Good man from Seshuana Taganka. "Good man from Seshuana"

Good man from Seshuana Taganka. "Good man from Seshuana"

Bertold Brecht

Good man from Sichuan

Piez Parabla

In collaboration with R. Berlau and M. Steffin

E. Ionova and Yu. Yuzovsky

Poems in Boris Slutsky


Wang - Wateronos.

Three God.

Yang Song is an unemployed pilot.

Mrs. Yang is his mother.

Tire widow.

Family of eight people.

Stolar Lin then.

Homeower Mi Dzu.


Carpet trader.

His wife.

Old prostitute.

Burner Shu Fu.



Pasteners in prolog.

Prices: Semi-European Capital of Sichuani.

Sichuan Province, in which all places on the globe were generalized, where

the person operates a person, now does not belong to such places.

Street in the main city of Sichuan. Evening. Vodonos Wang is submitted to the public.

Van. I am a local waterproof - braking with water in the capital of Sichuan. Heavy craft! If there are few water, you have to go far for her. And if it is much more, the earnings are small. And in general, in our province is a big poverty. Everyone says that if anyone else is able to help us, so these are gods. And now imagine my joy when a familiar cattle trader is - he travels a lot - he told me that several of our most prominent gods are already on the road and they can be expected in Sichuan with a hour for an hour. They say the sky is strongly concerned about the many complaints that come to him. For the third day, as I wait here at the city gate, especially in the evening, to first welcome guests. Later it is unlikely that I will succeed. They are surrounded by high-ranking gentlemen, try to break into them. How would you just know them? They will appear, probably not together. Most likely one in order not to pay attention to themselves. These are not like the gods, they return from work. (Carefully looks at the workers passing by the workers.) The shoulders have bent from the gravity they are dragging. And this one? What kind of God he is fingers in ink. The most employee of the cement plant. Even those two lords ...

Moved two men pass.

And those, in my opinion, are not gods. They have a cruel expression of a person, like people who are accustomed to beat, and there are no gods in this necessity. And here is three! As if - another thing. Removed, not the slightest sign of any classes, shoes in dust, it means that they came from afar. They are! About the wise, place me! (NIC falls.)

First God (joyful). Are we waiting here?

Wang (gives them to get drunk). Long ago. But only I knew about your arrival.

First God. We need overnight. Do you know where you would attach?

Van. Where? Everywhere! The whole city is at your disposal, about the wise! Where do you wish?

The gods are meaningfully looking at each other.

First God. At least in the nearest house, my son! Let's try in the nearest!

Van. I am only embarrassed that I brought the anger to the power of Ints, if I give a special preference to one of them.

First God. That's why we order you: start with the nearest!

Van. Mr. Fo lives there! Wait a minute. (Runs up to the house and knocks on the door.)

The door opens, but it can be seen that Wang receives failure.

(Robby returns.) Here is a failure! Mr. Fo, as it came out, no home, and the servants are not solved for anything without his order, the owner is very strict! Well, he scraps, when he learns who he did not take in his house, is it not true?

Gods (smiling). Of course.

Van. For another minute! The house is near Widow Su. She will be out of joy. (Runs to the house, but apparently, again receives a refusal.) I better contact the opposite. The widow says that she has only one small room, and that is not in order. Now I will turn to Mr. Chen.

Second God. We have enough small room. Tell me that we do it.

Van. Even if she is not a caught, even if there are full spiders in it?

Second God. Fucking! Where spiders, there are few flies.

The third God (friendly, Vanu). Go to Mr. Cheng or somewhere else, my son, spiders, confess, I do not like it.

Wang again knocks on some kind of door, and he is imparted.

Van (returning to the gods). Mr. Chen in despair, his house is full of relatives, and he does not dare to seem to you on the eyes, the wisest. Between us, I think among them there are bad people, and he does not want you to see them. He fears your anger. This is all about it.

The third God. Are we so scary?

Van. Only for unkind people, isn't it? It is known that the residents of the province of Kwan decades comprehends the flood - Kara God!

Second God. That's how? Why?

Van. Yes, because they are all bootiers.

Second God. Nonsense! Just because they did not revenge the dam.

First God. TSC! (Vanu). Are you still hoping, my son?

Van. How can I even ask this? It is worth passing another house, and I will find accommodation for you. Each fingers licks themselves in anticipation, which will take you. Unsuccessful set of circumstances, understand? Run! (Slowly moves and hesitantly stops in the middle of the street.)

Second God. What did I say?

The third God. Still, I think it is a simple accident.

Second God. Accident ravage, chance in Kwana and random in Sichuan. God's fear is no longer on Earth - this is the truth that you are afraid to look in the face. Admit that our mission has suffered fiasco!

First God. We can still come across a good person. Any minute. We should not immediately retreat.

The third God. The ruling read: the world may remain as it is, if there are enough people worthy of the title of man. Waterproof himself such a person, if only I am not deceiving. (Suitable to Vanu, who is still suite in indecision.)

Second God. He is deceived. When the waterpath gave us to get drunk from your mug, I noticed something. Here is a mug. (Shows her first God.)

First God. Double bottom.

Second God. Fraud!

First God. Okay, he disappears. So what is it, if one with a rotz? We will meet and those who are able to live a worthy person with life. We are obliged to find! For two millennium, a cry for two thousand years is stopped, so can not continue! No one in this world is able to be kind! We must finally indicate people who can follow our commandments.

Bertold Brecht

Philosophical pose

Translation from German Yu. Yuzovsky and E. ionova, verses in translation B. Slutsky
Producer - Yuri Lyubimov
Music - Anatoly Vasilyev, Boris Khmelnitsky

"Good people of their seasura" - our first performance, theater on Taganka began with it. He became a symbol and the talisman of the theater, does not come down from the stage more than half a century, and this unusually long-life of the performance continues at all because we take it as a talisman. Never Yuri Lyubimov did not hold for the performance, if he considered it an irrelevant, obsolete if he stopped to understand and perceive (although there was no such audience in his work).

So, the play is about kindness, devoted to the statement of kindness - congenital, according to Breht, the properties of a person.

Gods descended to Earth and unsuccessfully looking for at least one good person. It is necessary to find if they do not find, then this world does not exist. And finally find - a prostitute Shen Te, a man who cannot say "no".

Brecht believed that there are human categories that can be portrayed and explained only in the form of myth, symbol, in the genre of plays-parables. Such is the immanent and irresistible kindness of the heroine - Shen those. But where it will lead it, is it possible in general in the world around us the embodiment of kindness, which means and why there is a duality of the soul, as a person is forced to defend himself - they try to answer or ask them the author of the play and play.

On the position of the situation and characters known to everyone, almost domestic, recognizable immediately. And the gods and at all - the funny Trinity in modern suites, which is looking for the night. And these are the gods who have to be decided by the fate of the world, in which - we will see - that for a man deceased, and that salvation.

Opening Breht's playwright, Lyubimov searched special techniques to work with artists - they learned to talk with the public, because Brecht had provisions when the author is very important to the point of actor out of the image, his own attitude to reality, the actor at this time from the image comes out, leaving him aside. These principles of the Brehtov Theater were at the Nutra Lyubimov and had to, in his opinion, expand the horizons and artist, and the viewer, to make thinking and understand something around him. In the future, they took a durable place in the artistic concept of the theater on Taganka, outsetting his aesthetic space and a way to talk with the viewer, as well as the choice of topics - the human heart, a soul, relationship with the world, love ... And then, in the 60s - years of unfulfilled hopes , In general, the very presence of this conversation, in other theaters not adopted. The hall is involved, he doesn't just look at the performance, worries and compets, but participates.

In this performance, no one pretend to be pretending to anyone, no one in the nose, do not pass. Everything is conditional here and everything is truly. After all, the art of the theater is not an approach to life and not to imitate her, but other, meaningful, newly created, more of that - created right in front of the artistic canvas.

Conventions on the scene turns into absolute validity perceived directly. The metaphor overlaps any similarity, affects feelings, and the action is direct. The gods are wonderful, a tree from planks, the factory is depicted by cotton in the palm of his palm, and the soul rushes into two its irreconcilable and inseparable parts, and all this causes the most real feelings and thoughts, and compassion, and tears, and fear.

Existing persons and performers:

1st God - Alexey Grabbe
2nd God - Erwin Gaaz / Alexander Margolin
3rd God - Nikita Luchikhin
Shen Te - Shui Ta - Maria Matveeva / Galina Volodina
Yang Sun, the unemployed pilot - Ivan Ryzhikov
Mrs. Song, his mother - Larisa Maslova
Wang, Wateronos - Vladislav Malenko / Dmitry Vysotsky
Shu Fu, Berber - Timur Bandalbely / Igor Pekhovich
Mi TCI, homeowner - Anastasia Kolpikova / Margarita Radzig
Mrs. Shin - Tatyana Sidorenko
POLICEMAN - Konstantin Lyubimov
Lin, Stolar - Sergey Tymballenko
Wife - Polina Nevuto
Husband - Sergey Trifonov
Brother Wung - Alexander Fursenko
Daughter-in-law - Ekaterina Rybushinskaya
Grandfather - Victor Semenov / Roman Staburov / Igor Pekhovich
Boys - Alla Smpandan / Alexandra Basova
Niece -
Nephew - Alexander Fursenko (ml)
Carpet Trader - Sergey Ushakov
HIS WIFE - Yulia Kwarzina / Marfa Koltsova
Unemployed - Philip Kotov / Sergey Tymballenko
Old prostitute - Tatyana Sidorenko
Young prostitute - Marfa Koltsova / Julia Stozharova
A PRIEST - Alexander Fursenko (ml)
Musicians - Anatoly Vasilyev, Mikhail Lukin

Notes of amateur.

№ 21. Theater on Taganka. Good man from Seosaana (Bertold Brecht). Dir. Yuri loved.

Black and white classic.

A kind person from Seosaana - Favimova's grayscale playing a symbol of the theater on the Taganka, with whom he came in 1964 to the theater as an artist. Thus, the production in which Vladimir Vysotsky and Valery Zolukhin were involved for more than 50 years. The passion for Bertold Brecht and his ideas of the "epic theater" was reflected not only on a specific performance, but also on the theater as a whole. Meets the viewer for empty black boxes of an open scene, without a curtain, without scenery. But in this small, brown hall, filled with older audience gently and cozy.

The action starts very cheerfully, the actors play alive, vigorously, self-confidently, if not to say brazenly. What is happening captures from the first seconds and does not let go until the end of the performance. The emphasis was made on the satirical image of the characters, each of which is simple, but well worked and self-sufficient. The actors are focused on the image of the most characteristic features of their heroes, leading themselves straight and predictably, there are no non-evils or hints. Everything is clearly clear and understandable.

Events are indicated by the director's dotted line, it stops only on the most significant episodes. In all, a hard, confident hand, telling the story is dry enough, but tight. There is nothing superfluous, only the most important thing, but in this laconism, the game of actors is still brighter, their impact on the viewer. Events occur faster, here less lyrical deviations, not so many zones. As a result, there is a large number of humor, the performance looks in one breath, like a monolith. Honored director, widening life and experience, but who did not lose all of his irony, from the height of the years, leads the story with solid and skillful hand. Everything is straightforward, simple and understandable.

Shen are very good, but too simple a girl who every passing immediately climbs on the neck. Her Alter Ego, the "cousin" Shui she, on the contrary, sees everyone through, knows what he wants and goes to this alkalis, only sicks fly. Looking-beggars, "Jumps of the Quarter" asking all the abilities on the ruin of their benefactor here, but charming in their comic identity, their expressive tricks are funny. Lyubimov has all the logic of developing events pushes the need for the emergence of a "cousin", saving position. Shen those here there are no painful torments, it turns into Shui that forced and inevitably. He had to appear, in a different way and could not.

The performance is drawn up in full compliance with the Brehtov "Effect of Exchange", the scenery is practically absent, and those that are quite conditional - in the design of metal rods you will find out a tree, and the tobacco shopping shop is recreated using the table and the "Tobacco". The inscription is often applied by the reception in the "Epic Theater". If a modest wedding takes place in a cheap restaurant, then the "cheap restaurant" is written on the transparency. Everything else is for actors that create unique, incendiary and slightly hooligan style, special energy. What is happening and causes genuine interest. Another major element of the epic theater - music, zoys accompanying and penetrating the performance are performed under the guitar and the bayan, but it looks like this with the branded acting and the Taganka Aura organic. It feels a special collective actor spirit, this is one "gang".

Here the paradoxes have been manifested by the author - the world is arranged in such a way that in certain situations following "Heart", remaining good and good for everyone in the end you can destroy yourself. For useful affairs in our world, sometimes you have to make a black job, be ruthless and hard, understand the true meaning of actions and know the price of things. The gods themselves "approve" the appearance of Shui is, but making the reservation, which is not more than "once a month." Another paradox is that a prostitute turned out to be the only kind person in Sichuan, other people have no good to be forgotten. It is possible to consider it as a kind of hint, the author notes where the modern cynical world puts decent people and how it belongs to them. A kindness is a luxury in the world of people, poverty satellite and a heavy burrow, and not be rich and successful if you are not angry.

If you compare the production of Lyubimov and Butusov, then it becomes apparent who walked inspiration. Some heroes of Butusov simply completely copy Lyubimovskiy: Cheerfully funny old woman with a squeaky voice, a fashionable homeowner of Mi TCI, shaking the hips and smoking cigarettes through a long mouthpiece. The collective image of the arrogant, treacherous halters is also taken from Taganka. Three God of Lyubimov, unlike Butusov, are shown in detail, with attention and love. The gods are pretty, fair and charming and too similar to people with their weaknesses: they are supported by kefir and swear playing in Domino. Also very humanly, they argue, doubt, not knowing how to do. Each episode with them is bright and memorable.

If you compare the performances with clothes, then the performance from Taganka looks like a simple peasant shirt with a belt of coarse fabric. The brainchild of Butusov is a parade uniform with brilliant copper buttons, a sword and accelets. Butusov takes a complex virtuoso form, deepening in particular, lovers captivates simply, clean but perfect content. Taganka is an old black and white classic masterpiece, tested by time. Pushkin Theater is a modern spectacular remake, with stars, big budget and 3D format.

The main city of Sichuan Province, in which all the places on the globe and any time, in which a person operates a person, is the place and time of the play of the play.

Prologue. For two millennia, a cry is not stopped: it cannot continue to continue. No one in this world is able to be kind! And the concerned gods decided: the world may remain as it is, if there are enough people who can live a decent life. And to check it, the three prominent God descend to Earth. Perhaps Vodonos Wang, the first to meet them and caught the water (he, by the way, is the only one in Sichuan, who knows that they are gods), a worthy person? But his mug, noticed the gods, with a double bottom. Good waterproof - fraudster! The simplest checking of the first virtue - hospitality - upset them: neither in one of the rich houses: neither Mr. Fo, nor Mr. Chen, nor Widow Su - cannot van find for them overnight. One thing remains: to contact the prostitute Shen de, she cannot deny anyone. And the gods spend the night at the only good person, and the next morning, saying goodbye, leave Shen de Puzzle to stay as good as well as a good fee for the night: after all, how to be good when everything is so expensive!

I. The gods left Shen de a thousand silver dollars, and she bought her little tobacco shop on them. But how many in need of help turns out to be next to those who smiled at luck: the former owner of the shop and the former owners of Shen de - husband and wife, her lame brother and pregnant daughter-in-law, nephew and niece, old grandfather and boy, - and everyone needs a roof over his head and food. "Salving a small boat / immediately goes to the bottom. After all, too much sinking / grabbed greedily overboard. "

And then the joiner requires a hundred silver dollars who did not pay him the old hostess for the shelves, and the homeowner needs recommendations and guarantee for not too respectable Shen de. "A cousin will be charged for me," she says. - And for the shelves it will pay the same. "

II. And the next morning in the tobacco shop appears Shoy yes, cousin Shen De. Decisively, forging unlucky relatives, skillfully forceding the carpenter to take only twenty silver dollars, prudently having friends with the police, he settles his things to her too good cousin.

III. And in the evening in the city park, Shen De meets the unemployed pilot Sun. A pilot without an airplane, a postal pilot without mail. What should he do in the world, even if he read all books about flights in the Beijing school, even if he knows how to plant an aircraft to Earth, exactly is his own ass? He is like a crane with a broken wing, and nothing to do on earth. Rope is ready, and the trees in the park as much as you like. But Shen de does not give him to hang. Live without hope - to create evil. The hopeless song of waterproof selling water during the rain: "Thunder rattles, and the rain is pouring, / well, and I am a veins, / and the water is not for sale / and do not drink anyone. I scream: "Buy WATER!" / But no one buys. / In my pocket for this water / nothing falls! / Buy water, dogs! "

And Shen de buys a mug of water for his beloved Yang Suna.

IV. Returning after the night spent with her beloved, Shen de first sees the morning city, cheerful and giving fun. People are kind today. Old people, carpet traders from a shop on the contrary, give a cute shen de debt of two hundred and silver dollars - will be than paying with a homeowner for six months. A person who loves and hopes, nothing is difficult. And when the mother Sun Mrs. Yang says that for a huge amount in five hundred silver dollars, the son promised a place, she gladly gives her money received from the old people. But where to take another three hundred? There is only one way out - contact our shoi yes. Yes, he is too tough and heter. But the pilot must fly!

Intermediate. Shen de enters, holding a mask and suit shoi in his hands, and sings the "song about the helplessness of gods and good people": "Our good in our country cannot remain. / To get with a false cup, / need cruelty. / Good helpless, and the gods are powerless. / Why do not say the gods there, on the air, / what time to give everything good and good / the opportunity to live in good, good peace? "

V. Smart and prudent fuck Yes, whose eyes do not blind love, sees deception. Yang Suna does not frighten cruelty and meanness: let the place promised to him - someone else's, and the pilot, who will be fired from him, Big Family, let Siene de Drain with a bench, except for which she has nothing, and old people will lose their two hundred dollars and lose her housing - just to achieve your own. Such can not be trusted, and Shoy yes is looking for a support in rich in the barber, ready to marry Shen De. But the mind is powerless, where love acts, and Shen de leaves with Sun: "I want to leave with those who love, / I don't want to think about, whether it is good. / I do not want to know if he loves me. / I want to leave with whom I love. "

Vi. In a small cheap restaurant, the suburb prepared for the wedding Yang Sun and Shen De. Bride in the wedding dress, the groom in the tuxedo. But the ceremony does not start anything in any way, and Bonza looks at the clock - the groom and his mother are waiting for Shoi Yes, which should bring three hundred silver dollars. Yang Sun sings a song about the day of the saint never ":" On this day, they take evil throat, / On this day, all the poor is lucky, / and the owner and the battle / together in the cabin / on the saint day, never / skinny drinks at a party . / We are no longer waiting for more. / Therefore, we must give us, / Peace Labor, / Saint Day, never, never, / day, when we are resting. "

"He will never come," says Mrs. Yang. Three sit, and two of them look at the door.

VII. On the trolley near the tobacco bench, Scarb Shen De-shop had to sell to return the duty to old men. Birber Shu Fu is ready to help: he will give his barracks for the poor who helps Shen de (there still can not keep the goods - too raw), and will write down the check. And Shen De is happy: she felt the future son - pilot, "new conqueror / inaccessible mountains and unknown regions!" But how to protect it from the cruelty of this world? She sees a small saint of a stolar, who is looking for food in a permanent bucket, and swear, which will not calm down until his son saves, at least one. It is time to turn again into a cousin.

Mr. Sheo, declares the gathered that his cousin will continue to leave them without help, but from now on, the distribution of food without response is stopped, and the one who agrees to work on Shen De will live in the houses of Mr. Shu Fu.

VIII. On a tobacco factory, which shoo yes, a man, women and children work in the barracks. The supervisor - and cruel - here Yang Song: he will not be sad because the fate of change and shows that he is ready for all for the interests of the company. But where is Shen de? Where is a kind person? Where is the one who many months ago on a rainy day per minute of joy bought a water mug from waterproof? Where is she and her future child, about which she told waterproof? And Sun, too, would like to know this: if his ex-bride was pregnant, then he, as the father of the child, can claim the position of the owner. But, by the way, in the node her dress. Did the unhappy woman killed a cruel cousin? Police comes to the house. Mr. Shoy yes will be faced with the court.

IX. In the courtroom, Shen de (Vodonos Van, Chuta Starikov, grandfather and niece) and partners Shoy Yes (Mr. Shu Fu and Homeowers) are waiting for the beginning of the meeting. At the sight of judges entering the hall, Shoi falls into fainting - these are gods. The gods are not at all ourselves: under the mask and suit, they don't recognize Shen de. And only when, without having accusations of the good and intercession of evil, Shoy yes, removes the mask and disrupts the clothes, the gods with horror see that the mission failed them: their good man and evil and unfortunate shoi yes - one face. It does not work in this world to be good to others and at the same time towards yourself, does not leave others to save and do not destroy ourselves, you can not even make yourself happy with everyone together! But the gods have no time to understand such difficulties. Is it really to abandon the commandments? No never! Recognize that the world should be changed? How? By whom? No, everything is okay. And they soothe people: "Shen de did not died, she was only hidden. Among you there is a kind person. " And to the desperate cry of Shen de: "But I need a cousin" - I answer hurry: "Only not too often!" And meanwhile, as Shen de in despair stretches hands to them, they, smiling and nodding, disappear at the top.

Epilogue. The final monologue of the actor before the public: "Out of the public is respectable! The end is unimportant. I know it. / In our hands, we have a beautiful tale suddenly got a bitter junction. / Lowered the curtain, and we stand in embarrassed - no permission issues found. / So what's the deal? Well, we are not looking for benefits, / and then should there be any correct way? / For money you will not come up - what! Another hero? And if the world is another? / Or maybe you need other gods here? Il at all without gods? Silent in alarm. / Help so much! Bed to correct - and the thought and mind will direct your here. / Try to find good things for good way. / Bad end - abandoned in advance. / He must, should, should be good! "

Repeated T. A. Voznesenskaya.

You see, Lévushka, whatever happens, the main thing is to be able to remain a person.
(E.Radzinsky "104 pages about love")

He knows how to be different, new, unexpected, while maintaining his unique author's handwriting, which Moscow public is hot and truly loves more than 10 years. This is his distinctive feature. And it is not cemented, it does not bones in his wonderful skills - somehow remains alive, easy, on youthfully desperate and gambling, maybe even progressing this from the play to the spectral. And it is artificially not creating, it is from the inside, from myself. Yes, probably, like this: he creates his performances in the image and likeness to his own way and necessarily inhales part of the soul in them, in the sense - its own. I feel so. And from the play to the spectral, he seems to push the boundaries of its capabilities - easily and confidently - and carries me to the new space of the viewer. He repeats in an interview: "The viewer is a friend and an ally." Emotional interchange with the hall is the last touch, the last layer at each of his work is probably also so we love them and so they turn on them. It is completely restless, inexhaustible energy, ideas and plans. And the theaters tear it into parts. And I do not understand how he all has time and has time, it is vividly, extraordinary, high quality and powerful. It is the best director of the country - Yuri Nikolaevich Butusov.

In October, in his theater of them. Lenovet in St. Petersburg, he released the strongest, completely fantastic "Macbet" (if the performance does not collect the crop of prizes following the season - the right word, a penny price to all these premiums), as in February, in Moscow Pushkin Theater - Also, at nothing about it in his director's biography, the most complex serious work on Brechti "Good Man from Selyuana" with the wondrous original music of Paul Dessau, the living orchestra "Pure Music" on stage and pronses, live artists in German (And since, according to the part of the scenics, Yuri Nikolayevich in some sense - the legislator of the mod, then in the coming years on Moscow, a series of performances with authentic music and songs in Japanese, Hungarian, Yagansky or Tuyuku language). The play and by itself is very difficult and everything inside in hypertices, but Yuri Butusov, of course, turned-down-overheaded the Brehtov text and sowed him as his hypertext. Now all this will be gradually (so all his works on eyewitnesses act) to grow and eat in our heads. In the meantime - only the first superficial impressions.

I almost forgot: the performance helped him to create an artist Alexander Shishkin and choreographer Nikolai Reutov - that is, there is a full starred team.

Again must specify one thing. About his interpretation of the work of this director. I love to understand them very much, or rather, trying to do it. His figurative thinking pushes into the space of images and me, but, carried away, I can notice somewhere at all. In other words, Yuri Nikolayevich puts performances about him about his own, and I look at something about my own. And I can't imagine whether we intersect with him, and whether they intersect at all. In general, do not take anything to faith.

So, a "good man from Seosaana." In the play of Breht, the socio-political motives are unambiguously read, on what they say, focus was made in the famous (and whom I have not seen) by the play of Yuri Lyubimov on Taganka. Yuri Butusov is a much greater degree (and traditionally) occupy issues relating to the complex and controversial nature of a person, human personality and features of an intermediary relationship. Actually, this is because the base, the foundation on which it is lined up, incl. And the socio-political site and in general what other you want. A man with his complex inner world is primary.

On stage, as it is usually for Yuri Nikolayevich - little, but all this from his "director's backpack". Macbethovskaya (Magrittov) door, gray boulders (from duck hunt) scattered around the floor, near the backs of the scene - the grimura (from the seagull and mabeta) - this is Shen those (which in anticipation of the client will be dressed in a cloak from black "polyethylene" - Macbeth - and a black seagull wig), are privated to the wall of the puzzle boards (LIR), in the left corner of the scene - bed (MacBett, Richard, Lir, Chaika), dog statuettes, more like wolves (Dogs at Yuri Nikolaevich live almost in All performances), on an outstanding table, a small table "Stool" everywhere chairs, some overturned (loosened, shaking, who rotted the world? Think). Actually, everything. Before us is the poor season of Seshuana, in which the gods are trying to find at least one good person. For almost 4 hours of the duration of the performance, the scenography will change very little (he knows how to fill the scene to others: energy, acting works, music, mysteries), and, of course, each appearing subject will be incredible.
The aesthetics of the performance refers us to the associations to the Fossovsky "Cabare" (actually, and the zooms in German is clearly because). Parallel. In the film, Fossa shows Germany during the birth of fascism, i.e. On the eve of the world catastrophe, in the same way on the eve of the catastrophe froze the Brehtov world. Wang at the beginning of the performance is hard and emphasized by saying: "The world can no longer remain so if at least one kind person does not exist in it." In a publicly available version of the translating, the phrase sounds differently: "The world may remain such if there are enough people worthy of the title of man." Both phrases are about unstable equilibrium - that the world is measured by a dangerous trait, behind which the abyss. I do not know German, I do not know how the original phrase of the play sounds, but it is quite obvious that the second phrase that the world is still in front of the line, but the first thing is that already a proce.
The same boulders stones associatively indicate that "it's time to collect stones" (KN.Exclesiasta). The expression "time to collect stones", as an independent, is used in the value "Time to build", and in relation to the play of Breht, I would translate it as "Something to change". Until it's not too late.
Or a thin sand, which waterproof Vang will be covered first on white matter on the outstanding price, and then on his head. This is not sand. Rather, it is sand for God (sand - a symbol of time, eternity). For Vanga, it is rain, water. Yuri Nikolaevich arms with water, as can be koving with snow. But now in detail about the props I will not, much more you need to say.

Surprises begin with the first moments of the performance. The Brecht three gods turned into Yuri Butusov in a quiet silent girl (Anastasia Lebedev) in a black long coat, thrown over sports shorts and shirts. Without a nice quiet girl, but the warring - Wangovos Wang - unmistakably recognizes the messenger of the wisest, for the obvious people - God's people, whether they can not know God in the crowd. And while the unfortunate Shen Thoms are trying to carry the inertial burden of the mission entrusted to her shoulders by the gods, Wang - watching what is happening and in the dialogues (and on the fact - monologues) with the gods trying to answer the questions asked by Brecht in the epilogue of the play, which Yuri Butusov logically lowered, because these questions - its essence:

After all, should there be some faithful way out?
For money you will not come up - what!
Another hero? And if the world is another?
Or maybe you need other gods here?
Il at all without gods? ..

As it is unwinding and understanding this ball of questions, the attitude of Vanga is changing to the gods - from blind enthusiastic worship (with the kissing of the legs) through full disappointment (then he will pull out her wolf on the stage, as a bag) to the conscious .. I can't pick up .. Let it be "partnership." When the disappointment in the gods reaches the limit, Wang begins to speak and behave as an ordinary person (without stuttering, reduced muscles) - as if refuses to be God's man. And, perhaps, adjust your assumption regarding sand. Still, Vanga is also not water, but the sand, the symbol of God. By the fact that he pours his head at the beginning, he denotes his approximateness to the wisest (as an oarodily), and unquestioned worship.

Yes, here it is still important, in my opinion - why Yuri Nikolayevich deprived the girl-god of almost all the words, making it at times hardly dumb. There is God or not it is deeply personal, an intimate question for every individual person, and it's not about this here (by the way, Luke at Gorky in "At the bottom", a wonderful answer gives this question: "If you believe - there is; you do not believe - Not. What do you believe, then there is "). Here we are talking about this response silence. The great benefit was concluded in silence: reflected from her, the question returns to the one who asked him, and the person begins to deal with him himself, think, analyze, weigh, draw conclusions. And this is the most that they say, it seems, all the wise men and philosophers: the answers to all questions can be found in itself. Silence of the girls-God in the play of Yuri Butusov allows Vantu himself to answer important questions for him.
".. if you continue to watch inside - it takes time - a little, I will start to feel a wonderful light inside. This is not aggressive light; He is not like the sun, he is more like a moon. He does not glitter, does not blind, he is very cool. He is not hot, he is very compassionate, very softening; This is a balm.
Little little when you configure the inner light, you will see that you are the source you yourself. The seeker is the desired. Then you will see that you have a real treasure inside, and the whole problem was that you were looking outside. You searched somewhere outside, and it was always with you inside. It was always here, you have inside. " (Osho)

In the meantime, the finals are still far away chosen by the gods in the Savior Savior of the world Shen those (awesome work Alexandra Ursulak) gradually comprehends bitter truth that a person if he wants to live, it is impossible to be perfectly kind (and therefore it is impossible to fulfill the mission). A kindness that could not resist evil to elementary to protect himself - doomed ("Predator always knows who is easy production"). And in general it is impossible to be an exemplary carrier of some kind of quality. Already at least because (I know that banality) everything in the world relative. For ten people, you are kind, and the eleventh will say that you are angry. And everyone will have arguments in favor of their opinion. You can even do anything at all: neither good, nor evil, but still find both people who consider you good and people who consider you bad, and, by the way, they can change places. This world is the world of ratings. Subjective short estimates that instantly become obsolete (this quote from Murakami love very much: "body cells are completely, one hundred percent, updated every month. We are changing all the time. Here, even right now. All you know about me - no more than your memories "). What are you really, you don't even know you yourself, because in unforeseen situations sometimes give out such what in yourself and did not suspect. Or on the contrary, was absolutely sure that you will do something, but the moment comes, and you are inactive. Each human action and a deed (like each word, even abandoned casual, for the word is also a deed, moreover, the thought is also a deed) like any medal - two sides, two opposite results on the result.

For example, Shui, wanting to "correct" Sun Yang, provides him with the opportunity to work out the shelted money and generally gain a permanent job and make a career. Noble mission. Good deed. And Sun, in fact, gradually becomes the right hand of Shui, but at the same time - the most advanced beast in relation to other workers, without causing nothing but hatred. And also - he no longer wants to fly, he lost his "wings", which breaks the maternity heart of Mrs. Young, who knows what her boy is a first-class pilot, and remembers how he was happy in the sky, because it was created for him.

I can not resist .. about the same - Chekhov "Black Monk". While the carpet was not quite adequate and led conversations with the ghost, he was absolutely happy, believed in his chosenness and in fact she filed great hopes and was, perhaps, the future genius of science. But a loving wife, frightened by his mental condition, put him on the tablet from the best motives and was lucky in the village to disappear with pair milk. The carpet physically recovered, stopped seeing a black monk, stopped believing his chosenness, lost the desire to work, went out, dymerk and became anyone, by anyone. What is good here, and what is evil? What is the norm, that pathology? The mania of grandeur raised in the man of the great scientist, which can (and thirsty) to benefit humanity. The desire of a woman to save his beloved husband from the disease led to the fact that she ruined him.

On the law of the unity and struggle of the opposites, a person will find out in school, before going into a big way. The opposite concepts "walk in pairs" - everything is interconnected, interdependent, there can be no one without the other and is rare in its pure form (if it is found at all). Without his opposite, good - not good and evil is not evil - they are just on each other's backdrop. Quote from E.OLBI: "I realized that the kindness and cruelty themselves, separately one of the other, do not lead to anything; And at the same time, in combination, they teach to feel. " And no matter how you weighed the facts nor the spectral analysis exposed them - giving an assessment of something, you still almost certainly mistaken, not in general, so in private. We live in the world of misunderstandings and delusions and persist in them. "Do not hurry to judge and do not rush to despair," the translating of the phrase from one of the zones will be displayed on the electronic line.
No on earth perfectly kind people. And there are no ideal people at all, and if there were - what a long-term longing would be among them (on this topic - a person's way into some ideal on his ideas is a lot of things written and removed. It is really scary). And in vain a tired God - a quiet girl in Stopanny shoes - wanders on the ground in search of a perfectly kind person (she will walk on the stage and walk along the treadmill, and ride a bike - it's all about her search). She has a foot in the blood (already in its first appearance), then barely live (Brecht in the text someone from the gods "Good people" was put under the eye of the bruise, and this girl-god in bloody bandages hands, head, neck , the stomach) of her on the bait will be waging Wang, and for the third time it will already bring it and without lifeless. God himself could not survive in the world who ordered to live on him, God, rules. People were exploring God, they drew over him (in the play - not knowing that this is God (they do not recognize her townspeople at the beginning), and the deep meaning - such a God with His commandments do not need people, is not clear), and God died. And Vang contemptuously throws a handful of sand to the lifeless body, saying a phrase, which in the original play belongs to one of the gods (I use the publicly available translation of the play, and for the performance of Yun specially translated the play rebuke Yegor's perige):

"Your commandments are destructive. I'm afraid all the rules of morality that you have installed must be crossed out. People have enough worries to at least save their lives. Good intentions lead them to the edge of the abyss, and good deeds discharge them down. "

Why is God here - a girl? (I only assume). Here you need to summarize and name named that I have long spattered above the text. In the "good man from Seushana" (as in the "black monk") one of the main theme is the topic of twins (person, phenomena, concepts, etc.). Yuri Butusov loves this topic - it sounds in all his works. Moreover, this term has many values, but we, as non-specialists, are understandable (conditionally) direct and reverse duality. Those. In one case, a copy, in another - the opposite, reverse, shadow side. If you look at, then almost every character in the performance has its own double. And then not one. Such a mirror labyrinth of twins. (Yuri Nikolayevich again inscribed such a cunning pattern inside the performance - I do not recognize everything). I badly track the video series (fond of action and forget to keep the nose in the wind) - / Rear wall of the scene, as well as the light curtain descendant on the extercane from the top of the top from time to time, perform the role of the screen - the video projector creates video searches on them (but two almost-twin prostitutes (in Black dresses, black glasses) Against the background of the image of two little twin girls (sad and smiling; it is a photo of Diana Arbus "Gemini" (Diana Arbus - Identical Twins) I remember. And here they are, vapors of antagonists: childhood - adultery; innocence - vice ; joy and sadness.
Yet. I thought: why was the red eyes with Alexander Arsentieva (Song Young). Red eyes .. "Here is my mighty opponent, the devil. I see his terrible crimson eyes .. "and then -" Elegy "Brodsky." Yes, it is a "seagull". A former pilot Song Young is a "postal pilot", which "one, like a fallen angel, shuffling vodka." Fallen angel, Lucifer. The eyes of Suna Yang - the Red Eyes of Lucifer, which the world soul speaks in the monologue of Nina Zarechny. And then the Lucifer dance with God is also about tweet. And the struggle and interaction of Light and Dark began in man. And this is Yang and Yin in an eastern symbol, in which each of the concepts carries the grain of its opposite. One generates the other and itself comes from this other .. and this is life (a red balloon, symbolizing first sparkling wine in a glass of Sun, and then "turning" in the tummy Shen and the girls-God, although one pregnant from his beloved person And the other was probably raped). And if further developing the theme of Lucifermines Suna: after all, he (again conditionally) competes with God in the right of a good person, manipulates the fact that for a woman - the energy of life, love. In general, Shen those turned out to be in the very monstrous position, when something needed from you, but no one is doing to you. The only friend, Wang, again, seeking to help her - eventually exposed her, declassified her mystery. Her itself - throughout the entire play, no one asks: what is she, what she thinks, what feels, is it good, whether she is wrong. It tells her about it - in fact only God (the whole scene of the dialogue Shen Tee and Ms. Tires on the eve of the arrest of Shenue - was rewritten by Yuri Bucosov under Shen and God, "I will be there when it happens," says God Shen, it About childbirth, but you need to understand this is much wider).
More about twins: Shen those with her while the Unborn Son, Ms. Young with her son, Double Ju Ju (when she is in black and taucas, covered in the bedspread Birch Fillet). Yes, in fact, we are all mirrors and twins each other.
And I did not negotiate about the god-girl. The main and obvious pair of twins in the play, of course - Shen and Shui Ta (for such a twin, which hides in the man itself, Wikipedia suggested a sonorous German word - Doppelganger). But closer to the end, when Sughn already at 7 months of pregnancy (and when it is for a long time in the "lichny" of his brother, the "crotch father" and the tobacco king of Shui Ta), she looks into the mirror, and the reflection of her in the mirror - a girl God with the same 7-month tummy. Before Sughn, the last time decide to take advantage of their brother, God-God will be dressed like Shui she (sung Shawn those that need to do it). She, a girl, God, will be folded on the floor not the Chinese hieroglyph (which?), Not that house from empty cigarette packs, spilled on her head indifferent rain. Shen those, she is shui, the tender father and the tobacco king - was God in his tobacco kingdom, installed his rules there, introduced his rulings .. In general, the same scenario as the gods with their rules and regulations for the world In general (recursion. The process of repetition of elements is self-like). And everything is destroyed: the world that God built, and the tobacco empire, which the shui was created.
The beautiful phrase has come to mind: this performance is about the search for man and man - God. Both girls through flour and suffering come to what you need to change something in the "Regulatory of Interaction" by the M / in God and Man.

Brecht left the final of the play open - questions remained without answers. But Yuri Nikolayevich, even despite the call about the help of Shen those, still made the final closed and - giving hope, offering his answer to the question of what to do. A wonderful final scene (again - as I heard it, maybe it was designated), in which the poor thing Shen tends the gods to allow her to become cruel shui that at least once a week: a girl-God, smiling gently, will allow (not worm in horror This permit, as if not wanting to hear anything, as the Brehtov gods, but will say calmly and consciously): "Do not abuse them. Once a month will be enough. " Yuri Nikolaevich Mudro did not redo this world (for we ourselves are doing the reality around us, these are the fruits of our own work and beliefs, and not someone, and if they are "whose", and we continue to live in them, then they We are just suited to us ("If you are not lucky today - nothing, lucky tomorrow; if you are not lucky tomorrow - nothing, the day after tomorrow; if you are not lucky and the day after tomorrow - it means you just like it better"); so that we will redo that Yes, we still return everything back); did not change the hero, because Shen those - in fact, perhaps the best copy of the human race; did not cancel the gods (and everything that can enter the group with such a common name, i.e. both internal and external concepts) at all, because, alas, a person is quite quickly disappeared, by leaving the world around Chaos, and this is a direct path to self-destruction. Yuri Butusov changed the ruling. His God softened his requirements for a person, lowered an exorbitantly high bar, resolving a person in much broader borders to be such what he is by nature: different - good, bad, good, evil, strong, weak, etc. And such a god for Vanga is acceptable - they will go, holding hands.

Here in this, probably "messenge" Yuri Butusov to this world, which is also dangerous too dangerous:
"Man, be a person, with all his human weaknesses, flaws and imperfections, but still try to be a person, then this world still has a chance to escape."
"You can cope, Shen those. The main thing is to remain kind. "

Probably, it is not necessary to love all of humanity, it is very abstract and useless. You can focus on a narrower circle, for example, on those who are near. And if you can do something that will help another or at least just please him - why not do it? Sometimes it is enough just to listen. Such trifles and little things can make a person happy - every time I am surprised, including myself. People are now scary are disassembled, distanced apart from each other, lost mutual trust, closed in themselves, the main nature of contacts is the mutual use of each other.
It is difficult to live - all the truth, but if you observe, then it is those who are the most difficult for everything, or who himself survived something, for some reason and are capable of compassion and participate to another. When in the summer they collected everywhere the help of Krasnodar Skillemen, in assistance points carried their old worn things - grandma pensioners. The point is not in times. "Times". The times are always the same ("Do not say: how happened that the previous days were better than these?, For not from wisdom you asked about it." - KN.Exclesaist). Something is wrong with ourselves.
(Abstraining from contradictory and ambiguity of concepts and using the usual understanding of terms): WHO, how and evil has a chain reaction (the motorists know: if you missed someone forward on the road, then he, as a rule, will soon miss someone forward to himself ). I repeat: life is a difficult thing, but while we are here - somehow it is necessary to live it. In the world, where "good chains" more - to live easier.
The heroine of Doronina in the film "Once again about love", all familiar sent for holidays to the holidays: "People are nice when they remember them. In life not so much heat. Last New Year sent 92 postcards. "

And the last quote. Chekhov, "Gooseberry":
- Pavel Konstantinich! - Speaking [Ivan Ivanovich] by a pleading voice. - Do not calm down, do not sleep! While young, strong, cheer, do not get tired of doing good! There is no happiness and should not be, and if there is a sense and purpose in life, then this sense and the goal is not at all in our happiness, but in something more intelligent and great. Do good!