Solzhenitsyn Matrenin courtyard Analysis briefly. Matrenin Dvor: Analysis of the work of Solzhenitsyn (3 options)

Solzhenitsyn Matrenin courtyard Analysis briefly.
Solzhenitsyn Matrenin courtyard Analysis briefly. Matrenin Dvor: Analysis of the work of Solzhenitsyn (3 options)

To Central Russia. Thanks to new trends, the recent situation is not refused now to become school teachers In the Vladimir village of Milsevo (in the story - Talnovo). Solzhenitsyn settles in the leaf of a local resident of Matrena Vasilyevna - women of the sixty, often ill. Mature has no husband or children. Her loneliness clarifies only the ficuses in the house everywhere in the house, and chosen from pity is a quicker cat. (See Matrery House Description.)

With warm, lyric sympathy, A. I. Solzhenitsyn describes the difficult life of Matrena. For many years she has no ruble earnings. In the collective farm, Matrena works "for wands of workforce in a duct accounting book." The law came out after the death of Stalin finally gives her the right to seek pensions, but also not for himself, but for the loss of missing Musha on the front. To do this, you need to assemble a bunch of references, and then carry them many times in salas and village council, for 10-20 kilometers. Hole of Matrena is full of mice and cockroaches, which cannot be removed. It is from his living creature only a goat, but feeds mainly "cardos" (potatoes) is no more chicken egg: Larger to her sandy, not a fertilized garden does not give. But with such a need, Matrena remains a light man, with a radiant smile. Good location of the Spirit helps to maintain work - hiking for peat in the forest (with a two-domed bag behind three kilometers), sideways for the goat, troubles on the housework. In old age and diseases, Matrena is already released from the collective farm, but the chamber's terrible wife, that matter, orders it to help her for free. Mattress easily agrees to settle without money and neighbors on the gardens. Having received 80 pension from the state rubles, she cope with new felt boots, a coat from the Noshenoy railway Sineli - and believes that her life has noticeably improved.

« Matrenin Poult"- House Matrena Vasilyevna Zakharova in the village of Milsevo Vladimir region, Situation of the story A. I. Solzhenitsyn

Soon Solzhenitsyn learns the story of Matrain's marriage. In his youth, she was going to get out of the neighbor of Faddey. However, in 1914 he was taken to the German war - and he truncounted under three years. So without waiting for news from the bridegroom, in the conviction that he died, Matrona went married Brother Faddey, Efima. But several months later, Faddey returned from the Hungarian captivity. In the hearts, he threatened to chop the Matreus with Efim with an ax, then graduated and took over his other Matrena, from the neighboring village. They lived with her in the neighborhood. Faddia was heard in Talnovo power, a straightened peasant. He constantly beat his wife, although he had six children from her. Six was both Matrena with Efim, but none of them lived for more than three months. Efim, leaving in 1941 to another war, did not return from it. Friendly with his wife, Faddey Matrena screamed her younger daughter, Kiru, ten years raised her as a native, and shortly before the appearance in Talnovo Solzhenitsyn gave her marriage for the steam engine in the village of Cerust. The story about his two grooms Matrena told Alexander Isaevich herself, worried about how young.

Kiru and her husband in the Cears had to get a plot of land, and for this - to quickly put any structure. Old Fadda in winter suggested transferring a hube there, a house attached to Matrenina. Matrain and so was going to make this Hubinee Kiru (and the three sisters were met at the house). Under the persistent persuasion of the greedy shipy of Matrena after two sleepless nights He agreed upon his life, breaking the roof of the roof of the house, disassemble the doors and transported to Cherusti. In the eyes of the hostess and Solzhenitsyn, Faddha and sons and the hails came to Matrenin Yard, they littered with axes, hoarse the torn boards and disassemble the doors on the logs. Three sisters Matrena, having learned how she succumbed to Paddey's persuasion, called her fool together.

Matraine Vasilyevna Zakharova - prototype of the main character of the story

From the semist, the tractor was driven. The brains of the flashes were immersed for two sleds. Tolstomordinous tractor driver, so as not to make a superflight, announced that he pulls two sleds immediately - so it was more profitable for him for money. The disinterested Matrain herself, fussing, helped ship the logs. Already in the dark, the tractor with difficulty pulled a heavy cargo from the Mattress courtyard. Restless worker and then did not work at home - ran away with everyone, help on the way.

It was not destined to go back alive ... railway moving The cable of the overloaded tractor burst. Tractor driver with the son of Faddey rushed to get along with them, and Matreus suffered there. At this time, it came to the crossing, the back and without including lights, two linked locomotives. Unexpectedly, hazardous, they scolded to death all three who were having troubles for the cable, lasted the tractor, fell from the rails and themselves. In the crash, almost fell to the moving train with a thousand passengers.

At dawn, from moving to sledding under a dirty bag, they brought everything left from Matroin. The body had no legs, no half torso, no left hand. And the face remains a fellow, calm, more living than the dead. One woman crossed and said:

"The Lord left her handle left her right." There will be a god to pray ...

The village began to gather on the funeral. Female relatives were drawn over the coffin, but in the words they were blocked by the carriage. And did not hide that sisters Matrena and the man of her relatives were preparing for a fight for the inheritance of the deceased, for her an old house. Only the wife of Faddey and the pupil of Kira were sincerely sobbed. Faddey himself who lost in that catastrophe once his beloved woman and son, obviously thought only about how to save the scattered during the crash railway Magnia logs. Asking permission to return them, he thus rushed from coffins to the station and settlement.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn in the village of Milsevo (in the story - Talnovo). October 1956.

On Sunday, Matreus and Son Faddey buried. Possed commemoration. Fadda in the coming days pulled the shed and the fence from Matrenin sisters, who immediately dismantled with sons and transported on Santochi. Alexander Isaevich moved to one of the sinks of Matrena, who often and always with contemptuous regret spoke of her heartiness, simplicity, about how she was "stupid, helped someone else's for free", "did not chase and even the piglery did not hold." For Solzhenitsyn, it is from these dismissive words floated new image Matrena, what he did not understand her, even living with her side by side. This someone else's sisters, a funny skener of an incomparatory woman who did not save the property to death, hinged six children, but not telling his sociable, sorry the crossed cat and once at night, it was rushed to save without horses, and his favorite ficks - and there is that the same righteous, Without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village.

Theme lesson: Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn.

Analysis of the story "Matrenin Dvor".

The purpose of the lesson: try to understand how the writer is seen the phenomenon " simple man", Deal with philosophical sense story.

During the classes:

  1. The word of the teacher.

History of creation.

The story "Matrenin Dvor" was written in 1959, published in 1964. Matrenin Dvor - the work of autobiographical and reliable. The original name is "not worth the village without the righteous." Printed in the "New World", 1963, №1.

This is a story about the situation in which he found himself, returning "from the dusty hot desert", that is, from the camp. He wanted to "get lost in Russia", find a "quiet corner of Russia." Former loop could only be highlighted on heavy work, he also wanted to teacher. After rehabilitation in 1957, C. Some time worked as a physician teacher in the Vladimir region, lived in the village of Miltsevo, the peasant of Matrena Vasilyevna Zakharova.

2. Conversation in the story.

1) the name of the heroine.

- Which of the Russian writers of the 19th century, the main heroine was the same name? With which women's images In Russian literature, could you compare the heroine of the story?

(Answer: Solzhenitsyn's heroine name calls the image Matriol Timofeevna Korchaginina, as well as images of other Nekrasovsky women - workers: Just like they, the heroine of the story "To anyone's work, she had to stop her horse, and to enter the burning horse." There is nothing from the greatest Slavs in her appearance, you will not name her beauty. It is modest and not adapted.)

2) Portrait.

- Does there be an exposed portrait of the heroine in the story? What portrait details focuses the attention of the writer?

(Answer: Solzhenitsyn does not give an explosive portrait of Matrius. From the chapter, only one detail is repeated from the chapter - a smile: "Radiant smile", "smile of her round face", "smiling something", "apologizing semi-coulting". The author is important to portray Not so much the external beauty of a simple Russian peasantry, how much the inner light, flowing out of her eye, and the more clearly emphasize its thought, expressed directly: "In those people, there are always a face who are in Ladakh with their conscience." Therefore, after the terrible death of the heroine, her face It remains solar, calm, more living than the dead.)

3) speech of the heroine.

Write down the most characteristic spellings of the heroine. What is the features of her speech?

(Answer: Deep people's character Matrery manifests itself, primarily in her speech. Expressiveness, bright personality betrays her abundance of illustrate, dialectic vocabulary and archaism (2 - days fit, tight, loving, summer Opolapol, to settle, dissolve). So they pronounced everything in the village. Also deeply people and manners of Matriol's speech, the way she spokes up "benevolent words". "They started somehow low, warm purple, like grandmothers in fairy tales."

4) Matriol life.

- What art details create a picture of Matrius? How is the objects of life associated with the spiritual world of the heroine?

(Answer: Outward life of Matrius is striking with his unsettless ("She lives in the launches") All its wealth ficuses, a crossed cat, goat, mouse cockroaches, a coat, withdrawn from the railway overhang. All this testifies to the poverty of Matrius, who worked all her life, but only With a great difficulty, the tiny pension exhausted itself. But the other is also important: these miser household details reveal its special world. It is not by chance that the ficus says: "They filled out the lonely of the hostess. They broke out abolished ..." - And the rustling of cockroaches compared with the distant ocean noise. It seems that nature itself lives in the house of Matriol, everything is still stretched to her).

5) The fate of Matrings.

Restore Matriol's life story? How does Matrena perceive his fate? What role does work play in her life?

(Answer: Stories' events are limited to clear temporary frames: Summer-Winter of 1956. Restoring the fate of the heroine, her life dramas, personal troubles, one way or another, are related to the turns of history: from the First World War, which was captured by Faddey, with the Great The domestic, who did not return to the husband, with the collective farm, who survived all his strength and left it without a means of existence. Her fate is a particle of the fate of all people.

And today, the inhuman system does not let go of Matoren: she was left without a pension, and she forced whole days to spend on the extraction of various certificates; She does not sell peat, forcing steal, and even on the denunciation goes with a search; The new chairman cropped in disabled gardens to all disabled people; Cows are impossible to start, as it is not allowed to mow; Even train tickets and those do not sell. Mattress feels not justice, but she does not hold evil on fate and on people. "She had a faithful tool to return the good location of the Spirit - work." Without receiving anything for his work, she goes to help her neighbors, collective farm. Surrounding willingly use her kindness. Itselves fellow villagers and relatives not only do not help Matrene, but also try not to appear at her home at all, fearing that she will ask for help. Everyone and every mature remains absolutely lonely in his village.

6) Mature image among relatives.

What paints drawn in the story of Faddia Mironovich and the relatives of Matrins? How does Faddey behave, disassembled the doors? What is the conflict of the story?

(Answer: The main heroine is opposed to the brother of her late husband, Faddey. Drawing his portrait, Solzhenitsyn seven times repeats the epithet "black." A person whose life was broken by inhuman circumstances, Faddia, unlike Matrain, hid the evil on fate , Introducing it on my wife and son. Almost blind old man, revives when he is on Matreus about the hazard, and then, when he breaks off his former bride. Care, thirst to capture a plot for his daughter forcing him to handle the house, which he ever That he himself built. The inhumanity of Faddey is particularly brightly manifested on the eve of Matrena's funeral. At the commemoration of Matroina Faddei did not come at all. But the most important thing is that Faddey was in the village that Faddia was so not alone in the village. Nobody says in the village of Matrena.

Event conflict in the story is almost absent, because the character of Matrery eliminates conflict relations with people. For her, good is the inability to evil, love and compassion. In this substitution, Solzhenitsyn sees the essence of spiritual Crisiswhich struck Russia.

7) Mature tragedy.

What signs foreshadow the death of the heroine?

(Answer: From the very first rows, the author prepares us to the tragic junction of the fate of Matrena. Her death is foreshadowed and the loss of a cabin with consecrated water and the disappearance of the cat. For a relatives and neighbors, Matrery's death - only a reason to let me be glooming about it, for the opportunity narrator is death native man and the destruction of the whole world, the world of that folk truth, without which the Russian land is not worth)

8) the image of the storyteller.

What is common in the fate of the storyteller and Matrena?

(Answer: the narrator is a man of a difficult family, by whose shoulders war and camp. Therefore, he is lost in the quiet corner of Russia. And only in the hero, the hero felt something related to his heart. And a lonely Mattress felt confidence in her guest. Only he tells him about his bitter past, only she will open, that he spent a lot of prison. Heroes relativity and the drama of their fate, and many life principles. Especially their relationship affects speech. And only the death of the hostess forced the storyteller to comprehend her spiritual essence, because he sounds so much in the final of the story of repentance.

9) - What is the topic of the story?

(Answer: main topic The story is "what people are alive."

Why is the fate of the old peasant, told on the few pages, is this interest for us?

(Answer: This woman is unailed, small, simple worker. Survive what I had to survive Matrey Vasilyevna, and to remain a person's disinterested, open, delicate, responsive, do not get out of fate and people, keep your "radiant smile" to old age - what's the same spiritual powers Need to do!

10) -Kakov symbolic meaning Story "Matrenin Dvor"?

(Answer: Many Symbols S. are associated with Christian symbols: Images - symbols of the godfather, righteous, martyr. Directly on this indicates the first name "Matrenina Yard". And the very name is summarizing. The courtyard, the house of Matreina Cares the story after for long years camps and homelessness. In the fate of the house as if repeated, the fate of his hostess is predicted. Forty years have passed here. In this house, she survived two wars - the German and Patriotic War, the death of six children who died in infancy, the loss of her husband, who was missing in the war. Vegetted house - the mistress is aging. The house disassemble as a person - "on ribs". Mattress dies along with the hillside. With part of your house. Mistress dies - the house is finally destroyed. The wisdom of Matrena to spring was scored, like a coffin, - buried.


Righteous Matrena - moral ideal The writer, in which, in his opinion, should be based on the life of society.

The folk wisdom made by the writer in the original name of the story, precisely reports this author's thought. Matrinin Yard - a certain island in the middle of the ocean lying, which keeps the treasure people's Duchet. The death of Matrery, the destruction of her courtyard and is a terrible warning about a catastrophe, which can happen to a society that has lost moral landmarks. However, despite the whole tragedy of the work, the story will penetrate the author's belief in Russia's vitality. The source of this vitality of Solzhenitsyn sees not in the political system, not in state power, not in the power of weapons, and in simple hearts No one noticeable, degradable, most often lonely righteous people opposing the world of lies.)

"Magrenip Dvor"

The action of the story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" occurs in the mid-50s of the XX century. The events presented in it are shown by the eyes of a narrator, a person of an unusual, dreaming of getting lost in the most interior of Russia, while the majority of the population wants to move to large cities. Later, the reader will understand the reasons for which the hero seeks to the outback: he was sitting in prison and wants a quiet life.

The hero goes to teacher in a small peat-product place, from which the author Ironically notices, it was difficult to leave. Neither monotonous barracks nor the old five-story building attract the main character. Finally, he finds himself housing in the village of Talnovo. So the reader meets with the main heroine Works - Lonely Sick Woman Matrey. She lives in a dark outbreak with a dim mirror, in which it was impossible to see anything, and two bright posters about book trade and a crop. The contrast of these parts of the interior is obvious. It predicts one of the key problems raised in the work - the conflict between the shared bravada official chronicle of the events and the real life of ordinary Russian people. The story sounds a deep understanding of this tragic inconsistency.

Another, no less bright contradiction in the story is the contrast between the limiting poverty. peasant life, among which the life of Matrena and the wealth of her deep inner world. Woman worked all his life in the collective farm, and now he does not even receive pensions for his work or on the loss of the breadwinner. And it is almost impossible to achieve this pension due to bureaucracy. Despite this, she did not lose pity, humanity, love for nature: grows ficuses, picked up a quicker cat. The author emphasizes a humble, unlocked attitude to life in his heroine. She does not accuse anyone in his distress, nothing requires.

Solzhenitsyn constantly emphasizes that Matrery's life could have to work out differently, because her house was built for big family: On stools instead of fikuses could sit degiousness and grandchildren. Through the description of the life of Matrena we learn

about the difficult to life of the peasantry. From the products in the village there is one potato yes barley cereals. The store sells only margarine and combined fat. Only once a year for the shepherd buys Matroin in Selpo local "delicacies", which herself does not eat: fish canned food, sugar and butter. And when she guessed a coat from the noshenoy railway sinel, he began to retire, the neighbors began to even envy her neighbors. This item not only testifies to the bench's position of all residents of the village, but also opens the light on unsightly relations between people.

Paradoxically, but in the village with the name "peatproduct" people lack even peat for the winter. Peat, which is around a lot, was sold only by the authorities and for one car - teachers, doctors, a worker plant. When the hero tells about it, his heart spishes: it is terrible to think, to what the degree of stuffiness and humiliation can be brought in Russia a simple person. On the same stupidity economic Life Can't Mattress to start a cow. Herbs around the sea, and it is impossible to mow it without permission. So you have an old sick woman to look for grass for a goat on islanding among the swamp. And for the cow hay to take nowhere.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn shows a consistently with what difficulties the life of an ordinary working woman-fight-clay-peasant is conjugated. If she tries to fix his plight, everywhere there are obstacles and prohibitions.

At the same time, in the form of Matrena A.I. Solzhenitsyn embodied the best features of the Russian woman. The narrator often admires her good smile, notes that the medicine from all the troubles for the heroine was the work in which she easily turned on: then digging potatoes, then went to the berries in the far forest. 11e immediately, only in the second part of the story, we will find out about last Life Matrena: She had six children. Eleven years waited for the missing husband from the war, who was faithful to her, as it turned out, was not.

In the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn That and the case sounds a sharp criticism of local authorities: on the nose winter, and the chairman of the collective farm speaks of anything other than fuel. The secretary of the village council at all in place will not be ourselves, but if you receive some piece of paper, then it will be necessary to redo it, as all these people work, designed to provide legality and order in the country, after the sleeves, and they will not find the councils. Perturbation writes A.I. Solzhenitsyn that the new chairman "first cases cut off the gardens to all disabled people," even the circumciphered weaves still empty behind the fence.

Even herbs on the collective farm land did not have the right to cover Matrena, and when the problem happened in the collective farm, came to her the wife of the chairman and, not healthy, demanded to go to work, and even with their own forks. Matter helped not only collective farm, but also the neighbors.

Nearby artistic details A.I. Solzhenitsyn emphasizes in the story, as far to achieving civilization from real life Peasant in the Russian outback. On the invention of new cars and artificial satellites of the Earth listen on the radio as about the miracles of light, from which neither the proc. All also forks will ship peasants peat yes there is empty potatoes or porridge.

Also, I also tell A.I. Solzhenitsyn and about the situation in school education: Round Dweller Antoshka Grigoriev even did not even try to teach something: he knew that they would still translate into the next class, since the main thing for the school was not the quality of students' knowledge, but the struggle for the "high percentage of academic performance."

The tragic end of the story was prepared in the course of the development of the plot of the notable detail: Matrena someone stole a bowler with holy water on the water construction: "She always had holy water, and this year was not."

In addition to the cruelty of state power and its representatives in relation to man, A.I. Solzhenitsyn raises the problem of human worn towards neighbor. Mature relatives make her disassemble and give the niece (adoptive daughter) the doors. After that, the sister Matrena wrapped her fool, and the crossed cat was disappeared from the courtyard - the last reflection of the old woman.

Having exporting the upside, dies on the crossing under the wheels of the train and the Matrena itself. Sitting in the heart tells the author, as the sister's collapsing with her before the death of the sister Matrery sharing her silence inheritance: hunting, goat, chest and two hundred funeral rubles.

Only only the phrase of one old woman translates the narration plan from domestic in existential: "There are two riddles in the world: as it was born - I do not remember how to die - I do not know." We have weakened Matrene and after death. There were talk about the fact that her husband did not love her, walked from her, and she was generally stupid, since the vegetables were downloaded to people, and she did not give up her property. The author's point of view extremely expressing the phrase: "We all lived next to her and did not understand that there is she the same righteous, without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village."

Complex analysis of the work of "Matrenin Dvor" A.I. Solzhenitsyn.
In the work of Matrenin Dvor, Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn describes the life of hardworking, intelligent, but very lonely woman - Matrius, which no one understood and did not appreciate, but everyone tried to take advantage of her hardworking and responsiveness.
The name of the story "Matrenin Dvor" can be interpreted in different ways. In the first case, for example, the word "courtyard" can mean just the way of life of Matriol, her farm, her purely household worries and difficulties. In the second case, perhaps, it can be said that the word "courtyard" emphasizes the attention of the reader on the fate of the house of Matriol himself, the most matretron economic yard. In the third case, the "courtyard" symbolizes that the circle of people who were somehow interested in Matrey.
In each of the words above, the word "courtyard" is definitely the tragedy, which is inherent, perhaps, the lifestyle of every woman, similar to Matriot, but still in the third meaning, as it seems to me, tragedy is the most large, since here it is already It is not about the difficulties of life and not about loneliness, but that even death cannot make people think once about justice and properly to the advantages of man. Much more in humans prevails fear for himself, his life, without the help of the other, whose fate has never worried about them. "I learned that I didn't just have crying crying over the deceased, there were a kind of face. Three sisters of Matrena, captured the hut, goat and oven, locked her the chest to the castle, out of the lining of the coat, two hundred funeral rubles were gone, which came to everyone They were some Matrene loved ones. "
I think that in this case all three values \u200b\u200bof the word "courtyard" are developing, and each of these values \u200b\u200breflects one or another tragic picture: silence, the dead of the "live courtyard", which surrounded Matreus during his lifetime and continued her farm; The fate of the most Mattress Hisness after the death of Matrery and during the lifetime of Matroin; Veliad Mature's death.
The main feature literary language Solzhenitsyn is that Alexander Isaevich himself gives an explanatory interpretation on many replicas of the heroes of the story, and this opens us that curtain, behind which Solzhenitsyn's mood itself lies, his personal attitude towards each of the heroes. However, I had the impression that the author's interpretations have a somewhat ironic character, but at the same time they, as it were, the replicas synthesize and leave only a remote, not covered in them, true meaning. "Ah, auntka-aunt! And how did you not bother yourself! And, probably, now they are offended by us! And you are our and the birth, and your wines are yours! And the hill here have nothing to do with it, and why did you go there? Where did the death of you erased? And no one called you there! And how did you die - I did not think about it! And what did you not have obeyed us? E (and from all these devices, we drank the answer: we are not guilty of death, but we still talk about it !) ".
Reading between the rows of Solzhenitsyn's story, it can be understood that Alexander Isaevich himself makes completely different conclusions from heard than those that could be expected. "And only here - from these disapproving feedbacks of Cola - I flew in front of me the image of Matrius, which I did not understand her, even living with her side by side." "We all lived next to her and did not understand that there is she the same righteous, without which, according to the proverb, is not worth the village." Involuntarily recall the words french writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the meaning of which is that in fact, everything is not like in reality.
Matryon is the opposition of the reality that in the story of Solzhenitsyn is expressed through the anger, envy and the compassion of people. Your lifestyle Matrena proved that anyone who lives in this world can be honest and righteous if he lives the righteous idea and strong in spirit.

"Matrenin Dvor" Analysis of the work is the topic, idea, genre, plot, composition, heroes, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

"It is not worthwhile without the righteous" - this is the initial number of the story. The story echoes many works of Russian classical literature. Solzhenitsyn seems to tolerate any of the heroes of Leskov in historical era XX century, post-war time. And the more dramatic, the fate of Matrena in the middle of this setting is tragic.

The life of Matrain Vasilyevna, it would seem normal. She dedicated her all her work, selfless and hard work in the peasant -ansky. When the construction of collective farms began, she went there, but because of his illness, he was released from there and now at-injected when others refused. And she worked not for money, I never took money. Already later, after her death, her sink, who settled the narrator, will be evil to remember, and more precisely to her strangeness to her.

But is it really a fate of Matrena? And who knows what it is like - to love a person and, without waiting for him, marry another, unloved, and then see his narrowed through some months after the wedding? And what then live with him side by side, to see him every day, feel guilty for his life and his life? The husband did not love her. She gave him six children, but none of them survived. And she had to take on the upbringing of his beloved daughter, but already someone else's. How much spiritual heat and kindness accumulated in it, so much she loudly lived in her reception Kiru. I experienced Matrena so much, but did not lose that inner light, which her eyes glowed, slowed down a smile. She did not hold any evil to anyone and only was upset when she was offended. She is not angry at her sisters, who appeared only when everyone in her life was already blah. She lives what is. Therefore, nothing has accumulated anything other than two hundred rubles for the funeral.

The turning point in her life was the fact that she wanted to take the hill. She didn't feel sorry for good, she never regretted him. It was scary to think that they would break her house in which her whole life flew as one moment. For forty years later, she was here, he moved two wars, revolution, flying echoes. And for her to break and pick her up the hill - it means to break and destroy her life. For her it was an end. Not accidents and the real finals of the novel. Human greed robs Matreus. It hurts to hear the words of the author that Faddey, because of whose greed and started the case, on the day of death and then more and later Matrena is already thinking about the left-handed room. He does not regret it, not crying for the one who so hotly loved once.

Solzhenitsyn shows that epoch when the dwellings returned to the head, when the property became the item and purpose of life. The author is not in vain asking why things are called "good", because it is essentially evil, and terrible. Matrena understood it. She did not chase along the outfits, dressed in the village. Matrena is the embodiment of the true folk morality, the morality of the universal, on which the whole world holds.

So it remained Matroin not understood by anyone, no one for a truly mournful. Only Kira one cried not by custom, but from the soul. Feared for her mind.

The story masterfully written. Solzhenitsyn - Master of the subject detail. From small and, it would seem, a special volumetric world is built by him. This world is Zrimim and notice. This world is Russia. We can accurately say at what point the country is Talnovo village, but we are pre-red we understand that in this village - all of Russia. Solzhenitsyn connects the overall and private and concludes this in a single wise image.


  1. The narrator is satisfied with the teacher in Talnovo. Mattroin Vasilyevna is settled.
  2. Gradually, the narrator learns about her past.
  3. Faddia comes to Matrene. He bites the hubby that Matrena promised Kira, his daughter, brought up by Mat-Rena.
  4. When transporting a log railways Matre-on, her nephew and husband of Kira die.
  5. Because of the hut and property of Matrena, disputes go long. And the raz-tale moves to her slander.