Watch the passage of the game Saints Row 4. Scene Line

Watch the passage of the game Saints Row 4. Scene Line

The Saints Row series has survived to the figure "4" in the title, but it seems that I still do not understand what it is exactly. Satira or Gagi? Copy or ommage? Hit or fail? Each new game really follows some uniform vector, but the game still does not have a speed limiter - as a result, the project at high speed carries to the unknown.

Project for sale

With Saints Row 4, everything is generally strange. Let's start with the fact that it was originally all this was to be DLC to Saints Row 3 and be more likely to plot, than a complete scenario story. And then it started. Thq at all suddenly ended the money, and the first to the auction went more or less margin projects. It is not surprising that it is the SaintS Row4 series one of the first to go under the wing of the Deep Silver office. Those on DLC looked, inspired, and ... gave money to make a full-fledged part of the DLC.

This is difficult to evaluate this definitely. On the one hand, the scenario of the new Saints Row turned out to be quite large-scale, long and worthy of a separate game, on the other - from the number part there are some real game changes, and the new "saints" are made entirely on the concept of the third. And this duality of sensations is observed on each site of the game.

Here, for example, the city in which the action takes place. All the third part we captured a large-scale stylport, along and across it was studied by his caches and streets and managed to get used to local peculiarities. And so, in the new part of the game, we are offered to return to exactly the same city, but already for other things. Not that it is critical - and the old and new stylport do not differ in high levels of study, serving the scenery for local disassembly, but the feeling of hacking does not leave the whole game.

The same can be said about the gaming engine. Saints Row in the third part looked very backward technically, and in a couple of years, all this has become a claim. The city looks static and cardboard, special effects cut eyes, and you can not look at the animation without tears. Yes, we agree that the schedule is not the main thing, but to produce such a large-scale project on such a weak engine - the solution is bad. But here the developers simply did not have a choice - no one would give money to the new engine.

Alien invasion in the matrix

Words from the title describes a local application. What did the previous part end? The main character finally became president of the United States. Political collapse! Alas, not the last of the collapse for America. It would seem: sit yes Kaifui, but - interfere. And do not interfere with some miserable political competitors, but the real aliens who have come to impose intergalactic democracy. And here is no hope - immediately Sick Hermann in the properly rebuilt matrix. Everything, it seems like, the same, but the "artifacts" eternally pop up. That on a police car, instead of polyyachi will come by aliens, then where neither take the portal with enemy twists ...

The matrix is \u200b\u200bthe second ego of the local plot. Of it, oddly enough, it is very easy to go out at a special point on the map (by the way, you can - talking by phone) - and to be in the real world. Here we save the world on the intergalactic ship - something like "Normandy". Above the Mass Effect is frankly, allowing to enter into a certain type of contact even with local droids. What do you want? Saints Row!

Holy superhero

The main distinctive feature of the fourth part was the fully new gameplay. What was SAINTS ROW previously? About the opportunity to freely wander around the city. About the ability to rob a lot of shops. About the opportunity ... steal an arresting car and merge the contents of the bidon to the street ...

The fourth part is about superpower. The aliens who arrived managed to make a mistake - and endowed the main character weighing various features. Now we like Flash, Superman and Ant Man at the same time: I will be very much, run quickly, jumping high. And also - Lupim Fireballs, Frosenblastami and other cataclysms. The power is crazy - it is almost impossible to stop the hero.

Alas, the ecosystem of the game has seriously suffered from this. So, cars here now simply do not need - the hero himself with its superconductances moves many times faster. No need for a weapon - why, if the same Faeropol is wiping on Aoe?

And his partner

To all this, in addition, a cooperative is fastened. Moreover, the game can be together how to pass, so to prevent each other to do it. For example, PVP is enabled here, so you can simply take and start Rubilovo with each other. The game itself does not greatly won from the cooperative, but playing together much more fun.


Saints Row 4 expected did not become the main part of the series. It is still a shameful, ridiculous and dyed game about everything. The fourth part gave a bunch of sensations, but also exposed a lot of urgent problems. If the output of the 5th part and take place, then it will exactly exactly will be the same bad "Saints Row", but now - with a seriously ridiculous quality.

Passage of Saints Row 4

We bring to your attention all parts of the game. Enjoy madness!


We look at the entrance roller and go down to get acquainted with the Ashe. We destroy opponents and go down again. I hide from the truck and move through the tunnel. Kill the knife of the enemy and open fire on the rest. Moving to the server room, we kill everyone, shoot on the barrels.

We are preparing for the door storm in the server. In slow motion, we kill opponents and go on. You need to run to the Sairus of the Temple and to underpen the desired buttons. We defeat and throw it in Lava. Jump up on the rocket. Milland on rocket forward and tear off wires.

Hail to the Chief / The Saints Wing

Create a character, if lazy, then choose ready. We watch the movie about our hero and the White House. On the way, we choose from the proposed options: save the world from diseases or hunger, fill the face or other, say hello or go to the party. We look at the scene with a fan.

Suddenly attack the aliens and kidnap Kinzi. We run away from the protection and run to an oval office. We shoot from the gun on alien and move on. We speak with the ass and go to the office. Cutting weapons. Now we go to include the Protection Protocol. We climb on the gun and begin to kill the heaps of the aliens and their techniques. Now we need to destroy the big ship aliens. We watch the roller and spread with opponents on board. During the battle, click the desired buttons, but in the end you still losing.

Leave It To the Saints / A Pleasant Day

We fall into the sixties, go down and go to the kitchen. We eat pancakes and surprise what is happening. We leave the house and take the newspaper. We climb into the car. We go to the cafe and go inside. Masking falls, now we run away from the cafe. We listen to Kinzy and go to the park. We start breaking the matrix and kill all the cops. In the park we take a rocket and continue the murder, shooting also by cars.

We wait until the sheriff appears, which has supersigles. We shoot in it, if you manage to, or at least in the ground under it or near him. At the same time we move so that he does not hit us. We watch the movie. The main aliens sends us to the style, having deprived everything is niz.

Learn The Rules ...


We land and speak Cinzi. She sends us for a weapon. Sit into the car and go to the store with a weapon. We buy everything that is and what is enough money, and then pump what is more like.

Suddenly the police appear. Shot from them, sit down in the car and go to the antenna. You can roll the aliens. Now we are going to the warehouse.

Now we need to collect three clusters. They are at a decent distance from each other, so you have to ride. Next we are sent for another one. We look at the flying house and pump your abilities, for this we will need clusters. Now we can quickly run and jump high.

We go to the test room and perform various tasks to understand the mechanics of skills. Then we perform a task in which we need to collect green balls for a certain time. If you do not like your result, then you can cross this quest in the future.

Hot and Cold.

Sit into the car and go through the specified path. We need to turn off a pair of generators. Then destroy the node below. Aliens will actively resist, so you need to be careful. Then we kill the guard, he is a rather dangerous opponent. We go to the training room and study a new skill - an ice explosion.


Select the task and go on the desired route. We climb up and looking for the door. Opening it and get into the capsule. We choose and go on, killing the aliens. Further along the corridor rollem also a couple of aliens. We go further, shoot and wait until you save Kinzi and Kit.

Sit down for the steering wheel and start shooting aliens ships. We fly off the aliens ship, look at the ground and invent the place of revenge.

Ghost in the Machine / Breaking the LAW

Hack The Planet.

We will need to capture the store. We open the castle on the door and enter the store. A police officers will come to shoot. When the cops take off - destroy portals. Now you need to catch a little gold drone.

Platforming RIFT.

We take the task and speak with an unknown character. We are going to the right place and go to Rift. We will need to overcome all platforms for a certain time. Jump better as close as possible to the center. Be careful and expect the height and range of the jump. We recruit the required number of points and end the task.

Power Element Trainig

Now we are sent to the bar. We come and get into the training world, having received a fiery ability. We throw fireballs in opponents. First there will be few them, but then more and more, and at the end there will be another couple of vehicles.

Power Up c.i.d.

We will need to save the character who helped us. We look at the roller, we get a rifle and choose a robot. We send it to the roof of the building so that Kinzi could "remake it". While she does, we will need to protect it in every way.

We shoot on the aliens approaching us in transport. Also they can be flown on ships, it is better to destroy them immediately. Now we need to speed up the firmware of the robot, for this we go towards the NPP and activate the download station.

We defend the robot and run again to activate transmitters. Return and freeze it. There are strong opponents, similar to Terminators. And then the guard. After the victory over all we get the skill of telekinease. We study her features in the workout room. We are afraid of opponents, and at the end we throw the guard by the machines.

Now we will need to destroy flying guidelines by throwing them what is depicted on them. We use telecinez and carry out the task at different points of the city. By getting access to competitions.

Zero Cool.

Miller Space.

We get a task and go to the bar, and then go to the cyber-world. We communicate with Kinzy and turn into a tank. We kill all enemies and turn into a boat. Moving further and shoot from enemies when orange obstacles come across - we destroy them. Now we have to destroy the gate, then the second and finally the third. They differ slightly, but nothing complicated from themselves.

Sit on a motorcycle and go to the tower. We will actively interfere with opponents on various vehicles. We choose in the real world. Here we will be given two doors to choose from: red and blue. We go to the blue and answer the test questions. 1 - I slave. 2 - fly to violet stars. 3 - We make two cocktails with martini and coconut. 4 - We say that her mother is also a slave. 5 - apologize twice. 6 - We say that we want to save Matt. 7 - We say Matt that he will be able to defeat Killbein. 8 - let it hit it several times in the head. 9 - talk on the phone. We save Matt and return home.

Matt "s back

We climb into armor while Kinji tells how to use it. We go along the corridor and destroy the enemies. To fix the capsules with energy. We reach the closed door and use Jetpak to climb up.

Taranny door and go further, we reach the prison room and there are jumping on platforms. The capsule is empty, it means they are looking for Matt further. We find it in one of the rooms. Now we defend it while he is looking for a chip to turn on weapons.
We get a laser gun and rocket. Moving further and destroy opponents. When Matt will run some sections - cover it. When our robot breaks down and will quickly run to the ship quickly.

Tourly shoot from enemies. We shoot on small ships until the big one will appear. When he will prepare for a shot shoot on the yellow column.

After the wonderful salvation of the Kinzy Mett, we will tell us that there was a plane from the third part of the game, which will need to be examined.

Take the task and fly to the club. We will need to defeat Knight Blade. First we demolish the wave of people with superpowers. They need to be careful with them, since in addition to the abilities they have and weapons. Then the wave of monsters will go. They know how to catch with yellow cubes scattered by the arena. And then the Knight Blade itself.

Back by Popular Demand

We go through the loading part of the aircraft, shooting from opponents. We watch the video, and then run to look for a stolen shaunda. We will need to get to the end without falling in faults. Open the last door and get to the club.

Let's go down and see a shauncia hostage at DJ. We use a shocker, and how it will release a shaunda, then you finish. After that, he will be revived and his copies will appear. Kill them all. In the end we look at the roller about the salvation of a shaunda.

The Boss Goes to Washington

Now we will need to save the pier. Drink a drink in the bar. We climb the elevator and begin to kill the little men until the pier stops us and says to collect weapons. We collect various trunks. Then we will need to fight with a major opponent. If cartridges run out, then you can pick up about it. We look at the roller in which we throw us to the next building. Now we will need to defend, while the helicopter is started. We select ammunition on the roof and shoot from the floor until the pier arrives.

Soon the Pier will arrive at us, sit down in the helicopter and shoot it on the floor. Then we run to the statue and watch the roller. Now we will have to manage a huge statue. Floor attack and put the block from its blows. After victory, we look at the video.

Now we need to save Benjamin. We go down the street and fought off opponents with bare hands. Then we get a bit and firearms. With the fight go to church. Folding on the church we find Ben, who want to kill Tanya and Tony. We kill everyone in the church and go to the street.

We get a grenade launcher, which is better to save. We protect the entrance until Tony comes. Now we shoot a grenade launcher with a machine gun and Tony. Next, we find Tanya, but before dealing with it to kill her assistants. Unfortunately, it will not be able to kill it, but we saved one more friend.

From Asha With Love

We fall into the Ashi nightmare. We wait until she opens the gate and go. We shoot on the lamps and move on. So do everywhere. First, the light, and then opponents.
Then we will have to move imperceptibly and kill enemies from the back. We watch the video and go on. After corridors with opponents, we will get into the room where you need to kill evil yourself. When it activates the generators, we start shooting them. After the victory over "ourselves, we watch the video.

Emergency Situation

All gangs now want to kill you. In this task it will be necessary to help the CID "U. With the help of Telekinz, we throw it into the sky and while it flies shoot from the enemies. We repeat these actions at several points. The last points will have a shield, so you have to figure it out first. Then you need to figure it out. Then you need Will throw clones back. After the victory over the clubs, the Clonea will have to still defeat the guard. As a result, we will get a new ability.

Now we need to ship, but for starters, we look at the video. After everyone comes Kinzi us will be sent in 2D world. First, go to Warren, to find out where is Aisha. Then we find her and fight to free it. We kill the main villain by Zinyak and go beyond the Gather.

We put on armor and begin the sweep. We go to the room with a Johnny capsule. But there is no longer it there, so we go further. We kill enemies and reach the arena. Attempting to open the door will include the destruction timer. How to kill a sufficient number of enemies, the door will open, and you can go to the Gather.

The Kinzie Gambit.

Death From Above.

We learn a new ability.

All Hands in Deck

Going in stock with friends. Kill here heaps of aliens. Then we sit down in the tank and broadcast the technique of aliens. Then we climb up and sit down in the helicopter and install it from it. Now we will have to accompany and defend our friends. When you get a helicopter, we find a machine gun and protect Kinzi while she breaks the door. How to fill the scale will appear a professor, kill him.

Sit into the car and go ahead, shooting from RPG. Then Zinyak steals Kinzy. Now we will need to deal with the aliens on the ship. Help Shaundi and go to the transitional bridge. On the ship's ship we use a machine gun to quickly deal with the enemies. We will minister the desired objects and run to the ship. Click on the desired buttons and watch the roller.


You need to talk with Matom about what happened on the ship.

He Lives.

We run to the park to stop whale promotion. People are not happy for us, so they fight back from them. Also to resist the aliens will be. After some time the door will open in the Town Hall. Inside we defeat the robot. We clean the upper floors, where we are waiting for a couple of robots. When you go to the office, we will show a video.

We go down the street, then we climb on the tower. We clean the first and second floors, take the shield on the second. We go to the roof and first kill opponents on the roofs around. We destroy flying opponents and break the installation. We watch the video.

Hello Teacup.

We run for a robot. We find the wall on which the white rabbit is depicted. We enter the door and see the simulation card. We go to the past and find Kinzy. Topic flowers near her house, and then going for a police car. Just eat for the car, and then we kill the police.

Then go to the square. Here we need to turn off the four loudspeakers. After the first take Dubstep-Gan near the fountain. After each microphone, you will need to destroy the machines. We kill Sairuses and cops, and then watch the video.


We Have the Technology

We meet with Gat and begin to collect the key to exit the simulation. We are going to the military base. With the help of telekinease, we are looking for a chip in the box. Now we go to the tower, and the geat to the helicopter. We will need to destroy the three aliens lighthouses. Now quickly run into the docks. We need three more lighthouses, only now it will do much more difficult because of the robots that will interfere with us. We will protect the Gate until the Shaundi arrives. Sit down to the helicopter and dump.

We go with the Shaudi to the station. We are looking for a reply wave from objects and find the station. The first will be quite simple, the second protects the field, and the third shield with a bunch of substations. We take a tank and go to the Kinzy warehouse.

Punch The Shark.

Grand Finale: Prelude

We listen to the presidential speech and speak Kinzy. We will have three teams: Asha and Matt, Pierce and Shaundi, Ben and Johnny. One will need to bring the key, with the second to overload the simulation, and with the third storming the aliens ship. You can choose the one who likes more.

Grand Finale: Path One

Jump out in a truck and take RPG. We shoot at the striker to aliens. Beyond the bridge, the car is destroyed, so we go further. We take the telecision key and go to the tower. How the robot breaks the defense goes on.
The key will not connect while three lighthouse works. While the key flies we protect it from the enemy technique. We destroy the generators that block the path. And at the end we destroy three columns. Now the next stage will begin.

Grand Finale: Path Two

We look at the video about the horrors running around the city. Now activate the three portals and protect them until they do not completely run. Each portal will need to protect a certain time. We climb up to the third portal, it will be the most difficult and it needs to be protected for two minutes. Quickly run away and come out of the simulation.

Grand Finale: Path Three

Quickly pass through the ship of the aliens, because it falls apart. While one of the friends will crack the door to the weapons you will have to defend it. Now we go to the weapon and take armor. We fly on the pipe and are rushing from the shots. We descend and break the generator, and then fly again.

Grand Finale: Path Four

It remains to defeat the main alien villain - Zinyaka. First, it will be necessary to demolish him more than half of health simply shooting on it and dodging. Then, when he hides for the barrier, we catch exploding robots and throw it into it. Now they will need to break three generators that feed the shield, friends come to the rescue. Code all disconnect, then just finish the invader.
We look at the final video and learn a lot of interesting things.

Zero Saints Thirty.

The "saints" were once ordinary outdoor gang, but now they are involved in the problems of the whole country. On Earth, Asha Odela, familiar Oleg meets us. We move forward and perform the simplest action. First enemy for the sake of decency kill silently, putting the back. We get to the control room, prolamed the door and in the slowdown we are straightened with all terrorists. We catch up with Sairus, quickly and often click on the buttons shown and discard the enemy down. He still has time to activate the launch of the rocket. Accelerated running to the rocket installation and jerk on it. We continue to act according to the instructions on the screen, and neutralize the rocket.

The Saints Win

5 years later

Choosing a finished character or create a new one. We go to a press conference, along the way, solving local problems. Asha and Miller from Mi6 report on the invasion of aliens. Their words could be perceived as a joke, if alien were not attacked the White House literally after a couple of seconds! Their leader named Zinyak teleports Kinzy and Shaundi to the ship. We break away from the bodyguards and get to the oval office. We take all the guns you like and proceed to stripping corridors from arrogant aliens.

Selecting outwards, we take control of the most powerful defense system and shoot the approaching shuttles of enemies. Last but the Zinyak ship is resting and climbing with him in hand-to-hand combat. Click on the shown buttons, in the hope of dealing with the leader of the aliens and, of course, tolerate defeat.

The beginning of an alien invasion.

A Pleasant Day.

Impailly descend into the kitchen. Is Shaundi herself decided to cook breakfast for us? Such a gift of fate can not be missed: sit down at the table and use pancakes. We go out on the street, select the newspaper and sit down in the car. On the main street we are going to the eatery. Local residents welcome us, and we are also making them in response. We go to the entrance, we select a blue sphere that restores health, and positive paparazzi. Inside us awaits disappointment. Idillia collapses in front of her eyes. People are ready to break us only for ordinary curses. We hurry to leave the building, sit down in the car and we go anywhere, just to leave the hostile territory justice. Finally, Kinzi is associated with us and reports that this place is nothing more than an illusion.

Go to the park. At the intersection, we will throw out from the car. We kill the police and select the blue spheres falling out of them to replenish our own health. We run to the center of the park, taking a grenade launcher and arrange a real chaos. We shoot in everything that moves. It seems that the sheriff was not very delighted to the damage. I am striking by His shooting shots and try to keep at a distance. The quiet and positive town of VMIG has become anger and violence. That is why Zinyak puts us into a new world and at the same time she sends his faithful servants so that they watched us and did everything necessary for life to seem to be honey.


Sit down to any wheelbarrow. Open a hub, then the card and choose the only available point - the Armory "Friendly Fair" store. Reaching place, get weapons. If desired, each of them can be pumped in every single parameters, as well as choose the painted color. We destroy the emerging police and go to the verge. We are growing with the aliens, for which we get expansion of the territory. Since health is restored O-o-very slowly, then we will constantly have to select the blue spheres falling out of enemies. If she is actively using shelters, the battle is likely to flow in slowly pace, but it can be saved most of the health. Capturing a point, get to Kinzy.

Open a hub, choose the section "Missions" and, accordingly, a new main task. Cluster data is scattered throughout the city. Sit into the car and visit every point. The exact location of the cluster is not marked, but they are easy to find, focusing on the radius on the mini-card and on the distance of the distance. Open the hub, the section "Forces" and acquire two abilities - "Super Sprint" and "Super Jump". Now we can move faster cars and jump on any high point in the city. Take the ability to train simulation. The longer you clamp the jump button, the higher we jump. The more often the jump button is pressed, the faster it is absorbed up the wall. During an accelerated run, we clamp the jump button and, if necessary, let it go to overcome long distances between buildings on the go.

When lining the track of unnecessary nodes should not be left.

To secure the knowledge gained, play mini-game. We collect green spheres to increase the speed of running. We fear fiery walls. At the sight of the yellow arrows, you clush the jump button in advance. The main goal is to go through eight blue checkpoints. Oh yeah, for a long time for people and cars, we are charged extra seconds.

Hot and Cold.

We get to the hot spot, climb the roof of the building and clean it from the enemies. Hold down the appropriate button, we make the generator shutdown. Similarly, we do with the second generator in the port. The shield is relaxed and now we can get to the controller. Of course, we try not to let aliens with the shields. We shoot open legs when they move in our direction. Lucky movements deactivate hot spot. We bounce when the warden beats on the ground, and evade the side when the fireball flies in us. At the end, click on the shown button, put in the enemy and quickly and often click on the buttons depicted.

As a reward, we got a freezing charge. We produce it into enemies, and then shoot them. Also, this ability effectively acts against aviation. Sometimes clusters can be detected on the walls. To remove them, shoot a freezing charge. The warders are quite clever creatures and sometimes it is difficult to get. It is best to release a charge during the enemy attacks, running closer to him.


Get to the roof of the specified building and try to knock the door. The portal will appear nearby, which will be imprisoned on the aliens ship. Slowly moving forward. Having encountered the aliens, quickly press the button shown and select its weapon. We continue to go ahead, shooting all who are found on our way. We are chosen out and keep the position before the arrival of the allies.

We take control of the steering wheel of the shuttle. Maneuvering in space and at the same time we destroy the enemy ships. Leaving the limits of the main ship, we see the destruction of the Earth. Kinsey will put us in simulation again so that we can find a vulnerability in the Sin System.

Hack The Planet.

You need to get into the center.

Let's start with small, that is, from shops. We get to the "Planet Zin" and proceed to hacking. Everything is simple: we put the nodes on the cells from the left side to the right. In the future, the nodes will take various forms. Shooting arriving cops. Soon they are transformed into aliens, but, however, the essence does not change. We catch up with c.i.d. and destroy it. It will relieve us from a bad reputation.

Platforming RIFT.

We go to the different and proceed to the next marathon. We run accelerated and jump from the platform to the platform. We try to land right in the center to get more points. During running, pushing the jump button in advance.

Power Element Training

Get to "The Broken Shillelagh" and begin training. We get a fiery charge and release it into enemies. Even after the second outbreak, the opponents continue to burn and get damage. We destroy the transport of the enemy and inside the aliens.

Power Up c.i.d.

We go to the enemy territory (better by car) and give the aliens in the open space. We take a new alien weapon - jumpers, whose charges can bounce from any surfaces, even from enemies. Having finished with aliens, stealing one of the devices. We rise to the roof and protect CID. We use a fiery charge against discouraging enemies. Wait 55 minutes? No, thanks. In order to speed up the download, go to the source of power. We exterminate opponents, set up the terminal and again protect the iron headstuff. We destroy the aliens on the one hand and only then on the other. We do not allow to surround yourself, otherwise the battle is difficult.

It's time to give an additional boot acceleration. We rise to the roof, we are painting with opponents and interact with the antenna. Similarly, we do with the second antenna, which is located a little further. We rush back to CID and freeze it with the appropriate charge. Shoot the portals and the most real terminators. Powerful rifles will also need in battle against the warden, so I remember the places where we have soaked their owners. The last opponent attracts objects to itself and throws them into us. Keep at a distance and with every opportunity hurt for high shelters. We first use one of the charges, and then shoot out of ordinary weapons. Having won, we get "Telekiniz" and immediately begin his test. We attract people and throw them away. It will be even more fun if using various items and throw them into enemies. We grab the cube and hit it about the wall. We are growing up with the superstress that appears, throwing out the means of movement.

The bikes are destroyed by a repliment.

PROS. Genki Mind Over Murder

Go to Mind Over Murder. For limited time, we need to have time to visit three zones. In each zone there are rings in which subjects or people need to throw. Rose ring - glowing pink heads, a blue ring - cars, a green ring - people. The thrown object must reach the ring center.

Miller Space.

We get to the "The Broken Shillelagh" and from there move to the computer network. Kinzy will provide us with transport, and we will be able to destroy enemies. Playing from the view from above, shoot tanks, then davir the bikes and again fell on the tanks. Taking the usual shape, we destroy the gate and drive further. We are afraid of opponents and, if necessary, shoot barriers on the way. Arriving to the third gate, get trapped. We destroy enemies until our transport disappears. We run to the bike and already rushing to IO tower. There is plenty of time, so you can not rush.

We make a choice in favor of salvation of Matt. Now we have to play a text quest, we choose the correct replicas numbers: 2 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1. Matt manage to defeat the restlore, get out of the simulation and be on the ship.

Matt's Back

Matt is not able to choose from the ship. We go to Kinzy and get a robot on which we go to the enemy ship. We will test all types of attacks, then come to the boxes and destroy them. Inside, you can find special capsules that will restore our health. Reaching the door to the closed door, holding the jump button down to take off higher and higher. We easily break the next door by pressing the button that is responsible for the shoulder. We are transferred to the other side. Energy reserve (white scale) should be enough if you fly forward without stopping. We destroy the guards and break the door. We continue to straighten with the opponents until you reach the place where Matt hides.

Accompany Matt to the protection system. While he is doing it, we must carefully guard our friend. We stand still and try not to move far, since the enemies will begin to approach from all sides. Carefully follow the scale in the upper left corner. We did not work in vain, Matt equips the robot with a firearm gun. Shooting everyone, we go around one of the parties. Soon powerful terminators will be tightened. Do not climb on the dog and act from the distance. Looking at the search for blue boxes, there are valuable resources within them. Again, we will have to defend Matt. We do it until the ship arrives.

Walking on board, shoot pursuers. A large enemy is equipped with a shield - it is useless to attack. Stopping, you need to shoot first in the left, then into the right panel.

Rescue Matt.

Power Element Training

Moving to the simulation, faced with the overseer. Before shooting, we use telekienez and throw in it any object or even people. And so that he goes down to the ground, let's try to run away. We get a new strength - "Topot". We jump higher, clamp the appropriate button and everyone who is nearby, will be swept away by the shock wave. Rass the highlighted area and select a cluster. Expanding the protection of the warder with the help of "Topot" and only then shoot it.

Anomalous Traning.

We go to the Fight Club, where we can withstand people with the same supersigles as we have. In the first round, everything is trite simply: attacking enemies in a hand-to-hand fight or using forces. In the second round, the opponents are ignited, so it is not recommended to approach them. We grab various items and throw in them with the help of telekinease. Also worth the fear of those who throw balls in us. And finally, the final circle in which we will withstand only two fighters. We destroy them one by one, starting with the girl.

Back by Popular Demand

Get to "The Broken Shillelagh", after which we move on board the aircraft. Climb upstairs and run to drawers. Jumping down, rising again to the door. We find a shaunda and dead johnny. Zinyak decides to arrange a test for us. Open the door and jump over the failures with the smallest length.

Once at the nightclub, descend on the dance floor. Apply strikes on the enemy. We shoot on it first from the electric shock, so that it let go of the hostage, and then from ordinary weapons. We destroy the children veteran. Leave the pad to not be surrounded. Give new weapons from the box and exterminating the remaining enemies from it.

The Boss Goes to Washington

Arriving at The Broken Shillelagh, we go to the pier. Help him to deal with walking banks. Keep from them at a distance. Climb upstairs, pass forward and turn to the right. Open a few doors in a row and choose out. Get to the room with a box, from which you remove the machine. We go to the following boxes, getting more and more powerful weapons. We shoot in the floor from RPG; Ships away from lasers and shocks. Behind the ammunition will have to run up closer. Do it best on the right side. We act gently and slowly.

Clash of the Titans.

The floor will transfer us to the roof of the building. We continue to shoot it. Ammunition produce from boxes that fly to us. In the intervals, we destroy a large number of cans. We climb into the arrived helicopter and shoot the floor from the machine gun. Landing on the island, we enter the building and take control of the statue. Two actions are available - kick and protection. Activate the second when the enemy begins to expand the circle. Beating the floor until the button designation appears above it. Click on the appropriate button and drag a healthy jar.

King of Stilwater.

Through all the same "The Broken Shillelagh", we get to the town. We are moving on the road and soon encounter the vice kings. We are growing with them in hand-to-hand combat. We select the baton and run to the church. We urine arriving enemies and enter the building as soon as the notification appears. We explore the church, walking in the specified points. We select a rifle from the table and together with Ben destroy a large number of enemies. We smoothly go to the cemetery and continue to parse with the vice kings. We select RPG from the pit and shoot it on the approaching machines. We leave 3-4 ammunition in stock.

Bloom up to Benu King and raise it. Time is limited, so at a minimum is distracted by opponents. When a big tony appears, we use RPG against it. Let's leave the church and we meet Tanya. We raise with her and with her associates.

From Asha With Love

Go to "The Broken Shillelagh" and go to the bar. Together with the ashes go down, we move forward and wait for the opening of the door. We shoot on the bulbs, and only then go further. Before you kill the guard, shoot the light bulb. We continue to act on the same principle: first the light bulb, then the enemies. We go through the ventilation shaft and, choosing on the other hand, shoot on the light bulb and on the enemy. We kill two more and pass to the next area. Use the box as a shelter. We close to the enemy and neutralize it. We are located between the racks and wait for another sacrifice.

We go around the lasers through ventilation on the right side. The guards are notified of our presence, so there is no longer no sense to hide, go ahead. We kill everyone who finds himself on our way. Get to the server and we clean it from enemies. Soon our twin will appear, and it will constantly change the position. If it is continuously shooting into it, then with a large share of the probability of his sight. Exhausting a quarter of his health, shoot one of the generators. On the rest of the enemies, you can not pay attention at all, the whole blow to them will take on a partner. However, it can be killed, and we will have to raise it, otherwise the task will be failed.

Universal "Invisible Box 9000".

Emergency Situation

Returning to the simulation, we go to the Pencing Place. With the help of Telekinz, grab CID and throw it up. Get to the repeater and destroy it. We run to the next post of pinging. Throw a robot into the air and go to the relay. It is located on the platform with a fusion in the air, so we will have to foreseally climb on a high building and already jump over to the relay. We destroy the specified goals and proceed to the following repeaters. We grab a CID and throw it up into a shield generator from which it is powered by repeaters. We protect the assistant, straightening with those who flies. We use a fiery charge against them. We destroy five repeaters, and go to the last one. We repeat the actions previously done and get to the source.

We use telecinez and throw clones back to the portal. You do not need to kill them. When a clone appears from the past, he will immediately run to the left side. Immediately shoot explosive barrels next to him. The enemy is vulnerable to ice charges. We use this force and quickly shooting a clone. We grab it and throw it into the portal. Two more similar clones will appear. They will run on the right side, where red barrels are also located. Traveling enemies, we paint with them and throw it into the source. We get to the roof of the building, we apply the power of "Topot" against the annoying warder, and then shoot it. We get the ability to "strengthen", which allows shooting fiery ammunition. Also now the wardrifier shield will cease to be impenetrable.


We go to the ship and put in the mind of Johnny Gata. Surely, many were playing classic Beattema. We move to the right side, bypassing obstacles and paint with a street gopot. We have access to hand and legs, from which you can make simple combinations. I avoid damage, moving from one plane to another, while we ourselves can not affect enemies. We pay attention to the highlighted items, they make our health. At the end of the second and fourth levels to fight with local bosses. They are stronger than ordinary opponents, but will not defeat their work, if they are actively moving through the game area.

We move to the ship and go beyond the gather. Take up to top, penetrate inside and move forward, shooting aliens. Get to the capsule and discover that Johnny escaped. By order Zinyak, everyone rushed to his searches. Marauders can be destroyed only if they shoot them in the back. They are quite slow, so it will not be difficult to quickly bypass them. If necessary, we can do it in flight. Johnny did not bored during our absence and asked the heat to local inhabitants.

Death From Above.

Get to "The Broken Shillelagh" and begin training. We use a new reception - "Death from Heaven." We take off as high as possible, while holding the trape button down, we bring the pointer to the enemies and click on the shot button.

All Hands in Deck

We go to Kinzy's warehouse where our entire team will gather. After a while they will attack. We destroy a large number of aliens, then descend down and select a grenade launcher lying in the corner. Do not waste the ammunition wasted, we use them for their intended purpose, i.e. Shoot in marked tanks. Even a little unlocking, climb the roof and climb into the helicopter. We destroy enemy technique, constantly follow the allies and we cleaned the way for them on time.

Landing on the roof, we enter the building. We occupy a position for the turret and shoot the approaching opponents. After filling in the green scale, red will appear. We continue to kill enemies, only this time additionally shoot in signs with animal images, which activate fiery and electric traps. At the end, genets will appear, we kill it and leave the building. We shoot from the rocket in everything that is trying to block our way.

Zina broke into the ship. We inspect the cinsee and proceed to stripping decks. We pass to the captain's bridge, then go to the cargo compartment. We help Shaundi, kill enemies and take two attached bombs. Go further, along the way from the box, we get an alien machine gun. We lay the first bomb, climb up and lay the second. For limited time we return to the ship.

Talkie Talkie.

Go down and talk to Matt. If you wish, you can go with it something interesting ...

Housewife Kinzy.

He Lives.

We go to the whale rally. After inspiring speech, we are growing with an unauthorized crowd. At the same time neutralizing the portals and the aliens themselves. We enter inside and face Marauder. As soon as it starts to concentrate the laser, quickly overlooking the back and shoot it. Clean all the floors and go to the office. The vice-president decides to help us, but Zinyak will not give it so easy to leave.

We are moving along the alley, we kill the aliens and enter the building. We run altar and climb the roof. CIDs will start flying around the shield. Shoot them all, pre-destroying enemies. When the shield falls, turn off the satellite while holding down the appropriate button.

Hello Teacup.

We go to meet CID in the port, then follow him. We touch the rabbit on the wall and move to the simulation map, through which we can detect Kinzi. We pull the flowers, sit down in the car and come to the police car. We catch up and shrink it until we do not fail. We kill two copies and get to the park where Sairus is being passed.

Turn off the first loudspeaker and return to the park for weapons. Hold down the shot button to continuously shoot from Dubsteb-gun. You just need to go to the enemies. After each disconnected loudspeaker, black trucks will arrive. We try to run into narrow alleys, where they will not be able to get us. By destroying everyone, we go to the park and straighten with Cyrus and constantly trying to surround us with cops.

We Have the Technology

We get to Johnny Gatta and go together to Arsenal. We check all the marked containers, opening their doors with the help of telekinease. In one of them we will find the processor. We run to the tower, jump onto the motorway and, well accelerating, jump over to the platform. We destroy the technique and select two memory modules. From here you jump over the next platforms, destroy and collect the remaining four modules. We go to the docks, where again we will have to deal with alien technique. We produce the required number of gravity retarders and follow Johnny. We clean the territory from enemies and sit down in the helicopter. The main thing is to hold out before it arrives, and then it will help us to suppress the strength of the aliens.

Convenient position for shooting.

Batteries not included

Reaching CID, together with him we go to the signaling site. We find the battery and take it. So far, everything is simple. At the next site, you will have to turn off the two generator, approaching them and hold down the appropriate button. If lazy or not the ability to destroy all enemies (which will certainly interfere with us), we can lure them in one place, quickly return to the generator and turn it off. We do not have time to go to the battery, as the explosion thunder. Latest platform: generators and enemies have become more than more! Most of the generators need to be easily destroyed. The easiest way to climb into the roof where Terminators and Marauders will not be able to get. Of course, it is necessary to fight back from the pieces of enemies, but it is still easier than to fight with the whole guards of the aliens. Manually turn off the remaining for the generator, sit down in the tank and rush to the landing site.

Grand Finale

Everything is ready for the final battle. Before starting, it is worth stocking ammunition and buy the necessary improvements to weapons. We choose the team and enter the simulation. Jump up onto the truck and shoot pursuers. Once at the intersection, grab the key to telekinesis and carry it to the syndicate tower. On time we destroy portals to prevent the appearance of new enemies. We try to keep the passage clean, as then we will have to run inside with the key.

We use the power of "Topot" and destroy these devices. The key slowly moves to the other side, we must protect it. Periodically, you will have to disable various devices and straighten with large opponents.

We choose the team and enter the simulation. Get to the first portal, having risen on the building and small platforms. We kill ten aliens and protect the portal for one minute. At this time, we actively destroy arriving enemies. Main goals - portals and aircraft. First you can simply shoot, and against the second - use an ice charge. Follow the mini-card to detect large objects in time. With each new portal, the time will increase, and the number of enemies is becoming more and more. We do not forget that first of all shoot portals and freeze the technique, and only then kill the zins themselves. To distract enemies, we use quick run, and cross them, or the power of "Topot". When the floor appears, we hurry to leave the simulation.

Together with the team makes themselves to Arsenal, passing the large number of aliens. Do not be broken with shelters, since the healing spheres do not fall out of enemies. Reaching the arsenal, we put on the power armor and jump down. The control may seem inverted, but it is not. First we are driving from lasers, then from fragments, previously shot cables.

Last fight.

Zinyak goes into a strong armor, which is almost invulnerable to our supersiglas. We run, jump and shoot. At this stage, nothing more from us is required. In particularly critical moments, go down to catch a breath. At the second stage, the enemy will hide behind the shield and we will have enough CIDs and throw them into it. The robots themselves are explosive and will stick to us like flies on ... Well, you understood. Therefore, we throw one or two CIDs in Zinyak and move on the next platform. In the third stage, you need to disable three generators. Terminators will constantly interfere with us. We do this: we destroy portals, CIDs and bots themselves. I interact quickly with the generator until reinforcement arrived. We finish Zinyak and win the final and irrevocable victory. The Sin Empire belongs to us and, it seems, the whole universe has submitted the "holy". We look at the final video.

We watch the video. Three heroes fly in helicopter: these are Shaundi, Pierce and the main hero (y / person). Because the hero cannot speak the microphone, Pierce and Shaundi begin to scold kinsey for poorly well-established microphones. Judging by the GG complex, it is difficult to say who is. But the author passes a man, so he priority. Go down and get acquainted with Odakar's ashes. It is noteworthy that she worked with Oleg Kirirlov to KGB. How it is all difficult here. The hero begins to work wonders without our knowledge and destroys the terrorist patrol. Go down.

Now the control goes into our hands. I hurt from the truck and go on the tunnel. Kill Arab's knife and start a shootout with the Mujaheds. Patrons are infinite and health ... it seems. It is possible to die - but who wants it? You need to get a turn room (as I understood from version). We destroy the barrels with gasoline and terror along with them. We are actively running and shooting, the benefit is not a console version and aim lighter with the mouse. Another room with enemies, which, without difficulty, clean.

Getting ready to storm the door of the server. We kill the Mujahideen in Sloe-Mo mode. We are further further and get a fell from the terrorist. He will kill Asha. Our task will run to the Sairus Temple. This man was the director of Stag - a special division with banditry, which failed at the end of the third part. And now he joined the terrorists. We catch up with it and perform QTE action. At the end, we kill him and Cyrus falls into Lava. And gesticulates as a terminator performed by Arnold Schwarzenegger. We run and jerk on the rocket. Everyone says that they loved the hero, there will no longer be white and fluffy, but all the reptiles. But it is too early to remove. We click on the rocket and tear off the wires. Having broken all the wires, jump and lajak your feat. We are in the White House. Hell Yeah!

Hail to the Chief / The Saints Wing

Create your character. You can choose from six - three men and women, the appearance of your hero. How to create a hero, watch the roller in which GG, the chef for insolescence Ben King and the vice-president of Keith Devis go through the corridors and discuss plans. Makers on the corridors of the White House. Choose on the way what to do: save the world from diseases or from hunger, fill the face or to hit somewhere, say hello or go to the party. Still, the president is also a person. Oleg stops our fan. We look at the cat-scene. Shaundi is clearly unhappy that GG does not give people to understand what the danger in the form of aliens hangs over them. While Kinji dies from boredom at the rack, the GG swears and everything goes to another boring day, suddenly appear aliens who kidnap Kinzy. Protection does not give us to help your.

We break away from the protection and run to an oval office. Killing alien gun and running on. We speak with the ass and go to the office. We recruit weapons. President for security, so he has enough weapons at all. We kill two eggs and go to include the Protection Protocol. Pier, Shaundi, Asha, Matt and all others kidnapped. It is necessary to put aliens. Activate the protocol on the street. We get up for the gun and begin to destroy aliens fighters. The hero actively wates their lead and also gesticulates his hands, showing how he loves them. " About the eloquent words silently, but joking.

After the destruction of fighters, we have to bomb the wrestling ship. He has a lot of health, so the main beat is aiming. We watch the video. The president epic is on board and begins to establish the rules to the aliel. Cong with him in QTE mode. But the newcomer turned out to be stronger and takes us.

Leave It To the Saints / A Pleasant Day

Well, now I ask this aliens .... Where are we? Everything is very much reminded by the 60s of the last century. Straight Fallaut, only without radiation. And the gait from the hero .... something. Go down. We go to the kitchen. Drink pancakes and rejoice in life. It seemed to me that behind the stove was a shaound that never prepared anything? We listen to the words of the pseudo-tree. We go out on the street and take the newspaper. Yes, it is still necessary for it. Mr. Policeman points to us on our car. Sit down in her.

We are going on Maine Street to the cafe. We welcome people and go inside. And here the masking of pseudorality gave a failure. We run from cafe. We fly into the car and gases. Kinzi contacted us - you need to go to the park. But ... We are thrown out of the car. As Kinzi said, you need to do all the top, because there is a simulator of an ideal life. Kill cops. Cartridges are infinite, and health falls out of enemies. Go to the park. Take a rocket. Make destroy! Need to destroy good by $ 100,000

We shoot the cars of the cops - the money is given more and if they are still sitting there, so in general. We destroy the technique. Masking is about to subsides. Put out the case. And here is the sheriff. This enemy uses superconductors, so he jumps quite quickly. We shoot in the ground next to him, and better in him. He also shoots, so does not stand still. Kill it and watch the video. We will not escape from the Lord of the Aliens. He himself gives us a chance to do something. He throws us into the stylist, deprives us the headquarters from the third part and puts the antennas to the ships. But his plans are far from simple ...

Learn The Rules ...


Landing, to put it mildly, not very cozy, we begin to talk with Kinzy. As she said, we will not make a lot without weapons, so you need to go to the store and buy it. We select or wake the car and deposit the way to the FRIENDLY FIRE store through the GPS system. While traveling around the city you can see that there are almost practically no changes in it. Although how to know more. We have 1000 alien money in your pocket. It's time to be purchased. It is better to buy all of the available weapons, and then pump up as you want. By the way, the castomization of weapons pleased.

We did not have time to try the weapons, as the cops managed by Zinyak. Kill them. Actively run and hiding. We choose the glasses of life and sit down in the car. We are going to the antenna. The best way will make the most aliens, as they are a lot. You can choose their rifle if desired. By the way, money drops away from all the dead, and we need them. We sit in the car and go to the warehouse in the Salander area. We visit Kinzy's house. Nothing left. Need to act.


Start yourself. You need to ride in three places and pick up the three cluster date. They are not guarded, to them just go for a long time. Each each other is 500 meters away. As you collect the first, Kinzi will tell what they are, but will tell about this later. Three clusters are collected, but there is one more. Pf, we go to the place and see how our house flies. We climb into the PDA and pump your abilities.

At the moment, such abilities are available as: super sprint and super jump. Both require two clusters. We explore and go to the test room. Next to run around the roofs of buildings and jump. Actually this is this training. We return. Now start running time. You need to collect many green orbov for a while. We run on the roads and collect Orbs. While running, you are tagging the car, not even losing health. Reaching the finish line, look the result. This task can be controlled as a minor quest.

Hot and Cold.

We take the car we go to the point. You need to turn off two shield generators. Actively use your abilities to achieve the goal. Alien will not be so much, but health will be good, especially on the upper generator, where they are more. Turning off both, descend to the node. We kill enemies, those with shields are preferably primarily, as it is dangerous in large quantities with a small reserve of lives. Capture a point. Zinyak sends the guard to get together with us.

This guard is clever enough, actively runs and shoots with lasers, then energy-salas in the area. The shotgun acts against it, especially near and in the head. We kill the guard, having fallen into it and breaking from the inside. We transfer to the workout room. We get a new ability: an ice explosion. The essence of what - we freeze the enemy and is destroyed from one shot / touch. Especially strong enemies, such as the guard, are frozen faster and become ordinary. How to frozen it - quickly shoot it.


Activate the task in the PDA. Need to get out of the world. Hmm, and this is generally possible? Although why doubt - the sea and a small puddle mounted in the game. Berm car and go to the destination. We climb on the building and looking for the door. We find and open it. It does not work - they are taped. ??? AAA, this is not the door. Jump into it. GG is in the capsule. It is necessary to get out of it. Could the aliens to leave clothes what? On the gait of the hero, it can be seen that he is not very good after the capsule .. a couple of times it will even break out and poured on the ground. Having reached the door and opening it, he kills the aliens masterfully.

It's time to divert. Climbing the corridor and kill two. It seems naked, and damage keeps well. We run through several corridors full of aliens with rifles. We get to the bridge. There is no answer from Kinsi, but it would be necessary! Hold the defense from the aliens. There will be a lot of them. I have finished cartridges while shooting them. We look scene. Kinzy and Kit saves us. We must fly to the ground.

Get management into your hands. Disputes begin: Is there a radio here. Yeah, there is. Under the Haddaway - What is love, we begin to destroy the aliens ships. You only need to maneuver when flying. When you are asked to make a barrel - do, please your team. After reading the PG Forums, I saw that some users can not pass the moment with a fly on the ship past the door. Say, after one fly, the second almost, and before the third, in any way. And what to do? And just fly not in the horizontal position of the ship, but in the vertical. And at the same time nothing to concern - will work faster.

Out out from the parent of the aliens, the heroes fly to Earth. But it is destroyed in their eyes! The president ripened a plan to cope with this Zinyak and his aliens. He will get it in the virtual stylist. It's time back to the city.

Ghost in the Machine / Breaking the LAW

Hack The Planet.

We will capture property. We are going to Planet Zin. These alien creatures even the store renamed their. There were Planet Saints. Never mind. You need to hack the store entry system. The essence of what is: choosing nodes for hacking, lay the way from beginning to end. Here, the direct path will come to hacking. Take the defense, enter the store. But it was not there! Police arrived.

We defeat them directly to the store. If you hit someone to the store, such as a woman, then she can easily begin in you shoot. Copops will be much. We actively use the ice sphere for freezing and sprint to break the statues. The next scene reminded me of the film Chuya - the cops grow the wings and they are interpreted into aliens. Better! From these enemies harm even more, because they are with rifles. It is necessary not to give them to replenish the forces. We destroy portals. Stupid somehow looks like - the destruction of the portals by the usual fire man. The goal was changed - you need to catch the gold team drone. We run behind him and catch it.

Platforming RIFT.

Take the task. Unknown and says with us, which can help us if it hits the rift. Well, there is nowhere to go, so we do. I have come to the place and, we wonder how Rift looks like. We climb into it. It is necessary, listening to the voice, overcome the platform. This is all given a little time and you need to jump as close as possible to the center, as then give the most points. It is enough to clamp the jump key strongly to jump above and, while flying, referring to the center. Easternally burned - in some places you need to make accelerations for glasses. When typing glasses in time, end the mission.

Power Element Trainig

Again, a mysterious voice is associated with us. You need to get into the bar broken baton for a new workout. We are going to the downtown and stop at the bar. We transfer to the workout room. We get a new ability in the form of fire. The essence of what: You are now teaching to throw fiery balls in opponents. First there will be several aliens, then more and more. At the end there will be two vehicles filled with aliens. Quick enough to throw a ball into the car, as they all come out and burn.

Power Up c.i.d.

We will save a mysterious friend, thanks to which the ability of fire has gained. We go to the point. We look at the roller in which you will have to take from the base of one of the zinyak flying orbs. But first began to clean the point from aliens. No sooner said than done. We get a new rifle. Now you need to choose one of five robots. UPS - the first exploded from touch, the second broke out of surprise. Only the third orb turned out to be able to explode. It is necessary to send it to the roof of the building so that Kinzi flashes his operating system, at the same time, made a "soul" of a mysterious friend.

While Kinzi recreaches the CID "A, you need to defend it. Attack you will be zina on aerobiacs. Shoot them in the head - quickly destroy the reptile and transport, the authority points will be more. Sometimes a veto aircraft may appear. It is better to destroy it in elemental abilities. Now you need to speed up Download the firmware in the robot. It will take it ... 55 minutes !? There is no time for so much. We run in the direction of the Burns Hill nuclear power plant and activate the download station. While the robot is loaded for 16 minutes while we defend it from a large number of aliens. After some time We will receive a message that you need to speed up the download. Slide into two places at the station and activate the transmitters. Runting to a friend.

Personality is already inside, but the technique of Bastuet - freeze. Again there is a processing process, you need to hold a few minutes. Here, the enemies of A la Terminator will fit and will arrange a headache. They are very difficult to fill. After waiting for them on the roof of the building, we look into the insert. We destroy the guard. Destroying it, we get the power of Telekinza. Fall in the workout room. Metalling people, machines in humans, etc. In the end, you will have to destroy the guard, throwing only the ProS machines in it. Genki Mind Over Murder

We will again participate in the experiments of Professor Genets! It is necessary to destroy the flying benchmarks by the fact that they are drawn. For example, where a person is drawn - by the mercies of the telecision there, the car - any, the Mask of Genets - any big animal mask. All plows will occur on three arena. Well, as an arons, in three rapid points of the city. How to complete this task, get access to competitions.

Zero Cool.

Miller Space.

Take the task in a hub. We are going to the bar broken baton. How to enter, immediately teleported to the cyber-world. But we are without weapons - what to do? We ask Kinzi about help. The window appears from above - even better! The window is still not cleaned, and we get a tank! Rather, we are a tank. We destroy opponents, looking at the top, as in Battle City. We finish your opponents and turn into a kind of little BTR-boat with a rocket. The window disappeared, so let's go, does not interfere with our mind.

We are going on this boat and destroy other vehicles of opponents. Sometimes orange obstacles will occur - they are simply destroyed. Get to the first gate. We destroy nearby opponents and spread the gate. Everything is repeated also with the second gate, only with one change - when the gate become black damage does not pass. The third gate is almost the same second, only with energy-intensive. We destroy them.

You need to quickly reach IO Tower. Sit down on Svetobikeyk and drive that there are urine to the tower. On the way you will be interfered with tanks, aliens, sudden barriers and boraries. By the way, in the fourth part of Svetobikek, in my opinion, there is little similar to Svetubike from the throne - the bike from the third part came to the part more. We get to the tower and get into the real world.

It's simple, like in the matrix: two tablets are in front of you: red and blue. Red - Returns to the past to correct errors. And blue - allows you to see who and when they lied to you. What tablet will you choose? But only here other conditions: two doors - red and blue. The blue door is to save Matt, but do the death of humanity or the Red Door - die, but save humanity. I want to live more, so I put in the blue door.

We answer the test questions. 1) I'm a slave. 2) Let's fly to purple stars.3) We make two cocktails with Martini and coconut.4) We say that her mother is also a slave. 5) apologize twice. 6) We say that we want to save Matt. 7) We say Matt that he will be able to defeat Killbein.8) Let him hit him several times in the head. 9) We are talking on the phone. Well, everything, Matt saved from the capsule, now we need to get it.

Matt "s back

We will save Matt. Kinzi has a robot, or rather automatic armor. While the hero climbs into her, Kinzi teaches how to manage armor, and Kit looks playboy with a shaunda on the cover. If someone decided to look and say that it is not she - refuting. It is she, so looked in the second part of the franchise. We get control of armor. We can rub your legs, hands and roll. We go along the corridor and destroy the enemy in any way. To replace the robot, raise capsules with energy. Get to the door, but it is blocked. We connect the Jet Pak and go upstairs.

Taranny door and go along corridors. We destroy enemies and go out into the prison room. Flights from platform platforms. The capsule with Matt is empty, it means it came out. Taranny door and destroy enemies. We find it in one of the rooms. Now we go to the exit. Matt will ask what he wanted to know - shoot a robot or not. How GG will tell him no, he will look for a chip for the inclusion of our weapons. So we start defending it.

Clearing the sector, we get rockets and laser machine gun. Taranny doors and go on. Return to hangar. We destroy many aliens and robots. We blame ships in the air. We cover Matt when he runs away from place to place. At some point, the weapon stops working, and the robot begins to spark in blue sparks. After that we run to our ship and Valim from here.

I get up for the turret and systematically destroy the ships of opponents. Some time after the destruction of fighters, a large ship will appear, which we will not be able to destroy ordinary weapons. Just shoot in small flyers and that's it. When rent to a dead end, the same ship will overtake you. While he is preparing for a shot, shoot in two yellow columns on both sides of the wall. That's all.

Matt is saved, but Kinzi found something, from which the hero just "demolished the roof." The aliens have a plane on which the heroes flew in the franchise in the third part of the franchise. Well, rather flew from him, while he fell. The plane is contained in prison, and therefore there is something. It leads to one - Johnny Gat alive!

Anomalous Readings

Take the task. Let's fly to the Super Fight Club. We need to defeat Knight Blada. But first there will be waves from ordinary people who have super supervisory. They will be the most, as they go to warming up and they have a weapon that is bad for you. The second wave will be creatures. They know how to throw yellow cubes that are scattered by the arena. Third will be double Knight Blade. Jumps deftly and quickly, casts superconductances. He lives - that's what he takes all the rest and that's it.

Back by Popular Demand

We go to the bar. It will be necessary, which is called, go through the second mission of the third part of the game on the contrary. We have no supersyl, but there are guns. We are passing through the loading department of the aircraft, destroying the soldier of the Morgettern. There will be nothing complicated there. How to go two transitions, see the video. Looks like Gata we do not save - he has a knife in his chest. And Shaundi cries and says how bad without him. Zombie Gat almost nails her, but she blows the matter. You need to get out from here. Only here came the chaunds faster than we had time to notice.

Let's start on her next. Woooo! The ship diverges into parts. You need to get to the end, without falling into the cleft, if you fall, you will have to start first. Opening the last door, the hero falls .... in the club. Suddenly, yes? So, we will resume Shaundi from her nightmare. Go down to the dance floor. DJ Son of the veteran holds her hostages. We use Stan Gan (Schocher) on them, so that the enemy released the girl, after which they are stupid by his lead. But Zinyak gives him a second chance, and at once several of his copies! We destroy the DJ in large quantities until we get a disintegrator. It will be easier with him. In the end, we look at the video, like from a young felling, like a whip from the film Alien, gets out its stylish copy. The conversation will be cheerful.

The Boss Goes to Washington

It is time to save the pier lieutenant! Again we go to the bar. We speak with the robot, and drink Saints Flow. I wonder what nightmare will be Washington? We climb the elevator and see how the brother beat people dressed in the costume of energy. Hurry a nightmare. It was not necessary to use it in large quantities. Killing power plants while Pier will say that you need to collect weapons. We run along the penthouse and collect weapons from machine gun guns to RPG.

And in the process it can be noted that the earth almost walked. And this big name is the floor and he is very angry. Shelling it with RPG. We select an ammunition in time almost from him from under the nose and let them in it. From time to time it will be possible to save the pier. We watch the video. The floor threw the heroes to the next building. While Washington sticks out at the top and launches the helicopter, the president needs to keep the defense slightly down. We have no silenk, so the best way to fight back from a variety of costumed is an automatic or bit. When a task appears to shoot in the floor - do it. Ammunition will be discarded on the roof. The main thing is to choose and not use in small enemies. It will be necessary to do several times so while the pier will arrive on the turntable.

Sitting into the turntable, we begin to install the floor. Right as in the movie King Kong Peter Jackson. This King Energy falls down from our palp on it. But this is not the end. We run to the statue of the Still Port Street. We look insert. Now we are managing Joe Margarita, the most founder, which was built a monument to the city's residents. And all this statue will have to be managed. Beam on the floor to our "hammer." When that attacks, put the block, then you don't have to wait when the hero comes to itself. How to defeat the floor, watch the movie. Obviously, the Pier did not expect the land destroyed.

King of Stilwater.

In turn, Benjamin "Mother His King. Appear on the streets of the stillwoter. We go through the street of the city. Weiss Kings are attacking us. We destroy them first in hand-to-hand. During the fight, they are losing a bat and a firearm. We get to the church. We kill enemies and enter. We see Tanya in the church, but she runs away. We go through the church and in the end we find Ben. He wants to shoot Tanya and Tony. He thought that the saints would help him get off from them, but they were not here. But the president will help him. We clean the church and come out.

Now to destroy a large number of kings. Use the machine for this. We get a gift from Kinji - grenade launcher. Do not spend it immediately. Severate, soon need. Ben went to cover the other side of the church and he was beaten. We run to my fraternity and help him. Hold the side entrance to the church with him until Tony arrives. He rides a jeep behind a machine gun. Here and the grenade launcher will come in handy. We destroy it. We go down the street. It's time to shoot Tanya. First we destroy the retinue so that it is easier, and then it is. They could not kill it - she ran away, but King pulled out.

From Asha With Love

The last agent MI6 remained, which needs to be saved. We send to the broken baton. We are transferred to the Ashi nightmare. We change appearance. And the strangest thing is that her nightmare is the president. We are waiting until it opens the gate and enter. We shoot in the lamp and pass. In general, in this mission, first cut the light, by destruction, and then we kill the ultrator soldiers. Because if you went to the light - failure. Killed before - failure. With the first opponent, there will be no problems. The second must be killed by passing through the vent. Then two will immediately. The instruction is from above.

How to pass the door, then it will be easier. Next, the pogrom will be hiding behind the boxes. I am wildly laughed at this moment. As suddenly appeared boxes do not attract the attention of enemies. Funny. You need to go through the place unnoticed. You can only kill from the back of the guards. How to kill the latter, the heroes will relieve the boxes. Further see the video. There will be no quiet operation. Clean the corridors behind the corridor from the detachments of enemies. How to get to the big room with a bunch of walls, you have to destroy your evil alter-ego. Shoot it continuously until it starts to activate the generators. Shoot after generators. It runs rather enough, but long aims with his sniper rifle. How to demolish him all his health, see the video.

Emergency Situation

Situation in the city Exit from under control. All gangs rebelled and fly to you to kill you. Weiss King, Morgenstern, Brotherhood. You need to quickly solve the problem. I even changed clothes for this. All the same want to kill. Activate the task. You need to help the CID "U. We use the ability of telecinez, and rushes it into the sky. While it flies, you need to keep defense from the gang. Next, we move to the next ping point. In general, this mission is to have a problem without another marriage, since the enemies will be a lot.

All you need to do is throw a robot into the sky and wait, then run to another point. Bored before disgrace. At the last points there will be shields, so for a start you will have to throw the robot in them, and then in the ping point itself. After passing 4-5 points, I don't remember exactly, you will need to run to the island, from which the clones are rod. With the help of telekinease, throw them back. Next, we shoot on a particularly stubborn clone and throw. Then there will be a whole co-op clones. It's harder with them, they love to run away. In the end will have to fight with guard. From him you will get a new Buff ability.

... The Very Next Day

It's time to simulation on the ship. We watch the video. Not all are happy with the decision of the GG about the return of the plant from the subsoil of simulation. And the team is divided into several people: who is for and who is against. Yaros protruding Matt stands on full. But all Mitrit Kinzi. Let's start. And the hero falls in Saints of Rage. Together with Johnny, you need to pass 2D levels of the game. It delivers this new look. By pressing the mouse, you can hit fists and legs. The E button is responsible for the grip. I acted according to the most common newbie tactics - stood on everything. And as the hero did attacks, metal enemies and took the weapon - for me a mystery.

The first two levels will be a description of the first part - you will need to go to Warren Williams and find out where Aisha is a Gate girl. The following levels will have to look for Ayash and fight for her with Junishi. Here the plot repeats the second part of the game Passage for Ronins. As then, Junisha cuts off Aishe's head, but the hero asks to rewind the time and save her. Next will have to fight Super Junishi - a reinforced version, thanks to Zinyaka. How to win him, the game will end. It's time for Gat.

We do in combat armor and put forward. We jump on the hill and kill enemies. Next, penetrate the room with a Capsule Johnny. It, like a maniac, was kept apart, one, in a glass capsule. In other times they keep everyone. Falling to the capsule, we find that Hat escaped. We pass inside the prison. You need to fly several platforms to the end. Each will have many enemies, including robots that cannot be killed in the forehead. Having passed to the Big Arena and trying to open the door, you will run the Timer "Kill everyone". The essence of it in the title. How to fill it out, the door to Gate will open, and you can meet with him.

The Kinzie Gambit.

Death From Above.

We teach the ability of death from the sky. In principle, that's all. If you pick up the level 50, the nuclear strike from the sky will open. All Hands in Deck

We meet with a team in a warehouse in Solander. There is already a plan, how to defeat Zinyaka, but numerous aliens hordes are moving on us. You need to destroy them. Clean the warehouse. After you need to destroy the technique of the enemy. On RPGs you can score, we have no abilities, so run out to the street and sit down in the tank. Destroy the technique and zins. Next you need to get up to the turntable. Considering that you are without abilities, it will be difficult. How to sit in the turntable, destroy the tanks and accompany the allies technique.

You will have to fly long. It will be necessary to fly back, then be scout. In any case, cover the main task. When Kinzi determines where we need to fly, we will be offered. Nothing remains how to go to the elevator. They fell into the show of Professor Genets. Get up for minigars and cover the kinji while she breaks the door. Next, fill the scale "Kill everyone." The latter will be the murder of the professor himself. I was not noticed - for him, as in the third part, they give money?

We go through the giftroom. We are moving on a typewriter of Genets and water all fire from RPG. The road will be not long. Shinyak will arrive and take kinji. And GG with Johnny will remain alone. But on the ship trouble, the chaundy calls them back. Aliens here! Matt, Asha and Keith disappeared. You need to clean the ship. We clean the bottom deck. We run on the bridge. We get the team from the robot to stripping the loading department. Help Shaundi. We take the charges and with Gat we send to the transitional bridge. Penetrate the ship of the aliens. It's unrealless to fight here without a shield. Crossfire quickly deprives you of life. But minigan will help restore equality. Nearly. You need to minister two objects. Mining them. But the explosion began ahead of time. We run on the ship. At the end of the bridge, we perform QTE. We watch the video. We were sold. And the name is known - Keith David


Talkie Talkie.

We speak with Matt about what happened on the ship. He Lives.

We run on Lauren Square. You need to break the whale propaganda. He wants to be charged with a new president, and GG is to blame in all sins. And the crowd wants to punish. Fly from the crowd. People will help the aliens. So first, get out of the environment - wraul a bat or other cold weapons. After a while, the door to the town hall opens. We run there. Freeze a giant robot and destroy it with a shot in the head. Next, you need to clean up the top floors from the aliens. Final Two opponents will be a killer robots. Optimal tactics: freeze and in the head with a shotgun several times. We go to the office. We watch the video. GG beat aliens, but Keith saves us, having heard our speech. However, Zinkyak will not sleep. Traveling to a nightmare begins.

We go on the streets. We look at the fight by China Devide and Roddy Piper. The vice-president runs away, and we with a new fraxt you need to go up the top of the television tower. First, the first floor with stripping from the aliens. On the second floor there will be killers, select the shield and use as a cover. Rodi works only in the near battle, so on the roof the first thing destroy the enemies on the neighboring roofs. We get a task to destroy the CID "s. They fly around the protective field, stand up so that you flew on you and destroy from a shotgun. After breaking the installation. Look the movie. Piper takes on pain David and it splits. GG forgives him. Now it's time for Kinzi.

Hello Teacup.

We meet with a robot in Solander. He blucked, so run behind him. It will lead us to the wall where the white rabbit is drawn. Something too many games was where the work of Lewis Carroll quotes. Go to the door. Jollize the simulation card! Although it looks like more on the bundles of nerve cells in our head. We get again in the 50s. Do not enjoy here. We find kinzy. Wow, she has hubby. Turn flowers. It does not conquer herself and disappears. Sit into the car and go to the point. Another situation - pursue a police car with Kinzi.

The car itself will face other cars, you only need to pursue them, then beat the police. Before disappear, Kensington said about Square. We go to the square. Cyrus Temple in front of you read the morality about bad Kinzi. You need to turn off the 4 loudspeaker. After the first, Matt will throw us a weapon. We take it at the fountain. Dapstep cannon from us, although it can be opened earlier through side tasks.

After each disconnected megaphone, the cars with propaganda will go to you - they are destroyed. On the last three of them will immediately. Stand up at the post and let you crash into it when they go to you, and quickly shoot them. Now dance! Kinzi is no longer under control, but Cyrus against us. We destroy it with a cannon. They will interfere with cops, but these are little things. Watch the video, Kinsey is angry and scored the GG face. Well, now the whole team is assembly.


We Have the Technology

We will collect the key that will help get out of the simulation. We meet with Gather next to the forbidden area. We are going to the military base. You need to find with the help of telekinease in one of the boxes of the CPU central memory chip in English. In which container he is - rand. From the first attempt I found in the last, with the second in the penultimate. Here as lucky yet. Gat will take the turntable, and the GG will need to go to the tower. You need to destroy three beaches of the aliens to get the memory modules. There will be no problem.

The following will be docks. The timer is on, so you need to run from all the speed there. You need to destroy exactly such three lighthouses to get gravitational modules. The problem will be a large number of killer robots and balls robots. Next, you need to follow the gather. He was knocked out. You need to defend it until the shaound arrives. Until they landed to it, freeze the area with a large number of enemies and make death from the sky. And after just clearing the area. Sit down in the turntance and fly

Batteries not included

We meet with the CID "Ohm. We also receive a fun chaund to partners. We go to the signal point. You need to find a battery station. Determine the waveler. How it works - from you to proceed (automata) to the object, then the response is from it. In principle, And we find. The first battery will not have a particularly strong security. Just take myself the battery. And CID assign a date for a shaunda, fun ...

The second station will have a protective field. First, it will be necessary to destroy it, and then after taking the battery. But with the third battery, the developers decided to make fun on us. Made a bunch of protective stations for the shield. In addition to the three, everyone is destroyed by weapons, those - only breaking the mechanism. We take the last battery. We carry the tank and go to the Kinzy warehouse. Time will be limited. We actively shoot the enemies to interfere and did not suit the partitions. All, components are assembled. It's time for the final mission.

Punch The Shark.

Grand Finale: Prelude

The president gives an inspiring speech on a par with the captain Shepard from Me. True, in the speech of Paphos less and Mata more, well, oh well. Speak with Kinzy. There are three teams. The first command can bring the key to the Mainframe, and the CID will help connect it. The second team can overload the simulation. Well, with the third team, the team will have to go on the ship of the aliens to the emperor. Here are your teams to choose from: Asha and Matt. Pier and Shaundi, Ben and Johnny. With whom you will be on a specific area, the values \u200b\u200bdo not have, only replicas change. Let's start

Grand Finale: Path One

We climb on the truck with the RPG of the aliens and begin to cover the stern of transport from the encroachment of the aliens. Use your abilities in time with fire support. The most malicious thing is to shoot down aircraft. Almost not to get from the movement up and down. With tanks and aliens machines are not so difficult. How to pass the bridge, Zinkyak will sew the car. But the task remained the same. With the help of telekinez, take the key and run to the syndicate tower. We cover the CID until it breaks the door. Use special weapons for this and ability. As a robot cracks protection, grab the keys and jump in Rift.

Here you need very much ability. The key cannot connect while three lighthouses work. Topchim Square next to them and the key flew. The key trajectory is approximately as in Harry Potter and death gifts 2. only without red. While the key flies, we protect it from airplanes and tanks, the rest of the enemies apply little damage so that you can worry. In the middle of the way, you will have to destroy two generators blocking the road. Do it quickly, the key stopped and became a light target. At the end, you need to destroy the three pillars of the tubular so that the CID connected the key. Do not pay attention to the guard, do it quickly. The key is connected, it's time for the second stage.

Grand Finale: Path Two

We choose the team and simulation. We look at the roller, as the heroes go along the streets. You need to activate three portals on three platforms and keep them until they earn in full force. Jump out on the first platform. Destroys a dozen of the aliens, and we get a notification of the timer read over in a minute. It is necessary to keep so much time portal. It is very difficult without the support and rapid destruction of enemies. When the portal is activated, promote the second point. The same thing: Kill ten aliens and launch the timer, but not a minute, but one and a half. Even more difficult. The main thing is to destroy the portals of enemy and aircraft. A large number of simple aliens is also not good.

The third portal is highly high. His timer is two minutes. At this point I was shipped when I did not follow all the enemies across the platform. How to activate the third portal, jumping to the roof of the altitude. Simulation cracks on the seams, the large power plant got out of the hole. It's time to dump. We run to the gate that are derived from the simulation. The first is closed, the second, the third! Only the fourth earned and then with lags - the menu of the first part is visible. We leave the simulation. Immediately comes part three.

Grand Finale: Path Three

Follow your team on the ship of the aliens. It falls apart into part, so you need to rush. We only have alien weapons. Use the shield to reduce damage. Passing the corridors, you will go to a large room, hangar even. The entrance to the weapon is closed, so one of your team will be hacked up, and you with another fraternity to fight back from enemies. The process will take about 3 minutes, so you will not have to miss.

Having finished hacking, your team lets you. Run into weapons and putten power armor. Now you have super supervision. We fly on a large pipe, not falling under the lasers. Landing, we go break the gate generator. How to make it, run back. Next again follows the flight, but will already interfere with the fragments of ships.

Grand Finale: Path Four

It's time to fight Zinyak. He has a big robot, and you are small and in the power armor. Well, but a removed) The first part of the battle with it is a shootout. Actively shoot a blaster and use the ability. It will be optimally like this: 4-5 shots, and throw fireballs, run and repeat. Thus, it is necessary to demolish 60% of health.

Second stage: Zinyak hides behind the barrier, which our weapon will not be able to take. However, he is surrounded by explosive CIDs that will fly on you. Robots pass through the barrier, so tighten them with telecinesis and metal in Zinyak. Do it quickly, because if you pull the cat for the tail, you will fly to you sooo many robots and not the fact that you will run from them.

Third Stage: Zinyaka has 5% of health, but shields interfere with it. Only three generator lighthouses feed the shield. Your brothers will arrive, and will distract attention to themselves. And the GG needs to turn off the barriers. But this is not easy. First, every lighthouse at least two portals for calling reinforcements. Secondly, they guard their exclusively killer robots with a laser or mortar. Thirdly, kill everyone, do not work out, the portals are respected quickly. This tactic is: jump from the lighthouse to the lighthouse and see the robots to pay attention to the brothers. They can kill robots, and their appearance depends on your proximity to the portal. While the robots are distracted, jump immediately to the lighthouse and deactivate. Also enter with other two.

Fourth Stage: Beat everyone that is.

See the final roller. Zinkyak is defeated, the president became the emperor, all the aliens recognized people. But from the steward Zinyaka - Zinshan, the heroes learned about one thing, which they would certainly take advantage. Which one? I will not say, but it will not be interesting to pass the game. That's all.

Saints Row - an example of a purely entertainment game series. Everything is not working on realism and not on a thoughtful plot, but for the maximum convenience of the player and the variety of gameplay. Wherever the hero went, he will not have to miss or fight annoying conventions. What is the difference that the control of the helicopter even the handle does not wait like, is the main thing that it is comfortable! Think, well, you can not actually sink the car, jumping into the salon through the windshield, - but it is fast and fun!

The fourth, final, part of the franchise brought the fight against realism to the natural finale: the services of players are a variety of superpowers that can replace transport and armament. With such skills, no aliens are scared.

Matrix Has You!

What to be afraid to president of the United States, except for laying back from the laurels on which he reveals? But it is not by chance that the comics teach that with great power comes great responsibility. In our case, responsibility is in the case of insidious aliens, which won to attach the land to their empire. What irony - intergalactic democracy decided to bring to the most democratic state! However, the rich gangster past did not pass for our president without a trace - Having reached the first weapon turned up in an oval office, he goes to tear ass and chew a chewing gum.

During the loading of the matrix, its architecture is clearly visible.

But the fervor of our hero, not the example of Duke Nosekom, quickly cool. Loolent is caught and placed in the local matrix - the illusory world, a copying reality. In fact, an accurate virtual copy of the stylport is a city that the gang of "saints" won in the third part. Only all our past successes went the shrock: the appears and apartments "Saints" from there are ruthlessly cut out, and the cosmic ships of the aliens are terrible. To defeat aliens, it is necessary to put the resistance and try to take a virtual city under your control.

In the past parts, we took the quarters of the bandits, and now we are struggling with aliens. Their capabilities within the system on envy are wide - for example, who arrived in place, the police can turn into alien soldiers, as becoming agents, ordinary people in the film "Matrix". And this is not the only focus that aliens own. They can easily fit a teleporter ball, which will be from time to "spin" new soldiers, or tighten the disassembly of a special drone, who knows how to make fighters invulnerable. However, no matter how good agents in the matrix are, the present elected still turns out to be cooler.

Flaming ruins are all that remained from our old headquarters.

The generous developers allowed our hero to study superpackers - a rapid run, which will envy the cheetahs, jumping, from which fleas will come to a reverent thrill, and a whole pack of magical skills, impressive even gandalph. Telekinosis, frost, earthquake, fiery balls - US President from the political catastrophe turned into a natural cataclysm. With such an impressive arsenal, all sorts of equipment quickly goes to the background - who is interested in dragging the helicopter when you can fly yourself? What is a grenade launcher with his limited ammunition, if you can confuse the enemy UFO direct freezing?

The ability to gradually develop, collecting special glowing columns in the city - clusters. They, with increasing level, bought, say, accelerate running or increasing the range of telekinease. Search for clusters - the most interesting occupation. Despite their solid amount (one thousand and nuts!), The collection does not look a challenge, this is a meditative process that makes walks around the city meaningful and more interesting. You can at least jump on the roofs on the roofs, collecting glowing columns - it does not bother.

Aliens among us

If the plot of the plot unequivocally sent to the "matrix" and Duke of the Nosekom, then then he is systematically driving along the Mass Effect series. In the real world, the hero is forced to hide from aliens on a small and maneuverable spacecraft - Mantope Mix with "Nebuchadnezzor". Weapons, costumes, appliances design, cartoons on the game engine - the ears of Captain Shepard stick out from everywhere. The hero is constantly moving between the virtual and real world with the help of special gates, scattered around the city map. According to the traditions of the cosmopes, a variety of team, ready and quest for loyalty, and chat "for life", live on the ship, and he warm the commander bed. Love is not alien to even the robot drone - so from the soul we advise the nervous chambers of the morality to stay from Saints Row 4 away.

The ship is an inexhaustible folding jokes: take a closer look closely to the wash button in this space toilet.

To compare it is the story part - more fun in Saints Row: The Third. For truly funny dialogues, the scenarios tried to repeat the most spectacular moments from the past games of the series. As a result, it is not very pulling in the virtual space in the virtual space, to undergo a plot line, which is connected with the outputs into reality.

And here the revenue come side missions. They are arranged in Saints Row 4 surprisingly simple - you need to consistently capture several districts. We buy shops, embroider aliens from checkpoints, successfully pass game trials - and our next quarter!

Conquering the city in Saints Row 4 has become even more interesting than in the third part. Blue tests marked on the map - the dream of any maniac. Here are some examples of what is available to players:

  • insurance fraud is a mini-game where you need to get the maximum damage, rushing under the cars;
  • tests for telecinez, where with the help of this supercoperation you need to throw objects through the rings;
  • sign at checkpoints for a while;
  • all sorts of pogroms - tests where you need to destroy more objects in the city as soon as possible. Courish municipal ownership to be treated with weapons, tank and UFOs.

Separate charm of such tests - medals: for overfulfing the conditions of the players are waiting for additional money and experience.

Orange tasks of the same type - over all aliens at the control point, hijaculate the car, turn off the protective dome, - but their passage of a little changes the appearance of the city. Especially memorable to the conquest of towers - it is possible to climb on special links of communication only by packing platforms in the air. For some reason, the analogy with Far Cry 3. - Only here it is much more fun, and it's not dangerous to break.

A separate article is the PVP-fights - they can be activated only if you pass Saints Row 4 in the company Comrade. They do not give control over the city, but also displayed on the map with orange icons. The choice of entertainment is not familiar: there is a duel to the victorious end and the "cats against mice" mode. The duel is carried out only with the use of arms arsenal equally for both players and superchains. "Cats against mice" resemble one of the network modes Driver: San Francisco - One of the players rides the control points, and the other is trying to destroy it. Then they change roles. Who scored more points, he won.

Now we do not just pay money, but also explain what article revenue for how much I brought.

One of the most noticeable changes for menckers - shops now need to not buy, but to crack. This is done with the help of a mini-game in the style of unforgettable Pipe Mania.. Puzzles are simple, on the solution of each task is given just a minute or if you open a special ability, two. Do not put on time - the aliens will be alarmed by the unsuccessful hacker attack begin to hunt.

This is how a mini-game with hacking shops looks like. Simply, but the last tasks can not be solved from the first attempt.

The search level decreases in several ways, but only two are worthy of special mention. You can catch a special tracking ball - a gold drone, which is responsible for coordinating the actions of the aliens. As soon as they are found - he will immediately begin to spin nearby. Hunting for the tracking drone is a fascinating thing, because it moves at the speed of Snitch. Extremes can bring the search level to six and finish off the boss, which in this case is sent to disassembly. As soon as he dies, the enemy for the time being will forget about your existence.

We caught up the tracking ball - and now we break it about the Earth.

The shootouts were very dynamic, and the point here is not only in supersilah, which many times accelerated movement, "the developers decided not to encourage seat seats. Health in the game in itself is not restored, it can be corrected only at the expense of therapeutic crosses falling out of enemies. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly rush around the battlefield, for Mile to beat the aliens in the eye and peep supercans. Lovers clogged into the corner here quickly press the number and roasted with laser rifles. Yes, the whole game is this - do not sit on the spot, move, do something!

Important details

Even if you do not know the history of creating Saints Row 4, it is difficult to get rid of the thought that you are playing in addition to the third part. Stilport although he changed the gamut with purple on the red, but he did not change geographically. After passing the third part, you already know the location of all the streets and turns in the fourth. But this is not annoying, which you will not say about the schedule that regularly reminds that initially Saints Row 4 thought about as DLC. The fact that a couple of years ago also looked quite pretty, now depressing. Well at least to the old chart did not put old music - the soundtrack at the game and very good. True, turn on the radio often forget.

Instead of the famous stylport statue, a monument to Zinyaka was established, the leader of aliens.

The weapon enhancement system has changed. Modification of the trunks is now much more individual - we invest money into a specific parameter like damage or rapidity. Each characteristic can be improved up to five times, and the next level costs only a little more expensive than the previous one. A separate item is a special property like bursting bullets at a pistol - it is bought only once and for a solid amount.

In addition, now the gun can also change the appearance - for each of the main trunks there is a good tens of finishes. They caught a pirate costume - so why not add vintage guns to him? Your character is spinning like a vampire hunter - stylish crossbows instead of SMG him just right!

One of the design options "Uzi". From another SMG type, this is beneficial to the ability to temporarily shock enemies.

An individual plus will highlight the ability to transfer the character from the third part. Yes, while some time you have to dance with a tambourine around my account on, and some items like your favorite pants will not be transferred - but still continue the game exactly the hero that you passed Saints Row 3, damn nice . Especially if once a few hours polished his alter ego in The Third.