he dies, so dies, if he recovers, then he will recover"

Luke Lukich Flants Camotier School of Teacher "Have very strange actions" is unknown with frequent audit and reprimands for what, and therefore afraid of fire, all sorts of visits; "Total are afraid: everyone prevents, everyone wants to show that he too smart man" Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin Pelvemter in the launch, reads other people's letters, the parcels do not reach the simple man to naivety, to read other people's letters - "Pre-interested reading", "Death I love to know what is new in the world"

Humor 1. Understanding comic, the ability to see and show funny, condescendingly, mocking attitude to anything. 2. In art: an image of something in a funny, comic form. 3. Mocking, jokingly speech. \\\\ adjective humorous, or ,y. (S.I.Ogov)

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol gave a widespread picture of the Chinovichye-Rocratic Board in Russia in the 1930s of the XIX century in the comedy. In the comedy, the household side of the life of the inhabitants of a small county city: insignificance of interests, hypocrisy and lies, chewing and complete absence human dignity, superstition and gossip. This is disclosed in the images of the landowners of the Bobchin-Skogo and Dobchinsky, his wife and the daughter of Governing, merchants and boss. But most of all characterize life and the morals of this city of his officials. Describing officials, N. B, Gogol showed mass abuse of power, treasury and bribery, arbitrariness and dismissive attitude towards simple people. All these phenomena were characteristic, rooted by the features of the officials of the Nikolaev Russia. It is so that we appear to us civil servants in the comedy "Auditor".

At the head of everyone stands city. We see that he is negluce: more expensive than his colleagues, judges the reasons for sending them to the auditor. Mashed life and official experience, he "deceived fraudsters over fraudsters." Gingerbread-loving bribemer: "This is how God himself arranged, and the spreadshes speak in vain against it." He constantly assigns selfless money. The purpose of the aspirations of this official is "over time ... to get into the generals." And in communicating with subordinates, he is rude and despotic. "What, Samovarniki, Archniki ..." he draws to them. In a completely different way, this person speaks with the authorities: incorrectly, respectfully. On the example of Gogol Gogol shows us such typical traits Russian officials, like bribery, kindness.

A group portrait of a typical Nikolaev official complements the Judge Lyapkin-Tipkin. Already one surname speaks about the attitude of this official to his service. It is such people and profess the principle of "the law, which is drawn." Lapkin-Treipkin - a representative of the electoral authority ("Elected the judge by the will of the nobility"). Therefore, he keeps freely even with the Gingerbie, allows himself to challenge him. Since this person read 5-6 books for his life, he is considered a "liberated and educated". This item emphasizes the ignorance of officials, their low level of education.

We also learn about Lyapkin-Tipkin, that he is fond of hunting, so bribes take the puppies. He does not do business at all, and in court reigns - Frequently.

About full indifference to public service The people consisting on it speaks in the comedy and the image of the trustee of the godly institutions of strawberries, "a man of a thick, but thin". In the hospital subordinate to him, sick muruts like flies, the doctor "in Russian does not know a word." Strawberries, meanwhile reason: "The person is simple; If it dies, it will die so; If he recovers, then it will recover. " As a typical representative of the official, he also has a low-alphabone in front of higher and readiness to convey to his colleagues, which he does when Khlestakov arrives.

The caretaker of the county schools of Luke Lukich flakes is experiencing before the authorities, the intimidated person to death. "Someone higher with me will be with me, I just don't have the souls, and the language both in the dirt bladted," he says. And the mailmester Shpekin did not find a better classes, how to open letters. The limitedness of this "sophisticated to naivety" of a person says that it is from foreign letters he draws his knowledge of life.

Probably a group portrait of the Russian officials of the 1930s of the XIX century would not be complete without such bright Character Comedy, like Khlestakov, which is taken for a secret auditor. As Gogol writes, it is "one of those people who are called empty in the office. Says and acts without any consideration. " The significance in the comedy of the image of Klezlekov also in the fact that it does not belong to the circle of provincial officials. But, as we see, the St. Petersburg employee in terms of its education, moral qualities No higher than the rest of the comedy characters. This indicates the summary of the officials of the officials depicted in the comedy - those they are throughout Russia.

Surely almost every one of them, like Khlestakov, seeks to "play the role of at least one touchproof the one that has been appointed". And at the same time, "lies with a feeling" and "In his eyes, it is enjoyed by the pleasure of it from this." Tested by the officials of the city of the universal fear, on which the action is held in the comedy, does not allow public and his subordinate to see who Khlestako
In actually. Therefore, they believe in his lies.

All these characters of the comedy create a generalized appearance of the officials who managed Russia in those years. Their truthful image of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogolam allowed to say V. G, Belinsky, that officials are "Corporation of different official thieves and robbers."