Archka Queenji. Moonlight on the Dnieper

Archka Queenji. Moonlight on the Dnieper
Archka Queenji. Moonlight on the Dnieper

Painter, "Artist of Light" Archprouncing Kindji January 27, was 176 years old since the birth. It strikes not only the skill of the Quinji in creating amazing landscapes, but also with what persistence he went to his goal - to become an artist. In many ways he became an innovator in painting, and he also held the first exhibition in Russia of one picture. She became " Moonlight night On the Dnieper, "to see the masterpiece of the audience were ready to stand in line for hours.

Artist greek origin The archite Quenji was born in Mariupol (now the Donetsk region of Ukraine) in the family of a poor shoemaker. The boy in three years remained orphan, he was taken to upbringing aunt and uncle on the father's line. Interest in painting from Quyunji appeared in childhood, he studied not very well, but he painted on everything that came under his arm - scraps of paper, fences, walls. At the age of 14, on the advice of acquaintances, he went to the Crimea in Feodosia to become a student famous Ivan. Aivazovsky. However, it was allowed only to paint fences and cooking paints. The archup returned to his native Mariupol, worked as a retoucher at the local photographer, then went to Taganrog, continued to work the retoucher.

In 1865, when Quinji was 24 years old, he decided to enter the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. The first two attempts turned out to be unsuccessful. However, the artist did not put his hands - he continued to learn independently, watching nature. The artist created a picture of the "Tatar sack in the Crimea" (it was not preserved to this day). This work fell to the academic exhibition in 1868. The Council of the Academy honored the Queenji rank free artist. He asked for permission to take exams and with the third attempt became the fulfillment of the Academy.

Archka Queenji "On the island of Valaam", 1873

Kindji fascinated the ideas of the heads, and he joined them. The artist traveled a lot, repeatedly visited the island of Valaam, created a picture "On the island of Valaam", which was exhibited in Vienna, and then she bought Pavel Tretyakov. Each new job caused the public more and more admiration. On the fifth exhibition of the mobileians, he presented the painting "Ukrainian night", it impresses the decorativeness of the landscape and the light, which seems to comes from the canvas itself.

Archka Queenji "Ukrainian Night", 1876

With Movie Arkhip Quinji was a short time. The reason for the rupture was an anonymous article in one of the newspapers, where the critic responded sharply about the work of Kindji and in general about the partnership of the Movies. In particular, Queenji was accused of monotony, abuse of special lighting when filing pictures and striving for excessive effect. It turned out that this critic is the artist Mikhail Klodt from the Audit Commission of the Mobile Partnership. Kindji realized that Klodt would not exclude from the partnership, so I decided to leave myself. However, the painter has long been in its own way, and the Society of the Movie was for him in a much restraining factor. However, a friendly relationship remained with many artists-Mobile people from Ivanovich.

After leaving the partnership, the Arkhip of Kindji was working on the picture "Moonlight on Dnieper". During this time, Ivan Turgenev, Dmitry Mendeleev, Ivan Painte and others visited the artist's workshop. Soon, the entire Petersburg was buzzing that Quinji prepares the work of incredible beauty. The guest of the workshop was the Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov. On the price about the price, the artist called him a fabulous at that time the amount - five thousand rubles, not even expecting that he would agree. But Romanov asked to leave a picture behind him.

Archka Queenji "Moonlight Night on Dnieper", 1800

The picture "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper" was exhibited in the Society for the Promotion of Artists on a Big Sea Street in St. Petersburg. It became the first exhibition of one picture in Russia. People stood for hours in line to see the work of Queenji. The artist with special care came to the exhibition. He asked to close all the windows in the hall, and to send a ray of light to the picture. The effect was stupid. Spectators, entering the sexual room, did not believe that with the help of the paints it was possible to create such light from a silver-green-green disk of the moon. Many even looked at the picture in the hope of finding the lamp and try the artist in the charlatancy. And the secret was in the workshop of Kindji skill to play contrasts and permanent experiments with color reproduction.

After the exhibition, the prince of Romanov took the picture to his collection. She enjoyed it so much that he did not want to part with her even during the world seabed. Ivan Turgenev was horrified by this act, he worried that dampness could spoil her. So it happened, under the action of sea air paint darkened, but at the same time its beauty did not lose the picture.

Now the picture "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper" (canvas, oil 105x144) is stored in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. In 1882, Quinji made two copyright repetitions. The first is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, and the second is in the Simferopol Art Museum.

After incredible success The pictures "Moonlight on the Dnieper" were all waiting for the Kindji new masterpieces. However, at the peak of Glory, the artist is solved on an unexpected step - he ceases to expose his work. He explained his act as: "The artist needs to perform at exhibitions while he, like a singer, there is a voice. And as soon as the voice subsides - it is necessary to leave, not to appear, so as not to be ridiculous. " Mostly the reclusive Arkhip of Queenji did not, he founded the society of independent artists, taught in the highest art school at the Academy. One of his most famous pupils is Nikolai Roerich.

Archka Queenji "Christ in the Gefseiman Garden", 1901

Many believed that the artist had exhausted himself. But it was not. Quinji to the end of his life daily continued to work. Masterpieces that he created in last period His creativity, for example, "Rainbow" and "Christ in the Garden Garden", are not inferior by their significance of "Moon Nights on the Dnieper". In 1910, the artist, being in the Crimea, fell ill with inflammation of the lungs. He could not recover from the ailment. Kindji did not grow on July 24, 1910, he was 69 years old.

Interesting fact about the family of the artist

The whole life of the artist supported his spouse Breeding Greek Vera Quunchzhi (Ketherji-Shapovalov in Major). They knew they were almost from childhood. Faith refused to all applicants for her hand and heart, and when the artist became known and got rich, the father of the girl allowed her to finally marry him in 1874. They loved to perform a duet together musical works, often traveled. The wife took all the concerns about Queenji for himself, even kept in the order of his brushes and the palette. They did not have children.

One of the last photos Artist

The archite Quenji, together with his wife, led a modest lifestyle, although he had enough money - the masters' paintings were highly valued. The artist traveled in the wagons of the third class, stopped in low-cost hotels. Quinji was surprisingly uncanyten, engaged in charity. Somehow he presented the Academy of Arts 100,000 rubles, which went to the institution 24 annual Prizeswho were awarded to young painters. A year before death, he created the Kindji society ( creative association Artists of St. Petersburg, existed until 1930). He visited all his property, his wife appointed a monthly retirement at 2500 rubles. In the will, the artist's relatives were also mentioned at that time, part of the money was donated to the church, in which he was baptized, for the founding of the school of his name. About the fate of Kindji's wife knows not so much. Vera Leontievna Quinji died in ten years in Petrograd in 1920 from hunger.

A. Kindji. Moonlight night on Dnieper, 1880.

"Moonlit night on the Dnieper" (1880) is one of the most famous pictures Archka Quinji. This work was produced by a real Furior and acquired mystical glory. Many did not believe that the light of the moon can only be transmitted artistic meansAnd looked at the canvas, looking for a lamp there. Many silently stood for hours in front of the picture, and then leaving in tears. The Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich bought Lunar Night for the personal collection and drove it everywhere with himself, which had sad consequences.

Famous artist Archka Queenji.
Photo: and

Above this picture, the artist worked in the summer and in the fall of 1880. Even before the start of the exhibition, rumors spread that Quinji is preparing something completely incredible. Curious found so much that on Sundays the painter opened the doors of his workshop and let all those who wish. Even before the start of the exhibition I bought the picture grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich.

V. Vasnetsov. Portrait of A.I. Kindji, 1869. Fragment.

Queenji has always been very zealous to exposure to its paintings, but this time he surpassed himself. It was a personal exhibition, and only one work was shown on it - "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper". The artist ordered to drag all the windows and illuminate the electric light with a canvas directed at it - with daylight lighting moonlight It looked not so impressive. Visitors were part of the Dark Hall and, as if under hypnosis, were silent before this magical picture.

I. Kramskaya. Portraits A. I. Kindji 1872 and to. 1870s.
Photo: and

Before the name of the Society for the promotion of artists in St. Petersburg, where the exhibition was held, there was a turn for all day. The public had to put in the room with groups to avoid the crown. About the incredible effect of the painting went legends. Radiance moonlight It was so fantastic that the artist was suspected to use some unusual pearl paints brought from Japan or China, and even accused of ties with unclean power. And skeptical spectators tried to find back side Lamps hidden lamps.

I. Repin. Portrait of the artist A. I. Kindji, 1877. Fragment |

Of course, the whole secret was in the extraordinary artistic skill of Queenji, in the skillful construction of the composition and such a combination of paints, which created the effect of radiance and caused the illusion of shimmering light. Warm reddish tone of the Earth contrasted with cold silver shades, due to which the space was deepened. However, one skill, even professionals could not explain the magical impression that the picture produced at the audience - many left the exhibition in tears.

Famous artist Archka Quinji, 1907.

I. Repin said that the audience was frozen in front of the picture "in prayer silence": "So there were poetic spells of the artist on selected believers, and those lived at such moments best feelings Souls and enjoyed the heavenly bliss of painting art. " Poet Ya. Polonsky was surprised: "I don't remember positively that before some picture for so long formed ... What is it? Picture or reality? ". And the poet K. Fofanov under the impression of this cloth wrote a poem "Night on the Dnieper", which was later laid on the music.

Paints with time darkened.

I. Kramskaya foresaw the fate of the canvas: "Perhaps, Quendji connected together such paints, which are in natural antagonism among themselves and after the expiry of a well-known time or will be ground, or change and decompose before the descendants will immediately catch the shoulders in bewilderment: what they came from Delight good viewers? But in order to avoid such an unfair relationship in the future, I would not mind to make up, so to speak, the protocol that his "night on the Dnieper" is all filled with real light and air, and the sky is real, bottomless, deep. "

Paints with time darkened.

Unfortunately, our contemporaries cannot fully estimate the initial effect of the picture, as before our time it reached a distorted form. And the wines of everything is a special attitude to the canvas of its owner, the Grand Duke Constantine. He was so tied to this painting that he took her with him in a world journey. Having learned about this, I. Turgenev came terrified: "There is no doubt that the picture will return completely destroyed, thanks to the salted air evaporation." He even tried to persuade the prince to leave the picture for a while in Paris, but he was adamant.

Painting Queenji inspires modern photographers.

Unfortunately, the writer was right: soaked in salt sea air and high humidity were degraded to the composition of the paints, and they began to darken. Therefore, now the "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper" looks completely different. Although the lunar radiance and today acts on the audience Magically, and the landscape philosophy of the famous artist causes constant interest.

When I first saw this picture, I got up at the entrance to the Russian Museum's hall as the discharge. I could not take a glance from a small picture on the wall, as if glowing and thawing. People crowded around it and the effect was burly.

It seems to be nothing special. The plot is like a plot. Night, river, moon, moonwalk. But the very effect of the internal light source just drove crazy. I could not forget her for a long time, and a year ago, being in St. Petersburg, I was looking for a long time in the Russian Museum. And found in his native Moscow in the Tretyakovka.

Reproduction, photos will not give such an effect. It is necessary to watch it alive.

Yes, of course, we studied the work of this artist.

He lived in an era mobile exhibitions, I even took part in one of the exhibitions, but from which moment he kept a little mansion. Coming out from the partnership, but without spoiling a relationship with him, Quinji arranged in 1880 for the first time in Russia, the exhibition of one artist, and more than the cycle of works, but only one picture. It was a bold, perhaps even bold, innovation. There was a lot of sensational "Moonlight on the Dnieper". Rumors went around the city before the exhibition. At first, the picture could be seen in the workshop of the Queenji, where he let the public on Sundays for two hours. Then the picture was put up in the society of the promotion of art, and all of the enlightened Petersburg was precipitated by his premises for all day. Larger triumph for the artist is difficult to imagine. About this painting wrote not only critics, but also a scientist D.I. Mendeleev, poet Ya.P. Polonsky. "What a storm of delight raise the Queenji! .. This well done is the charm ..." - admired I.N. Kramskaya. The canvas purchased directly from the workshop Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich.

His student was Nikolai Roerich. No wonder, is it true? The same style of local fill with color, the same internal mysticism would seem to be an imperious storyline.

In the marchs, we studied another picture as the most precisely transmitting his style. It " Birch Grove". And so far, being among the birch in a bright sunny day, I see the picture in front of myself. Trees trunks, a green lawn, a thin stream. Nothing special. But the magic is in that matter when ordinary things Begins to commend unusual phenomena.

Let's go back to a dozen years before the appearance of a picture with a mystical moon.

Queenji was born in Mariupol in the family of a poor greek shoemaker. Twice in the early 1860s, the heads tried to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, and he was not accepted only in 1868 he became a volisive

The influence of the Great Aivazovsky marked the first works of Queenji, many of which were not preserved. Study at the Academy of Arts, acquaintance with I.N. Kramsky, I.E.Repinen marked the beginning of realistic perception. But in 1876, he dramatically changed the manner, submitting a picture of the "Ukrainian night", in which he managed to transfer the sensual perception of the South South Summer Night.

Numerous accusations of simplifying the canvas, the alay of flowers - this is what he encountered. Like any creative personfollowing its own way. The influence of the Great Aivazovsky marked the first works of Queenji, many of which were not preserved. Study at the Academy of Arts, acquaintance with I.N. Kramsky, I.E.Repinen marked the beginning of realistic perception. But in 1876, he dramatically changed the manner, submitting a picture of the "Ukrainian night", in which he managed to transfer the sensual perception of the South South Summer Night.

In the field of life tasks, Kindji left important covenants to Russian artists. An example of the whole of his life, Queenji called for a burning itself from any captivity, called to serve, - how he served all his life, - free art, called to defend freedom of creativity.

(1841-1910) - Great russian artist Greek origin. Is an unsurpassed landscape system whose paintings are in the most famous museums And are truly invaluable. One of the most famous Kindji paintings is the "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper".

Picture " Moonlight on the Dnieper"Was written in 1880, canvas, oil. 105 × 144 cm. Currently is located in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. In 1880, after the completion of the work in the picture, the archite Quinji organized the exhibition, and this picture It was the only exhibit of this exhibition. The picture was exhibited at a large sea in St. Petersburg, in the Society for the Promotion of Artists. Despite the fact that the exhibition consisted of only one canvas, the whole queues of those who wish to see new job A great artist who has an amazing effect on force. The event has become a real sensation. To avoid the index, people in the hall were launched by groups.

The picture presents a wide space with the river and the moon. The plain crosses the river tape, which looks greenish from the phosphoresis light of the moon. The moon in the picture radiates fascinating and mysterious light.

In the time of Queenji, he was suspected of using some unusual paints, and sometimes in relationships with unclean power, which helps him create something that no one has ever managed. However, the secret of the Great Artist is looking for such a composition that would allow the most realistic to express light, as well as in the careful selection of the slightest changes in color and light ratios. And in this case, there are simply no kindji.

Glory about the "Lunar Night on the Dnieper" was separated in Moscow before the end of work on the picture. Every Sunday, for two hours, Quinji opened the doors of his workshop, so that everyone could see the canvas, which was not over yet. To make sure that one picture is enough for the exhibition, Queenji invited friends to his workshop, among whom were Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Yakov Polonsky, Ivan Kramskaya, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, as well as correspondents in which he checked the effect of the impact of the Moon Night On the Dnieper. "

The picture looks truly charmingly and unusually realistic. It is noted that some viewers, without believing their gases, looked at the picture to make sure that there is no lamp that creates so believable light. Success was huge, and after that, Queenji decided to make two copies of the canvas. The first copy is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, and the second copy is in the Livadia Palace in Yalta. Original before its first show was sold to the Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich (1858-1915).

Moonlit night on the Dnieper Queenji produced a real Furior and practically immediately acquired mystical glory. Many have not believed that so the light of the moon can be conveyed only by artistic means.

In the summer and in the fall of 1880, the archite Quinji worked on new picture. By that time, he had already broken his relationship with the comrades of the Movements, considering it too commercialized. Rumors that the artist creates something enchanting, spread to the Russian capital instantly. On Sundays, for two hours, opened the workshop and wishes could get acquainted with the work before it was completed. So the picture gained truly legendary glory. The writer Ivan Turgenev, the artists of Jacob Polonsky, Ilya Kramskaya and Pavel Chistyakov, and Pavel Dmitry Mendelev, came to the Ivanovich Archka Workshop. A well-known publisher and a goat of a goat of Soldatenkov asked for the picture. However, everyone was ahead of the Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich. He bought the "lunar night on the Dnieper" before her submission to the general public for five thousand rubles.

Showed a canvas in St. Petersburg, and it was the first exhibition of one picture in Russia. The Arkhip of Queenji has always been very closely exhibiting its work. He placed them so that each was well lit and did not interfere with the neighboring canvas. In a separate room of the Society for the promotion of artists "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper" hung on the wall alone. The room was not covered, but a bright electric beam fell on the picture. The image from this is even more "deepened", and the Moonlight became just a dazzling.

Visitors entered the adolescent hall and stopped in front of the cold radiance of the lunar light. In front of the audience, a wide, leaving distance of the distance was revealed. Plain, crossed by a greenish ribbon of a quiet river, is almost merged at the horizon with a dark sky, covered with rows of light clouds. The silver-greenish disk of the moon poured the earth with mysterious light. There are no people on the canvas, and the main thing in the image is not the river and not the moon by itself, although it is better than Quinji, she did not give anyone from painters. The main thing is the light that gives peace and hope. This phosphorescent light was so strong that some of the audience tried to look at the picture to find a lantern or lamp. Curious expected strong disappointment - no lamp there, of course, was not.

So about the Dnieper sang only Gogol

This majestic spectacle still plunges the audience in thought about eternity and the irreversive beauty of the world. So about the Dnieper to Queenji sing only great Gogol. The number of sincere admirers of the artist's talent grew. There were no indifferent among the spectators, and someone allegedly considered the picture by witchcraft.

After decades, witnesses of that triumph continued to remember the shock, which the audience was tested, "inequate" before the picture. Word this is how it is impossible to suit the description of the exhibition. According to contemporaries, the big marine, where the exhibition was held, was so tightly clogged with Karet, which had to expect a clock in order to see this extraordinary work. To avoid the pressure, the public was allowed in the hall groups.

Nikolai Roerich still found a living minister of Maxim, who received on the ruble (at that time, the amount is just a huge, - aut.) From those who tried to get to the picture out of turn. Speech by an artist with a personal exhibition, and even consisting of only one small picture, has become an unusual event. Success exceeded all expectations and turned into a real sensation.

There were rumors that Queenji draws "magic lunar" paints from Japan. Enviousness with contempt argued that they were not necessary to draw them - a big mind. The superstitious accused the masters in the fact that he is in collusion with the unclean power.

The secret of the "Artist of Light" was in his fantastic ability to play in contrasts and long experiments over color reproduction. In the process of creating a picture, he mixed not only paints, but also added to them chemical elements. In this, Queenji helped him close friend Dmitry Mendeleev. Unfortunately, due to the careless mixing of chemically incompatible paints, the canvas was very darkened.

The decisive role in creating the impression of the use of phosphorus was played by an unusual color of the canvas. Applying additional colors in the picture, reinforcing each other, the artist managed to achieve an incredible effect of moonlique illusion. For example, a warm reddish tone of the Earth, he contrasted with cold-silver shades and thereby deepened the space. Small dark strokes in the illuminated places created a feeling of vibrating light.

People went with tears in their eyes

People, according to Ilya Repin, stood in the "prayer silence" in front of the Kindji web and left the hall with tears in their eyes. "So the poetic spells of the artist on selected believers acted, and they lived on such minutes with the best feelings of the soul and enjoyed the heavenly bliss of art painting," the great artist wrote.

Newspapers and magazines responded to the exhibition enthusiastic articles. The reproduction of the "Moon Nights on the Dnieper" thousands of copies were separated throughout Russia. Poet Jacob Polonski wrote: "I don't remember positively that before any picture for so long formed ... What is it? Picture or reality? We saw this month in the gold frame or in the open window, these clouds, this dark distance, these "trembling lights of sad villages" and these overflows of light, is it a silver reflection of the month in the jets of the Dnieper, the dal, this poetic, quiet, majestic night? " And the poet Konstantin Fofanov impressed by the picture wrote the poem "Night on the Dnieper", which was then laid on the music.

Ilya Kramskaya foresaw the fate of the canvas: "Perhaps, Queenji joined together such paints that are in natural antagonism among themselves and after the expiry of a well-known time or ground, or will change and decompose before the descendants will immediately shrugs in bewilderment: what came to Delight good-natured audience? But in order to avoid such an unfair relationship in the future, I would not mind to make up, so to speak, the protocol that his "night on the Dnieper" is all filled with real light and air, and the sky is real, bottomless, deep. "

Unfortunately, our contemporaries cannot fully estimate the initial effect of the picture. Until our time, she reached a distorted form. And wines everything is a special attitude to the canvas of its owner, the Grand Duke Konstantin, which is due to great love I did not want to part with her and drove with me everywhere. The picture was even in around the world swimmingthat could not do not affect its preservation.

It is worth saying that thanks to the great popularity of the painting, Queenji created two copies of the "Lunar Night on the Dnieper." One of them is stored in the state Tretyakov Gallery, the other is in the Livadia Palace in Yalta. The original is located in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.