Presentation on the topic "Bogatyry of the Land of Russian." Plan of occupation on the IRO, dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland "Bogati of the Land of Russian"

Presentation on the topic "Bogatyry of the Land of Russian." Plan of occupation on the IRO, dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland "Bogati of the Land of Russian"

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroic past of the Russian people of ancient Russia, the great Russian hengers - defenders of the land of Russian.

The abstract of the open integrated class "Bogatyry of the Russian Land" (on the reproduction to the picture V. M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyi") from the series "I love My Fatherland" using non-traditional techniques drawing (graphic elements) in preparatory group.



The abstract of integrated classes on the operation of the "Bogati of the Russian Land" in the preparatory group.

The abstract of the open integrated class "Bogati of the Land of Russian" (on the reproduction to the picture V. M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyri") from the series "I love My Fatherland" using non-traditional drawing techniques (graphic elements) in the preparatory group.

Purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroic past of the Russian people of ancient Russia, the great Russian hengers - defenders of the land of Russian.

Software tasks:

Establish interest in the works of the artist V. M. Vasnetsov.

Continue to bring up pride for their people through familiarization with the work of V. M. Vasnetsov, form patriotic qualities on the material of legends, fairy tales, poems, historical events our homeland.

Satisfy the need of children sincerely empathize fabulous heroes.

Call the desire to decorate the silhouettes of military armchairs using graphic elements, withstanding symmetry, rhythm, keeping the composition.

Preliminary work:

Familiarization with reproductions V. M. Vasnetsova, organization of the exhibition.

Reading the fairy tales "Snow Maiden", "Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf", "Ilya Muromets", "Tsarevna-Frog", "Squa Burka", "Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka".

Drawing graphic elements and decoration by them silhouettes of clothing, dishes.


Exhibition of Reproductions.

Materials: Gouache, Brushes No. 2, 4, Paper Silhouettes of Armor.

Travel course:

In the chair sits the grandmother. She hugs a child sitting nearby.

Child: ... I'll take it on my knees to grandma gray

And I will start the grandmother fairy tale I ask.

And I will start my grandmother fairy tale talking,

Like Ivan-Tsarevich Bird-Salt caught,

As a bride, a gray wolf pulled.

I listen to me a fairy tale, the heart and mint,

And in the trumpet angry the wind sings.

(from verse. I. Z. Surikova "Childhood")

"Grandma" (tutor) gets up, comes to all children and appeals to them.

Educator: Do you like fairy tales? The story of our people, embodied in his fairy tales, songs, the eponymists coming to life in the paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov.

Children fit K. spectator Reproductions of paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov.

Educator: What picture about the words from this poem say:

... as Ivan-Tsarevich Bird-Salty caught,

As a bride, a gray wolf got ...

(Ivan-Tsarevich on Gray wolf.)

Admire this reproduction. Tsarevich rushes in the deaf forest on the gray wolf and firmly hugs Elena beautiful. And around the terrible forest. The wolf rushes quickly. How did I recognize it? (children's responses)

The educator appeals to children:

What do you feel? How did the artist delivered the mood? (children's responses)

Look at the faces, their eyes. They are scary? But they know that they will withstand this test. This is how the artist sent the mood of heroes, their experiences.

Educator: And now listen to this Russian folk song And see what of the heroine she reminds you. (Alenushka)

Includes audio recording passing from Russian folk song

That is not the wind branch clone,

Not a whisper is noise.

Then my heart moan

how autumn leaf tremble ...

Why do you suggest the name of this picture of this song? How did the artist showed sadness? (Alyonushka is sad, she came running to the pond to sprinkle her sadness. Water will take everything, and longing, and all the insults).

Educator: And now another melody will sound. Tell me, what kind of picture I want to see, listening to her.

Sounds an excerpt from the work of Roman Corsakov "Snow Maiden"

What heroine is about this is speech? (Snow Maiden). It is a gentle, sincere, good Snow Maiden, which is good in winter in the cold, and from the heat she melts.

Educator: Live on earth Beauty, good, joy, but there is on earth and evil power, overcome which can only bold, strong, fearless heroes.

Look at this reproduction. In the Tretyakov Gallery she takes a whole wall.

Children are considering the reproduction of "Bogatyri"

Admire this picture. What do you think about what about this picture? (Answers)

What kind of mood is it creates? (Pride, reliability, protection)

How would you call this picture? (Children's responses)

That and V. M. Vasnetsov called it simply and briefly - "Bogati". Bogatyr means a brave and brave warrior, successful in battle.

1 child: if the bogatyr is guarding,

Can be sure each -

From enemies protected

Referee native land.

Educator: Stopped in the field three riders. These are Russian warriors: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alesha Popovich. Friendly dried horses, as if the danger in the steppe was honored. Bogatyri turned heads, peering 0 not the enemy there left there. They are armed.

Question to children: what armed the warriors? (Children's responses).

The helmet is figured on the head with a high shishkom. Shield and sword sheath are decorated too.

2 child: to meet the wow to others

To protect the birthplace

The wall costs our bogatyr huge

And I will not give up our outposts.

Educator: We reviewed with you several reproductions V. M. Vasnetsova. Do you have any desires to decorate the warrior armor of the warriors?

Here look, I have a silhouette of a sword, helmet and shield. (Show). Let's decorate them with you by graphic elements and lines that we know how to draw.

What are these elements? (Children list: curls, arcs, lines - wavy, curved, straight, intermittent, loops)

You will decorate the armor, and think what a hero of fairy tales will you give your drawing?

And so that our fingers draw better, we will make your finching gymnastics:

Friendly fingers stood in a row (show the palm)

Ten stuff guys (squeeze your fingers in a fist)

These two - everything is a pointer (show the index fingers)

Everyone will show without tips.

Fingers - two middling (demonstrate the middle fingers)

Two healthy browning.

Well, these unnamed (show nameless fingers)

Merchants, always stubborn.

Two little men (pull the maizins)

Fidgets and plots.

Following the main medium of them (show thumbs up)

Two big and removed (other fingers squeeze into a fist)

Now sit at the tables and decorate the armor of the hero.

Independent work of children, providing children to children. At the end, an exhibition of children's work is organized.

Educator: What fabulous characters can you give your drawings?

(33 Bogatyr, Tsar Gvidon, Ivan-Tsarevich, Elisha)

3 child: heroes in creatures Vasnetsova

Open Russian features:

And sword and helmet - all exemplary

Bind the pride of the dreams.

4 child: the whole world of heroes knows.

And in peaceful hour anyone is ready

Come to the rescue

Your, burds, shores.

Educator: We are proud of our heroes. And we will learn more the history of our Russia. This will help us fairy tales, epics, paintings, books.

Slide 2.

Bogatyri is the heroes of Russian epics, who committed feats in the name of the Motherland, a man of immense power, durability, courage, endowed with an extraordinary mind and a smelter.

  • Victor Vasnetsov "Bogatyri on the horses." 1896.
  • Slide 3.

    For the name of each of the epic heroes, a concrete person who lived once had ever been in Russia, and having made his feats only in the eponsions of their characters were embellished by the people.

    I walked a teacher from the village to the village and told Naraspov (like a song) about heroes-heroes, about their exploits. He talked about how it was. About the affairs and victories of heroes, about how they defeated evil enemies, defended their land, showed their bravery, courage, smelting, kindness.

    • Konstantin Vasilyev "Russian Vityaz"
  • Slide 4.

    The teacher said so:

    I will tell you about the old things,
    Yes about old, about experienced,
    Yes about the battle, yes about battles,
    Yes, about the feats are boatyrsky!

    Slide 5.

    That's how the epics were well. In the Russian people, many centuries from the mouth of the mouth, from grandfather the epics of mighty heroesx.

    The life of the Russian people, which was very unclean in Russia, was reflected in the epons. In almost every of the eponym, Kiev, Russia, Russian land, Motherland, Russia are what beautiful and mysterious words.

    Rus. Very short word. It came to us from gray antiquity and forever left with us.

    Slide 6.

    Mikula Selyaninovich

    Mikula Selyaninovich

    He is a representative of the agricultural life, which has no quantitative, like Svyatogor, but a high-quality force that endurance can be called.

    The epics about it says that:

    He will turn one hand with one hand
    And two - then the hands of the bull dump,
    His name is Mikula Selyaninovich.

    Mikula Selyaninovich helped defend his land from enemies, but did not throw his work on his agricultural. He said: "Who will be to feed Russia then?"

    It is found in the 2ss: about Svyatogore and Volga Svyatoslavich.

    Slide 7.

    • Georgy Yudin Mikula Selyaninovich and Svyatogor.
    • Konstantin Vasilyev "Meet Wolga and Mikula Selyaninovich"
  • Slide 8.

    Volga Veslavievich

    The main epics about Volga talk about his wonderful birth from the snake, hike in India and confrontation with Mikula Selyaninovich.

    Volga Svyatoslavovich, the waswolf and the hunter, refers to the number of the most ancient boys.

    Volga Veslavievich

    Slide 9.

    Konstantin Vasilyev "Volga Svyatoslavovich"

    Slide 10.

    The most famous epic warriors:

    • Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich,
    • Nikitich.
    • V.M.vasnetsova "Bogatyry".
  • Slide 11.


    The representative of all Russian warns and in the eyes of the people is a representative of the peasant class.

    Ilya is different huge powerwhich other younger warriors do not have, but this power is not quantified, but quality, and the power of physical accompanies is accompanied by moral: calm, resilience, simplicity, decent caring, restraint, grateful, modesty, independence of nature.

    Slide 12.

    • Monument to Ilya Muromstsu in Murom.
  • Slide 13.


    Alyosha Popovich is closely connected with Ilyona Muromers and with Dobryna Nikitych: It is in a permanent relationship with them. In addition, between Alesh and Dobryna, there is an amazing similarity not in characters, but in the adventures and some other circumstances of their lives; It was, the epics about Dobryni's Smeracks and Aleshi almost completely similar to each other.
    ! Do not trample their horses Earth Russian
    Do not overshadow them our red sun!
    The age is worth Russia - not walking!
    And the century is just like - will not get drowned!
    And loyal of antiquity
    We should not forget.
    Glory to Russian antiquity!
    Glory to the Russian side!

    View all slides


    educational activities

    with kids senior group

    on the formation of a holistic picture of the world

    Topic: "Bogati of the Land of Russian"

    Purpose:Forming the ideas about the heroic past of the Russian people of ancient Russia, the great Russian heroes - the defenders of the Russian land.
    Tasks:1. To issue an idea of \u200b\u200bthe eponym, about the epic heroes - Ilya Muromster, Alyosha Popovech, Dobryne Nikitich.
    2. Assign interest in the language of the epics, tales, songs, legends about Russian heroes.
    3. To know the children with the weapons of the hero.
    4. To bring up a sense of pride for the warmer strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, desire to imitate. Development of conceptual dictionaries:
    Bogatyr, Husar, Kolchug, Armor, Equipment, Slavs, Rusichi, Flashing Swamps, Willow, Sword, Bulaw, Palcese, Quan, Spear, Cleaner, Checkan, Ax, Combat Beach, Chain, Onions and Arrows, Knives, Dagger, Gusli.
    Preliminary work:
    Consider painting Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Bogatyry".
    Consider the Russian Bogati Panno with artistic material about epic heroes.
    Reading passages O. epic herders: "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale-robber", "Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake."
    Hearing in gramzing epics "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale-robber", "Finnish-clear falcon", "Nikita Kozhemyaka", "Snake Gorynych", "Tale of dead princess and seven heroes "," Tale of Tsar Saltan. "
    Drawing up a generic tree (drawn).
    Amusement on themes: "Weapons of the Bogatyreys", "Bogatyry", "Horses of Russian Bogatyrey."
    Illustrations of the hero of the ancient Russia; Cards with the image of the weapon of the Bogatyreys (Sword, Bulava, Kysten, etc.) and weapons of modern warriors (gun, rifle, rifle, automatic); Costumes of the hero and Huslar, ropes, rivers, pebbles from paper, stone on breakwesters, three roads, forest, pictures of idols of immortal, nightingale - robber, snake - Gorynych.

    Travel course:

    Long ago - long ago at the site of cities and villages where we now live, were impassable forestsFull animals and birds. Many territories occupied the fake swamps. Arrival on this earth lived Slavs. Their neighbors of the Khazara and Mongols - Tatars - often attacked the Slavs, devastated the earth, ruined at home, widen people. More than 1000 years ago, the Slavs founded their state called Russia. Rus was protected from enemies. Almost very strong, hardy and brave people could live in such conditions. They called such people with Rusichi. They were famous for the Bogatyr strength, tales and epics were made about their exploits. Lived among Rusichi Bogatyri - the defenders of our Motherland in antiquity. That's what they looked. (Shows the illustrations of the heroes and the picture V. M. Vasnetsova "Bogatyry").
    Look, guys, what they were mighty, courageous, brave and strong. Who is depicted in the picture?
    Ilya Muromets,
    Alyosha Popovich.
    Right, who were they?
    Heroes. Educator:
    Children, what do you think, who are such warriors?
    Bogatyrs are people who defended our homeland from enemies.
    Right, heroes are people of immeasurable strength, durability and courage committing military feats. The warriors guarded our homeland from enemies - stood on the outpatient (border), either the beast mischievously mischievous, nor the bird will not fly, and even more the enemy will not pass. Guys,
    we have already read a lot of fairy tales and epics about the roasty of the land of Russian. Let's remember how they are called?
    "Nightingale - Robber", "Finist-Clear Falcon", "Nikita Kozhemyaka",
    "Snake Gorynych", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake", etc ..
    Children, and who walked with heroes - heroes?
    With a nightingale - the robber, the snake of Gorynych, to the misfortune, a tougar snake.
    Children, and you would like to go through the way of heroes, see them, learn about their exploits?
    Then we need to gather in a hard dangerous Pathwhere unusual adventures will be waiting for us, do not be afraid? I know that you are friendly and brave. Friendship will help us overcome all obstacles.
    But first let's remember before going to the far way, what did you get to choose the Russian Bogatyr?
    That's right, he had to choose the road at which to go. In fairy tales and epics, Bogatyr always stood at the crossroads from the stone on which it was written where to go. So we have such a stone on the road, it is written on it:
    "Go to the right
    Money and glory
    Go to the left
    Friends will lose and you will not be bold.
    Moving right
    Waiting for the danger and the Bogatyr wrap. "
    So, guys, what are we choosing the road with you?
    The road that goes straight.
    The tutor with children goes on the road and in front of them the first obstacle. (The recording on the tape recorder and the fabulous voice says the first task).
    (Exercise 1)
    To start, move away,
    On the rope, go through,
    Shot with it can not
    The abyss of you is waiting for friends there.
    (On the floor, the rope is laid down in which children need to pass closed eyes, hands on the belt).
    (Task 2)
    Here is an obstacle on the way
    It is so easy to pass
    We must quickly remember
    And proverbs say!
    (You need to say proverbs about courage, courage and the birth of Russian heroes).
    Proverbs and sayings about courage, courage, homeland
    The courage of the power of the governor.
    That hero who is for his homeland mountain.
    Who rested the horse at the horse.
    Behind the edge of your death.
    Even with the ball nor with Kalach does not joke.
    Self-killer himself, and comrades will cut out.
    From the native land die, do not go.
    To live home to serve.
    Happiness - Motherland more expensive life.
    Not that hero who is waiting for a reward, and that hero who goes for the people.
    If the friendship is great, the homeland will be rude.
    (Task 3)
    Here is the river on the way
    Don't drive
    Nightingale - evil robber
    The bridge broke here over the river.
    (You need to go through the river around the pebbles, shifting them).
    (Task 4)
    Here the obstacle here
    He eats many, many children (s)
    To continue to go
    You need to prove that you are warriors.

    Fizkultminutka "Bogatyry"
    Bogatyr- That's what:
    (Show silver)
    He is strong, he is healthy
    He shot from Luka,
    (Imitate movement)
    Take a land plot,
    On the border stood
    Zorkko - Zorko observed
    Grow up, we and see
    (Raise your hands high up)
    We will become like warriors!

    (Task 5)
    All obstacles are conquered
    Further in the way you all settled
    But, alas, not here - it was,
    Swirl all suddenly skidded!
    Snake Gorynych three-headed
    Met on the way
    There is no salvation here!
    But the guys do not yaw
    And rather choose the weapon!
    (You need to choose and name the heroic weapon from the weapons of modern warriors).

    Children with the teacher go further along the road, and the boy goes to meet them - Husar. (Under the music, in the role of a boy is an employee of the garden)
    Who are you?
    I'm a husar, I go from the city to the city, I was set out to the village, I sing about the exploits of the richiere Russians. Previously there was no television, only from me people news and found out.
    And our guys also know who are such warriors!
    One child will read the poem about the hero.
    "Bogatyr, strong as a free wind,
    Moti like a hurricane.
    He protects the Earth
    From evil bassurman!
    He strongly rich
    It protects complex hail.
    Saves poor and children
    And old men and mothers!
    That's who are such warriors. "
    Ai, under the glorious city near Kiev,
    Standing -to the head of the Bogatyr.
    Atama, Ataman was Ilya Muromets,
    The suppression was Dobrynya Nikitich,
    Esaul - Alyosha - Popovsky Son.
    There are three boys dressed with heroes.
    Ilya Muromets:
    Singing the nightingale-robber in cheese oak
    Whistled the nightingale-robber, yes in a nightingale,
    I growled the villain-robber in animal
    From his whistle, all the flowers trembled,
    And what are people - everything is dead.
    But I quit him a buoy my head,
    Tasted this word:
    "You are full of TCO to whistle in a nightingale,
    You have a full-time shout yes in the animal,
    You have a complete thing to suffer small deubs! "
    Music sounds.
    I went to the glorious river -
    Suddenly it will not rain wait, not thunder thunder,
    Ai snakes and then the grief,
    Ai about three heads, about twelve trunk flies.
    Speaks snakes are the words:
    "And now, Dobrynyushka, you are in my hands,
    I'll take you to full, I will want to burn
    I want to eat. "
    I was sought, I hit the prison,
    And the snakes on the crude land,
    On the cheese of the land, on the Kickl Grass.
    Requested mercy, moisture.
    Music sounds.
    Alyosha Popovich:
    Told me about Tugarin Zmeevich,
    And that he himself is three sewing growth,
    Horse under it, as a lutty beast,
    From mouth flame pyshet,
    From the ears - the smoke pillar - everyone is afraid of Lito
    How I whipped it on my head,
    And how he fell on the crude earth,
    Then I jumped him on a black chest,
    And cut off his head away
    And he said: "In your sins, Zmeyshevich, everything was learn."

    Sounds gefortan music.
    Oh you, Goy of Esi, Bogatyri Yes Svyatoruskiy,
    Ai saddled you hobs of good,
    Yes, you were for faith and fatherland,
    And a bow from Russia and forever of centuries.
    Bow to each other and spectators and go.
    Well, guys and came to the end of our fabulous journey. We have overcome all the dangers and obstacles like warriors, saw the boys and learned about their exploits. You all were well done, well performed all the tasks, were attentive, bold, clever, intelligent. And I want to make you every gift - this is a drawing of a hero. You can paint his armor.

    Lesson in grade 5.

    Topic: Russian warriors.

    purpose: To acquaint with works visual arts, with picture V. Vasnetsova "Bogatyry".

    Tasks: develop creative perception peace creativity to work; improve graphic skills; educate interest and love for World History and the history of the Fatherland. Type of lesson: thematic drawing and applique.

    Type of lesson: Combined.

    Training method: partially search, explanatory-illustrative.

    Equipment: for students: album, pencil, eraser, watercolor, scissors; for Teacher: Presentation.

    Literary series: epics.

    Spectative row: V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyri", "Vityaz on the crossroads", "The fight of Dobryni Nikitich with the seminal snake of Gorynych".


    1. Class organization. Check availability to the lesson.

    2. Introductory conversation.

    Do not ride enemies in our land,
    Don't hide their horses earth Russian,
    Do not overshadow them our red sun.

    All of you guys are familiar with the heroes and their exploits. Today at the lesson we will take a little journey to the past, we will get acquainted with the pictures of the Great Artist. And each of you will try to create the image of your hero.

    In the old days, the enemies were attacked by Rus more than once, nomads flew to the Russian villages - Zhgley and Rubba, took away Russian people in full (captivity). To protect against them the land of Russian, scattered around the edge of the steppe of the head of the warmer. They defeated the way to Kiev, defended from enemies, from other people's people.

    And in the steppes without tired, the warriors were driving around in the mighty horses, vdali peered vdal, do not see any enemy fires, do not hear the horses of other people's horses. Defenders of the native land, bravely fighting with the enslavers, dedicated their epics.

    Who are these defenders of Russian land? (Favorite folk heroes - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich).

    What is told in the eponym about heroes? (Slide 3).

    What was famous Ilya Muromets? (Ilya Muromets killed four hundred robbers, destroyed the imperceptible hordes of the Tatars at the head of the idolochka, won the Solovyovoye-robber), his sincere loyalty to the people's business is distinguished.

    ... I go to serve for faith in Christian
    And for the land is Russian
    Yes, for solar Kiev-hail,
    For widows, for orphans, yes for the poor people ...

    Freights, courage and justice Ilya Muromets deserved his head bogatlish outpost. Dobrynya Nikitich Heroic fought with the snake Gorynych, yes with Khan Batym. (Slide 4). Alyosha Popovich won Tugarin Snake. These three mighty boys are often found in the eponymies, they act together, help each other.

    The protection of the Motherland, devotional service to her, its compatriots - the sacred debt. Images epic heroes Maximum generalized, collectively, but at the same time in each of the heroes there is something its own, special. (Slide 5).

    3. Work on the picture V. Vasnetsova "Bogatyry"

    Look carefully on the picture. In the steppe, among the endless Russians, three riders stopped, three mighty Russian heroes. Drawn and anxiously peeringly, they are in the distance: "There is no one where the enemy is not offended by whom" the wind pegs yellowed with a yellowed grass, the mane and tailings are hidden. The terrible clouds are driven by the autumn sky. Firmly and unshakably cost Vityazh.

    In the center on the corona horse sits Ilya Muromets. He is tensely peering into the distance. Confidence, power and power feels in his heroic figure. With amazing ease, he keeps in the hand of "the boulie of the fourth poods", and his hand raised to protect against the sun, does not bend under this severity. Wide and stubbornthe forehead, firmly compressed lips, a direct outdoor look talk about the inflexible strength of the will, about the directness and honesty of his soul. Ilya alreadynon young, silver sparkles his beard. Sanding from under the helmet, the gray strand is emphasized by his wisdom. Ilya Muromets belongs to labor people. And he is not rich. It is hard, but confidently sits Ilya on horseback. And the horse should be Bogatyr. The same powerful and strong. He stands calmly. The hooves went to the ground under the severity of the rider.

    Another hero of the picture is Dobryny Nikitich. Constant, he is the son of Prince rich from the city of Ryazan. This heroes became famous for his heroic struggle with the snake of Gorynych. Wealth decoration weapons, the kind of clothing is highlighted among other heroes. Glitters silver chain, shield is overflowing by self-auction pearls, sword in golden sheaths. White horse Dobryni to become the owner, in the elegant pickup with gold plaques. Beautiful, strict and noble the image of Dobryni Nikitich. And although there is no power and strength in it, like Ilya Muromet, but this is his worthy fellow.

    Alyosha Popovich next to the comrades of thin and built. He often took it not by force, but a mixture. They say about him that he shattered and guessed. Alyosha has no powder, nor a bouquet sword. It is armed easily - "The tight onions is broken, and the arrogant is Kalenaya." A B. right hand He has a hussley. Alyosha not only to fight, Most, he loves and sing songs. His horse, golden suit, calmly pinching herbs. But it is not captured by surprise. He is a chiter and rapidly.

    Looking at the picture, no doubt that it is just such a warmer ancient Russia. This picture was created 25 years, in 1871-1898. (Slide 6).


    4. Creative work Pupils.(Slides 7.8).

    Performance collective work "Russian bogatyrs". L. east lies horizontally, drawing is posted light pencils lines.

    • repetition of the main stages of constructing a person's figure,
    • clarification of parts (helmet, chain, shield, sword) solution in color,
    • cut the contour, glue the general format.

    Repeating safety equipment with cutting and stitching tools. Requirements for work:

    • accurate performance;
    • good luck color combination, technician possession paints, applique

    5. The results of the lesson.

    Analysis of drawings, workout, completion.

    The epic heroes of the warriors of the Russian land

    Municipal autonomous

    secondary educational institution of Lyceum No. 1. A. S. Pushkin Tomsk

    Performed: teacher from

    Maksimova Nadezhda


    Rus has always been famous for heroes. People of enormous physical strength were numerous among our people.

    For a long time, the enemies attacked Russia more than once, they ruined her. Defenders of the native land, bravely fighting with the enslavers, dedicated their epics. For a long time, the enemies attacked Russia more than once, they ruined her. Defenders of the native land, bravely fighting with the enslavers, dedicated their epics. One of the most mysterious characters of the Slavic epic is Svyatogor. This is a real Giant, who can not even keep the earth. It is endowed with a huge force that even the most noble hens do not dare to join him in battle. One of the most mysterious characters of the Slavic epic is Svyatogor. This is a real Giant, who can not even keep the earth. It is endowed with a huge force that even the most noble hens do not dare to join him in battle.

    It is noteworthy that in any battles he does not take part, no feats do not. Its main purpose is limited to fighting enemies with his wisdom and fantastic force. In the image of this hero, hidden philosophical meaning The Old Slavic population about the worship of the Holy Bogcy is simply for its existence.

    Ilya Muromets became perfect way Russian hero, he, perhaps, is the most favorite hero of Russian epic. The bogatyr of the non-lawn force, with a sense of self-esteem, which he never came down even before the prince. He is a defender of the land of Russian, the defender of orphans and widows. Ilya Muromets became an ideal manner of the Russian hero, he, perhaps, is the most favorite hero of Russian epic. The bogatyr of the non-lawn force, with a sense of self-esteem, which he never came down even before the prince. He is a defender of the land of Russian, the defender of orphans and widows. At one time, with Ilya Muromer, another bogatyr lived, whose name was good Nikitich. He was born in Ryazan, but like Muromets, was in the service in Kiev. At one time, with Ilya Muromer, another bogatyr lived, whose name was good Nikitich. He was born in Ryazan, but like Muromets, was in the service in Kiev. The Bogati History of Dobryni begins from the moment he won the snake of Gorynych. The prince instructs him to join the cruel fight with the snake, on the road of the hero, are overcome by little snakes, however, Dobryna manage to perform the princes of the madness and freeing from the dragon caves girls and young men. The Bogati History of Dobryni begins from the moment he won the snake of Gorynych. The prince instructs him to join the cruel fight with the snake, on the road of the hero, are overcome by little snakes, however, Dobryna manage to perform the princes of the madness and freeing from the dragon caves girls and young men. Another famous bogatyr - Alesha Popovich, if you believe the legend, was from the city of Rostov. In the pure field, the Bogatyr found a stone on which three roads were indicated: one led in Chernigov, the other - in Murom, and the Third - to Kiev. He also starts a service at the courtyard of Prince Vladimir. Another famous bogatyr - Alesha Popovich, if you believe the legend, was from the city of Rostov. In the pure field, the Bogatyr found a stone on which three roads were indicated: one led in Chernigov, the other - in Murom, and the Third - to Kiev. He also starts a service at the courtyard of Prince Vladimir.

    Most famous historyassociated with Popovich is a tale of his duel with Tugarin. Tugarin is a foreign invader who can swallow with a whole swan, and the servants wear it on a gold stand. And Alyosha Popovich is always a young, brave and even sometimes a reckless warrior.

    Images of Russian warriors and Vityaze found a wide reflection in creativity famous artists, for example, Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel - decorative panel "Bogatyr", or Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - "Bogatyri" (a picture he wrote almost twenty years). Images of Russian Bogatyers and Vityazy were widely reflected in the work of famous artists, for example, Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel is a decorative panel "Bogatyr", or Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - "Bogati" (a picture he wrote almost twenty years). V.M. Vasnetsov. " Bogatyr Skok."Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848 - 1926) - a Russian artist, famous for images of historical, folk scenes. Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848 - 1926) - a Russian artist, famous for images of historical, folk scenes. Biography V.M.vasnetsova Artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born in 1848 in Vyatka province. I also got the first art lessons. As a student of the spiritual seminary, at the same time took drawing lessons from the artist E.andryoli. In 1868 he entered the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, he studied in the classes V.V. Meresmangin and P. P. Chistakov. He also met the Repin and many famous animated artists. In 1873, Vasnetsov first tries their strength in painting. The first of his paintings were witty social character, quite in the spirit classical painting Movements. But soon Vasnetsov forever moves away from this style in painting, contacting the motives of Russian history, folk culture, fairy tales and old mythology. It was in this field that Vasnetsov created a number of nationwidely favorite works: "Three heroes", "Alenushka", "after the travels of Igor Svyatoslavich with Polovtsy", "three princesses underground kingdom"," Carpet-plane "and others. In addition, Vasnetsov created illustrations for the works of Lermontov and Pushkin, painted the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev, he worked on mosaics and paintings of temples in other cities, executed the projects of the building Tretyakov Gallery. In Moscow and the Russian Pavilion for the 1900 World Paris Exhibition. The significance of his creativity for Russian culture is invaluable. The weapons and armor of Russian warriors the most common armor of the armor was the mail - long, almost to the knees of a shirt, woven from metal rings. Kolchuga cost a lot of money. Her bold, passed by inheritance, believed expensive gift. The enemy's armor was the best military prey. The grazing armor not only defended, but also decorated the warrior. Strong, otherwise silver plated, they glistened in the sun, like fish scales. Special beauty was distinguished by the "grain armor", which was worn over the ordinary chain chain. It consisted of large, polished to the glitter of metal plates (hence the word "grazing" - a mirror), covered breasts, sides and spin. Warrior's head helmets in battle defended his helmet. There were several species in Russia. On Vasnetsovsky Ilya, Muromster will put Shishak - a helmet with a high pointed riding, protecting from a deadly vertical impact of a sword or saber. The side blow could only contapulate, "stun" the warrior. Sometimes such a helmet was crowned with a spire with a colored flag or a beam of feathers - distinctive sign commander. The shields ancient Russian warriors enjoyed large almond-shaped shields. It can be assumed that exactly such a shield Prince Oleg hung on the walls of Tsargrad. Later, Russians took the tatar round panels. Before end of XVII in. They were in the go from the royal troops. Weapons

    The sword was considered a symbol of the princely power.

    Reliable weapons of medieval warriors, hiking and horseback, was a spear.

    The ancient weapon was a battle ax, only called it in those days of secretion. It was considered an ax weapon of poor people.

    Already Vityaz under mountain is worth, Conscious horn, like a storm, howl, impatient horse boils and snow with hoof powerful Roet ... A.S. Pushkin Sources
