Shocking masterpieces of classical painting.

Shocking masterpieces of classical painting.

Let's look at 7 artists who create their works of art with the help of a naked human body.

In one of its most famous performances called Rhythm 0 Abramovich stood still in the center of the hall. At the disposal of the audience there were many items that cause pleasure or pain that they could manage own willing And do with the stationary Marina Abramovich anything. The performance ended with the fact that the clothes of the artist were torn, and there were many cuts and spikes from roses on her body.

On the Performance called "Relationship in Space" Nude Abramovich was spinning and beat each other to complete exhaustion, trying to show what they would lead to serious relationship between man and woman. Another shocking attack Abramovich is the idea to put at the entrance to the exhibition of nude people in such a way that visitors had to be sought between them.

At one of the last shares, the artist came out absolutely naked in the center of Cologne with a poster « Respect us! We are not objects of attack, even when they are naked! ", Thus, expressing your attitude towards migrants attacking peaceful residents. However, in 2014, she became famous for his performance on which he painted with his vagina. Moare Pumping chicken eggs Paint with a syringe, put them in the vagina and dropped to canvas from the height. The result was a picture in the genre of abstract painting.

In addition, the artist ridicked the love of many residents of the Earth to Selfie, offering orders in Paris and Berlin to take pictures with her in the city center. Photographed Moare, of course, naked.

Poppy Jackson

Poppy Jackson once spent four hours at one of the London roofs. According to her, she wanted to bring people from this action virtual reality in real life. As Jackson told, correspondence in social networks replaced people to normal communication, and in order to return to the life of "proximity", she arranged this performance. Indeed, residents of London could distract from the monitor for a while and admire the window on the naked body Poppy Jackson.

Casey Jenkins

Casey Jenkins feminist became famous with his vaginal knitting in one of the Gallery of Australia. During the month, she pushed a tangle of woolen threads every day and knit a sweater from them, without interruptions even during menstruation. Thus, the artist tried to oppose the wrong, in her opinion, perception by the society of female genital organs. Casey Jenkins believes that women do not need to be shy and shute them.

Spencer Tunic

The American artist is known primarily on large-scale performances that are attended by thousands of naked people. A record for him was the action in Mexico City in 2007, which the artist managed to collect 18 thousand volunteers. Then almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Constitution of the Mexican capital was filled with naked people. At the same time, for its installation from human tel The tunic caused his volunteers to curl in the Posa of the Fetal on Earth.

Sarah Small

The most famous promotion of the artist was the formulation of Tableau Vivant, which can be translated as a "live picture". About 120 people of different floors, nationalities, ages and weight categories took part in Performance, most of which were absolutely naked. At the same time, the artist partly acted as the creator of the musical series, and also played in the formulation main role. Live painting Sarah Small reminded many at the same time and works of surrealists, and the work of Bosch.

Hilda Crona Hughes.

One of the performances of the Norwegian artist, Kron Hughes, whose works were seen at the exhibition of New Art Bloomberg, turned the confusion. To make a video exploitation, Hughes turned on the camera, climbed into the woods on a tree and fluttered from him on the rope head down. However, he could not even be able to release Hughes, so she had to provoke more than three hours in this way until she was finally saved. Despite the fact that the Perfomance was far from the way he thought, the artist was not confused and invented a new concept for his installation, which, according to Hughes, now demonstrated the powerlessness of the artist, which is the key to understanding genuine art.

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Contrary to some stereotypes, soviet art never distinguished special poinitanism even against the background of the majority western countries. One girl was not too lazy to gather in his journal the characteristic samples of the Soviet nude in painting and the chart of the period from 1918 to 1969. Approximately such selections can be made according to Soviet photo artism, cinema, sculpture, monumental creativity.

The original is taken by W. catrina_BURANA. In nude nature in Soviet Fine Arts. Part III. 1950-1969

In the 1950s - 60s, social identity remained the main direction in Soviet art. And, as well as in the 30-40th, the image of the naked nature should have configured its canons. A set of situations where such a nature could light up was limited: the coast of the river or the sea, the bath, shower, bath, well, and, of course, the artist's workshop. But even in the 40s in the topic "Nu", some variety of plots began to appear, even more noticeable in painting and chart of 50s and especially the 1960s. For example, the topic "Morning". Apparently, it was believed that a Soviet girl or a woman was completely with his hands, waking up from the morning, painting the topless, or even at all what the mother gave birth.

1950. N.Sergeeva. Good morning

1950. And Zavyalov. Simulators against the background of drapes

1950. In Arakcheev. Sitting woman.

1950. Vl Lebedev. Nude simulator

1950s In Dmitrievsky. Nude

1953. Vsevolod of the malt. Model

And now - water treatments! Beach, sauna, swimmers, swimsters.
1950. N Eremenko. On the sand

1950s B Sholokhov. Banya

1950s T Eremin. Plovcihi
Strange picture, More precisely, its name. Well, right exactly, swimmer. Regarding who in the middle - there are doubts: it still seems to me that this is a swimmer. Well, and on the left in the thong and with a naked back - well, exactly not a swimmer ...

And here is Alexander Deineka, with his task models, where without them!
1951. A. Adeyek. Sketch for the picture "Batcher"

1952. A. Tinec. Bathrighteners

1951. A. Deineka. Model

1952. A. Daineka. Model

1953. Deineka. Lying fitter

1953. Deineka. Lying with the ball
The last two, especially the one that without a ball is not so impressive relief. And the peasant is nothing, only a short one.
1955. Deineka. Naked fitter
Several paintings by the artist Andrei Goncharov.
1952. Andrei Goncharov. Nude on a lilac background

1952. Andrey Goncharov. Nude sitting

1954. A. Goncharov. Lying naked with tulips

1955. A. Goncharov Nude, lying on Red

1956. A. Goncharov Nude on a striped

1958. A. Goncharov. Nude model
And so, there is already a variety of plots. Penimova has a plot, although connected with swimming, but not quite standard, and Gozunov is might and main with eroticism.
1955. Yuri Pimenov. Winter day

1956. Ilya Glazunov. Morning
A few more studio simulators of 1957-58. The first and third - to envy Daisek!
1957. A. Olhovich. Nude

1957. Mikhail God. Nude

1958. A.Samokholov. Nude

1958. R. Oddov. Sitting simulator
Here A. Thuukhoruk makes even more diversity in nu-plots. And "midday sun", and "morning" filled with romance ...
1958. A. Sukhorukov. Human Sun.

1960. A. Sukhorukov. Morning
Bathing scene, also not quite typical. In the center of the composition - a woman or a girl - for a sheet, it is not visible - for some reason, it turns around this largest girl, stretching the hand, apparently for clothes. Like, I'm a shroud, while you dress up. But here's a riddle: from whom?! From the shore, everything can be seen, the artist, who spied here! And from the side of the lake - there is clearly no one, and others are not very shy, the one, that on the right, is sitting in complete unfortunate ... Mysterious picture.
1958. Chernyshev. Swimming on the lake
Again morning. Well, yes, it is impossible to call such a picture of a "lying simulator", it hurts in the frivolous pose she lies, and so - well, the lady woke up, well, it stretched - what is that?
1959. L.Astafyev. Morning

Again sea topics. Figure is not at all deyenekinsky forms ...
Two drawings of the artist Grigory Gordon. The reading girl is also a popular plot in those years. Well, you can read in this form if it is hot, for example.
1960. Gardon. Girl with a book

1959. Gardon. Sitting girl
Three more paintings of water theme.
1960. Vladimir Stozharov. Bath. Woman erasing

1960s Fedor Samusev. After bath
Several studio nude. Urusvsky and the refrigerant model already quite sleet ...
1960. Gennady Trochkin. Nude

1960. R. Substov. Young simulator

1960. S.P. Urusvsky. Nude model

1961. Evgenia Reznikova. Simulator Liza
Heroes of Tsvetn V. Golueva are easily recognizable. Something in them is puppet. Set of plots - Standard: Nude in the studio, the sea, morning.
1960s V. Kolauyev. Lying nude

1960s V. Kolauyev. Nude

1960s V. Kolauyev. Born by sea

1960s V. Kolauyev. Morning

1962. V. Kolauyev. Nude
"Spring Morning" A.Shuhoruk, although combines two typical plots - morning and swimming, but here the heroine heroine is secondary; it's not for the sake of "nude", but quite yourself conversation piece.
1962. A. Sukhorukov. Spring morning
Look further: both studios, and the beaches, and the girl with a book one more ... The 60s carried the echo of liberty, removing many prohibitions, and the farther, more freedom Feels in plots, and performed. In addition, it is not difficult to notice that the impressive forms are almost never found.
1962. Vladimir Lappovok. In workshop

1962. M.Samson. Nude

1963. S.Solov. Nude girl

1964. A.Samokholov. On the beach

1964. V. Scriabin. Nude

1965. A.Suhoruk. Girl with a book

1966. A.Suhoruk. In the artist's workshop

1965. N.Ochinnikov. Evening melody

1966. Antonov. Balca in Titovo village. Sisters

1966. TEMERIN. Nude

1967. Kaparushkin. Siberian

1967. A.Sushanov. In workshop
Well, it's quite a frivolous story. Right Sado Mazo. The guy was caught by peeping ...
1967. A.Tarastenko. Punishment
Not bathing, notice, but just - rest. Walked in the mountains of a girl in a hat, tired. undressed and sat down on pebbles ...
1967. V.Cause. Relaxation

1968. Vladimir Lappov. Sleeping

1968. May Miturich. Nude
And this picture is generally on the verge. Whether schoolchildren, whether students came to the beings so easily, where, judging by the presence of the walkways, not only they go, they exposed completely, got paints with easels - and well to draw each other!
1969. M. Tolokonnikova. On Etudah

1969. Yu. Raksha. August

1969. Yu. Raksha. Sleep
Not the most bad time, I give up, were these the most 1960s ...

1930-40s - the period of the Celebration of Socialism. Although other directions existed. The main themes in the image of the naked nature remained "simulators in the studio" and water procedures - beaches, swimming and sauna. Except in the studio - for the sake of art, with hygienic isolation and improved sunbathing soviet manOf course, it was not necessary to join Nagish.

So, let's start with bathing rooms.
K.Somov. "Batters in the sun", 1930.

In Kovalenko, "on the beach", 1930.

Now we will move to the studio of artists.
The picture of V. Bukovetsky is called - "in the studio". 1930.

Peter Konchalovsky. "Software" (etude). 1930.

Sometimes the models were not kept, and they fell asleep. N.Tyrsa. "Sleeping Model", 1930.

This, it seems not to fall asleep. But on the verge. Nikolay Mako, "Lying Nude", 1930.

G. Thels. "Nude from the back", 1930.

Alexander Samokhvalov. "Girl with a towel", 1930. The picture is innocuous, but now, I'm afraid, a poor artist fucking what would be accused ...

Yuri Annenk in 1930 wrote a picture to the 10th anniversary of death Amedeo Modiganiani. "Memory Modigliani".

Vladimir Lebedev, "Nude", 1932.

And another picture of the same artist, the same year and with the same name.

In addition to studio and water plots, images of the genre "Nu" began to appear, with the theme "Morning". This direction will especially become popular later, starting with post-war years.
K.Somov, "Summer Morning", 1932.

Alexander Deineka, where without him. "Bathing girls", 1932.

And again - "Morning." Alexander Our Deineka, 1933.

Sometimes artists painted men's nature. P. Konchalovsky. "Pupils in the workshop", 1932. Interestingly, their classes passed. But then people were unspoiled, and nothing could not come to mind anyone.

But still artists preferred female nature. G. Thels. "Lying Girl", 1934.

And here socialism and did not spend the night. David Burluk, "Nude", 1933.

A.Samokholov, "After Cross", 1935. Athlete, and for sure - Komsomolka ...

B. Yakovlev. "Girl on the stone", 1936.

Picture Vl. Secking S. unexpected name "Cassiersha", 1936.

A year later, the artist draws the same cashier, but already with the name "Woman with arms crossed."

Nikolai Tyrsa, "Sitting Model", 1937.

The artist Tatiana Mavrina clearly moved from the principles of social realism and underwent alien influences. "Nude with a blue kettle", 1936.

Her "Portrait of Olga Guild Graduate", 1937. Nothing so Portrait, yes?

Olga Amosov-Bunak, "Dandelion", 1939.

And again water-waking up. N. Bogdanov-Belsky, "Tightening the rope", 1939.

Alexander Gerasimov, apparently, was a fan of a bath. Especially feminine. "In Ban", 1940.

His "Bath" dated somehow strange: 1938-1956.

V.Dzernina, "Rest on the shore", 1940.

And again Alexander Deineka, "Running Girls", 1941.

Arkady layers, "Tortanist", 1942. Men fought, and women mastered not the female professions at all ...

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what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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About the picture We first know two things: its author and, possibly, the history of the canvas. But about the fate of those who look at us from the canvas, we know not so much.

website I decided to tell about women whose faces are familiar to us well, and their stories are not.

Zhanna Samari
Auguste Renoir, "Portrait of an actress Zhanna Samari", 1877

Actress Zhanna Samari, though he could not become a star of the scene (she played mostly maids), but she was lucky in something else: for some time she lived near the workshop of Renoire, who in 1877-1878 wrote four of her portrait, thereby glorifying much more what could it make it actor career. Zhanna played in performances from 18 years old, at 25 she married and gave birth to three children, then even wrote a children's book. But this charming lady lived, unfortunately, not long: in 33 years I got sick with abdominal typhoid and died.

Churchilia Gallerani
Leonardo da Vinci, "Lady with the mountain",

Hisliily Gallerani was a girl from a noble Italian family, which at the age of 10 (!) Has already been engaged. However, when the girl was 14, the engagement for unknown reasons was terminated, and the churchille was sent to the monastery, where he met (or all this was adjusted) with the Duke of Milan Louis Sforza. The novel, the novel, the duke set the girl in his castle, but the duke set the girl in his castle, but then it was time to join the dynastic marriage with another woman, who, of course, did not like the presence of mistress in their house. Then, after God Galler, the Duke took her son, and she married her impoverished graph.

In this marriage, the churchilius gave birth to four children, he kept a literary salon almost the very first literary salon in Europe, had been at the duke at a party and played with his child with pleasure new mistress. After a time, the spouse was killed, the war was killed, she lost her welfare and found shelter in the home of the sister of the very wife of the duke - here in such wonderful relations she managed to be with people. After the war, Gallerani returned his estate, where he lived until his death aged 63 years.

Zinaida Yusupov
V.A. Serov, "Portrait of Princess Zinaida Yusupova", 1902

The richest Russian heiress, the last of the kind of yusupov, Princess Zinaida was incredibly good for himself, and, despite the fact that her locations were sought among the other August Operations, she wanted to marry love. She realized her desire: marriage was happy and brought two sons. Yusupova has spent a lot of time and forces charitable activitiesAnd after the revolution continued her and in emigration. The favorite eldest son died on a duel when Princess was 47 years old, and she hardly moved this loss. From the beginning of the unrest of Yusupov, Petersburg left and settled in Rome, and after the death of the spouse, the princess moved to his son to Paris, where he spent the rest of his days.

Maria Lopukhina
V.L. Borovikovsky, "Portrait of M.I. Lopukhina ", 1797

Borovikovsky wrote many portraits of Russian nobility, but this one is the most charming. Maria Lopukhina, a representative of the Count of Tolsti, is shown here at a gentle age of 18 years. The portrait was ordered by her spouse Stepan Abrahamovich Lopukhin shortly after the wedding. Ease and a slightly supered look seem to be the usual position for such a portrait of the Epoch of Sentimentalism, whether the signs of the melancholic and poetic lave. The fate of this mysterious girl It turned out to be sad: after only 6 years after writing, Maria's painting died from Chatheka.

Jovaanin and Amacil Pacini
Karl Brullov, "Horseman", 1832

"Horseman" Bryullov - brilliant parade portraitin which everything is luxurious: and the brightness of the paints, and the puff of the drapes, and the beauty of the models. It depicts two girls who were surning the surname: Senior Jovanin is sitting on a horse, the youngest Amacilia looks at her with a porch. The picture of Karl Bhorrylov - his long-term beloved - ordered their adoptive mother, Countess Julia Pavlovna Samoilova, one of beautiful women Russia and the heir of the colossal state. Matured daughters countess guaranteed a large dowry. But it turned out that it was practically broken to old age, and then reception daughters Jovanin and Amacilia through the court were charged with the Council of the promised money and property.

Simonetta Vespucci
Sandro Botticelli, "Birth of Venus",

At the famous picture of Botticelli depicted Simonetta Vespucci - the first beauty of the Florentine Renaissance. Simonetta was born in a rich family, at the age of 16 married Marco Vespucci (a relative of Amerigo Vespucci, "Opened" America and who gave the continent of his name). After the wedding, the newlyweds settled in Florence, were adopted at the court of Lorenzo Medici, in those years, famous in lush femors and techniques.

Beautiful, while very modest and friendly Simonetta quickly fell in love with Florentine men. The ruler of Florence Lorenzo tried to care for her, but his brother Juliano was more active. The beauty of Simonetti inspired many artists of the time, among whom was Sandro Botticelli. It is believed that since their meeting, the model of all Madonn and Venus Botticelli's brush was Simonetta. At the age of 23, Simonette died from Chatheka, despite the efforts of the best court doctors. After that, the artist depicted his MUZ only in memory, and in old age he won, so that he was buried next to her, which was fulfilled.

Vera Mamontov
V.A. Serov, "Girl with peaches", 1887

SAMI famous picture Portrait Masters Valentina Serov was written in the manor of the rich industrialist Savva Ivanovich Mamontov. Daily over the course of two months the artist posed his daughter, 12-year-old faith. The girl grew up and turned into charming girl, married the mutual love for Alexander Samarin, belonging to the famous noble surname. After wedding Travel In Italy, the family settled in the city of Bogorodsk, where three children were born one after another. But unexpectedly in December 1907, just 5 years after the wedding, Vera Savvishna died of inflammation of the lungs. She was only 32 years old, and her husband did not marry anymore.

Alexandra Petrovna Strujskaya
F.S. Rockots, "Portrait of the Strust", 1772

This portrait of brush rokotov like air semi-rolls. Alexandra Struj was 18 when she was married to a very rich widow. There is a legend that the husband gave her no less as a new church for a wedding. And all his life wrote her poems. Whether this marriage is happy, it is not known for certain, but everyone who has been in their home paid attention to how the spouses are disappeared. For 24 years, Alexander's marriage gave birth to her husband 18 children, 10 of whom died in infancy. After the death of her husband, she lived another 40 years, firmly managed the estate and left the children a decent state.

Galina Vladimirovna Aerkas
B.M. Kustodiev "Kupchikha for tea", 1918

"Kuchahha for tea" Kustodiev is a real illustration of the bright and second Russian, where the fairs, the carousel and the "crunch of the French beer". The picture was written in the post-revolutionary hungry 1918, when it was possible only to dream about such abundance.

For the tramp. In this portrait, Galina Vladimirovna Aercas - Natural Baronessa from the genus, leading his story already from one Livonian knight of the XVIII century. In Astrakhan Galya Aerkas was a neighbor of Kustodiy houses, from the sixth floor; In the studio, the girl led the wife of the artist, noting the colorful model. During this period, Asherkas was quite young - the first-grand student of the medical faculty - and on the sketches, her figure looks much thinner. After graduating from the university and worked out for some time a surgeon, she threw a profession and in soviet years He sang as part of the Russian choir, participated in the voicing of films, married and began to perform in the circus.

Lisa del Jokondo
Leonardo da Vinci, "Mona Lisa", 1503-1519.

Perhaps one of the most famous and mysterious portraits All times and peoples are the famous Mona Lisa Lisa Lisa Leonardo. Among the many versions about who owns a legendary smile, officially in 2005 was confirmed as follows: Lisa Del Jocondo is depicted on the canvas, a spouse of a silk from Florence Francesco Del Jocondo. The portrait could be ordered by the artist to celebrate the birth of a son and buying a house.

Together with her husband, Lisa raised five children and, most likely, her marriage was based on love. When the spouse died from the plague and Lisa also struck this severe illness, one of the daughters was not afraid to take mom to him and went out. Mona Lisa cured and lived some time together with her daughters, died at the age of 63.