An application for adjusting the guitar. The best apps for setting the guitar

An application for adjusting the guitar. The best apps for setting the guitar
An application for adjusting the guitar. The best apps for setting the guitar

Amerton is a fixture that reproduces the reference note from which all other sounds on the instrument are tied. There are the following common varieties of tape: metal, brazovaya and electronic.

1.1. Metal chalkton

Metal Charton came to us from the depths of the centuries. It is reliable, accurate, durable, well, just looks beautiful.

Most of these chalkton give a note "la" the first octave, which corresponds to the sounding of the 1st string (the strings are considered to be upward, the first string is the thinnest), pressed on the 5th Lada. Tambleton is used in two modes: quiet and loud. Silent mode - this is when you pick up the camson to the ear. And loud - when they touch them, say, to the piano or to the deck guitar. In this case, the volume of sound increases markedly.

So, proceed to the tincture of the guitar.

  1. Take the charton from the other side where he has one tip, and knock on it.
  2. Listen to the note.
  3. It is necessary to configure the first string so that, being pressed on the 5th Lada, it gave the same sound as the tune-a note "la". Rotate the flask caution so as not to drag and do not break the string.
  4. Customized? Now listen to the open (not pressed) 1st string. This is a note "mi". We need the 2nd string, pressed on the 5th Lada, sounded the same way in the note "Mi". Adjust it. Note that the note "Mi" on the 1st and 2nd strings does not sound absolutely the same - there is a difference in the tech (sound color).
  5. Now by analogy. Customize the 3rd string so that it sounds like an open 2nd Lada. This is a note "SI".
  6. The 4th string on the 5th Lada - as the 3rd open (note "Salt").
  7. The 5th string on the 5th Lada - as the 4th Open (note "RE").
  8. The 6th string on the 5th Lada - as the 5th Open (note "la").

Unlike the metal, the brass charton gives 6 sounds of open strings. It is convenient, but there are significant disadvantages. Such tunes are short-lived and gradually lose the accuracy due to the oxidation of the tongues.

  1. Dunta into the hole corresponding to any string;
  2. Adjust this string.

Although the error and does not accumulate, but checking around intervals and chords will still allow you to adjust the guitar more precisely.

1.3 Electronic Charton

Can give many different sounds whose set differs depending on the model. The photo presents the device of the company KORG, successfully combining chamber and metronome in one case.

On most such tunes, you can calibrate the height of the reference note "La" of the first octave, with respect to which the device rejects the remaining sounds. This is useful if you play, say, with piano, configured in 442 Hz (remind you that the reference is considered the frequency of 440 Hz). Here's how the guitar is configured:

String Name of notes and octaves Designation on the display (depending on the device model)
The device indicates octaves on the Helmholtz system The device indicates octaves in scientific notation The device indicates a note and a guitar string number
1 "Mi" of the first octave e1 E4. E1
2 "SI" small octave b (possibly "H" *) B3 (possibly "h3" *) B2 (maybe "H2" *)
3 "Salt" of small octave g. G3. G3.
4 "Re" small octave d. D3. D4.
5 "La" big octave A (big letter "A") A2. A5.
6 "Mi" of the big octave E (big letter "E") E2. E6.

* - There is a confusion associated with the notation of the SI note. Part of the musical world denotes its letter "B", and part is "H". Moreover, in the case of "H", the NOT C-Beleol is indicated as "b". Most likely, your charton will use the first designation option, where "SI" is "b".

Take into account this moment not only when setting up the guitar, but also when reading alphanumeric designations of chords.

Another interesting point concerns where the octave on the Guitar Grope. Often you can meet the information that the first open string is the "Mi" of the second octave, and all the others, respectively, belong to the first and to small. This is an erroneous statement. It comes from the fact that the notes for the guitar are recorded octowed above the piano. Will this approval. The first open string is the "Mi" of the first octave, as written in the table.

1.4. Other options for Kametonon

The role of the Tamarton can perform a beep on a stationary phone, the first note of the rington on cells or something else. Just apply fantasy.

2. Piano Setup

Will everything is simple. Piano is the same Tambleton, you just need to know which key to press. The diagram shows which key which open string corresponds to.

A similar thing is how well the piano itself is. Practice shows that it is usually not very. In this case, it is possible to take the standard only one of the notes of the piano, and from it to rebuild everything else, as in the case of a metal chain. It is important that the strings of the guitar are primarily built with each other, and only then with the piano. If you configure the guitar under the synthesizer, the problems of the system does not occur (unless the synthesizer is in good technical condition).

3. Setting up a guitar on tyuer

T Junner is a device that responds to the sound of your tool and helps you configure it. The display displays various useful information, for example:

  • Name of notes and octave;
  • The name of the string;
  • Frequency of oscillations of notes;
  • Recommendations for stretching or weakening strings;
  • The frequency of the reference note "La" of the first octave.

The most important characteristics for the tuner - the response speed of the indicator to the played sound and the magnitude of the indicator step (the less step, the more accurately you can adjust the guitar). Tuners are different in terms of design and destination. The following table examines the main varieties:

Type Tuner Purpose pros Minuses
Tuner-clothespin attached to the vulture Acoustic concerts Aesthetic, lung, attached and forgot Has moving parts that eventually fail
Pedal for connecting effects chain Electric concerts with high volume Reacts only on a useful guitar signal, noise in the hall does not interfere Cumbersome, works only through connection by cord
Small rectangular instrument on AA or AAA batteries Homework Such tuners often have a built-in metronome, which is convenient for domestic training Not convenient for use at concerts
Tuner mobile application Homework Free Not convenient for use at concerts, may spoil

Now consider how to configure the guitar on the example of two tuners - mobile applications. The first one is the most popular guitartuna. This tuner is designed specifically for guitarists, which indicates its interface in the "guitar" style.

The application is able to automatically determine which string you play if AUTO mode is enabled. By default, it is turned on, but still check.

  1. Play the first string.
  2. Look at the display. Make sure that the tuner recognized the first string (the first string is highlighted). You will also see an arrow indicator that slide at the top of the screen and the green line stretching from it. If the arrow and line are located to the left of the central line, then the string needs to stretch a little. If on the right - weaken. It is necessary to ensure that the green line closes the central *. To figure out which way to twist the flake, you can experimentally.
  3. Adjust the first string and do all the same with the 2nd, 3rd, etc.

* - the string does not sound mathematically, so the arrow is a little dangling to the right and left and completely close the middle strip may not work. Just strive to close it as much as possible. Especially capricious in this respect is the 5th and 6th strings. When they are configured, it is necessary to wait for the moment when the green strip will become more or less stable. Perhaps you have to wait a second or two. At first you will see the curve, as if drawing a mountain through the entire screen, but then the indicator will find a conditional stable position ("conditionally stable" is because the arrow still dangles there, but already on a small amplitude). This is a conditional stable position and focus.

The most frequent errors at beginner guitarists when setting up the guitar:

  • Doesn't rotate
  • Plays not the string
  • Configures in too noisy place
  • Disabled the "AUTO" mode and forgot about it
  • Plays a note, immediately jammed her, and only then rotates the ring (the ring you need to rotate with a sound note, in real time watching the behavior of the arrow indicator).

In AUTO mode, the tuner defines the string in the height of the sound. That is, he hears that something close to the first string sounds now and determines that this is the first string. If the guitar is very upset, then this method does not work. Then you need to set the string manually.

  1. Disable AUTO mode;
  2. Click on the wheel of the rod of the desired string, make sure the flake has become highlighted;
  3. Adjust the string;
  4. Click on the wheel of the ring another string and adjust it. By analogy, adjust the remaining strings.

It is important not to forget to switch the string by pressing the image of the ring. Otherwise there is a risk to drag and break the string.

Now we will test another tuner. It is called "Datuner". He is a representative of a different tuners concept. There is no highly specialized guitar information on the display, like "what a ring to twist and what string are customizing now." But there is a name for notes, octaves and sound frequency in hertz.

And now, using a table, tighten each string.

If you decide to acquire a tuner-clothespin or any other, then I advise you first to practicing these two mobile applications. The fact is that they are accurate and have a quick response. Using them, you will understand what a real tuner should be and, having come to the store, choose a high-end device.

4. Conclusion

T, Yunner makes a guitar setting significantly. In fact, he sets up a tool for you. Someone can say that it is harmful to them, because it does not develop its own musical hearing. But I'll face. Just the opposite: the rumor is developing because the guitarist appears the standard of the correct tool sound and over time it gets used to how it should be, and it appears the ability to accurately set the hearing guitar. If he starts from the camera, it is not a fact that its setting will be accurate. For some reason, some people believe that it is easy to customize the rumor, but I personally observed that even musicians can not cope with this task, you don't have to doubt the musical hearing.

When you master the settings presented in this article, it's time to deepen your understanding, reading my article "Professional Guitar Setup". The fact is that although the tuner makes it possible to accurately adjust the open strings, but this does not mean that your guitar will be perfectly to keep the system, say, in consonances of three sounds. For concert performances, the accuracy of the tuner is more than enough, but the studio requires great accuracy. This is especially important for the electric guitar with distortions, where the slightest inaccuracy of the setting leads to "beats" and "non-stop" on the quints.

With you was Cyril Pospelov. If there are some questions on the article - write to me in

The ability to quickly and properly configure the musical instrument is extremely useful under certain conditions. For this, it is not necessary to purchase additional equipment at all, instead you can use one of the many programs for setting the guitar.

Frankly, the function of setting the guitar is far from the main in this program. In general, it is created as a cheaper alternative to professional musical equipment. Guitar Rig has a huge number of modules that simulate the work of actually existing amplifiers, pedals of effects and other devices. With a certain level of experience, with the help of this software product, you can record very high-quality guitar parties.

To work with this program, you must connect the guitar to the computer using a special cable.

Guitar Camerton.

An extremely simple application that allows you to facilitate the adjustment of the acoustic guitar for the rumor. There are records of sounds, the tonality of which corresponds to the notes of the standard guitar system.

The main disadvantage of this fund is the extremely low quality of recorded sounds.

Easy Guitar Tuner.

Another compact application, which differs from the previous one, mainly the fact that here the sound quality is significantly higher. There are options for both acoustic and electric guitar.


This representative of the promised software category differs from the two previously large set of functions. In addition to the direct configuration, which, by the way, can be made both by ear and with a microphone, there is also a possibility of checking natural harmony.

In addition to the guitar, the program allows you to configure other string tools, such as bass guitar, ukulele, cello and others.

Pitch Perfect Tuner

Like the previous software product, Pitch Perfect Tuner allows you to set up a wide variety of musical instruments in the most common debug options.

Mainly, this program is different from the previous a little more pleasant design and a slightly smaller set of features.

Guitar tuner from Musend

This agent uses all the same mechanisms of work as the two previous programs. The sound received by the microphone is compared in frequency with the necessary, after which the tuner in graphical form displays how much they differ.

AP Guitar Tuner

This representative of the software under consideration allows you to customize the guitar using the microphone, applying the same method as the previous program. However, unlike them, there is no possibility to set up a hearing tool.

Here, as in Tune IT!, There is a possibility of checking the compliance of the distonating notes of natural harmony. Also, if you want to configure the guitar into any non-standard system, you can write its characteristics in a special window, and then adjust the setting.

Setting 6-String Guitar

The latest program in this category, like a guitar tuner from Musend, is designed for the needs of the site dedicated to the musical subject. According to the principle of operation, it does not differ from another software that uses the microphone to configure.

All the considered software will be able to significantly simplify the process of setting up the guitar, and some programs will help both working with other musical instruments. A mansion in this list is guitar RIG, because if you need a tool solely to set up the guitar, then almost all of its functionality will be superfluous.

Selectors are several interesting guitar configuration programs. You can download them directly from our site!

The simplest interface, everything that needs to be done to configure the guitar: - Connect the microphone or line input and select a string

Download Software Tuner

The program is designed to configure the six-string guitar in the standard strict. Contains high-quality sound samples recorded on professional equipment. It is possible to reproduce the sound with repeat. Fullness in Russian. The guitar connection to the computer is not required.

Download Guitar Setup 5.0

The program is designed to configure the six-string guitar. "aurally" In the standard system. The principle of action is extremely simple: the program generates sound in the desired tonality for each string. Does not install and connect the guitar to the computer. There is a sound volume control.

Download guitar charton

Program from the series "nothing extra". Perfectly performs its functions - connect the simplest microphone to the computer, start the AP TUNER guitars, and in two minutes your guitar will be perfectly configured.

The program has another hidden opportunity - it will help you choose chords to the song. To do this, launch it, turn on your favorite melody and bring the microphone to the columns of your player. In real time, you will make how chords change. This will help to navigate.

The only minus of this creation is incompatibility with Windows 64 Bit

Nowadays, in order to fine and accurately set up the guitar - it is not necessary to have absolute hearing. It is enough to have a microphone connected to a computer and a small tuner program that will allow you to configure the guitar, literally in five minutes.

If you read these lines - it means that you already have a computer, it remains to connect the microphone, download the application and forward, configure your tool.

Below are the software tools to configure, download any favorite and use, also to each program there is a small description and link to download on our server, all programs are absolutely free.

According to many AP Guitar Tuner - the best program for setting the guitar, I do not know how true it is - there are no less worthy tools on the network. With this software, you quickly and accurately set up your guitar. If the full newcomer in the "guitar case", then download this program. You can download from our server.

Another simple guitar tuner. When connecting a guitar to a computer analyzes the sound you recover and determines the note that it corresponds toIf there are any deviations, then you will learn about it. Download, so, you can from our server by reference.

Interesting software (tuner) to set up the guitar. His most important difference, from his fellow, is that it has a built-in noise reducerSo the setting will be more accurate thanks to the absence of extraneous noise. Download software You can also from our server absolutely free.

Immediately make a reservation that if you want to become a real guitarist, a professional, and not just to stay "yard guitarist", after all try to learn how to customize the guitar for rumor, and not through various software tools. If you can be able to customize the guitar on your own, you can configure it anywhere, and not only where there is a personal computer or tuner.

If you still decide to learn how to configure your own tool yourself, you can use a small tool with a guitar charter program. The program for setting up the guitar is free and allows you to adjust the guitar "on the rumor". I think great will help you with training.

Guitar Tuner Free - download a free program for setting up a guitar. The guitar tuner will help you in setting up the tool, even if you do not know a note literacy.

Today we have a program that will help, mainly beginners in music, or those people who have no musical hearing, and such a lot. If you just started learning the game on the guitar, then after a while you will have to configure the tool. To do this without resorting to the help of a specialist, you will need a Guitar Tuner-guitar tuner program that will prompt when setting up the guitar. Customize your musical instrument is preferably every day or after every long game on it, as some tools are quickly upset and lose their perfect sound, and it is impossible to get used to bad sound in any way, as this can affect your perception of music as a whole.

Guitar Tuner Program Description

Download the free tuner to configure the guitar TUNER guitar you can by reference at the bottom, from the official site. A program has been developed by the guys from GCH Guitar Academy, which are taught by playing the guitar. The interface is simple and not modern, but this does not affect the functionality.

Guitar Tuner allows you to adjust the acoustic guitar, as well as an electric guitar. The process of adjustment occurs as follows. You specify which tool you want to configure (acoustic or electric), you can also select and synthesized tones for configuration. Then, the program reproduces the desired sound for each guitar string. Focusing on this sound you must twist the handles so that the sounds of your string and virtual coincide. Thus, walking on all 6 strings you get a perfectly built guitar system.

Using this guitar tuner - Guitar Tuner - you do not have to buy expensive gadgets to set up the guitar, moreover, this program does not even need your microphone. By setting up a guitar with the help of Guitar Tuner, you also train your hearing, and in the future you can customize the guitar without using any tools.


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Status: Free