Dead souls, official activities Chichikov.

Dead souls, official activities Chichikov.


  • Educational:
    • to form students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero of Gogol's work.
  • Developing:
    • develop skills holistic analysis artistic work;
    • develop the ability to competently build a monologic statement, own a culture of dialogical speech;
    • develop the ability to think independently, analyze the circumstances in which the heroes are valid;
    • develop the ability to compare textually studied works, their problems and heroes.
  • Educational:
    • educate interest in moral and universal values;
    • test students to the need for self-improvement through awareness of contradictions of their own nature.

Lesson Method: Teacher's word, work with reference and literary literature, analytical conversation, textual analysis of individual scenes, commented reading, expressive reading of students, work on individual tasks, work on theses, work with draft manuscripts.


1 stage lesson

The word teacher (on the background of music).

Again, as in the years golden,
Three erased whiskers fluffluts,
And the knitted knitting needles
In the ragged ruts ...

Russia, the poor Russia,
I am in gray your
Your songs winds -
How tears are the first love!

I do not know how to regret
And the cross is careful ...
What do you want a sorcerer
Give robberies!

Let the lubrication and deceive, -
Will you disappear, you will not curve
And only concern boils
Your wonderful features ...

- No, not these feelings overwhelmed the soul of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikova when he went into the city of N. What is concerned about our hero, why he comes to ordinary Russian town and who he, Pavel Ivanovich: Skolovka, a dear person, acquirer? Is he ever? Do we face Chichikovna today and what? We will try to comprehend these problems today.
- So, on the path behind the author and his hero.

2 stage lesson

Movie scenes " Dead Souls"M. Switzer.

Teacher.And here is our hero. Look at the movie fragment and compare with Gogol's narration. What episodes are the first chapter director lowered, and what did you deepen and why?

Teacher.The first impression of the character is always very important, so let's turn to the first chapter, let's try to answer the question: Who is he, Chichikov? And what images of the image image uses the author.

- Find a description of the portrait of Chichikov, what emphasizes the author in the image of the hero? (The phrase is frankly ironic. The appearance description is given as if the reader does not have any impression of coming. Building a sentence goes back to folk samples: in Russians folk fairy tales We are constantly meeting with expressions, it seems "no, nor close, nor highly, no low.
Grotesque detail: Peziyasy visor visor: "It is not known how he did it, but only his nose sounded like a pipe." The visitors of Mr. keeps up with emphasized advantage, there is something exaggerated, far-fetched in his behavior).

- Gogol - Master details. This is especially brightly manifested in the description of the baggage of Pavel Ivanovich. Things help to understand the essence of the hero. What did Chichikov's things told us? (Spring brush, "white leather suitcase, somewhat asked", "Larchik of a mahogany, with pieces of Karelian birch, shoal pads and wrapped roasted chicken paper"; mapus, rainbow brazer - all objects hint something in position , the habits and character of Chichikov. He, apparently, is not too rich, but is provided, a lot goes, loves to eat, follows his appearance. You can even conclude that he used to be cooled than now: white leather suitcase and skillfully made Lark - things expensive.)

- Even more we learn about Chikchiki, if you think about the small study with billboard.Find this episode, emphasize keywordsthat help to understand the character of Paul Ivanovich. (It can be seen that Chichikov - a man of business, meticulous, studies the city, as a field of a future battle. No wonder he asked the innovative servant, a boat, everything looked attentively, "as if to remember the position of the place." And one more curious: reading Poshish, Chichikov "turned neat and put in his Larchchik, where he used to fold everything that was happening." The transparent hint of the persistent, who became the second kind of acquisition of Chichikov, which will then be fully revealed with each page.)

- essential for the characteristics of his hero speech. How does it disclose the character of Chichikov? (Author from different sides and in different reasons shows extraordinary defissions, decency, diplomatic digestibility of Chichikov. In conversations with the rulers of the city, "he was very skillfully able to flatter everyone. The governor hinted somehow how much how in his province is entering, as in paradise, The roads are velvety everywhere, and that those governments that are prescribed wise dignitaries are worthy of greater praise. "At the same time, Chichikov did not express flattering words directly to the governor: it would be an ax, unworthy of such a subtle connoisseur of passage rules. Chichikov does not say, for example, That the governor deserves praise. But those governments, "who appoint wise dignitaries ...". The Vice-Governor and the Chairman of the Chechikov Chamber lowered the compliments of Belubee ("said even the mistake of your excellency"), but it can be seen, he knew to whom as approach).

- Tell me. What do other characters think about and talking about Pavle Ivanovich? (They recognized her man in him. If the fathers of the city felt honesty and virtue in Chikchiki, they rejected him, as from the plague. No, they see a man of their circle, only gifted by talents to succeeding. And when chikhikov, with " Noticeable modesty, "by using" several books ", says that" failed for the truth ", his listeners, even the word" truth "does not scare. They understand that this is just a red little word, but very deft and the place said.)


So, so what person of chikchikov appeared before us? What is like a cunning traveler on those with whom he leakes his affairs? (Chischiki may be no less detected than Manilov, it is capable of saving more stubbornly than a box, it may not be worse than Nozdrev, and in the ability to "fit" a lot will surpass this boltney; it is a fit and deliver, as a companion, in essentialness, not leaving the plush Pores, when he was still a wise owner, and certainly, in art, to take bribes to Ivan Antonovich - "Kuvshina Ryl".)

- But there is in the character of Chikchikova, which gives all its properties a new meaning and makes it the first person in the Gallery of Palmity. What? (Striking flexibility, chain, adaptability to any circumstances. Miracles of mimicry demonstrates all his life path.)

- From meetings with landowners, we learn about the reason for his arrival: buying dead souls, listed on the audition fairy tale alive. For what? What is bad here? (Chichikov seeks to catch up on the most terrible - on human death. Buying the dead souls, this inhuman mercantilism is the frightening action of Russian bourgeois, they exterminate humanity)

- Where does it come from? When we ask this question, we appeal to the past of people, the whole life of Chichikov is represented in the last 11 chapter.

3 stage lesson

Teacher.You got a task to make a detailed Life Plan of Chichikov and prepare the creative retelling of the text in order to understand what kind of person it makes it sells dead souls today.

Story according to plan

A) a severe picture of early childhood.

B) Chichikov in the city school:

  • relationships with comrades;
  • increment to the half, this father;
  • chichikov speculation;
  • mouse Training;
  • attitude to the teacher;
  • "... He has experienced life ahead in all contents, with all sorts of prosperity; Crews, house, perfectly arranged, delicious lunches. "

C) Service in the Casual Chamber:

  • unsuccessful attempt to arrange a booger to himself;
  • what way of Chichikov got his place of boost;
  • order to take bribes headed by him

D) Chichikov - Member of the Construction Commission:

  • failed construction of a treated building;
  • beautiful houseswho appeared in the members of the Commission, including Chichikov;
  • a catastrophe that he survived.

E) Chichikov's service in customs:

  • the purpose of admission to the service in customs;
  • Chichikov - Thunderstorm smugglers;
  • the path he was going to enhance the service;
  • Chichikov enters into collusion with the smugglers community;
  • new catastrophe.

- What is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov here? Scoundrel? There were also patience, an outstanding willpower, calcality. But at the same time fraud, adventurism, crime. But he himself explains that he did not kill anyone, did not ruin, most of all cares about the future house, family, kids what pushes in us in this hero. (Yes, everything is good in the bright future. But what way is our hero. Does the target justify the purpose of the Eternal Philosophical Question to still solve many generations).

"Whether, well, why a scoundrel, the acquisition - wines of everything ... Now we have no scoundrels, there are people well-dimensional, pleasant, and there are people who would put their physiognomy to the universal shame, is it a two, three, three Man, and those already speak now about virtue. "

- After all the main task The author make us look inside yourself and ask: "Do I have chichikov?" And be sure to be revived, as Gogol believed in the revival of his hero, (it is no coincidence that the Chichikov is dreaming of a bird-triple, and with her faith, hope and great word - love).

4 stage lesson

Reading a student by heart a joke about Russia.

Teacher.What lexical and syntactic agents created an elevated, solemn intonation of the lyrical retreat "Rus".

5 stage lesson

Teacher on music reads:

AND the impossible is possible,
The road is long,
When it flashes in Dali Road
Instant out of handkerchief,
When zvenent
Deaf song of a daughter.

Literature lesson in grade 9

N.V. Gogol. The poem "Dead Souls."

Lesson on the topic: « Chichikov and "Chichikovschina".

Kalinina Irina Borisovna
teacher of Russian Language and Literature, Mobu "Sosh No. 54" Orenburg

The purpose of this lesson is to create conditions for understanding the main features of Chichikov's character as a socio-psychological generalization, as well as the timeless essence of "Chikchikovshchina".

Equipment: Multimedia Projector; a computer, the local network, The Internet.

During the classes.

    Check: "Who is this hero?" (presentation).

Each slide is an illustration of one of the heroes and is accompanied by reading the description of this hero. The task of students to find out what is the hero.

    Subject Today's lesson: "Chichikov and" Chichikovschina ". We will have to find out who he is so, chikchiki, and what's the point is inserted into the concept of "Chikchikshchina".

    Chicchikova image analysis.

Let us summarize all that we learned about this hero.

? What is the hero look like those with whom is the case of buying peasants?

Chischiki can be delicate than manilov, can save stubborn than a box, can live on a wide leg no worse than Nozdrev, he comes and deliver, as a sobesevich, will not give up a plush in herbs.

? Are there any features in the character of Chichikov, who distinguish it from the rest?

Let's try to draw the image of Chichikova,let's try to answer this question:"Who is he? Will be a scoundrel? " ( Used sketchy image A man who, as Chichikov's biography is discuss, surround from all sides with words denoting character traits. All this is reflected in the presentation).

    Work in groups .

Let's break into groups and within 3-4 minutes, we are concerned, using the material that you assemble the house in the form of a double diary, what features are manifested in the character of Chichikov throughout his life:

1group - childhood;

2 Group - Service in the Kazan Chamber;

3 Group - Construction Commission and Customs;

4 Group - new way enrichment;

5 Group - Search for the definition of "Chichikovschina" on the Internet.

5. Chicikova ornament. Study in the school. (Group 1).

    What tells Gogol about the origin and
    chichikov's childhood?

    What advice did he from the Father, entering the school?How did they use it?

    How were his school years?

(He is bad comrade, everything makes the sake of benefit, pleases teachers,

the episode with the teacher testifies to the spiritual meanness of Chichikov.

INstepping into life, chikhikov set a goal aboutrichnessworship a penny).

Conclusion: already in childhood and adolescence were formed in Chichikov, such qualities of character as:the ability to achieve the goal at any cost, the manner of please, find in all the benefit for yourself, mental meanness and others .

    The central place in the biography of Chichikova is a description of his service career.(Group 2) Service in the Kazan Chamber.

    What did the Cichikov office start?

    What means does he choose to make a career?

(The official activity of Chichikov began with the State Chamber, where he decided immediately after graduating from the school. "Calculation" of the boost was the first and most difficult obstacle through which he managed to cross. As in history with the old teacher, when Chichikov refused to help him, it It was convincing him that success in life can be achieved, the sooner and easier, the faster a person will be liberated from the principles of morality, honor, decency that makes it, that these principles interfere with and harm those who firmly decided to conquer the place under the sun.)

Conclusion: we see that the same qualities that were told above, not only did not have lost, but also developed.

7. Participation in the Construction Commission. Service at customs.

    Where did chicker moved from the Kazny Chamber?

    What reached in a new place?

    Why did he get from the commission on the construction of a state building?

    How was his career as a customs officer?

    Why did she end with the collapse?

(The next stage of the service career Chichikova is to participate in the Commission on the Construction Building Construction Commission. It brought him solid acquisitions, significantly exceeding those incomes that he had, occupying a "bread point" in the Kazny Chamber. But unexpectedly, a new boss was appointed to the commission who announced a decisive War bribery and treasury. Chichikov had to look for a new place. The catastrophe, since the fruit of his "Labors" demolished almost to the foundation of his "Labor", but did not force him to retreat).

Having come for customs, as before, Chichiki begins here with the fact that it is rubbed into confidence in the authorities, manifested extraordinary "milkness, insight and insightness. In a short time, there was no smugglers from him. " Whipping, thus the vigilance of others, having even received a new rank, it turns back to fraudulent operations, and they bring a half-million state. However, fate prepared a new blow: Chichikov quickened with his accomplice, and he wrote a denunciation for him. And again he had to lose everything.

Output: Chichikov's official career stages - this is the story of his takeoffs and falls, but at all that it discovers such traits of his character asenergy, businesslikeness, enterprise, tirelessness and perseverance, calcality, trick. (Slide with man)

8. The invention of the new method of enrichment.

    How did he have a thought about acquiring "dead souls"?

    What features of the character allow you to position the officials and landowners?

(In search of the new ladies, being an insignificant attorney, he opened the possibility of favorable deals with " dead souls"When it was troubled about the mortgage of the ruined landowner in the treasury.)

Conclusion: "Here is our hero's face, what is it!"the desire of K. enrichment dishonestness in relations with people enterprise, perseverance, the ability to please insensitive , immorality, calcality, trick, tryingness, purposefulness - these features that form the character of Chichikov. ( Final slide with man)

9. The concept of "chikchikshchina".

Let's turn to our experts and ask them to give us that the definition of the concept of "Chikchikchishchina", which they found using the Internet resources. NOT!

And the use of this word in printed articles did you meet? YES. Consider fragments.

What do we mean by speaking about the "chikchikovo"?

Let's give the definition of this term.

Chichikovschina - The desire for enrichment, for which decency, compassion, spiritual heat is forgotten, and calcality, cunning, unprincipled, satisfaction with any means of egoistic interests, covered by the most decent arguments and explanations to the fore.

10. Chichikovschina today

Do you think, is there a place in chikchikovna in our lives? (Chichikchishchina is characteristic modern societyChichotes are flourishing today, and wines everything is acquisition).

Homework: Some critics, Gogol contemporaries, reproached him in the fact that he laughed in the poem over the Russian people. Prove the injustice of this reproach, give examples from the text.

I had to linger, because the negligent Kucher Selifan did not warn on time on the fault of the brush. Five to six hours had to wait until it was repaired by a hurry for blacksmiths. When a brush with a strong delay leveled from the city, she had to survive funeral procession. The cemetery carried the prosecutor, the cause of the death of whose death involuntarily became the chicker. Now he lowered the curtains on the glasses of the crew and hid, until the procession passed by.

Moving the urban barrier, Brica rolled down large road. After two lyrical deviations "On this road and an uncompretable, but eternally disturbing Russia - Gogol introduces the reader with a biography, explaining and the purpose of buying them dead serfs.

Chichikov - the main character "Dead Shower" Gogol

Chichikov's father and mother were poor nobles that owned a single serf family. The patient of his parent was not engaged in anything, but only, shouting, walked around the room and Dral Son for the Ear. Very little chicker was taken from the village to the old woman relative to the city and given there in the school. Father, parting with his son forever, advised him to please teachers and chiefs and save a penny, for "this thing is more reliable in the world, you will do everything and everyone will knock on a penny." (See Chichikov's Childhood.)

The father's instruction wasted the boy in the soul. Not differing outstanding talents, young Chicikov became the most exemplary behavior of the student in the classroom. Thanks to the improvation in front of the teachers, he received a great certificate. Already at school, he showed a very ingenious comprehension: Appeals in the market of edible, sat in the class near those who were cooled, and as soon as he noticed that the comrade would like to eat, prolonged from under the bench, as if unstuck, the corner of the gingerbread or bread and took Him money, thinking with appetite.

Coming out of the school, Chichikov entered the serving of the Cassenaya Chamber. The salary initially paid the lowest. But Chichikov managed to silent to his elderly boss, who had an ugly, ripple daughter. Chichikov pretended to be ready to marry her. He even moved to the boss to the house and began to call it papal. The head exhausted him a service increase, but immediately after that chicker skillfully sues the business of the wedding, as if speech about her was not conducted.

Boyky I. sunny chikchiki Began to quickly rise in the ranks. Everywhere he had a lot of bribes, but did it secretly and deftly: he never took the money by the staff itself, but only through subordinate painters. Having joined the commission for the construction of one treason building, Chichikov behaved in such a way that the structure did not go further the foundation, and he and his companions acquired with beautiful on their own homes.

The authorities, however, were entrusted and sent them a new chief of a strict military man. Chichikov was unwitting had to leave her grain spot. For some time he spent in low positions, but soon set himself into customs. Here he showed unheard of disturbance and truly dogs a little. No smugglers on the western border could deceive him. Chichikov's talents were noticed here. He showed full integrity for a long time. But when the bosses made him by the success of the team to fight against one big smuggling society, he entered into collusion and began to promote the transport of illegal goods, earning hundreds of thousands on this.

However, this company Chichikova was upset because of the negligence of one assistant. With difficulty avoiding the criminal court, Chichikov lost almost everything that he had lost its place and only hardly settled as an attorney. Since one of his client, the broken landowner, decided to lay his upset estate into the government guardian council. On the security of the peasants, the treasury gave money - rubles for two souls. Chichiki suddenly found out that the client will receive it these amounts not only for the living serfs, but also for the dead, for before the financial census spent once in a few years (revision), all the peasants were formally listed alive. In a fraudulent mind, Chichikova flashed a thought: to ride in Russia, buying at the landowners in a cheaper, and where in friendship taking and gift, dead peasant souls. Then Chichikov expected to lay them in bulk, as alive, in the guardian council and get a rich kush.

"Dismissal from military service" - Important: Administration of Ba Banikur. Right to receive social payments The following categories are: citizens to be removed from the Baikonur complex. Citizens who participated in the elimination of the consequences at the Chernobyl NPP in the period 1986-1987 federal bodies executive power Russian Federation.

"Military Service" - about the appeal to alternative civil service. Chairman of the relevant management body. Special duties. Citizens are liberated from calling for military service: arrest with content on Gauptvakta up to 10 days. On exemption from military service. Deputy Head local governments - Chairman of the Commission.

"Internet Services" - FTP service. Network service determines the data format. Examples: [Email Protected] [Email Protected] [Email Protected] The list of popular IRC servers can be obtained on the Internet. Web site. Web service. Programs: Proshare (Intel); NetMeeting (Microsoft). Email. Example of a Web site. Internet service.

PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICE - in Moscow 64 PPMS-Center operates: basic and specialized packages of psychological services. Two-level system of rendering psychological assistance. Creating mechanisms for examination of psychological tools and registry updates. A variety of models complicates coordination and prognostic activities.

"The exhibits of the Armory" - decorated with gold, turquoise and gems. The Armory is located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, in Borovitsky gates. Ornate ancient handwritten liturgical books. A little story. Our excursion came to an end. The throne was brought by the Persian ambassador to Tsar Boris Godunov. Do you have such museums in your homeland?

"Legal Fundamentals of Military Service" - The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Capture hostages. Legal basis military service. Hague conventions. The Department of Military-Patriotic and Civil Education of the CSD "Shield". The Constitution of the Russian Federation has established that the defense of the Fatherland is a debt and obligation of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Life goal and Career Chichikova

Over the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol worked about seven years. In the center of the plot of the poem - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Externally, this man is pleasant, but in fact it is a terrible, calculating chaser. I am striking his hypocrisy, the cruelty, which he manifests the achievement of his mercenary purposes. He wore his teacher monstrously. All his career is a chain of deceptions, bribes, bribers, ruined human fate. IN bulk World A lie and robbery, bribing and tie, he is his, he is born by this world.

Chichikov set a certain purpose in life and does everything for its implementation. He dreams of life with all the pleasures: crews, house, perfectly arranged, delicious lunches, balls.

"Valid from the school, he did not even want to rest: so much wishes he had to start a business and the service, he got an insignificant, salary thirty or forty rubles. But he decided to defeat and overcome. " Chichiki as soon as he can, led to his superiors. Entering him in confidence, he gets an increase in the rank. After that, he became uncomfortable friendly with him. He himself could now try his way. Chichikov entered the Commission to create some kind of statement. And although in six years nothing was built, but the members of the commission turned out to be beautiful house civil architecture. "

Small speculation was changed by large framing. Chichikov is engaged in such "cases", "which the light gives the name not only clean." Almost all of his works end with collapse. But this is what paradoxically: Chichikov does not feel remorse and does not fall in spirit. Screw traces of the crime and avoiding punishment, he is accepted with a double force for a new unclean case. "Hooked, the tops, disappeared, do not ask" that his motto. New office position - Customs official. "For the service, he with jealousy began to be extraordinary. It seemed that the fate itself determined him to be a customs official. There was no such dislarium, insight, insight not only selected, but also dumbfounded. " Entering confidence in his superiors, he walked the worker in an incorruptible and honest, received an increase. And Chichikov "presented the project to catch all smugglers, asking for funds to experience it himself, for which he received complete agreement." Now complete freedom of action has come for him. By concluding an alliance with yourself, Chichikov takes huge bribes with smugglers. After receiving about half a million in this case, he is hidden again, but it is not upset; Screw traces of a crime, he is taken for a new thing - buying dead souls.

The transformation of Pavlushi in a respectable, all the revered Paul Ivanovich in the then Russia is impossible in other way, so the Career Chichikova is typical and deeply natural. Chichikov himself is the personification of the exploitative system.